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Home Explore ASPC & AMHR JOURNAL Oct_Nov 2018


Published by Butler Street, 2018-12-10 14:54:22

Description: Official publication of the American Shetland Pony Club and American Miniature Horse Registry. Included with annual membership. Visit for more information

Keywords: shetland pony,miniature horse,ponies


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The Journal • October/November 2018 1

In This Issue On The CoverOur October/November issue of The Journal Featured on the cover is Lilac Hills Mr Hold My Beer bycelebrates the 2018 ASPC/ASPR Congress. We sire B&L’s Rock E Mr Morgan and mare JHK Mario’s Barbie.want to extend heartfelt congratulations to all Proudly owned and bred by John and Jenny Christensen ofof the exhibitors who participated in this highly Buffalo Lake MN.successful national show! In this, our “Congress He was 2018 Congress Grand Champion Foundation Stallion.Wrap-Up” issue, we are pleased to feature photos John and Jenny Christensenof our Grand, Performance Stake and Futurity email: [email protected], Youth award and High Point Amateur phone: 320-583-0029award winners and photos that capture the energy website: essence of Congress are also included.We are also paying tribute to two pillars of ourmembership that we lost. Warren Hansen andDonna Norcross each had a deep and genuine lovefor and knowledge of ponies as breeders, trainersand in the show ring. Take a moment to rememberthem - they are well-missed.Convention is quickly approaching.The registrationform is printed on page 110 of this issue. Pleasefill out the form and fax or send in to the homeoffic .The form can also be downloaded from ourwebsite: gratitude to Casey McBride, who has onceagain provided us with gorgeous photos for thisissue. Thank you to the committee chairs whocontributed to the issue by providing updatedinformation as well as the area liaisons whogathered and submitted photos and content. Weappreciate your efforts!Thanks to the many advertisers who support andadd beauty to The Journal. If you are interested inplacing an ad in our upcoming “Nationals Wrap-Up” issue, contact Holly at the home offic .Ideas for articles or news to share is alwayswelcome! Please send your ideas to The Journalat the home office or email [email protected].

The Journal • October/November 2018 3

CONTENTS Congress Grand Champions...............18 Performance Stakes Champions....... 22 FEATURES Futurity Champions.................................... 40 Congress Results........................................... 80 European Futurity Payouts...........................................103 Nationals Amateur Committee................................. 56 Carriage Committee ................................ 66 View the champions Area News ....................................................... 70 awarded at the European MN State Fair - AMHR......................... 76 Nationals in Belgium In Memory Page 62 Warren Hansen............................................... 12 Donna Norcross.............................................. 14 Annual Convention 2018 Annual Convention Form......110 Deadline is October 13. Have your voice heard, DEPARTMENTS catch up with friends and celebrate the show year Letter from the President....................................... 6 From the Home Offic ........................................... 7 Page 110 Committee Updates.............................................. 68 Journal Advertising...............................................107 Area News & Official Page Committee Updates Board of Directors....................................108 Committee Chairs....................................109 Get the latest updates and Upcoming Clinics.......................................117 news from ASPC/AMHR Judges & Stewards Roster.......................112 committee chairs and Judges/Stewards for Consideration.......116 members who gather and Show Schedule...........................................109 report the news to The Recognized Clubs.................................................118 Journal. Page 70 Breeder-Owner Directory.................................122 Classified ...............................................................128 AMHR represent Ad Index.................................................................128 at MN State Fair Beautiful AMHR horses competed in the MN State Fair. Catch a glimpse of the competition and a brief recap Page 764

The Journal • October/November 2018 5

Letter fromthe PresidentGreetings, I hope you are finalizing your plans to attend the ASPC Congratulations to all Congress and Mini-Nationals National Convention and Board of Directors meeting in Omaha in November. The program includes committeeParticipants. Our two national shows, as well as our area reports, workshops, social events and recognition sessions.shows, were well attended this year and the quality of animals We have an excellent meeting venue at the Omaha Hiltonbeing exhibited was truly impressive. The number of youth and there are a variety of tourist attractions close by. Theexhibitors and quality of young equine stock certainly bodes hotel has shuttle service to many sites making it easy towell for the future of our enterprise. access restaurants, museums and other points of interest. AI want to personally thank our show manager, Leonard convention overview, Board of Directors meeting scheduleDavenport, the show staff and the stewards and judges for their and registration information is included in this issue. Pleasehard work and long hours. I also want to recognize the work note that you are welcome to attend the Board of Directors’of our home offic personnel that made these shows successful. open meetings.Thanks to Jill Gleason, Tina Byers and Tammy Feger for their We have a variety of active committees on which membersdedication, hard work and time away from home. We are very serve. Committees for 2019 will be identified followingfortunate to have a large team of competent individuals who our annual meeting and announced at the beginning ofwork tirelessly, yet still maintain their composure and good the new year. If you have interest in serving on any of thehumor, in all kinds of circumstances. committees, please see committee information posted on theThe voting for new board members ended on August 30. website or in the Journal and let us know. The input fromCongratulations and welcome to newly elected Board members our committees and their work supporting ASPC initiatives isJohn Rimmer (Area 2), Sherie Jolliff (Area 4), and Alan Dial greatly appreciated.(Area 8) as well as returning elected members Donna Phillips, I hope you have had an excellent year with your small equinesJason Prince, Belinda Bagby and Eric Tani. Area Directors and am hoping to see you at convention.are your initial point of contact for information and can Sincerely,provide a lot of assistance, particularly for new members. TheBoard spends a lot of time working to maintain and improve StephenHendersonthe quality of all our members’ small equine experiences whileat the same time striving to keep expenses in line. Names andcontact information for Board members are included on-lineas well as in all Journals. Important Forms & Deadlines: Convention Registration - Deadline October 13th....................................Page 110 Judges Clinic - Deadline................................................................................................Page 117 Membership Renewal - Expires December 31st: Visit to download membership form or renew online at www.shopshetlandmini.com6 The Journal • October/November 2018

The Journal From the THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF Home Offic The American Shetland Pony Club and American Miniature Horse Registry Happy Fall! We hope you are making your plans to join us 81B E. Queenwood November 8-10 at the 2018 Annual Convention Morton, IL 61550 in Omaha, Nebraska! You will find additional (309)263-4044 Fax: (309)263-5113 convention information on our official ebsite. The National offic is making preparations for ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Offic s: the Hall of Fame Awards. The awards will be presented at the Hall of Fame President - Stephen Henderson Breakfast followed by the annual meeting. A sign-in sheet for the annual meeting 1st Vice President - Rob Crater will be available for each attending area member and your signature is required 2nd Vice President - Glenn Russell for a record of attendance. As noted in The Journal as well as on the website, registration prices increase Journal: on October 1, 2018. Publications Coordinator - Holly Kuntz When you are sending in your applications, transfers, stallion service certific tes, etc. please make sure you have completed all information on those forms. This Layout/Design- Susan Galloway will assist in getting your work accomplished and back to you without delays. Ad Sales - Holly Kuntz Please make sure you are including payment, we can not process work without payment.The Journal is published six times a year, every We want your pictures! We would love to use your pictures in our advertising andother month. Subscription to The Journal is marketing. Please forward your pictures to Ethan at [email protected] of an annual membership fee of $65 for com.U.S. residents (or $80 for fi st class mailing). If you are not receiving the officia e-blast, please make sure the home officMembership rates for Canada, Mexico and all has your e-mail address on fil . Remember to check forother foreign countries are $92 which includes upcoming events and additional information.The Journal. Non member or gift subscriptions We hope to see you at The Journal are available for $30 per yearfor U.S. resident of $45 for all other countries. Jill GleasonPlease notify ASPC/AMHR at least six weeks inadvance of change of address. and the National Office StaffEditorial manuscripts accompanied by high-quality photos are most welcome but we do New Registration Pricingnot guarantee publication of any manuscript. Effective October 1, 2018Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and othermaterial becomes the property of The Journal Weanlings - $25.00and will not be returned unless accompanied Yearlings - $35.00by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. No 2 Year Olds - $50.00compensation will be made unless agreed upon 3 Year Olds - $65.00prior to submission. Opinions expressed by 4 Year Olds - $105.00authors do not necessarily refl ct or represent Gelding - Any Age - $25.00those of ASPC/AMHR and The Journal.Advertising and/or editorial matter is subjectto publisher’s approval and will be edited toconform to ASPC/AMHR policy if necessary.Advertisers are responsible for the accuracy oftheir ads and for obtaining reproduction rightsto all images used in their ads. ASPC/AMHRand The Journal are not responsible for theaccuracy of statements made in any advertising.All payments must be made in U.S. funds only. The Journal (Publication No 023260) (ISSN 10788484) is published bimonthly for the American Shetland Pony Club and American Miniature Horse Registry. Periodicals postage paid at Morton, IL and additional mailing officePOSTMASTER: Send address changes to ASPC, 81B E. Queenwood, Morton, IL 61550, (309) 263-4044. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright 2018 by American Shetland Pony Club, Inc. The Journal • October/November 2018 7

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The Journal • October/November 2018 11

In Memory Warren Hansen Warren A. Hansen, age 70, of Marathon, Iowa, died Tuesday, November 21, 2017, at his rural farm home. Funeral services were held Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. at the Evangelical Free Church in Albert City, Iowa. Burial was in the Fairfiel Township Cemetery in Albert City. Visitation took place on Monday, December 4, 2017 from 5-7:00 p.m. at the Sliefert Funeral Home in Albert City. The Sliefert Funeral Home in Albert City was in charge of arrangements. Warren Albert Hansen, the son of Wallace and Mildred (Erickson) Hansen, was born in Fort Dodge, Iowa on June 23, 1947. He began his life on a farm near Albert City and then in 1956 the family moved to their current farmstead near Rembrandt, Iowa. Warren was a graduate of Rembrandt High School and continued his education at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa where he received his bachelor’s degree in Animal Husbandry. He then attended the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, South Dakota and earned his master’s degree in Business Administration. Warren also served his country as a Captain in the Iowa National Guard from May 18, 1968 to November 21, 198 7 directly followed by service in the 103rd Cor Support Command US Reserves as a Captain for about 10 years. Warren began his business career as a stock broker in commodities, fi st in Sioux City, Iowa and later he moved to continue his profession in Denison, Iowa. Following his father’s death, he returned to the family farm to care for his mother for 14 years and managed the farming operation. After Mildred’s death, Warren continued to make his home on the farm. His passion in life were his ponies. Warren had ponies all throughout the United States where they were being shown and trained. He was an active member of the American Shetland Pony Club. He was also a member of the Albert City Evangelical Free Church. Warren’s life is celebrated by his family which include his brother and sister-in-law, Bradley and Jayne Hansen of San Diego, California. He leaves behind his nephews: Jay Bradley Hansen and his wife, Vivienne Hansen of San Diego, California; Ryan Albert Hansen and his wife, Amy Hansen of Studio City, California; great nephew and nieces: Hendrix Ryan Hansen, Harper Amena Hansen, Crosby Jane Hansen, Millie Magnolia Hansen and Everett Eloise Hansen. Warren was preceded in death by his parents, Wallace and Mildred Hansen.12 The Journal • October/November 2018

The Journal • October/November 2018 13

In Memory Donna Norcross Donna Lee Norcross passed away Monday, July 30th, 2018 after a very sudden diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in Ames, Iowa. A Memorial service was held on August 8 , in Story City IA. Donna was born January 26, 1941, in Webster City, Iowa, to Howard and Arris (Brown) Richardson. She was raised on the “Richardson Prairie Farm” east of Webster City. After graduating from Webster City high school in 1958, the family purchased and moved to the present farm just south of Story City, Iowa. She attended Jr College at Webster City Junior College, Stephens College, Columbia MO. and Iowa State University. She married Robert Norcross, June 6, 1966 in Story City, Iowa. She worked as a bank office in Algona, Luverne and Huxley for many years until her husbands’ death in 198 9. She was a bookkeeper for Heart of Iowa Coop starting in 1990 (and later Key Cooperative) until she retired in 2015. When Donna was three years old, her parents decided she needed a pony and the start of the Royal Pony Farm was created with ponies named “Queeny and King.” That was the beginning of a love affair with Shetland ponies and resulted in the buildup of a herd that numbered 100-150 through the years. Donna moved to a fi e- acre farm a few miles west of Roland, Iowa, continuing the Royal Pony Farm which her father had started, to raise registered Shetland ponies. Donna was former president of the Midwest Classic Shetland Breeders Association Club, (MCSBA), a club of which her late father, Howard, was a founding offic member. She won multiple awards and recognitions showing her ponies. In her younger days, Donna liked to play golf and snowmobile with her husband, Bob. Donna was a feisty, independent women that worked hard and was proud to be a farm girl and not afraid to get a little dirty. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Norcross; father, Howard Richardson; brother-in-law and fellow pony enthusiast, Robert Moore. She is survived by her mother, Arris Richardson of Story City, Iowa and Amarillo, Texas; sister and owner of Royal Pony Ranch, Shirley Moore, of Amarillo, Texas and brother, Brian (Janet) Richardson, of Story City. As well as numerous nieces and nephews. In lieu of fl wers, the family asks that donations be made to the America Shetland Pony Club, address 81-B East Queenwood Road, Morton, IL 61550.14 The Journal • October/November 2018

Longest-running Pony Farm in U.S. Sells its HerdBy Ronna Lawless Staff Writer of Ames TimesPosted August 25, 2018 - Reprinted with permissionIt’s a royal bloodline, of sorts. And it’s for sale. Pony Farm herd’s sires reside on the farm where she lived near Roland, along with a sizeable band of broodmares andThe Royal Pony Farm, near Roland, has been in operation the young stock. Youngest daughter, Shirley Moore, also rais-longer than any other pony breeder in the United States. Sev- es a few “Royal” ponies at her Royal Texas Pony Ranch nearenty-four years after buying their first Shetland pony, the Amarillo, Texas, and Arris now lives part of the year with her.Richardson family says it’s the end of the line. In 2003 at the American Shetland Pony Club National Con-In recent years, the farm was mostly run by Donna Norcross, vention in Kissimmee, Fla., Howard Richardson was inductedthe eldest daughter of Howard and Arris Richardson, the cou- into the ASPC People Hall of Fame. Richardson was awardedple who bought their first pony back in 1944. After Donna’s the American Shetland Pony Club Gold Brush Award in 1990,sudden death in July, the remaining family members felt that an Area VI Shetland Pony & Miniature Horse Breeders’ As-it was time to sell the herd of more than 100 head, which is sociation Presidential Award in 1991 and the American Shet-now down to about 50 ponies. land Pony Club Silver Brush Award in 1992.The ponies range in age from 6 months to 26 years old, and Everyone in the family was involved in raising, showing andthey’re available in a wide variety of colors and patterns. selling the ponies, and most of the Richardsons’ family vaca-They range in cost between $600 and $2,000. Most of the tions revolved around horse shows, where Royal Pony Farm’sponies are mares, but there are four stallions for sale as well. entries tended to earn high honors.The family’s matriarch, Arris Richardson, is currently the old- “With the rich history of Royal Pony Farm, it is only fittingest pony breeder in the United States at 97 years old. Age is that some Royal ponies have gone on to have very interest-the main factor for selling Royal Pony Farm’s herd, although ing lives,” Donna Norcross wrote on the farm’s website “Twothe ponies and their predecessors have been beloved. such ponies are ‘Boomer’ and ‘Schooner.’ When the Oklaho- ma ‘Sooner Schooner’ was in need of a pair of white ponies toBack in 1944, Arris saw an ad in the paper for a mare pony pull it, Royal Pony Farm was happy to provide them.”and mentioned it to her husband Howard. They had both beenraised around horses and thought a pony would be nice to Moore has many cherished memories of growing up on thehave for their growing family, which would eventually in- farm around all the ponies. “When we were kids, we had aclude daughters, Donna and Shirley, and son, Brian. buck wagon we pretended was a stagecoach, and we’d hook it up to the ponies and they’d take us on adventures,” she said.“It just happened to be a lovely mare that was registered,” “We had a breadbox that we used as our strongbox, and if itArris said. “We bought her for $125 and the next year she was ever bounced over the side of the wagon, it was the job of usworth $250. The next year, prices just soared.” little kids to jump off and get it.”Although officially named Malta #22127 in the American Ponies are especially good with children, both Arris and Shir-Shetland Pony Club Stud Book, the mare was affectionately ley said. “They love children,” Arris said. “Especially whenknown as Queeny. Despite the increase in Queeny’s value, the children are good to them.”family kept the mare her entire life and she was an importantdam of the herd. “Ponies are gentle and emotional animals,” Shirley said. “They’re smart, they love to play and tend to be mischievous.The Richardsons quickly realized they couldn’t stop at just They also seem to like things that are small like them, so theyone pony, adding more mares and a stallion named King tend to really take to children.”Howard to the herd. Some of the first foals were namedPrince, Princess, Duke and Duchess and that put the “Roy- Anyone interested in purchasing a pony is encouraged to con-al” in Royal Pony Farm, which registered that prefix with the tact Moore through the Royal Pony Farm’s Facebook page.ASPC in 1948.Howard Richardson passed away in 1999 but Royal PonyFarm remained a family affair. Arris has had a herd of brood-mares in residence at the Story City farm that she and Howardpurchased in 1958, where son Brian has helped out. Daugh-ter Donna Norcross lived just five miles away and the Royal The Journal • October/November 2018 15

The Journal • October/November 2018 17

Modern Gelding 46 & Under Classic Gelding – Over 42 to 46 LAST DANCE (HOF) #163718 BRIARWOOD TROUBADOUR #159335 Martha Hickham & Amber Kildow (IN) Michele Lehmann (FL) Modern Pleasure Gelding – Over 43 to 46 Foundation Gelding - 42 & Under SMF’S AISLE PARTY #166535 CLAYBURY J-J’S HEIR BORNE #166183 Stephanie Forbes (ON) Anivia Equine (UT) Classic Gelding – 42 & Under ASPR Gelding STARS CALVARY #165614 MICHIGAN’S THE GOVERNOR #2004 Debra Glosser (TX) Amber Kildow, Martha Hickham, Linda and Erica Killion (AR)18

Modern Pleasure Gelding – 43 & Under Modern Mare – Over 43 to 46BAR Z’S PINBALL WIZARD #164128 CORNERSTONE’S VALIANT ADDI TUDE #167223 Barb Herron or Peyton Sturtz (IA) Sherri Jolliff r Katelyn Riley (MO) Classic Mare – Over 42 to 46 Modern Pleasure Mare – Over 43 to 46THR’S SWEET VICTORY #164695 WATCH ME GO! #166174 Anivia Equine (UT) Shawn S. Cline and Sandra Simianer (SD) ASPR Mare Foundation Mare – 42 & UnderTIPPY-TOE BP #2093 JHK MISS ROCK “E” CANDY #159599Kristi Kay Wilson (TX) Erica Killion (AR) 19

Modern Mare – Under Classic Mare – 42 & Under PONY VISTA’S CHLOE #164236 RHAPSODY’S FINE LINES #167194 Gordon A. Odegard (IL) Michael Wahl (TN) Modern Pleasure Mare- 43 & Under Modern Stallion – Over 43 to 46 MICHIGAN’S RAZORBACK QUEEN #168357 MICHIGAN’S AUTOMATED DRIVER #168370 Erica Killion (AR) Thomas J Taylor (OH) Classic Stallion – Over 42 to 46 Modern Pleasure Stallion – Over 43 to 46 BALLARE SH-BANG #168690 WILLOWLAWN’S INVESTMENT #159400 G & C McCreedy and Linda Heimbach (MI) Michele Lehmann (FL)20

ASPR Stallion Foundation Stallion – 42 & UnderSMF’S SECRET AGENT #2119 LILAC HILLS MR HOLD MY BEER Stephanie Forbes (ON) John or Jenny Christensen (MN) Modern Stallion – 43 & Under Classic Stallion – 42 & Under AGS TIMELESS #160473 WHERES MY CAPTAIN MORGAN CLC #168774Brian Specht or MeLisa Johnson (IA) Robert R Crater, Jr. (WA) Modern Pleasure Stallion – 43 & Under NSPPR Performance HalterMICHIGAN’S CAJUN STYLE HIP HOP #166335 RHAPSODY’S RIDE THE WILD WAVES #500124 Jan C and Dr. Lindsey Gibson (NM) George & Shari Harders (IA) 21

Classic Multi-Hitch Draft arness – 46 & Under Modern Country Pleasure Driving – Over 43 to 46 ONEKA’S JOSHUA DE JERICHO #150386 MICHIGAN’S SCOTCH ON THE ROCKS #164734 WINKS LITTLE BEAR #153885 Hal Bryant (IL) Francis or Linda Klavohn (IL)Classic Country Pleasure Driving – Over 42 to 46 Classic Carriage Multi-Hitch - 46 & Under JAMES BOND #163708 ONEKA’S JOSHUA DE JERICHO #150386 GRAHAMS CLOUD DANCER #153561 Dinah or Larry Peevy (GA) WINKS LITTLE BEAR #153885 OWSLEY FORK HEAVENLY HARPER #154571 Hal Bryant (IL) Modern Pleasure Driving – 43 & Under ASPR Country Pleasure Driving PHEASANT RUN-MR. TEA #156986A TIPPY-TOE BP #2093 Kristi Kay Wilson (TX) Debi or Scot Morefi ld (MI)22

Classic Roadster - 42 & Under Foundation Country Pleasure Driving - 42 & UnderLITTLE KINGS IN DESCRIBABLE #165382 DBL. W WIN FARMS HIGH SPEED CHASE #165980 Della J Goodman (IL) Lois Welter Hallberg & Dr. JW Hallberg (MI) Modern Formal Driving - Over 43 to 46 Classic Pleasure Driving - 42 & UnderWILK. GREAT REWARD (HOF) #165942 SIX SIGMA TEMPER TANTRUM #164415 Cheryl or Carey P Hausman, DVM (TX) Cathy & Casey Waxler (PA) Modern Harness - Over 43 to 46 Classic Country Pleasure - 42 & UnderPONY VISTA’S DOCTOR M.D. #166193 THISTLE RIDGE HS BROWN BULLET #165901 Brad or Machelle Bonde or Josh or Linda Tibbs (SD) Dave Diemer (IL) 23

Modern Pleasure Driving – 43 to 46 ASPR RoadsterWILLOWLAWN’S INVESTMENT #159400 SHELBY CREEK STAR ATTRACTION #2189 G & C McCreedy and L. Heimbach (MI) Shelby Creek Farm (MI)Classic Western Country Pleasure Driving 42 & Under Modern Harness– 43 & UnderPRICELESS MIRACLES BAD BOY BRODY #163587 AGS TIMELESS #160473 Tommy & Marian Poole (TX) Brian Specht & MeLisa Johnson (IA) Classic Single Draft arness - 46 & Under ASPR Pleasure Driving GRAHAMS CLOUD DANCER #153561 HEARTLAND GOLDEN EYE #ASPR2185 Hal Bryant (IL) Kathleen Zahs (MN)24

Modern Roadster - 43 & Under Foundation Roadster - 42 & UnderSHARRWAY HIGH VOLTAGE #162604 SMF’S CRUISE CONTROL #164193 Herron Stables (IA) Carolyn N Evans (TN)Modern Formal Driving - 43 & Under Modern Country Pleasure Driving - 43 & Under HERRON’S WISHBONE #165111 BAR Z’S PINBALL WIZARD #164128 Herron Stables (IA) Barb Herron or Peyton Sturtz (IA) Classic Pleasure Driving - Over 42 to 46 ASPR HarnessMAJESTIC FARM SINGING THE BLUES #161594 DUN-HAVEN EQUISTAR #2188 Dinah or Larry Peevy (GA) Shelby Creek Farm (MI) 25

Classic Roadster - Over 42 to 46 Modern Roadster - Over 43 to 46 KLAVOHN’S LILY #166434 RED BULL #161406 Fran or Linda Klavohn (IL) Scott Seils (IL) Classic Carriage Single-Hitch - 46 & Under Classic Western Country Pleasure Driving - Over BAR Z’S SECRET AGENT MAN #161878 MICHIGAN’S BIRTHDAY GIFT #165346 Jeanne or Julie Zander or Kristen Beauregard (TX) Dominique or Tammy Belless (AR) Foundation Western Country Pleasure Driving 42 & Under Foundation Pleasure Driving 42 & Under DBL. W WIN FARMS MY MICHELLE #161737 MICHIGAN’S SHARP AS A TACK #149814 Lois Welter Hallberg & Dr. JW Hallberg (MI) Della J Goodman (IL)26

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Modern/Modern Pleasure Futurity Foal of Modern Pleasure Futurity 2-Year-Old Mare Current Year Stallion/Gelding SMF’S SHEER ELEGANCE #166658 Owned by Stephanie ForbesMICHIGAN’S UNBRIDLED FUN #168896 Sire: Michigan’s B Sharp #155261 Owned by Thomas J Taylor Dam: Ken-Mar’s Peppermint Candy #153666 Sire: Michigan’s Remarkable Mark #162128 Bred by: Stephanie Forbes Dam: Dun-Haven Victory Lane #142812 Bred by: Thomas Taylor Modern Futurity Yearling Mare Modern Futurity Yearling Stallion/Gelding KNIGHT’S SPARK OF A ELECTRIC STORM #168393 MICHIGAN’S AUTOMATED DRIVER #168370 Owned by Samantha & Ann Linze Owned by Thomas Taylor Sire: Knight’s Electric Spark #159993 Sire: Michigan’s Remarkable Mark #162128 Dam: Knight’s Storm Chaser #162078 Dam: Michigan’s In Over Drive #159988 Bred by James Knight Bred by Thomas Taylor40 The Journal • October/November 2018

Modern Futurity 2-Year-Old Stallion/Gelding Modern Pleasure Futurity 2-Year-Old Stallion/Gelding SMF’S DAUNTLESS #167737 ERL CAPITAL GAINS #166695 Owned by Stephanie Forbes Owned by G & C McCreedy and L. Heimbach Sire: Michigan’s B Sharp #155261 Sire: Willowlawn’s Investment #159400 Dam: SMF’s Truly Unique #165083 Dam: Leprechaun Acres Musical Gem #149066 Bred by Stephanie Forbes Bred by Martha Hickham Modern Pleasure Futurity Yearling Mare Modern Futurity 2-Year-Old Mare FXF ROYALE SECRET #168628 TOUCH OF CLASS HS #167082Owned by Ken Byce Owned by Erica or Stella KillionSire: HS Secret Code # 165227 Sire: Created in His Image #146860ADam: Booker’s Xanadu of Dixie # 153501 Dam: Pony-Vistas Victoria’s Secret #151325ABred by Ken Byce Bred by Kathy Howard or Marvin Stucki The Journal • October/November 2018 41

Modern Futurity 3-Year-Old Harness Modern Futurity 3-Year-Old Pleasure Driving WCR THEE GOVERNOR #165452 WATCH ME GO! #166174Owned by Lorraine Bailer Owned by Shawn S. Cline and Sandra SimianerSire: E’s Little Man #155151A Sire: Born To Be Free #158875Dam: E’s Wallstreet Ultimate Design #152895B Dam: Firestorm #162029Bred by Lorraine Bailer Bred by Michael HerronModern Pleasure Futurity Yearling Stallion/Gelding Classic/Foundation Futurity Foal of Current Year Stallion/Gelding MICHIGAN’S IRISH WAR CRY #167785 WHERES MY CAPTAIN MORGAN CLC #168774 Owned by Thomas J Taylor Sire: Michigan’s Wild Horse #146432 Owned by Robert R Crater, Jr. Dam: True Colors FMF #160092 Sire: B & L’s Rock “E” Mr. Morgan #146809 Bred by Thomas J Taylor Dam: Quintessence EGF #159196 Bred by Robert R Crater, Jr.42 The Journal • October/November 2018

Classic Futurity Yearling Mare Foundation Futurity Yearling MareERICA’S TROTTERS LIZA JANE #168336 FALL-FARM’S LITTLE BLACK DRESS # 168290 Lessee - Megan Mahoney Owned by Charity Horne Owned by Erica Killion Sire: Spirit's Rock E Twister #154236 Sire: Wall Street Hershey’s Tiny Trotter #157980 Dam: Michigan's Rock Solid #146427 Dam: Rhapsody’s Sweet Liza Lee (HOF) #149105A Bred by Charity Horne Bred by Erica KillionClassic/Foundation Futurity Foal of Current Year Mare Foundation Futurity Yearling Stallion/Gelding RHA UNIQUE AUTUMN TRYST #168796 ERICA’S ON THE EDGE OF GLORY #168341 Owned by Rocking Horse Acres Owned by Erica Killion Sire: RHA Unique Troubador #163630 Sire: JHK Rock E Mr. Candyman #157899A Dam: Rhapsody’s Sierra Dawn #162223 Dam: Wall Street Admirals Glory #153573A Bred by Robert or Pamela Walsh Bred by Erica Killion The Journal • October/November 2018 43

Classic Futurity Yearling Stallion/Gelding Classic Futurity 2-Year-Old Mare RHA TWIST OF FATE #167656 STRASSLEIN UNDENIABLY BRANDY #166995 Owned by Robert or Pamela Walsh or Linda Kint Owned by Lisa StrassleSire: RHA Genu Ine Fine #162805 Sire: Wilk. Undeniably Hot #162897 (HOF)Dam: WA-FULL Unique Pecan Sandie of EWS #162271 Dam: B &L ’s Rock “E” New Millennieum “2” #148150Bred by Rocking Horse Acres Bred by Lisa Strassle Foundation Futurity 3-Year-Old Mare Classic Futurity 3-Year-Old Stallion/Gelding JC’S EXQUISITE #166263 THISTLE RIDGE HS BROWN BULLET #165901 Owned by Samantha & Ann Linze Owned by Brad or Machelle Bonde or Josh or Linda Tibbs Sire: Z.J.’s Windwalker #140326A Sire: Th stle Ridge RR HI Spirits #160642 Dam: JC’s Minnie Penny #149396A Dam: Th stle Ridge R Marci #151587A Bred by P Joyce Pierson and Bred by Bret H. Morgan Ann & Samantha Linze44 The Journal • October/November 2018

Classic Futurity 3-Year-Old Pleasure Driving Modern Futurity 3-Year-Old RoadsterTHISTLE RIDGE HS BROWN BULLET #165901 HERRON’S STAR KISSED #166173 Owned by Brad or Machelle Bonde or Josh or Linda Tibbs Owned by Cynthia or Lauren Faas Sire: Th stle Ridge RR HI Spirits #16042 Sire: Born to Be Free #158875 Dam: Th stle Ridge R. Marci #151587A Dam: Painted Starburst #160143 Bred by Bret Morgan Bred by Herron Stables Foundation Futurity 3-Year-Old Classic Futurity 4-Year Old Country Pleasure Driving Pleasure Driving 46 & UnderMc CARTHY’S ONCE IN A LIFETIME #165593 THR’S SWEET VICTORY #164695 Owned by Leslie or David Bunke Owned by Anivia Equine Sire: Michigan’s Silver Desperato #147283A Sire: Swan. Fair Victory #151809A Dam: JC’s Rag Time #157984 Dam: MO Charizma EDV #157053A Bred by Edward J McCarthy III Bred by Cindy or Les Kanzler The Journal • October/November 2018 45

ASPR Futurity Foal of the Current Year Mare ASPR Futurity Yearling Stallion/GeldingMICHIGAN’S EYE CATCHER #168897 MICHIGAN’S PATENT PENDING #168366 Owned by Thomas J Taylor Owned by Thomas J Taylor Sire: Michigan’s Remarkable Mark #162128 Sire: Michigan’s Wild Horse #146432 Dam: Michigan’s My Fair Lady #165353 Dam: Dun-Haven Victory #145761 Bred by Thomas J Taylor Bred by Thomas J Taylor ASPR Futurity 2-Year-Old Mare ASPR Futurity 2-Year-Old Stallion/Gelding RASPBERRY BERET #2063 KILBRO’S COMMANDER JOHNNY #2116 Owned by Erica Killion Owned by William or Ryan Kildow Sire: Kilbro’s Image #1929 Sire: Kilbro’s Johnny Angel #26411 (AHHS) Dam: Kilbro’s Irish A #2002 Dam: Really My Commanderette #27403 (AHHS) Bred by Erica Killion Bred by Stephen or William or Ryan Kildow46 The Journal • October/November 2018

ASPR Futurity Foal of Current Year Stallion/Gelding ASPR Futurity 3-Year-old Mare MICHIGAN’S UNBRIDLED FUN #168896 SMF’S GUILTY PLEASURE #2022 Owned by Thomas J Taylor Owned by Thomas J Taylor Sire: Michigan’s Remarkable Mark #162128 Sire: Dun-Haven Grand Prize #1886 Dam: Dun-Haven Victory Lane #142812 Dam: Ken-Mar’s Peppermint Candy #1281 Bred by Thomas J Taylor Bred by Dr. Kenneth R. Wahl ASPR Futurity 3-Year-Old Stallion/Gelding ASPR Futurity 3-Year-Old HarnessMICHIGAN’S THE GOVERNOR #2004 KILBRO’S CELEBRATED ONE #1989 Owned by Amber Kildow, Martha Hickham, Owned by Stephen and William Kildow Linda or Erica Killion Sire: Kilbro’s Image #1929 (ASPR) Dam: Kilbro’s Celebration #1914 (ASPR) Sire: Michigan’s Artistic Impression #1322 Bred by Kildow Stable/Stephen or William Kildow Dam: Mastercraft’s Louise LF #1903 Bred by Thomas J Taylor or Nick Smith The Journal • October/November 2018 47

ASPR Futurity 3-Year-Old Pleasure Driving ASPR Futurity 3-Year-Old Country Pleasure Driving MARK’S I’M THE ONE #1952 SMF’S GRAND MASTER #2016Owned by Thomas J TaylorSire: Mark’s Gift #181 Owned by Stephanie ForbesDam: Tierney #1701 Sire: Cree Willie Bounce #1939Bred by Herron Stables Dam: Wait & See’s Crystal Berry #1912 Bred by Lee DunnFoundation Futurity 2-Year-Old Stallion/Gelding Foundation Futurity 2-Year-Old Mare RHA GRAND ADMIRAL #166547 LILAC HILLS KENOS KHALEESI #167026 Owned by Kathy Snyder Owned by Devon Glodziak Sire: RHA Genu Ine Fine #162805 Sire: Rhapsody’s Mr. Millionheir #162959 Dam: WA-FULL Unique Wendy # 160111 Dam: Filipowicz Just a Little Patience #161808 Bred by Robert or Pamela Walsh Bred by John or Jenny Christensen48 The Journal • October/November 2018

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