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BIS Newsletter

Published by Akshay, 2020-07-10 07:19:39

Description: BIS Newsletter June 2020


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Newsletter MAY - JUNE 2020 Chairman’s Message Principal’s Message Science HOD’s Message PYP Coordinator’s Message English Poem Recitation 7th May 2020 Mother’s Day 10th May 2020 International Biodiversity Day 22nd May 2020 Virtual Summer Bonanza 12nd May 2020 IH Poster Competition 18nd May 2020 IH Wonder Word Quiz 22nd May 2020 IH Hindi Debate 6th June 2020 Bodhi Career Hub Student Corner

EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2017-18 2018-19 International Day Schools International Day Schools EW INDIA SCHOOL EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2017-2018 RANKINGS 2018-219 2019-20 International Day Schools EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2019-20 EW GRAND JURY AWARDS 2016-17 2017-18 3rd 8th Emerging High‑Potential EW GRAND JURY Schools AWARD 2017‑18 EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2016‑17 2018-19 2019-20 5 th 3rd EW GRAND JURY Career Counseling Leaders AWARD 2018‑19 EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2019‑20

From the Chairman’s Desk “On the road to success, the rule is always to look ahead.\" It gives me immense pleasure to see that Bodhi Interna onal School has commenced its new academic session with renewed enthusiasm and determina on to impart holis c educa on to our inquisi ve learners. At the outset, I would like to extend my hearty welcome to our new Principal, Mr. Kishore Joshi who has been in the field of educa on for more than 30 years. It's a ma er of great honour for us to have a dynamic personality like him who carries extensive academic and administra ve experience in Interna onal educa on systems, both IGCSE/A Level. He has held various posi ons of leadership in interna onal schools in India and abroad and is a man of strong ideology and strategic vision. He has been the School Head in an Interna onal school in Kenya and joins us having finished a s nt as the Vice­Principal in an IB school in Mumbai. He has con nually been abreast of the changes in educa on system and updated himself through various forms. His Science and Mathema cs prowess and vast experience of IBDP (Interna onal Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) will be an added advantage to BIS when it's planning to turn over a new leaf with IB PYP. He is extremely passionate about educa on and believes that a school prospers when all the stakeholders, namely, students, teachers, parents and management have their goals aligned. I am confident that our school will achieve extraordinary excellence and touch new heights of glory under his able leadership and opera onal command. His exuberant energy and professional exper se will certainly translate our mission into desired outcomes. I, on behalf of the Management, en re administra on, teaching and non­teaching staff, wish Mr. Joshi a frui ul innings with the caring and vibrant community of Bodhi Interna onal School. Together, we hope to work as a unified team of compassionate educators and make a difference. World is going through trying mes that have changed the paradigms of educa on. The percep on of normal is broken and online has become the new normal or the default system of educa on today. Technology is the most significant intermediary in the teaching­learning process and I am proud to state that Bodhi teachers and students have effortlessly crossed over and adjusted to this tech­oriented process. Old strategies are being replicated with modern tools for blended learning; curricular and assessment ac vi es are being re­invented for be er results; and prac oners are re­orien ng themselves for be er efficiency and effec veness. Although this digital landscape has its own share of problems, we are commi ed to sustainable triumph in this inevitable shi . I want to appreciate my teachers for rising to the occasion and crea ng contextualised, high quality content to make learning engaging and interes ng. Understanding different learner profiles, collabora ng with experts and colleagues to understand digital pedagogy and applying customised learning models effec vely is the way forward. Students should be encouraged to adapt to the changing environment and show their ac ve interest and involvement. I can assure all administra ve and technological support in this regard for learner­centric teaching. Let's blend judiciously to redesign educa on for good. Best wishes for a very innova ve and produc ve academic session!

From the Principal’s Desk In life, there come some moments when things fall into place and the events seem to be exactly what one would want to happen. Something like this happened right through my journey from considering joining Bodhi Interna onal School to actually reaching Jodhpur and the BIS campus. It all seemed perfectly right. Since arriving here, the welcome I have received has helped me realise that it is the right choice that I made. From the Admin staff to the teachers to the support staff, each member has been friendly, welcoming and expressed genuine happiness in gree ng me. I have been made to feel at home, even without having met the two important pillars of a school, the parents and the students. Having looked at the welcome received and the a tude to make things work, I am confident that the parent and the student community would be equally welcoming, responsive and coopera ve in our journey together. As an educator with over thirty years of experience, I have worked in India and abroad in various posi ons of Management and responsibility including that of the Principal of a school in Kenya. The Bri sh curriculum and its implementa on hold a special fondness for me because I have been a prac oner of the same for over twenty years. In my vision, I look at the students as the best Brand Ambassadors for a school. Through them, we nurture not just future genera ons, but also the future of humanity. Hence, it is my convic on and mission to keep the prime focus on student achievement. However, in this ever­changing world, we have to understand that it is the holis c a ainment of the students that will be the benchmark for the future. As we produce academic scholars, our aim is to nurture and help the future world ci zens. No task is ever complete without the execu on and implementa on of a vision. During this stage, there has to be a sustained commitment from all the stake holders as also, there needs to be certain sacrifices made to enhance the educa on of the children. The en re world is ba ling through unprecedented mes and each one of us is facing new hardships. We all can only hope and pray that we de over these difficult mes at the earliest and with as li le damage as possible. How long it will take for us to get back to normalcy is a million­dollar ques on. However, we need to bear in mind that educa on is neither an expense nor a luxury. It is our investment into the future for ourselves and humanity. Hence, all of us need to do our bit to see that there is no 'Lockdown' on Educa on. We at BIS, with the support of the BIS family have been at the forefront to ensure that there are no speed breakers in educa on. It is my fervent appeal to the parent community to con nue their support towards BIS, and hope and wish that we meet in person in happier mes at the earliest.

From the Science HOD’s Desk New Beginning Spells a New Day New beginnings generally are the result of well­laid plans but in COVID mes, this seems more of a tragedy and an excep on. These mes, if seen with posi ve outlook, are welcoming as new opportuni es unveil for growth and development. They stretch us and invite us to live up to our fullest poten al — or design a new poten al for ourselves. Taking the first step towards a new beginning is always daun ng. The fear of the unknown paralyzes even the most adventurous. An unseen era heralded on the world scene nearly 3­4 months back which completely changed the outlook of humanity towards nature and itself. Man, who never thought of being helpless against nature was rendered helpless but the sheer zeal of mankind held him in good stead. Trying to come to terms in COVID mes, we have once again found faith in ourselves. We have learnt to live and coexist. Every single individual has become a winner by facing the impending danger, accep ng the challenges and star ng to work in a restricted new manner. This approach gives us an edge to defeat the fearful future and opens a new path of discovery and life. We, at Bodhi, have taken the challenge to explore the new fron ers of online educa on. This new system has not only given a new window of discovery to the academic fraternity but also a new learning perspec ve to students. The concerted efforts of teachers have done wonders during this distress and have established a new dimension. We are proud of ourselves to have changed gears at a crucial me and come off to a flying start in this regime. A big vote of thanks to every teacher who innovated, every student who managed and displayed new curiosi es, and every parent who adjusted and encouraged his wards. In Tai riyopanishad, it is said ­ \" \" Never be refrained from studying in life. We pledge to keep this momentum going and con nue the new learning experience. Shantanu Chakraborty


From the PYP Coordinator’s Desk Priori zing What Ma ers Dear Parents, The shi to online learning as the result of COVID­ 19 and worldwide school closures has forced people to adjust their lives, rou nes and mindsets in order to make it through the current crisis. Much like Maslow's theory suggests, each of us has had to ensure the physical and emo onal safety of ourselves and our immediate family before being able to se le into a rou ne that feels healthy and produc ve. It's been 3 months of this new 'normal' and many of us are s ll trying to manage it all. I say this to highlight the importance of priori zing what ma ers the most. As true as this sen ment is in our personal lives, the same is true in our work with students. We must be able to look objec vely at the months ahead and determine what ideas and tasks are most essen al for our students' learning process in order to allocate our me, resources and energy accordingly.

From the PYP Coordinator’s Desk When evalua ng what ma ers most in these trying mes, one strategy students and parents might try is called the MoSCoW Model, a priori za on technique that allows people to determine where to allocate me and resources in order to ensure success. The model asks individuals to consider their Must­do, Should­Do, Could­do and Won't­Do tasks. Given the global disrup on of physical closures and the uncertainty of a resump on date for most schools, this year's teaching calendar will inevitably look different. This is unse ling and has challenged us as PYP educators to restructure how we will approach this process. By revisi ng our 'Must­Do's' and those things we've agreed are essen al to a successful learning experience, we start to develop realis c expecta ons for ourselves and our students. For our PYP team at Bodhi Interna onal School, the expecta ons are that teachers will support students in learning new concepts throughout the lessons planned. With this in mind, we planned through the steps of the learning process that can be assessed, reflected upon and used as opportuni es to set goals and provide feedback. And with the pressures of a product and event at the end removed, it has created an opportunity for more personalized learning along the way, which will hopefully be connected to sustainable ac on and agency. To work through these steps, we've used a varia on of the 5P's explained briefly below. Please note that this process is not a linear one, but a cyclical one where steps are con nually being revisited.

From the PYP Coordinator’s Desk Priori ze – A er acknowledging all stakeholders' hierarchical needs, we used the MoSCoW Model to decide upon what is absolutely necessary to maintain a con nuum in students' learning. Prepare – As a team, we developed expecta ons for online classes. This included planning lessons differently and learning to teach in a way which was never tried by any of us. Plan – We worked backwards on a meline with weekly inten onal focuses and check­in points to keep learners and teachers on the same path. Par cipate – This is where the magic happened and will happen. Through con nual prac ce, perseverance and assessment, we are able to cover por ons of the curriculum planned for the months of April and May through remote classes. Process – Reflec on throughout is essen al. Teachers reflected at every step and worked towards making learning fun and more meaningful for the students. This led to the provision of addi onal academic support classes during the summer break. These classes were started with the inten on of providing support to iden fied students with learning gaps, by the teachers. If the darkness of the current crisis has brought anything to light for us, it's the importance of collabora on with parents and their support. Now more than ever, we are finding that the support from our parents' community is what's helping us get through this. While everyone has exper se to share, none of us are experts in naviga ng these uncharted waters but I am posi ve that together, we will reach the shore safely. Thank you once again for your trust in us as we con nue to strive for excellence! Best Regards, Mrs Shikha Srivastava PYP Coordinator

English Poem Recitation Poetry and Rhymes develop phonemic awareness, memoriza on skills and self­ expression. BIS witnessed one more event and proved that 'Where there's a will there's a way'. The English Poem Recita on for grade 3 to 5 was held on virtual pla orm. The host teachers, judges, parents and students assembled in the virtual classrooms and were transported to a wonderland of rhymes and rhythms. There were poems on nature, mother earth, friendship, teachers and many other topics related to school life. The audience was enthralled by the zeal and zest of the budding poets. Students in action during poem recitation

Mother's Day T“All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother” – Abraham Lincoln he students and teachers of BIS hosted an awesome party (online) to celebrate, Mother’s Day. The lockdown could not deter the enthusiasm of the children and the mothers also enjoyed the show put up by the young ones. There was a plethora of ac vi es and games …and me stood s ll to see the twinning of the mother and the child. They sang, danced, composed poems, made cards and played fun games. The mothers were touched by the efforts made by their cubs and bulbuls. Bodhians salute this bond of love Outcome of the activity

International Biodiversity Day 'We should preserve every scrap of biodiversity as priceless while we learn to use it and come to understand what it means to humanity.' To mark the biodiversity day, students of PYP phase of Bodhi Interna onal School made projects, charts and videos. Through these workpieces, they tried to understand the importance of biodiversity, the existence of different plants and animals and their role in making a good and healthy environment. The students shared and presented their work in the virtual classrooms. Mrs. Shikha Shrivastava, the PYP coordinator, appreciated their efforts and called them leaders of tomorrow who are ready to take any kind of challenge.


Virtual Summer Bonanza Keeping in mind, the changing scenario of teaching­learning domain, the Virtual Summer Bonanza 2020 was conceptualised to engage our students in ac vi es that will enhance their personality and over all perspec ve about the world. As a global ci zen, it becomes impera ve for the learners to prepare themselves for the future world. The summer sessions were held from 8th June to 26th June, 2020 where par cipants were trained by the in­house and interna onal experts in different domains like digital skills, sports and fitness, personality development, music and art, cra , as also elimina ng Math phobia. The major highlights of these sessions were:  Students as young as 6 years, prac sed mindfulness, story telling and anger management.  All par cipants excelled in digital skills and learnt about Adobe Spark, Canva, Google slide presenta on, story board, Kahoot and video making. Experts also trained them on communica on skills, e que e and sharpening of their talent­ building skills.

IH Poster competition (Grades 6-8) I H Poster compe on for Grades 6­8 was conducted in the month of April. Best entries were selected on the basis of their ar s c and crea ve skills for the top three posi ons from each class. The ac vity was carried out in collabora on with the Art department. Ms. Meghna Shah and Ms. Deepika Prajapa were the judges for this compe on. The Theme was – “Always my mother, Forever my friend” Art ­ An Emotion

IH Wonder Words Quiz (Grades 6-8) The beauty of a language lies in the words because words have the power to narrate a complete tale. The flavour of this tale can further be enhanced using Idioms and Proverbs. To introduce the learners to the charm of these wonder words, the students of middle wing par cipated in the IH Wonder Words Quiz on May 22, 2020. Screening was done in the preliminary rounds to shortlist the finalists from each house. The final round was hosted on Zoom and a live quiz was conducted using Kahoot. 24 finalists enthusias cally took part in the quiz and results were declared then and there. It was heartening to see young Bodhians' remarkable understanding of English idioma c expressions. The ac vity was carried out in collabora on with English Department. The screening quizzes were prepared by the English faculty members, Ms. Razia Mekrani and Ms. Noopur Chaturvedi. Yeshaya Choudhary Siddhi Chetwani Saumil Goyal

IH Hindi Debate (Grades 9-12) çfr;ksfxrk ds bl nkSj esa :duk euk gSA dksfoM&19 ds dkj.k tgk¡ fo|ky; vkWuykbu d{kkvksa }kjk i<+kbZ djok jgs gSa ogha cksf/k bUVjus'kuy Ldwy us bl fn'kk esa ,d dne vkxs c<+krs gq, vkWuykbu çfr;ksfxrkvksa dk vk;kstu 'kq: dj fn;k gSA blh Øe esa fnukad 06 twu 2020 dks fgUnh okn&fookn çfr;ksfxrk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA d{kk 9 rFkk 10 ds fy, okn&fookn dk fo\"k; ^vkWuykbu d{kk,¡% ojnku ;k vfHk'kki* jgkA ogha d{kk 11 o 12 ds fy, ^fuEu vkenuh oxZ ds fy, Ldwyh f'k{kk vFkok O;kolkf;d çf'k{k.k dk egÙo j[kk x;kA

Bodhi Career Education Hub Chetna Sabharwal Head, College Placements & Guidance Future Learners' Profile According to World Economic Forum, 35% of skills deemed essen al today will change. Hence, it goes without saying that in order to survive in the post COVID­19 world, there is only one way­ evolving and adap ng .There will be permanent change in the job market and skill requirements in the post pandemic world. Living with the virus and constantly adap ng to it is the only way to survive. The future skill matrix that can be predicted for now will comprise of Agility, Adaptability, Digital skills, Technical Quo ent and Adversity Quo ent. Learning agility has been defined by De Meuse et al. (2010) as:  “the willingness and ability to learn from experience, and subsequently, apply that learning to perform successfully under new or first­ me condi ons. This is applicable to all individuals including the learners, the parents and the teachers to adapt to the new normal. The combina on of high TQ and digital skills will make us future ready for every adverse situa on. And as we learnt during this pandemic, what ma ers the most, will be AQ­ Adversity Quo ent, which measures one's ability to go through a rough path. Children with high adversity quo ent are those with the following traits, which are not so different from the traits of resilient adults :  have an ac ve approach toward solving life's problem  tend to perceive their experiences construc vely  able to gain others' posi ve a en on  use faith to maintain a posi ve outlook

Student Corner Jaisal Singh Bha , a young Bodhian, TEDx speaker and a wildlife enthusiast introduces us to different species of the eight­legged arachnids at Kanha Jungle Lodge. Like a thorough professional, he researches and shares some interes ng facts about the scorpions that glow in blue­green color when Illuminated with ultra­violet light and contribute towards maintaining the ecological balance in nature.

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