Senior School Newsletter DECEMBER - 2020 Principal’s Message Message from ICT Department Career Education Hub Student’s Corner The Year in Review : Visualizations
EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2020-21 2019-20 International Day Schools International Day Schools EW INDIA SCHOOL EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2020-21 RANKINGS 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 International Day Schools International Day Schools EW INDIA SCHOOL EW INDIA SCHOOL RANKINGS 2018-219 RANKINGS 2017-2018 EW GRAND JURY AWARDS 2019-20 2018-19 3rd 5 th Career Counseling Leaders EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2018‑19 EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2019‑20 2017-18 2016-17 8th 3rd EW GRAND JURY Emerging High‑Potential AWARD 2017‑18 Schools EW GRAND JURY AWARD 2016‑17
From the Principal’s Desk There have been various ways in which 2020 has been described. The memories associated with it are mostly of trials and tribula ons, but these also include stories of compassion, generosity and perseverance. However, the end of the year has brought a glimmer of hope and expecta on in the form of Covid vaccine. December is normally the month of taking stock of the year gone by and of making plans for the new year. The most cliched way for this is the much maligned and li le followed path of “The New year Resolu ons”. However, 2020 has been one year which has made the whole of humanity introspect like no other year in our collec ve memory. I firmly believe that at an individual level, we should look within and make certain commitments to ourselves so as to ensure be er future and avoidance of a similar scenario during our life mes. There have been a lot of tales of heroism demonstrated by different types of individuals and professionals during these tes ng mes. The list of these heroic individuals is populated with frontline medical workers, staff involved in keeping distribu on chains func oning smoothly and the caregivers looking a er the aged and disabled. In all of these and more, the one group of professionals who o en get overlooked are the teachers. This group of professionals swung into ac on and con nue to be in the thick of things through all this. They have seen that there is no pause in educa on. This has been done with minimal infrastructure updates. The teachers have once again shown their adaptability in making use of the resources available to them. They have for most part smoothly transi oned from a mode of teaching perfected over years to an untested mode of teaching with zero prepara on me. I, for one, believe that the year 2020 would be remembered for the adaptability of the teachers as much as for other things. The success of teachers would not have been possible without the stellar contribu ons of two groups. First, the students who took to the new method of learning with li le fuss, and over a period of me adapted to it with elan. Along the way, they kept alive and even honed their skills of classroom disrup ons in the new media. They managed to keep the teachers on their toes despite the change in teaching methods. That aside, they have kept their own educa onal progress on track. The second group is the parents who had to make major adjustments to their working schedule to help their children navigate through the technology driven classes and also arrange for devices and upgrada on of peripherals to get their child to keep abreast with the educa on. Let us end 2020 with the hope of a be er 2021, but not without introspec ng, analysing and making firm resolu ons. Let us end the year with a befi ng salute to the heroes within our community and move forward with the assurance that 2021 will bring us more compassion, empathy and dedica on. Happy 2021!! Brahmam Bodhi Kishor Joshi Principal
From the ICT Desk INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Students develop an understanding of the implica ons of technology in society and the ways Informa on and Communica on Technology (ICT) can help at home, work and the wider world. Through prac cal and theore cal studies, students solve problems using a variety of common so ware such as word processors and interac ve presenta on so ware. Learners will analyse, design, implement, test and evaluate ICT systems, making sure that they are fit for purpose. There is an emphasis on developing lifelong skills, which are essen al across the curriculum and their future career. Cambridge Interna onal AS & A Level Computer Science encourages learners to meet the needs of higher educa on courses in computer science as well as twentyfirst century digital employers. It encourages leaders to think crea vely, through applying prac cal programming solu ons, demonstra ng that they are effec ve uses of technology. Learners develop computa onal thinking & programming skills to solve computer science problems. Cambridge Interna onal AS and A Level Computer Science will help learners develop a range of skills such as thinking crea vely, analy cally, logically and cri cally. They will also be able to appreciate the ethical issues that arise with current and emerging compu ng technologies. Dear parents and students, this COVID 19 pandemic has changed the lifestyle a lot, specially towards studies. Every coin has two sides. When circumstances forced everyone to go online, technology gave its hand to handle the COVID 19 pandemic situa on and survive. Students, teachers and parents adopted to online learning technology with ease and made it successful. Physically, we are socially distanced but technologically, we are closer than ever. I will do my best to fulfil the expecta ons of Bodhi Interna onal School. I would like to thank the BIS management and the Principal for giving me an opportunity to work with this pres gious school. Hope the journey con nues to be good and frui ul. Brahmam Bodhi Mr Rajesh Kurna ICT Educator
From the ICT Desk DIGITAL WORLD – WHAT TO LEARN NEXT? With 'The internet of things', we are into a world where access, control and monitoring happen in an everevolving format. It's all open, easily accessible and makes our life easier. Star ng from data access to controlling your electronic devices, buying and selling products, teaching and learning, sharing and collabora ng – every single thing of today's world has an associa on with internet of things. So, what can be a specific area of learning which a learner can look up to in this world? What's in? The level of uncertainty about what and how will the next genera on learners engage themselves into is increasing daybyday. There is a pool of op ons but making appropriate choice is difficult. Let's do a sneakpeak into today's digital world of learning. 1. Data Science 2. Data Integrity 3. Data Ethics 4. Data Analysis & Data Analy cs 5. Data Mining 6. Data Cumulus 7. Data Visualiza on 1. Data Science Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scien fic methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from many structural and unstructured data. 2. Data Integrity This course is designed to provide you with an overview of what is meant by data integrity and how to build a robust data governance system. 3. Data Ethics/Applied Data Ethics This course provides a framework to analyze concerns as you examine the ethical and privacy implica ons of collec ng and managing big data. 4. Data Analysis & Analy cs It involves mul ple stages including establishing a data set, preparing the data for processing, applying models, iden fying key findings and crea ng reports. The goal of data analysis is to find ac onable insights that can inform decisionmaking. 5. Data Mining The Data Mining Specializa on teaches data mining techniques for both structured data which conform to a clearly defined schema, and unstructured data which exist in the form of natural language text.
From the ICT Desk 6. Data Cumulus/ Data Centre Networking This helps in understanding the major differences, benefits and its use, and cases between private, public and hybrid cloud environments. 7. Data Visualiza on This course covers the basics of data visualiza on and exploratory data analysis. Data visualiza on provides a powerful way to communicate datadriven findings, mo vates analysis, and detects flaws. This course will give you the skills you need to leverage data to reveal valuable insights. Where can you do this from? Both online and offline learning op ons are available. The following links will help one to choose from the varied op ons: h ps:// on h ps:// on?delta=2 h ps:// ons/datamining h ps:// The debate on benefi ng or demoralizing oneself with the excessive usage of 'The internet of things' will always con nue. The best takeaway is that learning has no boundaries and the areas of learning have become more interes ng to choose from. Mrs Sreela Sujikumar ICT Facilitator
Career Education Hub To make wise choices for the future means to be intelligently informed. A wise decision is based on self knowledge and an awareness of the opportuni es that are best suited to your par cular needs. While teachers have been preparing you for the academic challenges of higher educa on, the Career Educa on Hub aims to assist you in ge ng there. In light of which, three years ago, BIS pioneered a Mentorship Program for its students wherein the high school students underwent an externship in summer break which allowed them to: · Explore a career field and experience a typical week on the job · Learn how to apply their academic subjects through discussions with professionals who have a similar background · Assess their \"fit\" for a par cular posi on or organiza on · Make career connec ons and strengthen their network · Add value to their resume In face of the unprecedented pace of changes worldwide and with the inten on not to hinder students' explosive growth of knowledge, we introduced various virtual externship programs to them. This helped them develop their adaptability, crea vity, independent thinking and lifelong learning capabili es to be be er prepared to make informed and responsible choices and thus be able to make the best of the opportuni es ahead. It is reassuring to know that students did make the best use of these opportuni es and gained an extraordinary experience. I would like to share one of my students' experience in his own words Eshaan Choudhary's experience with Inverted Prism: “I a ended an Aerospace Engineering Externship where we were told to model a satellite on our own that was going to TITAN, a moon of Saturn, in groups. There were 2 weeks each with different objec ves. The first week included why we needed the satellite; the second week was the design and modelling. The designing part was assigned to me wherein I had to design a satellite using Tikercad, an online designing so ware, from scratch. I really enjoyed the Internship and would like to do more in the future. Thank u so much for your guidance.” It is indeed a proud moment to be able to share his achievement and designs with you all today
Career Education Hub Satellite Designs Prepared by Eshaan Choudhary Khushboo Vyas Bali Career Educa on Hub
Student Corner Blog wri ng Jayani & Himangi What is the purpose of this blog? The purpose of this blog is to mo vate people to stop was ng their me and start working for their dreams. In this pandemic, we all have had a lot of me to work on ourselves but some people s ll did not use this me produc vely. It is never too late to start something. Through our blog we want people to find purpose in their lives and create opportuni es which can only be done by stopping waste of me. What do we want readers to do a er reading this blog? A er reading our blog, we want the readers to realize that they are bigger than they think. We want readers not to sit and dream but work hard to fulfil their dreams. A er reading my blog, if someone's life changes, we would be grateful to ourselves. Why should we not waste our me? We can wait but the me cannot. We cannot just sit and wait for right me to come. We have to work for our dreams. If not now, then never as it is wri en in the blog that some people come and go without someone knowing without any significance. Every person has a dream but there are only limited people who work for it. If you don't start working for it, you will regret it in future. Be the one who has some significance in this world otherwise people might write under your name on your tombstone “not used up”. People remember us not for bad but good deeds. Someone said, “Time is the most precious thing in the world”. You need me for everything to live. But if you waste your me doing nothing, you will fail the war between yourself and the world. If you want something in life, you have to fight for it and take that “something\" with own blood, sweat and tears. Don't give up If you don't give on your me now, your future self will thank you. Stop was ng me. Jayani Singh Himangi Singh Aryabhatta House Aryabhatta House
Student Corner
Student Corner
The Year in Review: Visualizations Moments of Triumph
The Year in Review: Visualizations Inter School & Inter House Competitions
The Year in Review: Visualizations Career Guidance Workshops
The Year in Review: Visualizations Virtual Classrooms
The Year in Review: Visualizations Virtual PTM & Professional Developments
The Year in Review: Visualizations Summer Bonanza
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