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Home Explore Chit_Chat_2_Activity_Book


Published by TRẦN THỊ TUYẾT TRANG, 2021-08-03 23:34:55

Description: Chit_Chat_2_Activity_Book


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-J'o,kond write. I oirafre -i'+- n't swlm. il\"- /.# 4_ ffi 6 -s:en ond chont.Thenlistenond repeotthe words. Where?Where is the polor6ear? f con'tseeit here. I con'tseeit there. It's reoffy, really big Andit's got whitehoir. Look!Here it is. It's sitting in mychoir. ti'rinkUnit 10wos * OK ** Good *** Greot Unit 10 Lesson4 5.1

then ondnow t I Reodond circle. Thefirst horseisAruos'olive 50,000,00g0eorsogo. lt wos/hod wos/hos50 centimetretsoll. lt hos/hodfour toeson itsfront feet. lt hod/wos threetoeson its bockfeet. Todogthe horseis/wosverg d i f f e r e n t .. 2 | Completethe sentencews ith wos or hod. .--<_\\ ^' \\ C . \\!-U _ t I -J- vergbig. 1 Themommoth 2 lt t h r e em e t r e st o l l . 3 lt longtusks. 4 lt longhoir. 6 Themommoth o l i v e5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0U0e o r so g o . U nit 1 1Lesson1

--rclete the sentencesT.henmotchthem with the picture. shorp short big short shorp long strong 1 Theghod 2 Theghod jows. 3 Theghod clows. 4 Theghod o toil. 5 Theghod legs. 6 Theghod orms. 7 Theghod o neck. ,'i'-:eobout picturesA ond B. ilt hod 3 It was Unit 11 Lesson2 53

5 | Reodond write the sentences. !:\"q( ] @ eorontosourus fffi.*: 2 6 | Drow Uourown dinosourond write obout it. ?d]1|!i.i$'!|;i.l'i€]$ts#:tts{:j*(s,s|.$X1|gK]i&}As{;H.}*4:]s.s'$fiih,s:;'1!i\"4win,1!]j!h.;,:{s!r#{]'f:ls;E{9g{| 4 My Starturn j't ,6 ac ;:i il! ljil lli Dinosour: ii; fli i*; llt 1ii * K ,t, w 54 Unit 11Lesson3

1*ilrrstlocnhd write. tr1 Themommoth'stusks.. o h o d sh o r pte e tho n d cl ow s. T b orebig. 2 T hef ir s tho r s e. . . I c wereverglong. 3 TheT. Rex... d hodnoteeth. 4 T hept eron o d o n. . . trr e isth r e em e tr e sto ll. 5 Nowon ele p h o n t. . . f wossmoll. T6 An elephont'seors... 2 36 -sten ond chont.Thenlistenond repeotthe words. Twobigmommoths Hovinglotsof fun. Threebig.mommoths Onemommotwh qshungry. With longtusks,too. Onemommotwhosthirsty. there wosone! Thentherewere two. thinkUnit 11wqs* OK ** Good *** Greot Un it 1 1 L e s s o4n 55

ry $tonesoup -l I No. Go owog! T T 50 ST ooD <-a'A9 T T tr 56 Unit12Lesso1n

Whot ore Uoumoking?) J}:,-l ,,/ r-( Let'seot the \\ I |I (!-1 souo! II tl fv, -{r..r< lwontsome \\| | stone soup,. ./) l | |I 6( lt's stonesoup \\ | | \\5,( wttfr pototoes./ I I @tr l ' m s o r r g .T h e re 's no soupnow. Unit 12 Lesson1

2 | Completethe crossword. Mammoth crossword Across 15 Youwatchfilms here. fiB 16Canyou-'? d# 1 You go in a swimmingpool. 17rriviena- fu ^^ /Sr 9 Wll I lt flies andit eatsmeat. r8Goro- {e} \\Z- 10 This animalis bis andit lives in the sea. U nit 1 2 Lesson2

n lotsof vegetables. 4 3 My favouriteprogrammeis on - 2. 5 Canyou a bike? 6 There'sa cookerin my 510 7 I'm ill. I've gota -. J7 I don't live in a city or a town.I live in a 8 Lionseat small t2 38 Applesandbananasare 13 Ilown t4 16 l 20 OnSundayIsgo - in thewoods&. _r I'm scaredof dinosaursT. hey're 25 g? Lbtenond chont.fl Nine,ten. Goodbyem, yfriend! One,two,three,f our. It's timeto go. NowI'm runningto the door. Thisis the end! Ftves, ix,sevene, ight. Summetrime is reollygreatl € ffiwM 'G@d *** 6r€st U n i t 1 2 L e s s o2n

ry ScvleuD A Writethe words. B Answerobout gou. =o- o 1 Congou plogo musicol instrument? 50 Units10*12ReviewD t,t Ho w m o n gb e d r o o m so re there 2 in gourhouse/flot? 3 Congou dive? ',i:4; lsthereo museumin Uourtown? Ho w m o n uch ild r e no r etherei n gourcloss? Do g o u likesp o r tsp r o g rommes on TV? 7 Wh o t' sUo u rfo vo u r iteoni mol ? 8 Do e sUo u rfo vo u r iteo n imoll i ve in o hot ploce? 9 Whot do gou do ofter school? 10 Whotdo goudo on Soturdogs? FP :,il: lil:r,Ii:

Thts is to certtfg thot.- hcs completedLe,cel,2\"Cf hit Chst. Stgned. (eccher) \"_,,,11i, .. :... i|l :i: i[ '11 ...:: !:, - ,,,.r,:,. \" \" . ,-.-,_,-.ttii. Vouce ,,, .,';;tt'' :l- :-_ ,rl:;;. :r -r!!i!r,i Un it s1 0 -1 2Re v ie wD 51

Picturcdictionort -t I st\"tJeru\"lil Drowondlobelthe musicoilnstruments. Musicol lnstruments vlotln drum guitor piono trumpet ,;icliir I unit fl Lobethe sports. a Sports dive reride a btke s S rideo bike D p lo Ubosketbol l r\\ym& d /\\ '-z& o p loUfootbol l p loUhockeg r p run skote S ski swim 62

Lobelthe roomsond motchthe furniture. Furniture both Rooms bed oothroom choir hedro o m cooker : ning room cupboord holl drower kitchen picture v'in gr o o m plont sofo -rri'tl_l Lobelthe illnesses. toble lllnesses o cold o heodoche o sorethroot o stomochoche

I Unittl L o b etlh ep l o ceosn dsh o p s. P lo ce so n d sh o p s book s ho pc o f ec o s t l ec h u r c hcin e m oclo th e ssh o p h o te l m u se u mpork sportscentre squorestotue supermorketsr\"nrlrylpipnogo! tc'gshop ffi ffi I U\"it 5 I Lobelond drow the octivities. Activities o uw ? doncing running diving sitting d r ink in g skipping eoting sleeping ju mp in g s wi mmi n g reoding writing 64

llllt,r6ir Write the cities. Drow ond Iobel the weother. Weother It' sc ol d Cities It'shot lrndiff It'sroining l.rclin It' ssnow i ng :: - CUrgh It' ssunng It' sw i ndg - ,:'COOI -: -don I q,{ord lllmn- Completethe timetoble.Write the lessons. str!ondog Tuesdog Wednesdog Thursdog Fridog Lessons Art Break Breok F',,' English Historg d € l, t- t.T. Luneh Lunch Moths Music D P.E. Science

I U\"it 8-l CompletteheTVguide. TV progrommes onimol progrommes TVGuide cortoons IIN comedies food progrommes m u s icp r o g r o m m e s quizzes s c ie n c ef icti o n f i l m s s p o r t sp r o g r o m m e s |Trlt tl Complettehe diorg. Hobbies Monda)t go fishing plog computer ThtrrsdaY go running gomes FridaY go shopping plou toble tennis 66 go skoting plog vollegboll go swimming reodo book lis t e nt o m u s ic

f aHot pl Animols Food t lLr'r:10 I Chooseond write. fish crocodile fruit Ieaves insects elephont tt ^c^L./,^v-e > frog meot m e o to n d f i s h fruit bot plonts airn lvl ar r! :rrr gorillo hippo lion penguin polorbeor sn o wgo wl w h ol e Lo b e lthe dinosours. Portsof bodg rcftg taiI o longneck a lan-^ *ail !r r\\rlly LLlll o sm o llh e od bigjows sh o r pclo w s sh o r pte e th sh o r to r m s str o n gle gs

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