WHY YOUR CREDIT UNION NEEDS ‘AFFINITY PLUS’ Many organizations today, including Credit Unions, are finding it harder to attract and retain Members. People today have many choices with most of them offering many of the same benefits as you. Your Credit Union needs something different, something that your Members cannot find elsewhere, something that will benefit them and hopefully your Credit Union.
WHY CHOOSE CORRIGAN? Corrigan Insurance has been offering Affinity programs to Credit Unions in MD, DC, and VA since 1971. During that time our major carrier was Nationwide Insurance Company. In 2020 Nationwide withdrew from the Affinity marketplace. Corrigan was immediately approached by several of the other Affinity carriers offering similar plans to the Nationwide model. Their plans were fine but we felt we needed something different. During all of this, Corrigan Insurance was acquired by Blue Ridge Risk Partners. Blue Ridge was a much larger Agency with an extensive expansion program. Using the resources of Blue Ridge, together we took the best of the old Affinity plans, added some exciting new features, and developed ‘Affinity Plus’.
WHO IS BLUE RIDGE RISK PARTNERS? Blue Ridge Risk Partners is a new Agency with roots that go back over 100 years. They are headquartered in Hagerstown Maryland with over 20 offices throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, and DC. Blue Ridge Risk Partners was formed when 3 of the largest and oldest agencies in the area decided they could serve their clients better together than apart. Since then, the Agency has continued to grow and acquire, with it’s objective, to be the ‘Agency of Choice’ in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Today Blue Ridge Risk Partners is one of the 50 largest agencies in the country with over 160 employees and 100,000 clients.
WHAT IS AFFINITY PLUS? Affinity Plus is a unique Auto-Home Insurance program designed especially for Members of larger organizations. Our objective in developing Affinity Plus was to create an Affinity plan that took the best of the ‘old’ Affinity, eliminate the outdated parts, and couple it with some new features. Here are some highlights. ▪ Affinity Plus is not controlled by any one Insurance carrier. Affinity Plus is controlled by our Agency. ▪ Instead of having just an auto program from 1 company, Affinity Plus will offer your Members programs for Auto, Home, Rentals, Boats, Cycles, etc. from all their companies including Nationwide, Travelers, Brethren Mutual, State Auto, Progressive and many more. ▪ We are now developing plans for your SEG groups to better help you attract these groups. ▪ One of the major concerns of Credit Unions in the past has been the ‘privacy’ concerns when the Insurance carrier wanted mailing lists. Affinity Plus does not ask for your mailing lists; you control all mailings, most of which will be emailing's. ▪ Admin Fees to the Credit Union under the old model were based on the number of members who purchased a plan from ONE carrier. Affinity Plus will compensate your Credit Union for plans purchased from ALL carriers with monthly reports to you. ▪ Historically the Affinity carrier would show you their projections and begin to compensate the Credit Union when you reached those projections. Affinity Plus will show you their projections and guarantee your Admin Fee for the first 2 years. ▪ Best of all, we are so confident about Affinity Plus, you can cancel the plan with 30 days notice, with or without cause.
HOW DO YOU BEGIN AFFINITY PLUS? WE will take some information from you about your Credit Union, such as, membership, number of families, email addresses, and a few other details. We will then develop a Marketing plan, including your 2 year guarantee, and present this to you for your consideration.
MOVE FORWARD WITH CONFIDENCE Corrigan Insurance, A Division of Blue Ridge Risk Partners provides your members access to comprehensive programs and products designed without gaps, charges, or surprises. Auto Boat Flood Recreational Vehicle Home/Condo Landlord's Rental Renters Personal Excess Dwelling Liability Discounts • Special group discounts. • Discounts for experienced drivers, garaging, good students, and multi-policy ownership.
CARRIERS We work with a variety of carriers so that we are always providing the best possible coverage at the best possible price for your Members.
MARKETING Valued Member, Finding reliable insurance from a trusted, local representative can We will create a quarterly email that will include be difficult. Corrigan Insurance Agency, A Division of Blue Ridge relevant information and articles your members. Risk Partners, offers personalized insurance to meet your unique This email will also have a call to action instructing needs so you won't get stuck paying out of pocket when you could people to call Corrigan Insurance Agency to be covered. receive a free quote. Check out these great ways to prepare for winter! Partnership Announcement Email We will provide you a co-branded logo and content for an email blast announcing our partnership. Quarterly email blasts. We will provide you with the content. Banner Ads Available to run on your site. We will also work with you if you are interested in: • Social Media Posts • Newsletter Articles • ATM Banners • Email Images for promoting Corrigan Insurance Agency, A Division of Blue Ridge Risk Partners
MARKETING Valued Member, Finding reliable insurance from a trusted, local representative can We will create a quarterly email that be difficult. Corrigan Insurance Agency, A Division of Blue Ridge will include relevant information and Risk Partners, offers personalized insurance to meet your unique articles for your Members. This email needs so you won't get stuck paying out of pocket when you includes a call to action to receive a free could be covered. quote from the Corrigan Insurance Agency. Check out these great ways to prepare for winter! Partnership Announcement Email We will provide you a co-branded logo and content for an email blast announcing our partnership. Quarterly Email Blasts We will provide you with the content. Banner Ads Available to run on your site. We will also work with you if you are interested on: • Social Media Posts • Newsletter Articles • ATM Banners • Email Images for promoting Corrigan Insurance Agency, A Division of Blue Ridge Risk Partners
Sharon Meadows Direct: 301-474-4111 EXT. 3118 [email protected] 8951 Edmonston Rd, Greenbelt, MD 20770
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