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Home Explore United States Coast Pilot - Atlantic Coast - Part 3 Cape Ann to Point Judith 1893

United States Coast Pilot - Atlantic Coast - Part 3 Cape Ann to Point Judith 1893

Published by R. Holmes, 2022-01-13 01:48:44

Description: United States Coast Pilot contains comprehensive sections on local operational considerations and navigation regulations, with later chapters containing detailed discussions of coastal navigation; an appendix provides information on obtaining additional weather information, communications services, and other data.


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APPENDIX III. 141 u:::::::m157. Any seaman who is able to write will be expected to sign his< name upon to sign cer- the face of the master's certificate issued to him before said c-ertificate is signed by the master of the vessel. 158. During the season when navigation is open at any port, seamen at that port R<~quiremeots \"\" to are not entitled to relief from the Marine Hospital Service, who, from any cause other aonice. than disease or injury, have not, within the sixty days immediately preceding the appli- cation for relief, been employed on any American veesel. 159. When an interval has occurred in the applicant's seafaring service by reason Exception•. of the closure of navigation, such interval shall not be considered as excluding him from relief, except the sickness or injury for which he applies for relief be the direct result of employment on shore, nor shall the phrase'\" immediately preceding the appli- cation\" be held as excluding from relief a seaman who has been but a few days away from his veEsel, provided he has not abandoned his vocation as seaman; nor as ex<clud- i ng a seaman who may have been not exceeding two months away from his vessel, pro- vided it be satisfactorily shown that such absence was due to sickness. 160. During the season when navigation is closed at <any port, seamen at that, ci...ure of m\"igatiou. port are not entitled to relief from the Marine Hospital Service, who, from any cause oth1tr than disease or injury, have not been employed on board an American vessel within a period exceeding thirty days prior to the closure of navigation. 161. A seaman who has abandoned his vocation for any employment on shore ro:\"~~::~~~~~n;~0;~:;~:~ for a period of two months or more, unless debarred from shipping by reason of sick- ness, disability, or closure of navigation, has thereby forfeited his claim to the benefits of the Marine Hospital Service. 162. V\\7henever an applicant for relief presents himself at the marine hObj)ital Affi!t'\"it~d ma.y 00 office or the custom-house without a master's certificate or shipping commissioner's a«·ept \"\"\"''\" enee. discharge, and it fa impracticable to obruin a master's certificate on account of the absence of the veBSel or its master from the port, the affidavit of the applicant as to the facts of his last employment may be accepted as evidence in support of his claim for the benefits of the Marine Hospital Servic,-e. The applicant's affidavit may also be accepted as evidence in cases where tbe period of his last service, as shown by his papers, is less than sixty days. 163. 'Vhen the period of the seaman's servk-e on lasL ve\"sfsel is leses dthban tw. o Brfor \"\"nic\" \"\" •.ast months, his st.atement as to previous service may be accepted I support y satis- vessel not a bar to relrnf. factory evidence. ;.r169. The expenses of caring for sick and disabled seamen incurred during a d~~~':;~.. sickne\"\" voyage will not be paid from the l\\farine Hospital fund. 170. No relief will be furnished at the expense of the Marine Hospital fund, tifii_::~~cr.,l~:ifc;~m mr- except upon the certificate and recommendation of a medical officer of the Marine Hospital Service, or of a competent physician, showing that the applicant require.s medical treatment. 171. In no case will money be paid to a seaman himself, or to his family or w!'.::rn~~:.;:~..!,:'::~ friends, out ofthe Marine Hospital fund, as reimbursement for expenses incurred during sickness. sickness or disability. 172. The expenses for the care and treatment of seamen entitled to the benefits quS::~:i~e ~~1~t~~~~ 10 of the Marine Hospital Service who, in accordance with the State or municipal health laws and regulations, are taken to quarantine or other hospitals under charge of the local health aut.horities, will not be paid frm:n, the Marine Hospital fund. DISPENSARY REJ:.JEF. 173. Sick and disabled seamen entitled under t.hese regulations to the benefits of <li<:;'.\"e\"'ll~~~~ tr~\"\":,..~~ the Marine Hospital Service whose diseases or injuries are of such a nature that they patient!<. mn properly be relieved by medicine, or dressing, or advice, without admission to hospital, will be treated as out-patients, and furnished medicines, dressings, surgical appliances, or advioe, as the case may require. 174• Seamen Will not be furni!ilied relie·f at their OWn homes, excert by special hoNm-oaswolfi\"p<atfi?ernnt~M.t\"'I &t authority from the Supervising Surgeon-General of the Marine Hospita Service, and then an allowance for medieal attendance and medicines only will be made at rates fixed by the Treasury Department. STATIONS OF TBB TBlRD CLASS. Prorilli ma for relief~ 177. Whenever, at a third-class relief station, an application for relief is pre- sented, thti customs otlioers for the. port authorized and directed to cause outdoor -0r QIB.ce relief (medioi:nes, s~l .,pplianoost etc.} to be fttrnished in aooordanoo with

142 APPEND.IX III. paragraph .173, or to furnish transportation to a relief station of the first or second class, as the case may be. But when the amount of the apJlropriation is insufficient, ... any relief station of the third class may be discontinued. m:::r:~~ d:~rangc- 178. Whenever, in the opinion of the examining physician, the patient is unable to bear transportation without prejudice to his recovery, the facts will be at once reported to the Supervising Surgeon-General for instructions, and in case immediate medical or surgical attendance is necessary, the customs officer will, pending action upon the case, provide it, if possible, at reasonable and just rates. The customfi officer will in such cases employ a competent physician to take professional charge of the patient, and will arrange for suitable quarters, nursing, and diet for the patient, and the arrangements made by him will be reported, together with the rates of charges therefor. Foreign seamen et al. 181. Foreign seamen, or employes of the various Government services, will not not treated~ be treated at stations of the third class. HOSPITAL RELIEF. Cases for hospital 184. A sick or disahled seaman entitled to the benefits of the :\\farine Hospital treatment. Service shall be aclmitted to hospital only in ca:\\les where tlie gntvity of the disease _ or injury from which he suffers is such as to require hospital treatment in the opini011 of a medical officer or acting assistant surgeon of the Service, or e>f a reputable physician designated by the Department to act at a place where no medical officer is stationed. STATIONS OF THE FIRST CLASS. Bed tickets to 00 185. At relief stations where United States marine hospitals are located, the hed istmed. ticket will be prepared at the marine hospital office, and given to the patient, and the Form 1917. patient will he admitted on presentation ofsaid bed ticket inclosed in a sealed envelope. 186. The bed ticket, * * * unless presented on the day it is issned, * * * To be valid only for day of issue. 'vill be forfeited. STATIONS OF THE SECOND CLASS. Pennits ror hospital 194. Customs officers or acting assistant surgeons will issue hospital permits for re~:~ 1916. the care and treatment of snch applicants a.~ n1ay be found to be entit1ed to the benefits of the service and require hospital treatment. * * * Permit.s Talid only -on 196. The hospital permit, before being delivered to the applicaat for relief, must day Qf iMUO, be inclosed in an envelope, sealed, and addressed to the medical officer or other person authorized to receive the patient. The seaman should at the same time be informed that unless presented on the day it is issued the permit will be forfeited. Application• for relief 197. \"\\\\Then, at a second-class station, a seaman entitled to the benefits of the after office bonrs. Service makes application for admission to hospital after the custom-house or dispen- sary is clost'(l for the day, the surgeon in charge of the hospital in which the patients of the :Marine Hospital Service are treated may reoeive the patient, should the case be urgent. * * * 198. In no case will a permit be antedated, except as provided in the foregoing Permits may \"\" ante· da.ted. paragraph, and only to cover one working day exclusive of legal holidays. Relief not to oo given I 9n. Sick and disabled seaman pr~enting themselves at any hospital where onant<ld11.t00 permits. patients of the J\\farine Hospital Service are cared for, with hospital permits date<1 prior to the day when presented, will not be treated at the expense of tlie marine hospital fnnd, except under such provisions as are prescribed by these regulations. &lief not to exceed 200. Continuous relief for periods exceeding sixty days will in no case he 1 \" \"iy d<>Y\"- granted, except by special authority from the Department. STATIONS OF THE THIRD OLASS. Em<>rg<>oc:y \"\"\"\"\" on17 2o0f7. H ospital r elie f at stations of the third class will not be furnished except .oinf tN&ted In boopita.l. em ergency and .iPor a temporary per••00, und er the spec1•a.l provi'si•ons cases paragraph 178 of these Regulations. R<o11er for in1181le - INSANE SEA.MEN. mit...:h s, 1876, .. s. 212. Insane seamen entitled to the benefits ofthe Marine Hospital Service maybe admitted to the Government Hospital for the Insane upon the order of tho Secretary of the Treasury, and the officers in charge of relief stations will report t.o the Super- vising Surgeon-General any application for admission to hospital .made in behalf of such seamen, and e.ny OOSE!S of insanity that may occur among: them. * * * ·

APPENDIX III. 143 DECEASED SEAMEN. 213. On the death of a patient while under the charge of the Marine lfospital ReMive• 1., \"~ u..ti- Servioe, notice to receive his effects shall be given by lct1er, or otherwise, to his 1\"'1. nearest known relative. * * * 216. The necessary expenses of a plain burial for deceaseil patient,., of the lluri,.J exi•·lls«s. Service will be paid ; but no part of the expenses of the burial of any deceased seaman will be paid for at the expense of the marine hospital fund, unless said i;eama11 was at the time of his death a patient of the Service. FOREIGN SEAMEN AND EMPLOYES OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES. 217. The aOC'.ommodations provided for the care and treatment of the patient.-; FMdi::;u \"\"\"\"''\"' may of the Marine Hospital Service are also available to foreign only at relief 1;,.trcatcd. stations where medical officers or acting assistant surgeons are on duty, upon theappliai- tion of the consular officers of their respective nationalities, or upon the application be the masters of the vessels upon which said seamen serve, provided satisfactory security is given for the payment of the expenses ofsuch mreand treatment. * * * 218. Seamen emploved on vessels of the Navy, or the Coa.\"!t Survey may be _Se'\"\"\"\" of various acIm1•tted f'or care and t\"reatment as pati·ents of t}i.e ll \\fari·ne I-Iosp1· tal Serv'1•ce only !m.oavyebrnemademntitteedo. rnces upon the written request of their respective commanding officers. * * * Officers and seamen of the Revenue Cutter Service will be admitted to care and treatment at all stations of the first-class, without reference to length of service, and without charge. 221. Customs officers acting as agents of the 1\\Iarine Hospital Service will col-.~.*,.,\" a•-couuts. 1ect all bills for the care and treatment of foreign seamen by the Marine Ho;,;pital Service. * * * TONNAGE DUES. 304. Customs officers will collect from vessels arriving in the United States from Rat~ for AASessmeuL any foreign port of North America north of the southern terminus of the Isthmus of 1s!~·- 8-Acts!t{;.;, ~!;;. rn, Darien, or any port in Newfoundland, the \\Vest Indian, Bahama, Bermuda, or Sandwich Islands, a duty of three cents per ton on every entry ; but the total tax in any one year on entries from the ports specified is not to exceed fifteen cents. The tax to be collected on vessels making entry on arrival from other foreign ports is six cents per ton on every entry; but the total tax collected at six c,'(lnts per ton is not to exceed thirty cents per ton in any one year. 305. Any vessel making such voyages as to bc<>.Druc liable in any one year under nu~\"i',:1:::;..,:,,.:'\"'\"\" '\"x both rates-that is, at three cents per ton and six cents per tou-shall not be held liable to an aggregate tax of more than thirty cents per t-0n for any one year, reckoned from the date of the entry and payment of her first ·tax at either rate; but the three- cent tax per ton shaJJ not be collected on more than five entries in any one year. 306. For half a ton or more than half a. tou of the measnremeut of a vessel, Srnan aaft '\"'\"\"'!\"· collection will be made at tbe full rates of three or .six cents per ton ; for less than half a ton, no collection will be made. 307. As provided by the act of .Tune 26, ] 884, \"that the President of the Duos suspended reci1•- United States shall suspend the collection of so much of the duty herein imposed on rocally. vessels entered from any port in the Dominion of Canada, Newfoundland, the Bahama Islands, the Bermuda Islands, the \\Vest India Islands, :Mexico, and Central America, down to and including Aspinwall and Panama, as may Le iu excess of the tonnage and lighthouse dues, or other equivalent tax or taxes, imposed on American vessels by the government of the foreign country in which such po1·t is situated, and shall upon the passage of this act, and from time to time thert..>after as often as it may become necessary by reason of changes in the laws of the foreign countries above mentioned, indicate by proclamation the ports to which such suspemiion Rhall apply, and the rate or rates of tonnage duty, if any, to be collected under such suspension,\" but customs officers will take no action by way of suspension of collection of tax till they have been informed that such suspension has been authorized by a proclamation of the President. NATIONAL QUARANTINES. 325. The following permanent. q_u11rant.ines have been established according to u,;.,::rmo.nent qua ran· law r one at the mout.b of Delaware Bay; one near Cape Charles at the entrance of Act Aug. i, 1sss. Chesapeake Bay; one on B1ackbeard Island in Sapelo Sound; one at Garden and Bird Keys, Tortugaa Islands; one at North Chandeleur Island. * * *

144 APPENDIX III. Pilots a.nd others must 326. \" Whenever any person shall trespass upon the grounds belonging to any obey regulatimu!. quarantine reservation, or whenever any person, master, pilot, or owner of a vessel Act A~ug. I, 1888. entering any port of the United States, shall so enter * * * in violation of the quarantine regulations, * * * such person trespas.\"ling, or such master, pilot or other person in command of a vPssel shall, upon eonviction thereof, pay a fine ~f not more than three hundred dollar;;, or be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of not more than thirty <lays, or shall be punisQed by both fine and impris- onment, at the ._fiscretion of the court.\" * * *. AN ACT granting additional quarantine powers and imposing additional duties upon the Marine-Hospital Service. Extracts. [Approved February 151 1893.] Be -it e:nacled by the Senate and House of RepresenlalfoeB of the United 8fnf,e•., of Am.erica ·in Con- [/ress ax.~embl.e.d, That it shall be unlawful for any merchant ship or other vessel from any foreign port or place to enter any port of the United States, except in accordance with the provisions of this act aud with such rules and regulations of State and municipal health authorities as may be made in pur- suance of, or consistent with, this act; and any such ve~l which shall enter, or attempt to enter, u port of the United States in violation thereof shall forfeit to the United States a sum, to be awarded in the discretion of the court, not exceeding five thousand dollars, which shall be a lien upon said vessel, to be recovered by proceedings in the proper district court of the United StatPs. In all such proceedings the Unite•l States district attorney for such district shall appear on behalf of the United States; and all such proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the rnles and laws governing cases of seizure of vessels for violation of tlrn revenue laws of the United States. SEC. 2. That any vessel at any foreign port clearing for any port or place in the United States shall be required to obtain from the eonsul, vice-consul, or other consular officer of the United States at the port of departure, or from the medical officer, where such officer has been detailed by the President for that purpose, a bill of health, in duplicate, in the form prescrihed by the Secretary of the Treasury, setting forth the sanitary history and condition of said vessel, and that it has in all respects complied with the rules and regulations in such cases prescribed for securing the best sanitary condition of the said vessel, its cargo, passengers, and crew; and said consular or medical officer is required, before granting such duplicate bill of health, to be satisfied that the matters and things therein stated are true; and for his serviC\"'~s in that behalf he shall be entitled to demand and receive such fees as shall by lawful regulation be allowed, to be accounted for as is required in other cases. The President, in his discretion, is authorized to detail any medical officer of the C':rt>vernment t.o serve in the office of the c>,onsul at any foreign port for the purpose of furnishing information and making the inspection and giving the bills of health hereinbefore mentioned. Any vessel clearing and sailing from any such port without such bill of health, and entering any port of the United States, shall forfeit to the United States not more than five thousand dollars, the amount to be determined by the court, which shall be a lien On the same, to be recovered by proceedings in the proper diRtrict court of the United States. In all such proceedings the United States district att.orney for such district shall appear on behalf of the United States; and a11 sqch proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and laws governing cases of i.;eizure of vessels for violation of the revenue laws of the United States. SEC. 5. Tbat the Secretary of the Treasury shall from time to time issue to the -OVn~ular officers of the United St.ates and to the medical officers serving at a ny foreign opmoprtl1ieadndwoitthh erwise mak<i publicly known, the rules and regulations made by him, t o be used an<l c by V€68els in foreign port!>, for securing the best sanitary condition of such vessels, their cargoes, passengers; and crew, before their departure for any port in the United States, and in the course of the voyage; and all such other rules and regulations as shall be observed in the inspection of the same on the arrival thereof at any quarantine station at the port of destination, and for the disinfection and isolation of the same, and the treatment of cargo and persons on board, so as to prevent the introdu<:tion of cholera, yellow fever, or other contagious or infectious diseases; and it shall not be lawful for any vessel t.o enter said port. to discharge its cargo, or land its passengers. except upon a certificate of the health officer at .suuh quarantine station certifying that said rules and regulations bave in all respects been observed and complied with, as well on his part as on the part of the l'{lid vessel and its master, in respect to the same and to it.<; cargo, passengers, and crew; and the niaater of every sueh vessel shall produce and deliver to the oollector of enstoms at said port of entry, together with the other papers of the vessel~ the said hills of health required t.o be <Jbtained at the port of departure ca®. the certiticaie herein· required t.o be obtained from the health ofiieer at the port of entry; 3.11dthat the bills of ht!alth herein pret'<Wibed shall be considered as ~rt of the ship's ~pel'S,_ a.rid_ when duly oortiW .to by the· ~­ woousular or other officer of the U mtied States, over lus ofli.e1al aignature a.nd seal~ sbfjl w;icepted. .Bij, evidence of the statements therein contained in any rou.rt of the Uuited ~. . · · ·

APPENDIX III. 145 SEC. 6. That on the arrival of an infected vessel at any port not provided with facilities for treatment of the same, the Secretary of the Treasury may remand said vessel, at its own expense, to the nearest national or other quarantine station, where accommodations and appliances are provided for the necessary disinfection and treatment of the ves...,el, passengers, and cargo; and after treatme11t of any infected vessel at a national quarantine station, aud after certificate shall have been given by the United States quarantine officer at said station that the vessel, cargo, and passengers are each and all free from infectious disease, or danger of conveying the same, said vessel Hhall be admitted to entry to any of port of the United States named within the certificate. But at any ports where sufficient quarantine provision has been made by State or local authorities the Secretary of the Treasury may direct vessels bound for said ports to undergo quarantine at said State or local station. SEC. 7. That whenever it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the President, that by reason of the existenoo of cholera or other infectious or {\",ontagious diseases in a foreign <>,ountry there is serious danger of the introduction of the same into the United States, and that notwithstanding the quaran- tine defense this danger is so increased by the introduction of persons or property from such country that a suspension of the right to introduce the same is demanded in the interest of the public health, the President shall have power to prohibit, in whole or in part, the introduction of persons and prop- erty from such countries or places as he shall designate, and for such period of time as he may deem necessary. REGULATIONS FOR MARITIME QUARANTINE AT UNITED STATES PORTS. ARTICLE !.-INSPECTIONS. 1. Vessels arriving at ports of the United States under the following conditions shall be inspected by a quarantine officer prior to entry.* A. Any vessel with sickness on board. B. All vessels from foreign ports. Exceptions.-V essel.s not carrying passengers on in land waters of the United States. Vessels from the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of British America, provided they do not. carry persons or effects of persons nonresident in America for the ninety days next pre<..-eding arrival, and provided always 'that the port of departure be free from quarantinable disease. Vessels from other foreign ports via these excepted ports shall be inspected. C. Vessels from foreign ports having entered a port of the United States without complete dis- charge of passengers and cargo. Such vessels shall be subject to a second inspection before entering any other port. Vessels from ports suspected of infection with yellow fever, having entered a port north of the southern boundary of Maryland without disinfection, shall be subjected to a second in- spection before entering any port south of said latitude during the quarantine season of such port. RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL QUARANTINES. ART. VIII. ~t United States ports where there is neither national nor local quarantine, vessels will not be admitted to entry until the collector of customs shall be satisfied that the vessel may be admitted without danger to the public health; and in case the said vessel shall be fonnd to have quarantinable disease on board, or to have had such disease on board during the voyage, the collector of customs at such port may remand such vessel to the nearest national or other quarantine station where proper accommodations and appliances are provided, there to undergo purification and disin- fection according to the regulations governing national quarantines. I. Quarantine will be maintained at South Atlantic and Gulf Quarantine Stations from JI.lay 1 to November 1, and at Dry Tortugas from April 15 to November 1·5. Boarding and inspection stations will be maintained throughout the year. 2. Quamntioable diseases are cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, plague, and typhus fever. 3. Vessels shall be inspected, without avoidable delay, between sunrise and sunset. 4. The quarantine officer shall at once demand from the master the prescribed bill of health. Should the vessel have no hill of health, she shall be 'detained and the fact reported at once to the 1?illooUector of customs. o~ ~ealth, ship's log, and crew and. passcn~r • 5. In ma~iug an iDBpection of a vessel the lists and manifesU! shall be examined, toaether with chmcal record of all cases treated m hospital ·during the voyage.. The crew and pas..~ngers shall be mustered, according to the lists, and any dis- crepancies found investigated. · · .·· 6.. VeMe!s arriving at any national quarantine station having quarantinable diseases on board, or ba:vji:ig bad cases during the voyage, or at port of departure, shall be placed in quarantine. After ~ti~ of discbarRe shall have been given hy the United States quarantine officer at said station, ····~~.shall be admitted to entry under section 6 of act. of February 15, 1893.

146 APPENDIX Ill. 7. Pilots bringing infected vessels will be detained in quarantine a sufficient time to cover the period of incubation of the disease for which the vessel is quarantined, or if, in the opinion of the quarantine officer, such pilots have been exposed to infection. The dunnage of pilot.s shall be disin- fected when necessary. 17. The detention of vessels for cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, and typhus fever shall cover the period of incubation of the disease, the time of detention to commence from the date of lruot exposure. Yellow fever, not less than five days; typhus fever, not less than twenty days; smallpox, except in cases of successful vaccination, not les.o; than fourteen days; cholera, not less than five days. , 18. Steam vessels from suspecte<l or infected ports where yellow fever prevails may be allowed to enter at the port of Baltimore and ports north of Baltimore, ~1d., after five days from date of departure from such port, without disinfection or detention, unless in bad sanitary condition, or with bad sanitary hist-0ry. In either case they will be detained in quarantine five days after disinfection. This regulation to apply to the North Atlantic coast only. 19. A vessel calling for orders, supplies, or coal only may be allowed to proceed, unless there iP. a quarantinable disease on board at the time, or such disease has been on board at ports en route, or at ports of departure, and when she is believed to be infected, in which case coal or supplies by barge can be towed m her, and she can take the coal or supplies from the barge with her own crew; but the local health officer at the port shall allow no person or dunnage from such vessel to go ashore. 20. * * * Passengers and crews detained at any national quarantine will be subject to rules and regulations promulgated from time to time by the Supervising Surgeon General for their govern- ment.

IN\"\"\"D:EJ:X:_ A. E. Page. Abbott, Ro-ck-----------------------------·-------------------- 33 Blake Point--------------------------------------------------- 97 Acoakset River, See Westport River. Blaney Point-----------------------------------------·------- 36, :J7 Acuehnet, \"River ___ ------------------ ____ ---------------------- 90 Boden Rock ________________ ----------------------------------- 36 A.cughnet, Town of__________ ------------------------------- ____ 9(J Bortle-a Flat.8 ---- ----------------------------------------------- 114 Agencies for sa.le of Coast Sur.,,-ey Charts, etc -----~-------------- YII Bonle-n Flats Lighthouse_______________________________ _______ 16, 114 Aldridge Ledge ______ -------------- ________ ------- ______________ 49 Booton Bay -----------------· ---------------------------------- 3B Alleghany \"&ck _---------------------- --------------- ---- ------ Sfi Bost<1111 City of--------·---------------------------------------- 41 All-Hu IWck _____________________________________ _: - ------------- 4-0-50 83 Boston Harbor------------------------------------------------- Anchorages, see General DeBCriptioas. Bostoti Ledge----------------------------------------------- 45 10~ 40 AD!i!:Blica Poiut ---- -------- -------------------- ---- ------------ 9fl I Boston Lighthou8e______________________________________________ Applo- Is1and ____ -------------- -------- -------- ___ ------ -------- 98 Apple T~land Flats--------------- --- _-------------------------- - 41 Bo~o,.· Bellh> The ------------------ -------------- ----------------- 31 48 Bowditch Ledg\"------------------------------------------------ Ap11ouaga.nset lla.y ----------------- ----------- _____ ------------ 95-!)6 Brant Point ____ ------------------------------------------------ 78 Apponae,'1l.nsctt Village of----------- -------------------------- 95 Brant Point Lightlionse -------------------------- ---------- ____ -12, 76 Appona11g River---------------- ____ ------------·---------------- 118 Brayton Point ____________ -------------------------------------- 114 Appona ug, \"\\o~illa.g.P of_______________________ -------------- ____ _ 118 Brenton (~c>\"\\-'e _____________________________________________ ---·--- 111 104 Archer Rock ____ ---·-----_-------- ______ --- __________ ---- _______ _ 3::\\ Brt-<ntun Point _________________ ---------------------·-------------- 106 III Brenton Rt:-ef_______________________ ------ ------·---------------- Arrangement __________ ---- -------- ___ ---------- ---------- _____ _ Asia Rip -------------------------------~--------- ------------- 6-7 Brenton Reof Light-vHsseL_____________ -------------- ----------- H Aus1in Hollow______ ----------------- ____ ----------------------- 109 Rrewst-er Bar ______ --------------------------------------------- 4 l, 47 Brig Ledge_ .. --------------------------------------------------- 110, 120 Batl80n Ledge --------------- ---------- ---------- ---- ----------- 27 Brjgb\"' Ledge-------------------------------------_ 102 :BrimL)¥;1'l, Tl1e __________________:__ ------------------------------- 32 Back ..Rher, Buzzards Bay -------------- ------------------------ !J9 57 Bristol Ferr)' Lighthouse-------------------------------------- 16. 114 Bs<:k Rive[', DuXbury Bay -------------------------------------- Bristol Hurbor_________________ , ----------------------------- __ 114.-116 29 Baker 1Rla.nd ------------------------- ------------------ -------- BristcJt T(J\"\\\\-~u of________________ -------------------------------- 114 ]() Sr. Baker- Island Lighthouse -------------- ------------------------- Broken Pa.rt Pollock RiP---------------------------------------- Baki~r J,..Jp,ud Shoal-------·---------------------------- ____ ---- 31 Burnstahle Harbor______________________ -----------------'-_----- 61 Broken Rip ____ --------------------------------------------- ___ _ 66 GI 116 &rnstable-, 1'own of-------------------------------------------- 97 Bn..1thel\"8, The -------- ------------------ ------------------------ 59 Bro'\"' n ~Bank ------------------------- _____________________ ---- _ 60 :Barstow Roek ____ ---------------- --------------------- _-------- 3S,39 118 Bartlett Rock ______ ----- ____________ ------------_----------- ____ 67 Brush Neck c.o,-e --------------------------------------------- Dass Point_ --- ___________________ -~- ------- -------------------- 31 40 Bumkin lsla.ntl _______ ------------------------------------------ _ Bass Rip------------------------------------------------------- 00 1-17 Bumkin li' Shoal ------------------------------------------- 54 B~ River ------------------------ ---- ------------------------- -g-9 Bunker Hi1l MonumenL-------~- _--------------------------- __ 42 Ba.88 Roek, Nabant---------------------------------------------- Gl Bn 11~ Puint_______ --------- ------ -- ----------------- - -- - ---- ---- 107 v Baas ltoc-k, Plymouth-------------------------------------------, system adopted in U. 8. watt-r:; ------------------~---- Dass Rock, Se.ekonk Rh:er -------------------------------------- Dt1tler Fln.t -----------------------·----------------------------- 04 Ba~sett.9 I~ht-11d ___ ----- __ -------- -------- ----- ___ -- ---------- ·--- Dutlers Rola--------------------------------------------------- 67 Point _____ -------------------------------- ______________ . 1.07 Butter Ra.11 Rrn:k---------------------------------- -------------- Butt(ffnLilk Ba.y ----------------------------------------------- 99 Bt~aringe a.nd distances \"from: Buzzards IlaY-------------------------------------------------- 88-90 Brenton Re-ef Light-vegel__________________ ;. ____________ _ 20 c. Ca,pe Ann Lighthou!fe8_____ ._______ ---------------------- is -CD.pc Cod I.dghthouse ------------------------------------- I~ Cali I...:la.ud__ 41 F.AU>tern Point IJii;hthouse _______________ ---- -------------- 110 v Calf Pa!!-ture I>oin t ____ --------- ------------------ _____ _ Gay Uca.d LighthoUSI.'} --------------------------·---------- s.:. Handkerchief Light- ,~C88-el -------------------- ------------ 1U Can'lhridge, CitJ' of--------------------------------------------- Hen anrl Chieken8 Light-·vesseL--------------------------- 57 Mln-ot.s Ledge Ltghtho-ns(' ___________ -------------- _________ 19 ('ann.l -------------- _ ------------------------------------- tm Nantuek't't {Great PO'int) Lighthouse______________________ 7:1, 8:l rn Co.110 tmi ____ -------- ------------------------------------------ 18 Cape- I'ogf!_____ ----------------- ------------ ---- __ -------------- 19 C.a1•e. Poge lf'lat.s __________ ----------------- --------- _________ _ Nantuck.t•t New Sout11 St.oal Light---vesseL--------------- 20 C.'lps Pogt< l1ighthoulile ----------------------------· _ --·---------- 12,82 N obska Point Lighthouse __ ----------------- ____·_---------- 19 Ca Flat ---- ---------------- --------- ______ --··----------- -·- GO Race P(Jiut Lighthou'8e---------------------------------- 18 Ca.ptahu::;. Iii 11 ------------------------------------· ------------ OB Bf.1anus R()(-.k-----·--------------------------- --------------- 81 ~a.etle Hi 11 Lighthou.•~n _-------------------------------------- __ 14, 105 Bt!oa1-ee-s Shoal ---------- ------------------ _------------~--------­ HG Ciutlie 1-sla.nd1\" Boston Ilar-bol'---------------------------- -------- 41 Bea.V<e!'hetMi ---- ------ - ------· ---------- ----- -------- _ --- __ ----- 120 Castlti Island, Bristol Harbor______________________________ ------ 11..:i Beav-l\"rt&il------------ -----------------· ----------------------- J 00 (1astlc Roe.ks______ ------------------------- ___ ----------------- 47 Bea-v1;J-rtail Lighthou&e ----------------------------------------- 29,3:2 lleverly Creek, oc•ThtM 55 60 }:~~= I~E.f:.~::?~-;~;;;=============~===================:::::::::Beverly Harbor------------------------------------------ 80--81 Beverly, Town of_______________ ----------------------------- 80 IBlbb:Rock-------------------------- ------ ----_:______________ 34 I ConterviUe Harbor------,------------------------------------~_ 62 Centervllle, Village of----------------------------------------- 10, :~JBlilllllilnngpsgg&atte\" IFsll&atn-d-L--ig-b-t-b-o-o-a-<->-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__--_ ~::~;~:ll[~.'::~~:~~~=~::~=~~~:~~~~~-~~~~~===========~=========== 47 Billingogate Sho,.1____________________________________________ 6'2 f>3 Cha.nnel R<w.\"kt Centet'Ville Harbor------------------------------ 81 Bird Joland · ___ 48 Channels, ,;ee n0scription. Bird lellt.Dd LlgMh.ClUl!e-------------------------------------- ll~ 91 Chappaquiddick Island --------------------------------------- 69 BBiianbloUplaann<dlCltleeerLk\"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 Chappel Ledge----------------------------·-------------------- 32 74 Oharle.s Neck, see Blake Point. J-llBoli.opp a.nd Clerk• Llgbthowoe-------------------------------- 12• 74 l Cllarleis River----------------------------------------------- 4-2 U ll.ock SbuaJ ______________________._·------------ 1{)8 I (~ha.rleetov.rn .---------------------- --------------- - ------------- lnaak Poitrt, Nahant____ ------·------------------------------ ~ Poiu.1, Sak011uet Bi.Yer---------------------------- 311) ()hart, C\"P\" Ann to Bloc\"k Island --------------------------Faees page 9 G-- H&rbor---------------=----------.....,.. £oek:, 108 CharU, Agencies for 1iiale o<------------------------------------ vn n1 Cha- B&r------------------------------------------------ 65 13251-19

INDEX. c. D. Page. Psge. Chatham Lighthouses_______________ ----------------- ___________12, f'J-5. 7G Derby 'Vharf Lighthouse-------------------------------------- 10, 29 Oba.tham Roa.ds -------------------- ---------------------------- 76-77 Despair Island ______________________ -------------------------- __ 110 Chatham. Town of______________________ ----------- ------------- 6~t 76 49 ne,·il Ba<'k------------------------------------·------------------ Chelsea., sett Revere Bea<-h. Devn Bridge ---------------------------------- 74 Chelsea. RiveT ---------------------- _____________________________ 41 fl-eyer :Rock---------------------------------------------------- 116 Chippanogset Island________________ \"-------------------------- 110 Dick!'! Flats________ ----_---------------------------_------------ 00 Chubb Island ______________________ ----- _________ ------------ __ _ 2;8 Di;ghton, Town of---------------------------------------------- 113 Obur-ch roint_______________ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------- ___ _ 103 Dix Ledge______ ---------------------------------- _____ ---- ____ 94 Chur-ch Point Reef--------------------------------------------- 11}3. IJog Bar-------------------------------------------- --- ------ ---, 2;; Church R.ock------------------- ____ ------- ______ -------------- _ Churches Ledge ___________________ ----------------------- ______ _ 9:3. Dolphin Itock ---------------------------- -------- ________ ------ • 38 102 Clark (:;:pve ------------------ _____________ ----------- ------------ Dorrbester Ftat.s, twe Srmtt1 Boston Flats. 94-9Ej. Clark Point --------------- ---------- ---- - ----- ---------------- Downer Lauding ---------------- ---------- ____ ---- -------- ----- m Clark Point Lighthouse ________ --------------------------------- 94: Coaot from Barnstable fo Wclltlt>et.____________________________ _ 14, 00 Dread I~edge --------------------------------------- ------------- 38 Coast front Plymouth to Barnstn.bte _____________________________ _ HI ~;~ z:~;~€:~=========~===~===========:============~=-===~====~= 32 !!9 60-61 Dumpling Jl:ock Lighthouse____________ -------------------------- 14, 00 Coast from Race Po-int to Monomoy -------------------- --------- 65-Go Dumpling nock8____ ------~--------- ---------- __________________ 9:l 1117 C-038te:r& Ila.rbor Island__________________ --------· ________________ _ 111 Dumplings, 'l'he ---------- ____ ------------ ---------- ____________ C'..oa.tue Beacb ---------------- ---- ---- ---------- -------------- 78 Dutch Island~---------------------------------- _______ --------- 120 Coatue Point ________________________ ------------------ - ---- ---- 78 Dutch Island Harbor------------------------------------------- 120 -coddington Cove ------------ ---- ---- --------- ----- _----------- _ 107 Dutch Island Lighthouse---------------------------------------- 16~ 120 Coffin Rook----------------------------------------------------- 8G Dux bury Bay _______ ----------------------------------------____ V7 Coggeeh~Jl Ledge ______________________________________________ 108 DuxhUT). ~ach ------------------------ ------------------- 5-6 108 Duxbury Pier Lighthouse _______________________________________ l(), 00 Coggeshall Point -------------------- -------- ----------------- CohaBSet Harbor----------------------------------------------- 5-5 Dyt\"rs Island ---------- ------------------------------------------ 107 Coba.sset N&rrows -------------------- ---- -------- ------------- 99 Dyers I sln.nd Siioal __ --------- ---- -------------- ________ --------- 108 Cohasaet. Town of____________ --------------------------------- Colliers Ledge__________ ---------- ________ ------- __________ ----- 55 E. 80 Commercial Point -------------- _________________ ---------------- 51 :J:aglP Uar ----------------------------------- 3'J CommiRHioners Ledge ________________ --------------------------_ 4~ Eagle Island ______ ------------------------------------ --------- 32 Conm1on Fence Point------------------------------------------- 114 }~ast Braintree ___________ -------------------------------- ___ ---- 52 llim.mon Flat _____ ------------------. ______.___________ ---- ------ 104 :t:ast ChOP----------------------------------- -- ----- ---- ---- ---- G~, 84 ]6; 110 EH.Bt Chop Fl.a.ts_------------------------------·------------------ S.o Con&nicut Island ----------------- -- - -- --------- ------ --------- Chor~ Lighthouse -------------------------------~---- _______ _ Ccnanicut !eland Ligbthou~ ---- ____ ---- ----------------------- 31 Easte-r-n Pas~ge 1 The------------------- ______ _ 14, 84 Cone-y Ie:land________________________ ________ _ ---- -------- 32 EH.Stern Point ---------- -------------------------------------- --· 105 32 Eastern Point Ledge_------------------------------------------- 2i; Coney Island Rock ---------------- _---------------------------- 16, 117 Eastern Point Lighthouse---------------------------_----------- Coney Ledge_____________________ ----------------------------- 26 Conimicut Lighthouse ____________ --- -------------------------- 10, 25 Conimlcut Middle Ground _________ ------------------------------ 109 East Greenwich, Town of--------------------------------------- ll8 Conimicut Point------------------------------------------------ 117 East J>oint\"' Nahant--------------------------------------------_ 37 Cormorant Ledge____________________ --------------------------- 103 East P'rovidenc.e ----------- _-------------------- _---·--- _________ _ 117 Cormorant Rock:, Bn;,;za.rds Bay ____ ------------------------------ 97 EdgH.rtu\"·1.1 Harbor---- ___________________ ;_ ______________________ _ !!2-~4 Cormol'Rnt Rock, Sakonnet River-------------------------------- 10.1 Edgartown Lighthouse ---------------- --------- _-------- _----- _ 14, 82 Ootuit Anchorage •nd Cotuit ll&y ------------------------------- Cotuit P<Jrt_______________________ ----------------------------- 81 Edge.rt-own, Town of_------------------------------------------ 82 81 Egg Island Flat------------------------------------------------ Cowyo.I'd ---- ______ ------------. __ . ----. ------ _--- _----------- !).! Crow Island _____ -------------------- ____ ---------------------- 57 Egg Rock------------------------------------------------------ 37 Orow Point Flats______________ .----.------------------------- 94 \"Egg Rock IJighthorn1e__________________________________ ---·- _ IO, 37 54 Egg Rocks, Boston, tire Shag Rocks. Crow Point, «.e Downer Landing. Eldridge Shoal------------------------------------------------ 75 Currento: Ele\\\"eD-foot lla.nk ----··------------------------------------- ---- 94 Beverly Harbor--------- -- -- ------------------------- 34 Elisha. Ledge, GJoucester Harbor-------------------------------- 27 103 .Boston Harbor---------------------------------------- 44--15 Eli~ha. Ledge, Sakorwet River----------------------------------- Buz1Pardf! Ba-y ---------- ------ ---- ------------------------ 89 Eli7.abeth Islands____________ ---------------------------------._ !'\" - C°\"\"t of C&JM' Cod _______________________________\"____ 66 Em.srsonM Point ____.______ ------~------- ________ ------ ----------- 21i Edgartown Ba.rbor -------------------------------------- 83 EHex Branch, ol!lee Danvers Rivei-. Gloucester Barbor-------------------------------------- __ 26 F. Lynn Barbor--------------------------------------------- 39 Nantucket and Vin\"&yard Sounds----------------------- 70-71 Fairhaven, Town of------------------------------------------- 00 67-68 rFall RiT-er, City of--------------------------------------- 113 N&ntucket Shoal•.--------------------------------\" !~:::~~! ==~~~61 Nepon1et ltlver_____________ --------------------------- 58 i1 Tata1 Rock------=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=--=-==-=--=-=-==_=__=_-=_-.-.=_=_=__=_=_=,_=_=__=_=_=_ 81-8~ Plymouth Ha.rhor ------------------------------------- 64 82 30 Field Po=int------------------------- ---- ----------- ·--- ._______ _ IH Provlncetowu Harbor----------·--------------------- 84 Field Rooke------------------------------·--------------------- 117 Salem B...OOr ------------------------------------------- 27 Vin<>yard Haven_____ --------------------------------- 119 w - .Wattham Diver ----------------------------------------- 98 Fishing Oov-e ---------------------- --------- ----------------- 37 Holl ------------------------------------------ 86 Fishing Point --------------------------. ----------------- _____ _ 67 108 Outth-t Led&11----------------------------------------- 36 Fishing Rip----------------------------------------------'-- Ouu,hunk :Barl>Gr---------------------------- 100-101 100 Fiske Roek------------------------------------------- 39, 4-0 CuUyhunk LighthOU&e---------------------------------- 14, 100 Flint Point---------------------------------------~­ 40 D. Flfp Rock--------------------------·----------------- 3ll Danve:rs lliver___________ ------ ________ ----------------------- 34 Flying Placa ---------------------------------------- Dtmve.-.port ___________________________________________________ 3~ Ylying Point---------------------------------------------- Fog, _,General Ducrlptlona. Dav1\" Bank ---------------------------------------------- 67 :Vogland Point------------------------------------- 102 32 I Fore&t JliTer---------------··-----------------·----- • DDaivnhlhSoou~th.SSh&loemalE-n--tr-a-n--c-e------------------·--------------------------------------------- 8617 I FFoorrtt DAdu\"m\"\"p'l-i-n-g------------------------------------------------------------------------ ..29 Deed Neck Rock------------·------------------------- ::;,-;;d..~-;;===--====:--=--=====--== i 100 D-iur ll<><>k..---------------------------------- Plekerlog LlghthOIDIB---------------------- 106 : I :: DDeaeerr ,h(&!&lanudd -F-ie-.t-a_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-_ 41 48 Fort 10,211 Deer 1.-d Lightho111e---------------------------- Deer lal&nd P<>lnt-----------·----------------- S..we.11---------------------------.-\"-· \"10, 39 'l\"ort Point---------.----------------------- 114 60\" J'ort 'a& Wharf----------------------------iJMby D FortWarren---- <U

INDEX. III F. G. Page. 41 l<~ort Winthrop _____ ~ --- ---------------- ---------------------- -- lJfj G-eueral Remarks:: 9 Fourth Cliff---------------------------------------------------- CoSJ1;t from Cape Ann to Point Judith_ _____________________ 41 Fox Hill ______ ------------------------------------------------ 120 47 Fox l!!!la.ud __ --------- -------- ---------------- -------------- ---- 119 G-eorg·eb Jto;l(i.l.ld _____ -------------------------------------------- 48 Fvx: Point _________________ --------------·-- ____________ --------- 117 George~ J15la.11d ll.ocks ------------------------------------------- 28 Glade Fla.ts___________ ------------------------------------------ 25-27 FuHer Rock Lighted Ben-0on ------------------------------------ 16 G 1a8.'\"3 HooAi -- _________ ---------- _----- ---------------------- ---- 112 Gloucel!l!t-oer Harbor ---------------------- _---------------------- 29 G. Goat Island Dolphin------------------------------------------- 32 GooJWberry• Ts land_, __ . __ --------------------------------------- \\Kl Ga.lea T~edge ·---- ---------------------------------------------- 28 Goo8eb-erry Ledge_------------------ --- - - _- - ------ ---- ----- ----- 36 29 Gooscberr~T Neck________ -----------_----_--------------------- Gales Point --- ------------------------------------------------ 81 in, 101 Ga..llatin Rock, c~mtcrville Harbor-------------·----------------- 97 (.;ord ou Roek ------ _--------- ---- -------------- ----------------- Ga.tla.tin Ro-ck, Mattapoisett HarlJor ----------------------------- 41 Guuld Island Ligb thous<:>_________________ --------------------- Ga.11 up Island ____________ ----- ·----- ---- ---- -------------- ------ Ga.nnet Rocks -------- ______ ------------ ------------------------ 81 Gould Island, Narragani;;.ett Bay ___________ ----------------------- 107 Gardiners Rock ____________ ---------------- ------------------ 79 Gould lt'hmtl Sa1..-ormel River ___________________________________ 104, G&y H\"\"'1. ·---- ________________ ---------- ---- ---- ------------ ---- 69 1 il 48 Gay Ilea.d Lighthuuse __ ----------------- ------------------------ 12, 74 Governors Island ------ -------- _---- ___ --------- ----- ----------- 74 Governors Island Flats _____________ --------------------·-------- GiLZelle Rock __________ ----- -------------- -------------------- 95 Grape Island_----- ____ ---------------------------------------- 1)2 Genera.] Description : Gras~y Island _______ ----------- _____ --------------------------- .Apponaganset Bay:_____________________________________ GGrraa\"-v\"-ee:ls I!Bsllaanndd _______-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_- 87 68 \"Barnstable H arhor _______ -------- _________ --------------- 6l Graves~ Tbtl _______ ~----- ------------------------------------- 28 Grays ltock______________________________ --------------------- 4& Be\"'·erls IIarbor ____ ---- ---- ------- __ --------- ------------ 34 33 38 B08tou Bay------ --- ---------------- ---- ------------ ------ 40-45 Great Aqua Vitm Ledge ------------------------------------- 33 Boston B.arbor___________ --------------------------------- Great BrewEiter ____ ---- ---------- ____ -------------------------- (0 Bristol Harbor_____ -------------------_------------------ 114-116 Broad Sound--------------------------------------------- 38-39 Great Egg Rock ____ -------------------------------------------- 28 Buzzards Jlay ----------- ---------------------------------- 88-89 Great Fauu Iles _ --------------- ____ --------------- --------- 49 l'.od Ba.Y------·----------------- --------------------- _ &7 CenterYille Harbor--------------------------------------- BO Great Fla ts _______ ·-- __ -------- ------ --------------------------- 99 Chatham Roads and Stage Harbor----- __ ------------------ 76 Great Harbor~ Woods Holl _____________________________________ _ 86 94 Cla.l'k CO\"\\:C ------ --- ---- ------------ ---------------------- 61 Great Haste--------------------------------------------------- 31 Coast from Barnstable to WelJfieet ------------------------ Gr(•a.t Hill_________________________________ --------------------- 99 Coa1d from, Capo A.nn to Point .Judith_____________________ _ 9 C(}ftfl;t from. Plym-uuth to Ba.rusta.l)le_______________________ _ G0-61 Great Ledge, Narri:i.gau~tt Bay-------------------------------- 110 GGrreeaatt Ledge~ WNeowodBs elldoflolr_d__H_a_r_b_o_r__--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_ 93 Ledge, 86 Coast H.ace Point to M.onomO:'i'------ ---- -------------- G5-00 Great Miser,- Island------------------------------------------ 28, 211 Coast fron1 Scituate to Plymouth -------------------------- 5G--f)7 Co.hasset H ar~ir____ -------- -------- ------------------ ____ t;reat ~ £>ick ____ ----- ___ -------------------------------· ------- 97 Cotnit Anchorage and Cotuit Bay------------------------- 55 Great Pig Rocks---------------------------------------------- 37 <:nttyh unk Harhor ---------- _____________ -------------- 81 Great Point --------------------------------------------------- 68 Dutch ll!-lantl Harbor------------------------------------- 1{.J() t..11--eat Rip----------------------------------------------------- 67 120 (3reat Rock______ ~-------------------------------------------- 80 P.klg:artown Harbor------------------------------------ 82-83 Great Round Shoal ------------------------------------------ 66 81-82 Green Harbor PoinL----------------------------------------- 66 Falm-0uth Harbor----------------------------------------- 25-26 Glouccster Harbor----~----------------------------------- Green Harbor H.iver------------------------------------------ 66 Greenwich B•y ------- ----------------------------- ------ 118 Green Island ________ ------------------------------------------ 41 Hingham Bay __________________ ------ __ ----------------- 52 Grt:-eu\"·iclJ. Bay---------------------------------------------- 118-119 1-Iyn.nnis Harbor ---- ---------------------- ---- ------------ 79 Lynn Harbor-------------------------- --- ---- ------------ 31> Greenwich Cove------------------------------------------------ 118 Manehe~tc-r Ba.rbcr----------------------------- ---------- Marble-h e&d Ha.rbor________ - ________ .. _ --- ____ ---- ---- ___ _ 28 Grover Cliff---------------------------------------------------- 39 35 :Mauacbn~etts Bay-------------~-------------------------- 24 Gull Ie1a.nd, Bnz7.ards Bay -------------------------------------- 100 96 Gull Rock• ------- ___ ---------------------------- --------------- 113 Mattapoisett Harbor ________ ---------------- ---------··-- Gull \"Rocks Lighthouse_------------------------------------ - ---- 16,113 Gurnet Lighthouse __ --------------------------- --------- ________ 10,68 Monomoy Shoa.lR ----------------------------------------- 6fi Gum et Poin·t -------- ____ ---------------- -------------------- 56,68 Mount Hope Bay and Taunton Riv-er-------------------- 113-114- Gurne.t Rock -------------------------------------------------- 59 N,.ha.nt Bay---------------------------------------------- 36-37 H. Nantucket Harbor----------------------------------------- 78 Ni:r.ntueket St•oo.ls______________________________________ 6fJ-68 Half Mile BRoocckk______________-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_- 102 Half Tide .33 Nautueket Sound-------------------------------·-_________ 68-69 _NarraganseU Ba.y-------- -------------------- ____ -------- 104-100 Halfway Rock, Narragansett Ba.Y------------------------------- 108 Ne110neet River___ -- ---- -------------------- -------------- &ol:~-51 Halfw&y Book, Salem Harbor--------------------------------- 31 New Bedford Harbor---------------------------------- 00-91 Ballets Rock ___ ------ ____ ------------------------------------- 74 Ne,vport If&rbor------------------------------------- 110-111 Bn.ndkerc:hie.-f Light-Temsel _----------------------------- ---------- 12 Handkerchief Shoal------------------------------------------- 72 Plymouth II.arbor ---------------------------------- 07-58 PoC&JiQet Harbor------------------------------ __ -------- \"99 Hangi:n.ans blaadR ____ --------------------------------------- 51 Providence, River .. --------------------------------------- 117 Harbor Regulations,. aee Genera.l .De8crlption8 and Append.ix 14 llardy Rock Sllool ______________________________________________ PPOvinoetqwo Ha.rbor_____________________________________ 6.\"'l-&l 81 Quicks Hole---------------------------------------------- 88 HH aa rr dd iynIgl oLoekdsg-e-,-B- -o-a-t --o-n-E- -n·t-r-a-n-c-e-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_- 31 Quiucy Bay ____ ------------------------·----------------- 51 46 Robi\"\"\"ns H<>l<>--------- --------------··---------------- 88 Harry Rock• ------------------ ------- ------------- _---------- M Harwich Fla..__________ ----------------------- - ___ -·- __ - ----- Sak.onnet B.tver---------------------------------------- 102-IQ3 77 Sat-0m Ha.rbor -·--------------------------~---------------- 29-30 HB.&te Roc-k ___________ ----------------- ----------- ------------ 31 Scit'!ate Harl>or ----------------------------------- 00·.56 Ha.Bte Shoa.l ----------------------------- ----------------------- 31 Hatsett ll<x:k --------------------------------------------------- 83 Sippiaa.n Harbor--------------------------------- 97 73 Hawes Sboal ---------------------------------------------- 73 T&rl\"\"'lin Cove_-------------------------------------- 87 Hedge Fen-c-e --------------------------------------------------- 90 Ben and Chicker•s ________ -------- ___ -------- ----------- - ---- \\ .. ineya.rd Haven ____ ·--- ...----------------------------- M Vi-yard Sound ---------------------------------------- 69-70 Warelu>.m River------------------------------------------ 98 Beu rtetta Retek_______ -·--- ___ ------------------------------------- 92 Herring CovB ______________ ------- ----- .. - ------- ------------- 63 Warren· fti-ve:r ---- ------------------------------------ 116 61-62 HHiigghh HHiillll,.PSoaikn-to_n_n_e_t -R__iv_--e-r___-_-_- _-_-_··_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-__-_-..-,._-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__--_ 103, l.-Ot We!Hleet H.e.rbor -------------------------------------- 103 101 W 9tp<>rt Harbor ------------- ----------------- 53 High Pine Ledge---------·---------------------------------- 6ll Weyirumtb - River --·----------------------- wWiCe ykm:foorudt hBFa robr eo rR_ _l_v_e_r_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-; _-_-__-_-__-_-__-_-__-_-_ ll2-M Hingham !lay -------------~-· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 119 Hingham Harbor--------------------------------------- W-OOlhl Holl ---------·-.-------------------·---·---- 1!15-86 Hodges-------------------

iV iNDEX. H. l'agt>. L. Page. 108 52 Hog INland~ Eristol Ha.rbor------------------------------------- 100 J,fttle Hog Island_____________________________________ ---------- 98 Hog Iala.nd Harbor-------------------------------------------- 108 37 Hog Island Shoal------------------------------------------------ 110 IJittle Isla.ad______ ---------------------------· --- --------------- :J7 Ho1.e Island _______ \" _________ ----------------------------------- 73 Little Nahant ---------------------------------------------- ---- 3'7 Bori;1t-s:h11-fi Shoa.L_______________________________________________ Little Nahnnt Beach ____ ------------------------------------ ____ Little Nahant Point________________ -----------------___ H1ll'lpitRl Po-int Lighthouse --------------------------------------10, 29, 30 Little Round Shoal ----------------------------------------- ____ (i6 Hospital Sl•oa.1 --------------------------------- ------------------ .r~o 1 I,ohKter Rocks------------------------------------------------ !-35 2H H ougb Neck________________________ ---------------------------- ftl]oner, The --------- --------- _------------------------------ 88 Honse Island--------------------- ______ ------------------------ 2R Lone .Jtock, Bay-------------------··------------------~ 87 I.louse I~edge ______ ____ _ -------------------------- ------------- _ 31 Lone Rock .Pa~e --------------------------- ----------- !18 1-1(1'\" l tnrl 1,edge___________________________________ --------- ----- .&~ Long Beach --------------------------·------------ -·- ____ ____ ____ Hull, Town of-------------------------------------------------- i\"i2 l..inng lf'jand --· ... - --------------------------------------------- 41 H unt Ledge -------------- -B--ay--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 41 Lung Island Head---------------------------------------------- 41 H uuts Ledge, Narraganst~tt 110 Long I~dand H(\"ad Light.l1ou8e___________________________________ 10.41 liur5cll R~H·k-------------------------------- ______ , ------------ 9:2. Lonp; })oint________________________ ---- ---------------- -------- 119 OG Huseiey Rock----·------------------------------------------------ 7fJ-.SO Long Puint Bo.r__ ----------- ------ -------------------- ____ ------ {j[J Hy[l.nnis Ha.rhor -------------- _____ --------------- ____ ---------- 7\\J Hyan ni\"B Port_------------------------------------------------ 79 Loug Point Lighthouse ------------------- ---------·--·---··------- lV,63 H;'1:1.nn ls, Town of---------------------------------------------- H J,owdl JE.:land ---------------------------------- 41 Ilydro~ra.phic Otnc-e, Branch-----------------------------------_ 47 Lo\"\\\\'(•r Miclr}lP, -------- -------------------- __ ---------- ---- ------ H I. I ,ui.:as ~hoal ----- ----- ------------ ____________.;.. ________________ _ 102 Ice~ Lu1nOOr Bock ---- -----------· ---- ---- -------------------- ------ 37 J_,_,·nn B(:o.cb -------------------- -------------------- ____________ n~t.•111 Harl10T ------------------- ------------------------ H 38, \"39 Lynn, City of--------------------------------------------------- 39-40 B11z7.ardl'I Ilft.y ---------- ---------------------------------- 8~ L~·nn Harbor__________ ------------ ______ _ Ca..r.e Cod Bay--------------------------------------------- l\\1. Edgu.rtown Harbor-----------------------·_ Mackerel CO\"\\'tJ. ---------------- ____ -------------------- -------- 106 Gloucester IIarbor ____ ------------------------------------ ::a.-1 affitt L..:dge _------------------ -------------- ____ ---- ---------- 4~ Oho.noel, Nantucket Sound----------------· ______ _ m~ Ma.rble1:tead Harbor------------------------------------ --- :\\fa.1u·hester IIarbor -------------- ________ ---- __________________ 28 Nautu(\"kut and Viney~nl Hound~--------------------------- 70 M\"a.m~l1eider. Village oL--------------------------------- -------- 2H Narra,g-a.nsett Bay---------------------------------------.. 10.')--106 N.Pw Bffiford Ha.rbcir____________ ---------- ---- -------- ___ _ 8~ l\\:tanon1et IIill ____ --------------------------------------------- .08~GO Man-omet I)oint______________________ ------------------- ________ _ Plymouth Harb-or---------------------------------------- 58 Marblehead Beach ____ ---------------- ___ ------ ----- ---- _·----- 6V Provincetuwn n~rbor--------- -------------- ------------- 64 3&,:n Salem Harl)or _ ------------------------------------------- 3fJ Ma.rLlehead !!arbor ---- --------- ----------- ----------------- ___ 3.U-:16 8.<~itnate Jfarhor ____ ---------------·---------------------- 56 l\\Iarblebea.d Lighthouse_________________ _____________ _ 10t35 ~1arblehPa.d Neck _________________.----------------------------- Vineyard Ba.Yen ______ ---- __ ---------- - --- ------------ ___ _ ~4 29 Weymouth Fore River____ ---------------------------- ___ _ 5:1 Ma:rblel1ead l\"oint ---- -------------------------- -------- ------ 3t1 WoOJls Holl ------------------------ ________ \"____________ _ 8tl ;\\la.rbll'h ead llo-ck--------------- ------------ ----- _---- ----- _____ 33 In{lian Hill____________ ----------------------------------------- 00 Jllarblohcad, T\"wn oL---------------------------------------- 35 1 Tie z Rock______________ ---- -- ___ -~----- - ---- __ --- _----- ____ ---- 94 ~larine Hospital------------------ ______ -------------------____ 4~ In n-f'r Breake-r-R ··-------- ---- ------------ -------- -·----------- ·---- 31 Ma.riue H08pltal Regulations------------------------------ Appendi.a: III lo:! IHlar1tl Rocks------------------------------------------------- Marina Railway, ~u .Repair\" under Geueral DetiCriptions. J. Mo.rtb8'! Viney...-d ---------------·---------·--------------· ------ 69 Hartin Ledge -------------------------------- ------------------ 45 .Jam€& L~dg:e ------------ ---- --------------------------- ------ 110, 120 Martin Rock--------------------------------------------------- 32 Ma.ry ·An11 Rocks_____________________________________________ _ &9 Jamestown, oC---------------- ---------------------- ---- 1CJ7 MassaebusettB D&y----------- ---------- --------- ________________ H Joe Bew-:-h Letlg(>\" ----------------------------------- --------. ___ 40 Matta.poi~~tt Harbor___________________ ----- _____________ ------ _ 00-97 .Joe Burri& Ledge----------------------------------------------- IU'l Mattapoisett Ledge------------------------------------------- 97 Mattapoisett N eek____________ --------------- _____ -----------_ John Ledge---------------------------------------·------------ 31 9G Mattapoisett, Village o-f-------------------------------------- U6 Jonell Ledge------------------------------------_--------------- 109 Mayo Lighthouse------------------------------------- 10,62 McBlair Shoal_________________________ --.-------- ___________ _ 67 Jo-ne~ River--------------------------- ________ --------------- 58 104 Mccurry Point-------------------------------- _____ ------------ 104 K. McCnrry Point Shoa'------------------------- _---------- ------ 41 Medford_______________________ --------------- - - -- - - ·- -- --· ---- - llay--- ----------------------------------------- ---- 69,82 32 Kelp Ledge ,-------------- ------------------ ---------------- 47 Mid-channel Rock-------------------------------------------- Kettl<> Bottom :Rock---------·--------------------------------- 31 107 M.iddle Breakon--------------------------------------------- 40 Kettle blwd_ --- --------. --- ----------------------------- ---- ZB 77 Mltliiddddllee GBrreowuen.dte, rB--o-s-t-o-n-H~-a-r-O-O--r _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ __ 48 Klll Pond Bar ----------------------------------------------- 5688 38 Kiddle Ground, Nahaat____ ---- ---- ----------------- ----------- 33 KIDgoton BVailyla-g-e-o--f_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_·-_-.,.-_-__- ):Hfiiddddllee,., SV.linemeyaBrdarbSoour o-d-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-.-.-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 74 Ki~ton, Sl Middle Ledge, Centerville HiArbor______________________________ •1K Koepp Ro<Ok---------------- --------------------------- 33 119 Middle I..edg<>, N<!W Bedford Harbor·---------------------------- 83 L. Xill Cove------------------------------------------------ 30 lllill Rock ________ ------------------------------------------ Landing Rock------------------------------------- 97 10,M Milton _____ -----·------------------------------------------ 31 L&8tJnf! Ledge --------------- ...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 llliuots Ledge LigbtbouH----------------------- _------------- .. 31 79 Ml..,ry Ledg~ ---------------------·------- ----· --------------- 90 ~~;!,t'!}i:;;Sh~l========================================= 75 ·Misery ShoaL----------------- ---- ·---· ------------ ---------- lla Misbaum L<>dge ---------------- ---------- ----·--------~---- __ BS Lieutenant Island B&r----------------------------------------- 63 Mitchell lwcli:____ ---------- .. ____ ------ ___ . ------------------ 66 ll7 Llfe-Saving Stations : 21 Monohanoett R<>ck-------------------------------------------- 00 :M&818&CbusettB Humane Society, Table of_ _________________ l!lonomoy Island ------------- ---------·----------- ------- 12,116 Be:ferelice to inst:TU.ctione-____ ~--· ------------------- 20 f,111 United States. Table oL---------------------------~---­ 20 lM!l-ooDn<»> Jl9 Ill! Lighthou\"8 Diatrlcla, Seoond a.nd Thlrd------~----------- 10:-11 Honomoy P-0itlt Llgbtbo...., ------------------------- Lighthou8\" bland_____________________________________ 40 Hon-0m0y ShoaU. ------------------------------------ u M.oaome11t Bive.r.... ___ --------------------·------._..;.,. ____ _ Lighth.,,._ T&bl& <>'------------------------------------ 10-17 H,111 11...bert.ed.., ---·----------------------------------- Llm\" Rock Lighth<i\"\"\"--------------------------~---- JIOl!hore Pomt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - LLiittttllee CBairldf Ibsllaandn_d_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_ 99, 41 Little Egg Rook-------------------------------,------ 23 LLilWtdee FHaau:tnboBr,aTW-o-od-a-R--o-ll-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-__-_-- liO l!l> LUtle HMW-------------------------- 31

INDEX. v M. iPage. i P. Mount Hope BaY-------------------------------------- _______ _ 11&-114 Pat:kflt R.oc-k ------------------- ------------------------------- Page. 92 MoUJJ.t Hope Point_________________ .. ____ -------------------- __ _ 114 ! Pa.cket Rock Ledge ------------------------------------ -------- 92 95 Mount Tom Rnck________ ----------·- --·-- _____ -------------- ---- _ 108 Padanaram Harbor-------- _____ -------------------------------- 14,90 Muscle Bank______ ---- ____ ----------------------------- - ---- - - 60 1 Palmer Island I,ighthouse ------------------------------------ M Muscle Bed Shoat Ligbthouse----------------------------------- lU~ 114 Palmer Island Shoal---------·-----------------------------_ __ M uskeget Channel_------------------- ____ ------------ ____ ------ 102 M ttsk€get Island _______________________________ -------- ________ !6~' PaJm(•r L(>idge ------------- ----------- -------------------------- 25 87 Mp1tic River ________ ----------------________ _ ________ _ 68 J>ancak'~ Ground ____________ --------------------------------- 69 41 l'a.rk.ers Fla.ts_------------------------------------------------- 117 117 ; Pa.f;.Q_ne Island ---------------------------------- -------------- N. i I•a:wt·ucket River, se~. Seekonk River~ ~ · Pawtux(•t, City .of-------·------------------------------·-~ 110 101 K a11ant ----------· ------------- ------------------- ------------ 37 , I ..n.v.·tuckPit., Towa c•f\" ------------------------------------------- 100 Nahant l~ay ---------------- ---------------- _--------------- ___ _ NG.ban t Beacl1 ____ ------------ _____ ------------------ ___________ :-\\7 ; Peak-f'-tl Hill Bar------------ ______ ------------------------------ 67 37 Na.ha11t 1£R.rhor. _______ -------------------- --------------------- 37 ' Pearce Rock ____ ------------------------------------------------ 93 37 I,eOJ1;e Lcdgt·-------------------- ---- ------------ ·--------------- 28 Nan tasket Be<t.i.:..Jt ____ ---- ----------- _-------------------------- 56 I>enikcF.e Island____________ ------------------------------------- M 52 I•hel JjS .lJatlk ----------------------------------- ------------- __ 28 Nanta.-.ket Gut ________ -------------- ---- ------------------ ----- 4U Phil lips Be.a.C\"b ____ ____ ________ _ ___ ___ ·-------- ----------------- !\\antMket JfiHt-i ____ ---- ____ -------- ------------ ---------------- Nanta.sket Pier.. _.. _____ ---------------------------- _______ ------ 53 PhiHitt•y Rock ____________ -------------------------------------- KantncJt.:-et C1iff Range Bea.comL--------------------------------- 12, 78 J•jckettr; LPdg<\"-~------------------------------------------------ No.ntucket IIarVur ______________ ---------------- ____ ------------ 78 ' Pig Rock __________________________ ---------------- ____ --------- N.a.ntucke-t l~hu1ll -------------------- ____ ------------------ ____ 6$ !lilgrirn J...edg•i __ -------------------- ---------------------------- Nantucket Lighthouse _________________________ ------------____ 12, iG8 Pilot 1,awi;; and Regnla.tio119: Nantucket New South Slwu.l Li;ght-vcssel _________________________ 12, 67 1tia-sKH.clim·1eif.I' --------------------------- --------------A11pt\"ndix I Nantucket Shoals____________________ -------------------------- 66-68 Rhode I~laud_____ --------------------- ________________ Ap11.eudix: I Nantucket 8-ouud______________________ ------------- t\\8-69 Pllotag(\", Rat~8 of________ ----------- -------------------------APJ\"(\"ndix I Nantucket, Tow11 of------------------------------------------- 7.~ Pilots, ~.P,e G(·nt\"rnl Hescriptions. Narraga1a;;e(t Bay------------------------------------------·---- 104-11() Plant~·rs Hill _____________ ---------------------- _______________ _ KarragR.nsett Pier---------------------------------------------- 10-t. Plnm Beaeh 8bou.L _ --------------------------------- 110 K arrow!:'. I..igh thou;;;e ______ -------------------------- ____________ 10, 41 J>lymouth 13.ay ---------------- ------------ ---------- ------------ GO ~ ash-a.wena. 18land ________________________________________ {;9 , Pl~-mouth Harbor---------------------------------------------- 57-60 .KROh Roek ________ --------------------- _------------------- __ _ 47 Plymouth Inner Harbor------------------------------------- fi\"fi.~ Nauset BeaC\"h _________ ·--------- ____ -------------------- ________ _ 65 Pl~rn1,~uth, Tov.~u -of____________ ------ _______________ .. __________ BPa~h J.. ighthouist's ___________________ -------- ____ ------ 12~ 65 J•o..~..a.\"'16...~t Harhor _--------------- _ ---------------- ---- _____ ______ .9<J-100 Nauiset. ll~rbor -------------------- ----------------------------- 65 Polnt Allert-on ____________ -------------- ____ -------- 40 Nanslion lslu.1id ---- ---- ____ ---- -------------- ___ -------- ------ Navy Ya.rd~ Hosto11 ---- ----------------------------------------- fiY Point A11Prtou Har--------------------------------------------- 45 Naya.t Pnint -------------- _________ ______ ___ _ _ _______________ _ 41 Point Ga1nmon ----------- ____ -----------·------ ---------------- 7g; 108 Polnt Judjth Llg-htho11&1.·---------------------------------------- 16-i 105 Ned. Point Lighthonsf'! ____ ------------ ____ -------------- ---- ___ _ 14, !l6 Point of PinC\"-s ____________ -------------------------- ------------ 38 Nffi Point ShuaJ ____ ------------ ------------ -------------------- 97 I•oint Shir]e~- -------------------- -------------- ---------- ----·-- 39 N eponef\"t ________ ------------------ --------- -------- ____ -------- 41 Point ------------ ______ --------------------------------- 110 N~\"',Pl)D&ct Riv-er ________ ------------- ____ --------~-------------- 60--01 Polhwk Rip . --------- ---- ---------------------- ---------------- G6 N-ew Bodford., City of______________ ---------------·------------- 00 Itol1ock Rip Slue ______________________________ ------------------ 67 New Bedfont Harbor___________________________________ .. _______ 90-94 P~lpo.Aq_na-..11 N eek ________________ ----------_------------------ 114 N.ewport, City of__________________ ----------------------------- 111 PoiuL_______ ---- ----------- ----------------------- 115 Newpo1·t Barbor----------------------------------------------- ll0-113 Popw;qnash Point 8110RL ______ --------- --·-- __ ___ ---------- _ 108, 116 N<>wport Harbor (Goat Island) Lighthouse _________ -------------- 14, 111 Pope liPBd Sh0&L ---------- _____ ------------------------------- :16 Now Shoal ---------------------- ---------- __________ ---------- _ 82 PolJlRr p._1iut ------- ----·--- ----------- _------------------------ 119 Newton R-oc,k ______________ ---- __________ ---- ____________ ------ _ 1013 Powdrr l\"oint _________ ---- ____ ------- __ ----- ---------------- ---·-- 51 Nix M.a.te ---·------------------------------------- ----- ____ -·--- 47 Pr iuce Head ______________ ----------------. ~-------------------- 117 Noddle Isll>nd ____________________ .. -------------------- ________ 41 Proctor Point._____ --------- ____ ------------------------------ ___ Noddle Is.tant1 :F1a.ts_____________________________________ -------- 48 l'rovidenc(·. City of----------------·------------ -------------- No Mani!'! land------------------------------------------------- GH l'r-ovidf:.•n('(\" River ----------------------------------------- 117-118 Nona.me93Ct )l!l}and ________ ----- _---- _----- ____ ------ _----- _____ _ Nontuneeeet Shoal -~------------- -------------- __________ _ G9 Prnvinct'tuwu Hn.rLor-~-- -------------------------------------- f.l3--0r. Nfl•rman Woe_______ ------------·· ______________________________ _ 1 Norman. W-t.1t:l Cov(1 ___________________ ------------- --------- __ 81 Proviuc\"'-·town, Towu of____ ----------------------------------- u;1 N-0rmau \\\\~oe Bock-------------------------- ... ----------------- 25 Prmlt>DC\"·H hl.u.mL----------------------~ ---- -------------------- 104-lJ'5 North Channel, Nantuckiet Sound --------------- --------------- 27 Pnnl(•UC\"t' I~ighthou;f;:e ------------------------------------ Hi, 101 North Go\"'8tberry Island____ -------------------~---------------- North Ledge--------------- __________ -------------------------- Q. North Pocauet, Village or_ _________________________ ------------- 29 , QuanH1ni~t llnrhor ____________________________________________ 100 North IUver, Beverly Harbor----------------------------------- 92 Quara.ntint• AnchQTage::s, Me GeueraJ Des-c1·-iJ:,tion.s. North River or M:ll.r!!hfield Harbor------------------------------- North !lalem ------------ ---- ______ ---------- __________ -------- _ 99 ' Quarantine La,.,.--s aud Regll1at1onfl.: Nut Island------------------~------------·-------------------­ 34 ' Boston HarOOr -------------- ·----------·-·------------- ~3 Nye Ledge-------------------------------------·--------------- oo\"'l.Chusetts ____ . - -----------------------------------AJ•pendix I Ny<!& Neck -----------------c------------- ----- --------------· 34 NeW' 13-edford ____ -------------- -------- --------------- ---- 91 01 Newport ---- --..,---- ---- ---------- ---- --------- _---- ____ A ppe11di:x I 97 Pro·yidtmce ---- ---------------- ---------------- _______Appendix I !!!l Rbo<l-e lHl&nd ______ ------------------------------------Appendix I Ql.l.a.r&ntiue-, National---------· ____________________________ AppP.od:tx IJJ 0. Qnicke Hole-~-------------------------------------------------- ~ Ohio I.edge___________ ------------------- -- --- -- ---------------- Quiu-ey------ _____ ------- ------ ------------- ____ ------ ---------- 51~ 02 Old Bartl.,my ------------------------------------------------ Old Bull Rock•------------------------------------------------ 10!< Quln~y Bay --------------------------------------------------- 61 fil Old Cook-------------------------- .__ .... ______ ·-· ··------ ------- !12 Quincy Great Bill--------------------------------------------- 103 Qunusct Point-------------------------------------------------- 110.11-g Old. Man Shoo.I -------- ----------------------- ---------------- 90 (Juonset Point Shoat______________________ ---------------------- 110 OOOnlldd...&W,. nBathrawyRih-co-ek-.I°-\"---\"--\"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67 OM.ervill~, VU.lag..e 01---------------------------------------- 67 R. O0uatteerr \"uB.r..e.awka.etnesr._M_.e_S_o_n_t_h_B_liU_il_t B_r_ea_lu_._!n_i._~____________________ _ 118 RBe-e Po-int---------------------------------------------------- 90 Ra.<:e P-0-iut Ligbthou&e--------------------------------------- Onter llfhwt.---------------------------------------- 81 =,!\"'.'.~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::-_::::::::::~:::::::::: \"R&m I111la.11tl. near Nahant B&Y------------------------------ Jl&m bland, Bippican B&rbor--------------------------

VI INDEX. R. Page. I S. Page. EI8ailin!~!~1:E:~~~=~~~~======~~======================~==== Red Brook Harbor--------------------------------------------- 97-98 Red Ledge______ - - - - --------- -------.--------------------------- 87 8li R-e vere Beach -------------------------------------------------- RibOOn Reef__________ ----_---------_--------------------------- Ricketso-ns Polnt ------------ ---- ---- - ------------ ··------------- 95 Vineyard Sound-------------------·----------------------- 73-7-> Ridge, The__________ ------------------------------------------- 65 -Wareham River------------------------------------------ 9S-99 Ro.a.ring Bull, Salem Entmnce----------------------------------- 33 Warr<Jn River-------------------------------------------- 116 I~ring .Hulls, Boston Entrance _________________________________ \"\"\" Wellfleet Harbor--------------------,------------------.--- 62-63 RobinS<>ns. Hole_____ -------------- - ---- ------ ---- ---- ----------- 88 Westport Harbor --------------------------------------L- 101-10\"..t Ib.JCky PDint______ - ------------ ------------------·- - - ------------- 59 Wickford Harbor-· ____ ------------------------ ____________ 119--120 Rodgers Shoal--------------------------------·----------------- 77 ; Wood• Holl ---· ----- ----------- ------------------------- 86-87 Ros-0 and Crown------------------------------------------------- C7 Sailors Snug Harbor------------------------------------------- 52 RoSP Isla.pd -------------------------- ---- ------------ ---------- 113 ' Sakonnet Lighthouse___________________________________________ 14-, 102 Rose Island Ligbtliouse ------------------------------- ---------- Rose Island North Shoal---------------------------------------- 16~ 113 Sakonnet River------------------------------·------------------- ltJ-2.-104 Rt•u nd Rock Shoal ________________________ ---------- _____ -------- 108 Salem, City of----------------------··-------------------------- ~9 26 Salem Harbor-------------------------------------------------- 29-34: l°'umetick Ledge----------------------------------- __ ----------- 117 Sally Rock_--------------------------------------------------- 119 Rumstick Neck------------------------------------------------ - 116 Salter Point Ledge---------------------------------------------- 93 Rums• ic:k Rook_____ ----------------------------------------- 116 Salt R<>ek ---------------------------------------------------- 28 Rumstick Shoal - --------------------------------- ---- ---------- 38 11& Sammy Rock--------------------------------·------------------ 8. 12,68 Sankaty Head Lighth.ouse_____ ------------------------- ________ 110 Sand Point, NABr Warwick Lightl.100-se__________________, ________ Sabine Poiu t Lighthouse----------------------------------- __ ---- 16, 11';' Sand Point, Prude:nue Is1a.nd ------------------------------------ 107 Sachueet Pci11t---------------------------- ---------- -- --- -- ----- 103 Sand Spit, The••••---------------------------------------------- 93 Sagamore Head_______ --- ------ ----- ------------ ---- ___ --- _----- 55 Sn.ndwit·h Harbor___________ ------------------------------------ 60 Sailing Directions~ Sandwi-ch, ·i.ri llage of_______________ ----------------------------- 00 Apponagaaset Bay_------------------------- _____________ _ \"95-96 Sa.ndy N eek ____ -------- _----- ------------ ----------------------- 61 Barnstable HarOOr------------------------ ----- ___________ t!l Sandy Neck Lighthou8e _________________ _ 10,61 Bel·erl:y llarbor -------- ___ ---- ______ ------------ -------- 34-35 Sandy Point, Sri.konnet River----------------------------------- 103 Bostou Harbor: Saquish H ea.d ------------ ----------------- --------------- ____ _ 60 .Hntering by Broad Sound, NortJi Channel ------------- 4~J-5Q Sa.quish Heo.d Rock __ \"'=' ________ ---------------------------------- 60 Entering by Broad Souud1 South ChanneL_______ ------ 49 Sft.l{nish x~ck_ ---- _,...-.:._ ---- - --------------- ---- ------------------ 58 Ente.ring b-}.,.. Ship Channel ______ ---------------- 45-47 60 From Main Chaunel tu Road.Pi_______________ Saquioi:ll Poiat .Shot:i:l··---- _______ --------------------- ------------ 32 DO Sa.tan ltfx·k _____ --~------- _________ ---------- _________ ---------- From Nautwket Roads to Presidf'nt &ads_____________ 00 8auga. Point ____ ------------ --------------- _------- _---------- 119 Through Go'io·ernora Island Cha.noel------------------- 48 Saugus lli,.-er---------------- ___ ---------------- ----- ----------- 39 28 Bristol Harbnr-------------------------------------------- 116-llG Saul is Rock _----------- ---------------------------------------- F,5-56 Scituate Harbor --------------- ---- ---- -------- ---------------- Bu%zards Bay __ ------------------------------------------- 89-90 Scituate, Town of_____________ --------------------------------- 56 CenterviJle Harbor____ ·----··--------------_ 80-81 Cba.tharn Roads------------------------------------------ 76-7'1 Scorton Neck _______ .----- ------ ---- ------------------------- 61 Cl..rk Cove---------------------------------------------- 94-96 Scraggy ~eek. -------- ------- ---- ------------------------------ 100 CoBBling between Cape ADn and Point Judith______________ 22-24 55 Seu 11:1-in Ledge _____ ------------ _---- ------------------ --------- _ 00 Cotuit Anchorage__________ ---------~-------------------- 81 Sc\\l.l!l!et Beach ---- -------------- ---- --------------------------- 103 Cuttyhunk Harbor______ --- -------- __ ----------- ---- ------ 100-101 Schuyler Ledge_______________ --------------------------------- T~land .HarboL ____ ------·- ---·· _ -·--- ------ 120 Sea1 Ledge ------- ____ --------------- -------------- ---- ---- ---- 106 Edgartuu Ha:rbor __________:_______________________________ 83-84 Seal Rock _______________ ·-------------------------------------- 106 Fa.lrnouth Ill\\Tlt0r____•_____ - ---------- __ --------------- ---- 82 Rear1e Rock ------------------------- __ ------------- ____ -------- 31 Gloucester JJarb-or --------------------- ----- -------------- 21'~27 Seekonk River----------------------------------------------- 117 Greenwicb Bay-----_------------------------------------- 118-119 Senator Shoa.l ------------------------------------ --------- 74 Hingham Bay-------------------------------------------- t>3->5 Seveuty-four Bar-------------------- ------------- .. ----------· 47 Hyannis HaFOOr--------- -------------- ------------------- 79-80 Shag Rocks, Booton Entrance---------------------------------- 46 Lynn Ha?bor-------------------------- ------------ _____ _ '19-40 Shag Itocke, Na.hant-------------------------------------------- 38 :M.ancbester Ilarbor____ ---- --------------- ---- ---- _---- __ 2.B Shank Painter Re.r__ ·----------------- ------------ ------------- 65 :Marblchoad Ba.rbor-------------------------------------- -36 Sheep Isla..nd _____ ------------------------------------ -~------- 52 Ma.ttapotsett Harbor______ ------------------------------ 96--97 Shirley Gt1t -------------------------- -------------- ------------ 39 Jd.ouut Hope Bay----------------------------------------- JU Shovelful 8hoa1 _____ ---- ---------------- ------------------------ ... 00 N!tll&nt Il&y-------- .. - --- ---- -- - ----·-·-· -- -- ----- --------- 37-38 Shcrvelful Shoal Light-v\"\"\"\"'-----------------------· ------------ 12, 72: Nantucket and Vin-eya.rd Soundti: Entering through Pollock Rip Slue___________________ _ Sippican Harbor----------------------------------------------- 1J7-'18 71-74 Sippfcan Neck, .see· Great Neck. 97_ Entering through South Cho.noel_____________________ _ 72--74 8ippiea.n, Village of-------------------------------------_------ Passing a.loug the- North Shore------------------------ 74-76 3i•teni, The -------------· ------------------------------------ 108 Na,nt:ucket Harbor______________ -------------- ---------- 78 Skiffs Iola.nd-------------------------. ------------ ---- -------- 69 Na.rra.gans.att Bay: ' Slate Isla.nd ------- ----------~-------- ...---...-----------------·- 62 By the Ea.tern p, ----------------------------- 106-109 ! Slate Ledge---------------------------------- --- ·--- ..--------- 48 By the Western P\"\"\"\"\"!!•------------------------------ 109-110 : Sn1a.lley Bar------------------- _________ ,.··---------------------- ~ Neponset River----------------.. ------------·------------- ol Smith Reef._______..,.____________ ---------------------------- 103 Now Bedford Harbor: Snow Book---------------------------------------------- 97 Entering by th-e Channel_________________________ 1>2 So-m-et'9et, Town of------------.-'.------------------------ 113 Entering toy the Middle Channel ------------------- 92-93 j' S<>nth Boston Flats ----------------------------·----------- 48 116 Entering by t.he Wst Oh&n11el ------------------- - - - -93-94 South Dartmouth, Village. of-------------------...·------------ 31 :=:!~=::~~==:::~~::~:=====~~~~=::::===:= l:~ lr::::::!:~::~~~~~~===================~=====I !ID 37 ProvideDoo :River·--------------------------·------- 117-118 S<mth Gooloeberry Island-------------------------_--------- Provincetown Ha.rbor----------------------------------- 6l-6b SSSS&-oooouuuuutttthhhht~hwllwo'teolrscv-t]eal~-Loa..ek..iSd.nt\"ga, leC''e,\\1hTmBai1lnuBlanz-geuae-J.,rro-dbN-rsoa--Dn-r-t--a-u--cy---k----e----t----S----h----o----a----l-s------_---_---.--., -_----_---_----_----_---_-----_----.-.-.,--_--..-,--.-_-----_----_-----_-----_-----_ 29 117 Qulclul B,-0le______________________________________________ 88 99 81\\konnet River___·---------------·-----------·----------- 103-lM ~ ;;i,.J.,m Ha.rbor: 38 Ent<>ring by the Cat Island Oh&nnel_________________ 31-32 Entering by the Main Channel ---------------\"------- 3(0-31 South Wblte Bock,:___________________,:___________ 100 .1!110 .Rel>f---------------------------------.Entering by the lll:arbl®- Oh&nneL-------------- ~ lllow -Pigs Bnterlng by the SouthObauneL_______________ 83-M Spat W------------------·--·--------·-- 71,!ID hl&ll48...--------------------------8cl- Harbor--------------------'-- M .,.._ie lM u

INDEX. VII s. v. Page. Page.. Spit Ba:r, Me- Brewster Ba.r. : Variation oftheCompus, 'Table of------------------------------ 22 Spring Hill 61 , Vfn~yard Haven---------------------------------------------- 84-85 Squa.m Head________ ----------------------------------- ________ 68 Vin-eye.rd Ha.\".en, Town <>L------------------------------------- 84 Squa.ntum ------- _____ -------------- --·----------------•- ________ 51 : \"'Vineyard Sound ------------------------------------------------ 6£l-70 Meadow ----- ------- -------- ---------------------------- 73 w. Stage Harbor,. ~u Chatham Stage Harbor Lighthouse--------------------------------------- 12,76 Stellwa.gen Dank _____ ------------------- ------------------ ____ _ 24 Wareba.D:l River -------- ---------------- ---- ------------------- 98 98 Ste11wagen Ledges ____ ---------------------------------------- 55 'V.areham, Town of--------------------------------------------- 60 IH3 Stellwa.g('n Itock.______ ------------------ ----------------- ___ ---- r,9 Warren Clove ----- --------- ------------------------------------- 116 St. Patricks Rock______ ---------- ______ ----------------- ---- ---- 113 \"-'arreu Ri\\fer ________ ---- ________ ------------------------------ &fl Warren, Town of________________________________________________ St-one Horsfli Rocks ___________ . _______ ----------. ___________ _ 59 1 69 iZ Stone Horse Shoal---------------------------------------------- W as.que Point ___________ --------------------------------- _____ _ 25 Strawberry Hill----------------------------------------------- 53 8tra\\\\o-00rry· P-oint _____ -------------- ------------------- ___ ---- 40.55 ''-ra.sqne ShQa.l -------------------------------------------· ------ 61-63 Sturgeon Fla.ts _____ ---- _--------- ---- ______ -------- ___________ _ 55 'Vatertown, Town of____________ -------------------------------- 62 83 Webbers llock---------------------------- ---- ------------~----- 99 Succonesset Sh. oal _______ ---------- --------------------- _____ ---- 69,84 75 Wier Ri'\\· er__ --------------------------------_ --- _____ ------ ____ _ H,84 Succnne.sset Shoal Ligllt-vess.el ---------------------------------- 25 Sunken J.Jedge, Hingham :Bay----------------------------------- 12 : \"\\\\TeUfteet Ha.rhor --------------------------------------------- 105 Sunken. Ledge, Matta.poi.sett Harbor __ --------------------------- 5.15 We11fteet, Town of_ ________________________________ ------------- Sttp}Jlies, 8ee General Descriptions. 9'7 : Wenaun1et !':;'eek _______________________________________________ Swampscott, oL------------------ _------------------ ---- : ·~rest Chop______ ------------------------------------------------ T. West Ch op Ligh thom~e ___ ----------------- ----- ------------- ---- i 'Veistern Harbor______________ ---------------------------------- Vii·estern Pa~ttge, The ________ ---~-------------------------------- Tarpaulin Cove _---------- ,. ________________ ------------------ 87 West l@ifand I.edgP. ____ ~-- ------------------- ---------------- _____ 92 Tarpylin Cove Lighthouse______________________________________ 14, 87 \\\\'eistport Ha.1·lJur ----------------------------------- ------------ 101-102 Taunton, City of------------------------------------------------ 113 Vlestport Point~ Villn.g<· ot ----------------- ---- ------------------ 101 Taunton River________________ ------------------------------------ 113-l 14 'Vc.stport Riv..;-r _------------------------------------------------ 101 \".l'autog L-edge ____ ---------------- -------- -·--------------------- 46 ''Veweantic Uh·-er Flats------------------------------------------ 99 Tt-mp-es Nob____________________________________________________ 99 Weymouth Baek River ----------------------------------------- 53 Tenpouml l&hmd -------------------------- 25 \"'cym-outh ll'ure Ri \\.'er_________ --------------------------------- 52-53 Tenpourni Island I.iedge____________________ -------------- ______ _ \"\"t•ymout.h 1.-l.utling -------------- ----------------- __ ----------- 52 27 W1ia1t:h~-ek, Manchester Harbor--------------------------------- 28 Tenpoun<I lslttnd Lighthouse ____ -------------------------------- 10, 2:-) The Spectacle, .flee Spectaclo lslan<lf'i. '\\\\,.1al-r• Rock, Cuttyhunk Harbor ------------------ -------------- 101 'rhi'l?ves Le<lge __________________________________________________ 16 \\\\7httl£' Rcx-•k Lighthouse __________________________________.______ 100l~, Thompson lsland____ ------------------------------------------- 41 \\Vhale Rock, :Sn.rrB.gansett Bay____________ ------------.---------- 109 Three am:l On~-half J'atbom Ledge ___________ . _·----- ·------------ 5-5 45 \\\\\\\\''1'h1iatreveI8le1a~d-_e_G__-e_a_c_r_a_J_D_e_~_c_r_j_p_t_i_on_e_._______________________________ Tidal Cnrrents, MC Currents. Tides: White Rock--------------------------------------------------- 94 Reference to T&bles published by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (footnote) ______ _. ____________ ---------- _________ _ '\\\\\"i ckford Co-ve_---- ----------- ---------------- ---------- -------- 119 22 '\\Yickford Harbor____ -------------------------------------- 119-1-20 Table of Stations between Cape Ann and Point Judith _____ _ &.e, also General Descriptions. 22 \\\\\"ickford Harbor Lighthouse__________________ ------------------ 16. 119 Tide- Tables, Ag~ncies for-sale of_________________________________ _ Tim~ Ba.l l ____ -------- ___ --------- ------- ______________________ _ Wkkf(_Jnl, Tliwn of--------------------------------------------- ]19 Tinker Island ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------ ___ _ VII Wild Gvoae PoinL-------------------------------------------- IHI Tiverton Four Cornl!rs ------------------------------------------ 111 Wild Barbor-------------------------------------------------- 100 Tiverton Stonl! :Bridge ____ -------------------------------------- Tom Moore Rock ______________________________________________ _ 33 '\\\\,..i!ke-s Ledgoe ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- - ------- ----------------- 00 102 w-iudmilI Point_------------------------------------------------ 52 TowbORts~ Bt3e General Descri11tions. 102 Wings Cove ~\"'lats._____________________ -------------------------- 99 Town Beach____ ------------------------------------------- ____ _ Town River ------------------------------------ ------------ __ 33 Vr\"ingf Neckl see \\Yeuaumet Neck. 'l'own Ri-v.;:-r Ba.y ____ ----------------------· -------------------- Tra.eey L<tdge ------------------------------------------------- Wind Signalf! U.S. Weather Bureau: Tuckernuek Shoal ------------ -------- ------------------- ____ _ Two Mile Ledge---------------------------------------------- 00 Table of Stations_--------------------------------------- 2() Two Mile Rock-------------------------------------------- ____ _ 52 Use o.nd meaning of --------------------------------Appendix II u. 52 V\\tintllrop lfead _______ ---------------- -------------- ----- _____ __ 39 113 \\\\-nod End J,ighthouge ____________ ------------------------------ 10~ ('\"3 08 \\Voud~ Holl ---- ---- ----------------------------------:---------- 8fi--8i 102 World End ----------------------- ------------------------------ 63 102 Wreck Rock---------------------------------------------------- b5 Wreck Shoal --~------------------------------------------------ 75 Uneaten.a. llllland ---------------------------------------------- 69 Y. 116 Uaber BCo<v>e _c__k_•_-_--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116 Ya.rmouth Port____________________________ -------------------- 61 Usher 61 U. S. Navy Yard------------------------------------------- 102 41 YYao.ur mn go uCt ho,c kT_o_w_n_ _o_f_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- _- _- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- _- _- -_-_-_-_- U. S~ Torpedo Sta.tion---------------------------------------- lU

Addi i.,ional inforr'l8.tion and chan~r.s sinae su.r1plemcnt to Fart III. U.S. Cot:~nt Pilot. FagE TIO (volume).- r lurn ~hoal buoy is now a black bell buoy .. no number...· F:...~:es II9,. 120 (voL1Jne).- red and black 1-:oriz on tally strip ed. spar buoy. f aP:e s I 0 and 47 ( vo 1',l!Tl6) • - A li.c_';hted range li€;ht, Jias been placed at So:.itli Bost.on to guidA vessels through President Roaas f'rom near Nix Mate. The front range lit_:;bt consists of two red lens lanterns, placed T\"\" teet apart horizont.,ally, ana t,he rear light of one lens lantern • .b.i~es bG anu tf7 ( v:olume). - 'fwo heacon li<?;hts have been est.abiishea in \\'Voous Hole: m '~· consists of' a rr.a le:ntern .li~ht placed on t,he spindle on Grassy Island, and the other of two !\"ed lantern lights, one vertically below the otJher,, on the spinale on Middle Ledge. fhis volume has been oorrect,ed t'or 'Lhe more important. imf~\"' ·ation (affect.i~g it) reoeiYed at the ot'f'ice since the date of publication. :.~inor ahanges in b;,,ioyege &c. are not noted.

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