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Home Explore United States Coast Pilot - Atlantic Coast Section B - Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 1950

United States Coast Pilot - Atlantic Coast Section B - Cape Cod to Sandy Hook 1950

Published by R. Holmes, 2022-01-12 01:08:37

Description: United States Coast Pilot contains comprehensive sections on local operational considerations and navigation regulations, with later chapters containing detailed discussions of coastal navigation; an appendix provides information on obtaining additional weather information, communications services, and other data.



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New York, N. Y.-Position: Latitude 40° 'Cl .., Precip ~-----'i-~--'-1~ ! ~_!_~~~1I~1i~l ~1l~~-~ P r e a l \\ n reduced -.... to-level Air temperature(\" F.) (Inches) _ Z' 1 l---,----·l--~---:---Ex---I ~ ~j- Am p a~ ~:a~ .8 Extremes Mean tremes :a (inc 1 t>. ·;~ ~~ ·9~ I ·~~ gI g· I 1l ~::::::::::::: 29. 78 31.01 28.81 80.9 37.4 24.5 68 - 6 69 62 52 3 . 6 6 3 29.69 l l l . 0 0 21UO 81.3 38.4 24.2 73 - 1 4 67 58 69 3.82 8 29.66 81.00 28.38 87. 7 45.4 30.2 84 3 66 59 59 3.64 8 ===:::::~-==::::::: 29.65 80.71 29.08 49.4 S7.2 41.6 91 12 66 69 61 8.28 3 29.64 30.64 29.02 60.6 68.6 52.6 95 77.0 84 67 57 61 3.24 4 80.66 29.34 68.8 81.7 60.6 97 44 70 67 63 3 . 3 3 3 i~::-~::::::-~::=:Junt.------·-·-·-··-···-----· 29.63 80.51 29.86 73.8 66.9 102 64 74 57 64 4.24 8 29.64 29.67 80.45 29.28 78.1 80.1 66.2 102 61 75 66 63 4.33 5 S0.68 28.72 66.8 78.7 69.8 100 89 74 51 63 3 . 3 9 6·_-_·_·_-_·_-_· 29.78 80.72 29.06 66.8 68.7 49.0 27 72 50 62 8.53 9 29. 73 80.82 28.70 44.2 61.0 37.8 90 29.74 75 7 71 68 55 2 . 9 6 3 Deeember......._ . _ , 29.73 30.98 28.78 36.0 41.2 28.8 69 - 1 3 70 60 62 3.62 3 Mean..........._.2s.69 .................... 52.a1so.4l45.o ........ ,........ 10 li7 oo ,............ i::1eiiie:~:.:::: :::::::::: ar:o1 aif\"as :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: 10z-· ·:::14 :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ~2.'.~~ 9 Numberyeanireeord.. 75 74 ~~~I --~~-~ -~4 / 74 _~L~___6_:_j~--~ ~-~--~--~----- ----·--- -- ·------··-- t Mean of 0730 and 1980 eastern atandard time. I Vllibility 1 - than 1,650 feet. • Wlndl ~ 83.9 knot•. •For Owminllte ~od. aee (18'1 Inch anow or 0.005 Inch rain). T~ Tr than 0.05 ·1•. # : C - than M of 1 percent.

°43' N., longitude 74°00' W.-Altitude: 314 feet Percent- Mean number age of pitation of days observa- Wind with- tions with mount I; ; ~ villibillty-i ,. Direction (percent~~:o~· I Speed ches) 0~ 1l ~ ! observations) I (knot$) -·~i~~~ ti~ -1·! ~t ~~~ ~aj ·a ·m E ~~ ]~ !~.~i ~C~~<I ~_:~_~ ~.~ ~.~.2~1~a I ~-~1-I--~-·~i _- ~ :__::__±_ j z ~§ ~ 3.42 7. 7 12 t)9 3 24 7 1 8 91 11 77 3 6 14 20 33211 00 14.6 57W. 8.25 9.6 10 *) 22 6 4 9 87 14 9 10 4 7 12 13 14.8 68 SW. 8.60 5.7 11 92 3.72 1.0 11 6 2 1 16 7 2 7 91 13 8 9 5 11 11 11 32 0 l U l 61 NW. 4.17 0 11 222 3.88 0 11 024 3 6 2 6 92 12 9 9 7 13 13 12 25! 0 13.9 5 6 N W . 8.80 11 5.05 0 10 026 0 8 2 9 89 11 8 10 8 18 14 13 18' 0 1 2 . 0 6 0 N W . 6.17 0 9.40 0 9 0 17 0 2 3 7 90 12 6 8 9 19 16 11 19 (#) 1 1 . 3 5 8 N W . 3.62 3.23 (T) 9 0 (*) 6 0 1 1 6 98 12 7 7 7 22 18 12 15 (#) 10.6 5 9 N W . 9 0 I I Ii 94 IS 11 8 7 19 19 10 13 0 1 0 . 3 4 5 N W . 1.0 11 018 1 1 6 93 14 11 11 9 16 15 10 14 0 1 0 . 9 7 0 N . 6.4 0 (*) 2 1 {*) 3 1 7 92 14 9 5 4 13 15 14 26 0 1 2 . 4 5 6 N W . 221 7 6 1 6 93 7 7 881 34 11 19 18 26 0 1 4 . 0 63 NW. 7 3 (*) 20 6 4 8 6 13 19 82. 014.4 60NW. 9 87 11 9._.·.:4-~-08-·~·-..r.6·'.43.. ........................................ 2 7 91 12 s s s 1sj 15 14 24 c111>12.s .............. ~=~-- ~~-- ~=-· ~~- --~=-- ..~:. :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :=::: :::::: :..:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.: :::::: :::::::: 1o·N:.... 78 64 44 65 77 87 H 8-4 8--4 10 .................. ····+-···· 10 37 38 1 -- - -~ l<f:ro. ~

Sandy Hook, N. J.-Position: Latitude 40 I I .l., .I..Preesure reduced ,...., '3 to aea level !(Inch.ea) A i r temperature (° F.) -~ Precip i ~]'II II I Extremes Month M Ex- ~ ~ :a] Am ean tremea 1 i'Q (inc I I J I u~ ~ ~I ~; · ;J 9 .s · ·s :a · ! 11 1! J J l, _ _)_l _ _;i _)l _)l )1 '1 --- 1-uary--·-·-······~-30.0930.9928.74 82 38 27 66 - 3 75 60 48 3 . 9 6 2 . FWmui,iy_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 0 . 0 7 3 1 . 0 0 2 9 . 0 0 32 88 26 71 - 1 1 76 57 54 3 . 7 6 2 Mareh...._ _ _ _ 29.9330.8428.44 89 46 88 76 A!JtiL____ 2 9 . 9 7 8 0 . 7 0 2 9 . 0 2 48 56 42 89 7 76 64 59 4 . 0 4 2 . 2 9 . 9 8 8 0 . 6 2 2 9 . 0 0 59 66 62 93 :May____._. 12 74 56 60 3 . 6 2 1 J l l h . __ _ _ _ 2 9 . 9 3 8 0 . 6 2 2 9 . 3 5 68 75 61 97 33 76 54 63 3 . 7 2 2 . 48 78 64 65 3 . 7 8 3 JAiiul)'g__u_st---~30.02093. 904.840 .642092.9.8358 74 81 67 101 60 80 52 66 5.12 4 73 79 67 98 66 79 61 66 4 . 9 8 3 . Sept.embel'._ _ _ _ 3 0 . 0 3 8 0 . 6 9 2 8 . 7 1 68 73 62 101 41 78 60 64 3 . 4 3 6 October_ _ _ _ _ _ S 0 . 0 7 8 0 . 7 2 2 9 . 0 3 57 63 51 87 31 76 46 66 3 . 7 8 3 . 80.10 80.82 29.10 &1 40 73 8 76 68 62 S.25 2 Nl>oevae memb «_ber_---_-- 80.10 30.88 28.98 46 40 30 68 - 6 14 61 48 4 . 0 4 2 85 ----i--------~--~-- Mean_____ _ 30.02 ·---···· - - - · · · · 53 68 46 -······ - - - 76 64 69 ............. Num~:!=1!mr.: ·~g '~ l~~ -~~Total••_____: -········ 3..1.........2..8............... -······ ........ ···---- ··-···· ....•... ····-·· ........ 47. 47 ·5·· -·-jj ..2:r --24·· --24·· \"24\"\" \"\"24\" -2,........24 1 Mean of 0780 and 1980 eutern standard time. tVlalbility I • t h a n 1,650 feet. • W i n d . p t e r t h a n 27 lmota. •Fur 6-iiinuw period. TJ ~ ( 1 • tlian O.Oli Inch mow or O.OOll Inch rain). ·~than 1 . tStatuwmils. I 1 - than H of 1 pen11mt.

~ 0°28' N., longitude 74°01' W.-Altitude: 15 feet Pereent- pitation Mean number age of I Wind of days observa- with- tions With ~mount vislbility-l ches) ;o~;: a~ \" ~~ R!,~ ~81 Direction (percentage of Speed observations) (knots) N- • u I! ~I ! ~ -~ ~ J ~l·~~ =a ~ ! ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ }: z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~:a1.s r.i ui - - - - - - -----------·--~------ ·~.s ~ ~ ~M ] N ~ • . • •a ·14 § M 81 . 6 2 4.1 11 4 4 0 21 10 4 5 91 9 11 2 3 9 20 24 22 0 1 3 . 9 4 9 N E ll>- . 6 4 7.0 11 5 4 1 21 8 1 7 92 10 16 5 5 10 15 20 20 ( # ) 1 3 . 9 4 9 W . . 4 9 2 . 7 12 2 3 1 12 10 1 8 91 8 9 7 8 14 13 18 23 0 1 8 . 9 4 9 8 . ~\"'d . 9 4 1 . 0 11 (*) 2 2 1 7 1 8 91 7 12 6 9 16 16 17 17 0 1 3 . 0 4 9 N E . 4 3 0 12 0 2 4 0 3 0 6 94 1 11 8 10 19 17 15 13 O l l . 3 3 5 N E . \"Z'\"' . 0 0 0 11 0 3 7 0 3 2 12 86 6 8 7 11 21 20 16 12 0 1 0 . 4 4 4 N W ti 4.44 0 12 0 2 8 0 3 2 9 89 6 9 6 10 24 22 14 11 0 1 0 . 4 4 8 8. . . 8 4 0 10 0 1 6 0 2 0 8 92 7 14 7 9 21 22 11 9 0 1 0 . 4 4 9 8 . tl .14 0 8 0 1 3 0 3 1 4 95 8 14 8 11 18 19 12 10 O l l . S 6 3 N . rt .08 0 (\"') 2 6 93 15 22 0o1123..29 (*) 2 4 96 13 23 8 0 w.6 1 S s6 16 46 NswW.. 4s 4 4 20 55 7 (#) 2.66 o.4 9 2o 9 11 19 6 12 19 . 1 0 3 . 4 11 0 18 9 7 11 82 7 12 3 3 8 19 26 22 (ii') 18.9 61 -----1--------------------- .............. ········1······ .................... 1• • •••• 2 7 91 7 12 6 7 16 19 17 16 (#) 12 4 ·····---·-- 5··-··- 18. 6 126 16 29 34 77 ........................................................................ ....:... 70 ·~! \"Ti:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2*~\"'\"\"24 ··24-- 24\" 24-- 24\" --24--/··24 2:.:3 2:.:3 :f.:3 \" j j .... N.

Albany, N. Y.-Position: Latitude 42°45' ~ ~ Preuure reduced Air temperature (° F.) - i J !+~>., Pree:lpit to sea level (incbesl IZ' '°i !l I ~ fMean gE j ~ Month Extrem• Ex- \"\" Amou - !·~ ' § j - ( i n c h e _ _ _ __ _ ,_ _tr_e_m_es_1 a ~J !i ~.» ·~~ 1 :~~ -~~ :~~ aj ~i ;~~ ; ·9~ I :s ::il ::s ; ::il ::a ::a. :s ::il ::s ---~----------------- January.........- ..- · - · · 3 0 . 0 9 3 1 . 1 0 2 8 . 4 6 2 3 . 6 3 1 . 4 1 5 . 6 71 -26 78 65 41 2.601.6 February.___________ 3 0 . 0 6 3 1 . 0 9 2 8 . 7 5 2 4 . 4 3 2 . 0 1 5 . 4 66 -22 76 60 61 2.361.9 March .....________.. 8 0 . 0 1 3 1 . 0 0 2 8 . 6 5 3 3 . 8 4 1 . 7 2 6 . 4 85 -21 72 li8 li3 2.692.2 April...........- -... 29.99 30.7129.08 46. 7 5 5 . 8 37 .1 93 9 67 57 54 2 . 7 1 2 .0 M a Y · - · · · · - - - -... 2 9 . 9 6 3 0 . 6 8 2 8 . 9 0 5 9 . 1 6 9 . 0 4 8 . 7 97 29 66 65 67 3.322.4 June....._ _ _ _ _ _.. 2 9 . 9 4 3 0 . 5 6 2 9 . 2 2 6 8 . 3 7 7 . 9 5 7 . 9 1 0 0 35 70 52 62 3.812.9 44 71 50 63 3.884.1 July....... ..29.9580.5529.3272.482.762.8104 35 74 60 61 3.594.2 24 78 50 58 3.333.5 Aurust.-----·--··29.9930.5129.3670.680.360.7102 19 78 54 53 3.104.7 Septerober.~--.... 3 0 . 0 6 8 0 . 6 5 2 8 . 6 8 6 2 . 8 7 2 . 8 6 3 . 5 98 -11 77 64 39 2.893.4 Oitober.. _ _ _ _. 3 0 . 0 6 3 0 . 8 1 2 8 . 9 4 5 0 . 9 6 0 . 8 4 2 . 5 91 November_ _ _ _ _ 3 0 . 0 7 8 0 . 9 6 2 3 . 9 6 3 9 . 4 4 6 . 9 3 2 . 5 75 -21 78 66 39 2.554.0 Deeem.ber~--·30.0731.0428.5627.935.120.9 67 M:ean._ _ _ 3().02 .................... 4 8 . 3 6 7 . 2 3 9 . 4 ................ 74 67 53 ............... Total ...._ _ ....- ....................................................................................... 36. 73 ..... ..Num~=~ ·-·•fii 31 ·~g 23 ·~g 134··--75 ....76 1 ~~ -~~ '\"62'. ··61'...ii3'.....124 4 ·i ---·· . ..... . I Mean of 0730 a n d 1930 eastern standard time. 'Visibility leas t h a n 1,650 feet. 1 Winda ~ 26.0 knots. • For 5-mmute period. • Snow, sleet and hail. T , Tra.ce (1e11a t h a n 0.05 inch snow or 0.005 ineh rain). * L e . t h a n 1. t Statute miles. # 1ell8 than ~ of 1 percent.

' N., longitude 73°48' W.-Altitude: 277 feet Percent- Mean number age of tation of days observa- Wind -~--wi-th~- ---!-i::-:\\i-~:~·\\ ---· unt ~gi :; \" j i;.i !~ Direction (percentage of s) _ . Speed -----~~~-~~atio~---·- .. (klno~) 9~~~ ~ :~! ~~1 .~~! ~ ~i·~E ~ s .~]~~~~ ~ .~ ui ~. ~. ~. ~s ~= I ·~~ ~ l ls ~§ ~i 6 ::s ::a i\"Z:C'J .e Jl it Jl :i r.i -----------------------.---- t; 6 6 1 2 . 8 12 3 1 ~*) 28 (*) 2 19 79 11 11 1 1 32 9 7 28 0 8 . 7 4 3 W . M 9 2 1 3 . 1 11 s1 *) 26 C*l 1 18 81 13 12 2 1 30 s 7 27 010.143W. i\"l 2 9 9 . 4 12 2 1 *) 23 1 1 13 86 11 9 2 2 29 9 10 28 0 9 . 6 3 9 W . 02 2 . 0 12 1 (*) 1 8 (*) (#) 7 93 11 11 2 2 29 10 10 25 (#) 9 . 5 41 SW. 4 0 0 . 1 12 (*) (*) 3 (*l (*) (#) 6 94 8 13 2 3 34 11 9 20 (#) 8 , 2 3 6 N W . 9 5 0 12 0 1 5 0 0 (#) 7 93 6 12 2 4 39 12 7 18 (#) 7 . 1 3 2 8 . 12 0 12 0 l 6 0 (*) 1 7 92 7 11 2 4 41 12 6 17 (#) 6 . 4 3 5 S E . 2 3 O 11 O 1 4 O 0 1 8 91 7 12 2 4 41 11 6 17 (#) 5 . 8 3 3 8 . 52 0 10 0 3 2 (*) (*) 3 11 86 9 11 2 3 40 11 6 18 (#) 6 . 4 3 1 N W . 7 5 (T) 10 0 3 1 3 (*) 2 10 88 9 11 2 2 33 14 7 22 (#) 4 . 7 3 5 N W . 749 3.a 11 l 2 (*) 15 1 2 16 s a 8 9 2 2 36 12 24 o 8 . 0 3 6 W . 0 2 9 . 3 11 2 1 (*) 26 1 2 16 82 10 11 2 2 31 11 8 26 0 8 . 3 4 7 W . (#)17.71 .................................................................. 1 11 88 9 11 2 2 36 11 8 22 .... 60. o 136 12 15 22 129 3 .............................................................................................. i~ ....65 \"76\" sir iff. '16'. ..,6....iii --·-9 ....9....9\"13 :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::: :::::: :::::: \" i i f ..11 ~7 w. =====:::-:·==='========= ~

Ocean area.-Position: Latitude 40°45' N., longitud covered: : - Wind j . IiMonth Pereentagea of obeervatlona from- 1ai Ii~z '>1~! ~ =. . . - - -- -- -- - - - - - -Mm .. :::::N. NE. E. SE. s. SW. w. NW. El tJ..r,i.l..................Ju:oe .........,_ 6 6 -- ui i 6 6 -- lui:y . . • • • . . . . •3,060 'l 'l Auguat . . . . . . . 14.5 18 10 6 7 ' l 12 28 22 1 2,779 16.0 18 11 9 7 6 10 28 24 1 September ••••8,159 18.5 10 7 6 10 10 20 20 2 Oetobet- •••••••8,368 10.6 14 11 5 6 12 15 18 16 8 November •.••3,722 12 11 7 7 14. 18 14 10 Ii Deo<llnber •••••8,612 8.0 12 10 9 6 14 22 14 7 8,788 7.2 11 'I 6 9 6 . - - - - - - - - - - -Meua..3,8207.2 8 6 6 17 26 1 ' 9 8,748 7.6 9 18 6 4 11 6 Totals .. .3,8118.4 11 15 13 20 13 4 8,212 12.0 14 16 . . .'.I. ....6. 12 16 12 12 2 2,955 18.0 16 17 1 14.5 18 9 9 18 16 20 ~ ...... . 18 8 10 14 21 23 , _1 .1..1...0. 41,029 . .1..2. 11 6 12 28 ····· 11 ...1.6. ..1..8. 16 ....3 . . ····· ····· -- Colllpiled. by tile U. S. Weatll.• .UIUlllllu. • Lea tha!l 0.5 pereent.

~ 00 de 70°-75° W., Greenwich Noon Observations-Years : 1878-1933 -- W e a t h e r , percentagfll! of observatioll8 recording ~\" .~, J J s I1] ij ij .. r 1 .... i ip\"I:: 0 I ~Z' a\". ~ oC j - - - -- - - -- - - -- - :~ ~! ~~ ~~ ., ii t' '8 ~ ·;a ;~ ~! itl l o& ill oi ::i =• • ~K \"~\"~' ~ ~ ~·! ]\" .., Ill ~ m r.. Cl ~ - - II; p -fil - -::it - -<- ~ ~ ---- ~~ § -- -- M 744 1 6 7 1 0 4 0 6 6 64 88.2 48.0 78 4 2 6 8 1 0 4 0 40.4 849 2 6 1 0 8 0 7 6 61 86.9 40.4 1 6 5 1 0 1 0 6 6 67 39.7 43.8 9 Ii 10 2 6 1 1 1 0 2 6 68 45.2 50.2 12 0 1 0 58.9 6 17 0 1 Ii 55 68.2 66.0 15 6 17 0 68.7 14 6 13 13 0 10l 0 0 4 51 62.1 66.8 l 3 0 2 1 0 59.0 11 7 6 1 4 0 1 1 1 0 0 8 62 68.7 68.2 1 0 1 5 lit 69.7 47.8 96 6 14 0 111 74 4 0 1 6 49 65.7 63.0 2 'I 0 1 0 8 3 6 63 57 .8 64 3 26 1 103 ..... ······ - - - - - - - -5 - -4 6 5 68 49.4 3 1 - -6 4 - -1 - -0 4 5 - -6 - 6-3 41.8 - - - - - - - - - -9 ..... ....6. 8 ....1. 5 2 1 ..(.*.) . ....2. 3 5 56 .5..2...3. ····· ..... ····· .... , ..... ····· ······ --

Conversion Tables FEET TO METERS Feet 1 2 4 ll 6 I ------ 0 3 7 89 0 0. 00 o. 30 0. 61 0. 91 1. 22 1. 52 1. 83 2. 13 2. 44 2. 74 10 3. 05 3. 35 3. 66 3.96 4.27 4. 57 4.88 5. 18 5.49 5. 79 20 6. 10 6.40 6. 71 7.01 7. 32 7. 62 7. 92 8. 23 8. 53 8. 84 30 9. 14 9.45 9. 75 10. 06 10. 36 10. 67 10. 97 11. 28 11. 58 11. 89 40 12. 19 12. 50 12. 80 13. 11 13. 41 13. 72 14. 02 14. 33 14. 63 14.93 50 15.24 15. 54 15. 85 16. 15 16.46 16. 76 17. 07 17. 37 17. 68 17. 98 60 18. 29 18. 59 18. 90 19. 20 19. 51 19. 81 20. 12 20.42 20. 73 21. 03 70 21. 34 21. 64 21. 95 22. 25 22. 55 22. 86 23. 16 23. 47 23. 77 24. 08 80 24. 38 24. 69 24. 99 25. 30 25. 60 25. 91 26.21 26. 52 26. 82 27. 13 00 27. 43 27. 74 28. 04 28. 35 28. 65 28. 96 29. 26 29. 57 29. 87 30. 17 FATHOMS TO METERS 0 I1 I2 3 I4 5 6 7 8g oms i 0. 00 1. 83 10. 97 12. 80 -- 0 18. 29 I 29. 26 31. 09 10 36. 58 3. 66 5. 49 7. 32 9. 14 47. l55 49.38 14. 63 16.46 20 M. 86 20. 12 21. 95 23. 77 25. 60 27. 43 65. 84 67.67 32. 92 34. 75 30 73. 15 38.40 40. 23 42.06 43. 89 45. 72 84. 12 85. 95 51. 21 53.03 40 91. 44 56. 69 59. 52 60. 35 62. 18 64. 01 104. 24 69.49 71. 32 109. 73 74. 98 76. 81 78. 64 80.47 82.30 122. 53 87. 78 89. 61 50 128. 02 140. 82 60 146.30 93. 27 95. 10 96. 93 98. 75 100.58 102. 41 159. 11 106. 07 107. 90 70 164. 59 111. 56 113. 39 115. 21 117. 04 118. 87 120. 70 177. 39 124. 36 126. 19 80 129. 85 131. 67 133. 50 135. 33 137. 16 138. 99 142. 65 144. 47 90 148. 13 149. 96 151. 79 153.62 155.45 157. 28 160. 93 162. 76 166.42 168. 25 170. 08 171. 91 173. 74 175. 56 179.22 181. 05 NAUTICAL MILES TO STATUTE MILES 1 statute mlle=5,280 feet. 1 nautical mlle-6,080.20 feet. Nautical 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 miles 0 o. 000 1. 152 2. 303 3. 455 4. 606 5. 758 6. 909 8. 061 9.212 10.364 10 11. 515 12. 667 13. 819 14. 970 16. 122 17. 273 18. 425 19. 576 20. 728 21. 880 20 23. 031 24. 183 25. 334 26.486 27. 637 28. 789 29. 940 31. 092 32. 243 33. 395 80 34. 547 35. 698 36. 850 38. 001 39. 153 40. 304 41.456 42. 607 43. 759 44. 911 40 46. 062 47. 214 48. 365 49. 517 50. 668 51. 820 52. 971 54. 123 55.275 56. 426 00 57. 578 58. 729 59. 881 61. 032 62. 184 63.335 64. 487 65. 639 66. 790 67.942 60 69.093 70. 245 71. 396 72. 548 73. 699 74. 851 76.003 77. 154 78. 306 79.457 70 80. 609 81. 760 82.912 84. 063 85. 215 86. 366 87. 518 88. 670 89. 821 00. 973 80 92. 124 93. 276 94. 427 95.579 96. 730 97. 882 99.034 100. 185 101. 337 102.488 90 103. 640 104. 791 105.942 107. 094 108. 246 109. 397 110. 549 111. 701 112. 852 114. 004 STATUTE MILES TO NAUTICAL MILES Statute 9 1 23 f 11 6 7 8 9 miles 0 0.000 0.868 1. 737 2. 605 3. 474 4. 342 5. 210 6. 079 6. 947 7. 816 10 8. 684 9. 552 10. 421 11. 289 12. 158 13.026 13. 894 14. 763 15. 631 16. 500 20 17. 368 18. 236 19. 105 19.973 20. 842 21. 710 22.578 23. 447 24. 315 25. 184 30 26. 052 26.920 27. 789 28. 657 29. 526 30.394 31. 262 32. 131 32. 999 33. 868 40 34. 736 3.5. 604 36. 473 37.341 38. 210 39. 078 39.946 40. 815 41. 683 4.2. 562 00 •a 420 44. 288 45. 157 46.025 46. 894 47. 762 48. 630 49.499 50.367 51. 236 60 52. 972 53. 841 54. 709 55. 578 56. 446 57. 314 58. 183 59.051 59.920 52. 104 70 60. 787 61. 655 62. 524 63. 392 64. 261 65. 129 65.997 66.866 67.734 68. 603 80 69. 471 70. 339 71. 208 72.076 72. 945 73. 813 74.681 75. 550 76. 418 77. 287 90 78. 155 79.023 79. 892 80. 760 81. 629. 82. 497 83.365 84. 234 85. 102 85. 971 479


Index Number in parentheses immediately following any item in this Index is number of the largest scale United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart on which that feature appears. A .Asia Rip (1107) ------------------------ Page .Athens (283) --------------------------- Page Atlantic Basin (541) ------------------- 41 Atlantic Beach (579) ------------------- Abiels Ledge (251) --------------------- 185 Atlantic Canyon (1108) ---------------- 436 .Academy Rock (358) ------------------- 252 .Atlantic Highlands (543) --------------- Accidents, reports ---------------------- 18 395 195 .Aucoot Cove (251) --------------------- .Acoaxet (237) -------------------------- 188 .Aunt Lydia's Cove (1208) -------------- 383 Acushnet River (252) ------------------ 42 .Adams Fall (218) ---------------------- 289 Aunt Phebe Rock (223) ---------------- .Aids to navigation ---------------------- 14,67 Austin Hollow (236) ------------------- 407 .Aids to navigation, destroyed by hurri- 187 .Avondale (358) ------------------------ 140 cane --------------------------------- 64 335 .Aircraft Radio Ranges ----------------- B 217 .Albany (284) -------------------------- 467 251 .Alder Island (579) --------------------- Babylon (578) -------------------------- .Alleghany Rock (249) ------------------ 436 Back River (251) ----------------------- 877 .Allegheny River------------------------ 380 Bailey Rock (222) ---------------------- Allen Harbor, Nantucket Sound (257) -- Baker (Ender) Island (358) ------------ 179 Allen Harbor, Narragansett Bay (236) _ 166 332 74 Baldwin (579) -------------------------- 253 .Allen Rock (278) ----------------------- Baldwin Bay (579) --------------------- 380 Alley Creek (223) ---------------------- 148 Baldwin Harbor (579) ------------------ 380 .Allyn Point (359) ---------------------- Ballast Reef (221) --------------------- 380 Almy Rock (3&3) ----------------------- 220 Bannermans (Pollepel) Island (282) ---- 318 .Alpine (748) ~------------------------­ Ambrose Channel (369) ---------------- 212 Bannister Creek (579) ------------------ 429 .Ambrose Channel Lightship (1215) ---- 350 383 262 348 201 53 424 387 391 243 373 194 America Ledge (236) ------------------- 218 Bar Bhuearrcihca(n2e2 3c)l o-u-d----------------------------------------- 359 Amityville (578) ----------------------- Bar, 349 .Amityville Creek (578) ----------------- 378 Barbadoes Basin (542) ----------------- .Anchorage areas. See also name of place Barcelona Point (298) ------------------ 178 .Anchorage Channel (541) -------------- 378 Barekneed Rocks (252) ----------------- Anchorage regulations ----------------- 10 195 Angelica Point (252) ------------------- Barge Office Light (745) ---------------- 299 .Angelica Rock (252) -------------------- 394 Barker Point (223) --------------------- Annaquatucket River (236) ------------ Barlows Landing (251) ---------------- 884 Annsville (Peeks Kill) Creek (282) ----- 76 Barneys Joy Point (237) --------------- 73 Anthonys Nose (282) ------------------- Apponaganset Bay (252) --------------- 187 Barrel Island (361) -------------------- 356 Apponaug (2'18) ----------------------- 188 Barren Island (542) -------------------- Apponaug Cove (278) ------------------ 218 Barren River --------------------------- 212 Aquidneck Island (353) ---------------- 428 212 Ardsley-on-Hudson (748) -------------- 428 Barretto Point (226) ------------------- 434 Barrington (278) ---------------------- 187 A.rkansas !liver ------------------------ 193 .Arlington (287) ------------------------ Barrington River (278) ---------------- 262 .Arnold Point (286) --------------------- 221 Barryto~ (283) ----------------------- 266 Arthur Kill (285, 286) ------------------ 221 Barstow Rock (252) -------------------- .250 Asbury Park (1215) -------------------- 197 225 .Asharoken .Beach (224) ---------------- 424 BBaarrttlleetttt R(3e5e9f), L--o-n-g--I-s-l-a-n-d--S-o--u-n-d--(-2-1-4--)_- Bartlett Reef, Stonington Harbor (358) - 42 71 402 Basin, The (276) --------------------- Bass Rip (1209) ------------------------ 207 413 374 342 481

482 INDEX Page Page Bass River (258) ---------------------- 149 Black River, Wisc. ---------------------- 76 Bass Rock, East Passage, Black Rock, Black Rock Harbor (220) ___ 311 202 Black Rock, Buzzards Bay (252) -------- 188 Narragansett Bay (236) ------------- Black Rock, New Haven Harbor (218) __ 289 Bass Rock, West Passage, 216 178 Black Rock, Niantic Bay (214) ---------- 268 Narragansett Bay (236) ------------- 438 Black Rock, Pine Island Channel (293) __ 257 Bassett Island (251) ------------------- 380 Bath Dike (284) ------------------------ 394 Black Rock Harbor (220) --------------- 309 Bay of Fundy (579) -------------------- 394 Black Tom (222) ----------------------- 331 368 Black Tom Island (541) ---------------- 396 Bay Ridge (541) ----------------------- 400 Blackboys (214) ------------------------ 269 Bay Ridge Channel (541) -------------- Blackstone Rocks (217) ---------------- 285 71 Blackwells (Welfare) Island (226) ----- 357 Bay Shore (578) ------------------------ 193 Blackwells Island Reef (745) ----------- 358 346 Blake Point (251) ---------------------- 186 Bayonne (285) ------------------------- 387 BBllaaunzkeesn,sThihpe C(o2v2e3)(2_5__1_)__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-.-:.-_-__-_- 313866 430 Bayou Macon --------------------------- Block Canyon (1108) ------------------- Bayview (252) ------------------------- 73 Block Island (1211) -------------------- Bayville (224) ------------------------- 284 Block Island North Reef (1211) --------- Beach Channel (542) ------------------- 428 151 Block Island Sound (1211) -------------- Beacon (282) -------------------------- Bluefish Shoal (222) -------------------- 42 Bear Creek ----------------------------- 141 Bluff Island (222) ---------------------- 225 Bear Island (217) ---------------------- 333 Bluff Point, Cotuit Bay (259) ----------- 223 Bear Mountain Bridge (282) ----------- Bluff Point, Northport Bay (224) ------- 223 74 Bluff Point, Westport Harbor (221) ____ 327 Bearse Rock (258) ---------------------- 366 324 Bearse Shoal (250) --------------------- 217 Blyn Rock (217) ------------------------ 153 Beaufort Point (222) ------------------- 202 Bodkin Rock (266) --------------------- 342 233 312 Beaver River --------------------------- 396 Boeuf River ---------------------------- Beaverdam (Fireplace) Creek (578) ___ _ 352 Bold Rock (221) ------------------------ 287 Bonnet Point (236) --------------------- 274 Beaverhead (236) ---------------------- 284 Beavertail Point (236) ---------------- Bonnet, The (236) ---------------------- 71 274 Borden Flats (353) --------------------- 319 Bedford Reef (298) -------------------- 337 Bostwick Bay (298) -------------------- 216 Bedloe's Island (541) ------------------- 318 Bourne (251) -------------------------- 402 Bow Bells, The (251) ------------------- 216 Beechhurst (223) ---------------------- 367 Bowen Pond (259) --------------------- 209 Beers Island (217) --------------------- 366 Bowers Island (222) -------------------- 238 374 Bradley Beach (1215) ------------------ 180 Belamose (267) ------------------------ 358 Branch Hydrographic OfLces ----------- 186 Belden Point (223) --------------------- 178 154 Bell Island (221) ----------------------- 194 Branchport (543) ---------------------- 326 Belleville (287) ------------------------ 388 BBrraannffoorrdd H(2a1r7b)or--(-2-1-7-)---_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-.-.;-._-_-_-_-__- 386 374 Bellport (578) -------------------------- 400 456 Bellport Bay (578) --------------------- 209 403 407 Belmar (1215) ------------------------- 379 .228867 Belmont Island (745) ------------------ 386 286 Bennetts Neck (251) ------------------- 219 BBrraannffoorrdd RPoeeinf t (2(21177)) _-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_--.:-_-:.-_-_-_-_-_-_ -228867 Bents Ledge (252) --------------------- 287 Bergen Basin ( 542) -------------------- 74 75 156 ]Jergen Beach (542) -------------------- 71 Branford River (217) ____:...,.__ .,.:..:.·.:______ 229 Bergen Point (285) --------------------- 888 878 6 Berkley (353) -------------------------- 186 Brant Point (343) ---------- ... --.--~------ 242093 Berry Creek Canal (287) --------------- 186 Breachway, The (276) ----------------~- Big Crow Island (579) ------------------ 287 Big Fishkill Channel (542) ------------- 149 Breakers ------------------------------..:. 200 Big Mermaid (217) --------------------- BB rreeanktonne cCkoPveo i nt (28 2__) __-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- .-:.-_-_-_-_-_-_-__- Big Rocle Point (236) ------------------- 218 Big Sandy River ------------------------ ·M2 (23~) Big Sioux River ------------------------ 25'7 Big Sunflower River -------------------- Brenton Point (236) -------------------- · 201 Big Tom (223) ------------------------- 268 Blltmore Shores (579) ------------------ Brenton Reef (236) -------------------- . 201 .222. 200 Bridge regulations --------------------- 93 Bridgeport Harbor (220) -------------- 305 72 Bird IIssllaanndd R(2e5e1f )(2-5-1--)----------------------------------- BBrriigggLs edge (236) ) -C- -o-v-e- -( 2- -5-1-)- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ~- · 211s97 71 (Hammett Bj!'d Briggs Point (237) --------------------- 196 Bird Rocle (217) ------------------------ Briggs Rock (237) -------\"\"------------- 196 Bishop and Clerks (258) ---------------- Brightwaters (578) ------------------- 369 Bishop .Rock Shoal (236) --------------- Bristol (278) -------------------------- 211 Bisl!iel Cove (236) ---------------------- Bristol Harbor (278) ----------------- _ 210 Black Banks (579) ------------------,-.-~-------\"---,-..-.--------\" BBrriissttooll PNoeicnkt ((287583)) -__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:._-_-_-,.-..-..,-_-_-_-_ 221008 BlacJc Ledge (293) Blaek Point, Niantic Bay (214) --------- Bl'Oad Channel, Hempstead Bay ( 579) __ · 382 Blaclt Po!nt, Point Judit~ Neck (1210) _ Broad Channel, Jamaica Bay (542) ----- 387 mBlaacckk PRoiivnetr;,SAakrko.n_n_e_t_R__iv_e_r_-__(8..:5...:.!_1_)__-_-_-_-_-_ Broad Channel Station ( 542) -,--------- 887 18:7$98. Btaek River, La. -----------------~------ BBrrooaaddwCaryeek(3C4h8a) n_n_e_l__(_5.7.;._9_)__-_-,-_-_-.-_-,..-...·,.-...-.,---

INDEX 483 Page Page Brockway Bar (215) ------------------- 273 Cape Cod (1208) ----------------------- 137 Brockway Island (215) ----------------- 273 Cape Cod Canal (251) ------------------ 179 Broken Ground (258) ------------------ 149 Cape Cod Light (1208) ------------------ 139 Cape Higgon (249) -------------------- 166 Broken Part of Pollock Rip (250) ------- 141 158 Cape Poge (346) ----------------------- 158 Broken Rip (250) ---------------------- 142 Cape Poge Bay (346) ------------------- 158 Bronx (745) ---------------------------- 396 Cape Poge Flats (346) ----------------- Bronx Kill (274) ----------------------- 360 Cape, The ------------------------------ 37 Captain Harbor (222) ------------------ 323 Bronx River (226) --------------------- 355 Captree Island (578) ------------------- 376 Bronx-Whitestone Bridge (223) -------- 352 Carll River (578) ----------------------- 377 Brooklyn (745) ------------------------ 396 Carman Creek (578) --------------,------ 378 Brooklyn Bridge (745) ----------------- 359 Carmans River (578) ------------------ Brooklyn Rock (252) ------------------ 194 Carteret (285) ------------------------- 366 Brosewere Bay (579) ------------------ 383 Cartwright Island (298) ---------------- 415 Brothers, The, Point Judith Neck (1210) 222 Casey Point (236) ---------------------- Castle Hill (236) ----------------------- 237 Brothers, The, Warren River (278) ----- 212 Castle Hill Point (226) ----------------- 217 Brothers, The, West Passage (236) ____ _ 218 Castle Island (278) --------------------- 202 367 Castle William (541) ------------------- 353 Brown Creek (578) --------------------- 285 Castleton-on-Hudson (284) ------------- 211 Brown Point (217) --------------------- 195 Cat Island (217) ----------------------- 895 Browning Ledge (237) ----------------- 285 Cataumet (251) ------------------------ 436 Brow1i'S Reef (217) --------------------- 274 Cataumet Rock (251) ------------------- 283 Brownstone Bar (267) ------------------ 221 Catskill (283) -------------------------- 178 Brush Neck Cove (278) ---------------- 148 Catskill Creek (283) -------------------- 315 Catumb Passage (358) ----------------- 178 Bucks Creek (257) --------------------- Catumb Rocks (358) -------------------- 435 Budd Reef (221) ----------------------- 72 Caven Point (541) --------------------- 435 Buffalo River -------------------------- 170 Cayuga Canal -------------------------- 231 Bull Island (348) ---------------------- Cedar Beach (219) --------------------- 231 202 Cedar Creek (220) --------------------- Bull Point (236) ----------------------- Cedar Hammock Island (221) ---------- 396 Bullock Point (278) -------------------- 213 Cedar Island, Clinton Harbor (216) ____ 441 3,14 Cedar Island, Hempstead Bay (579) ____ 295 Buoys ---------------------------------- Cedar Island, The Thimbles (217) ------ 310 Bureau of Customs --------------------- 19 Cedar Island Beach (578) -------------- 315 Bureau of Entomology and Cedar Island Light (298) --------------- 278 Plant ~uarantine -------------------- 21,459 Cedar Island Point (251) --------------- 382 Burgess Point (251) -------------------- 184 Cedar Point, Gardiners Bay (298) ------ 284 Burns Point Jetty (219) ---------------- 295 Cedar Point, Long Island Sound (221) __ 377 243 Bush Terminal (541) ------------------- 394 Cedar Point Shoal (298) ---------------- 184 243 Butler Cove (251) ---------------------- 184 Cementon (283) ------------------------ 312 Centerboard Shoal (251) --------------- 243 Butler Flats Light (252) --------------- 189 Centerport (224) ----------------------- 435 Centerport Harbor (224) --------------- 186 Butler Hole (250) ---------------------- 143 Centerville (258) ----------------------- 342 Centerville Harbor (258) -------------- 342 Butler Point (251) --------------------- 186 Centerville River (258) ----------------- 151 Butter Ball Rock (236) ----------------- 202 Central Mall (579) --------------------- 161 Centre Island (224) -------------------- 152 Buttermilk Bay (251) ------------------ 183 Centre Island (Rocky) Point (224) ----- 876 Buttermilk Channel (541) -------------- 395 Centre Island Reef (224) --------------- 344 Cerberus Shoal (1211) ------------------ 344 Buttonwoods Cove (278) ---------------- 221 344 Chambly Canal ------------------------- 232 Buzzards Bay (249) -------------------- 174 Champlain Canal ---------------------- 448 Buzzards Bay (village) (251) ---------- 180 Champlin Rock (1210) ------------------ 442 Channel Rock, Cockenoe Island Harbor 222 Byram Harbor (222) ------------------- 826 Ch(a2n2n1e)l R--o-c-k-,-N--a-n--tu--c-k-e-t-S--o-u-n-d--(-2-5--8-)----- 314 Byram River (222) --------------------- 328 Channel Bock, Port Chester Harbor 151 c Cb(a2n2n2e)l!!z--d-r-e-d-g-e--d------------------------------------------- 828 Chapel Hill Channel (369) -----------' Cable and Anchor Reef (221) ----------- 815 Chapel Hill Light (869) ---------------- 3 Calf Islands (222) ---------------------- Chapman Pond (266) -----·-·-----------· 392 826 Chappaquiddick Island (1209) ---------- 892 Calf Pasture Point (236) --------------- 220 Ghappaquoit Point (249) --------------- 2'13 Calf Pasture Rock (236) ---------------- 220 157 Calfpasture Island (221) -------------- 314 177 Calumet River ------------------------- 75 Calumet-Sag Channel ------------------ 76 Calves Island (215) -------------------- 272 Calves Island Bar (215) ---------------- 272 219 Camp Endicott (236) ------------------ Canal Flats (84'1) --------------~------- 162 Ganapitsit Channel (297) -------------- 173 386 Ca.narsie (642) ---------~---.,.-------.;..___ 886 Gait.arsie Pol (542) --------------------- 364 C&hoe Place (578) ----------------------

484 INDEX Charles Island (219) ------------------- Paee Pace Charles Island Rocks (219) ------------- Charles Point (282) -------------------- 295 Clock (Narraskatuck) Creek (578) _____ 378 Charles Reef (216) --------------------- 295 Charles Rock (236) --------------------- 427 Clouds --------------------------------- 50 Charlestown Beach (1211) -------------- 279 Clump Rocks (236) --------------------- 216 Charts, accuracy ----------------------- Clump, The (236) ---------------------- 218 Charts Agencies ------------------------ 219 Coast and Geodetic Survey-------------- 1, 451 Charts, compass roses ------------------ 230 Coast Guard ---------------------------13.456 Charts, date ---------------------------- Coast Guard Academy (293) ------------ 261 Charts, date of issue -------------------- 3 Coast Guard Districts ------------------ 456 Charts, edition date -------------------- 451 Coast Guard radio stations, emergency Charts, nautical ------------------------ Charts, notes, symbols, abbreviations ___ _ 4 broadcasts --------------------------- 23 3 Coast Pilots ------------------------- 1, 32, 451 Charts, print date ---------------------- Coastal currents ----------------------- 42 Charts, projections --------------------- 3 Coaster Harbor Island (236) ----------- 204 Charts, scales of------------------------ 3 Charts, small-scale, caution in using ____ 1 Cobalt Shoal (266) --------------------- 274 Charts, soundings, plane of reference ___ _ Cockenoe Island (221) ------------------ 314 2 Cockenoe Island Harbor (221) ---------- 314 Chatham (257) ------------------------ 3 Chatham Bar (1208) ------------------- 2 Cockenoe Reef (221) ------------------- 314 Chatham Inner Harbor (1208) ---------- 3 Cockenoe Shoal (221) ------------------ 314 4 Cockle Cove (257) ---------------------- 148 Chatham Light (1208) ------------------ 3 Coddington Cove (236) ----------------- Chatham Port (1208) ------------------- Coddington Point (236) ---------------- 206 Chatham Roads (257} ------------------ 147 Coecles Harbor (298) ------------------ 206 Cheesequake Creek (286) --------------- 140 236 Chepiwanoxet Island (278) ------------- 140 Cherry Grove (578) -------------------- 140 Coeymans (284) ------------------------ 436 Cherry Harbor (298) ------------------ 140 Coffin Rock (348) ----------------------- 168 Cherry Hill Point (298) ---------------- 147 Cohasset Narrows (251) ---------------- 183 Chester Creek (266) -------------------- 410 Chester Creek Bar (266) --------------- 221 Cohoes (284) --------------------------- 433495 Chester Rock (266) --------------------- Cold Spring Harbor (224) -------------- 344 368 Cold Spring Harbor Light (224) -------- 219 CheViot (283) -------------------------- 238 Cold Spring Rock (236) ----------------- Chicago River -------------------------- Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal ------ 238 CCoollelaRndiveersr ((L35o3n)g -N-e-c-k--)-P--o-i-n-t--(2--2-1-)--_-__-_- 230198 273 Chilmark (1210) ----------------------- College Point (226) ------------------- 858 Chimney Corner Reef (217) ------------- 273 College Point (town) (226) ------------- 354 Chimney Sweeps (223) ----------------- 273 College Point Reef (226) --------------- 353 Chimon Island (221) ------------------- Choeomount (358) ---------------------- 435 Collier Ledge (258) --------------------- 151 Choeomount Cove (358) ---------------- 75 Colonel Willie Cove (358) -------------- 251 Cholera Bank (1215) ------------------- 75 Columbia Island (Little Pea Island) Chro:rne (286) -------------------------- 157 Co(m22m3e)rc-i-a-l -b-r-o--a-d-c-a-s-t-i-n-g--s-t-a-t-io--n-s--a-l-o-n-g- 334 Church Point (353) -------------------- Church Rock (252) --------------------- 281 C ocmo ma sot n- -F-e-n- c- -e-P- -o-i-n-t- -( 3- -5-3-)- -- -- -- -- --- ----- - 466 Cinder Creek -(579) --------------------- 336 --- ----- - 208 Citing Rock (236) ---------------------- 147 City Island (223) ----------------------- 314 Common Flat (257) -------------------- City Island Harbor (Hart Island Roads) 231 Communications. See name of place 5 248 6 (223) -------------------------------- 372 Compass, deviation --------------------- City Point (218) ----------------------- 414 Compass, error determination ---------- 5 201 Coemqupiapsms, emntag__n_e_t_i:c_,__a_f_f_e_c_te_d__b_y__e_l_e_c_t_r_i_c_a_l 4 Clam Island (217) ---------------------- 194 4 Clark Cove (252) ----------------------- 38:1. Compass, magnetic disturbance --------- 813 Clark :Point (252) ---------------------- 204 Compass roses, charts ------------------ 312 Clason Point (226) --------------------- 336 Compo Hill (221) ---------------------- 408 Clay Banks Bar (267) ------------------ Compo Yacht Basin (221) -------------- 429 Clay Head (1211) ---------------------- 336 Compton Creek (543) ------------------- 197 Cleaves Point (298) -------------------- 290 220 Cleveland Ledge Light (251) ------------ 286 Con Hook (282) ------------------------ 220 193 Conanicut Island (858) ----------------- 410 Clifton (541) -------------------------- 189 Conanicut Island Light (236) ----------- 398 353 Conanicut Point /236) ------------------ 393 CClliilmnaattee, l-a-n--d-a·-r-e-a-s------------------------------------------- 275 Conaskonk Point (369) ----------------- 394 Climate. water areas ------------------- 225 Coney Island (540) --------------------- 218 CCCllliiinnncttoohnnRl(li2va1re6br)o~r----(--2--1--6--)---------------~-~-------------------~--------------­- 240 Coney Island Channel (540) ------------ 212 179 Coney Island Creek (540) -------------- Clinton Point (283) --.------------------ 394 CCoonniimmiiccuutt LPoiginhtt ((227788)) -_-__-_--,:-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_ 241 269 44 Conkling Point (298) ------------------- 368 44 Connecticut River (215, 266, 267) ------· Connetquot (Great) River (578) -------- 3:92 \"'13 Cenover Light (369) -------------------- BOO 278 Conscience Bay (361) ------------------ Constable Hook (285) ------------------- .jOO 278 '31

INDEX 485 Constellation Rock (298) --------------- Pare Crow Shoal (298) ---------------------- Pace Constitution Island (282) --------------- 233 Crows Nest Mountain (282) ------------ 238 Continental shelf ----------------------- 429 Crumb Elbow (283) -------------------- 429 Cook Point (221) ----------------------- 42 Cuban Ledge (223) -------------------- 432 Cooper Bluff (224) --------------------- Cultivator Shoal (1107) ---------------- Copicut Neck (297) -------------------- 322 Cumberland River ---------------------- 338 Copps Island (221) --------------------- 345 Current River -------------------------- 38 Corey Creek (299) --------------------- 173 Current Tables ------------------------- 73 Cormorant Point (276) ----------------- 314 Currents. See also name of place -------- Cormorant Reef, Captain Harbor (222) __ 246 Customs. See also name of place -------- 72 Cormorant Reef, Fishers Island Sound 226 Customs Districts ---------------------- 6 327 Cut-in-two Island (217) ---------------- Co(r3m5o8)ran--t-R--e-e-f-, -S-a-k--o-n-n-e-t--R-i-v-e--r -(-3-5--3-)--_ Cutchogue Harbor (299) ---------------- 42 Cormorant Rock, Buzzards Bay (252) __ _ 253 Cutty Wow Rock (237) ---------------- 19 Cormorant Bock, New London Harbor 200 Cuttyhunk (297) ----------------------- 458 188 Cuttyhunk Harbor (297) --------------- 284 C o(r3m5o9 )r a n- -t -R- -o-c-k-, -S- -a-k-o-n-n- -e-t -R- -i v- -e-r- (-3-5- -3-)- -_ Cuttyhunk Island (297) ---------------- 246 Cormorant Rock, West Passage, 258 Cuttyhunk Pond (297) ----------------- 196 200 Cyclone information by radio ----------- 173 Narragansett Bay (236) -------------- Gys Hollow Bar (267) ------------------ 172 Cornfield Point (215) ------------------- 216 172 Cornfield Point Lightship (1212) ------- 276 D 173 Cornfield Point Shoal (215) ------------ 275 53 276 Danger signal information-------------- 274 Corning Rock (223) -------------------- 335 Danger zone regulations ---------------- Cornwall on the Hudson (282) ---------- 429 Dangerous Rock (298) ------------------ 18 Corps of Engineers --------------------- Danskammer Point (282) --------------- 112 Corps of Engineers Districts ------------ 9 Darien River (221) --------------------- 243 Corsair Canyon (1107) ----------------- 456 Darrow Rocks (217) -------------------- 430 Dartmouth Rock (252) ---------------- 319 Cos Cob (222) -------------------------- 42 DDaauvnentlpeossrtRNoecckk (2(22222) ) --_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_--.:.-_-__--_ 288 Cos Cob Harbor (222) ------------------ 324 193 Cotuit (259) ---------------------------- 324 Davids Island (223) -------------------- 332 Cotuit Anchorage (259) ---------------- 153 Davis Bank (1107) --------------------- 332 Cotuit Bay (259) ----------------------- 152 Davis Island (217) --------------------- 334 Cotuit Highlands (269) ----------------- 153 Davis South ShoaJ (1107) -------------- Cove Harbor (221) --------------------- 153 Davisville Depot (236) ----------------- 41 319 Day Line Park (282) ------------------- 283 Cove Neck (224) ----------------------- 345 Dead Horse Bay (542) ------------------ 345 Decatur Rock (252) -------------------- 41 CCoovvee PRoocinkt, G(2r2e4e)nw--ic--h-C--o-v-e--(-2-2-2--)------------- 324 Deep Creek (542) ---------------------- 219 Cove Rocks, Westcott Cove (221) -------- 320 Deep Creek Meadow (579) -------------- 428 201 Deep Reef (223) ----------------------- 388 Cove, The (353) ------------------------ 288 Deep River (266) ----------------------- 194 Cow and Calf (217) -------------------- 225 Delancey Point (222) ------------------ 888 Cow Cove (1211) ----------------------- 247 Delaware and Hudson Canal (283) ------ 379 Cow Neck (299) ------------------------ 221 Delaware and Raritan Canal (375) ------ 337 Co\"W'esett (278) ------------------------ 811 Democrat Point (578) ------------------ 273 Cows, The, Black Rock Harbor (220) ---- 822 Dennis (258) --------------------------- 331 Co\"W's, The, Stamford Harbor (221) ----- 175 Dennis Port (257) ---------------------- 483 436 Dennison Rock (358) ------------------ 417 Coxens Ledge (249) -------------------- 436 Depth curves --------------------------- 375 416 Derby (219) --------------------------- 149 Coxsackie (284) ------------------------ 220 Dering Harbor (298) ------------------- 149 Coxsackie Island (284) ----------------- 152 Des Plaines River ---------------------- 251 Crab Island (375) ---------------------- 389 Despair Island (286) ------------------- 276 Devils Bridge (1210) ------------------ 4 Crack B.ock (278) ----------=----------- 268 Devils Wharf (266) -------------------- 296 297 Devon (219) ---------------------------- 241 Craigville Beach (258) ----------------- 185 Dewitt Point (283) --------------------- Crane Neck Point (1213) --------------- 185 Diamond Reef (283) -------------------- 75 274 Dick Rock, Narragansett Bay (236) ---- 220 CCr~anne t:ReBefea(c2h15()21--4-)------------------------------------- 274 Diek Rocks, The Thimbles (217) -------- 167 409 Dickens Reef (236) ------------------- 273' Crimbo Point (219) -------------------- 144 Dickerson Channel (578) --------------- 296 Cromeset Neck (251) ------------------- Dighton (853) ------------------------- 435 Crome.set Point (251) ------------------- 142 Dinsmore Point (283) ------------------ 431 Cromwell (267) ------------------------ 427 CCr~omewselPl Bar (267) -------------------- 426 !J.S oint (369) -------------------- 426 283: Croes Rip Channel (1209) -------------- 288 216 CCr1'o08t8onR~ipn-SHhuodaslo(n12(0298)2)---- - ------------- 169\" - ------------- 189 f.080 482° Croton Point £282) ------------------- 274 Cr<ston River 282) --------------------- Crow Head (2 8) ----------------------- CCrroow~ Island (252) ---------------------;.. Point (267) ----------------------

486 INDEX Page page Directions. See also name of place ------ 119 East Reef (217) ----------------------- 285 Distance table -------------------------- 455 East River, Guilford Harbor (217) ------ 280 District Offices, Coast and East River, New York Harbor (1213, 223, Geodetic Survey ---------------------- 1,451 226,745) ----------------------------- 351 District Offices, Coast Guard ------------ 456 East River, Onset Bay (251) ------------ 184 Dividend Bar (267) -------------------- 274 East Rock (218) ------------------------ 290 Diving Island (222) -------------------- 325 East Rockaway (579) ------------------ 382 Dobbs Ferry (748) --------------------- 424 East Rockaway Channel (579) ---------- 382 Dogfish Bar (258) ---------------------- 149 East Rockaway Inlet (579) ------------- 383 Dogfish Island (217) ------------------- 283 East Stooping Bush Island (217) ------- 283 Dogfish Ledge (237) ------------------- 196 East White Rock (221) ----------------- 314 51 338 Doldrums ------------------------------ 185 Eastchester (223) ---------------------- 337 Dry Ledge (251) ----------------------- Eastchester Bay (223) ----------------- Duck Island (216) ---------------------- 277 Eastchester Creek (Hutchinson River) 341 337 Duck Island Bluff (224) ---------------- 341 (223) -------------------------------- 139 Duck Island Harbor (224) -------------- Eastham (1208) ------------------------ Duck Island Light (282) ---------------- 429 Easton Point (236) --------------------- 201 277 365 Duck Island Roads (216) --------------- 333 Eastport (578) ------------------------- Duck Point (222) ----------------------- Eatons Neck (224) --------------------- 340 Duck Pond Point (1212) ---------------- 298 Echo Bay (222) ------------------------ 333 Dumpling Rocks (252) ----------------- 194 Echo boards --------------------------- 15 Dumplings, The (236) ------------------ 202 Echo Island (222) ---------------------- 333 402 15 Dundee Dam (287) --------------------- 428 EEcdhdoieesW-o-o--d-s-R--o-c-k--(-2-5--8-)------------------------------- 151 Dunderberg (282) --------------------- Dutch Island (236) --------------------- 217 Eddy Rock Shoal (266) ----------------- 273 Dutch Island Harbor (236) ------------- 217 Eddyville (283) ------------------------ .433 Dutch Kills (745) ---------------------- 358 Edgartown (346) ---------------------- 158 Dyer Island (236) ---------------------- 207 Edgartown Harbor (346) -------------- 158 Edgewater Point (222) ---------------- 331 Edwards Rock (297) ------------------- 173 Edwards Shoal (1209) ------------------ 158 E Eel Grass Ground (358) ---------------- . 253 Eel Pond, Nantucket Sound (259) _____ .154 Eel Pond, Woods Hole (348) ______ ..;___ _.;. 170 East Bank (369) ----------------------- 393 EEiggghtImslialnedR(i5v7e9r )(2-1--5-)-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--,;.-_-_-__-_-_--_ 379 East Basin (222) ----------------------- 330 ,273 East Bay (258) ------------------------ 152 Elbow Ledge (353) -------------------- 200 East Beach (224) ---------------------- 343 Elder Island (578) ---'----------------,;..__ · 378 E.ut Branch, Newton Creek (745) ------ 358 153 East Branch, Stamford Harbor (221) --- 321 EEllidhruidIgselaSnhdo(a3l5(82)5_9_)_-__-_-_-_-_-_--:.-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_--_ 262 East Breakws.ter (218) ---------------- 290 EElliizzaabbeetthh I(s2l8a5n)ds--(-2-4-9--) --_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_--,.._-_- 416 East Channel (578) -------------------- 369 ·167 .416 East Chop (347) ---------------------- 161 Elizabeth River (285) ----------------;;- East Chop Flats (347) ------------------ i61 Elizabetbport (285) -~---------~:..:___:.,;.,;. 416 East Clump (358) ---------------------- 248 EElllliiss RIseleafnd(3(5784)5_)__--_\"_'._:_--_-_--_-_'-_-_--_\".-..:':-..-_-_-_.._:,_.,...:._,\":___. 398 283 . Elm Point (223) ________________.;...,:____..,:_: 254 East Crib (217) ------------------------ 379 .860 u-4. Elm Tree Light (369). __ ;_,... __c.._,;;,.;___:.__ \"\"_;; ·892 East Crow Island (679) ---------------- 221 Ely Wharf (215) -------------~.:...:_____ _ ·273 East Fort Point (224) ------------------ S83 East Greenwich (278) ------------------ 234 East Haddam (266) -------------------- 278 EEnmdeeraavldorRSohcokal(s22(122) 1-1-)--_-_-_-_-_--_-_-.,:-_'\"__-._::_.____ __ 253 East Hampton (298) ------------------- . 237 East Harbor (358) -------------------· 23;1:; 248 Ender (Baker) Island (858) -----'-.:.._,:,,__. East Hartford (267) ------------------- 275 Enfield Rapids (267) -------~-----------­ 275 EEaastt IHnadvieesn RRoivckesr ((221187)) -_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-..:-,_-_ 228888 423 200 E1lglewood (747) -------'--------------'-.:- 858 East Island (353) ________.:. ________.:.__..,:_ English Kills (746) -'----\"-------------·--- Kingston (283) _________________:__ 895 484 Erie Basin (541) -----------'-------'___:__ East Ledge (216) ---------------------- 278 EEsroiepuCsan(a2l88-)--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-..;-_-_-..;-_-_-_-_-__-_--...;-...-:. · 441 E~ast J:..yme (2 H) ----------------------- .268 ·432 ?tleadOW' (579) ------------------- 382 886 Esopus Creek (283) -----------..,------- 434 388664 Esopus Island (283) --------------~..--- 432 E.i Mill Basin (642) -------'----------- 273 EDMilstt MNo:onraitciOhe'Da s(5(2'l288).)--_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_'' '8l6 Essex RS(2he1oe6af)lL(-i2g-1-h-5t-)-(2-_-_1-_5-_)-_-_·:-_---_--_--_-·_--._--_--_--.-_-._-:_-._-~_--_-;.-.._-- 272 201 EEsssaeexx . .273 248 :BaU.stt N o r w a l k.. (221') _:.:'\"'------ - -~------- Ialand (266) ____ :.:_,,,---,-----~ . 213 Paaage_(2S6.). ------. ;, -- ____:..__ Eustis ROck (261) _______ _: _____ ...,,_ ___ ~-.,.,.., J:Mt Point (368) ..;,.___ ~_, . - ... ----- 178 .S49 Bat Pori Chester (222) -- .. ., . - -- --- d8 · ~ecutlon Rocks (223) -----:..:--'----J>-,--- JCMt Providence (278) ____ ,;::,_ •.. ------ ,.eo 213 E-,e, storm -------------··---:-•..,--~-----,

INDEX 487 F Page Page FFloygnn_s_ ..K;._n_o_l_l__(_3_6__9_)__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__- 39434 Fair Harbor (578) --------------------- 868 Fog signals ---------------------------- 14 Fairfield Bar (220) --------------------- Fog signals, hours of operation --------- 468 Fairhaven, Mass. (252) ----------------- 311 Fairhaven, N. J. (543) ----------------- 189 Fogland Point (353) ------------------- 201 406 Folly Whar:f (278) --------------------- 221 Falkner Island (217) ------------------- Foot Rocks (217} ----------------------- 286 281 Forbes Rocks (222) -------------------- 329 Fall River (353) ----------------------- Falmouth (249) ------------------------ 208 FFoorreeiiggnn tcroandseulzson--e--__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-3-94, 445090 Falmouth Harbor (249) ---------------- 154 154 Forge River (578) --------------------- 366 Falmouth Heights (249) ---------------- Forlies Rocks (222) -------------------- 329 Falmouth Inner Harbor (249) ---------- 154 Fort Adams (236) ---------------------- 202 154 Fort Columbus (541} ------------------- 395 False Channel Meadow (579) ---------- Fort Hamilton (541) ------------------- 394 379 Fort Lafayette (541) ------------------- 394 False Hook (869) ----------------------- 393 Fort Lee (747) ------------------------- 423 False Hook Channel (369) -------------- 392 Fort Phoenix (252) --------------------- 189 Fort Point (359} ----------------------- Fanning Point (298) ------------------- 241 Fort Pond Bay (1211) ------------------ 263 Far Rockaway (579) ------------------- 383 Fort Schuyler (223) -------------------- 235 Fort Slocum (223) --------------------- 351 Farm River Cut (217) ------------------ 288 Fort Totten (223) ---------------------- 334 Fatal Rock (252) ---------------------- 194 Fort Wadsworth (540) ----------------- 351 Fayerweather Island (220) ------------ 310 Fort Washington Point (747) ----------- 393 Fi!deral Communications Commission ___21, 460 Fort Wetherill (236) ------------------- 423 Foster Cove (358) ---------------------- Federal Lock and Dam (284) ----------- 439 Founders Landing (299) --------------- 202 251 Felix Ledge (345) ---------------------- 172 Foundry Cove (282) -------------------- 242 Fever (Galena) River ------------------ 76 Four Mile Point (284) ------------------ Field Point, Long Island Sound (222)___ Fourche La Fave River ----------------- 429 Field Point, Providence River (278) ____ 326 Fourfoot Rocks (222} ------------------ 436 213 Fourteen Foot Channel (369) ----------- 71 Fi1teen Mile Bayou -------------------- 72 Fowler Rock (236) --------------------- 328 Fighting Island (579) ------------------ 379 Fox Hill (236) ------------------------- 392 Finch (Tweed) Island (222) ------------ 325 Fox Island, Byram River (222) --------- Fox Island, Narragansett Bay (236) ____ 218 Finch Rock (222) ---------------------- 324 217 Fire Island Inlet (578) ----------------- 374 Fox Island, Niantic Bay (214) ---------- 828 Fire Island Light (578) ---------------- 375 Fox Point, Nashawena Island (345) ____ 218 Fire Island lighted whistle buoy 2Fl 375 Fox Point, Providence River (278)------ 267 (1215) ------------------------------- 369 172 Fire Islands (578) --------------------- 237 366 213 Fireplace (298) ------------------------ 464 Fireplace (Beaverdam) Creek (578) --- 319 Fish and 'Wildlife Service --------------- 68 Fish Islands (221) --------------------- 231 248 Fish weirs------------------------------ 218 Fishers Island (358) ------------------- 114 Fishers Island Sound (358) ------------ Freeport (579) ------------------------- 380 41 Freeport Creek (579) ------------------ 379 Fishing Cove (236) -------------------- 430 207 French Broad River -------------------- 73 Fishing regulations -------------------- Frenchmans Bayou --~------------------ 72 Fishing Rip (1107) ------------------- 316 Fresh Creek (542) ---------------------- 386 414 Fishkill Creek (282) ------------------- 156 Fresh Kills (286) ----------------------- 415 Fiske Rock (236) ---------------------- 287 Fresh Kills (village) (286) ------------- 298 Fitch Point (221) ----------------------- 436 Fresh Pond Landing (1212) ------------ Fiye Fingered Point (1209) ------------ 298 318 Friar Head (1212) --------------------- 284 Fl'Ve Foot Rock (217) ------------------ Frisbie Island (217) -------------------- 847 Five Hook Light (284) ----------------- 247 Fivemile River (221) ----------------- 249 Frost Creek (222) ---------------------- 312 311 213 Flanders (299) ------------------------- Frost Point (220) ---------------------- a24 Fuller Rock (27S) ---------------------- 879 Flat Hammock (358) ------------------- 267 Fundy Channel (579) ------------------ Flat Ieland (220) ---------------------- FFllaatt NRoecckk, (I2s2la2n)d--S-o-u--n-d- ---------- 220 PLooinngt (214) ___ _ 196 438 Flat Rock, Narragansett Bay (278) ---- 200 G ;Flat Rock, Westporl River (237) -------- 200 322 F'lat, 'l'he (288) ------------------------ 821 Galena (Fever) River ------------------ '16 Flint Point (853) ---------------------- 385 Gales Ferry (359) ---------------------- 262 865 229 li\".lhtt Point Ledge .(353) ---------------- 364 Galilee (276) --------------------------- 187 284 Gallatin Rock, Buzzards Bay (252)------ 'F'..FF:Jl'l.ioinnyttdRR~ooQccnkkesstL(ti-2gF2~i1te) l(d-2-2(-61-4-)-2--)------.-,---------------------------•--------- Gallatin Rocle, Nantucket Sound (258)-- 151 Gangway Rocle, Bradford Reef (217) --- 285 .FlllShipg (226) -.,----------,---- --------- Gangway Rock, Manhasset Bay (223) --- 349 Gangway Roclc1 Watch Hill Point (358) _ 280 .Plushing Ba:r (226) ------------'-------- :Fiylng Point (21'1) --------------------,-

488 INDEX Gannet Ledge (258) -------------------- Page Governors Island, New York Harbor 395 Gannet Rocks (258} -------------------- 395 Gardiners Bay (298) ------------------- 151 (541) -------------------------------- 395 Gardiners Island (298) ----------------- 151 Gowanus Bay (541) -------------------- 395 Gardiners Point (298) ------------------ 235 Gowanus Canal (541) ------------------ 394 Gardiners Rock (258) ------------------ Gowanus Creek (541) ------------------ 238 Gowanus Flats (541) ------------------- 71 Garfield (287) -------------------------- 238 Grand (Neosho) River------------------ 421 Garret Lead (579) ---------------------- Grant's Tomb (746) -------------------- 387 Garrison (282) ------------------------- 150 Grass Hassock Channel (542) ---------- 322 Garrison Landing (282) ---------------- 402 Grass Island (221) --------------------- 387 Gasconade River ----------------------- 382 Grassy Bay (542) ---------------------- 314 429 Grassy Hammock Light (221) ---------- 314 Gates Islet (358) ----------------------- 429 Grassy Hammock Rocks (221) ---------- 314 Gay Head (1210) ----------------------- Grassy Island, Norwalk Islands (221) __ _ 168 Gazelle Rock (258) --------------------- 75 Grassy Island, Woods Hol1:: (348) ------- 427 Gedney Channel (369) ------------------ 254 326 Gees Point (282) ----------------------- 167 Grassy Point (282) -------------------- 156 General Rock (236) -------------------- 149 Grassy Rocks (222) -------------------- 393 George Washington Highway Bridge 391 Gravel Island (1209) ------------------- 153 429 Gravesend Bay (540) ------------------- 411 Ge(o7r4g7e)s B--a-n-k--(-1-1--0-7-)--------------------------------------- 219 Great Bay (259) ------------------------ 327 Georges Rock (221) -------------------- Great Beds Light (286) ---------------- 329 Georges Shoal (1107) ------------------ 423 Great Captain Island (222) ------------- 368 Gerritsen (542) ------------------------ 38 Great Captain Rocks (222) ------------- 234 Gerritsen Inlet (542) ------------------- Great Cove (578) ----------------------- 414 Giants Neck (214) --------------------- 314 Great Eastern Rock (1211) ------------ 232 Gifford Ledge (249) -------------------- 39 Great Fresh Kills (286) ---------------- 168 Gilbert Canyon (1107) ------------------ Great Gull Island (298) ---------------- 185 Gildersleeve Island (267) --------------- 388 186 Gildersleeve Island Bar (267) ---------- 388 Great Harbor (348) -------------------- 245 269 Great Hill (251) ----------------------- 378 Gilgo Beach (578) ---------------------- 177 Great Hill Point (251) ------------------ 379 Gilgo Heading (578) ------------------- Great Hog Neck (299) ------------------ 409 Glastonbury Bar (267) ----------------- 42 Great Island, Great South Bay (578) ___ _ 409 Glen Cove (223) ----------------------- 274 Great Island, Hempstead Bay (579) ____ _ 331 GGlleenn CIsolvaendLa(n22d3in) g__(_2_2__3_)__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_ 274 377 Great Kills Harbor (369) --------------- 194 Glencove Creek (223) ------------------ 378 Great Kills Light (369) ---------------- 274 Great Knob (Rock Island) (222) ------- 218 Glencove Harbor (223) ----------------- 347 Great Ledge, New Bedford Harbor (252) 347 168 Glenwood Landing (223) --------------- 335 Great Ledge, West Passage (236) ------- 185 348 Great Ledge, Woods Hole (348) --------- 377 Glover Reef (222) --- -H--a-r-b-o-r--(-2-3-6-)- ----- 347 247 Goat Island, Newport ____ _ 348 Great Neck (251) ---------------------- 155 329 Great Neck Creek (578) ---------------- 155 Goat Island, Wequetequock Cove (358) __ 202 Great Peeonic Bay (299) --------------- 234 252 315 Goats Neck (348) ----------------------- GGrreeaatt PPooiinntt ((N12a0n9t)uc-k--e-t-)-L--i-g-h-t- --------- Goethals Bridge (285) ------------------ 171 42 Goldsmith Inlet (1212) ----------------- (1209) __ 368 Goose Creek, Hempstead Bay (579) ---- 415 Great Pond (Montauk Harbor) (1211) __ 868 298 150 Goose Creek, Jamaica Bay (542) -------- 379 Great Reef (221) ----------------------- 826 Goose Island, Connecticut River (215) __ _ 388 142 Goose Island, Cos Cob Harbor (222) ____ Great Rip (1107) ----------------------- 272 Great (Connetquot) River (578) ------- 144 Goose Island, Long Island Sound, Falk- 325 Great River (village) (578) ------------ 226 Great Rock (258)----------------------- ner Island (217) --------------------- 281 Great Ross Rock (222) ----------------- 36'1 Goose Island, New Rochelle Harbor (223) 335 Great Round Shoal (250) --------------- 367 Goose Island, Norwalk Islands (221) ___ 314 Great Round Shoal Channel (250) ------ 249 Great Salt Pond (276) ------------------ 39 Goose Islet. West Harbor (358) --------- 281 Great South Bay (578) ----------------- 336 281 Great South Beach (578) --------------- 484 Goose 'Rocks (217) --------------------- 220 G~t South Channel (1107) ------------ 367 Goose Rocks Shoals (217) --------------- 201 Green Flats. City Island (223) ---------- 290 Gooseberry Island, Hope Island (236) __ 195 Green Flats, Hudson River (288) ------ 378 258 Gooseberry Island, Newport Neck (236)_ 267 286 288 Gooseberry Neck (237) ----------------- 288 173 218 Goshen Ledge (359) -------------------- 173 Green llarbor (578) -------------------- 388 Green Hill Pond (1211) ----------------- Goshen Point (214) --------------------- 206 Green Island, Hempstead Bay (579) ---- 200 Green Island, Long Island Sound, Hay- (;oshen :Rock (217) --------------------- Gosnold Island (297)-------------------- 284 Grceoecnk IPsolainndt ,(L21o7n)g -I-s-l-a-n-d--S--o-u-n-d-,--S-h--o-r-t Gosnold Pond (297) -------------------- ~Beach (217) ------------------------- Gould Island, East Passage (236) ------ Gould Island, Sakonnet River (353)---- Green Jacket Shoal (278) --------------- Governor I&Jand, Long Island Sound Green Point (542) ---------------------- (217) -----~~~--------------------

INDEX 489 Green Pond (259) ---------------------- Page Hammonasset Beach (216) ------------- Page Green River---------------------------- Hammonasset Point (216) -------------- Greenport (298) ----------------------- 154 Hammonasset River (216) -------------- 279 Greenport Harbor (298) ---------------- 73 Hammonasset State Park (216) -------- 279 Greens Harbor (293) ------------------- Hammond Flats (223) ------------------ 278 Greens Ledge (221) -------------------- 241 Hampton Bays (578) ------------------ 279 Greenville (541) ------------------------ 241 Handkerchief Lightship (250) ---------- 352 Green~ch (222) ----------------------- 259 Handkerchief Shoal (250) -------------- 364 Greenwich Bay (278) ------------------ 315 Harbor Bluff (258) --------------------- 143 Green~ch Cove, Captain Harbor (222) _ 396 Harbor Island (222) -------------------- 142 Greenwich Cove, Greenwich Bay (278) __ 326 Harbor Ledge (221) -------------------- 151 221 Harbor masters. See name of place 331 Greenwich Harbor (222) --------------- 324 Harbor regulations. See name of place 321 Greenwich Point (222) ----------------- 221 Greer Point (283) ---------------------- 326 Harbor, The (276) --------------------- 225 Gregory Point (221) ------------------- 324 Harborview (221) ---------------------- 316 Grenwolde (223) ----------------------- 432 Harding Beach (257) ------------------- 147 Greystone Station (748) ---------------- 316 Harlem River (274) -------------------- 360 Griswold Island (214) ------------------ 350 427 424 Harmon (282) ------------------------- 333 Groton (293) --------------------------- 269 Harrison Island (222) ------------------ 365 Groton Long Point (358) --------------- 258 Hart Cove (578) ----------------------- 336 256 Hart Island (223} ---------------------- Ground swell --------------------------- Hart Island Roads (City Island Harbor) 336 Grove Point (1211) --------------------- 6 275 Grover Hill (220) ---------------------- 225 (223) -------------------------------- 161 Guilford (217) ------------------------- 311 Hartford (267) ------------------------ 262 Guilford Harbor (217) ----------------- 280 Harts Haven (347) --------------------- 148 Guilford Point (217) ------------------- 280 Harvard University boat house (359) __ _ 148 Gull Island, Cuttyhunk Harbor (297) __ _ 280 148 172 Harvvich (257) ------------------------- 242 Gull Island, Sag Harbor (298) ---------- 243 Harwich Port (257) -------------------- 424 211 Harwich Port Harbor (257) ------------ 281 Gull Point (278) ------------------------ Hashamomuck Pond (299) -------------- 269 Gull Rock, Long Island Sound, 280 Hastings-on-Hudson (748) ------------- 269 243 Tuxis Island (216) ------------------- Hatch Rock (217) ---------------------- 72 Gull Rock, Sag Harbor (298) ----------- 288 Hatchett Point (214) ------------------- 879 Gull Rocks, Long Island Sound, 204 Hatchett Reef (214) -------------------- 427 177 Hatchie River -------------------------- 426 Johnson Point (217) ------------------ 222 Haunts Creek (579) -------------------- 158 Gull Rocks, Narragansett Bay (236) ___ _ 319 Haverstravv (282) ---------------------- 249 Haverstraw Bay (282) ----------------- 387 Gunning Point (249) ------------------- 403 Havves Shoal (1209) -------------------- 239 Gunning Rock (1210) ------------------- 274 Havvks Nest Point (358) ---------------- 239 274 Hawtree Creek (542) ------------------ 249 Gut, The (221) ------------------------- 170 Hay Beach Point (298) ----------------- 202 169 Hay Beach Point Flats (298) _________ _ H 273 285 280 Hay Harbor (358) ---------------------- Hackensack River (287) ---------------- 196 Haycock Ledge (236) ------------------ 272 Haddam Island (266) ----------- _______ _ 142 Haycock Point (217) ------------------- 388 Haddam Island Bar (266) _____________ _ 276 Haydens Point (215) ------------------ 156 178 Head of Bay (542) --------------------- Hadley Harbor (348) ------------------ 150 Head of the Harbor (1209) ------------- 20 Hadley Rock (348) --------------------- 218 Health and quarantine. See alBo 368 Hadlyme Landin~ (266) ---------------- 197 142 Half Acre Rock (217) ------------------ 207 name of place ------------------------ 357 149 Heckscher State Park (578) ------------ 379 Halfmile Rock (237) ------------------- 357 Hedge Fence (1209) -------------------- 347 273 Hell Gate (226) ------------------------ 195 Halfmoon Shoal (1209) ---------------- 273 Hempstead Bay (579) ------------------ Halftide Rock, Long Island Sound (215) 388 Hempstead Harbor (223) --------------- 327 Halftide Rock, Megansett Harbor (251) 177 Hen and Chickens, Buzzards Bay (237) _ Halftide Rock, Nantucket Sound (258} __ 387 Hen and Chickens, Long Island Soun~ 276 HHaallff--wwaayy RLoecdkg,eB(r2ig3g6)s ------------------ 187 Captain Harbor (222) ---------------- 382 Hen and Chickens, Long Island Sound, 175 Point (237) ------ 278 178 Halfway Rock, Narragansett Bay (236) Cornfield Point (215) ---------------- 330 Hen and Chickens, Long Island Sound, 283 Ballets Rocle (258) -------------------- 193 Larchmont Harbor (222) ------------ Halletts Point (226) -------------------- Hen and Chickens Lightship (237) ------ Hen Cove (251) ------------------------ Hamburg (215) ------------------------ Hen Island, Milton Harbor (222) ------- Hamburg Cove (215) ------------------- Hen Island, The Thimbles (217) -------- Hamilton Beach ( 542) -------- ---------- Henrietta Rock (252) ------------------ Hamlin Point (249) -------------------- Hammel (542) -------------------------- Hammett (Briggs) Cove (251) --------- Hammock River. (216) -----------------

490 INDEX Page Page Herod Point Shoal (1212) _____________ _ 299 Housatonic River (219) ---------------- 295 138 Howard Beach (542) ------------------- 386 Herring Cove (580) -------------------- Howland (283) ------------------------- Herring River (257) --------------------- 148 Huckleberry Island, Davids Island (223) 431 Hewlett Bay (579) --------------------- 382 334 Hewlett Point (223) -------------------- 850 Hibby Ground (237) -------------------- Huckleberry Islands, Byram Harbor 196 H?cks Beach (579) --------------------- 382 (222) -------------------------------- 826 Hicks Island (298) --------------------- 237 Hudson (283) -------------------------- 436 Hicks Ledge (222) ---------------------- 832 Hudson Canyon (1108) ----------------- Hicks Rock (237) ---------------------- 195 42 315 Hiding Rocks (221) -------------------- 274 Hudson Channel (579) ----------------- 380 Higganum Creek (266) ---------------- 201 Hudson (North) River (745, 746, 747, High Hill Point (353) ------------------ High Island, City Island (223) ---------- 836 282, 283, 284) ------------------------ 419 High Island, The Thimbles (217) ------- 283 Hull Cove (236) ------------------------ 202 138 Hunter Island (223) -------------------- High Pole Hill (580) -------------------- 267 Hunting regulations -------------------- 335 High Rock (214) ----------------------- Huntington (224) ---------------------- 114 High Tor (282) ------------------------ 427 Huntington Bay (224) ------------------ Highland, N. Y. (283) ------------------ 431 Huntington Harbor (224) -------------- 343 Highland Beach (543) ------------------ 407 Hunts Ledge (278) --------------------- Highland Falls (282) ------------------ 429 340 Highlands, Cape Cod (1208) ------------ 138 Hunts Point (226) ---------------------- 342 Highlands, Hudson River (282) -------- 428 Hunts Rock Breakwater (252) ---------- 220 Highlands, N. J. (543) ------------------ 406 355 Highlands of Navesink (1215) ---------- 373 Hurd Brook (266) ---------------------- 194 322 Hurricane------------------------------ 274 Highwater Rock (221) ------------------ 325 Hurricane area, maneuvering in-------- Hitchcock Rock (222) ------------------ 156 50 Hither Creek (1209) -------------------- 73 Hiwassee River ------------------------ 63 Hoadley Point (217) -------------------- 282 Hodges Rock (258) --------------------- Hurricane, center ---------------------- 56 Hoffman Island (540) ------------------ 151 Hurricane center, compass bearing------ 56 Hog Back, East River (226) ------------ 393 Hurricane diagram -------------------- 57, 58 Hog Back, New London Harbor (293) ---- 357 Hurricane, eye ------------------------- 50 259 Hurr~cane sea~anship ----------------- 64 Hog Creek Point (298) ------------------ 287 Hurricane service ---------------------- 12 Hog Island, Bristol Harbor (278) ------ 207 52 Hog Island, Buzzards Bay (251) -------- Hurricane tide ------------------------- 52 Hog Island Channel (579) -------------- 178 Hurricane wave ------------------------ Hog Island Rock (278) ----------------- Hursell Rock (252) -------------------- 194 382 Hushpuckena River -------------------- 71 Hog Neck (251) ------------------------ 211 Hussey Rock (252) --------------------- 194 Hog Neck Bay (299) ------------------- 184 Hutchinson River (Eastchester Creek) Hogs Back Shoal (283) ----------------- 246 Hole Creek Channel (578) -------------- 434 (223) -------------------------------- 337 378 Hyannis (258) ------------------------- Holidays, legal ------------------------- 66 Hyannis Harbor (258) ------------------ 150 Holmes Hill (299) ---------------------- 245 150 Holmes Rock (226) -------------------- 357 275 Hyannis Point (258) ------------------- 151 IIolyoke (267) -------------------------- 888 Hyannisport (258) --------------------- IIook Creek (542) ---------------------- 150 Hook l't!ountain (282) ------------------ 426 Hyde Park (283) ----------------------- 432 Hydrographer Canyon (1107) ---------- IHIooopkoe'rNs oRs.oec, kTh(2e1(7R) o-c-k-y--P-o--in--t)--(-2-8--3-)--__- 285 42 435 Hope Island (236) ---------------------- Hydrographic Office -------------------- 11 Horn Book, Piddington ----------------- 220 Horse in Bank (1212) ------------------ 56 I Horse Island, Cos Cob Harbor (222) ___ _ 298 Ice. See name of place 203 IIorse Island, The Thimbles (217) ------ 325 Ida Lewis Rock (236) ------------------- 887 liorse :N'eck (278) --------------------- 283 Idlewild (New York) International Air- Horse :N'eck Beach (237) ---------------- 75 Horse :N'eck Point (237) ---------------- 221 port (542) --------------------------- 75 195 Illinois and Mississippi Canal ----------- 75 Horseshoe Cove (299) ------------------ Illinois River --------------------------- 459 Horseshoe Harbor (222) --------------- 195 Illinois Waterway--------------------- Horseshoe Reef (358) -------------- 246 Immigration and Naturalization Offices_ 19 Horseshoe Shoal (1209) ---------------- 332 Immigration and Naturalization Service. $25 Borton Neck (1212) ------------------- 432 Hospital Cove (251) -------------------- 256 See also name of place---------------- 185 Hospitals. See name of place 142 Indian Harbor (222) ------------------- 286 297 Indian !(ill (283) ----------------------- 280 Hotchkiss Grove Beach (217) ----------- 178 Indian Neck, Buzzards Bay (251) ------- 279 Houghtaling Island (284) ------------- Indian Neck, Long Island Sound (217) __ 194 286 382 486 Indian Reef (217) ---------------------- Indian River (216) --------------------- 68 Inez Rock {252) ---------------------- .Ingraham Hassock {579) --------------- Inland waters, general rule -------------

INDEX 491 Inner Breakwater (358) ---------------- Pace Keyport (369) -------------------------- Page Inner Church Ledge (237) -------------- K.'eyser Point (221) -------------------- Inner Cove Rock (222) ----------------- 253 Kickamuit River (353) ----------------- 410 196 Kidds Humbug (Jones Point) (282) ____ Inner Reef (217) ----------------------- 324 315 Inspection, sanitary -------------------- 285 Kill Pond Bar (257) -------------------- 208 Kill Van Kull (285) -------------------- 428 Intracoastal \"\\Vaterway ---------------- 20 Kimberly Reef (217) ------------------- 147 Intrepid Rock (358) -------------------- Kings Park (1213) --------------------- 400 Inwood (542} -------------------------- 69 Kings Point Merchant Marine Academy 281 Irvington (748) ------------------------ 340 Island Beach (543) -------------------- 254 (223) -------------------------------- Island Channel (542) ------------------ Kingsland Point (282) ------------------ 350 Island Creek (579) --------------------- 388 Kingston (283) ------------------------ 426 Island Park (579) ---------------------- Kingston Point (283) ------------------- 432 Island Rocks (353) --------------------- 424 K.itts Island (221) --------------- ------- 433 405 Knox Point (297) ---------------------- 312 Islip (578) ----------------------------- 385 Knubble, The (237) -------------------- 172 379 195 882 200 368 J L Jaggers Creek (221) ------------------- 820 L'Anguille River ----------------------- 72 Jamaica Bay (542) --------------------- L'Hommedieu Shoal (1209) ------------- 142 JJaazmneesstoto\"Wwnn -(N2o3r6t)h-K--in--g-s-t-o-w--n-B--r-i-d-g-e----- 384 La Guardia Airport (226) -------------- 206 Lackeys Bay (249) --------------------- 355 Ladycliff School (282) ----------------- Jef(f2e3r6so) n-R--o-c-k--(-2-1-7--)--------------------------------------- 218 Lagoon Pond (347) -------------------- 171 281 Lake Champlain ----------------------- 429 Jeffrey Point (217) --------------------- 286 Lange Raek (283) ---------------------- 163 Jeffrey Rock (217) --------------------- 286 Larchmont Harbor (222) --------------- 447 Jeffreys Hook Tower (747) ------------- 423 Latimer Reef (358) -------------------- 431 242 Laurel Beach ~(219) -------------------- Jennings Point (299) ------------------- 396 Laurence Harbor (286) ---------------- 331 Jersey Flats (541) --------------------- JJeersussuapl eNzenc(k2 7( 269) 9-)- -_-_-_-__- _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -.:_ -_-_-__-_-_- -_ 229 Lawrence (579) ------------------------ 253 245 Lawrence Point (226) ------------------ 295 Jobs Neck (249) ------------------------ 171 League Rock (1210) -------------------- Joe Burris Ledge (237) ----------------- 196 411 Johns :Rock (214) ---------------------- 269 Lee River (353) ------------------------ 884 Johnson Creek (220) ------------------- 306 Leetes Island Quarry (217) ------------ 287 356 Johnson Point _(217) ----'---------------- 378 Leetes Rocks (217) --------------------- 222 Jones Beach State Park (579) ---------- 381 Lemon Creek (286) --------------------- 379 Leonardo (543) ------------------------ 208 Jones Inlet (579) ---------------------\"'- 216 Levisa Fork ---------------------------- JJoonneess LIseldagned ((253769})__-_-_-_-_-_-.-:.-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_ Lewis Bay (258) ----------------------- 282 Jones Point (Kidds Humbug) (282) ----' · 428 Lido Beach· (579) ---------------------\"'\" 282 Jon'98 Rocks (222) ------~--------------­ '326 Lieutenant River (215) ----------------- 411 267 Lifeboat Stations, Cape Cod to Jordan Cove (214) --'------------------- 282 408 Joshua Cove (217) ---------------------- 282 74 JJ ousdhyuPa oPi on it n(t2 (2211) 7_)__-_-_-_- -_; -_-_-_-_-_-__- _- _- _-_-_-_-_-_- -_ 312 150 383 272 Juniper Point, Long Island Sound (217) 285 Sandy Hook -------------------------- 457 Light Lists ----------------------------- 14, 33 Lighthouse Point (218) ---------------- 289 -!uniper Point, \"\\Voods Bole (348) ------- 167 :l.,ights --------------------------------- 14 Lindenhurst (578) ---------------------- ·· 377 Lion Head (236) ----------------------- . 202 K LiOnhead Rock (298) ------------------ · · 237 Little Bay, East River (223) ------------ 852 Little Bay, Nasketucket Bay (252) ------ 188 Kanawha River._________.:.______________ '14 Little Bird Island (251) ---------------''\"\" 185 158 KKaeatanmsbauBrgay(3(6394)6)_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-..;.-__- 410 Little Black Rock .(252) ---------------- .-1.38287 lteasby (375) ____________________ ..:_____ 416 Little Captain Island (222) ___________._ Keel Rocle (252) __ .:.___'------------------ 194 Little Compton (353) ----------------..:.- 201 .KKeelesneeyyPPooinintt (2(21667))__-_-_-_-_-_-_---__-_-_-_--._-_-__-_-_-_-_- Little Cows, The (220) ------------------ 811 lXteealsteuyekPyoiRnitvBerre_a_k_w__a_t_e_r__(_2_1__6_)_.-.;-._-..:-_-·------ 2'15 Little Fresh Kills (286) ----------'------ .414 Iettle Bottom Rocle. (236) .:..________..:._ LLiittttllee GGousllhIesnlaRnedefLi(g35h9t )(2-9--8-)--_-_-_-._-_-_-..-.;-_'_\"_ 223528 277 Jtewe Point (278) --------..:------------ .Jl'18 Little Gull Reef (298) ----------------- 282 74 Little Hammock Island (221) ---------- 815 202 Little Harbor. Long Island Sound (217) _ 282 215 Little Harbor, Woods Hole (848) -------- 170

492 INDEX Little Hell Gate (274) ------------------ Page Lovers Island (217) -------------------- Page Little Ida Lewis Rock (236) ------------ Lower Bay (369) ----------------------- Little Island, Sippican Harbor (251) ___ _ 359 Lower Green Flats (223) -------------- 287 203 Lower Middle Ground (278) ------------ 391 Little Island, West Bay (259) ---------- 186 334 Little Kanawha River ------------------ 153 Lower Rocky Point (543) --------------- 212 Little League Rock (1210) -------------- Lucas Shoal (249) ---------------------- 406 Little Mermaid (217) ------------------ 74 Luddington Rock Breakwater (218) ---- 166 Little Missouri River ------------------- 222 Little Narragansett Bay (358) ---------- Lumber Rock (237) -------------------- 290 Little Neck Bay (223) ------------------ 286 Luppatatong Creek (369) -------------- Little Neck Point (224) ---------------- 71 Lydonia Canyon (1107) ---------------- 195 Little Pea Island (Columbia Island) Lynde Point (215) ---------------------- 410 250 350 42 341 272 Lit(t2l2e3P)ec-o-n-i-c--B-a--y--(2--9-9-)--------------------------------- 234354 M 73 42 Little River ---------------------------- McBlair Shoal (1209) ------------------ 200 Little Rock (214) ----------------------- 267 McCurry Point (353) ------------------- 335 Little Ross Rock (222) ------------------ 326 202 Little Round Shoal (250) --------------- 142 Machaux Rock (223) ------------------- 382 Little Southwest Rock (237) ------------ 195 Mackerel Gove (236) ------------------- 156 Little Stony Point (282) ---------------- 429 Macy Channel (579) -------------------- 280 Little Tavern Island (221) ------------ 315 Maddaket Harbor (1209) --------------- 279 Little Tree Point (236) ----------------- 219 435 Madison (216) ------------------------- 429 Little Whale (236) --------------------- 216 Madison Reef (216) -------------------- 434 Maelstrom, The (283) ------------------ Lloyd IIarbor (224) -------------------- 343 Magazine Point Light (282) ------------ 5 Lloyd IIarbor Light (224) -------------- 341 Magdalen Island (283) ----------------- 74 Lloyd Neck (224) ---------------------- 344 Magnetic disturbance, compass --------- 237 Lloyd Point (224) ---------------------- 344 Mahoning River -------------.. ---------- 144 LLoobbsstteerr pRootcsle-, -G--u-i-lf-o-r-d--H--a-r-b-o--r--(2--1-7-)--_-__- 28609 Lobster Rock, Westbrook Harbor (215) _ 415 276 434 286 LLooccaulstsPeroviincte,sE-a-s-t-c-h-e-s-t-e-r--B-a-y---(2--2-3-)--_-__-_- 33686 :MMa:ainidCstohnaenn(e2l9, 8N)an--tu--c-k-e-t-S--o-u-n-d--(-1-2--0-9-)--_ 331 330 Locust Point, Navesink River (543) _____ 406 :M:ain Creek (286) ---------------------- 358 Lone Rock, Cotuit Anchorage (259) _____ 152 Malden on Hudson (283) ---------------- 349 407 Lone Rock, New Bedford Harbor (252) __ 194 Maltby Cove (217) --------------------- 349 :M:amaroneck (222) --------------------- 396 Lone Rock, No Mans Land (1210) ------ 167 Mamaroneck Harbor (222) ------------- 384 Man of War Rock (745) ---------------- 359 Lone Rock, Oak Bluffs (347) ------------ 161 350 Lone Rock, Quicks Hole (345) ---------- 172 315 288 Long Bar (542) ------------------------ 387 Manhasset Bay (223) ------------------ 329 Long Beach, Hempstead Bay (579) ____382, 383 Manhasset Creek (543) ---------------- 328 Manhasset Neck (223) ----------------- Long Beach, Sheffield Island Harbor 315 Manhattan (745) ----------------------- 53 407 Manhattan Beach (542) ---------------- Lo(n2g21B)ea-c-h-,-S--h-r-e-w--s-b-u-r-y--R--iv--e-r--(5-4-3--}------- 240 Manhattan Bridge {745) --------------- 399 Long Beach Bay (298) ------------------ 256 Long Beach Point, Gardiners Bay (298) _ 239 Manor IIaven (223) -------------------- Manrissa Island (221) ------------------ 458 Long Beach Point, Wareham River (251) 185 Mansfield Point (218) ------------------ 456 374 :M:anursing Island (222) ---------------- Long Branch (1215) -------------------- Manursing Island Reef (222) ---------- 12 Long Creek (579) ---------------------- 380 Long Island (252) ---------------------- 188 Mares' tails ---------------------------- 384 Long Island Sound (1212, 1213) _______ _ 265 Marine and Aviation Department, 401 186 Long Island State Park Commission 375 New York City----------------------- 196 Channel (578, 579) ------------------- 294 Marine Historical Association --------- 381 185 1L.o.onngg JMeettaydo(w21I9s)la-n-d---(5--7-9-)--------------------------- 184 Marine hospitals ----------------------- 167 LLoonngg NNeecckk ((C25o1ll)an--d-e-r-s-)-P--o-i-n-t--(2--2-1-)--__-_--_ 319 Marine inspection offices ---------------- 178 Marine meteorological service ---------- 248 Long Point, Carmans River (578) ------ 366 Marine Parkway Bridge (542) ---------- 221 253 Long Point, Narragansett Bay (278) ---- ltfariners Harbor (285) ---------------- 368 138 410 Long Point Light (580) ---------------- 385 :M:arion (251) -------------------------- 410 Long Pol Bar (542) -------------------- 155 Markham Ledge (237) ------------------ Long Pond (1209) ---------------------- 196 Marks Cove (251) -------------------- Long Rock (237) ----------------------- 276 Martha's Vineyard (1209, 1210) -------- Long Sand Shoal (1212) ---------------- 168 Long Shoal (1209) ----~--------------­ Jifashnee Island (251) ------------------ 880 Maahornaclc Point (298) ---------------- LLLoooorradpnIPsa-l-rak-nw-d---a(-y2-6-(6-5)-7~9-~-)----------------------------------------------------------- Jlason Island (358) -- ---------------------------------~- 29 Maspeth Creek (745) Lords Passage (368) ------------------ 273 -----------------~ 231 llatawan Creek (869) Matawan Point (369) ------------------

INDEX 493 Matinicock Point (222) ---------------- page Mill Basin (542) ----------------------- Page Mill Cove (236) ------------------------ Mattapoisett (252) --------------------- 347 Mill Creek (299) ----------------------- 385 Mattapoisett Harbor (252) ------------- 187 Mill Creek Entrance (284) -------------- 218 187 242 Mattapoisett Ledge (252) -------------- 187 Mill Neck Creek (224) ------------------ 187 Mill Pond, Milton HaJ:bor (222) -------- 436 Mattapoisett Neck (252) --------------- 298 Mill Pond, Stage Harbor (257) ---------- 298 Mill River, New Haven Harbor (218) __ _ 346 Mattituck (299} ------------------------ Mill River, Southport Harbor (220) ___ _ 330 Mattituck Inlet (299) ------------------ 230 230 Mill Rock (226) ------------------------ 147 :M:atunuck (1211) ---------------------- Millburn Creek (579) ------------------- 290 Matunuck Point (1211) ---------------- 73 Millstone Point (214) ------------------ 311 379 Milton Harbor (222) ------------------- 357 Mayfield Creek ------------------------- 186 Milton Point (222) --------------------- 380 Meadow Island, Hempstead Bay (579) __ Minisceongo Creek (282) --------------- 267 67 Mink Point (348) --------- -------------- Meadow Island, Sippican Harbor (251) _ 138 Minnesota River------------------------ 329 315 Mishaum Ledge (249) ------------------ 329 M eCaaspuer eCdocdoBuar sye,sP-r-o-v-i-n-c-e-t-o-n- -(-5-8-0- -) - -__-_- -_ 337 Mishaum Point (252) ------------------- 427 East Passage, Narragansett Bay (236) Misquamicut ( 1211) -------------------- Long Island Sound, City Island (223) _ 815 M~ssissippi .River ----------------------- 169 Long Island Sound, Norwalk Islands M1ssour1 River ------------------------- 76 301 Mitchell Rock (236) -------------------- Lo(n2g2I1s)la-n-d--S-o--u-n-d-,-P--o-r-t-J-e-f-f-e-r-s-o-n------ Mohegan Bluffs (1211) ----------------- 175 378 Mohegan Dike (359) ------------------- 194 L o(n3g6 1I s) l a-n- -d- -S-t-a-t-e- -P-a-r-k- -C- -o-m- -m- -i s-s-i-o-n- - - 29 Money Island (217) -------------------- 230 Monmouth Beach (543) ---------------- Channel (578) --------------------- 459 Monomoy Beaeh (1209) ----------------- 70 Medical advice, radio------------------- 21 Monomoy Island (1209) ---------------- 74 Medical relief stations------------------ 204 Medical service ------------------------- 178 Monomoy Point (250) ------------------ 225 Megansett (251) ----------------------- 177 Monomoy Point Daybeacon (250) ------- 263 Megansett Harbor (251) ---------------- 259 Monomoy Shoals (250) ---------- _------ 283 Melton Ledge (293) -------------------- 207 Monongahela River -------------------- 407 439 147 Melville (236) -------------------------- 154 ?d:ontauk (1211) ------------------------ 147 Menands (284) ------------------------- 186 Montauk Harbor (Great Pond) (1211) __ 141 166 Menauhant (259) ---------------------- 166 Montauk Point (1211) ------------------ 143 Mendells Rocks (251) ------------------ 166 Montauk Shoal (1211) ------------------ Menemsha Bight (1210} ---------------- 276 Monthly mean sea water densities------- 141 Menemsha Inlet (1210) ----------------- 284 Monthly mean surface water tempera- 74 Menemsha Pond (1210) ----------------- 294 235 Menunketesuck Island (216) ------------ 469 tures --------------------------------- 247 Montville (359) ------------------------ 234 !derznaid Rock (217) ------------------- Monument Beach (251) ---------------- 283 Merwin Point (218) -------------------- 324 Moodna Creek (282) -------------------- 233 Meteorological tables ------------------- 324 454 Miamogue Point (299) ----------------- 382 Moon Rock (217) ---------------------- !dianus (222) -------------------------- 248 Morgan (286} -------------------------- 454 Mianus ltiver (222) -------------------- 211 Morgan Point (358) -------------------- 262 Middle Bay (579) ---------------------- Moriches Bay (578) -------------------- 179 MMiiddddllee GClruomunpd,(3B5r8i)st-o-l-H--a-r-b-o--r-(-2-7-8--}--__--_ 173 Moriches Inlet (578) -------------------- Middle Ground, Cuttyhunk Harbor (297) 429 Middle Ground, Fishers Island Sound 250 l!d:orris Cove (218) ---------------------- 286 333 Morris Rock (224) ---------------------- 411 Mi(d3d5l8e )G-ro--u-n-d-,-L--o-n-g--I-s-l-a-n-d--S-o-u--n-d--(-2-2-2-)- 254 Middle Groun~ Plum Gut (298) -------- 236 l!d:oses Point (224) ---------------------- 365 Middle Ground, Vineyard Sound (249) __ !dosher Ledge (252) -------------------- 166 Moshers Point (252) ------------------- 366 Middle Ground Flats (283) ------------- Mosquito Cove (223) ------------------- 289 Middle Ground Shoal (346) ------------ 436 344 Middle Ledge, Cuttyhunk Barbor (297) _ Mott Basin (542) ----------------------- Middle Ledge, New Bedford Harbor 159 Mott Point (223) ----------------------- 346 178 Mount Hope (363) --------------------- 188 Mi(d2d6l2e)Le-d--g-e-,-W--o-o-d--s-H--o-l-e--(3--4-8-)----------------- Mount Hope Bay (353) ----------------- 193 194 Mount Hope Bridge (353) -------------- 348 Middle Iieef (223) ---------------------- 387 Middle Rip (1107) ---------------------- 169 Mount Misery (361) -------------------- 348 Middle Rock (217) ---------------------- 334 Mount Misery Shoal (361) -------------- Middle Shoal (298) --------------------- Mount Sinai Harbor (361) -------------- 208 41 Mouse Island (358) --------------------- Middleto'Nn (267) ---------------------- 285 Mouse Island Bar (26'1) ---------------- 208 Midland Beach (369) ------------------- 233 ld:ud (West Babylon) Creek (578) ------ 208 Midway Shoal (298) -------------------- 274 408 Mud Gorge (1215) ---------------------- 299 ld:ilford llarbor (219) ------------------ 236 300 )Jilford Harbor Light (219) ------------ 294 ll:UDlford Point (358) ------------------ 299 )tDford Point {219) -------------------- 296 Muskeget Channel (1209) -------------- 264 296 274 Mill Bar (219) -------------------------- 297 377 372 256 158

494 INDEX Muskeget Island (1209) ---------------- Paire N\"eguntatogue Creek (578) ------------- Paire Muskingum River ---------------------- Neosho (Grand) River ----------------- Mussel Island (745) -------------------- 156 Neptune Island (223) ------------------ 377 Musselbed Shoals Light {278} ---------- 74 Netties Reef (217) --------------------- 71 Mutton Shoal (1209) ------------------- N\"ew Baltimore (284) ------------------- 358 335 Myrtle Beach (219) -------------------- 208 NN\"eeww BBeeddffoorrdd H(2a5r2b)or--(-2-5-2--) ------------------------- 281 Mystery Point (282) -------------------- 158 New Brighton (285) ------------------- 436 Mystic (358) --------------------------- 295 New Brunswick (375) ------------------ 189 Mystic Harbor (358) ------------------- 428 New Dorp Beach (369) ----------------- 188 Mystic River (358) --------------------- 255 New Dorp Light (369) ------------------ 401 255 New Hamburg (283) ------------------- 416 256 New Haven (218) ---------------------- 408 New Haven Harbor (218) -------------- N New London (293) --------------------- 392 New London Harbor (293) ------------- Nannaquaket Pond (353) -------------- 201 New Milford (287) --------------------- 431 156 New Rochelle (222) -------------------- 289 Nantucket (343) ----------------------- 156 New Rochelle Harbor (223) ------------ 289 Nantucket Harbor (343) --------------- 155 N\"ew Shoreham (1211) ------------------ 258 Nantucket Island (1209) ---------------- New Suffolk (299) --------------------- 258 Nantucket (Great Point) Light (1209) -- 155 N\"ew York and New Jersey Channels 403 Nantucket Shoals (1107) --------------- 333 Nantucket Shoals Lightship (1107) ---- 39 N\"e(w36Y9o) rk--C--a-n-a-l--S-y--s-t-e-m--------------------------------- 334 Nantucket Sound (1209) --------------- 40 New York City (745\\ ------------------- 225 Napatree Beach (358) ------------------ 141 New York Harbor (369) ---------------- 246 Napatree Point (358) ------------------ 250 New York (Idlewild) International Air- Napatree Point Ledge (358) ------------ 250 409 port (542) --------------------------- 440 Napeague Bay (298) ------------------- 250 Newark (287) -------------------------- 396 Napeague Harbor (298) ---------------- Newark Bay (285, 287) ----------------- Narragansett Bay (353) --------------- 237 391 Narragansett Pier (236) --------------- 237 Newburgh (282) ----------------------- Narraskatuck (Clock) Creek (578) __.;___ 197 Newet Rocks (237) --------------------- 387 N\"ewfoundland Reef (222) -------------- 402 Narrow Bay (578) --------------------- 216 Newport (236) ------------------------- 401 Narrows, Mystic River (358) ----------- Newport Harbor (236) ----------------- Narrows, The, Hempstead Bay (579) --- 378 Newport Neck (236) ------------------- 480 Narrows, The, New York Harbor (541) _ 866 NNee''WWttoonwnRCocrkee(k23(764) 6-)------------------------------------- 196 256 325 Narrows Island (217) ------------------ 379 N\"iantic (214) -------------------------- 203 Nashawena Island (249) ---------------- 394 Niantic Bay (214) ---------------------- 202 Nasketucket Bay (252) ---------------- 282 Niantic River (214) -------------------- 201 Nasketucket River (252) --------------- Nichols Point (298) -------------------- 202 Nassau Point (299) -------------------- 171 Nichols Point Shoal (298) -------------- 868 National Bureau of Standards, Nickerson Neck (1208) ----------------- 268 .188 Nicoll Point (578) ---------------------- 26'7 Nigger Bar Channel (642) ------------- 268 188 Ninigret Pond (1211) ------------------ 248 N\"issequogue River (1213) -------------- 243 246 N\"o Man11 Land (1210) ------------------ 140 N\"oank (village) (358) ------------------ 368 standard frequency broadcasts------- 25 387 Nobska Point (249) -------------------- 230 Naubuc (267) -------------------------- 274 Nolin River ---------------------------- 840 Naubuc Bar (267) ---------------------- 274 Nonamesset Island (848) -------------- 167 Naugatuck River (219) ---------------- 296 Nonamesset Shoal (348) ---------------- 264 Nauset Beach Light (1208) ------------ 139 Nonquitt (262) .,----------------------,--- 156 Normandie (-543) ----------------------- 74 Nauset Harbor (1208) ------------------ 189 NNoorrothtoBn aPyoi(n2t88(2) 2_1_)_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-;_-_-_-_- 167 Nauset Heights (1208) ----------------- 139 168 North Brother (214) ------------------ 193 Naushon Island (249) ------------------ 171 North Brother Island (226) ------------ 407 N\"autical charts ------------------------1,2,32 North Channel, Nantucket Sound (1209) 818 Naval Shipyard, Wallabout Bay (745) __ 359 North Chatham (1208) ---------~-----­ 484 269 Naval Submarine Base (293) ----------- 261 N\"orth Cove (215) --------------------- 856 Navesink Beach (543) ------------------ 407 North Dumpling (368) -------------- Navesink Light (1216) ---------------~- }NIToorrtthh GGreeremnanSteodwgne ((527893)) -__-_-.-. _-_-_-_-_-_-_..-_-_-_ 144 Navesink River (543) ------------------ 373 140 N\"svigable waters, proteetiot of ------\"-- 405 l:iNl'o.orrtthh LHeadvgeen. L(a2r9c8h)m-o--n-t-B--a-r-b-,o..r--(-2-2-2--)-.-,. 272 Navigation regulations ..,:..,:_______________ U9 10 115 480 Navigational warnings, radiotelegraphic 28 ~ w382 Navigational warnings, radiotelephone _ 28 33l Nayatt Point (278) --------------------- 212 Nebraska Shoal (1211) ----------------- 230 Neck River ·(217) ---------------------- 280 Ned Point (262) ----------------------- 187 Neds Meadow (579) ------------------- 379 NNeeggrroo LBeedagdes ((225127) )_-__-_-_-_-_-_-:-._-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-__- 128964 Negro Point (226) ---------------------- 857

INDEX 495 hire Page North Ledge, New Bedford Harbor (252) 194 Old Ferry Point (223) ------------------ 853 Old Field Point (1213) ----------------- 339 North Point (34i}) ---------------------- 172 Old Gay Rock (236) ------------------- 218 North (Hudson) River (745, 746, 747, Old Greenwich (Sound Beach) (222) ___ 324 282, 283, 284) ------------------------ 419 North Sea Harbor (299) ---------------- 245 Northford Rock (217) ------------------ 283 Old Hen (223) ------------------------- 348 Northport (224) ------------------------ 342 Old Hen Rock (222) -------------------- 327 341 Old Inlet (578) ------------------------- 367 342 Northport Bay (224) ------------------- 344 Old Ly!Ile (215) ------------------------ 272 Northport Ifarbor (224) --------------- Old Man (1210) ------------------------ 167 Northwest Bluff (224) ------------------ Old Man Shoal (1209) ------------------ 42 Northwest Reef (217) ------------------ 285 Old Mystic (358) ----------------------- Norton Point, Coney Island (540) ------- 393 Old Orchard Shoal (369) --------------- 256 Norton Point, Jamaica Bay (542) ------- 388 Old Orchard Shoal Light (369) --------- 409 392 Norton Point, Katama Bay (346) ------- 159 Norton Point, Vineyard Sound (249) ---- 166 Old Pelt (221) ------------------------- 315 158 Old Reef (1211) ------------------------ 230 Norton Shoal (1209) ------------------- 316 Old Saybrook (215) -------------------- 272 NNoorrwwaallkk ((S2h2e1f)fi-e-ld--I-s-l-a-n-d-)- -H--a-r-b-o-r- ------ 315 Old Sergeant (236) -------------------- 218 (221) Norwalk Islands (221) ----------------- 313 Old Silas Rock (298) ------------------- 233 Norwalk River (221) ------------------- 316 Old South Shoal (1107) ---------------- 42 263 Old Sow Rock (236) -------------------- 220 11,33 Norwich (359) ------------------------- Old '\\Varwick Cove (278) --------------- 221 Notice to Mariners --------------------- Old '\\Vhale Rock (237) ----------------- 196 Nott Island (215) ---------------------- 272 244 Onset (251) ---------------------------- 184 Noyack Bay (298) ---------------------- 253 Onset Bay (251) ----------------------- 184 Noyes Rock (358) ---------------------- Orchard Beach (223) ------------------ 335 Noyes Shoal (358) ---------------------- 253 Orchard Neck Creek (578) ------------- 366 Nums Creek (579) ---------------------- 382 Orient (298) --------------------------- 240 402 Orient Harbor (298) ------------------- ?iutley (287) --------------------------- Orient Point (298) --------------------- 240 Nyack (282) --------------------------- 426 Orient Shoal (1212) -------------------- 236 Nye Ledge (252) ----------------------- 297 ?iyes Neck (251) ----------------------- 187 Orienta Point (222) -------------------- 330 177 Orion Shoal (250) --------------------- 142 Oronoque Bar (219) ------------------- 297 0 Orowoc Creek (578) -------------------- 368 <>sage River ---------------------------- ()ak Beach (578) ----------------------- 377 Ossining (282) ------------------------ 75 Oak Bluffs (347) ----------------------- Osterville (259) ----------------------- 426 Oak Bluffs Harbor (347) --------------- 161 Osterville Grand Island (259) --------- Oak Island (578) ----------------------- 152 Oak Neck (224) ------------------------ 161 153 Oak Neck Creek (224) ------------------ Oak Neck Point (224) ------------------ 377 Oswego Canal ------------------------- 441 Oakdale (251) ------------------------- 346 Otter Rocks (222) --------------------- 326 Oakland Beach, Greenwich Bay (278) --- 346 Oakland Beach, Peningo Neck (222) ---- Ouachita River ------------------------ 71 346 Outer Island (217) -------------------- 283 Obion River ---------------------------- Outer Steamboat Rock (222) ----------- 330 Ocean Beach, Great South Bay (578) --- 185 Ocean Beach, New'London Harbor (293) Outer White Top (217) ---------------- 280 221 Outerbridge Crossing Bridge (286) ____ 414 Ocean Grove (1215) -------------------- 329 Overfalls ------------------------------ 39 (O)eceeaanniocgr(5ap48h)er-C--a-n-y-o--n--(1--1-0-7-)--------------------- Overpeck Creek (287) ----------------- 403 72 Oyster Bay (224) ---------------------343, 346 Oceanport (543) ----------------------- Oyster Bay Harbor (224) -------------- 345 Oceanport Creek (543) ----------------- 368 Oyster Pond (1209) ------------------- 157 Oceanside (579) ------------------------ Oyster Pond Reef (298) --------------- 236 Oceanside Beach (579) ----------------- 258 ()hio Ledge (278) ----------------------- p 374 ()bio River ----------------------------- Padanara.m (South Dartmouth) (262) - 193 <>il, use in breaking sea ----------------- 406 Padanaram Breakwater (252) ---------- 193 Old Antonio (236) ---------------------- 42 Paerdegat Basin (542) ---------------- Old Baldy (221) ----------------------- 386 Old Bay Rook (358) -------------------- 407 Paine Landing (1212) ------------------ Old Bridge (375) ---------------------- 407 Palisades Interstate Park (747) ------- 299 Old Bull (35.S) ------------------------- 382 Palmer Island Light (252) ------------ 423 Old Clump (217) ----------------------- 382 189 Old Cohhka Rocks (217) ---------------- 211 Palmer Ledge (237) ------------------- :Ola Cock ('237) ------------------------- Paper Rock Shoal (266) --------------- 196 73 Paradise Point (299) ------------------ 274 Paradise Point Shoal (299) ------------ 9 Parker Creek (543) -------------------- 242 216 242 3'16 40'1 209 417 201 288 283 195

496 INDEX Parker Flats (348) -------------------- Page Planting Island (251) ------------------ Page Parsonage Cove (579) ----------------- Planting Island Cove (251) ------------ Parsonage Island (579) ---------------- 168 186 Parsonage Point (222) ----------------- Playland (222) ------------------------ 186 Pasque Island (345) ------------------- 380 Pleasant Bay (1208) ------------------- 329 Passaic (287) -------------------------- 382 Pleasant Beach (214) ----------------- 140 Passaic River (287) -------------------- 329 Pleasure Bay (543) -------------------- 267 171 Pleasure Beach (220) ------------------ 407 Patchogue (578) ----------------------- 402 Ploughshare Point (286) -------------- 305 Patchogue Creek (578) ---------------- Plum Beach Shoal (236) --------------- 414 Patience Island (278) ----------------- 402 Plum Gut (298) ------------------------ 218 Patroon Island (284) ------------------ 367 Plum Gut Harbor (298) ---------------- 236 Pawcatuck Point (358) ---------------- 367 Plum Island (298) --------------------- 235 Pawcatuck River (358) ---------------- 220 Plum Island Rock (298) ---------------- 235 Pawcatuck Rock (358) ---------------- 438 Plum Point, Manhasset Bay (223) ____ _ 235 250 Plum Point, Oyster Bay (224) ________ _ 350 Pa'Wll Rock (237) ---------------------- 345 Pawtucket (278) ---------------------- 251 Plumb Beach Channel (542) ------------ 388 Pocasset Harbor (251) ----------------- 178 Pawtuxet (278) ------------------------ 251 Pocasset River (251) ------------------- 178 Pawtuxet Cove (278) ------------------ 195 Pocket Rock (252) --------------------- 193 Pea Island (223) ---------------------- 213 Point. See a\"8o proper name Peacock Point (222) ------------------- 213 294 Peaked Hill Bar (1208) ---------------- 213 Point Beach (219) --------------------- 410 Peaked Rock (1210) ------------------- 334 Point Comfort (369) ------------------- 149 Pease Ledge (297) --------------------- 227 Peck Ledge Light (221) ---------------- 347 Point Gammon (258) ------------------ 227 139 Point Judith Harbor of Refuge (276) ___ 222 Pecks Rock (222) ---------------------- 222 229 Peconic River (299) -------------------- Point Judith Light (276) -------------- 381 Peeks Kill (Annsville) Creek (282) ---- 173 Point Judith Neck (1210) -------------- 368 314 155 Peekskill (282) ------------------------ 325 Point Judith Pond (276) --------------- 310 247 Point Lookout (579) ------------------- 429 Pelhatn (223) -------------------------- 428 Point o' Woods (578) ------------------ 141 Penataquit Creek (578) ---------------- Point Rip (1209) ----------------------- 143 Penfield Reef (220) -------------------- 427 Point Rock Shoal (220) ---------------- 143 Penguin Shoal (358) ------------------- 338 Pollepel ( Bannermans) Island ( 282) __ _ 142 Penikese Island (297) ------------------ 368 213 Peningo Neck (222) -------------------- Pollock Rip (250) ---------------------- 294 311 Pollock Rip Channel (250) ------------- 364 Penivs Rocks (278) -------------------- 252 Pollock Rip Lightship (250) ----------- 210 172 PPeennzzaannccee P(3o4in8t) (-3-4-8-)-------------------------------------- 329 Pollock Rip Slue (250) ----------------- 211 212 Pomham Rocks (278) ------------------- 189 Perth ADlboy (286) -------------------- 169 218 Petit Jean River ----------------------- Pond Point (219) ---------------------- 428 Pettaquainscutt River (236) ----------- 169 Ponquogue Point (578) ---------------- 153 Pettit Marsh (579) -------------------- 413 Popasquash Neck (278) ---------------- 306 Phelps Bank (1107) -------------------- Phelps Ledge (1211) ------------------- 72 Popasquash Point (278) --------------- 329 Phillipsdale (278) --------------------- Popes Island (252) --------------------- 285 Phinney Rock (252) -------------------- 216 Phinneys Harbor (251) ---------------- Poplar Point (236) --------------------- 10 379 Popolopen Creek (282) ----------------- 328 Picket Rock (223) ---------------------- 41 Poponesset Bay (259) ------------------ 328 Pierniont (748) ------------------------ Poquonock River (220) ----------------- 800 Pilgrim Monument (580) -------------- 234 299 Pilots. See also name of place ---------- 213 Porgy Shoal (222) --------------------- 194 400 Pine Creek Point (220) ---------------- 178 PPoorrkt cRhoacrkgses(.21S7e)e a--ls-o--n-a-m--e--o-f--p-l-a-c-e--__--_ 408 PPiinnee GIsrloanved, (D21a4v)en-p-o-r-t--N-e--c-k--(-2-2-2-)---__-_--_ 348 Pine Island, New London Harbor (358) _ Port Chester (222) --------------------- 366 Pine Island, Peningo Neck (222) ------- 424 Port Chester Harbor (222) ------------ 401 Pine Island, Woods Hole (348) --------- Pine Island Channel (293) -------------- 138 Port Jefferson (361} ------------------- 399 Pine Island Park (224) ---------------- 66 Port Jefferson Harbor (361) ----------- 414 401 Pine Marsh (579) ---------------------- 311 Port Johnson (285) -------------------- Pine Neck (578) ----------------------- 268 Port Monmouth (369) ------------------ 10 Pine Neck Point (578) ----------------- 333 414 256 Port Morris (226) --------------------- 360 Pine Orchard (217) -------------------- 329 Port Newark Terminal (287) ----------- 274 Pine Point, Buzzards Bay (.251) -------- Port of New York Authority ----------- 274 Pine Point, Long Island Sound (221) ___ 169 458 257 Port Reading (286) -------------------- 283 Pinetree Ground (237) ----------------- 346 Port Richtnond (285) ------------------ Z'1S Pipes Cove (298) ---------------------- 380 Pistol Point Bar (267) ----------------- Port Series----------------------------- Planet Rock (368) --------------------- 364 Port Socony (286) ---------------------- 364 Port Washington (223) ---------------- 286 186 Portland (267) ------------------------ 318 Po rrttlsaonfdeBnatrry(-2-6-7--) ----------------------------------------- 196 Po Pot Island (217) ----------------------- 241 Potash Bar (266) ---------------------- 274 255

INDEX 497 Page Page Potato Island (217) -------------------- 284 RRaaddiioo sitnastpioecntoWrsW-V------------------------------------------ 21 Radio station WWVH ------------------ 25 Poteau River --------------------------- 72 Radio supervision ____ ------------------ 28 Potowomut (278) ---------------------- 220 21 Potowomut River (278) ----------------- 220 Radiobeacons --------------------------- 15 Potter Cove, Conanicut Island (236) ____ 206 Radio telephone broadcasts, U. S. Coast 468 Potter Cove, Prudence Island (278) ____ 211 Guard ------------------------------- 194 Ragged Rocks (252) ------------------- 415 Potter Pond (1210) -------------------- 230 Rahway River (285) ------------------- 236 Potunk Point (578) -------------------- 365 Ram Head (298) ----------------------- 243 Poughkeepsie (283) -------------------- 431 Ram Head ShoaJ (298) ----------------- Powder Island (293) ------------------- 259 Ram Island, Bullhead Bay (299) ------- 247 Ram Island, Fishers Island Sound (358) 254 Powell Cove (223) --------------------- 353 Ram Island, Mattapoisett Neck (252) __ _ Premium Point (222) ------------------ 332 Ram Island, Sippican Harbor (251) ___ _ 188 Press Barn Bar (267) ------------------ 274 Ram Island Reef (358) ----------------- 186 Princess Bay (286) -------------------- 411 Ram Island Shoal (358) ---------------- 254 Randall Bay (579) --------------------- 254 Promised Land (298) ------------------ 237 Randalls Island (274) ----------------- 380 Promised Land Channel (298) ----------- 237 Range Channel (578) ------------------ 360 Rapid Rock (359) ---------------------- 369 Prospect Hill (1211) ------------------- 233 Raritan Bay (369) --------------------- 258 Prospect Point (223) ------------------- 348 Raritan Bay Channel (369) ------------ 410 Raritan River (375) ------------------- 410 Providence (278) ---------------------- 212 Rat Island (223) ----------------------- 416 Providence Point (278) ---------------- 222 Rattlesnake Island (284) -------------- 336 Red Bank, Navesink River (543) _______ 436 Providence River (278) ---------------- 212 407 Provincetown (580) ------------------- 137 Red Bank, Staten Island (286) --------- 411 Provincetown Harbor (580) ------------ 137 Red Brook Harbor (251) --------------- 178 Red Hook Channel (541) --------------- 395 Prudden Island (217) ------------------ 283 168 Prudence Island (353) ----------------- 197 Red Ledge (348) ----------------------- 283 Pruden ce Island Light Red Point Rocks (217) ----------------- 253 Public Health Service _(_2_3_6__) __-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 20 , 207 70 458 Ried Reef (358) ------------------------ 325 Red River ------------------------------ 218 Publications --------------------------- 32 Red Rock, Cos Cob Harbor (222) ------- 274 Pugsley Creek (226) ------------------ 353 Red Rock, West Passage (236) --------- 247 Pulpit Rock (358) ---------------------- Red Store Landing (266) -------------- Pumpkin Patch Channel (542) --------- 249 Reeves Bay (299) ---------------------- 406 386 Reeves Channel (543) ------------------ Regulations, fishing structures --------- 68 Q 55 Reinforced trades ---------------------- 21 Quahaug Bar (251) -------------------- 185 Relief stations ------------------------- 438 Quamquisset (Quisset) Harbor (249) __ 176 Rensselaer (284) ---------------------- Reports, accidents --------------------- 18 Quantuck Bay (578} ------------------- 365 Rescue and search ---------------------- 17 Quantuck Canal (578) ----------------- 365 Restricted areas ----------- ------------ Quantuck Creek (578) ----------------- 365 Reynolds Channel (579) ---------------- 10 Quarantine. See alBo name of place ----- Rhinecliff (283) ----------------------- Queens (745) -------------------------- 20 Rhinelander Reef (226) ---------------- 381 Quicks Hole (345) --------------------- Rhode Island Rocks (221) -------------- Quicksand Point (237) ----------------- 396 Ribbon Reef (249) --------------------- 433 Quinnipiac River (218) ---------------- 171 Rich Island (266) ---------------------- 357 Quisset (Quamquisset) Harbor (249) -- 196 Richelieu River ------------------------ 322 Quixes Ledge (218) -------------------- 290 Richmond (286) ----------------------- 175 Quogue Canal (578) -------------------- 176 Richmond (Staten Island) (369) ------- 273 Quonochontaug Beach (1211) __________ 448 289 Richmond Creek (286) ---·-------------- 415 Quonochontaug Pond (1211) ----------- 365 Ricketsons Point (252) ----------------- 396 Quonset Point (236) ------------------- 230 Riding Rock (217) --------------------- 415 Rikers Island (226) -------------------- 193 230 Ring Rock (222) ----------------------- Rip Van Winkle Bridge (283) ---------- 280 219 Rippowam River (221) ----------------- 356 R River Ledge (236) --------------------- 825 River Rock (236) ---------------------- 436 R.R. Stevens Rock (223) --------------- 335 821 Race Point (358) ---------------------- 232 Riverhead (299) ----------------------- 216 232 Riverside (222) ------------------------ 216 ltaee Point Ledge (358) ---------------- Roanoke Point Shoal (1212) ------------ 247 Race Point Light (580) ---------------- 137 Robbins Reef Light (541) ------------- 324 298 RRaaccee, RTohcek (2(39588))----------------------------------------------- 232 396 232 -Radar---------------------------------- 80 21,33 RRaaddiioo, -in--f-o-r-m--a-ti-o-n--, -i-m--p-o-r-t-a-n-c-e------------------ 64

498 INDEX Page Pap Robins Island (299) ------------------- 246 St. Francis River ----------------------- 72 Robinsons Hole (345) ------------------ 171 St. George (541) ----------------------- 394 Rock Island (Great Knob) (222) ------- 331 St. Helena Island (217) ---------------- Rock Landing Bar (266) --------------- 274 285 Rock River ----------------------------- Rockaway Beach (542) ---------------- 75 St. Patrick Rock (236) ----------------- 204 Rockaway Inlet (542) ------------------ 387 Sakonnet Harbor (353) ---------------- 200 Rockaway Point (542) ----------------- 384 Sakonnet Point (353) ------------------ 200 Rockland Lake Landing (282) --------- 384 Sakonnet River (353) ------------------ 199 Rocky Hill (267) ----------------------- 426 Sales agents --------------------------- 1,451 RoIcsklaynd(C(e2n2t4re) I_s_l_a_n_d__)__P_o__in__t,_:_C_e_n__tr_e____ 274 Sally Rock (278) ----------------------- 222 Sally Rock Point (278) ----------------- 222 Rocky Point (The Hop o' Nose), Hudson 344 273 Salmon Cove (266) --------------------- 276 RoRckivyePr o(i2n8t3, )Lo--n-g--Is-l-a-n--d--(-1-2-1-2-)---_-_-__-_-_--_ 435 Rocky Point, Narragansett Bay (278) __ 297 Salt Island (215) ---------------------- 38 Rocky Point, (town), Long Island (1212) 222 37 Rodgers Rock (299) -------------------- 299 Salt meadows -------------------------- 325 Rodman Neck (223) -------------------- 247 Rogers (Yoncomis) Island (217) ------- 335 Salt ponds ----------------------------- 368 284 Salt Rock (222) ------------------------ 194 Rollers --------------------------------- Rollle Point (236) ---------------------- 6 SS aalltteari rseP(o5i7n8t ) ---- --------------------- Romer Shoal (369) --------------------- 218 (252) -------------------- Rondout Creek (283) ------------------- 893 Salvage. See name of place. Rondout Harbor (283) ----------------- 432 Rose and Crown (1209) ---------------- 432 Sampawams Creek (578) --------------- 377 Rose Island (286) ---------------------- Rosebank (541) ------------------------ 42 Sarnpawarns Point (578) --------------- 377 Roseton (282) -------------------------- 204 Roslyn (223) --------------------------- 394 Sampsons Island (259) ----------------- 153 Roton Point (221) ---------------------- 430 Rough River---------------------------- 348 Sand City (224) ----------------------- 344 Round Beach Island (221) ------------- 318 Round Hill Point (252) ---------------- Sand Spit (298) ------------------------ 243 Round Island (222) -------------------- 73 Sands Point (223) --------------------- 349 Round Rock, New Haven Harbor (218) _ 316 Round Rock, West Passage, Hope Island 194 SSaannddsypHit,ooTkhe(54(235)2)__-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-3- 74, 410954 326 Ro(u2n3d6)Ro-c-k--, -W--e-s-t--P-a-s-s-a-g--e-, -P--o-to--w-o--m-u--t - 288 Sandy Hook Bay (369, 543) ------------ 405 392 River (278) -------------------------- 220 Sandy Hook Channel (369) ------------- 374 Rowayton (221) ----------------------- 392 Ruffle Bar (542) ----------------------- 220 Sandy Hook Light (1215) -------------- 225 Rules of the Road ---------------------- 319 207 Rumson (543) ------------------------- 385 Sandy Hook Point Light (369) --------- 250 Rumstick Ledge (278) ----------------- Rumstick Neck (278) ------------------ 68 Sandy Point, Block Island (1211) ------- 268 Rumstick Point (278) ------------------ 407 200 Rumstick Rock (278) ------------------ 212 Sandy Point, East Passage (236) ------- Rumstick Shoal (278) ------------------ 212 Sandy Point, Fishers Island Sound (358) 222 212 165 Rush Creek ---------------------------- 212 Sandy Point, Niantic River (214) ------ Rutherford (287) ---------------------- 212 Sandy Point, Sakonnet River (353) ____ 258 Rye Beach (222) ----------------------- 72 Sandy Point, West Passage (278) ------ 218 s 402 312 329 Sankaty Head Light (1209) ------------ 312 Sabin Point (278) --------------------- Sachem Head (217) -------------------- 213 Sarah Ledge (359) --------------------- 434 Sachem Bead Harbor (217) ------------ 280 434. Sachuest Point (353) ------------------ 282 Sauga Point (236) --------------------- 217 Saddle Bags (288) ---------------------- 200 SSaagg HBaaTrbboorr ((2v9il8l)ag-e-)--(-2-9--8-)--_-__-_--:_-_-_-_-_-__--_ 434 Saugatuck (221) ----------------------- 294 248 Saugatuck River (221) ----------------- 325 Sag Harbor Cove (298) ---------------- 244 272 Sagainore (251) ----------------------- 244 Saugerties (283) ----------------------- 180 272 St. Croix River ------------------------- Saugerties Harbor (283) --------------- 417 78 Saunderstown (236) ------------------- 367 222 Savin Rock (218) ---------------------- Saw Island (222) ----------------------- 200 74 Saybrook Outer Bar (2>1-5-)------------------------------ Saybrook Point (215 188 188 Sayreville (375) ----------------------- 329 373 Bayville (578) ------------------------- 319 Scarborough Beach (1210) ------------- 274 s~huyler Ledge (353) ------------------ 274 Scioto River ---------------------------- 880 Sconticut Neck (252) ------------------ 177 Sconticut Point (252) ------------------ 220 Scotch Caps (222) --------------------- 348 Scotland Lightship (1215) ------------- Scott Cove {221) ----------------------- Scovill Landing (266) ------------------ Scovill Rock Bar (266) ----------------- Scow Creek (579) ---------------------- Scraggy Neck (261) ------------------- Seup Rock (236) ---------------------- Sea Clift' (223) ------------------------- Seabright (1215) ---------------------- 374 Sea:8ower Reef (858) ------------------ 256 Seaford. (679) ----------------------- Seaford Creek (679) ------------------- ·8'19 879

INDEX 499 Seal Ledge (236) ----------------------- Page Signals, aircraft distress --------------- Page Seal Rock, East Passage (236) ---------- Signals, distress ------------------------ Seal Rock, Long Island Sound (214) ____ 202 Signals, fog ---------------------------- 18 202 Signals, ship fire------------------------ 17 Seal Rock, West Passage (236) --------- 269 Signals, storm -------------------------- 14 Seal Rock, Wiekford Harbor (236) ------ 220 Signals, submarine emergency identi- 18 Seal Rocks, Fishers Island Sound (358) _ 218 18 Seal Rocks, Megansett Harbor (251) ____ 248 fication ------------------------------ Seal Rocks, Sippican Harbor (251) ____ _ 178 Signals, surveying vessels, special ------ 17 Seamans Church Institute Light (745) __ 186 Signals, time --------------------------- 1 359 Silver Beach (219) --------------------- Seapuit River, Cotuit Bay (259) -------- 153 Silver Beach Harbor (251) ------------- 25 Seapuit River, Waquoit Bay (259) ------ Silver Eel Pond (358) ------------------ 295 154 Silver Eel Pond Light (358) ------------ 177 Search and rescue ---------------------- Silver Point (283) ---------------------- 17 Sing Sing Creek (282) ------------------ 249 Sears Point (251) ---------------------- 184 Sing Sing Prison (282) ----------------- Sears Shoal (266) ---------------------- 274 Single Rock (298) ---------------------- 250 Seatuck Cove (578) --------------------- 365 Sinker Rock (236) ---------------------- 435 247 Sippiean Harbor (251) ---------------- 426 Sebonac Creek (299) ------------------- 286 426 Sedge Island (217) --------------------- 213 Sippican Neck (251) ------------------- 243 Seekonk River (278) -------------------- 377 Sisters, The (236) ---------------------- 218 Seganus Thatch (578) ------------------ 412 Sixmile Reef (1212) ------------------- Seguine Point (286) -------------------- Sixpenny Island (358) ------------------ 186 Seiche and surge------------------------ 7 Slocum Ledge, West Passage (236) ----- 186 Senator Shoal (258) -------------------- 149 Slocums Ledge, Slocums River (237) ___ _ 206 441 275 Seneca Canal -------------------------- Slocums River (237) -------------------- Sengekontaeket Pond (346) ------------- 160 Sloop Channel (579) ------------------- 255 Senix Creek (578) ---------------------- 366 Sluice Creek (217) ---------------------- 218 Service documents ---------------------- Small craft in distress ------------------ 195 Sesachacha Pond (1209) ---------------- 22 195 155 Small Shoal (259) ---------------------- 379 Setauket (361) ------------------------- 300 Smith Cove, Captain Harbor (222) ------ 280 Setauket Beach (361) ------------------ 301 Smith Cove, Niantic River (214) -------- 29 Setauket Harbor (361) ----------------- 800 Smith Cove, Shelter Island (298) ------- 153 Seymour Point (221) ------------------- 312 Smith Creek (286) --------------------- 325 Shagwong Point (1211) ---------------- 234 Smith Island (217) --------------------- 268 Shagwong Reef (1211) ----------------- 234 244 Shagwong Rock (1211) ----------------- 234 SS1llIl1iitthh :PMo:einadto,'\\NV a(n5t7u9c)k-e-t-I-s-l-a-n-d--(-1-2-0--9-)--__- 414 Shark Painter Bar (580) --------------- 138 Smith Point, Narrow Bay (578) -------- 283 Shaw Cove (293) ----------------------- Smith Reef (221) ---------------------- 380 258 Smiths Neck (252) --------------------- 155 Sheep Rocks (221) --------------------- 314 Smithtown Bay (1213) ----------------- 366 Sheepshead Bay (542) ------------------ 388 Snipe Island (579) --------------------- 319 Sheepshead Rock (298) ----------------- 240 Snow Rock (252) ----------------------- 194 Sheffield Island (221) ------------------- 314 Soldiers and Sailors Monument (746) ___ 339 Sheffield Island (Norwalk) Harbor (221) 379 315 Somerset (353) ------------------------ 187 Shell Reef (745) ----------------------- Soper Point (224) ---------------------- 422 Shellbank Ba.sin (542) ------------------ 359 Sound Beach (Old Greenwich) (222) --- 208 Shelter Island Heights (298) ----------- 386 South Amboy {375) -------------------- 346 Shelter Island Sound (298, 299) -------- 241 South Beach (369) --------------------- 324 239 South Brother (214) -------------------- 417 Shelton (219) -------------------------- 296 South Brother Island (226) ------------ 408 Sherwood Point (220) ------------------ 812 South Channel (369) ------------------- 269 Shetucket River (359) ------------------ 263 356 Shinnecock Bay (578) ------------------ 364 SSoouutthh DCaorvtem(o2u1t5h) (-P-a-d--a-n-a-r-a-m--)--{-2-5--2-)-_-_- 392 Shinnecock Canal (578) ---------------- 272 Shinnecock Inlet (578) ----------------- 363 South Dennis (258) -------------------- 193 Shinnecock Light (1214) --------------- 364 South Dumpling (358) ------------------ 149 Ship, handling in storm area------------ 363 South Ferry, Shelter Island (298) ------ 249 Ship Pond Cove (237) ------------------ South Ferry, West Passage (236) ------ 244 Shippan Point (221) -------------------- 59 South Green Sedge (579) --------------- 216 197 South Janesport (299) ------------------ 382 Ships in distress ------------------------ 320 South Ledge (222) --------------------- 247 Ships, weather reports from ------------ 28 South Line Island (579) ---------------- 332 Shoal Harbor (543) -------------------- South Nonations (223) ----------------- Shooters Island (285) ------------------ 24 South N\"orvvalk (221) ------------------ 378 Shore Island (222) --------------------- 408 South Oyster Bay (578, 579) ------------ Sport Beach (217) ---------------------- South Reef (222) ----------------------- 334 Short Beach Coast Guard Station {579) _ 400 South River (375) ---------------------- 316 South Rondout (283) ------------------ 378 Shovelful Shoal, Monomoy Shoals (260) 326 324 Shovelful Shoal, Muskeget Channel 288 417 381 (1209) ------------------------------- 433 Shrewsbury River (543) ---------------- 142 Shrewsbury Rocks (1215) ------------- Siaseonset (1209) ------------~--------- 158 405 314 155

500 INDEX South SoDlerset (353) ------------------ Page Stony Creek (217) ---------------------- Page South VVellfl.eet (1208) ----------------- Stony Islet (218) ---------------------- South Yarmouth (258) ----------------- 210 Stony Point, Buzzards Bay (251) ------- 284 139 Stony Point, lludson River (282) ------- 288 Southold (299) ------------------------- 149 Stony Point Dike (251) ----------------- 185 Southold Bay (299) -------------------- 242 StorDl center, locating ------------------ 427 Southport (220) ------------------------ 242 Storm King Mountain (282) ------------ 185 Southport Harbor (220) ---------------- 312 Storm signals -------------------------- Southwest Ground (258) ---------------- 311 Storm swells --------------------------- 53 Southwest Ledge, Block Island (1211) __ _ 151 Storm tides ----------------------------- 429 Southwest Ledge, Buzzards Bay (251) __ 224 Storm warn~ng displ~y stations --------- Southwest Ledge, New London Harbor 178 Storm warning service ----------------- 13 Stratford (219) ------------------------ 55 (293) -------------------------------- 258 Stratford Point (219) ------------------ 52 Southwest Ledge Light (218) ---------- 290 Stratford Shoal Light (1212) ----------- 464 Southwest Point, Block Island (1211) ___ 224 Stratford Shoal Middle Ground (1212) -- 12 Southwest Point, East Passage (236) ___ 202 Strawberry Point (252) ---------------- 296 Southwest Reef (216) ------------------ 277 Strongs Point (578) -------------------- 295 Southwest Rock:, Centerville Harbor Sturgeon Flats (346) ------------------- 295 151 Sturgeon Point (283) ------------------- 295 So(u2t5h8w)es-t--R-o-c-k--, -G--o-o-s-e-b-e-r-r-y--N--e-c-k--(-2-3-7-)- 195 Stuyvesant (284) ----------------------- 187 Sow and Pigs (Vineyard Sound) Submarine canyons --------------------- 377 165 Success Rock (223) --------------------- 159 Lightship (1210) -------------------- 175 Succonnesset Point (259) -------------- 432 Sow and Pigs Reef (249) --------------- 209 Succonnesset Shoal (259) -------------- 436 Spar Island (353) ---------------------- 286 Succotash Point (276) ------------------ 42 Spectacle Island (217) ------------------ 365 Sugar Reef (358) ---------------------- 349 Speonk Point (578) --------------------- 397 Sugar Reef Passage (358) -------------- 153 Spider, The (745) ---------------------- 151 Suniac Island (217) -------------------- 153 Spindle Rock, Centerville Harbor (258) _ 332 Sunken Ledge (252) -------------------- 229 Spindle Rock, Echo Bay (222) ---------- Sunken Meadow (274) ------------------ 231 Spindle Rock, New Rochelle Harbor 334 Sunken Meadow Creek (1213) ---------- 231 314 Sunken Rock (222) --------------------- 286 Sp(r2it2e3I) sl-a-n-d--(-2-2--1-)------------------------------------------- 423 Sunshine Island (278) ------------------ 187 Spuyten Duyvil (747) ------------------ 360 Supplies. See name of place. 359 Spuyten Duyvil Creek (274) ------------ 155 340 Squam Head (1209) -------------------- 161 Surf ----------------------------------- 325 Squash Meadow (346) ------------------ 151 Surge and seiche ------------------------ 213 Squaw Island (258) -------------------- 286 Swash Channel (369) ------------------ Squaw Rocks (217) --------------------- 178 Swell ---------------------------------- 6 Squeteague Harbor (251) -------------- 147 Swifts Beach (251) --------------------- 7 320 SwiDlming Rock (358) ------------------ 392 Stage llarbor (267) -------------------- 320 Swinburne Island (540) ---------------- 6 Staniford (221) ------------------------ 321 Swirls --------------------------------- 185 Stainford l:larbor (221) ---------------- 254 Stamford Harbor Light (221) ---------- 25 T 393 Standard Frequency Broadcasts, 394 39 234 Tailings, The (217) --------------------- National Bureau of Standards -------- 439 Tallahatchie River --------------------- 280 408 Tallman Island (223) ------------------- 71 Stapleton (541) ------------------------ 396 Tappan Zee (282) ---------------------- Star Island (1211) --------------------- 409 Tarpaulin Cove (249) ------------------ 353 Starbuck Island (284) ------------------ 391 Tarrytown (282) ----------------------- 425 Staten Island (369) -------------------- 396 Tarrytown Light (282) ----------------- 171 Staten Island (RichDlond) (369) -----~­ 305 Taunton (353) ------------------------- 425 Staten Island Flats (369) -------------- 350 Taunton River (353) ------------------- Staten Island Light (369) -------------- 335 Taunton Rock (217) -------------------- 42~ Statue of Liberty (541) ---------------- 240 Tavern Island (221) -------------------- Steel Point (220) ----------------------- 142 Taylor Point (236) ------------------- .208 Stepping Stones (223) ------------------ 143 Tear of the Clouds ---------------------- 208 Stevens Rock, R. R. (223) --------------- .278 Tennessee River ------------------------ 287 Stirling Basin (298) -------------------- 278 Tensas River --------------------------- 815 Stone llorse Shoal (250) ---------·------- 486 Terminal charges ---------------------- 206 Stone Horse Shoal Lightship (250) ----- Terminal facilities. See name of place. 419 253 Stone Island (216) --------------------- 252 Tern Island (1208) --------------------- 73 Stone Island Reef (216) ---------------- ThaDles River (293) -------------------- Stonehouse Bar Channel (284) ---------- 250 Thatclibed Island (215) ---------------- 71 252 Stonington (358) ----------------------- 252 10 Stonington llarbor (358) --------------- 339 Stonington Outer Breakwater (358) ___ _ 389 140 258 Stonington Point (358) ----------------- 273 Stonington VVest Breakwater (358) ----- Stony Brook (1213) -------------------- Stony Brook Harbor (1213) ------------

INDEX 501 Thimble Island Harbor (217) ---------- Page Uncatena Island (249) ----------------- Page Thimbles, The (217) -------------------- Uncle Daniels Point (542) -------------- Third Point (1209) --------------------- 284 Under Cliff Beach (747) ---------------- 170 Thomas Edison Memorial Bridge (375) 282 Unionport (223) ----------------------- 388 156 United States. See name of bureau. 423 Thompson Cove (358) ------------------ 412 United States Military Academy (282) __ 353 Three Quarters Rock (217) ------------- Upper Bay (541) ----------------------- Threemile Harbor (298) ---------------- 251 Upper Coal Beds (283) ----------------- 429 Throgs Neck (223) --------------------- 281 Upper Flats (283) ---------------------- 394 Thunderstorms ------------------------- 236 Upper Middle Ground (278) ------------ 435 351 Upper Nyack (282) -------------------- 434 Tiana Beach (578) --------------------- Usher Cove (278) ---------------------- 212 Tidal Current Charts ------------------- 50 Usher Rocks (278) --------------------- 426 Tide and Current Tables ---------------- 364 211 6,33 v 211 Tide rips ------------------------------- Tide tables ----------------------------- 33 Valiant Rock (298) --------------------- 232 Tides and currents --------------------- 39 Veatch Canyon (1108) ------------------ 42 Tides and currents, predicted ----------- Venetian Harbor (358) ----------------- TTiiddeess,aenxdtrecmurere_n_t_s_,_p__r_e_d_i_c_te_d__, _t_a_b_l_e___________ 5 Verdrietege Hook (282) ---------------- 256 5 Verplanck Point (282) ----------------- 426 Time announcements ------------------- Vessels, certificate, award of number---- 427 Time, daylight saving ------------------ 1 Vessels, number required on bows------- 1 Vessels, radio report of disease aboard __ 17 Time, standard ------------------------- Vessels, surveying, special signals ------ 17 8 Vessels, undocumented, application and 20 Tiverton (353) ------------------------- 26 Tivoli (283) ---------------------------- 66 issuance of numbers ------------------ 1 Tobys Island (251) --------------------- Vessels, undocumented, numbering and Tom Point (223} ----------------------- 66 16 Tomkins Cove (282) -------------------- 201 V ircetcoor yr dBi nrgi d g-e- -(-3-7- -5-) - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Tomlinson Bridge (218) ---------------- 434 Vineyard Haven (347) ----------------- 15 Tompkinsville (541) -------------------- 178 Vineyard Point (217) ------------------ 417 Tongue Point (220) -------------------- 350 Vineyard Sound (1210) ----------------- 161 Tottenville (286) ----------------------- 427 Vineyard Sound (Sow and Pigs) Light- Towboats. See also name of place ______ _ 291 280 394 ship (1210) -------------------------- 165 Townshend Ledge (218) ---------------- 306 Vixen Ledge (358) --------------------- Tracey Ledge (236) -------------------- 414 165 Tradewater River ---------------------- w 256 Traffic, coastwise ----------------------- 66 Transport Rock (222) ------------------ 288 Wabash River -------------------------- 73 Travers Island (223) ------------------ 204 Wading :River (1212) ------------------ 299 Wakefield (276) ------------------------ 229 Travis (285) --------------------------- 73 Wallabout Bay (745) ------------------- 359 Travis Point (282) --------------------- 68 Wallabout Channel (745) -------------- 359 Tree Point Rocks (278) ---------------- 329 Walnut Beach (219) -------------------- 295 Trim Pond (276) ----------------------- 335 Wamphassuc Point (358) --------------- 252 Tripp Ledge (237) ---------------------- Wantagh (579) ------------------------ 379 415 Wanton Island Light (283) ------------ 435 Troy (284) ----------------------------- 427 Wappinger Creek (283) ---------------- 430 Truro (1208) -------------------------- 212 Wappinger Falls (283) ----------------- 431 Tubby Hook (747) ---------------------- 226 Waquoit Bay (259) --------------------- 153 Tuckernuck Island (1209) -------------- 196 Ward Point (369) ---------------------- 410 Tuckfilrnuck-Shoal (1209) -------------- 438 Wards Island (226) -------------------- 356 ----rrlifts Point (286) ---------------------- 139 Ware Island (221) ---------------------- 322 Tug Fork ------------------------------ 423 Wareham (251) ------------------------ 185 Turkey Rock (222) -------------------- 156 Wareham River (251) ------------------ 185 Tuthill (West) Cove (578) -------------- 158 Warner Island (578) ------------------ 364 Tuthill Point (578) --------------------- 414 Warners Quarry Bar (266) ----------- 274 Tuttles White Bank (1212) ------------- 212 74 Warren (278) -------------------------- 185 Tuxis Island (216) --------------------- 330 Warren Point (251) -------------------- 212 Tweed (Finch) Island (222) ------------ 365 Warren River (278) -------------------- 221 Twelvefoot Shoal (250) ---------------- 365 Warwick Neck (278) ------------------- 221 Twin Island (223) ---------------------- 299 Warwick Point (278) ------------------- 417 Two Piers Bar (267) ------------------- Washington Canal (375) --------------- 234 Twomile Ledge (237) ------------------ 280 Washington Shoal (1211) -------------- Twomile Rock (237) -------------------- 325 Twotree Island (214) ------------------ 142 Twotree Island Channel (214) ---------- 335 274 196 196 267 267 u 331 331 Umbrella Point (222) ------------------ Umbrella Rock (222) -------------------

502 INDEX Page Patre Wasque Point (1209) ------------------- 158 West Island Sheal (252) ---------------- 188 Wa.sque Shoal (1209) ------------------- 158 West Meadow (579) -------------------- 382 Watch Hill (358) ----------------------- 230 West Neck, Cold Spring Harbor (224) __ 345 Watch Hill Cove (358) ------------------ Watch Hill Passage (358) -------------- 251 West Neck (village), Great Peconic Bay Watch Hill Point (358) ----------------- Watch Hill Reef (358) ------------------ 231 (299) -------------------------------- 224447 Watchogue (West) Creek (578) -------- 230 West Neck Bay (298) ------------------- Water temperatures and densities ------ 231 West Neck Creek (298) ----------------- 244 Waterford Island (214) ---------------- 368 West Neck Harbor (298) --------------- 244 33 West Passage (236) -------------------- 215 Waterville (299) ----------------------- 268 West Point (282) ----------------------- 429 Watervliet (284) ----------------------- 298 West River, Guilford Harbor (217) ----- 280 439 West River, New Haven Harbor (218) __ 290 Wauwinet (1209) ---------------------- 156 '\\Vest Rock, Hammonasset Point (216) __ 279 '\\Vaves, d~str~ctive --------------------- '\\Vaves, se1sm1c sea---------------------- 6 West Rock, Mainaroneck Harbor (222) __ 330 Waves, tidal ---------------------------- 7 West Southwest Ledge (258) ----------- 149 7 Westbrook (216) ----------------------- 276 Waves, wind --------------------------- 6 '\\Vayland Island (217) ------------------ 283 '\\Vestchester (223) --------------------- 353 Weather. See also name of place-------- Westchester Creek (223) --------------- 353 44 '\\Vestcott Cove (221) -------------------- 320 22 Westerly (358) ------------------------- 251 Weather broadcasts -------------------- Weather broadcasts, commercial radio 467 Westhampton Beach (578) ------------- 865 11 stations ------------------------------ WWeessttppoorrtt H(2a2rb1)or-, -L-o--n-g-I-s-l-a-n-d--S--o-u-n-d----- 313 Weather Bureau ----------------------- Weather Bureau offices ----------------- 464 We(2st2p1o) rt--H-a--rb--o-r-,-W---e-s-t-p-o-r-t-R--i-v-e-r--(-2-8-7-)- 311925 Weather Bureau, public service--------- 12 Weather information, radiotelephonic '\\Vestport Point (237) ------------------ 195 Wbearothaedrcainstfsor-m--a-ti-o-n--s-e-r-v-i-c-e-,-o--v-e-r-s-e-a-s--- 24 Westport River (237) ------------------ 195 air transport ------------------------- '\\Vethersfield Cove (267) ---------------- 275 Weather reports, United States -------- 12 '\\Vethersfield Shoal (267) --------------- 275 Weekapaug Point (1211) -------------- 25 Weweantic River (251) ----------------- 186 Weeks Point (223.) --------------------- 230 Whale Creek (745) --------------------- 358 Weepecket Island (249) ---------------- 347 Whale Rock, Cuttyhunk Harbor (297) __ 173 Weepecket Rock (249) ------------------ 171 'Whale Rock, Mystic Harbor (358) ------ 254 Weesuck Creek (578) ------------------ Weir Creek (223) ---------------------- 171 Whale Rock, Nasketucket Bay (252) ____ 188 Welchs Point (219) --------------------- Welfare (Blackwells) Island (226) ----- 364 Whale Rock, West Passage (236) ------- 216 338 Whaleback Rock (358) ----------------- 254 Welker Canyon (1107) ----------------- 294 '\\Vheaton Reef (217) -------------------- 285 Wepawaug River (219) ---------------- 357 Wheeler Rock (216) -------------------- 278 Wequetequock Cove (358) -------------- 42 White River, Ark. ---------------------- Wequetequock River (358) ------------- 294 White River, Ind. ----------------------- 72 251 White Rock, Fishers Island Sound (368) 73 Wesquage Beaoh (236) ----------------- 253 West Babylon (Mud) Creek (578) ------ 252 White Rock, New Bedford Harbo:r (252) 194 216 White Rock, New London Harbor (293) 259 West Bank (540) ----------------------- West Bank Light (369) ---------------- 377 White Rock, Niantic Bay (214) --------- 267 393 White Rock, Sheffield Island Harbor West Basin (222) ---------------------- 391 Wh(2it2e1)Ro-c-k-,-S--o-u-t-h-p--o-r-t-H--a-r-b-o--r-(-2-2--0-)- - - - 315 West Bay (259) ------------------------ 330 - - - 812 West Beach (224) ---------------------- 152 White Rock, Stamford Harbor (221) ____ 821 West Branch (221) --------------------- 341 White Topped Rock (217) -------------- 285 321 Whitestone (223) ---------------------- West Breakw'ater (218) ---------------- 290 Whitestone Point (223) ----------------- 352 West Cainp (283) ---------------------- 434 Wickam Creek (299) ------------------- 352 West Channel (578) -------------------- 246 369 Wickets Islands (251) ----------------- 184 West Chop (347) ----------------------- West Clump (358) ---------------------- 161 Wickford (236) ------------------------ 218 West (Tuthill) Cove (578) ------------- 249 Wickford Cove (236' ------------------- 219 West (Watchogue) Creek (578) -------- 365 Wiekford Harbor (236) ----------------- 218 368 Wicopesset Island (358) ---------------- 231 283 Wicopesset Passage (358) -------------- 231 West Crib (217) ------------------------ 379 Wicopesset Rock (358) ----------------- 231 West Crow Island (579) ---------------- 149 Widows Cove, The (251) ---------------- 184 West Dennis (258) --------------------- 17'1 Wigwam Rock (214) ------------------- 268 Wat Falmouth (249) ------------------ 377 Wilbur (283) -------------------------- 433 249 Wilcox Island (267) -------------------- 274 West Gilgo (578) --------·-------------- \"\\Vest Harbor (358) ---------------------------~-----------­- 290 Wild Goose Point (236} ----------------- 218 West B:aven (218) 150 Wild Harbor (251) --------------------- 17'1 West Hyannisport (268) ---------------- West Island, Nasketucket Bay (252) _.___ 188 • WWiillkdecsatL, eTdhgee (2(28572) )--__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:-_-_-_-_-_-__-_- · 119954 West Island, Sakonnet River (353) ----- 200 West Island Ledge (252 )-----~--------- 188 Willets Point (~) --------------------- ·· 861

INDEX 503 Williamsburg Bridge (745) ------------ Page W8re. cSk.sO-r-e-g-o-n--(-s-h-i-p-)--(-1-1-0--7-)----------------------- Pace Willow Point (358) --------------------- Port Hunter (ship) (1209) ----------- Wilson Head (222) --------------------- 359 Progress (ship) (1107) --------------- 67 Wilson Point (221) -------------------- 255 41 326 Wychrnere Harbor (257) --------------- 142 Wind ---------------------------------- 318 41 Wind currents -------------------------- y 148 Windsor Falls (267) -------------------- 44 Wings Cove (251) ---------------------- 43 YY aalceh tUcnliuvbesr s-i-t y- -b-o- -a-t -h-o- u- -s-e- -( 3- 5- -9-)- -_-__-_-_-_- -_ 460 Wings Neck (251) ---------------------- 275 Yalobusha :River ----------------------- 262 Winkle Point (224) --------------------- 186 Yantic :River (359) --------------------- Winnapaug Pond (1211) --------------- 178 Yarmouth (258) ------------------------ 71 Winnisook Lake (283) ------------------ 341 Yazoo River---------------------------- 263 Winthrop Cove (293) ------------------- 230 Yellow Mill Channel (220) -------------- 149 Wire drags ----------------------------- 434 Yellow Rock (221) ---------------------- 259 Yoncornis (Rogers) Island (217) -------- 71 Wolf :River ---------------------------- Yonkers (747) ------------------------- 306 Wood End Bar (580) ------------------- 2 Youghiogheny River-------------------- 315 Wood End Light (580) ----------------- 72 Youngs Point (298) -------------------- 284 Youngs Rock (358) --------------------- 424 Woodbridge Creek (286) --------------- 138 Woodcleft Canal (579) ----------------- 137 z 74 Woodrnere (579) ----------------------- 414 241 Woodmere Channel (579) -------------- Zacks Bay (579) ------------------------ 248 380 Woodmont (218) ----------------------- . 383 378 Woods Hole (348) ---'\"------------------ Woods Hole (village) (348) ------------ 383 294 Woolsey :Rock (222) -------------------- Worlds End (282) ---------------------- 167 Wreck Shoal (259) --------------------- 167 324 429 153 '(:cl/. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 19S0-8818ao4

Conversion Table, Degrees to Points and Vice Versa 0 , Points D ' Points 0 ' Points 0 ' Potnts 0 00 N 90 00 E 180 00 s 270 00 w 1 24 N%E 91 24 E%S 181 24 271 24 2 49 NJ.iE 92 49 EJ.iS 182 49 S%W 272 49 W%N 4 13 N%E 94 13 E%S 184 13 274 13 5 38 NxE 95 38 ExS 185 38 s~w 275 38 W~N 7 02 97 02 ESE%E 187 02 277 02 8 26 NxE~E 98 26 188 26 S%W 278 26 W%N 9 51 99 51 ESE J.i E 189 51 SxW 279 51 WxN 11 15 NxEJ.iE 101 15 191 15 281 15 WNW%W 12 39 NxE%E 102 39 ESE%E 192 39 SxW~W 282 39 14 04 NNE 104 04: ESE 194 04 SxW~W 284 04 WNW J.i W 15 28 NNE%E 105 28 SExE% E 195 28 285 28 16 53 106 53 SE x E ~ E 196 53 SxW%W 286 53 WNW~W 18 17 NNE~E 108 17 198 17 SSW 288 17 19 41 109 41 SExE~E 199 41 289 41 WNW 21 06 NNE%E 111 06 201 06 ssw~w 291 06 22 30 NExN 112 30 SExE 202 30 ssw~w 292 30 NW x W % \\11 23 54 NE%N 113 54 SE%E 203 54 293 54 25 19 115 19 205 19 SSW%W 295 19 NW x~W ~ \\11 26 43 NE~N 116 43 SE~E 206 43 SWxS NW x W % \\11 28 08 118 08 208 08 SW%S 296 43 NWxW 29 32 NE%N 119 32 SE '4 E 209 32 NW% W 30 56 NE 120 56 210 56 sw~s 298 08 32 21 NE%E 122 21 SE 212 21 299 32 NW~W 33 45 123 45 SE%S 213 45 SW ;iS 35 09 NE~E 125 09 215 09 SW 300 56 NW;iW 36 34 126 84 SE~S 216 34 SW;iW NW 37 58 NE%E 127 58 217 58 302 21 NW%N 39 23 NExE 129 23 SE%S 219 23 sw~w 303 45 40 47 NExE;iE 130 47 SExS 220 47 305 09 NW~N 42 11 NE x E ~ E 132 11 SSE%E 222 11 SW%W 306 34 43 36 NExE%E 133 36 SSE%E 223 36 SWxW 307 58 NW%N 45 00 ENE 135 00 SSE 7i E 225 00 SWxW;iW NWxN 46 24 136 24 SSE 226 24 309 23 NNW% W 47 49 ENE '4 E 137 49 SxE%E 227 49 SWxW~W 49 13 139 13 SxEJ.'E 229 13 310 47 NNW~W 50 38 ENE~E 140 38 SxE%E 230 38 SWxW%W 312 11 52 02 142 02 SxE 232 02 WSW 313 36 NNW%W 53 26 ENE%E 143 26 S %E 233 26 WSW 7i W 315 00 NNW 54 51 ExN 144 51 SKE 234 51 316 24 NxW%W 56 15 E%N 146 15 236 15- wsw~w 317 49 57 39 147 39 S '4 E 237 39 319 13 NxW~W 59 04 E J.i N 149 04 239 04 WSW%W 320 38 60 28 150 28 240 28 WxS 322 02 NxW\"W 61 53 E~N 151 53 241 53 W%8 323 26 NxW 63 17 153 17 243 17 324 51 N%W 64 41 154 41 244 41 w J.i s 326 15 NKW 66 06 156 06 246 06 327 39 67 30 157 30 247 30 w~s 329 04 N~W 68 54 158 54 248 54 330 28 70 19 160 19 250 19 331 53 71 43 161 43 251 43 333 17 73 08 163 08 253 08 334 41 74 32 164 32 254 32 336 06 75 56 165 56 255 56 337 30 77 21 167 21 257 21 338 54 78 45 168 45 258 45 840 19 80 09 170 09 260 09 341 43 81 34 171 34 261 34 343 08 82 58 172 68 262 58 344 32 84 28 174 23 264 23 345 56 85 47 176 47 266 47 347 21 87 11 177 11 267 11 88 86 178 36 268 36 348 45 3tJO 09 351 34 352 58 3M 23 366 47 367 11 808 38

Distance of V18i.bility of Objects at S~ The table following gives the approximate geographic range of visibility for an object which may be ~n by an observer whose eye is at sea level; in practice, therefore, it is necessary to add to these a distance of visibility corresponding to the height of the observer's eye above sea level. Height, Statute Height, Nautical Statute Height, Nautical Statute feet :mUM miles feet miles miles feet miles milell l 1. 1 l. 3 100 11. 5 13. 2 760 31.6 36.4 2 1. 7 1. 9 105 11. 7 13.5 780 32.0 36.9 3 2.0 2.3 110 12.0 13. 8 800 32. 4 37. 3 4 2.3 2. 6 115 12. 3 14. 1 820 32.8 37. 8 5 2. 5 2. 9 120 12.6 14. 5 840 33.2 38. 3 6 2.8 3.2 125 12.9 14. 8 860 33.6 38. 7 7 2.9 3. 5 130 13. 1 15. 1 34. 0 39.2 8 3. l 3. 7 135 13. 3 15.3 880 34. 4 39.6 9 3.5 4. 0 140 13. 6 l.5. 6 34. 7 40.0 10 3. 6 4.2 145 13. 8 15.9 900 35.2 40. 5 11 3.8 4.4 150 14. 1 16. 2 920 35. 5 40. 9 12 4.0 4. 6 160 14. 5 16. 7 940 35.9 41. 3 13 4. 2 4. 8 170 14. 9 17. 2 36. 2 41. 7 14 4. 3 4. 9 180 15. 4 17. 7 960 38. 0 43. 8 15 4. 4 5. l 190 15. 8 ,,18. 2 980 39. 6 45.6 -16 4.6 5.3 200 16. 2 18. 7 1,000 41. 3 47.6 17 4. 7 5.4 210 16. 6 19. 1 1, 100 42. 9 49. 4 18 4. 9 5.6 220 17. 0 19.6 1, 200 44. 4 51. 1 19 5.0 6.8 230 17. 4 20.0 1, 300 45.8 52. 8 20 6. 1 6.9 240 17. 7 20.4 1, 400 47.2 54. 4 21 g5:-.34 6. 1 250 18. 2 20. 9 1, 500 48. 6 56.0 22 6.2 260 18. 5 21. 3 1, 600 49. 9 57. 5 6. 3 270 18.9 21. 7 1, 700 51.2 59. 0 23 5. '5 6. 5 280 19. 2 22. 1 1, 800 52.5 00. 5 24 5.6 6. 6 22.5 1, 900 53.8 61. 9 25 5. 7 6. 7 290 19. 6 22.9 2,000 55.0 63. 3 26 5. 8 6.9 300 19. 9 23.2 2, 100 56.2 64. 7 27 6.0 7.0 310 20. 1 23. 6 2,200 57.3 66. 0 28 6. 1 7. l 320 20.5 24. 0 2,300 58. 5 67. 3 29 6.2 7. 2 330 20. 8 24. 3 2, 400 59.6 68. 6 30 6.3 7. 3 340 21. 1 24. 7 2,500 60. 6 69. 8 31 6. 4 7.5 350 21. 5 25.0 2, 600 61.8 71. 1 32 6. 5 7.6 360 21. 7 25.4 2, 700 62. 8 72. 3 33 6.6 7. 7 370 22. 1 25. 7 2,800 63. 8 73. 5 34 6.7 7.8 380 22.3 26. 1 2, 900 64. 9 74. 7 35 6.8 7.9 390 22. 7 26.4 3,000 65. 9 75. 9 36 6.9 8.0 400 22.9 26.7 3, 100 66. 9 77.0 37 6.9 8. 1 410 23.2 27. 1 3,200 67.8 78. 1 38 7.0 8. 2 420 23. 5 27.4 3, 300 68. 6 79.2 39 7. 1 8. 3 430 23. 8 27. 7 3,400 69. 7 80. 3 40 7.2 8.4 440 24. 1 28. 0 3, 500 70. 7 81. 4: 41 7.3 8. 5 450 24. 3 28. 3 3,600 71. 6 82.4 42 7.4 8. 7 460 24. 6 28. 6 3, 700 72. 5 83.5 8. 8 470 24. 8 28. 9 3,800 72. 4 84. 5 43 T.5 8. 9 29. 2 3,900 74. 3 85.6 44 7.6 9.0 480 25. 1 29.5 4, 000 75. 2 86.6 45 7.7 9.0 490 25. 4 30.1 4, 100 76. 1 87.6 46 7.8 9. 1 500 25. 6 30. 1 4,200 76.9 88. 5 47 7.9 9.2 520 26. 1 31. 2 4,300 77. 7 89. 5 48 7.9 9.3 MO 26. 7 31. 8 4, 400 78. 6 90. 5 49 8. 0 9. 8 560 27. 1 32.3 4,500 79. 4 91. 4 00 8. 1 10.2 580 27.6 32. 9 4,600 80. 2 92. 4 55 8. 5 10.6 600 28. 0 33. 4 4,700 81. 0 93. 3 11.0 620 28. 6 33. 9 4, 800 88. 8 102. 2 60 8. 9 11. 4 640 29.0 34. 4 4,900 96. 0 110. 5 65 9.2 11.8 34. 9 5,000 102. 6 118. l 70 9. 6 12. 2 660 29.4 35.4 6,000 108. 7 125. 2 75 9.9 12.6 680 29. 9 35. 9 7,000 114. 6 132. 0 80 10.8 12. 9 700 s3o0.. 3 8, 000 85 10. 6 720 7 9,000 90 10. 9 740 Sl. 1 10, ()()() 95 11. 2

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