University of New Haven Western Washington University University of New Mexico Westmont College* University of North Carolina at Charlotte Wheaton College MA University of North Carolina at Wilmington Whittier College* University of North Dakota Willamette University University of Northern Colorado* Wittenberg University University of Notre Dame* Xavier University* University of Oregon* Yale University University of Pennsylvania* University of Pittsburgh* University of Portland* University of Puget Sound* University of Redlands* University of Rhode Island University of San Diego* University of San Francisco* University of South Carolina* University of South Florida, Tampa University of Southern California* University of St Andrews University of St. Mary University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of the Pacific University of Utah* University of Vermont University of Virginia* University of Washington* University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Wyoming UNSW Australia* Utah State University Valparaiso University Vanderbilt University* Vanguard University Villanova University* Virginia Commonwealth University* Virginia Military Institute Virginia Tech Wake Forest University* Washington College Washington State University* Washington University in St. Louis* West Chester University of Pennsylvania West Texas A&M University West Virginia University Western Oregon University 51
Chapter V: Schoolwide Action Plan (2014, Original) GOAL Enhance the delivery of instruction to optimize student learning and to support achievement of expected schoolwide learning results. RATIONALE It was noted in chapter 1 that the school is becoming more selective in its student admissions. The higher caliber student is better equipped to handle more rigorous curriculum. As the school is near capacity and is at a stage in its development where it can focus on “strengthening” as opposed to “building”, creating programs to improve instruction is appropriate. Further, the school, as noted in chapter 4, needs a more structured professional development program and needs a bona fide teacher mentoring program. While the school has particular aspects of the Professional Learning Community program evident among its faculty, the PLC program has not been fully integrated on campus. ESLRS: • Academic Achievers TASKS RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES MEANS TIMELINE MEANS PERSON(S) OF OF Research data on Summer effectiveness of ASSESSMENT 2013 REPORTING various faculty Completed evaluation Restructure Faculty Evaluation Program Report to programs Curriculum Eric Stroupe Time, research- Admin Council Committee and Develop faculty Admin Council evaluation based notes reporting program educational findings books that focus on effective evaluation programs Eric Stroupe Time for Teacher Summer Report to evaluations, feedback on 2013, faculty at schedule for new program, completed orientation evaluations Analysis of meeting; Report teacher to Board of summative Directors evaluations describing new program 52
TASKS RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES MEANS TIMELINE MEANS PERSON(S) OF OF Create Sharepoint Access to Sept. 2013 page to record all Richard Meyer Sharepoint ASSESSMENT Completed REPORTING teacher software Completed Report at evaluations Sharepoint faculty meeting page; quantitative analysis of evaluations Increase student Eric Stroupe, Access to web- Completed Nov. 2013 Report to evaluation of Thomas based survey surveys with Completed Academic instruction to Cappelletti program comparative Committee twice yearly analysis; eval describing dates on school effect of calendar; biannual evals teacher feedback on how evals were used Redesign Richard Meyer, Current research- Completed Fall 2013, Report to summative Eric Stroupe based sources on summative Completed Academic evaluation summative evaluation form, Committee on procedure/form to evaluations, time survey data student ensure overall from faculty on achievement as teaching support for new a result of new effectiveness is procedures; procedures appropriately year-over-year measured assessment of student achievement Create Professional Development Program Using PLC Strategies as Guideline Develop resource Dan Everett, Time, access to Web page Summer Disseminate to bank for teachers Department web and other identifying 2015 and faculty at to enhance Chairs resources to resources ongoing August 2014 pedagogy conduct research faculty orientation meeting Determine needs Department Teacher Curriculum June 2015 Report to of faculty to Chairs observations, Committee Academic strengthen overall summative meeting Committee teaching in school evaluation minutes analyses Provide budgetary Lisa Guild, Funds Budget February Report to Board funds for new Richard Meyer 2016 of Directors professional development program 53
TASKS RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES MEANS TIMELINE MEANS PERSON(S) OF June 2016 OF Send Department Funds, time to Chairs to PLC Eric Stroupe, attend ASSESSMENT Fall 2016 REPORTING conference to Lisa Guild conference Departmental and ongoing Chairs report learn PLC meeting plans at procedures and minutes 2016-17 Curriculum implementation school year Committee needs Eric Stroupe, Dan Meeting School calendar and ongoing Offer in-services Everett, resources, 2016-17 Disseminate to teachers Department handouts on school year times and explaining how Chairs program and ongoing information to PLC strategies faculty will be Administrative Facilities for School calendar June 2017 implemented on Council and annually Disseminate campus meetings, time to thereafter times to faculty Schedule times on Department campus for PLC Chairs, PLC prepare agendas February Disseminate to Councils to meet Council leaders 2015 Academic and collaborate Access to Analysis of Committee, PLC councils standardized test student March 2015 School Profile analyze student results, Analyses academic academic data from College performance March 2015 Written reports (e.g. formative Board and ACT to and summative administration assessments and Department chairs Department Faculty standardized test meeting time in feedback Disseminate data) to enhance school calendar plans to faculty instruction and and chairs at curricular Create New Teacher Mentoring Program Curriculum decision-making Committee Provide annual Dan Everett, Eric Time, access to Admin Council Inclusion of summary of PLC plan in activities Stroupe current research minutes Employee completed at the Handbook departmental level Dan Everett, Eric Time Creation of Disseminate to Stroupe plan, Admin faculty Research Summative Council mentoring Administrative evaluations, Minutes programs to Council department chair Feedback from determine best fit feedback on new teachers on for JSerra faculty mentor teacher Develop effectiveness mentoring program plan Identify which teachers are best equipped to serve as mentor teachers 54
TASKS RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES MEANS MEANS PERSON(S) OF TIMELINE OF ASSESSMENT REPORTING Train mentor Dan Everett, Eric Scheduled time, Summative April 2015 Report to teachers in the Stroupe written evaluation Academic methods needed to expectations analysis of new Committee effectively serve teachers; new new faculty teacher retention; student feedback and academic achievement Ensure Recruitment and Retention Programs Attract Quality Faculty Members Determine Richard Meyer, Time to research Codification of November Report to recruitment Eric Stroupe various those strategies; 2015 Academic strategies that programs; formalized Committee and effectively utilize possible relationships Board of partnerships with budgetary with colleges Directors colleges and outlays and universities universities that share JSerra’s mission Give department Eric Stroupe Scheduling Faculty August 2015 School master chairs a program feedback on calendar “department chair software, department prep period” to sufficient chair adequately budgetary funds effectiveness compensate for and activities job requirements Determine Department chairs Feedback from Student Fall 2015 Report to maximum class faculty in academic Academic sizes to create department achievement Fall 2015 Committee optimal meeting context (e.g., test and ongoing environment for scores, college Report to teachers while still placement, Board; meeting school’s Academic Employee financial needs Probation rates, Handbook etc.) Develop Administrative Time, funds, alternative means Council access to Assessment of for career programs at faculty attrition development to other schools rates, employee retain key faculty survey, employee interview 55
GOAL Expand and strengthen the technology plan with the goal of developing a long-term strategic technology plan which will assess current resources and needs and ultimately enhance curriculum and instruction. RATIONALE In Chapter 4, several Areas of Growth were noted by focus group participants. In Focus Group A, participants felt that a school Technology Plan was needed to address present technological weaknesses due to campus and student population growth and to plan for future technological integration of the curriculum. Focus Group B noted that the school needs to improve faculty training in new technology, (i.e. new televisions, new grade portal), improve current wireless connectivity, and address usability of technology in the classroom. There is also a desire to offer teacher training for interactive sites and to interface with online forums for students and teachers. Focus Group B also indicated a need to implement a Technology Plan which considers a comprehensive overview of how technology is used in each classroom. ESLRS: • Spiritually – responsible Christian citizens • Intellectually – skilled lifelong learners and academic achievers – Utilize appropriate technology to support learning • Socially and morally – effective communicators 56
TASKS RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES MEANS TIMELINE MEANS PERSON(S) OF Summer 2014 OF Create position Budget Completed and hire for Dan Everett ASSESSMENT Fall 2014 REPORTING Educational Time for Position filled Employee roster Technology Educational liaisons to January 2015 Specialist Technology monitor new Lesson plan Regular reports by Identify Specialist technology to analysis; student January 2015 liaisons to Curriculum technology enhance surveys Committee. \"liaison\" within Educational curriculum. each department Technology Time to meet Minutes from Summary of plans' to continuously Specialist with department meetings main points distributed evaluate new members to to Admin Council technology to Technology discuss/train. Minutes from departments, enhance specific Committee Stipends/funds meeting Curriculum Committee, curriculum for liaisons. Academic Committee, Diocesan Plan BOD Reconvene Access to other Tech. Committee school's plans Report to develop recommendations to mission Time for Admin Council. statement, assess committee to current meet resources, and assess future needs. Determine optimal educational technology curriculum theory Conduct outside Technology Time for Tech. Present research October 2015 Report research Committee Committee to results to Admin recommendations to regarding conduct Council. Admin Council. educational Technology research. technology Committee Budget funds trends (general). for technology Research conferences. educational technology Time to meet Plan completed. December Report trends (local with Presentations to 2015 recommendations to schools) constituents to ES/DE and Admin Council. determine Admin Council Create plan to optimal plan. refresh (update and purchase) technology on a regular basis. 57
Begin pilot Teachers in pilot Training in new Teacher Spring 2016 Reports to Technology program with program software/hardw feedback Committee representative are programs Fall 2017 sample of Educational Present findings to teachers to assess Technology Time for group Completed Beginning of Admin Council, plan Specialist, to develop and report Fall 2017 departments, Technology assemble report. Curriculum Committee, Complete full Committee Printing costs Beginning of Academic Committee, written Fall 2017; BOD documentation All Stakeholders Time for Student ongoing Delivery of report to all of short and professional surveys/teacher annually staff/BOD long-term development, surveys strategic faculty training Ongoing presentations technology plan. as needed. Budget analysis. to Admin Council; Time for Assessment of Delivery of report to all Implementation hardware/softw plan's timeline, staff/BOD of Tech Plan are roll-out. including Budget for full refinement. Evaluation of All Stakeholders implementation. Technology Plan Time for discussion and reporting. Evaluation rubrics 58
GOAL Investigate and implement a comprehensive campus master plan to ensure the most efficient and strategic use of facilities to meet the academic and co-curricular needs of students. RATIONALE As JSerra Catholic High School reaches maximum capacity it is essential to ensure that campus facilities are being used to maximum, efficient capacity. Per feedback noted by faculty in chapter 4, several areas of the campus are underutilized. As school enrollment has increased, security demands warrant a revised campus safety plan. ESLRS • Academic Achievers TASKS RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES MEANS TIMELINE MEANS PERSON(S) OF June 2014 OF Determine finite Historical data Completed school size in Ad Hoc School on class sizes, ASSESSMENT REPORTING order to ensure Size Committee, traffic study, Final Number March 2014 Headmaster’s efficient and Facilities enrollment data, presented to Completed Report to Board strategic use of Committee school budget Board of of Director’s space. Directors. June 2014 Hire a consultant Rich Meyer, Funds Headmaster’s to develop long Facilities Delivery of plan March 2014 Report to Board range facility plan Committee, Time for of Director’s, to include the faculty department Collaborative report at faculty improvement of representatives, meetings, school Summary of meeting campus safety Emergency blueprints, focus groups into with external Response Team projected one document Headmaster’s fencing. curricular Report to Board Establish focus Subject offerings, budget Facilities of Director’s groups that will Department Time Committee roster develop facility Chairs, Nominating needs based on Administration Committee specific subject Council, Athletic Report to Board areas. Director of Directors Develop a more Rich Meyer, Terri inclusive Facilities Morris Committee of the Board of Directors to include more school constituents. 59
Fortify Rich Meyer, Budget, time for Approval and Ongoing Marketing relationship with Admin Council, collaborative implementation July 2016 Committee to the city of San Board of meetings of campus report to Board Juan Capistrano Directors, development and JSerra’s Facilities Budget projects Annual School Identify and hire a committee, Report to the city full time Director marketing Access to Job Description of San Juan of Campus committee various schools Capistrano Operations. traffic plans, city Creation of Research and Headmaster in traffic traffic plan, Report to school improve traffic collaboration with regulations, assessment of community flow on North and Administrative traffic flow South campus. Council July 2016 Facilities August 2014 committee Facilities reports to Board Committee, of Directors, Facilities traffic plans Manager, Admin mailed to school Council community. Purchase facility IT Department Budget to Creation or Communicate to software program purchase purchase of faculty and staff to ensure accurate program, time to program, staff and efficient research various feedback on planning of all programs or efficacy of campus activities. create interim program, tool with reduction of SharePoint scheduling conflicts 60
GOAL: Enhance online student learning experience by stabilizing the online program and bringing its curriculum completely in-house. RATIONALE: As mentioned in chapter 4 section A and B, the school’s online program needs revamping in order to better align the school’s online curriculum with its in-house curriculum. By bringing online classes in-house, the school will be able to have classes taught by its teachers with curriculum that the school has developed. ESLRS: • Academic Achievers • Collaborative Workers • Effective Communicators • Lifelong Learners 61
TASKS RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES MEANS TIMELINE MEANS PERSON(S) OF OF ASSESSMENT REPORTING Hire a Dan Everett, Eric Time to advertise Employment August 2014 Monthly board Director of Stroupe, and Rich the position and contract report Online Meyer interview Learning candidates (DOL) Create a Dan Everett and Time Completed September 2014 Monthly board strategic Rich Meyer strategic plan report plan to bring online program in- house Migrate to Dan Everett and An online Budget will January 2015 Weekly Head of the Director of Online company that has identify single Curriculum utilization of Education the most online class meeting with one online UC/NCAA provider the Headmaster class Director of Online approvals and Monthly provider Learning board report Time Online teacher January 2015 Meeting with Identify Director of Online Director of teachers Learning, Dan development Online interested in Everett Learning and developing stipend agreement Head of online Curriculum classes Budget Finalsite contract January 2015 Weekly Head of Curriculum Purchase meeting with LMS portion the Headmaster of Finalsite and Monthly website board report Meeting with Identify Director of Online Budget, Time for Teacher class January 2016 Director of teachers Learning January 2016 Online interested in meetings schedule Spring 2016 Learning and teaching Director of Online Head of online Learning Budget, Time for Training Curriculum courses Meeting with Director of Online meetings certification and Director of Identify and Learning Online implement results Learning and training Head of opportunities Scheduling of Classwork, Curriculum for online online teachers grades, and Curriculum teachers and students, transcripts Committee budget Meeting Test new platform on a sample population 62
Fully Director of Online Time for Classwork, Fall 2016 Weekly Head of implement Learning, Dan scheduling, grades, and Curriculum in-house Everett budget transcripts meeting with online the Headmaster classes and Monthly board report 63
GOAL Review and modify accordingly the overall financial structure and protocols including financial aid revenue and distribution, total educational cost calculated by tuition and fees, the self-funding model of athletics, and advancement funding focused more on unrestricted revenue to general school operations. RATIONALE The school needs better transparency in its financial operations. These changes will allow parents to have a better understanding of the total cost to attend the school. ESLRS TASKS RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES MEANS MEANS PERSON(S) OF TIMELINE OF ASSESSMENT REPORTING Review protocols for determining financial aid budget and distribution of funds Conduct research Andy Sulick Time to research Statistical report Spring 2015 Report to on financial aid describing Finance programs at various Committee comparable programs schools Conduct a study to Andy Sulick, JSerra budget Delivery of Fall of 2015 Report to determine Finance analyses from report Finance effectiveness of Committee FACTS, survey Committee and JSerra financial of financial aid Board of aid program families Directors Revise financial Finance JSerra Financial Survey of Spring of Parent-Student aid program to Committee, Andy Aid Budget, participants in 2016 Handbook ensure allocation Sulick FACTS data, program of funds are School database equitable and in information accordance with school mission Review total educational cost of tuition and fees Complete Lisa Guild, Budget, Delivery of Fall 2014 Report to comprehensive Finance information on review Finance review of all Committee, all school fees Committee and school fees Assistant Board of Headmaster Directors Conduct Finance Tuition and fee Delivery of Winter 2014 Report to Board competitive Committee, Lisa data from area report of Directors analysis of tuition Guild private schools rates and fee structure of area private schools Develop modified Lisa Guild, Itemized and Creation of plan Spring 2015 Report to Board tuition plan Finance projected school of Directors Committee budgets 64
TASKS RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES MEANS TIMELINE MEANS PERSON(S) OF Winter 2015 OF Determine tuition School budget, rates and Finance comparative ASSESSMENT REPORTING revamped fee Committee, analysis of Creation of new Report to Board structure based on Assistant tuitions of tuition and fee of Directors new model Headmaster competitor structure schools Communicate new Admissions School website, Published Spring 2016 Parent-Student plans to families Department, Admissions tuition and fee Handbook, Marketing registration structure, School website Department packet qualitative and admissions feedback from materials families Execute new Business Office FACTS tuition Collection of Fall 2016 School budget tuition and fee management tuition, structure program comparative analysis of tuition pre- and post-plan Review the self-funding model of athletics Investigate Andy Sulick, Jim Time to research Assessment of June 2015 Written budgetary Summary for information in Hartigan, Lisa and clearance to current Head master which the school provides funding Guild access school situation, for the core operating financials . Assimilation of expenses of all sports teams Athletic budgets financial Competitive information information . Consolidate Andy Sulick, Jim Year 1 findings Report based June 2016 Report to researched Hartigan, Lisa and Summary upon summary Headmaster information in Guild utilizing current which the school year school provides funding financials, for the core Current year operating athletic budgets expenses of all sports teams4 Develop a Andy Sulick, Jim Year 2 report, Financials, July 2016 Presentation to budgetary model Hartigan, Lisa Task committee Proposed athletic and information in Guild adjusted financial which the school budgets committees for provides funding 2017 for the core implementation operating expenses of all sports teams 65
TASKS RESPONSIBLE RESOURCES MEANS MEANS PERSON(S) OF TIMELINE OF ASSESSMENT REPORTING Review advancement funding and move toward more unrestricted revenue to general school operations Identify additional Peggy Larson, Time to research Budget 2014-15 Report to funding streams Richard Meyer, and identify best school year Advancement for annual Advancement practices Committee, campaign and Committee Board of unrestricted funds Directors Launch Annual Peggy Larson, Develop Campaign October Report to Campaign with an Richard Meyer campaign reports 2014 Advancement additional timeline and Committee, $115,000 in intermediate Board of unrestricted funds goals Directors to school Create individual Peggy Larson Time to create Creation of Fall 2014 Monthly reports donor stewardship plan, resources plan, Budget and ongoing to Advancement plan and on plan analysis Committee solicitation plan development Chair and Head for best prospects of School from 2013-2014 campaign Combine two Peggy Larson, Develop Final June 2014 Report to major fundraising Richard Meyer, marketing plan fundraising through Advancement events for raising Advancement around event to results March 2015 Committee, maximum Committee, Event secure additional Board of unrestricted funds Volunteers attendees, Directors sponsors and donors 66
Technology Plan 2015 – 2018 JSerra Catholic High School 26351 Junipero Serra Road San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 FAITH…INTELLECT…CHARACTER 67
1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 School Site Information ......................................................................................................69 3 Technology Mission Statement .........................................................................................71 4 Technology Vision Statement ............................................................................................72 5 Technology Implementation Process................................................................................72 6 Curriculum/School Administration Component..............................................................73 6.1 Needs and Resource Assessment..............................................................................73 6.2 Instruction and Instructional Design.........................................................................74 6.3 Productivity and Staff Development .........................................................................77 6.4 Administrative use and Administration ....................................................................78 7 Professional Development..................................................................................................78 8 Infrastructure........................................................................................................................80 9 Technical Support................................................................................................................84 10 Funding And Budget .......................................................................................................85 11 Monitoring And Evaluation ............................................................................................85 12 Conclusions & Recommendations ................................................................................85 13 APPENDIX I .......................................................................................................................86 68
2 School Site Information General Information JSerra Catholic High School Name of School: 26351 Junipero Serra Rd Address: San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (949) 493-9307 Phone: Website: Mr. Rich Meyer Key Personnel Mr. Eric Stroupe Mr. Daniel Everett President: Ms. Donna Vandenberg Principal: Vice Principals: Ms. Maureen Ferraro Mr. Dixon Brown Director of Operations: IT Manager: Mrs. Carmen Lagalante Educational Technology Specialist: Database Administrators: 69
Mr. James Alvarado, Ms. Janet Miller, Mr. Ian Rangel, Ms. Karen Testa Contact Person Information Ms. Maureen Ferraro (949) 493-9307 ext. 2111 [email protected]. 70
3 Technology Mission Statement JSerra Catholic High School facilitates the integration of effective, existing, and emerging technologies, throughout all aspects of JSerra’s educational community, in order to enhance learning opportunities for all students, to promote life-long learning for all members of the JSerra Catholic High School community, and to support the effective use of resources. Goals and Objectives Goal 1 - Technology will support curriculum by: • Providing increased opportunities for individuals to master basic and advanced technical, academic, and job-related skills • Improving the quality, flexibility, and delivery of instruction • Motivating individuals to participate in their own academic growth • Enhancing the presentation of curriculum to the entire learning community • Providing innovative methods to utilize higher thinking and problem solving skills • Fostering innovative critical thinking through the acquisition of research and development skills • Providing for the acquisition of evolving computer/technology proficiencies Goal 2 - Student learning: Students will enrich their educational experience by using technology as a tool for effective communication, personal productivity, and lifelong learning. Goal 3 - Powerful teaching: Teachers and students utilize technology for teaching and learning throughout the entire learning community, to build awareness and understanding of varied teaching methodologies, and to publish best practices and student and staff accomplishments. Teachers and students will acquire technology skills that meet Levels I-III of the CTAP proficiency standards. Goal 4 - School-to-Community connections: The learning community will utilize technology to increase the connection between school and community through the sending and receiving of information. 71
Goal 5 - Technology Training for the Learning Community: The school will develop and implement opportunities for technology training and technology assessment for the entire learning community to increase productivity, efficiency, and communication. 4 Technology Vision Statement JSerra Catholic High School recognizes that the use of technology plays an important role in improving the quality of instruction and is a tool for the entire learning community. The ability to access, analyze, and synthesize information through technological means is critical to academic and personal advancement. Students graduating from JSerra Catholic High School must possess the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to succeed in an increasingly complex, global, information-based society. It is JSerra High School's vision to empower graduates to be comfortable with and proficient in using educational technology and to possess the skills to interact with individuals, organizations, and agencies through computer telecommunications 5 Technology Implementation Process • A new Technology Committee was formed in the Fall of 2014 as recommended by WASC. The committee is comprised of selected department representatives, administrators and board members who exemplify a strong knowledge and understanding of technology and its importance for creating technologically astute global citizens. The committee meets once a month and is primarily responsible for continuous review of technology within classrooms and teachers and for planning for academic development for teacher, staff and students, The Educational Technology Specialist is responsible for facilitating these technology committee meetings. • The Director of Operations position was created in July of 2015. Part of the role of this position is to oversee the IT requirements of the school and to implement processes and procedures to incorporate best practices for implementation and maintenance of the various software and hardware for the school. o A comprehensive evaluation of the current state for servers and network to determine next steps as equipment is starting to reach useful life. o Using various resources to determining capital and funding possibilities to remediate issues sited in network evaluation. o A comprehensive review of the different software in use by the school to eliminate redundancies and consolidate where possible. o Developed change controls and implementation procedures for review and testing of all software and hardware to be added to the environment can be thoroughly vetted prior to implementation. 72
o Review of recommendations by the Technology Committee in order to provide feedback to President and Principal on whether or not the recommendations can be sustained within the current environment and to predetermine resource requirements for implementation. 6 Curriculum/School Administration Component 6.1 Needs and Resource Assessment In the Spring of 2015 JSerra hired Evolution Learning Educational Consultants to conduct a Technology Needs survey to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the existing system. The strengths the report showed are that JSerra faculty and administration have integrated technology in their daily tasks and into the curriculum. All teachers have a laptop, a Smart TV and a projector, and some also have document cameras and 3D printers. Teachers also have access to an online gradebook, portal for grades and assignments as well as subscriptions to different learning software. The reported weaknesses are that the current wireless infrastructure is not adequate to the needs of the school as a great number of students and faculty reported having difficulties connecting, also the teachers expressed great dissatisfaction with the current gradebook and portal and students likewise do not find the portal easy to use and find information on. Staff also expressed a high level of frustration with the slowness of their devices, and many of the devices were seven years old or older. In April of 2016, another evaluation of the internal network environment was performed by a 3rd party vendor. The major areas of concern raised were as follows: • Lack of proper backup system with offsite replication and implementation of a backup solution • Move email to Microsoft 365 • Switch replacement due to end of life of current switches • Migration or upgrading phone system • Upgrade of existing servers to run latest version of Microsoft Server, some are running versions no longer supported or move to a hybrid of cloud based and in house servers to reduce monetary impact for backup needs. • Install redundant firewall • Perform internal licensing audit • Install redundant internet connection especially if moving away from in house servers to cloud based. 73
6.2 Instruction and Instructional Design Teachers are required to post grades and assignments online. The gradebook links to student and parent portals that allow constituencies to see real time grades and academic progress. Parents and students can also access these portals to see upcoming exams. Progress reports are sent electronically four times per year, which saves the school time and money. Teachers can use the technology to assist absent students by posting their power points, assignments, handouts, links, and even recorded versions of their class on the LMS. The following software is used by JSerra’s teachers in the different programs: Software Department Purpose is a cross-platform runtime Adobe Air Engineering system developed by Adobe Systems for building desktop Adobe Flash IT applications and mobile Aery Engineering applications, programmed AGI STK Engineering using Adobe Flash Aplia Required to run some Web App Inventor Tools programs ATC Simulator Glider Design Software Audacity modeling and analysis software for the aerospace Auralia and Musition Autodesk Inventor Professional Social Sciences Lessons and Exercises (AutoCad) Camtasia Engineering App Development Canopy Engineering air traffic control simulator. Career Connections Fine Arts Audio editing software Creative Cloud Fine Arts Auralia Ear Training Engineering and Musition Music Theory Software Architecture, engineering, and construction EdTech Screencasting Software Engineering Python development Bussiness Magnet Job Training Scholarships & Financial Aid Fine Arts all graphic design programs for the department 74
CutePDF IT PDF viewer Dropbox EdTech Cloud Drive DVD Shrink EdTech Allows you to cut a clip of a DVD EdPuzzle EdTech Video quizzing software Engine Sim With this software you can Engineering investigate how a jet (or turbine) Exam View engine produces thrust FACEL Social Sciences Testing Software FACTS Filezilla Engineering Facile Face Labeling Final Cut Financial Tuition Software Finale FTP site Firebug Engineering Movie editing software Fine Arts Musical Notation Software FireSSH Fine Arts Web design software Fly to Learn Engineering FireSSH is a free, cross-platform FoilSim Engineering SSH terminal client for Mozilla Follett Software Com Firefox FoodService Solution Engineering Students of all ages learn science, Foxit technology, engineering and Engineering math (S.T.E.M) through designing, Gas Lab Library building, and flying their own Bistro virtual airplanes. Github IT FoilSim was built to help students Go learn how wings work. Google Chrome Engineering Library Software Bistro software and Support Engineering PDF viewer IT The Animated Gas Lab is a series IT of computer animations which demonstrate all the possible combinations of the ideal gas law or equation of state. Powerful collaboration, code review, and code management Domain reg, SSL certs Web Browser 75
Google Drive EdTech Cloud Drive Google Earth EdTech Global maps and tours Google Picasa EdTech Free photo editing and Goverlan organizing Gravity Sim IT IT Management Software Grovo Engineering Simulates orbits of planets and Handbrake other celestial bodies. Hudl EdTech Training Website for Faculty HXD IT Video converting software Infobase Learning Sports film viewing system iTunes Athletics Hex editor Kahoot Engineering Subsciptions Music Library Laerdal Library Classroom Quiz Games Fine Arts Laerdal Medical Corp-2547484- Learning Ally EdTech PO 8147: Jul 2014_Jun 2015 SimMan 1Yr Maintenance Makerbot Medical Learning Ally is a nonprofit MalwareBytes providing dyslexia support MD Solids SERP through audiobooks & parent Membeam support services Mozilla Firefox Science 3D Printer Software Naviance (Counseling Dept) IT Anti Malaware Software Nearpod NetLogo Engineering Vocabulary Builder Neurons in Action2 English Dept Web Browser Course placement Noodle Tools IT Presentation Software Counseling Logo programming language Pasco Scientific Neurobiology Class EdTech Teaching of literacy skills, critical Pixton Engineering analysis, sound reasoning, and collaborative group research. Science Offers a variety of interfaces and sensors (probes) bundled with Library computer-based activities for chemistry, biology, physics and Science general science. Comic software EdTech 76
Quizlet EdTech Online study and flashcards website Race2Mars/Moon Rover Engineering Moon Rover, players must design and navigate a rover to rescue Rediker Softerware IT fellow astronauts stranded on the Robot C Programming Language Engineering moon. Schoology EdTech/On Scratch 2 Student Information System Skype Line Socrative Engineering Programming Language Vernier Software IT Learning Management Software Video Lan (VLC) EdTech Virtual Tensile Tester Curriculum Programming Language Windroy Science Video conferencing Classroom Participation Software IT Plagiarism checker Engineering Flow Rate Sensor/Wireless PH Engineering Sensor Movie/Media Player Virtual Tensile Tester Run Android in Windows like it was any other application. 6.3 Productivity and Staff Development JSerra used Grovo learning content and management software for conducting an evaluation of the technological skills of JSerra’s faculty. The results of the evaluation show that the majority of the faculty scored around 40% or below. The evaluation itself was divide into four areas: Basic Computer Operations and Concepts, Microsoft Office Skills, Internet and Research and the Web 2.0. 77
Total training score 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 6.4 Administrative use and Administration The administration provides teachers with resources online through the staff portal. Instructional videos are used during teacher orientation which include access to webinars. Administrative meetings are managed with electronic tools, such as Sharepoint, where agendas are maintained and tasks are tracked. Reports are automatically generated once students reach a certain number of tardies and or absences. 7 Professional Development JSerra needs to increase the technical proficiency of the faculty. The school’s plan is to continue its subscription to the Grovo learning materials but the school needs a way to motivate the faculty. Funds are needed to create awards for those teachers who complete all the trainings with a passing score and attend at least 2 of the professional development opportunities offered on campus. After 2 years, the school should give the same skills tests to the faculty and see if the scores go up. In the 2015-2016 school year, the following workshops where offered to the faculty. Date Topic Presenter 8/18/2015 Schoology Software Carmen Lagalante 8/26/2015 Schoology Software – Part 2 Carmen Lagalante 10/13/2015 Facebook Privacy Carmen Lagalante 1/11/2016 Microsoft Excel – part 1 James Alvarado 78
1/25/2016 Microsoft Excel – part 2 James Alvarado 2/4/2016 Making Videos Carmen Lagalante 2/25/2016 Classroom Tools Sr. Carmen Therese 3/3/2016 Power Point Tips and Tricks Carmen Lagalante 5/11/2016 Schoology - Introduction Carmen Lagalante 5/23/2016 Schoology - Introduction Carmen Lagalante 8/11/2016 Gradebook Training Carmen Lagalante 8/25/2016 Introduction to Office 365 Carmen Lagalante 9/20/2016 Schoology - Advanced Carmen Lagalante 10/20/2016 One Drive Training Carmen Lagalante 79
8 Infrastructure Server Security JSerra has implemented ACL’s to separate student and staff / management VLANs. The domain controllers are running dual NIC configurations to replicate and provide authentication, DNS and DHCP to both sides of the ACL’s. Passwords are auto-expiring every 90 days [student & staff]. 80
Server Management mRemote / RDP are used locally. vSphere is used to access VM’s. Custom scripted monitoring is used for uptime, using Ping testing. There is no application monitoring, including SharePoint and Exchange. VPN access exists via Barracuda Firewall, using Radius authentication. Verification of local VPN account existing and local DHCP pool is needed. Devices Operating Systems Windows XP [25], Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Mac OS X [approx. 50, not domain joined]. Students save data locally on devices. Chromebooks, student owned, are supported this year, but school is enforcing use of Microsoft OS. Client Applications Database List Vendor/Software Rediker AdminPlus AAF - lease subscription Rediker TeachersPlus Adobe Creative Cloud Rediker AdmissionsPro Adobe Creative Suite ver 5 and 6 Food Service Solutions Adobe Photo Subscription Cisco Call Manager Arbiter Sports Cisco Unity Barracuda (Email/Spam filter) Honeywell FOB software Barracuda (FG Firewall and WebFilter) Cyberlock Key software Blackbaud - Annual Contract FE Microsoft Active Directory Blackbaud - Annual Contract RE Microsoft Exchange Blackbaud - Annual GL fee Microsoft Office 365 Blackbaud - Sub Essentials Cisco ACS Radius server Blackbaud F9 PrinterOn Career Connections - Businss Magnet access to site Papercut CDW (Microsoft site license) Printer and Print Queues CDW (Symantec BackupExec) Paycom Centage Learning Inventory spreadsheet Cisco Call manager ver. XMS Cisco Unity ver. 7.0 Navience Constant Contact SharePoint EBSCO BlackBaud FE Evernote BlackBaud RE Express Computer SNAP FinalSite - Design 81
FinalSite (School website) Finalsite Follett Software Com (Library Follett Software) FoodService Solution (Bistro software) Online FoodService Solution (POS Service & Hudl Support) Glogster FACTS Go (Domain reg, SSL certs) ICVerify Goverlan Schedule Star Grovo BackupExec HP Server maintenance contracts Aeries HRIS system Rediker Financs Hudl Peachtree Infobase Learning Constant Contact Insidder Wireless tracking (IT tool) Aribiter IntelliVOL, Inc. (x2vol) Lauderal (Medical Magnet) Learning Ally MalwareBytes Membeam (Vocabulary builder) Naviance (Counseling Dept) Nearpod Nexus (Cisco SmartNet License) OpenDNS (OpenDNS) Pixton PrinterOn (Student Printing system) Progress Advisor PSNI SNAP Nursing software) Rediker (AdminPlus) Rediker (Admissions) Rediker (GradeBook) Schedule Star School Admin Schooldude Schoolology Sharepoint Sketch up Software 4 schools - Ticketing Sun Guard - eSchoolPlus - SuperAntiSpyware (IT tool) 82
TestMaker Turn it in Wealth Engine Xirrus Enhanced Care Policies Patching No formal patching / testing system. Updates are done manually on servers. Most faculty and students never update their workstations. There is a summer systems collection policy in place, but is often unobserved. Antivirus MBAM is on all systems and Forefront is used on all non-Windows 10 systems. Replacement solution with central monitoring and alerting is needed since. none currently exists. 100% of systems do have MBAM. There is defender running on Windows systems when it exists. Mobile Device Polices Students are technically only allowed to bring issued computers on campus (no phones, no tablets, no personal devices). ACS prevents non authorized systems and uses MAC based auth. Dixon is interested in Xiurrus’s MDM solution. Network Access Control See above – ACS currently in place. ACS is running version 3 Storage Local storage on all ESX servers, means HA cannot be implemented correctly. Virtualization Running ESX 5.5 on all clustered hosts. Standalone host running VMware 6 and VMware 4. VMware environment needs consolidation and inclusion under vCenter umbrella. ESX networking needs build out to include port channels for better bandwidth. JSerra desperately needs shared storage solution to implement High Availability. Backup and Disaster Recovery Backup Exec 10 is running on Quantum Superloader 3 with tape. Tapes stay on premise and nothing goes offsite, 5 week tape rotation. There is not enough capacity to back up full infrastructure. The current backup set includes shares, home directories and SIS. Currently, there is no backup for AD, Exchange, SharePoint and other VM’s. A better solution including capturing VM images is needed. 83
UPS/Power Management New UPS’s, no UPS in IDF’s, needs visiting. Current UPS supports 10 minutes of uptime – MAX. Servers not configured for graceful shutdown using Powerchute. UPS’s not connected to network. Maintenance Windows IT Dept provides at least 24 hours ahead of planned maintenance. Maintenance can generally occur anytime after school hours [7 or 8pm]. Current Pain Points Using Cisco Voice Solution – Call Manager 5.1.3 with Unity 7, 175 phones [mix of 7940, 7960]. Both Call Managerand Unity are running End Of Life versions. Bandwidth is limited to users because they are connected to the back of the phones for hardwired access which takes Gig switching down to a 100mbps connection. For special cases, like the athletic coaches who use Huddle, extra network drops are ran to provide full Gig connectivity back to the core switch stack. 9 Technical Support Create a list of technical support personnel and detail maintenance and repair and responsibility as a resource. Name Role Duties Contact Maureen Ferraro Director of Oversee all IT [email protected] Operations support Ext. 2111 requirements, due Dixon Brown IT Director diligence, network [email protected] review Ext. 2152 Oversee daily operations of IT Department, manage various databases Marc MacAdam Network Jordan Faust Administrator HelpDesk Carmen Lagalante Educational Assists teachers [email protected] Technology with the use of 84
Specialist their devices and Ext. 2105 10 Funding And Budget Now that the school has a comprehensive idea of what needs to be done to improve the IT environment with the school, the Director of Operations is working closely with the President, Principal, and CFO to add the named items to the annual capital improvements list during annual budget review. 11 Monitoring And Evaluation JSerra is in the process of reviewing needs for the school from a technology perspective to bring infrastructure up to current needs. This is an ongoing process. 12 Conclusions & Recommendations JSerra Catholic High School will continue to support its growth in the use of technology on the campus by: • Continuing to upgrade and enhance its hardware, software, and network capabilities • Offering and assisting teachers in the use and integration of technology into the classroom curriculum • Providing students opportunities to enhance their educational career through the use of application software in the completion of assignments as mandated in the education and business environments 85
13 APPENDIX I Technology Implementation Plan Timeline Time Plan Stakeholders Responsible Projected Costs Fall 2015 Technology Committee EdTech Specialist created Principal Spring 2015 Vice Principal Curriculum Vision and Mission Technology Committee Statements written Technology issues are Technology Committee $5,000 diagnosed Tech Consultant Investigate companies & IT Manager $50,000 costs of upgrading wireless Tech Consultant infrastructure CFO Summer 2015 Research new laptops for EdTech Specialist $3,000 Fall 2015 faculty IT Manager $8,000 Research for an LMS and SIS EdTech Specialist $45,000 Spring 2016 Director of Online $7,000 Plan professional Vice Principal Curriculum $50,000 development EdTech Specialist Grovo license purchased Principal/Vice Principal Budget for Conferences and Software licenses EdTech Specialist CFO New laptops were purchased Vice Principal for ½ the faculty. IT Manager Director of Operations Trial version of LMS CFO purchased Director of Online Refresh hardware to enhance wireless & improve internal Tech Consultant speed (fiber optic lines) Begin Director of Operations wireless improvements IT Manager Continue research for new SIS EdTech Specialist Principal Vice Principal Develop in- person EdTech Specialist professional development Tech Committee New guidelines for student EdTech Specialist devices Tech Committee Director of Operations Investigate how to bring the IT Manager new SIS President Principal EdTech Specialist President 86
Investigate how new SIS Principal program will be managed – Vice Principal outsourced or new hires to Director of Operations RHS EdTech Specialist President Roll-out Office 365 for Faculty Principal Vice Principal Director of Operations EdTech Specialist Summer 2016 Purchase laptops for Director of Operations $50,000 Fall 2016 remaining faculty $46,000 Finalize contract for new SIS Director of Operations $12,000 Spring 2017 system Summer 2017 Purchase full license of LMS Director of Online Fall 2017 Director of Operations Implement LMS Director of Online Training of Administrators EdTech Specialist and IT Support on the LMS Prepare and train staff on new EdTech Specialist LMS program Database Manager Train parents and students on EdTech Specialist new LMS Database Manager Continue professional EdTech Specialist development Technology Committee Transition JSerra staff off in Director of Operations house Exchange servers to Office 365 Outlook Director of Operations Begin due diligence for Core SIS Implementation implementation of new SIS Team Core SIS Implementation Training of SIS Team Implementation team on system Key department Overview of SIS to individual stakeholders and Core SIS department users for Implementation Team program development Core SIS Implementation Conversion of Data from old Team SIS to new SIS Core SIS Implementation Review and Testing on data Team converted Core SIS Implementation Begin Running parallel with Team old and new SIS with goal to have master scheduling and Core SIS Implementation enrollment begin within new Team system by June Testing of SIS and training of staff in preparation for new school year. Full implementation of SIS Core SIS Implementation and decommissioning of prior Team system 87