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Home Explore Complement-Testing-Services


Published by cailynnjohnson, 2023-03-30 06:30:37

Description: Complement-Testing-Services


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Specialized complement test services to promote your research and drug development. COMPLEMENT TEST SERVICES

Complement Test About Us Creative Biolabs is a leading diagnostic service company with a robust and standardized complement assay platform, supporting basic and preclinical research in complement. We offer a full range of complement function or activity test services and use high- quality standards in all operations, testing procedures and reports. Our specialized and dedicated team of scientists are available to support our clients with R&D, pre- clinical and clinical trial programs.

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Complement Test Introduction What is a complement test ? Complement test is a blood test that measures the activity of a group of proteins in the bloodstream. These proteins make up the complement system, which is one part of the immune system. The complement system helps antibodies fight off infections and destroy substances that are foreign to the body. However, when the following conditions occur in the complement system: (1) abnormal function of complement components and activation products, (2) production of autoantibody to complement protein, (3) mutations in the complement gene, it may lead to autoimmune diseases and other inflammatory reactions. Complement tests contribute to determining whether deficiencies or abnormalities in the complement system are causing or contributing to the patient’s disease or condition.

Complement Test Can be Used to: Diagnose infectious Diagnose other Develop new diseases diseases therapies Help diagnose the cause of recurrent Help diagnose, monitor and treat Help develop new complement-targeted microbial infections (such as Streptococcus autoimmune diseases and immune therapies to inhibit or enhance pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitides, complex-related conditions. complement function in research Neisseria gonorrhea), angioedema, or settings, determining efficacy and potency of complement-targeted drugs. inflammation.

Complement Test Services Complement Complement Complement genetic function/activity test autoantibody test test Complement function or activity test allows Since complement autoantibodies are In addition to the serological test, for the determination of whether the protein closely related to many diseases, genetic test is also important for determining the risk of disease. is present and whether it has normal complement autoantibody tests are very functional activity. useful tools for diagnosing, assessing, and monitoring disease activity, as well as developing new therapies.

Complement Function/Activity Test Individual The total complement activity contributes to a Total Complement Components comprehensive understanding of the activation status of Activity Test Activity Test the complement system to better define disease Individual complement occurrence, severity, and response to treatment. Therefore, components can be quantitatively the total complement activity test has very important tested by immunoprecipitation clinical value in the diagnosis and subsequent treatment assays. If the quantitative test does of complement-related diseases. not reveal any defects, a functional test is required to verify Complement Activation The complement activation products are Products Test only produced when complement is the diagnosis. activated, so the complement activation products test can reflect the actual activation state of the complement system under pathological conditions.

Total complement activity testing provides a comprehensive insight Total Complement Activity Test into the activation state of the complement system to better define disease occurrence, severity, and response to treatment. Therefore, The most common methods for testing the total activity of the the complement activity test has very important clinical complement system include hemolysis assays (CH50 or AH50) or significance in the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of diseases. automated methods such as liposomal lysis and ELISAs. We offer a sophisticated menu of complement activity tests that enables determination of specific activity of all three pathways separately without interference from the others. Classical pathway Alternative Mannan-binding C5b-9 molecule (CH50 and its pathway (AH50 or lectin pathway (ELISA) equivalents) (ELISA) APH50)

Individual Components Activity Test If CH50 and AH50 indicates complement deficiency? Yes No In general, C3, C4 and B factors are the most commonly tested components, followed by C1 inhibitors and other components. We provide our customers with routine quantitative tests and functional activity test for individual components as well as a full range of complement components testing services, including but not limited to: Quantitative Tests Functional Activity Test Nephelometry Testing for the sample's  C1q  C3  Factor D Turbidimetry capability to reconstitute the  C1 inhibitor  C4  Factor H total complement activity of a  C2  Factor B  MASP-1/2 RID serum deficient.

Complement Activation Products Test 1 The complement activation products can reflect the actual activation state of the complement system under pathological conditions because their increase occurs only when the complement enzymes are formed and complement is activated. 2 Creative Biolabs has developed a variety of specific monoclonal antibodies that can be used for the testing of complement activation products. Our testing services for complement activation products, including: • C3 activation products • C4 activation products • Factor B activation products • C1rs-C1 inhibitor • C3bBbP

Complement Autoantibody Test Since complement autoantibodies are closely associated with many diseases, complement autoantibody tests are very useful tools for the diagnosis, assessment and monitoring of disease activity, differential diagnosis of clinical manifestations, and development of disease-targeted therapies. Currently, the most studied complement autoantibodies include C1q, C1-INH, C3, FH/FB autoantibodies and C3Nefs. Most of these complement autoantibody assays are based on ELISA, while the rest can be detected by other methods, such as immunofixation electrophoresis and hemolytic assays. Creative Biolabs performs a comprehensive range of autoantibody tests including: Anti-C1q Anti-C3 C1-INH C3Nefs Test Anti-FH Anti-FB Autoantibody Autoantibody Autoantibody Autoantibody Autoantibody Test Test Test Test Test Help diagnose the cause of Anti-C3 autoantibody is The quantity of IgG, IgA C3Nefs tests are based on Autoantibody to FH can be The anti-FB autoantibody recurrent microbial usually measured by and IgM type antibodies measuring the binding of detected by ELISA with can be deleted by ELISA, infections (such as reacting with the C1-INH NFs to the preformed C3 purified proteins which contributes to the ELISA with purified C3 protein can be assessed by convertase (binding assays) immobilized on the Streptococcus pneumoniae, immobilized on the or measuring C3 convertase microtiter plate. diagnosis of related Neisseria meningitides, microtiter plate. ELISA. activity (functional assays). diseases and the Neisseria gonorrhea), angioedema, or development of targeted inflammation. therapies.

Complement Genetic Test Comprehensive testing of genetic variants in the complement system is available and helpful for many conditions. Creative Biolabs is a complement test supplier that develops and offers advanced complement genetic testing. Our powerful sequencing technologies and precise bioinformatics pipelines ensure superior genetic testing and report analysis. Our complement genetic test services can address the significant unmet need for accurate and timely diagnosis, monitoring and targeted therapy of complement- related disease. Creative Biolabs performs a comprehensive range of complement genetic tests (C2, C3, C4, CFI, CFH, MCP, CFB, CFHR1-5 ) for disease basic and clinical research, including but not limited to: • Thrombotic Microangiopathy (TMA) • Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) • C3 glomerulopathy (C3G) • Dense deposit disease (DDD) • Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) • Preeclampsia

Our Advantages Services features: Why choose us?  Have a mature testing system  10 years+ of exploration & development  Advanced laboratory equipment, experienced scientists  Full range of one-stop services for complement test  Support for clinical as well as nonclinical studies  Fully customizable project procedure  Your best partner in complement test  Excellent experimental environment and perfect experimental platform to provide you with the best service

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