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Home Explore USA vs The World

USA vs The World

Published by daniel, 2015-01-28 23:28:08

Description: Recently Reuters posted a new article entitled "EU threatens to renew sanctions over US tax breaks." This article highlights how the EU is threatening the US with "hefty sanctions" on US imports beginning May 1st if the US went through with plans to give huge tax breaks to companies deemed illegal by the WTO.


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Title:USA vs The WorldWord Count:348Summary:Recently Reuters posted a new article entitled\"EU threatens to renew sanctions over US taxbreaks.\" This article highlights how the EU isthreatening the US with \"hefty sanctions\" on USimports beginning May 1st if the US went through

with plans to give huge tax breaks to companiesdeemed illegal by the WTO.Keywords:global market solutions, market research online,planning, venture, operationalArticle Body:This dispute originally was in relation to taxrelief plans for Foreign Service Companies (FSC's)that consist of US companies with overseasbranches of major US companies with a global reach,like computer giant Microsoft and aircraftmanufacturer Boeing.In short during 2003 the WTO held hearings on thematter and ruled that the tax breaks were inviolation of international trade law. This rulinglead to a hefty 14% tariff on $4 billion worth ofUS imports ranging from steel and car parts to

foodstuffs and textiles.The EU then raised the sanction in 2004 aftercongress reportedly removed the illegal taxbreaks, but has threatened to reinstate them byMay of this year if translational provisions leftin by congress were not removed immediately.The good news is that the US is no longer thebiggest kid on the block regarding internationaltrade. The EU and WTO, once mere puppetenforcement organizations for US economic policyare beginning to protest high costs and unfair taxbreaks in the US.Am I the only American feeling a bit behind theball? Why is the EU standing up for our economicrights and we, the entrepreneurs, of the US arenot?In my opinion it is very simply answered. Theconstant barrage of bad information and

dis-information (aka propaganda) firing at usfrom the current administration is clouding ourjudgment locally while remotely being seenclearly.More good news: The global market place has neverbeen more lucrative to enter into and the gaps(needs) left exposed by the obvious obstinaciesof our congress are comparable to pots of gold.Adversity breeds opportunity in almost allsituations and this is one of them. Using ourcreative energies while acting as god globalcitizens will allow the entrepreneur to profitlike never before.The bad news: The US economy continues to sufferas more and more people find themselves out ofwork due to an economic centralization policycentered on warfare and the spread of Americanpolicy. I wonder if the congress and the currentadministration need a refresher course in Romanhistory.

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