Welcome to Raritan Valley Country Club!Raritan Valley Country Club GOLFfeatures an 18-hole impeccably RVCC’s golf course, designed by renowned architect Herbert H. Barker, is themanicured championship golf centerpiece of our Club with its incredible views and challenging terrain thatcourse, a spectacular 30,000 is enjoyed by beginners and low-handicappers alike. Undulating fairwayssquare foot clubhouse; racquet and greens are a great compliment to our shot makers course.sports; heated, resort style pool;and indoor/outdoor casual and Members and Guests enjoy a comprehensive practice facility – completefine dining. with a full-swing range, putting, short-game, and bunker areas. Member and Member-Guest events fill the calendar all season. Our Junior instruction,Nestled in the heart of Somerset programs, and teams provide children the opportunity to play socially andCounty since 1911, RVCC competitively.continues a tradition of family,personal, and professional RACQUET SPORTSenjoyment with activities andamenities for everyone. RVCC offers men, women, and children of all ages and levels the ability to train, compete, and socialize. Our 4 Har-Tru tennis courts are the site of manyOur membership fosters action-packed tournaments, team competitions, and professional instructioncamaraderie and inspires a is available from our USPTA pros.genuine sense of community.The Club’s rich history, Participate in Member and Member-Guest Tournaments, Men's, Ladies' andpicturesque setting, and Junior Team Competition, Mixed, Men's and Ladies' Tennis Social Activities.extensive facilities make RVCC Our Junior Tennis Programs are available throughout the year and we fieldSomerset County’s premier teams in the New Jersey Women's Tennis League.family country club. RVCC also offers two squash courts for member and tournament play. TheTo learn more about Men's Squash Team participates in the Northern New Jersey Squash League.membership or to schedule aguided tour of RVCC’s AQUATICSclubhouse, facilities, and course,please contact us at Whether you want to work on your tan, frolic in the water or sip a cool drink908.722.2000 ext. 207 or poolside, RVCC’s pool is the place to do it! On any given day it’s not [email protected]. to see serious swimmers in a morning training session and sunbathers in the afternoon followed by a poolside cocktail party or special Club event. We offers special poolside activities on Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, and throughout the season. Swim lessons and a competitive swim program are available. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES & DINING RVCC’s dining options are endless and our cuisine is second to none. Fine to casual dining – indoor or outdoor, we’ve got it all. Our popular-themed wine dinners are always a huge hit, and a full array of special events frequently brings our members together to party. Our 4th of July celebration is nothing short of amazing with a professional fireworks display! Members and Guests enjoy activities and event year-round, including: Family Fun Nights, Memorial & Labor Day Picnics, Easter Brunch and Egg Hunt, Halloween Costume Party, Gingerbread Social, Adult & Children’s Holiday Parties, Family Movie Nights on the Patio, Mother’s Day Brunch, Father’s Day Cookout, Children’s Summer Day Camp, and much more! At the end of the day it's all about a rich history and tradition, and a unique camaraderie that exists amongst our members that combine to offer a Club like no other. Our members cross generations and cultures with friendships that last a lifetime.
Contemporary MembershipCONTEMPORARY MEMBERSHIP (35+ Years of Age)Entrance Fee: $1,500 plus taxFamily Annual Dues: $9,000 plus taxIndividual Annual Dues: $7,500 plus tax• Unlimited access to an 18-hole Championship • Four Har-Tru Tennis CourtsGolf Course • Private Men’s and Women’s Locker• Resort Style Swimming Pool with Water Slide Rooms• Casual and Formal Dining options with indoor • Tennis Program including leagues andand outdoor seating lessons for adults and juniors• Golf Practice Facility including Full-swing Driving • Men’s and Women’s Golf AssociationsRange, Short Game and Putting areas • Two indoor Squash Courts• Full Calendar of Social Events & Activities • PGA, Class A, Professional Golf InstructionGolfing Members are provided a choice of:Proprietary Membership: $10,000 includes Certificate, Voting & Dissolution RightsNon-Proprietary Membership: $0SCHEDULE OF FEES None $65 per monthFood Minimum $50 per month - Golf MembersF&B Service Charge $ 2 per occurrenceCapital FundHole In OneHoliday Fund $75 per year - Billed in November (Optional - Funds are distributed to our club service staff as a holiday gift)Locker/Bag Storage $25 per monthMGA Handicap (GHIN) $26 per year (billed in February)Prize Fund $45 per year (billed in February)Caddie Fund $60 per year (billed in February)(These funds go to the NJSGA Caddie Scholarship Foundation)Cart Fees $30 per person for 18 holesPush Cart Rental $15 per person for 18 holesGuest Fee - Weekday $85 plus cart* Please be advised that these rates are for the 2017 membership year and are subject to change.
Young Executive MembershipYOUNG EXECUTIVE MEMBERSHIP (21 to 34 Years of Age)Entrance Fee: $1,000 plus taxFamily Annual Dues: $5,255 plus taxIndividual Annual Dues: $4,330 plus taxYoung Executive membership is non-proprietary.Young Executives Members have the same privileges as Proprietary Membersexcluding the proprietary certificate, voting and dissolution rights.Upon turning 35years of age, Young Executive Members will be asked to choose betweenProprietary Membership, which includes Certificate, Voting & Dissolution Rights or aNon-Proprietary Membership.SCHEDULE OF FEES $100 per month (no minimum in February - Club is closed) $65 per monthFood Minimum $50 per month - Golf MembersF&B Service Charge $ 2 per occurrenceCapital FundHole In OneHoliday Fund $75 per year - Billed in November (Optional - Funds are distributed to our club service staff as a holiday gift)Locker/Bag Storage $25 per monthMGA Handicap (GHIN) $26 per year (billed in February)Prize Fund $45 per year (billed in February)Caddie Fund $60 per year (billed in February)(These funds go to the NJSGA Caddie Scholarship Foundation)Cart Fees $30 per person for 18 holesPush Cart Rental $15 per person for 18 holesGuest Fee - Weekday $85 plus cart* Please be advised that these rates are for the 2017 membership year and are subject to change.
Sports/House MembershipSPORTS/HOUSE MEMBERSHIPEntrance Fee: $1,000 plus taxSports Membership is non-proprietaryAnnual Dues: $3,215 plus tax• Resort Style Swimming Pool with Water Slide• Four Har-Tru Tennis Courts• Private and Group instruction with USTA Professionals• Two indoor Squash Courts• Casual and Formal Dining with indoor and outdoor seating• Full Calendar of Social Events & Activities• Access to an 18-hole Championship Golf Course (Limited to six (6) rounds during golf season and unlimited access during off season - fees apply)• PGA, Class A, Professional Golf InstructionSCHEDULE OF FEES $100 per month (no minimum in February - Club is closed) $65 per monthFood Minimum $20 per month - Sports/House MembersF&B Service ChargeCapital Fund $75 per year - Billed in November (Optional - Funds are distributed to our club service staff as a holiday gift)Holiday FundPool & Tennis Guest Fees $5 per person*Greens Fee Normal Guest Fees based on seasonal rate* Please be advised that these rates are for the 2017 membership year and are subject to change.
Social Events & ActivitiesRaritan Valley Country Club offers many unique opportunities for you and yourentire family. Our goal is to make the Club experience fun for all ages. We prideourselves in our many family oriented events and activities. Throughout the year wehost several events including...EVENTS ACTIVITIES Happy Hours Ladies’ 9-Hole & 18-Hole Golf Groups Seafood Buffets Men’s Squash League Easter Egg Hunt Water Aerobics Holiday Brunches & Dinners Junior Golf Program Patriot’s Swim Team Mother’s Day Brunch Golf League Memorial Day Picnic PGA Junior Golf Team Father's Day Cookout Camp Raritan Valley Men’s Suburban Summer Tennis League Wine Dinners Member-Guest Tournaments Paint & Sip Night Kentucky Derby Party Interclub Golf Matches Grill Nights on the Patio NJWTL Ladies’ Tennis Teams July 4th Picnic & Fireworks Display Golf Tournaments Peter Luger Steak Night Golf & Tennis Championships Tennis Socials Pool Parties Summer Junior Tennis Programs Cigar & Scotch Night Golf Lessons Tennis Lessons Labor Day BBQ Summer Tennis Drills Margaritaville Seasonal Yoga Classes Fitness Center COMING SOON!Children’s Halloween Costume Party Sunday Brunches Children's & Adult Holiday Parties New Year's Eve DinnerTo learn more about membership or to schedule a guided tourof RVCC’s clubhouse, facilities, and course, please contact us at908.722.2000 ext. 207 or [email protected].
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