ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version INTRODUCTION “Our identity represents our history, our future, our values, the way we treasure our employees and our deep passion for protecting our environment. It is our statement to the outside world about who we are, what we do and an embodiment of our mission to carry forward the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s environmental legacy. We ask all our stakeholders and employees to abide by these brand guidelines so that our identity remains a source of pride and epitomizes an Emirate determined to lead in environmental protection.” Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak Secretary General Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 2
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version ABOUT EAD WHO WE ARE The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) was established in 1996 to preserve Abu Dhabi’s natural heritage, protect our future, and raise awareness about environmental issues. EAD is Abu Dhabi’s environmental regulator and advises the government on environmental policy. It works to create sustainable communities, and protect and conserve wildlife and natural resources. EAD also works to ensure integrated and sustainable water resources management, to ensure clean air and minimise climate change and its impacts. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 3
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version USING THESE GUIDELINES USING THESE GUIDELINES Maintaining a coherent identity is fundamental to communicating the nature of EAD. These guidelines ensure our brand is communicated with consistency to high quality standard. EAD employees, external agencies and our suppliers are required to adhere to these guidelines. We appreciate your continued cooperation in maintaining our brand integrity and design standards. Whenever in doubt, whenever producing any resource material or marketing collateral that involves the use of the EAD brand, please consult: Mrs Amani Issa Specialist, Brand, PR & Communications Division (PRC) [email protected] ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 4
CONTENTS 6 GRAPHIC DEVICE 24 BRAND ASSETS - OVERVIEW 7 Graphic Device 24 7 Graphic Device Cropping 25 BRANDMARK 8 9 PHOTOGRAPHIC STYLE 26 Brandmark Rationale 10 Brandmark Elements 11 Photographic Style 26 Brandmark Primary Format 12 Brandmark Secondary Formats 13 Level 1 - Wildlife imagery 27 Brandmark Colourways 14 Brandmark Legibility 15 Level 2 - Environmentally Relevent Imagery 28 Brandmark Clearspace 16 Brandmark Minimum Size 17 Level 3 - Green Texture Imagery 29 Brandmark Incorrect Use Brandmark Positioning 18 EAD BRAND APPLICATIONS 30 Brandmark Positioning over Imagery 18 EAD Visual Language 30 STRAPLINE 19 19 EAD Brandmark Print Finish 31 Brandmark Strapline 20 PowerPoint - Title Slide 32 COLOUR PALETTE 21 21 PowerPoint - Introduction Slide 33 Colour Palette 22 Colour Values 23 PowerPoint - Content Slide 34 PowerPoint - Chart & Graph Style 35 TYPOGRAPHY Arabic PowerPoint - Title Slide 36 Arabic PowerPoint - Introduction Slide 37 Primary Arabic Typeface Arabic PowerPoint - Content Slide 38 Primary English Typeface Arabic PowerPoint - Chart & Graph Style 39 Typographic Style - Headline & Feature Style Excel Spreadsheet 40 Excel Graphs 41 Wrapping Paper 42 Green Practices - Going Green 43 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION BRAND ASSETS - OVERVIEW 1- Key Messages & Tone of Voice 2 - Brandmark BRAND ASSETS The EAD brand comprises of six key brand assets. We are Abu Dhabi’s environmental 4 - Colour Palette Each of these brand assets work together, in different regulator and we assist the government combinations, to deliver a unique look and feel across on developing its environmental all EAD communications materials. policy agenda. Six basic brand assets 3 - Strapline 1 - Key Messages & Tone of Voice PRIMARY SECONDARY NEUTRAL 2 - Brandmark (logo) 5 - Typography & Typographic Style 6 - Graphic Device 3 - Strapline ENGLISH ARABIC 4 - Colour Palette PRESERVING OUR HERITAGE 5 - Graphic device 7 - Photographic Style 6 - Typography & Typographic Style 7 - Photographic Style It is very important that each of these brand assets are applied consistently at all times. This section of the guidelines guides you through the key considerations when using the EAD basic brand assets. Guidance on how the six basic elements interact with each other across specific communications, is illustrated within the Applications section of these guidelines. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 6
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version BRANDMARK EVOLUTION The EAD brandmark (logo) is a primary identifier of BRANDMARK - RATIONALE the EAD brand. It is our most effective means of visual identity and helps to ensure brand recognition across Primary Brandmark all communications. It is very important that the EAD brandmark is applied consistently at all times. From March 2012, the primary EAD brandmark has been evolved and modified. Please ensure that the correct master artwork files outlined in these guidelines are used for all brand communications. BRANDMARK RATIONALE The brandmark icon consists of a central globe, representing the planet, embraced on either side by two dynamic arcs.The dynamic balance created between these arcs symbolise the commitment of the Abu Dhabi government to achieve a balance between prosperity and sustainability.The arcs are seen to protect the planet. The colours blue and green have been chosen to reflect the two fundamental elements of our environment:Water and earth.While the silver grey of the globe represents development. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 7
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version BRANDMARK ELEMENTS The EAD brandmark is the most important brand asset BRANDMARK - ELEMENTS and should always be applied consistently & correctly. Primary Brandmark Elements The EAD brandmark comprises two elements: BRANDMARK 1 - The EAD Icon 2 - The EAD Wordmark These two elements are always in a fixed relationship and must not be redrawn or altered in any way. The following pages outline the basic specifications needed to ensure the EAD brandmark is always applied correctly and consistently across all applications. WRITING THE NAME IN A SENTENCE When writing Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi in a sentence, it should be written as in this sentence. Never use all capital or all lower case letters. Always place a hyphen between Environment Agency and Abu Dhabi. WRITING THE NAME IN A HEADLINE All capitals may be used when Environment Agency Abu Dhabi is written as a headline and the headline style dictates all capital letters. 1 - EAD ICON 2 - WORDMARK WRITING THE NAME AS A STACKED HEADLINE When written as a stacked headline the name should always be in the Environment Green and set out as below: ENVIRONMENT Line 1 (Regular weight) AGENCY Line 2 (Regular weight) ABU DHABI Line 3 (Light weight) In such instances it is not necessary to use the hyphen as the Environment Agency & Abu Dhabi are separated by line and weight. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 8
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version PRIMARY LOCKUP The EAD icon appears in a horizontal lock-up with the BRANDMARK - PRIMARY FORMAT EAD wordmark. This is the preferred version of the brandmark and applies to all colourways and should Primary Horizontal Lockup be used wherever possible. Each element of the EAD brandmark has a fixed size and position, relative to one another.The principles of this construction are based on the height of the first letter “E” in the wordmark as shown in the diagram to the left. The EAD brandmark has been specially drawn and should never be modified or recreated in any way. A set of master artworks is available for use across all applications. Always ensure the correct brandmark version is used. The principles outlined above apply to all brandmark colourways. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 9
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION BRANDMARK - SECONDARY FORMATS Vertical Format - Limited Use Banner Format - Limited Use SECONDARY VERTICAL FORMAT This is not the preferred format and is only used when it is not possible to use the primary horizontal lockup for example on very narrow vertical formats. VERTICAL BANNER FORMAT The vertical banner format is restricted to use on narrow banners and flags that are viewed from a distance and therefore require the brandmark to be large in size. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 10
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION BRANDMARK - COLOURWAYS 1- Full Colour - Spot & Process 2 - Screen - RGB COLOURWAYS The EAD brandmark is available in a variety of colourways 3 - EAD Emboss 4 - SG Emboss + Matt Siver Foil to suit all application specifications. 1 - Full Colour Brandmark - Digital Print 5 - Greyscale 6 -Reverse Out The full colour brandmark is the primary brandmark and is used wherever possible except for special print 7 - Single Colour - Green 8 - Single Colour - Black & White applications where the emboss brandmarks are preferred. 2 - Screen RGB - Web, PPT,Word E-applications ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI The RGB brandmark is used for all screen applications: Web,TV, PowerPoint & E-applications. 3 - EAD Emboss - High End Print This colourway is specifically for use on all of the EAD special print applications: Stationery, brochures, invites, VIP gifts etc.When the print or media does not allow for embossing the primary full colour (1) or Screen (2) brandmarks are used. 4 - SG Emboss - High End Print This colourway is specifically for use on all of the Secretary General’s Office special print applications: Stationery, brochures,VIP invites,VIP gifts etc. In this format the arcs are embossed and matt silver foiled.When the print or media does not allow for embossing or foiling the primary full colour (1) or Screen (2) brandmarks are used. 5 - Greyscale - Newspaper The greyscale brandmark is only ever used for black and white print applications. For example: newspaper ad. 6 - Reverse Out - 3rd Party Sponsorships The reverse out brandmark should be limited to third party applications where it is not possible to control the background colour. For example: sponsorship applications 7 - Single Colour Green - Screen printing The single colour green is only ever used for screen printing when it is not possible to use the Full colour or Emboss brandmarks. 8 - Single Colour Black and White - Facsimile & forms The black and white brandmark is used only on the facsimile or forms where the greyscale brandmark would lose clarity through reproduction. PAGE 11
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION BRANDMARK - LEGIBILITY 1 - White Background 2 - Third Party Backgrounds LEGIBILITY OVER BACKGROUNDS The EAD brandmark should always be legible in it’s 3 - Image Backgrounds - Light Area Dark area application across all brand applications. 1 - White Background 4 - Contrast & Legibility X This is the preferred and wherever possible the brandmark full colour or emboss variations should be placed over a X white background to ensure maximum legibility. 2 - Third Party Backgrounds While the preferred application of the EAD brandmark is on a white background it may sometimes be necessary to place the brandmark over third party branded background. This is an exception and in this instance the reverse out brandmark should be used. Examples where the reverse out brandmark may be used: 3rd party sponsorships. 3 - Image Backgrounds In some instances it may be necessary to place the Brandmark over an image. For example: On advertising or on image brochure covers. In such instances always place the full colour or emboss brandmarks over the lightest or darkest area within the image to ensure maximum legibility. It may be necessary to darken or lighten a clear area of the image to ensure enough contrast is achieved. 4 - Contrast and Legibility Always ensure that the brandmark is placed over a clear area of the image and ensure that there is sufficient contrast. If there is not enough contrast between the background and the brandmark, the brandmark should never be placed inside a white box or holding shape. Instead a white area should be created at the base of the application wherein the brandmark can be placed. If this is not possible the reverse out brandmark may be used. PAGE 12 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version CLEAR SPACE To ensure prominence and legibility, the EAD brandmark is BRANDMARK - CLEAR SPACE always surrounded by an area of clear space which remains free of other elements, such as type and graphics. Calculating X The minimum area of clear space of 2 X is shown to the X left and is illustrated by a blue rectangular box containing the logo. Its construction is based on the height of Abu Clear Space = 2X Dhabi within the wordmark which is equal to X. 2X Do not confuse theclear space area with a guide for positioning the Brandmark on applications .The clear space is a minimum and should be increased wherever possible. Where a compromise of the minimum clear space may be necessary (eg. to improve the legibility on very small applications) approval should be sought from EAD’s PR and Communications Division. The clear space rule applies to all colourways and brandmark formats. 2X 2X 2X PAGE 13 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version BRANDMARK - MINIMUM SIZE 1- Full Colour - CMYK / Greyscale / Reverse Out 2 - Screen - RGB MINIMUM SIZE The brandmark master artworks can be enlarged or 45 mm 200 pixels reduced in size. All vector artwork files can be increased 3 - Single Colour - Environment Green or Black in size as much as required, but when reduced in size must 4 - Emboss adhere to the minimum size guides shown to the left. Always ensure that the brandmark is scaled in proportion 35 mm 80 mm and is not distorted in any way. 5 - Reverse Out 1 - Full Colour Brandmark This applies to all print material where the brandmark 40 mm is in full colour process.The brandmark should never be less than 45 mm in width. If the application requires ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI the brandmark to be reduced further the single colour brandmark should be used in the brand primary environment green. 2 - Screen RGB Whenever the brandmark is used electronically for screen applications it should never be less than 200 pixels in width. Jpeg files have a maximum size and to avoid pixilation should not be scaled beyond this point. 3 - Single Colour The single colour brandmark is used when it is not possible to reduce the Full colour or Emboss brandmark any further.The single colour brandmark my not be reduced beyond 35 mm in width. 4 - Emboss In order to maintain detail, the emboss brandmarks should never be reduced to less than 80 mm in width. This minimum size rule applies to both the SG and EAD emboss brandmarks. 5 - Reverse Out This applies to all print material, where the brandmark is in full colour process.The brandmark should never be less than 40 mm in width. PAGE 14
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version BRANDMARK - INCORRECT USE 1 - Do not stretch or manipulate the brandmark in any way 2 - Do not alter the relationship between the brandmark elements INCORRECT USE For consistency, the brandmark should always be selected X X from the master artworks supplied and should not be altered, redrawn or modified in anyway. The examples to the left reinforce our understanding of what not to do. These misuse examples apply to all brandmark variations, formats and colourways. 3 - Do not change the wordmark in any way 4 - Do not change the icon in any way X X 5 - Do not change the brandmark colours 6 - Do not use a tint of the brandmark X X ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 15
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION BRANDMARK - POSITIONING 1 - Portrait Format - English Portrait Format - Arabic 3 - Narrow Portrait Format POSITIONING 1 - Portrait Formats When placing the brandmark on portrait formats the upper right hand corner is the preffered position for English applications. For all Arabic applications the upper left hand cormer is the preffered location. If it is not possible to place the brandmark in the preffered position, the brandmark may be placed in the opposite upper corner. 2 - Landscape Formats When placing the brandmark on landscape formats the upper right hand corner is the preffered position for English applications. For all Arabic applications the upper left hand cormer is the preffered location. If it is not possible to place the brandmark in the preffered position, the brandmark may be placed in the opposite upper corner. 3 - Narrow Formats On narrow formats the brandmark may be centred at the top of the format. 2 - Landscape Format - English Landscape Format - Arabic ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 16
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION BRANDMARK - POSITIONING OVER IMAGERY 1 - Full Single Page Image - English 1 - Full Double Page Image - Arabic POSITIONING OVER IMAGERY When placing the brandmark on advertising, the PRESERVING 2 - White Area Double Page - Arabic brandmark placement rules differ from other applications. OUR 1- Full Page Image Style HERITAGE “Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo The full page image style is the preferred style for inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut advertising and similar brand applications. In this instance 2 - White Area Single Page - English fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor the brandmark may be placed in both upper and lower sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. corners depending on which offers the most contrast PRESERVING Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? and visibility. Always ensure the image allows for enough OUR contrast and clearspace. HERITAGE It is important to consider the publication language and always place the brandmark on the most prominent and “Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit visible side of the spread. voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, For English publications the right hand upper and lower totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo corner offers the best visibility. inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae For Arabic publications the left hand upper and lower dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem corner offers the best visibility. quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed 2- White Area quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione When it is not possible to place the brandmark over an voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam image due to lack of contrast between the background est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, image and the brandmark, the grid allows for a white area consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam at the bottom of the page. eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore This area has been specifically created for the placement magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad of the brandmark.This area my be increased in height to minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam accommodate additional information but should never be corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea more than ¹/3 of the height of the format. commodi consequatur? The example to the left serves as a guide when creating a white area for brandmark placement. applies to all relevent applications. When it is not possible to create a white area to place the full colour brandmark on, the reverse out brandmark may be used. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 17
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION EAD STRAPLINE While the EAD strapline is a key brand asset and should STRAPLINE be used wherever possible across all applications.The strapline is not locked to the brandmark and in most 1 - Dual Language Strapline instances appears on the inside or on the back of applications. 2 - Arabic Stapline The strapline should wherever possible be printed in environment green. 2 - English Stapline The strapline is available in three variations: 1 - Dual language 2 - Arabic 3 - English 1- Dual Language Strapline The dual language stapline is used across all dual language applications. 2- Arabic Strapline The Arabic strapline is only ever used on Arabic applications, such as single languge brochures & leaflets. 3- English Strapline The English strapline is only ever used on English applications, such as single languge brochures & leaflets. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 18
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION COLOUR PALETTE 1 - Primary Colour Palette - Brandmark EAD Environment Blue EAD Industry Silver COLOUR PALETTE Colour plays an important role in the brand identity system EAD Environment Green as it has a significant impact on people’s ability to engage with the brand.The EAD colour palette has been selected GROWTH CONFIDENT REFLECTIVE from the natural environment of Abu Dhabi. EAD Dune Yellow 2 - Secondary Colour Palette - Accents / Graphs & Charts 1 - Primary Colour Palette The primary EAD colour palette comprises of: EAD Mangrove Green EAD Reef Blue EAD Environment Green - which represents the earth, FRESH UPLIFTING WARM EAD Sand White EAD Environment Blue - which represents water and the 3 - Neutral Colour Palette EAD Industry Silver - which represents development. EAD Night Black 2 - Secondary Colour Palette GROUNDED PURE A secondary palette has been selected to compliment the primary colour palette.The secondary colour ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI palette is used sparingly within typography and graphic elements such as graphs and charts. 3 - Neutral Colour Palette The neutral brand palette consists of EAD Night Black which can be used as a 70% tint for all body copy and EAD Sand White which is the predominant white space that is a distinct feature of the brand. USING TONES Where additional colours are needed, for instance when creating graphs and charts, tones of the brand colours my be used, however they should be used in moderation. USING ACCENT COLOURS When secondary colours are used as accent colours within typography they should always be used as solid colours and should be used sparingly. PAGE 19
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION COLOUR VALUES 1 - Primary Colour Palette - Brandmark EAD Environment Blue EAD Industry Silver COLOUR VALUES Coherent use of colour is a vital ingredient for the EAD Environment Green C100 M54 Y8 K6 C0 M0 Y0 K50 consistent expression of the EAD brand.When selecting R88 G122 B175 R137 G141 B141 colours for use across a variety of touchpoints it is C100 M20 Y78 K7 HTML 004B87 HTML 898D8D important to select the relevant colour value for each: R84 G135 B92 PANTONE HTML 007749 Each colour has a Pantone reference to ensure colour consistency. As screen and internal print colours are not Pantone Pantone Pantone an accurate representation always refer to the Pantone 3415 301 8001 Coated and Uncoated solid chips for accurate targets. CMYK 2 - Secondary Colour Palette - Graphs & Charts / Accents EAD Dune Yellow When printing digitally, or when it is not possible to use C5 M4 Y73 K7 Pantone inks use the default CMYK colour breakdowns EAD Mangrove Green EAD Reef Blue R217 G199 B86 specified. Differences in printing techniques, suppliers, HTML D9C756 lamination and coated and uncoated paper stocks all C56 M2 Y78 K5 C96 M0 Y31 K2 influence the outcome of colour. Use the Pantone R116 G170 B80 R0 G156 B166 References provided to best match the colours when HTML 74AA50 HTML 009CA6 printing CMYK. RGB & HTML Pantone Pantone Pantone The RGB colour references should be used for all 7489 320 458 screen and web applications such as PowerPoint, E-mail applications,Web banners,TV, etc. 3 - Neutral Colour Palette EAD Sand White C0 M0 Y0 K0 PAGE 20 EAD Night Black C0 M0 Y0 K100 R44 G42 B41 HTML 2C2A29 Pantone Paper Process Black ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version PRIMARY ARABIC TYPEFACE The GE SS font family is the Arabic equivilent of Gill Sans TYPOGRAPHY - PRIMARY ARABIC and the EAD primary Arabic typeface. GE SS should be used wherever possible across all brand applications for: GE SS 1 - Headlines 2 - Key messages 3 - Body copy Please note that GE SS is subject to licensing agreements and must be purchased before use at www.grapheast.com LIGHT Medium BOLD ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 21
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version PRIMARY ENGLISH TYPEFACE The Gill Sans font family is the EAD primary English TYPOGRAPHY - PRIMARY ENGLISH typeface and should be used wherever possible across all brand applications for: Gill Sans 1 - Headlines 2 - Key messages oPruersehrevriintagge 3 - Body copy Please note that Gill Sans is subject to licensing agreements LIGHT & LIGHT ITALIC and must be purchased before use at www.linotype.com abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ PAGE 22 1234567890!@£$%&* REGULAR & REGULAR ITALIC abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@£$%&* BOLD & BOLD ITALIC abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@£$%&* ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version TYPOGRAPHIC STYLE - HEADLINE & FEATURE Main Headlines Feature Copy Style HEADLINE The EAD headline style is always uppercase and when HELPING The Protection of our relevant one can be in both regular and light weights. PRESERVE Our Mission Environment and Wildlife OUR NATURAL FEATURE COPY STYLE X RESOURCES The line device is used to create dynamic balance. This copy style is always aligned along the base. The italic side is resricted to two words and is half the ascender height as that of the phrase. Environment Green can be used to highlight key words. 2X FEATURE COPY STYLE The feature paragraph style is used to create a feature or highlight sections of text. The style is always in the light font weight The style is always in Environment Green. The acender height is twice that of the body copy within the document. Feature Paragraph Always apply the same principles apply when designing in Arabic. The Environment – Abu Dhabi was established in 1996, with its role clarified in Law 16 of 2005. EAD is a government entity responsible for protecting and enhancing the environment by reducing pollution and protecting and enhancing our biodiversity. It does this through science, research, policy regulation, environmental education and awareness. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 23
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version GRAPHIC DEVICE Graphic Device 1 - Emboss Rotated 180° GRAPHIC DEVICE The arches used within the brandmark icon have been Graphic Device 2 - Environment Green Rotated 180° used as a graphic device.This graphic device adds an additional layer to the brand creating a more flexible brand ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI language. There are two graphic device artworks available: 1 - Emboss / Spot UV 2 - Environment Green (limited use) Master artworks are available for each. The device may be rotated 180° and reflected 90° But never rotate the device ±90° EMBOSSED GRAPHIC DEVICE The embossed version of the device is the preferred and should be used wherever possible.When it is not possible to use the embossed device due to print restrictions, a Spot UV print finish may be used. Please note: Only the embossed or spot UV graphic device (1) may be used on the Secretary General’s Office brand applications.The Environment Green graphic device (2) is only for use on EAD brand applications only. ENVIRONMENT GREEN GRAPHIC DEVICE Although the embossed finish is the preferred when using the graphic device it may not always be possible due to print restrictions. For example on digitally printed banners. In this instance the Environment Green device may be used with consideration. The Environment Green graphic device, due to it’s strength in colour should be used sparingly and should never cover more than 15% of a format. Never use a tint of the Environment Green device. PAGE 24
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION CROPPING The graphic device is never used in full but is always GRAPHIC DEVICE - CROPPING cropped off on one of its sides. Some examples of device cropping The graphic device should be used sparingly and with consideration. Only one device should be used per page. When using the device on multi-page applications such as brochures the use of the device should be restricted to the cover or one spread. SCALING The device may be scaled up or down in relation to the format size however: When using the emboss device the device should always cover a minimum of half the format. When using the Environment Green device the device should not visually exceed 15% of the format. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 25
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version PHOTOGRAPHIC STYLE The EAD photography style is a key brand asset adding PHOTOGRAPHIC STYLE texture to the brand and engaging the viewer. The photographic style has been divided into three levels. Level - Wildlife Images - Top Level Brand Communication Level 1 - Wildlife or Ecosystem Images Level 2 - Environmentally Relevant Images - Supporting Imagery Level 2 - Environmentally Relevant or Images of EAD People in Action Level 3 - Green Texture Images - Reinforcing the Brand Colour Level 3 - Green Texture Images ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI Although there are slight variations between the three levels, tonality, lighting and dynamic composition remain consistent across all three. TONALITY Tonally the image style is earthy, utilising a palette of deep blue tones to add a level of sophistication, earthy tones to add warmth, and green tones to add freshness and to reinforce the primary brand colour. LIGHTING The imagery makes use of dramatic natural light that utilises light and shadow to create contrast and depth. COMPOSITION Epic & Iconic, open space and contrast within the composition create impact and a sense of awe. Dynamic angles and lighting create interest and draw the viewer into the image. Close up detail engages the viewer and adds texture PAGE 26
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version LEVEL 1 - WILDLIFE IMAGES Wildlife imagery is key to expressing the EAD brand. PHOTOGRAPHIC STYLE It is the primary image palette and is used for all key marketing materials. Wildlife Images - Bold, Iconic, Captivating, Engaging, Detailed, Dramatic It is therefore important that when selecting wildlife Arabian Oryx Hawksbill Turtle imagery that the images are always captivating, beautiful Dugong and awe inspiring. Arabian Sand Gecko Saker Falcon Greater Flamingo THE JEWELS OF THE UAE The United Arab Emirates embraces a stunning variety of Houbara Bustard Sand Cat Caracal natural habitats, supporting a vast array of species, each superbly adapted to its particular environment. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI It is important that when selecting wildlife imagery for the EAD brand that the selection demonstrates a cross section of habitat and species, focusing on the 12 Jewels of the UAE. Jewels of the UAE - these are the 12 treasured species that are either unique to the UAE or have made the UAE their unique and protected home: Houbara Bustard, Caracal, Dugong, Saker Falcon, Greater Flamingo, Blanford’s Fox, Arabian Sand Gecko, Arabian Oryx, Pharaoh Eagle Owl, Sand Cat, Mountain Gazelle, Hawksbill Turtle UAE Habitats - Sand Dunes, Mountains and Wadi’s, Alluvial Plains and Sabka, Mangrove Swamps, Saltmarsh, Coasts & Islands, Coral Reefs, Sea grass The wildlife images shown to the left can be obtained from from ARKive.com through the EAD’s PR and Communications Division (PRC). PAGE 27
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version LEVEL 2 - ENVIRONMENTALLY RELEVANT OR EAD EMPLOYEES PHOTOGRAPHIC STYLE While wildlife images form the primary image palette. Environmentally Relevant - Dynamic, Bold, Engaging, Dramatic When designing brochures or documents that communicate the wide range of work that the EAD do, it may be necessary to supplement the primary palette with more subject specific and environmentally relevant imagery. The photographic style needs to reflect all areas of EAD’s work, such as: Climate change and air quality Marine and terrestrial biodiversity Permitting and inspections Education and awareness ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 28
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version LEVEL 3 - GREEN TEXTURE PHOTOGRAPHIC STYLE Green texture images add an additional layer to the brand, reinforcing the primary brand colour Environment Green, Environment Green Texture - Fresh, Detailed,Textured and creating depth and texture. The green textured images compliment the predominantly white brand, creating contrast and a fresh contemporary visual language. The use of Green Texture images is limited to the inside of applications. For example: Inside of brochure covers & folders, the inside of packaging, for wrapping. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 29
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version Logo Artwork: EAD BRANDMARK PRINT FINISH EAD Emboss Brandmark EAD Emboss Brandmark Print Specifications Environment Green -Pantone 3415 Environment Blue - Pantone 301 Pantone 301 Blind emboss Blind Emboss Pantone 3415 Pantone 3415 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 31
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION Specifications POWERPOINT - TITLE SLIDE Brandmark: RGB Title Slide - Options Typeface: Arial Colour Palette: RGB Values To ensure brand consistency, always use the EAD and SG PowerPoint Templates when creating a PowerPoint presentation. Never alter the style of the EAD/SG PowerPoint Template in any way. Always follow the prescribed colour palette, type, table, graph, map and general format that has been set out. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 32
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION Specifications POWERPOINT - INTRODUCTION SLIDE Brandmark: RGB Introduction Style Typeface: Arial Colour Palette: RGB Values To ensure brand consistency, always use the EAD and SG PowerPoint Templates when creating a PowerPoint presentation. Never alter the style of the EAD/SG PowerPoint Template in any way. Always follow the prescribed colour palette, type, table, graph, map and general format that has been set out. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 33
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION Specifications POWERPOINT - CONTENT SLIDE Brandmark: RGB Bullet Point Style Typeface: Arial Colour Palette: RGB Values To ensure brand consistency, always use the EAD and SG PowerPoint Templates when creating a PowerPoint presentation. Never alter the style of the EAD/SG PowerPoint Template in any way. Always follow the prescribed colour palette, type, table, graph, map and general format that has been set out. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 34
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION Specifications POWERPOINT - CHART & GRAPH STYLE Brandmark: RGB Pie Chart Style Typeface: Graph Style Arial Colour Palette: RGB Values To ensure brand consistency, always use the EAD and SG PowerPoint Templates when creating a PowerPoint presentation. Never alter the style of the EAD/SG PowerPoint Template in any way. Always follow the prescribed colour palette, type, table, graph, map and general format that has been set out. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 35
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION Specifications ARABIC POWERPOINT - TITLE SLIDE Brandmark: RGB Title Slide - Options Typeface: Arial Colour Palette: RGB Values To ensure brand consistency, always use the EAD and SG PowerPoint Templates when creating a PowerPoint presentation. Never alter the style of the EAD/SG PowerPoint Template in any way. Always follow the prescribed colour palette, type, table, graph, map and general format that has been set out. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 36
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION Specifications ARABIC POWERPOINT - INTRODUCTION SLIDE Brandmark: RGB Introduction Style Typeface: Arial Colour Palette: RGB Values To ensure brand consistency, always use the EAD and SG PowerPoint Templates when creating a PowerPoint presentation. Never alter the style of the EAD/SG PowerPoint Template in any way. Always follow the prescribed colour palette, type, table, graph, map and general format that has been set out. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 37
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION Specifications ARABIC POWERPOINT - CONTENT SLIDE Brandmark: RGB Bullet Point Style Typeface: Arial Colour Palette: RGB Values To ensure brand consistency, always use the EAD and SG PowerPoint Templates when creating a PowerPoint presentation. Never alter the style of the EAD/SG PowerPoint Template in any way. Always follow the prescribed colour palette, type, table, graph, map and general format that has been set out. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 38
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION Specifications ARABIC POWERPOINT - CHART & GRAPH STYLE Brandmark: RGB Pie Chart Style Typeface: Graph Style Arial Colour Palette: RGB Values To ensure brand consistency, always use the EAD and SG PowerPoint Templates when creating a PowerPoint presentation. Never alter the style of the EAD/SG PowerPoint Template in any way. Always follow the prescribed colour palette, type, table, graph, map and general format that has been set out. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 39
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION Specifications EXCEL SPREADSHEETS Typeface: Arial Spreadsheet Colour Palette: RGB Values To ensure brand consistency always use the EAD Excel graph templates when creating a graph in Excel. Never alter the style of the EAD Excel Template in any way. Always follow the prescribed colour palette, type and spreadsheet style that has been set out. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 40
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - ABRIDGED VERSION Specifications EXCEL GRAPHS Typeface: Arial Graph styles Colour Palette: RGB Values To ensure brand consistency always use the EAD Excel graph templates when creating a graphs in Excel. Never alter the style of the EAD Excel Template in any way. Always follow the prescribed colour palette, type and spreadsheet style that has been set out. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • ABRIDGED VERSION • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 41
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI BRAND GUIDELINES - Abridged version GOING GREEN We are committed to respecting and protecting the GREEN PRACTICES environment, and we understand the importance of seeking out green printing practices and doing our part Environmentally Friendly FSC Approved Paperstocks to help ensure responsible environmental stewardship. Screen Applications - Smartphone Footprint Calculator App PRINT We are also committed to make sure that our production is of high quality and at the same time with less environmental impact. By using FSC-Certified and Recyled paper, we are showing our commitment to eco-friendly printing and responsible forest management. SCREEN APPLICATIONS By using screen applications one can reduce paper consumption. Screen and web applications: E-mailers, E-newsletters, E business Cards, Smartphone Applicatons, Web banners, Social media are just some alternative ways of marketing. ECO OFFICE PRACTICE Reduce, Reuse, Recycle are three principles that can be applied to day to day office practices to reduce our carbon footprint. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI GUIDELINES • Abridged version • JULY 2012 • © ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - ABU DHABI PAGE 42
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