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5 CEO LETTER Issue 7 2015 1 6 PROPERTY INSIGHTSJust Renting 10 Holiday rentals How to avoid financial loss 11 How to renew your tenant’s lease When is your tenant entitled to renew their lease? 12 Away for the holidays? What to do with your pets 16 What to ask before renting? What to consider before you rent a sectional title unit 20 How to save electricity Seven top tips to save electricity this Summer 22 Moving checklist 24 Tenant insolvency A sub-let lease of an insolvent tenant can be cancelled 26 The levy budget: getting it done right the first time 28 Credit and mortgage advances Household sector will experience financial pressure in 2015Just Property Magazine
PUBLISHED Just Legal BY REALE MEDIA 32 How to prevent delaysRPUEABLLEISMHEEDRSIA Six steps to prevent delays inTel 021 761 3848Fax 086 627 2400 transferring propertyEmail [email protected] 41 Constantia Road Wynberg, 34 How to remove an unwilling7800, Cape Town trusteePostal PO Box 858, Howard Place, 7405Website: The removal process of a trustee who2 Issue 7 2015 will not resign 36 Trustees must be aware of risk The health and safety buck stops with the property owner 38 The Rental Housing Amendment Bill New proposed bill can potentially criminalise landlords Just Decorating 45 Décor ideas, hints and tips 47 Generate your own sun power Use the hot summer sun to heat your water 48 Get organising! Just Property Magazine
CEO Letter Avoid being scammed when you rent for the Easter holidaysEaster approaching we will like to warn people numbers. If you are in doubt, phone the landline and that there are scammers trying to make money check that the agent does work at the company. from people looking for holiday accommodation. We are bombarded with get rich quick schemes, The lease agreement and all other documentation people often receive notifications about your must be on branded stationery. Sign the lease before cellphone number having been selected to win paying a deposit. thousands or Rand’s, or from rich foreigners asking for assistance to bring their funds into the country. If the letting agent asks you to deposit money into This is all in an effort to get hold of your banking a bank account that is not a recognizable company details so that they can help themselves to your bank account, don’t do this. The scam agent will try money. to pressurize you into making a deposit by telling you that there is a waiting list and that other tenants want Then you get the more resourceful scammers like the property. If you pay the deposit into the name your fly by night letting agent. Their sole purpose is of an individual that’s the last you will hear of this to lure you into paying a deposit on a property they person. have no mandate to let and that’s the last you will hear of them. The bank account name and number must match that of the letting company. What do you do to ensure the property you have rented has been legitimately let to you and that the Ask the agency to provide you with proof that property meets the description you have been given? your deposit is kept in an interest bearing account. Follow these simple steps to learn how to identify Stay safe and enjoy your Easter holidays! a scammer and how these scammers operate. John Roberts Use a reputable letting company. Local tourist CEO junction boards will carry information about reputable companies. Be wary if an advert has only the person’s name and cell phone number. All reputable companies have websites with landlineJust Property Magazine Issue 7 2015 5
PROPERTY INSIGHTSJust Property Group wins international quality Left, Paul Stevens COO, and right John Roberts CEO of Justaward Property Group, pick up the gold International Star for QualityThe Just Property Group has received a gold Geneva Award.International Star for Quality. The award is part ofthe annual program of BID Awards, designed torecognise outstanding companies, organisations, andpeople in business. Recognised for its commitment to quality,leadership, technology and innovation, theorganisation was one of two South Africancompanies to receive an award. Just Property CEO John Roberts said: “We makequality a core focus for continuous improvement ofmanagement to maintain leadership in our sectorsand the communities in which we operate.”How much can you expect to pay for your ownyard?Are three-bedroom apartments worth it? A two-bedroom house with a small yard of less than 900m²will cost about 10% more than an apartment withtwo bedrooms in sparsely populated areas. A larger yard between 900m² and 1600m² costsmore regardless of how many bedrooms. Movingfrom a two-bedroom apartment to a two-bedroomhouse with a larger yard will cost more, while athree-bedroom house will cost about 45% morethan its sectional title counterpart.Freehold houses with three bedrooms and a yardsmaller than 900m² will cost almost the same as asectional title but with the added benefit of a yard. .Just Property Group recognised as the Best inPretoriaJust Letting has been recognised in the Best ofPretoria Rekord Readers Choice Awards 2014 in thelettings agent category.The local excellence awards celebrate greatbusinesses and services across Pretoria. Paul Stevens,COO of Just Property Group said: “The award is atestament to the service that the team at Just Lettingsoffers and the support it provides its landlordsand tenants. Customer service, and ensuring ourlandlords have the right tenant, and giving our tenantsaccommodation that’s safe and regularly maintainedall adds to our reputation as a reliable letting agent –it’s great to be recognised for our endeavours.”6 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Jleuttsintg Your A-Z guide
Just LettingRHoelnidtaaylsWhat property owners need to knowto avoid financial lossT he demand for property rentals is expected The deposit will ensure that property owners are to increase significantly in 2015. While this covered for repairs or the money can be used may provide proper ty owners with an to replace damaged items. A deposit that is paidattractive opportunity to increase revenue, it is upfront, will not require the owner to start thecritical to ensure that the property is properly lengthy process of requesting additional moneyprotected to mitigate any financial risks that may from the tenants. Damage to the property sucharise as a result of holiday letting. as breakages and spillages are more likely to occur as a result of par ties held over the holidays. When letting out a property during theholiday season, it is vital to consider the legal Property owners are held responsible for animplications. Property owners must ensure that injury that occurs on the premises as a resultthe tenant has a copy of the body corporate of negligence in maintaining the proper ty. Itconduct rules, which ensures pleasant livingconditions for all residents. However, when it “Putting downcomes to short-term rentals, property owners a security depositmust draw up a clear agreement for the tenant.This agreement must include the deposit and is vital.”payment terms, cancellations, breakages andpolicies for complaints. It offers recourse, which is important to make sure that the propertythe owner may not otherwise have against owner conducts regular safety checks so thatdamage, destruction, noise or other issues. tenants’ safety is not at risk.These checks include inspecting fire extinguishers, appliances, electrical, It must be made very clear before accepting a gas installations and secure fencing for the, that any damage, whether accidental or Ensure the plumbing is in working order and thatdue to negligence, caused to the property by the the proper ty is free from damp. tenant will be charged accordingly. Putting down a security deposit is vital. Theowner can use the deposit if any maliciousdamage (vandalism) is caused to the proper ty.10 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just LettingHteonwatnotr’esnelewaysoeurWhen is your tenant entitled to renew their lease?W hen your tenant’s lease expires, your Payment of this particular amount is justified tenant has the option to extend because this is how long the landlord will take their lease for another year or more, to find another suitable tenant (under normalprovided both parties have negotiated an increase in circumstances). The tenant must give 20 businessthe monthly rental payments. days notice to the landlord when deciding to cancel the lease. However, your tenant may decide to renew thelease but later decide to cancel the same contractual “When your tenantagreement. decides to cancel When the tenant has requested to renew thelease (verbally or otherwise) and the landlord has the contractualaccepted this offer it is considered to be a validcontractual agreement. agreement, it is not In the past, a prior verbal lease agreement was null and void.”considered legally binding. Now, with the new RentalHousing Amendment Act the tenant must sign an The tenant must move out when a fixed termofficial written document. lease expires. However, the new lease is valid when the tenant continues to occupy the building, provided Be wary of verbal lease agreements though. Any there has been prior (verbal or written) tacit consentcommunication about the lease agreement between between the landlord and tenant. Tacit acceptancethe tenant and landlord must be put into writing. of a lease happens when the landlord gives consentEven confirmation of a prior verbal agreement via for the continued rental of the property, whileemail is legally binding. the tenant lives there after the lease has expired. The landlord can also give direct consent for the When your tenant decides to cancel the continued rental. contractual agreement, it is not null and void. Thetenant is still held accountable to the prior writtenor verbal agreement, even though the tenant hasdecided to not renew the lease. When the landlord accepts the tenant’s initialagreement to extend the duration of the lease, theextension is validated and the landlord has madeplans accordingly. When this contractual agreement is broken, thetenant is liable to pay a cancellation fee. This fee isusually the same monthly rental amount.Just Property Magazine Issue 7 2015 11
Just LettingAway forEaster?What to do with your pets If your holiday destination is pet friendly and not too far away you can take your pet with you, but thisUnattended pets left at home during the is not recommended. Some pets get stressed and do holiday period can be noisy, messy and not travel well over long distances. disruptive to neighbours. The more proof you can provide that you are “Organise a reputable house orresposible pet owner, the better your chances of pet-sitter, or even a responsiblesecuring and keeping your home. friend to take care of your pet When going away do not forget about your furry while you are away.”friends and other pets. All pets need to be cared for;no matter how big or small If you do take your pet with you let your pet lie down in a cool, well ventilated space in your vehicle. If you are leaving your pet behind, organise a Have a leash nearby to prevent your pet fromreputable house or pet sitter, or even a responsible running away when you have regular restroom stops.friend to take care of your pet while you are away. Ensure your pet has enough driking water, an ID disk with your contact details and enough tranquilisers Hiring a house-sitter is a double bonus, as there (if your pet does not like travelling) for the journey.will be regular activity at your home so it will not be a Make sure your cat-carrying cage is large enough andprime target for burglars, and you will have someone can be locked securely. Cats need about 14 days toto take care of your pet. acclimatise to a new environment. Ensure your house-sitter knows your pet very well Whatever you decide to do, make sure you andand that both the sitter and pet are comfortable with your pets have a safe, stress free holiday period. one another. Make sure you give your house-sitter clearinstructions on how to feed and care for your pet.Give them your contact details and those of yourlocal veterniarian in case of emergencies. If your pet-sitter will not stay at your home, makesure they will visit your home twice a day to giveyour pet food and water, walk it and spend somequality time with it. Alternatively, you can send your pet to a reputabledog kennel or cattery.Your pets will not be lonely asthere are other people and animals around them. First visit the kennel or cattery to see whetherit is suitable for your pet and ensure all your pet’sinnoculations are up to date.Vaccination certificatesmust be dated about two weeks before beingadmitted. Make sure your pet will receive nutriciousmeals and will be excercised regularly.12 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just Letting tipsfor creating an excellent5lease agreementWhat to do when creating a lease agreementAlease agreement is the basic grounding for the agreement was the result of direct marketing. the largest monthly transaction that a tenant In other words, if the agency approached the will make and, it is critical to the smooth tenant directly (via an e-mail campaign, home drop,running of any tenant-landlord relationship that the telephone call or SMS) and that the agreement waslease is properly constructed and legally correct. the result of this direct marketing the tenant has a five day ‘cooling off period’.1. No modifications outside of the leaseIt is always best practise to ensure that the lease “A landlord cannot put inis clear that no additions or modifications to theagreement can be made outside of the lease. the lease that should theLandlords can insist that any deviation from theterms must be agreed upon by all parties in writing tenant not pay, the water- otherwise you end up in a situation where ad-hocchanges are made verbally which bind all parties. can be cut off or the doors2. Leases are subject to national legislation can be removed.”A landlord cannot put in the lease that should thetenant not pay, the water can be cut off, or the doors 5. Landlords are also consumerscan be removed. Even if the tenant signs such a lease Landlords who are contracted with estate agents viait remains illegal for the landlord to do these things as mandate are also consumers. They, therefore, alsothey go against the basic principles established in the have the same rights to cancellation as the tenant.Rental Housing Act. A landlord can cancel a mandate with a notice of 20 business days’. However, if the estate agent has3. Do not underestimate the Consumer not been clear about the penalties that apply in Protection Act such a situation, the estate agent can end up being severely out of pocket. It is therefore important thatAccording to the Consumer Protection Act. (CPA), agencies do not just place tenants on ‘handshakeconsumers can cancel a lease agreement with 20 agreements” with landlords, but that they employbusiness days notice. The landlord can, however, the same contractual diligence with mandates, thatspecify a reasonable penalty should the tenant cancel they do with leases.the lease before the end of its term, but the landlord The Protection of Personal Information (POPI)needs to show that the penalty is reasonable. Make Act is pertinent to the construction of a lease assure that any lease has a section that deals with it impacts the way that estate agents collect, storeCPA cancellation, specifying how the penalty will and manage information of tenants and calculated, as well as what the minimum and The agency cannot, for example, perform a creditmaximum values of such a penalty will be. check without the written permission of the tenant or share the report with the owner of the property,4. ‘Cooling off period’ unless the tenant gives explicit permission. Another interesting cancellation right to be madeaware of is the consumers right to a penalty freecancellation, within five days of signing a lease, if14 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Gauteng HomeInspections Do you know what is behind the door?Make sure you know the defects before you buy or rent. Let us do a full homeinspecon before you buy or rent.What maintenance items can ruin your rental investment? We’ll do incomingand outgoing inspecons with your tenants. No more arguments about who paysfor what damage.Are you sure your building contractor is building your new house or doing youralteraons according to Naonal Building Regulaons? Let us do qualitycontrol inspecons and authorise payments. Visit our website for further informaon: We will report Cerficate of deviaons from Competence [email protected] the NHBRC Nr 0279 guidelines Call 082 884 2588
Just LettingbWehaftotoraeskrentingWhat to consider before you rent a sectional title unitR enting a unit in a sectional title scheme has garage with the unit,. check whether this is, too, part become more popular because of the rising of the property owned by the landlord. There are costs of living and maintaining properties. many cases, particularly in older schemes, where the When you consider renting a sectional title unit, sectional plan does not tie up with the unit numbers there are many questions that must be asked before or what is actually owned by the landlord. signing an offer. Are there parking bays, garages Often renters will look at the unit they are letting but and storerooms? will not investigate further than that, until they have It may look like there is a parking bay or a garage signed a contract, but all the preliminary investigation outside the unit, but this might not be allocated, it must be done earlier than this stage. might be common property that is rented to the When looking at a sectional title unit, ask the owners of the unit by the body corporate, as is the following questions: case with storerooms. What comes with the unit? If the parking bays, garages or storerooms are If there is a garden, the prospective tenant must owned by the body corporate and rented out, the ask if that is an exclusive use area, or if there is a prospective tenant must check whether they go back16 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just Lettinginto the pool once the unit is sold, or whether you maintenance or repairs are not being planned for.will have an automatic option to rent them. Thereis often a shortage of these amenities. A parking Are there any special levies to be raised in thebay or garage will usually go to the next person on future?the waiting list, so parking will not be immediately If there are, check how much will be needed. It willavailable to the prospective tenant. be hard for a new tenant to be suddenly responsible for a R50 000 special levy, for which no ordinary “If there is a garden, household will have budgeted for.the prospective tenant Sectional title schemes offer very good lifestyles, inmust ask if that is an that they are often more secure and offer various amenities such as gyms and swimming pools. The exclusive use area.” only compromise is that tenants live by rules, which is not a hardship to many. If the scheme is well managed, values will increase steadily and it will be a good long term investment. Are there enough visitors parking bays? Whatare the rules with regard to residents parkingin those bays?Are there open pieces of land around thecomplex? Has the developer reserved a rightfor a phased extention of the scheme? It is worthwhile checking what these plans are,as there have been cases where the developer hasexercised a right to extend.The plan was changedwhich had added to the density of the scheme oraltered the overall ‘feel’ of the complex.Can you have copies of the rules of the complexand the audited financial statements?These must be given to the prospective tenantbefore any offer to let is signed.These rules may notsuit the lifestyle of the tenant (e.g. no pets). Viewing financial statements will also showwhether the scheme is financially sound.What amounts are owed by the body corporateto the municipality?These can be large amounts and will indicatewhether there is a problem within the scheme, eitherwith the collection of the levies or the managementof the finances.What are the monthly levies?Many tenants will want a low levy, this is not alwayshealthy, because there can be an under-paymenttowards the running of the scheme. This cannecessitate a large special levy in the future. Therewill be a problem later on, as this means that certainJust Property Magazine Issue 7 2015 17
Just LettingHomemaintenanceS o, you have been renting out your home for just maintain the property to make it clean and safe over a year now and have recently noticed a for the tenant. However, the landlord is under no few electrical glitches and plumbing problems. obligation to fix minor defects supposedly deemedBut, who is actually held responsible for maintaining necessary by the tenant; such as missing keys tothe property? internal rooms, blown light bulbs, as well as squeaky doors and floors. Both the tenant and landlord must performinspections when the previous tenant has moved out, “Who is actually heldand the new tenant moves in.A record of any defects responsible for maintainingor subsequent damage to the property must be kept. the property?” The landlord has the right to enter the propertyto perform necessary routine inspections.The tenant According to most lease agreements, the landlorddoes not have the right to deny the landlord access is responsible for the maintenance and repairs toto the property for this inspection, and the landlord the interior of the property such as any electricalcannot enter private property without prior consent or plumbing equipment. The tenant, however, isfrom the tenant. responsible for the minor maintenance of the inside of the property such as missing keys to internal If the landlord does not perform both inspections, rooms, blown light bulbs, as well as squeaky doorsthen it is assumed that the property is in good and floors.The body corporate is responsible for the‘working’ order and is habitable. The landlord will maintenance of exterior areas such as the garden,thus have no further claim for damages. However, garages and pool, which are paid for by the monthlyif arrangements were made for the inspection and levies.the tenant did not respond, the landlord is entitledto access the property within seven days of the Generally, your lease agreement will have aexpiration of the lease. clause that states that the landlord will only sanction maintenance of, “items which render the property The landlord will make an assessment for any unfit for the purpose for which they were letdamages that may have occurred. When the tenant (i.e. not livable).” These items can include water,has caused damage to the property the landlord is electricity, a burst geyser, a non-working oven, stoveentitled to use the deposit, paid by the tenant, to etc. Maintenance of these broken items need to berepair these damages. attended to and fixed accordingly by the landlord. While some laws state that the property mustbe handed over to the new tenant in a ‘voetstoets’manner, or ‘as is’ (i.e. in the same condition), thelandlord must ensure the property is in a livablecondition. The law states that the landlord must18 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just LettingHow to saveelectricitySeven top tips to save electricityT he best time to start is now,” says Lutho (17). increase by 12.69% in April 2015. However, when As he and the rest of the Ngewana family electricity tariffs rose, the Ngewana family’s costs fell. accepted the My Green Home challenge.Thefamily includes Bulelwa and her husband, Zwelethu, The Ngewana family announced that electricity attheir two children,Thulisa (22) and Lutho (17), niece the home had now fallen by 53%, water use by 44%Unam (14) and domestic worker,Vanessa. and waste to landfill by 81%. For September, total electricity consumption was just 442 kWh, well below Seven months ago, the Ngewana family set some the 600 kWh/month tariff step. ambitious goals for themselves to cut electricityconsumption by 40%, water usage by 20% and The Ngewana family is spending less on electricity,waste to landfill by 75%. They even set a tougher as they find more efficient ways to keep their hometarget of using only 600 kilowatt hours (kWh) per cooler inside. Here’s how:month, which will reduce the tariff they pay on eachadditional kWh by 18%. 1. Let the sun shine in Make it a habit to reach for the curtain or blind In light of South Africa’s unstable electricity supplyand warnings of more load shedding a sustainable cord in the morning rather than the light switch.source is needed to power up the nation. However, watch out for heat build-up. In the afternoon, close curtains on north western and In October 2014, electricity tariffs rose by 8%. western-facing windows.Households that use more than 600 kWh per month If you paint your walls a lighter colour they willcan now expect to pay anywhere from about R1,20 reflect the natural sunlight.There are paints withto R1,85 for each extra kWh unit of electricity. Most light-reflective particles that significantly boostelectricity tariffs have more than doubled in the reflectivity.past six years, with the price of power expected to20 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just Letting2. Put your windows to work Issue 7 2015 21 To benefit from ‘passive solar heating’, north- facing homes must have an overhanging roof to shade those windows from the high summer sun. Close the curtains of western-facing windows against the hot afternoon sun, but open windows to allow air flow through the house.3. Let the sky light dark rooms Consider installing a light tube or skylight in areas of the home that are dark, such as passageways. It is a simple and effective way to lighten up dark rooms. Skylights will warm the room, and in hot climates, skylight blinds can help avoid overheating.4. Protect your home with adequate ceiling insulation Poke your head into the ceiling. If you don’t see a thick coat of insulation, you are gaining too much heat through the roof. A layer of glass wool or blown-in cellulose made from recycled paper can cut heating costs by a quarter. Foil insulation under the roof can help reflect summer heat away. Roof paints specially formulated to ward off the sun’s radiant heat are also available.5. Paint your roof Use heat-reflective paint on your roof to keep your house cooler indoors.6. Save in summer and winter with ceiling fans If summer’s heat is tempting you towards air conditioning, try a ceiling fan first. It is more cost effective than an air conditioner, using as a little as a tenth of the electricity to run, while lowering the apparent room temperature a few degrees. Fans do not cool the air, however, only the skin of the person in their breeze. So turn them off when you are not in the room.7. Allow summer’s heat an escape route If you want a cooler house, look up. Heat gets trapped at the ceiling. Installing high exterior and horizontal ‘transom’ windows above the doors between rooms can help heat flow out of your home. Whole-house extractor fans draw in cool breezes at night. If mosquitoes cause you to close your windows, invest in screens over your windows to allow the breeze in.Just Property Magazine
Just LettingMovingchecklistM oving to a new home or flat can be a new beginning and something to look forward to. Amidst the busy planning and excitement of moving home, we tend to forget about the other important factors, like remembering to update your personal details so that a business can verify your identity or to notify your bank of the move. Neglecting this can result in missed opportunities, fines and even a negative credit rating. Any bills forgotten to be paid or dilvered to the wrong address will reflect as a default on your credit rating, potentially preventing you from getting credit in the future. The easy checklist on the next page will ensure you do not forget a thing:22 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just Letting THE MONTH BEFORE 1 Week before moving day • Banking: Check to see if there is a convenient bank • Electrical services: Schedule a date to install services located nearby in your new neighbourhood. If not, such as a telephone line, ADSL and a satellite dish. switch banks. Notify your bank or any creditors of your new address. The last thing you want are credit cards • Floor plan: Design and draw up a floor plan showing going to the wrong place or person. possible placement of your furniture. • Services: Inform your local municipality, post office, • Finalise: Follow up with your removal company and SARS, gym, magazine or newspaper subscriptions, TV other services so everything is sorted for your moving and motor vehicle licensing department, as well as your day. Finish up all your packing. legal and tax consultant of your new address. MOVING DAY • Removal company: Obtain quotes from various removal companies. Choose a quote and company that best • Checklist: Double check your inventory and tick each suits your needs. Hire either a truck or a trailer for item off the list, as it is loaded onto the removal truck transporting your belongings. or into your car. • House and garden services: Schedule a clean for your • Arrival: When you arrive at your new home, open up all new house or flat. If your new property has a garden, the doors and windows to air the place. hire a garden service. Your new home will be neat and tidy; ready for you to move in. • Supervise: Make sure there is an open parking bay for your car or the removal truck. Supervise the unloading • Insurance: Make sure your insurance covers your new of your furniture to ensure nothing gets damaged. home from day one. Other forms of insurance such as motor insurance is particularly important as the move Taking care of all the details of the move is especially may affect your risk profile and negate a claim. For important if you are moving far away from your old example, if your car was parked in a locked garage home. There is nothing worse than trying to solve in your previous residence, but after the move, it will problems at a distance. Being thorough about your be parked in the street, your premium will probably move will give you peace of mind and it will be easier increase because the risk of theft is higher. to settle into your new home. • Food: Use up all your frozen food to avoid it from Issue 7 2015 23 spoiling. Eat or donate unopened food. These heavy items are unnecessary to transport. • Medical: Notify your pharmacy, dentist and family doctor of your new address. Find service providers in your new neighbourhood that your medical aid will approve. 3 Weeks before • Packaging: Gather packing materials such as cardboard boxes, plastic containers or wooden crates. Use old newspapers, bubble wrap or Styrofoam chips for fragile items. • De-clutter: For each item, decide what you want to keep, donate or toss. Pack up the items you have decided to ‘keep’. Label each item and make a note of it on your inventory list. Clean each room as you pack up your belongings.Just Property Magazine
Just LettingTenantinsolvencyIf properties are sub-let, the lease can be cancelled if thetenant declares insolvencyT here are cases that differ from commercial in place, then all rights and obligations regarding that property management to residential letting, lease, and the insolvent tenant stay in place. in that there tends to be more sub-leases incommercial property than in residential rentals. Furthermore, the landlord cannot force the liquidator to fulfil the contractual obligations of the It often happens that one company will rent lease, such as paying the rent or maintaining thea whole building and then sub-let portions of the proper they have signed for. It must be rememberedin these cases that the entity responsible for the rent “The landlord cannot forceis the company that signed the original lease with the liquidator to fulfil thethe landlord. contractual obligations of the lease, such as paying the rent But what happens in cases where the company or maintaining the property.”holding the lease goes bankrupt? It makes sense then that the liquidator will cancel Most commercial leases will be held by a juristic the lease, as this reduces the burden on the liquidatorperson (a company or a close corporation). If the to get payments out to the were to go under, the liquidator steps inand performs the duties of the tenant, and must The sub-tenant does not have any more rightscollect rent from sub-lets as well as paying rental to to the property than the tenant and in cases wherethe landlord. the main tenant is declared insolvent, the lease can be cancelled with no repercussions on either the If the business going under applies for business landlord or liquidator’s part. Once the main lease isrescue, then they will be protected and have time to cancelled, so too, is the sub-tenant’s lease. unwind to sort out their financial problems.This caninclude cancelling the lease. What many landlords don’t realise is that, if theliquidator cancels the lease, the landlord joins the lineof creditors with concurrent claims against the firsttenant for the loss in rent. However, if the lease stays24 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Subscribe Now to our award-winning magazineHave the Real Estate Investor Magazine delivered directly to your door for only R600 for a one year subscription(11 editions) which includes FREE annual property handbooks to the value of R300.SOUTH SOUTH AFRICAN 5© © ACHIEVE YOUR HOW TO MAKE A FORTUNE INUNDERSTAND THE PROPERTYPROPERTY CLOCK Key retail propertyTick Tock Opportunity Knocks trends to useBreakthrough Barriersto Successful Investing AFRICA’S MEGA FINANCIAL GOALS MARC DEVELOPMENT IN 2015 WAINERSTUDENT Steyn City TcaopuinrtoaygoeurACCOMMODATION Meet Chief CreatorCrisis or Good Fortune? GIUSEPPE PPLLUUMMAARRIIAPRIL 2015 R50.00 (Incl. VAT) WINNER GIUSEPPE FEBRUARY 2015 R50.00 (Incl. VAT) WINNER Best Advice from a 04067 SAPOA AWARDS 02065 SAPOA AWARDS Property Billionaire Property Billionaire 9 771995 655001 Best Feature 9 771995 655001 Best Feature Publication 2012 Publication 2012 5WMAIANRERCBestAdvicefroma Best Printed Property Best Printed Property Publication 2013 Publication 2013 9 771995 655001 Publication 2013 9 771995 655001 Publication 2013 Best Printed Property Best Printed Property 04067 courage02065APRIL 2015 R50.00 (Incl. VAT) Publication 2012 Publication 2012 Best Feature FEBRUARY 2015 R50.00 (Incl. VAT) Best Feature SAWPOIANANWEARRDS SAWPOIANANWEARRDSCrisis or Good Fortune? Meet Chief Creator Tap into yourSACTCOUMMDOEDANTIOTN DEVELOSPteMynECNitTy ONLINE IN 2015 AFRICA’S MEGA Go to www.reimFINaAgNC.IcAoLG.OzAaLS, click subscribe3 Ways totoSuccessfulInvesting ACHIEVE YOUR trends to use EMAIL propertyBreakthrough Barriers [email protected] Key retailsubscribePTicRkOTocPkEOpRpoTrtYunCityLKOnoCckKsUNDERSTAND THE CALL PROPERTY +27 21 761 3848 A FORTUNE IN © HOW TO MAKE *Applicable in RSA ©AFRICAN AFRICAN SOUTH
Just LettingThelevybudget:Getting it done right the first timeIt is crucial that the levy budget is done correctlyT here is one aspect of sectional title be one very large project that is being budgeted for, management where ‘shortcuts’ must not be such as a complete repaint of the exterior of the taken and attention to detail must be spent; building. Owners must be able to understand wherethis is the levy budget. While the Sectional Titles Act their levies are going and question the amounts, ifdoes not stipulate that the budget must be itemised, they feel these amounts are too makes good management sense to include asmuch detail as possible. The most common items on the budget can be: • Municipal services – water, electricity, sewage While a simply laid out budget does not necessarilymake it wrong, it will create a lack of transparency. and refuse removalIf, for instance, at the annual general meeting, • Insurance - this is compulsory and the trusteesthe levy budget is presented with line items (forexample, accounts, audit, maintenance etc.) but must check that the policy covers the buildingsthe maintenance amount is R500 000. The owners and common property in full and is insured forin the scheme will want to know what the amount its current replacement valuewas for, and will request an itemised breakdown of • Maintenance for the current year – which willthe overly large amount. The best way to compile always be necessary and items must be planneda budget where one category can include a variety in advance, on a general planning rotaof items is to list what each of the amounts are for: • Contributions to the maintenance fund forpool, painting, building, plumbing, etc. possible larger projects in the future – it is better to save for large items than to have to While the budget will show the regular annual raise special leviesamounts needed for certain smaller items, there may • Bank charges26 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just Letting• Administrative expenses Issue 7 2015 27• Audit fees• Contingencies such as burst water pipes or damaged entrance gates or booms• Managing agent fees• Salaries of ground staff, security• Other services such as DStv, window cleaning, gardening services, etc.“Owners must be able to understand where their levies are going and question the amounts,if they feel these amounts are too high.”Costs will increase on an annual basis but not by aspecific percentage. It is better not to decide on apercentage increase but to assess everything, itemby item. From a transparency point of view, and for thetrustees’ benefit (to be able to keep track of thefinances properly), the trustees must go through thefigures on a monthly basis. For example, if for somereason the annual budget is reached before the yearis up, the trustees will realise there is a problem thatneeds to be remedied. This transparent reporting will show the ownersexactly what the levies are really used for, that theselevies are not paying for a service, that they areactually sharing the operating costs of the wholescheme. Thus, every building’s costs will be different.Many property managers mistakenly compare levieswith another scheme but do not realise that thatbuilding has a swimming pool and gym, whereastheirs’ might not. Some buildings are new. The olderbuildings will need more funds for up-keep andmaintenance. Just Property Magazine
Just LettingaCrdedvit a& nmocrtegasgeThe household sector will continue to experiencefinancial pressure over the next year.T rends in household credit and its components instalment sales, leasing finance and mortgage loans. will continue to be driven by economic Growth in household in unsecured credit balances, developments, and the resultant impacton household finances and consumer confidence. amounting to R343, 6 billion and 24, 2% of totalThe household sector is expected to continue to household credit balances, came in at 5, 3% y/y at theexperience some financial pressure over the next 12 end of January (5, 6% y/y at the end of Decembermonths as interest rates are forecast to rise further 2014) Unsecured credit consists of general loans andduring the course of this year. As a result, growth advances, credit card debt and household credit, including mortgage advances, isforecast to remain largely subdued in 2015. “Growth in household credit and mortgage balances slows This year started of with continued low growthin the total value of outstanding credit balances in down further.”the South African household sector, with year-on-year (y/y) growth below the 4% level for the sixth The vale of total outstanding private sectorconsecutive month In January. Growth in household mortgage balances, including both commercialunsecured credit balances was lower compared with mortgage loans, registered growth of 4, 7% at theDecember last year, while growth in secured credit end of January, continuing on a steady upwardbalances was at its lowest level since January 2012. growth trend since a recent low of 3, 3% y/y at the end of September last year. This was the net result Household secured credit balances, with a value of a further acceleration in year-on-year growth inof R1 076, 6 billion at the end of January and 75, 8% corporate mortgage balances into double digits,of total household credit balances, recorded growthof 2, 9% y/y at the end of January, virtually unchangedfrom October last year. Secured credit includes28 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just Letting Issue 7 2015 29whereas growth in household mortgage balancesremained very much subdued at just above 2% y/y. Growth in outstanding household mortgagebalances was virtually flat at 2, 2% y/y at the endof January from 2, 3% y/y at the end of December.The value of outstanding mortgage balances is thenet result of all property transactions related tomortgage loans, including additional capital amountspaid into mortgage accounts and extra monthlypayments above normal mortgage repayments. A number of macro economic factors, suchas economic growth, employment, inflation andinterest rates impact household finances and thelevel of consumer confidence, which eventuallyaffects the demand for property, as well as theaffordability and accessibility of mortgage finance. Arelatively large number of credit –active consumershad impaired credit records towards late last year,negatively affecting credit-risk profile, which impactbanks’ risk appetite and lending criteria. Consumerprice inflation dropped to 4, 4% y/y in January onthe back of significantly lower oil and fuel prices.However, inflation is forecast to rebound in thecoming months, which is expected to lead to higherinterest rates by September this year and in 2016.Against this background, growth in household credit,including mortgage advances, is expected to remainin single digits during the next two years. Outlook for the property market, however,remains favourable. A few key statistics pointtowards a trend of ongoing growth. One of thesefactors includes higher bank approval rates, higherapproved bond sizes, lower deposits and improvedbank pricing. There are a number of indicators that havedemonstrated banks improved appetite for extendedcredit for home loans.These include:• Lower average deposits, down 27.6% year-on- year• Higher approved bond size, up 6.9% year-on-year• Higher total approval ratio of 74.1%• Improved average interest rate of prime plus 0.46%Increased bank approval rates, lower depositrequirements and increased bond sizes are allfactors that will continue to positively influencethe property market. Using a bond originatorgives you a better chance of getting your homeloan approved, in the shortest possible time at noadditional cost. Just Property Magazine
Jleugaslt Know your rights
Just LegaldelaysHow to preventSix steps to prevent delays in transferring propertyConveyancers, the Deeds Office or the afford payment of the required advance amount; municipality are often blamed for the delays then they will either have to obtain bridging in transferring properties.This criticism is well finance or a short-term loan. founded, however, delays can often be prevented if 2. If the seller has no bond, ensure that he orsellers take certain steps before selling their property. she has the property’s original title deeds. (If there is a bond the original will be lodged Sellers must check that these steps have been with the bank). Title deeds, however, have thetaken and prepare themselves accordingly before tendency to disappear. When they are lost thethey become an issue. The idea that they can conveyancer will need to apply for a copy atsomehow be sorted as the sale progresses is the Deeds Office, which costs money and takesinvariably wrong – going ahead without observing time. Therefore, be sure as sellers, to take notethese essential issues can delay and jeopardise the of the whereabouts of your original Title agreement. If you cannot find it, immediately instruct a conveyancer to apply for a registration copy at1. Ensure all rates are paid. The municipality will the Deeds Office to avoid potential delays. not issue a rates clearance certificate until all 3. Ensure all outstanding bond payments are paid outstanding rates and services have been paid, up in full. Give the bank sufficient notice when together with the payment of advance rates you intend to sell and to cancel the bond. If and services. A property cannot be transferred this is not done, the bank is entitled to charge without a valid rates clearance certificate. If the a penalty fee for early termination of the bond. seller is in arrears with their rates or cannot32 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just Legal “Title deeds,however, havethe tendency to disappear.” Furthermore, if you as the seller, are aware that 6. Ensure you move out of your home by the your bond settlement, together with all other agreed date. Do not try to delay this, especially costs, will be more than the purchase price (and at the last minute. Late handovers can cause result in a shortfall situation), then please make many problems for the buyer, who has vacated the conveyancer aware of this fact as soon as their previous premises on time. possible so the necessary steps can be taken with the bank to prevent a delay. These steps are also not applicable to all sellers4. If the unit is part of a sectional title complex, in every situation. Proper preparation is key, as a make sure that you have a copy of the latest prepared seller is an essential ingredient to a smooth financial statements (annual accounts) and the and successful transfer process. management and conduct rules of the body corporate before you sell your unit. The bank the purchaser has applied to for a bond will require these documents before they grant the loan. Often a purchaser will want to see these documents before they put in an offer. In some cases the body corporate’s financials are not up- to-date and this may lead to the deal not going through. It is important, as a seller, to do your homework before you sell your unit.5. If the seller is in a sectional title unit, gated community or a similar development, it is important to sort out any issues with the homeowners association or body corporate regarding levies or certain living and design guidelines before signing a sale document.There is often a title deed requirement that such an association must consent to the sale. If there is a dispute between the association and the seller, they may be entitled to withhold such consent until the dispute is resolved to their satisfaction. Therefore, sellers must make sure that disputes are resolved before the property is sold. It will be unfair to the purchaser if the transfer is delayed because of an existing dispute.Just Property Magazine Issue 7 2015 33
Just LegalHtuornwuwtosrieltmleionveeganThe removal process of a trustee who will not resignT he founder of the trust transfers cash or having an interest in the trust property, at any time, assets (‘trust property’) into a trust structure. be removed from their office by a Court.This is only Trustees administer the trust property (on if the Court is satisfied that such a removal will be inbehalf of one or more beneficiaries), in accordance the interests of the trust and beneficiaries.The Courtwith the trust deed. procedure can be an expensive and lengthy one. It is, however, not always a viable option. As administrators of the trust property, it isextremely important that the trustees work together Alternatively, a trustee can be removed fromand act in the best interest of beneficiaries.Trustees office by an application to the Master. This option,must execute their duties as required by the Trust however, is qualified and can only be exercised inProperty Control Act (‘Act’) and the Master of the specific circumstances. According to Section 20 (2)High Court (‘the Master’). of the Act, a trustee may, at any time, be removed from office by the Master, if: The question that arises is: what options areavailable if a trustee does not execute their mandate (a) the trustee has been convicted in South Africain the best interest of the beneficiaries, but is or elsewhere of any offence of which dishonestyunwilling to resign as a trustee? is an element or of any other offence for which the trustee has been sentenced to imprisonment It is important to always look at the trust deed without the option of a finefirst. Often the trust deed determines the actions tobe taken, as well as the process on how to remove (b) the trustee fails to give security or additionalan unwilling trustee. Such a prescribed process security, to the satisfaction of the Master withinmust then be followed. If, however, the trust deed is two months after having been requested, orsilent on the removal of a trustee, there are further within a further period, as is allowed by theoptions that can be considered. Master ; According to Section 20 (1) of the Act, a trusteemay, on application of the Master or any person34 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just Legal“It is importantto always look at the trust deed first.”(c) the trustee’s estate is sequestrated, liquidated or placed under judicial management(d) the trustee has been declared by a competent court to be mentally ill or incapable of managing ones own affairs or is detained as a patient in an institution or as a State patient or(e) the trustee fails to perform satisfactorily any duty imposed upon one, by or under this Act, or to comply with any lawful request of the Master. Any person having an interest in the trust It is possible to remove an unwilling trustee fromproperty will have to bring an application to the office. Trustees must always act in the best interestsMaster, specifically stating one or more of the above of the trust beneficiaries. A trustee that is failingmentioned reasons as grounds for their application. in ones duty must be removed, when the trusteeIt will be straightforward to provide proof of the first is unwilling to step down. The correct approach infour reasons in paragraphs (a) to (d) above as there the removal of this trustee must be followed. It ismust be documentary evidence confirming this. advisable that legal advice be obtained before you To remove a trustee on the grounds listed commence with any action in this regard. in paragraph (e) above, will be more complex,particularly where the grounds relate to a trusteenot performing ones required duties. Section 9 (1)of the Act states that a trustee must act with thecare, diligence and skill which can be expected of aperson who manages the affairs of another, in theperformance of the trustees duties and the exerciseof the trustees powers. Proof will have to be provided, for example thatthe trustee does not attend trustee meetings, doesnot respond to communications, does not act inthe best interests of the trust beneficiaries or failsto co-operate in managing the trust property etc.The Master can ask the alleged unwilling trustee torespond to the allegations in order to form an overallview of the matter. Supporting evidence will thus bevery important to have a trustee removed on thesegrounds.Just Property Magazine Issue 7 2015 35
Just LegalTrusteesMust be Aware of RiskThe health and safety buck stopswith the property owner another layer of authority that is held accountable for any accident occuring on the property.Body-corporate trustees and managing agents in sectional title schemes do not escape To alleviate the risk to trustees and owners, make liability for on-site injuries according to sure your sectional-title property has a Baseline Risk the new construction regulations contained in Assessment which becomes its Health and Safety the Occupational Health and Safety Act. These File. When a property owner wants to do repairs, regulations have increased the responsibilities of renovations or maintenance on a building this file all property owners when appointing building must be provided. Trustees must have a copy of contractors to do any work on a building. this file, which must be given to any contractor or worker quoting on a job or before commencing any New regulations hold trustees of body corporates work. Thus, prospective contractors are fully aware responsible if a worker is injured within a sectional- of any hazards or risks the work entails. How many title or home-owners’ association complex – even if property owners actually do this? The answer, only the trustees themselves have not been informed that about 2% of owners of existing properties. work is being undertaken on-site. It is difficult to give an accurate indication of the In fact, the construction regulations apply to cost of such a document because it depends on the all properties and all owners. In sectional-title size and complexity of the actual building. An initial properties, apartments, business complexes and multi-tenanted office buildings, the trustees form36 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just LegalOccupational Health and Safety Survey and BaselineRisk Assessment (including the production of thebuilding’s health and safety file) will cost in the regionof R5 000 (for a building valued at less than R30million) but this can vary substantially. Research shows construction is one of the topfive sectors for on-the-job injuries. In February 2014, Labour Minister MildredOliphant published a notice under Section 43 of theOccupational Health and Safety Act (No: 85 of 1993).This contains the new Construction Regulations(2014) which repealed the old ConstructionRegulations of 2003. These regulations aim to reduce accidents andinjuries to on-site workers. They clearly define whatconstitutes the owner/client (any person for whomconstruction work is being performed) and stateexactly what is meant by construction. Failure to comply with the regulations means thatif a worker is injured on site, the property owner,trustee, property manager and contractor can beheld individually or jointly criminally and/or civillyliable. “To alleviate the risk For further protection against a wide range of risksto trustees and owners, associated with this legislation, is to get specialised insurance through a reputable firm. While an injured make sure your worker can seek redress through the courts, asectional title property properly tailored insurance product transfers the responsibility (for dealing with that process and has a Baseline Risk claim) away from the trustee or owner and onto the Assessment.” insurance company. Although property owners have been given Existing public liability insurance does not cover theuntil August 2015 to be fully compliant with the property owner in these sorts of eventualities, whichnew legislation, until then they are still vulnerable is why special cover for these types of risk have beento legal repercussions when a contractor is injured developed by insurance companies. Occupationalon their property. This is especially pertinent where health and safety insurance products are aimed atowners are not in direct control of what happens protecting property owners, bodycorporate trusteeson their premises. Sectional title properties, rental and property managers from a wide range of risksapartments, business complexes and multi-tenant associated with this new legislation, including publicoffice buildings are classic situations where tenants liability, professional indemnity, and directors’ andoften embark on repairs, renovations, maintenance officers’ liability. The latter clauses are crucial, as arework or upgrades without informing the owner of the covers for legal defence costs for trustees whenthe property. you consider they are mostly volunteers performing the task for little or no compensation. The regulations are law, so no-one can simply opt out of these responsibilities. The solution is straightforward, though, complete a risk assessment, ensure easy access to the health and safety file, and get specially tailored insurance. Just Property Magazine Issue 7 2015 37
Just LegalThe Rental HousingAmendment BillNew proposed Bill can potentiallycriminalise landlords As per the proposal, tenants will have the right to request a written receipt for all paymentsThe new Rental Housing Amendment Bill received by the landlord from the tenant. The will be a major game changer for both receipts must include a date, an address with tenants and landlords. street number or description of the property One of the major changes in the Bill is that they relate to, as well as an indication of whetherall lease agreements will have to be in writing, the payment was for rental, arrears, deposit andwhich the advocates of the Bill say will assist in a specific period for which payment was made.protecting both parties. It will fall to the landlordto ensure that a written agreement is drawn up. Additionally, tenants will entitled to request that the landlord provide them with written proof The previous Rental Housing Act of 1999, for the interest earned on the paid deposit. Thehowever, did not stipulate that the lease landlord will be required to invest the receivedagreement had to be a written document, deposit amount in an interest-bearing accountunless the tenant requested it and many lease with a financial institution - provided that the rateagreements were entered into with only a verbal applicable to such account may not be less thanagreement between the two parties. the rate applicable to a savings account. This is provided there is no outstanding monies owed One of the principle objectives of the Bill to the landlord upon the expiration of the lease (the deposit without deduction), along with any “It will fall to the landlord interest earned, will be paid back to the tenant to ensure that a written within a seven-day period. agreement is drawn up. ” In the instance where the tenant has causedis to do away with tenants being asked to pay damage to the property or lost keys, the landlordadditional costs that have not been previously may deduct the necessary reasonable costs fromstipulated within the rental agreement. The Bill the deposit before it is paid over to the tenant. will require that a tenant is liable for the amountof the rental, along with any other additional According to the Bill, landlords are required tocharges agreed upon in the lease by the due provide the tenant with a proper ty in a habitabledate. For costs other than those agreed upon, condition, maintaining the existing structure ofthe tenant is only liable upon proof of factual the proper ty and facilitate the provision of basicexpenditure by the landlord. services. Landlords will need to ensure that their rental property meets the required standards and is a structurally sound dwelling.38 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just LegalIellevgiacl ptrioopenrtsyWhat are your rights as a private property owner?E victions affect landlords in addition to tenants, of the apartheid era and the skewing of power and there are many consequences for both towards landlords that was the norm. parties. Landlords seeking to have illegal occupiers evicted need to deal with all the necessary However, the Prevention of Illegal Eviction and requirements imposed by statute, and case law. On Unlawful Occupation of Land Act - 19 of 1998 (PIE) the other hand, occupants that are at risk of being requires certain criteria to be met before an eviction evicted need to know their rights. order can be granted.This Act is designed to prevent arbitrary evictions, and works in tandem with Section Opposed versus unopposed eviction 26. The term ‘opposed eviction’ refers to when an occupier resists the eviction by instituting counter “PIE is not only applicable legal measures. ‘Unopposed eviction’ by contrast to the state, but applies to is where the occupier does not resist the eviction process, but allows it to take its course. private owners too.”Legislation PIE is not only applicable to the state, but appliesSection 26 of the Constitution of the Republic of to private owners too. It also applies to illegalSouth Africa entrenches the right to adequate squatters, but case law has extended the rightshousing, and stipulates that no one may be evicted afforded to illegal squatters to illegal occupiers onarbitrarily.This is a move away from forced evictions40 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just Legalprivate property.The case law has made inroads intoprivate evictions by extending the application of lawpertinent to squatter evictions.The two aspects havebecome enmeshed, making the process of privateevictions more complex. While there are a number of rights attached tolandlords and occupiers, there are also a number ofrequirements that have to be met. Failure to complywith these requirements can have a severe impact bysetting the case back.These requirements include giving the occupiersufficient notice before the hearing, and mustinclude:• Notice that proceedings have been instituted• Date of the hearing• Grounds for the proceedings• Advising of the right of appearanceCourts consider the length of occupation in thecase of a private owner. If the illegal occupation hasbeen for less than six months, an eviction order willonly be granted if it is ‘just and equitable’ and, “afterconsidering all the relevant circumstances, includingthe rights and needs of the elderly, children, disabledpersons and households headed by women.” If illegal occupation has been ongoing for morethan six months, there is an additional aspect of“whether land (or alternative accommodation) hasbeen or can reasonably be made available for therelocation of the unlawful occupier.” An exceptionis “where the land is sold in a sale of executionpursuant to a mortgage.”Urgent applicationsAn urgent application can be instituted where thereis imminent harm “to any person or property if theunlawful occupier is not forthwith evicted from theland,” or where “the likely hardship to the owner orany other affected person exceeds the likely hardshipto the unlawful occupier,” or where no other effectiveremedy is available.Pitfalls For occupiers, a clear knowledge of their rights isThere are numerous pitfalls in any eviction procedure. essential to avoid illegal evictions.For property owners, all the necessary steps have tobe followed otherwise the eviction process is non- The landlord is legally prohibited fromcompliant and illegal. This not only means that the disconnecting the electricity or water, entering theeviction fails, but the landlord will have lost the legal premises without permission, changing the locks,fees, and incurred some of the occupier’s legal costs. removing the occupier’s possessions, and preventingIt opens the landlord to the possibility of damageswith no resolution to the problem. the occupier from entering the premises.Just Property Magazine Issue 7 2015 41
Just Legal Lease and rental agreementThis rental agreement is madebetween:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Landlord) and ………………………… (Tenant)For the property called:……………………………………………………………on………………………………………………………………………………(Address)………………………………………………………………...(City and postal code)The lease is for……….year(s) starting on………………...with option to renewonce expired.……………………………………..(Tenant) is responsible for electricity, Internetand telephone: Water and refuse removal are included in rental amount andprovided by the landlord.…………………(Tenant) is responsible for insuring his/her personal property.…………………..(Tenant) agrees to use the premises for residential purposesonly and not for illegial, immoral or hazardous purposes.……………….......(Tenant) may have / may not have animals, for an additionaldeposit of R……………………………………………………….. .………………………………………………Tenant Date Phone…………………………………….. .………………………………………………Witness Date Phone…………………………………….. .………………………………………………Landlord / Letting Agent Date Phone This is a legally binding agreement and is for illustration purposes only.
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Just Tips, tricks & best buysdecorating44 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Get Just Decoratingorganising!Top tips for savvystorage solutionsNow is the time to organise and restore order to your space. Here are some top tips for a cleaner, neater home.:Be clutter free “Think of unusualMinimise chaos by doing an annual purge to get rid ways of re-usingof unnecessary clutter. Choose one messy room, everyday house andarea, cupboard or drawer.Then, take all of the items garden items as uniqueinside and place on the floor. Sort through them and storage solutions.”decide which items you want keep, throw away, giveto friends or donate to a charity. Think critically about the items you intend to‘keep’.Think about when last you used it and make afinal decision about whether you need it. Sort youritems by function, then by room.Take noteFor small spaces, use a room divider to double up asa pin board for your notes. Alternatively, paint yourwall with blackboard or magnetic paint.Re-use Contain itGot a wooden window shutter that you no longer Keep small items in containers. Use natural, wovenneed? Paint it in a bright colour and nail it to the wall. wicker or reed baskets to store linen in yourUse it to sort your mail or to prioritise important bedroom or towels and extra toilet rolls in yourpaperwork and bills that need to be paid. bathroom. In the kitchen, store your food in clear airtight plastic containers or stylish glass jars. LabelStore in a drawer each container neatly ensuring the label is legible.Sort out your drawers. Throw out all the items you These containers create visible, space saving storagedo not need and no longer use. Buy a cheap plastic solutions.organiser from the thrift shop to store smaller items.For a greener alternative, use an egg carton or cut Nice spiceout cardboard strips from cereal boxes and use Store your herbs and spices in a rack or on a nearbyto divide the space in your drawers into separate shelf to be close at handy while you are cooking. compartments. You can even colour code the stripsfor better organisation. This makes things easier tomaintain.Just Property Magazine Issue 7 2015 45
Just DecoratingLoveyour kitchenTop space saving tips for a DIY kitchen makeoverI s your kitchen looking a bit tired and outdated? Handle it Then spruce it up with some affordable upgrades For a cheap and easy update, replace the doorknobs, for a new, fresh look. pulling levers or other handles for your kitchen Most landlords do not permit you to drill holes cupboards and drawers. in the wall or do major structural renovations. So, before doing anything, refer to the regulations in your Free up your cupboard space lease agreement regarding renovations.Then, consult Remove the doors off your cupboards, mounted with your landlord to get permission. Here are a few higher up on the wall, to show off your pretty top tips for an easy, budget-friendly kitchen makeover, crockery stored on the open shelves. Rather store which you can do over the weekend: your heavy pots and pans in the lower cupboards.Island style Paint itA kitchen island is an inexpensive way to add extra Another way to update your kitchen cabinetry is tocounter and storage space. You can buy a ready- paint either inside or out, or both. Only painting themade island from your local kitchen unit supplier or upper cabinets, amounts to half the work at half theeasily make one yourself from a kit bought at your price, instead of painting all of them. Having cabinetslocal hardware store or kitchen designer. painted inside with open shelves will brighten up even the smallest of spaces in your kitchen.46 Issue 7 2015 Just Property Magazine
Just Decorating“Move your blender, toasterand kettle or coffee machine somewhere else to free up prime countertop space.”Cool ceilingPaint your ceiling in a cool, light colour to instantlyupdate your kitchen space and make the roomappear larger than it really is.Cut it up your counter space by adding a butcher’s block slabAdd more preparation space by buying a wooden or or a big wooden cutting board at the end. Place itbamboo cutting board. Alternatively, build or modify over brackets mounted to your kitchen wall.your own. Add notches and grooves so it can fit overyour sink, or make one with legs to stand over the Move ittwo burners of your stove. Use it when your stove is Move your blender, toaster and kettle or coffeenot in use and easily remove it when you want to use machine somewhere else to free up primethe stove again.You can even install a sliding, pull out countertop space.cutting board drawer over your garbage bin to easilythrow away any vegetable scraps and peelings. Close Store itit when not in use. Use storage baskets above your kitchen cupboards for extra storage to hide items that you rarely useMount it such as extra light bulbs, baking utensils and otherMount a fold out table or breakfast bar to the wall kitchen paraphernalia. for extra preparation space. Alternatively, extendJust Property Magazine Issue 7 2015 47
Just DecoratingsGuenneratpe oyowur oewrnUse the hot summer sun to heat your waterC an you afford to keep paying 40 to 60% CHOOSING A SOLAR WATER HEATER of your electricity bill for a job the sun can do for most of the year? If so, then install • A flat-panel or an evacuated-tube system: Flat panelsphotovoltaic (PV) panels that uses the hot summer are more durable, but evacuated tubes create more hotsun as a sustainable way to heat your water and water with limited sun exposure. For a north-facing rooflower the costs of your electricity bill too. in full sun, flat panels provide most of your hot water needs. If your roof gets limited sun, evacuated tubes A PV system can pay for itself if you keep it simple. are necessary.Batteries can almost double the price, so unless youreally want to go off the grid start with a basic PV • A direct or indirect system: An indirect system, uses thesystem. This will cover most of your consumption sun to heat tubes of glycol, which then heats the water.costs during daylight hours, without stroring fornight-time. • Ensure that you select the right size tank — a minimum of 50 litres per person and an extra 50 litres for general Firstly, mount a 300 litre tank full of water household use. Tanks with water flowing between themhorizontally onto your roof. Then, install two 2.5m2 in series is ideal for high efficiency.flat polycrystalline silicon PV panels below the watertank. • A close-coupled or split system: Because a close-coupled system uses the thermosiphon effect of rising heat to Installing only one PV panel (rated at 255 watts) circulate the water, it is less expensive to buy and isand a 230 watt inverter (to convert DC power to the most commonly used. If you prefer to have theAC) on your roof will generate about 230 watts of tank inside the ceiling or in the house, a split system iselectricity during peak times (this is the maximum it highly efficient, but it requires a circulation pump.can produce in full sun conditions). • An electrical back-up element in the tank is standard Power generated from this system covers most of in high-pressure systems, but must be managed by awhat is required to run your home efficiently. timer to control when the back-up element kicks in. Energy from the sun will indirectly heat your water. • If your roof pitch is not ideal (flat, not steep) considerThe tank has an electrical element to top-up the installing brackets to ensure the optimal angle for yourtemperature during cloudy weather or when extra latitude. This can increase heat gain by up to water is needed. • Once you have decided on what you want, get some For a family of four or more, this high-pressure quotes for the system and installation. Don’t grab thehot water system can reduce your electricity spend lowest quote without considering more than R400 a month. If this performancecontinues, the R28 000 price tag — after a R9 000 Just Property MagazineEskom rebate advanced by the installer — will becovered within the expected four to five yearspayback period. 48 Issue 7 2015