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Home Explore August 2021, Catholic Manipur

August 2021, Catholic Manipur

Published by chanceryarch, 2021-09-02 18:21:45

Description: August 2021, Catholic Manipur


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THE CATHOLIC MANIPUR Vol 15, Issue 17 Archdiocesan News Magazine August, 2021 CATHOLIC MANIPUR PUBLICATIONS Archdiocese of Imphal, Manipur 795001

PASTORAL LETTER ARCHBISHOP DOMINIC LUMON DD., My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings from Archbishop's House! I am writing this letter with regard to the spread of Covid-19, in particular the challenge of the third wave and beyond. Covid-19 is with us over a year and a half and we are facing the threat of the third wave. According to experts, in India the third wave could be as brutal as the second one or it can be worse. If new infections pick up this month (August) they will hit the peak in October. The virus spreads with ferocious rapidity. If the third wave is horizontal, we need to be prepared. The best way is to take vaccination. Looking at the National Scenario, majority of India's population is yet to be vaccinated. Close to 27% of the population has got one dose and about 8% are fully vaccinated. Vaccination of 2/3 of the population is yet to be done to stop the march of corona virus. The state administration of Manipur is trying to vaccinate maximum eligible groups. In this effort, valley districts have been vaccinated with high percentage of even upto 98%. The hill districts are very much lagging behind. Our remote villages have less accessibility and facilities. If the pandemic spreads uncontrollably then it will be a disaster of great magnitude. In the US, almost 50% of the country is fully vaccinated. In the recent months new infections in the US have grown 4 times. In the past two weeks alone new cases have risen by 148%. But vaccines make all the difference. About 97% of them who end up in hospitals had not taken even a single dose! My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let's throw away myth and misinformation and let's get vaccinated. Let's follow the Government’s directives in this regard. We are responsible public persons. We are with people, we move with people and we serve them. Our health is interconnected. No one is safe until everyone is safe. Let us take collective responsibility for collective safety. Negligence on the part of an individual can cost many lives. Therefore, I encourage all the priests and nuns to receive the vaccination and do encourage our faithful to get the vaccination. 2

Diocesan Fraternity Imphal, Virtually celebrated St. John Marie Vianney Feast Imphal, August 3, 2021: The Diocesan Fraternity of Imphal (DFI), organized a “ZOOM ONLINE RECOLLECTION” on the eve of the Feast of St. John Marie Vianney, on the \"Life and Spirituality of S. John Marie Vianney - the Diocesan way.\" The evening webinar was moderated by Rev. Fr. Francis Vialo, President of DFI. Rev.Fr. Joseph Thohrii, Secretary, DFI, welcomed and introduced the preacher of the evening recollection talk in the person of Rev. Vincent Aind, Bishop of Bagdogra, West Bengal. The opening hymn to the Holy Spirit imploring His anointing and wisdom was led by the Seminarians of St. Thomas Seminary, Mantripukhri. Bishop Vincent Aind in his talk introduced St. John Marie Vianney as the model of all priests. He emphasized on his availability for the people especially in the confessional to offer forgiveness and his ever readiness to show solidarity to the penitent to the extent of doing more penance than the penitent. He highlighted St. Vianney's life as a person who lived a \"Priestly\" and \"Pastoral\" life whereby he made the church his first home.' He also reflected on his effectiveness in his preaching ministry creating a keen interest in the hearts of many people. \"Everything best for God\" was St. John Vianney's life. Bishop Vincent Aind reflected on the \"Vianney Syndrome\" and invited everyone to inculcate the positive syndrome rather than the negative syndrome. At the end of his talk, he thanked and extended a festal wishes and greetings to His Grace and all the priests of the Archdiocese on the feast of St. John Marie Vianney. Right after the recollection talk, Archbishop Dominic Lumon thanked the DFI executives for arranging the evening talk and call upon the priests to remain united among the priest fraternity and with the laity. Rev. Fr. Athanasius Mung, Treasurer, DFI at the end thanked His Lordship. Rt. Rev. Vincent Aind for his readiness to meet and give talk to the Priests of Imphal Archdiocese and his very inspiring talk on the life and spirituality of St. John Marie Vianney. He also thanked Archbishop Dominic Lumon for his presence and all the priests for their availability as a fraternity and for the good participation. Altogether 63 priests were present for the recollection. The evening programme ended with festal wishes followed by the Archbishop's apostolic blessing. 3

Seminarians left for Chabua, Assam. St. Thomas Seminary, August, 8, 2021: Seven (7) seminarians for the Archdiocese of Imphal, ( Geramy Mizo for the diocese of Aizawl), who have completed their studies and first stage of formation at St. Thomas Seminary Imphal, for batch of 2021, left for Chabua, for further formation. They will go for 10 months Intensive Spiritual Orientation Course at Chabua, Assam. Rev. Fr. Vialo Francis, the Rector of the St. Thomas Seminary will reach them to Dimapur railway station. Let us keep them in our prayers. Book Released on St. Dominic Guzman (Name feast of Archbishop) Feast Day Archbishop's House, Imphal, August 8, 2021: A new book, The Path Of Life (Catholic Answer Book- 3). Compiled and Edited by Rev. Fr. Sebastian Chelat has been released by His Grace Most Rev. Dominic Lumon DD, the Archbishop of Imphal. Archbishop thanks Fr. Sebastian Chelat for his numerous contribution to the Church. Fr. Sebastian had produced many books such as: The Earthen Vessels, The Gift of Faith, Why we belief and what we believed and ’The path of Life.’ Like all other books which were very much useful, this latest book will serve our purpose in our catechizing especially in answering the questions, pertaining to our Catholic beliefs and practices. The first copy was given to Rev. Fr. John Kashiiprii, the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Imphal, followed by giving out a copy each to all who came for the festal dinner in honor of St. Dominic Guzman, the name feast of our Archbishop. We Congratulate and thank Rev. Fr. Sebastian Chelat for his Good Work and Contribution to the Catholic Church, particularly in Manipur. 4

Monthly Recollection for the priests working in the Archdiocese of Imphal St. Paul’s Retreat House, Mantripukhri, August 25, 2021: Monthly recollection for the month of August for the priests working in the Archdiocese of Imphal was held on this day. For the past 5 months normal routine was disrupted due to the continuous surging of the COVI-19 Pandemic second wave. All together 73 priests turned up for the monthly recollection (Last Priests and nuns recollection was on 30th March 2021, Chrism Mass). Archbishop Dominic Lumon gave a very inspiring talk on prayer; here is a gist of his talk: Importance of prayer, our commitment to prayer and Prayer of Intercession. Archbishop stated, “The priest is above all a man of prayer, the man of God, despite the many activities that his pastoral charge imposes on him. Through his life of prayer, founded on the very prayer of Jesus, all his sacerdotal activity will be transfigured.” Pope Benedict XVI invites priests to put prayer back at the heart of their lives and their ministry... that priests discover and rediscover the importance of prayer.” Fidelity to prayer is a personal duty for the priest, daily mental prayer, visit to the Blessed Sacrament, the Rosary and the examination of conscience etc... The Church grows when the Church is committed to prayer. The vital sign of the growing Church is its commitment to prayer in personal, family, congregational and leadership level. St. Paul calls the Church at Colossian to come back to the basics of the Church such as worship, Word of God, Discipleship, Prayer and glorifying God.” Archbishop made an appeal to all the priests, sisters and faithful of the Archdiocese saying, “let every Parish/Institution make an hour of Eucharistic Adoration on every Saturday, beginning with September 2021. 5

St. Thomas Seminary Annual Retreat, 2021 Imphal, August 28, 2021: A week-long Annual Spiritual Retreat 2021 for the minor seminarians of St. Thomas Seminary was held from 22-28 August 2021. The preacher for the Retreat, Rev. Fr. Mathias Dias, OFM (Cap), Superior of St. Francis Assisi Friary, Nongdam, Ukhrul District, led the 40 young seminarians to a meaningful and deeply personal spiritual festival. The retreat was marked by deep and meaningful Talks, prayerful Holy Eucharist and enriching Holy Adoration hours before the Blessed Sacrament, punctuated with beautiful singing. Learning of new hindibhajans besides popular Praise and Worship songs made the retreat a lively experience. From their part, the seminarians showed exemplary silence and extended good cooperation, without which the whole exercise would not have been as meaningful. The week-long spiritual exercise came to a meaningful end on Saturday morning, the 28th August, with the Thanksgiving Holy Eucharist presided over by His Grace Most Rev. Dominic Lumon. The community of St. Thomas Seminary praises God in gratitude for this singular opportunity of making the Retreat possible despite COVID pandemic. The community also acknowledges and expresses gratitude to the Archbishop, Priests and religious and all well-wishers for your prayerful and material support. BIBLE SUNDAY CELEBRATION Chingmeirong, August 29, 2021: Bible Sunday was celebrated at Mary Immaculate Church, Chingmeirong, led by Most Rev. Dominic Lumon D.D, Archbishop of Imphal. The Sunday Mass was concelebrated by Fr. K.S Joseph, Parish Priest, Chingmeirong, Fr. Riji George, Director, Bible Commission, Fr. Mark Ai, Director, Radio Veritas and Fr. P.O Sebastian Sdb, Chingmeirong. In the homily, Archbishop exhorted the participants to draw strength from the word of God and enrich oneself and one another in building social fraternity. 6

At the end of the Holy Mass, Prize distribution ceremony for the previously conducted Bible Copying competition was taken up. The winners were given cash award and Certificate by the Archbishop. We congratulate the participants and the winners of the competition. The winner names are given below: Sl. Name Designation /Job Place/Village i No Catechism teacher /Institutions /Parish 1 Fiona Beringsha St. John Boaco Parish, Senapati ii iii 2 M. Mu Singh Asst. Teacher Holy Cross, Kakching Khunou iv v 3 Sr. Venes FCC Rel. Sister Mercy Home, St. Mary’s Parish, Tuibuong vi vii 4 Judith Haokip Aspirant Mercy Home, St. Mary’s Parish, Tuibuang viii ix 5 W. Agnes Moyon Gen Sec., Women Society S.H, Heigruthampak, St. Paul’s, Pallel x 6 Masanliu Emilia Cl-IX DBHSS, Senapati, St. Mary’s Convent 7 Justina Lyngdoh Aspirant Clarist Home, Mantripukhri 8 Sr. Chantal FCC Rel. Sister Clarist Home, Imphal 9 James Thlengliana Business Good Shepherd Parish, Ccpur 10 Dabrina Singson Student, Cl-X SFS, Kangpokpi The New Bible Commission Team for the Archdiocese of Imphal 1. Rev. Fr. Riji George (Director) 2. Rev. Fr. K S Joseph 3. Rev. Sr. Chantal FCC 4. Dr. C. Mathew Kamei 5. Mrs. Martha Shilshi 6. Miss Rita Zou YOUTH COLUMN THE OUTREACH VACCINATION DRIVE CONDUCTED BY MCYO IN COLLABORATION WITH CMC HOSPITAL HELD AT NONEY-NUNGNANG PART II. Mantripukhri,(MCYO Office) July 18, 2021: The Manipur Catholic Youth Organisation (MCYO) in collaboration with Catholic Medical Centre (CMC) Hospital, Koirengei conducted a vaccination drive at Noney District in a village named Nungnang Part II. The vaccination drive was conducted after several rounds of meetings with the Director of CMC Hospital Father James Tangshel and the MCYO team. Furthermore discussions with the CMO of Imphal East District Dr. Indrani and CMO of 7

Noney District Dr. Edwin Golmei and the District Immunization Officer Dr. Jendum Golmei of Noney District helped in successfully conducting the Vaccination Drive. The team consists of 12 members. A total number of 65 villagers were vaccinated with 1st Dose of Covidshield vaccine. The team is grateful to our MCYO President Mr. Napoleon Rongmei, DFO Noney for the hospitality and for arranging the vehicles to reach the destination and also a heartful thanks to the DIO Dr. Jendum Golmei for his concern and assistance in accomplishing the vaccination drive. MCYO VACCINATION DRIVE AT TAOSANG 2/ NUNGNANG 2 Mantripukhri, (MCYO Office) July 22, 2021: Another vaccination drive was conducted at Taosang 2/Nungnang 2 under Noney district in collaboration with Catholic Medical Centre, Hospital. A total number of 205 people were vaccinated with the first dose of Covidshield vaccine. The MCYO team also handed a small amount to the elders of that village on account of “The World Grandparents day.” THE THIRD VACCOINATION DRIVE AT TAOSANG 2 AND NUNGNANG 1 dose of Covidshield vaccine. Mantripukhri, (MCYO Office) July 23, 2021: In continuation of Vaccination drive, MCYO had conducted vaccination drive in collaboration with CMC Hospital at Taosang 2 and Nungnang 1 under Noney District. The team consisted of Doctors and nurses and the MCYO members. 68 people were vaccinated with the first VACCINATION DRIVE AT LAII VILLAGE Mantripukhri (MCYO office) August 13, 2021: The team had conducted vaccination drive in Laii village in 8

joint collaboration with the PHC of Laii village under Senapati District. The village is situated in remote area, located near the boundaries of Nagaland. Due to lack of proper knowledge about the vaccination, many people refused to get vaccinated. It is disheartening to see the myth influence of the people about vaccination. Moreover, the Senapati District received the least vaccination. In view of the impending situation, MCYO team and PHC of Laii village voluntarily sensitized the people. However, the responses of the people were less and only 30 people were vaccinated. HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORKS COLUMN (DSSS & CMC) REPORTS ON MINISTRY RENDERED BY DSSS & CMC DURING COVID -19 WAVE 2 The second wave of corona virus infection has been spreading fast. Patients who appeared normal are going out of control within an hour of developing dyspnoea (shortness of breath) and death is taking place within no time. Many patients are asymptomatic and they do not know that they are carrying virus. The COVID- 19 Second Wave Pandemic cases are still on rise in India especially Northeast India and in particular Manipur touching 4 digits number per day. At this crucial moment, the Youth, Health and Social Service directors had a meeting along with Archbishop Dominic Lumon on 18th May 2021. During the meeting we unanimously decided to fight against Covid- 19 in collaboration with the Government of Manipur. There is a saying united we stand and divided we fall. And it is really true when we think of our work as we collaborated with the government, other likeminded people and organisations the work was easy and fruitful. On 20th May 2021 we presented a letter to the Govt of Manipur expressing our whole hearted support to the Government for arresting the spread of COVID- 19 in our state. On May 24th the Govt of Manipur gave their written reply saying that the Govt welcome our collaboration in working together to fight against the Pandemic. On 27th May 2021 we had the meeting in DSSS Imphal with heads of various commissions of the Archdiocese of Imphal and formed the Archdiocesan Covid Task Force (ACTF). On May 29th Archbishop sent a Pastoral Letter asking for everyone’s cooperation and collaboration in order to stop the spread of Corona Virus in the state. The Catholic Church planned to meet the Chief Minister of Manipur to discuss the matter personally with him. On 2nd June CM called the meeting of all FBO leaders together and thus we could participate in the meeting and share our concerns. In the meeting Fr. Varghese talked on behalf of the Catholic Church and presented the Action Plan of the Catholic Church to the CM. In the meeting he decided to have a prayer service on Monday 7th June 2021, and 2 representatives of each faith were asked to join for the same at the western side of the Kangla Gate. Catholic Church was represented by our Chief Shepherd Most Rev. Dominic Lumon and Fr. Albert Leivon, the Youth Director. 9

On 6th July 2021, The National Health Mission (NHM) organised an Advocacy Program & Panel Discussion at DSSS on strengthening of vaccination in the state. Eminent doctors spoke on different topic about the pandemic and its prevention, Covid friendly behaviours and moreover on the need of vaccination. There was an open discussion after each talk and queries were answered. In order to plan out for the arrest of Covid- 19, we mobilize the people for their generous contribution and made some proposals to the agencies and few of them responded positively. Activities Done by the ACTF 1. We formed the Archdiocesan Covid Task Force (ACTF) for planning and implementing the actions to fight against the pandemic. 2. Every parish to form a Covid Task Force under the umbrella of ACTF to arrest the spread of Covid- 19 virus. 3. In order to raise local fund for the emergency assistance we created an Account in the name of - Archdiocesan Emergency Relief Fund. 4. 52 infrastructures (Schools & institutions) offered to the Govt of Manipur for use such as Quarantine Centres, Isolation Centres as well as for the vaccination. 5. Covid Ward with 40 beds in CMC was initiated in collaboration with the government. 6. To set up 20 Isolation Centres in the far flung areas with the help of the Govt, villages and parishes (Parish priest, sisters and the faithful) which started functioning already. 7. Children’s Care Centres whose parents are affected in the remote villages are also in the pipe line if the need arises. 8. Medical Kits for 40 villages where the Health Project are being implemented. 9. Dry Ration supply for families affected by the pandemic will be also distributed. 10. As per the agreement or the request from the government we have given 350 youth volunteers names to the govt for the emergency relief and for the awareness of Covid vaccination. 11. 98 catholic doctors & nurses are made available for the vaccination as well as for the treatment and prevention of the pandemic. 12. 150 volunteers from the DSSS are being initiated in the villages for the awareness campaign on vaccination as well as for introducing and initiating the Covid friendly behaviours. 13. Through the support of the government we were able to distribute a lot of seeds and saplings like orange, lemon, ginger, turmeric, umrok (king chilli) etc for the people to plant during the Covid. 14. We procured the organic products from the farmers in the interior places and made it available for the consumers in the cities. 15. We reached out to the town outlets with food provisions like fruits and vegetables during lockdown. 16. Through our staff in the field and in the office we encouraged the people to take precaution and go for test and vaccination. 17. CMC Hospital Team and Youths went to several interior villages and administered the 1st Dose of Covidshield Vaccination. 18. Report of the daily activities is being forecasted by Archdiocesan Communication & Media in charge Fr. Mark Thangkhan Ai and his team. 10

Catholic Church has made a great impact in the State of Manipur. We have made a good rapport with the Govt of Manipur, CSOs, IAG, and FBOs. In fact the Catholic Church is a nodal and model agency for the Govt of Manipur, FBOs and IAG. People far and wide have experienced our love for God and humanity at large. We need to take all necessary steps to ensure that we are prepared well to face the challenges and threat posed by the growing pandemic of COVID-19 the Corona Virus. The most important factor in preventing the spread of the Virus locally is to empower the citizens with the right information and taking precautions as per the advisories being issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. How quickly we end the pandemic depends on how quickly and how fairly we vaccinate a significant proportion of the State population, and how consistently we all follow verified public health measures. So we all work together in harmony to stop corona virus in our state Manipur. PHOTO GALLERY All together 20 isolations centers were provided with some essential materials. The things were entrusted to the District Administration, DC, CMO, Medical Department, Parish Priest and to the VA. 11

Hearty Congratulations to Rev. Fr. (Dr) Dilbung Anthony Avince Archbishop’s House, August 27, 2021: The Diocesan priests of the Archdiocese of Imphal, Manipur, heartily congratulates Rev. Fr. (Dr) Dilbung Anthony Avince for successfully defending his Ph.D Thesis entitled “A Study on Academic Concern of Tribal Students of high Schools in Hill Districts of Manipur” on 4th August 2021, under the supervision of Dr. Lalzo S. Thangjom, Ass. Professor, Social Works Department, Jadunath Sarkar School of Social Sciences, Assam University, Silchar and on being conferred the Doctoral degree thereof. Fr. (Dr) Dilbung Anthony Avince hails from New Chayang village. We wish Fr. Anthony Avince all the best in his future endeavors. Newly Appointed Priests in the Archdiocese of Imphal, 2021 Sl.No Name Designation Parish/Place 1 Rev. Fr. Varghese Velickakam Procurator Archbishop’s House, Imphal 2 Rev. Fr. Chennoth Sebastian SDB Parish Priest St. John Bosco Parish, Maram 3 Rev. Fr. Selvaraj Stanislaus SDB Parish Priest Mary Help of Christian Parish, Tamenglong N.B:- 1. “The Catholic Manipur” a Monthly News Bulletin for the Archdiocese of Imphal will continue to updates and serves the events of the Archdiocese through soft copy, until the situation comes to normalcy. 2. The Editorial team would like to request all the readers to update your Parish Activities through: a) Mail ID : [email protected]/[email protected] b) Whatsapp : 9612830718/9612448829 12

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