LongfieldSPcRhIMooAlR. Y
LongfieldSPcRhIMooAlR. YOur Goal.In our school we wantevery child to:• Feel safe• Be secure• Feel valued• Show respect• Become independent• Make the right choices• Achieve success02 Longfield Primary School
Welcome. vinatWluhattrelehhloseecsuirthtgsriholkjdivoirllseluisefunretcan.ocnweeydieteqdhuipA message from the Headteacher.Dear Parents and CarersWelcome to Longfield Primary School. In September 2011Longfield Infant School & Nursery and Longfield Junior Schoolamalgamated to become Longfield Primary School.We are very proud of our school and learning is at the heartof our community.We want all our children, parents andcarers to feel that they are part of our community, a partnershipthat strives to achieve excellence with a commitment tolifelong learning.We believe that is important to have high expectations forall our children and staff alike.We want all our staff to bereflective in their practice: to lead, share, contribute and toadvance change that supports effective learning for all ourchildren.We strive to equip all children with the skills and values tosucceed in their journey through life.We encourage allour children to work hard and do their best so that theybecome independent and self confident as learners with welldeveloped core moral values.We hope you will find Longfield Primary School a happyand friendly place and we very much look forward towelcoming you into our school community.Pam Virdee, Headteacher araPecrhliemieaAvartirnnyLignoSgfnoctgrhofeoigveoeeltldrhw!eer, 03 Longfield Primary School
chcaumlalrearnnIkincdgeuinpcltgulrah,emneiannttlewinievaegrerenatsitihnmiegngto04 Longfield Primary School
Longfield’s Foundation Stage-NurseryLearning & ReceptionEnvironment. The Early Years Foundation Stage CurriculumLongfield Primary is a three form entry has seven areas of learning:school (there are 3 classes in eachyear group).The education for your child 1. Personal, Social & Emotional Developmentis split into three different stages: 2. Communication & Language 3. Mathematics• Foundation Stage-Nursery 4. Literacy & Reception 5. Understanding the World• Key Stage One-Years 1 and 2 6. Physical Development• Key Stage Two-Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 7. Expressive At & designWe are very privileged to have a large site that Key Stage One-Years 1 and 2accommodates two playgrounds, a basket ball court, Key Stage Two-Years 3, 4, 5 and 6a play area, a sensory garden, a field, a pond, and anoutdoor learning amphitheatre. Internally the building The National Curriculum subjects are as follows:is on two levels, ground floor and first floor.We have excellent facilities including two dedicated 1. LiteracyICT (computer) suites, a library, two halls, a music room, 2. Numeracya Design Technology room, a community room and 3. Sciencea kitchen where hot school meals are cooked on site. 4. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) 5. HistoryWe are located within easy walking distance of 6. GeographyRayners Lane tube station and its amenities. 7. Physical Education (PE) 8. Art & DesignLearning and 9. Design & Technologythe Curriculum. 10. Music 11. Personal, Social, Health & CitizenshipThe Governing Body and staff believe that Education (PSHCE)the curriculum at Longfield Primary school 12. Modern Foreign Language (MFL)must be broad, balanced and relevant.The curriculum is planned to provide coherenceand continuity of key skills across key stages with theneeds of the learner at the centre of the practice.In planning the curriculum we aim to make the learningchallenging, interesting and creative through followingthe statutory curriculum. 05 Longfield Primary School
Outside of the To promote core values and createCurriculum. independent, confident adults who are able to make a positive contribution to societyThe school runs a Breakfast Club and we we use the 5R’s.also have an After School Club on site, runby an external provider, to cater for families Responsiblewho require an extended day. Resourceful ResilientWe offer a variety of lunchtime and after school Reflectiveclubs including various sports, French and cookery. ReasonedWe celebrate children’s talents and skills and aimto continue these interests in school. This is integral to the ethos of the school.We believe that these skills are fundamental in shaping ourThe school has an excellent reputation for music children to become confident individuals and responsibleand there is a comprehensive provision for instrumental citizens who are focused on lifelong learning.music tuition. Learning together,The school is steeped in traditions some of which are Achieving forever.still evident today. From the time it opened it has alwayshad a Head Boy and Head Girl as well as a Deputy Inclusion is an integral part of LongfieldHead Boy and Girl and House Captains. Primary School’s ethosThe School song which is still sung presently Meeting the needs of all our pupils is a priority.was first written in 1936 by Mrs E.M. We have a holistic approach to meeting the needs ofCooper who was a supply teacher at the pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilitiesschool at that time.What was interesting (SEND) and English as an Additional Language (EAL).about the School Song was that it contained We are committed to ensuring that everythingwords for each House Group: we do in our school reflects our inclusive ethos and benefits all our learners.Perseverance helps us all along(Livingstone-green) We work closely with outside agencies and familiesCheerfulness inspires a merry song of children with additional needs to ensure(Sunflower-yellow) that the children are well supported and make goodLoyalty assures us of a friend progress.(Jubilee-blue)Courage is our staff until the end(St. George-red) rvCeoopWiucreeensceethivlnha.etrvEroeeyaudctagahhenrpcSmdulcap.hmsilsoeoeisl t06 Longfield Primary School
The schooloffers:• Learning Mentors• Parent Nurturing• Pupil Nurture Groups• Counsellor• Independent Educational Psychologist• Family Action Worker• Mentoring System 07 Longfield Primary School
The LongfieldPrimary Community.We embrace and celebratethe many languages and culturesshared by our families. The school has strong links withthe local community includinglocal faith groups.Parents are welcomed into our school to take part inESOL classes (English forSpeakers of Other Languages),Yoga classes and a Languageand Craft Cafe.08 Longfield Primary School
the Thcehoaemrtsmcohufonoital yis.diavetrse PFL (Parents and Friends of Longfield)We are lucky to have a very supportive parents association, the PFL, whohave been an integral part of the school community for many years. It exists not only to raise funds for the school community but brings together staff, parents, children and friends socially in support of the school working towards a common goal. 09 Longfield Primary School
Safeguarding • Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable to work Child Protection with children must be reported to the Designated person(s) for Child ProtectionWe take the responsibility of lookingafter our children very seriously. Keeping The Designated person will then report the matter toour children safe means: Harrow Children’s Services. If the concern is about a member of staff it must be reported to the Headteacher.• Providing a safe and nurturing environment If the concern is about the Headteacher, then it must• Ensuring the health and safety of every child be reported to either the Chair of Governors or to• Ensuring that all adults that work here have Children’s Services. undergone full safety and security checks• Protecting children from deliberate harm Behaviour.• Being an anti-bullying school• Being pro-active against any discrimination Every child has a right to learn. (Race, Gender, Disability, Sexuality)• Use of safe physical intervention when necessary Effective learning takes place in a caring well ordered• Meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions and disciplined environment.Any behaviour that• Providing First Aid interrupts learning will not be tolerated.We follow• Caring for children’s personal needs a consistent a procedure to help children learn from• Keeping children safe when they use the internet their mistakes and give them an opportunity to• Making sure our school is secure reflect on their behaviour and how to improve it.Policies are available on the school website The Behaviour Thermometer that is displayed in everywww.longfieldprimary.co.uk room of the school shows all of the rewards and sanctions that it is possible to use with your childIf you are concerned about the safety and welfare whilst educating them.All staff will work through theof any child please do not hesitate to come in sanctions as necessary throughout a school day.to school and speak to a member of the senior Rewards will be ‘saved up’ like money and given directlyleadership team. If you feel a child is in immediate to children who, termly, will receive an appropriatedanger please call 020 8901 2690 during office incentive for themselves or their house.hours and 020 8424 0999 after hours. Occasionally it may be necessary to skip some of theIn any conflict between the needs of the written order depending upon the severity of thechild and those of others, the needs of the behaviour. Please be aware that we are implementingchild will come first. these steps to share responsibility with parents and to rectify a child’s behaviour as soon as possible.Any allegation which may indicate an adult has behaved We hope to send a unified message that disruptivein a way that has: behaviour is not acceptable.• Harmed a child, or may have harmed a child;• Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child;10 Longfield Primary School
Longfield Contact UsSPcRhIMooAlR. Y Longfield Primary School Dukes Avenue, North Harrow Middlesex, HA2 7NZ Tel: 020 8868 7663 Fax: 020 8429 2891 Email: [email protected]
LongfieldSPcRhIMooAlR. Y Contact Us Longfield Primary School Dukes Avenue, North Harrow Middlesex, HA2 7NZ Tel: 020 8868 7663 Fax: 020 8429 2891 Email: [email protected]
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