Winter 2015/2016 ISSUE No.69Insite is the official magazine of the Petroleum Equipment Installers and Maintenance Federationfuel WetstoCk using your plus:mAintenAnCe mAnAgement mobile on the Diesel: Atex foreCourt CertifiCAtionKeep your fuel in tip-top Commercial &condition this winter retail sites Yes or no? Should you comply?
the leading force in fuelling innovation The UK’s Leading Forecourt Equipment Supplier to Oil Companies,Major Supermarkets and Independent Forecourts in the UK, Europe and beyond Tel. +44 (0) 121 558 4411 email. [email protected] or visit
ed-line in this issueHappy New Year!! So where did that one go? Should your equipment be ATEX certified? 5Firstly – the front cover. Can I take this opportunity to apologise to any of our readers What’s on in 2016 5if you have taken offence to this, or any of our other issues. I know it’s a little risqué,and we sometimes sail a little close to the wind, but I assure you it’s all tongue in Mobile phones on the forecourt 6cheek and I’m just trying to catch the eye and draw attention to our key feature.In the main, the vast majority of our readers that I meet tell me they really enjoy LPG: Aiding air quality 8our unique cartoons.So in this edition the main feature is “Protecting your assets” in which we cover the Fibrelite access covers 10whole range of fuel management / wetstock control services (however you choose tophrase it) from polishing and maintaining your wetstock to monitoring exactly what’s Preventing Ethanol Corrosion in tanks 12in the tank and where it’s actually going.We also cover a couple of very hot, current topics; ATEX classification – a major talking Berrys’ 3,000th eROS system 14point in the industry at the moment - and the use of mobile devices on the forecourt(Do you know the facts?). We welcome your comments on both issues. PLX one-weld transitions 15You will also see my report on the PEIMF AGM, which ran in tandem with ournetworking meeting “Working Together”. Another very successful day for PEIMF In the Frame – Clive Steel 17members to interact with each other.I hope you enjoy this edition of INSITE. Please let me know your thoughts on any of the “Working Together” 18 – 19subjects we include or keep me posted with ideas of topics to cover.And finally, I’m sure the committee members I’ve paid homage to on the front cover will Fuel filtration standards 21appreciate their inclusion. Thanks again ladies and gents for your commitment to thefederation, and also thanks to Carolyn for your work and support over the past year. Look after your fuel this winter! 23 David Honeyman Certas Energy – an overview 24 Editor Commercial fuel management from Tokheim 26 new members “Insite360” Fuel Management from Gilbarco 28 Source to exhaust Fuel Management, Triscan 30 Cameron Forecourt Management 32 Save on fuel costs, Octane 36 Protection from fuel theft, Franklin 42 Directory of PEIMF members 44-45 Fuel maintenance & management from Hytek 46 insite distribution • All PEIMF members • Site contractors • Installation, service & maintenance contractors • 100 leading forecourt groups • All major & regional oil companies • Supermarkets • Mechanical, electrical & civil engineers • Equipment manufacturers and suppliersCommittee • Petroleum/trading standards officersPresident: Joe O’Reilly Committee: • All key industry bodies - UKPia, NICEIC,Chairman: Kevin Powell Richard Henry LPGA, NMO, PRA etcDeputy Chairman: Duncan Amos Jacque WilliamsTreasurer: Darrin Francis Michelle King • Fleet managers in emergency services &General Secretary and Insite Editor: Terry Moody local authoritiesDavid Honeyman Kirk MainTechnical Officer: Phil Monger Bob Burnard • Fuel distributorsHonorary Members: Ian BurnsJeff Young Anton Martiniussen • Commercial fuel users; marinas, industry,Steve Devine Siobhan Keogh airports etcMalcolm Hogg Annual advertising rates Whole Page £2170 Half Page £1085 Quarter Page £545All enquiries for membership, editorial and advertising Front Cover Illustration Insite is the official magazine of theshould be made to: Brian Sage Petroleum Equipment Installers and Maintenance Federation. SuppliedDavid Honeyman • PEIMF • PO Box 152 articles from outside the FederationGravesend • Kent • DA12 1ZZ may not be the policy of PEIMF. TheTelephone: 01474 321999 PEIMF accepts no responsibility forEmail: [email protected] these articles howsoever implied or stated in relation to any third company or individual. Advertisers and the suppliers of contributed articles are asked to ensure that material submitted is fair and accurate at all times. The Editor reserves the right to amend or withdraw such material which may not comply with this request after consultation.
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Diesel now classified as flammable: shouldyour equipment be Atex certified?tell us your thoughtsThere has been a considerable amount of discussion around the industry of late, concerning the re-classification of substances asflammable. This is largely due to the recent increase in the upper flashpoint for flammable liquid from 55°C to 60°C.The question of whether diesel dispensers, and associated equipment, now require ATEX certification seems to be a subject of muchdebate. Here is an excerpt from the relevant DSEAR code of practice, to help shed some light on the subject.Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 The debate surroundingApproved Code of Practice and guidance : L138 the use of non-ATEX approved dieselInformation on Hazardous properties dispensers continues with bodies such as the99 The increased alignment in the EU CLP Regulation (classification, labelling and packaging) (no HSE and standards1272/2008) towards a globally harmonised system of classification and labelling of substances bodies. We at the PEIMFand mixtures has led to a number of substances now meeting the criteria for classification as welcome your commentsflammable. This is partly because the upper flashpoint for flammable liquid has been increased and we will soon befrom 55°C to 60°C. The changes mean that for example, diesel, gas oil and light heating oils are approaching you classified as flammable liquids. We would then be pleased to publish your100 However, many substances so classified may in fact not normally present a significant risk of thoughts and questionsfire as stored. Employers should adopt a proportionate approach in considering whether there are on the matter.any justifiable further measures needed in addition to those widely used before this change, giventhat the risk itself has not changed.What’s on! APRIL JUNEin 2016... 6th or PRA meeting, 14th to UNITI expo 7th North East 16th Stuttgart, GermanyFEBRUARY 12th to Data Centre World AUGUST9th to International Petroleum 13th Excel, London 18th PEIMF committee meeting11th Week, London 18th to Convenience Retail Show, 20th NEC, Birmingham SEPTEMBER25th PEIMF Committee meeting25th PRA meeting 20th to FPS 8th Forecourt & Fuel Roadshow Amex Stadium, Brighton 21st Exhibition Centre, Liverpool Westpoint Centre, ExeterMARCH 26th to CV Show OCTOBER 28th NEC, Birmingham3rd PRA meeting 6th Forecourt & Fuel Roadshow, Stormont Hotel, Belfast MAY Sketchley Grange Hotel,10th PRA meeting 4th or PRA meeting NOVEMBER Future Inn, Plymouth 5th East Midlands 17th Forecourt & Fuel Roadshow17th Forecourt & Fuel Roadshow 11th Scottish Forecourt & Fuel Cedar Court Hotel, Wakefield Cottons Hotel, Knutsford, Show, Larkhall, Lanarkshire Manchester DECEMBER 16th to Petroforum 17th Alicante, Spain 1st PEIMF Annual General Meeting 18th PEIMF committee meeting Dates and venues confirmed Dec 2015 22nd David’s birthday To contribute to What’s on! contact: [email protected] Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 5
mobile phones on the forecourt:grasping the nettle!The Forecourt Equipment Federation (FEF) possible to ignite petrol with a radio signal. to a position where the public will beis the representative body for equipment This is followed by the discussion on the encouraged to use their mobilemanufacturers, and their service divisions, risks associated with the phone vibrate phone/device just a short distance awayserving the UK retail fuel delivery market. function, the backlight switching on, and from the very same warning sign. So howIt provides a forum for the industry to the risk of the battery falling out and can that suddenly be ok??share and exchange information on sparking as it hits the floor. Add to this ofdevelopments in the fuel delivery process course the various video clips available on In the absence of any other UK guidanceand aims to be an authoritative voice on the internet - including the one which on the subject of payment at the pump,industry issues. demonstrates how to ignite a dash of petrol using some of the “21st Century” payment using a mobile phone, a frying pan, cotton methods, the FEF have opted to createThey have produced a document, which wool, and some crumpled tin foil (The FEF its own guide:provides recommendations for the design, would advise not to try this at home!!)installation, and operation of systems which Guidance to Site Operators, Manufacturersallow payment to be made at the fuel Are you paying attention? and Installation Companies on Paymentdispenser using arrangements which at the Pump Systems which incorporateincorporate the use of portable electronic Many within the industry also understand the use of Portable Electronic Devices.devices, including mobile smart phones. that the prime risks of using mobile phonesWhilst aimed at Filling Stations open to the on a petrol filling station are those The intention is to help manufacturers,general public for the fuelling of motor associated with distraction - for example the installers and operators of these paymentvehicles, this guidance may also be of use motorist not paying full attention whilst systems in performing their own riskon private installations or other fuel refuelling, or not paying attention to moving assessments.dispensing operations. vehicles. Whether We have seen some internet articles whichHere is their summary of the document, © Shell it results in them simply dismiss the explosion riskswhich is available to view online at associated with the use of mobile filling their shoes on forecourts. The FEF does not take this with petrol or being approach. The FEF do not endorse the useWe have entered a world of contactless hit by a moving car. of any non-explosion protected devicespayment and online payment, where a large It’s not a pleasant within potentially explosive atmospheres.percentage of the population carry a mobile scenario. So what we have done is spenddevice, which can perform significantly considerable time, in conjunction with themore than just make phone calls. It is For many years, European Trade Association CECOD,hardly surprising that some of this petrol pumps in the working on a careful review of thetechnology is heading towards petrol filling UK have carried a hazardous areas which are likely to existstations, and is becoming available at the warning sign before, during and after dispensing fuel intopump. And there’s the dilemma. indicating not to a vehicle. Most other existing UK guidance use mobile phones has only focused on the explosion safetyMention the use of mobile phones near on the forecourt. Sopetrol pumps, and the conversation quickly now the industry isturns to explosions, and whether it is really potentially headingPage 6 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
requirements for fixed electrical equipment Here are some extracts from the FEF guidance:on forecourts – effectively looking at theoverall average periods for which vapour Whilst it is difficult to predict the type of Existing industry guidance on attended sitemay be present. systems which will be introduced, the operation, and unmanned site operation, Code of Practice relates to payment by remains valid and must be consulted.The FEF guide also brings to the attention of mobile devices based on :the reader additional distraction risks which Early systems in other parts of the worldpayment at the pump with a mobile device • Barcode/ QR code scanning have exhibited problems. It is importantmay bring, and possible steps that could be that systems designers consider carefully:taken to reduce these risks. These include • Bluetooth, near field communications,performing an assessment of phone signal RFID, or similar radio signal based systems • How to clearly define which dispensercoverage on the site prior to will be involved in the transaction.purchasing/installing a system which • Communications with a remote host byrequires such communication, or to avoid phone call, text message, email, or • How to deal with motorists moving to athe use of an application where the applications (Apps). different dispenser.motorist would be targeted withadvertisements on their mobile device The Code of Practice aims to provide • How to deal with any zero transactions.whilst refuelling. guidance to promote • How to deal with any “nozzle fumbling”The FEF does not in any way endorse that it • safe system designs which continue to during grade now ok to make calls or use a mobile acknowledge the safety considerationsdevice whilst dispensing fuel. We believe that the current mobile phone warnings • Consider timeouts at the end of athat the FEF guidance does not conflict with on fuel dispensers address today, transaction to prevent the nextanything currently written in the Blue Book motorist’s transaction being charged.or the Red Guide, and that all current • that the use of any additionalguidance on the use of mobile phones on equipment is compliant with all relevant • Systems should provide facilities or datapetrol filling stations remains valid. regulatory requirements, that assists in resolving disputes. Consideration should be made as toJust the icon of a mobile phone with a red • that any modifications to existing what logs may need to be kept, andcross through it may need a little more dispensers ensures their continued where, as disputes are more likely toexplanation to the general public. compliance with all relevant regulatory occur at some significant time after a requirements, transaction took place. • to highlight some areas for The full guide can be viewed at consideration in the design of systems, beyond those related to public safety We at the PEIMF welcome your commentsTHETOTALSYSTEM SOLUTIONAt Franklin Fueling Systems, we take an integrated approach to petroleum equipment.From system design to on-the-job performance, our products are designed together- to work together. These integrated systems provide added performance bene ts.Bene ts like faster and safer installation times, watertight containment withzero leak paths, and complete system control so you can run your station asef ciently as possible.Visit to nd out more. TOTAL - We represent the industry’s most complete product offering.SYSTEM - We believe in providing added performance through system integration.SOLUTIONS - We solve problems with total cost of ownership in mind. Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 7
With air quality on the aAir quality is a cause for concern, “The supply chain and infrastructure for the Duncan Amos,especially in urban areas. According to a road user is as good as it’s ever been, and Managing Director of MDMrecent DEFRA report, light-duty diesel LPG can now be obtained from a large Services (incorporating LP Gasvehicles “had not delivered the expected number of retail forecourts in the UK.emission reductions in real world use.” As well as reduced emissions, LPG is less “As confidence in traditional carbonThis is compared to the low levels expensive than petrol, making it a cost based fuels becomes eroded, we believeachieved by Euro 6 HGV trucks and buses, effective option for fleet operators such that the benefits of LPG, as a clean andwhich are already having a discernible as councils, taxis and local home delivery greener alternative will be recognisedbenefit on air quality in the UK. services. High mileage private motorists more widely,”The developments to extend AdBlue to can also benefit.” “There is a growing body of evidence forsmaller vehicles are still ongoing. LPG to increase its market share, enabling Operating costs covered in just 5 years cars and light duty commercial vehiclesThe UKLPG Association is pushing to become an accepted as low emissionautomotive LPG as a strong partner for “A typical depot storage tank takes up very vehicles.”future technologies. It has significant scope little space and, if necessary, it can beto work with fuel cells, plug-in hybrids and funded through savings in operating costs. At Greenhouse Gas FiguresAPU types. They say that a hybrid solution current LPG prices, the estimated savings forincluding LPG could be applied, for a fleet of ten vehicles, covering an average Another advocate is the 2015 Europeanexample, as an alternative to lessen the 100,000 miles a year, would pay back the Fuel Quality Directive which places LPG asimpact of higher emissions due to London’s initial capital cost within just five years.” part of the solution to decarbonising thetaxis and delivery vans. transport sector in Europe. All fuel types are given a greenhouse gas (GHG) intensityPEIMF member, MDM Services (along with figure. This figure is calculated on a life-sister company LP Gas UK) are leading cycle basis, meaning that the emissionssuppliers of installation and maintenance from the extraction, processing andservices within the LPG & autogas refuelling distribution of fuels are included. The EUsector. Duncan Amos is M.D and offers us has set a target to reduce the greenhousehis help on this major issue affecting the gas intensity of fuels and clearly LPG canmotor industry. play a part in this.“The recent diesel emissions scandal has The Well-to-Wheel figure calculated for LPGstrengthened the case for a review of is considerably lower than other fuels:cleaner fuel options. Encouraging the useof dual-fuel petrol/LPG for light duty cars • Diesel is 29.2% higher than LPGand vans would not only be a quick andeasy way to improve emissions figures, but • Petrol is 26.8% higher than LPGit would also help the automotive sectorregain some ground in the green image This major recognition of LPG, along withstakes.” he says. the significant air quality advantages over even Euro 6 diesel vehicles, is now part of UKLPG sector’s lobbying message.Page 8 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
genda – lpg is an optionWhat is lpg? Propane can be supplied in cylinders or in MDM Services has the expertise and the bulk for storage in tanks at the resources needed to respond to requirementsLPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is the customers’ premises. for increased capacity and infrastructure.generic name for commercial propane Scheduled maintenance is also provided toand commercial butane to BS4250 or In the UK, LPG for autogas is nearly 100% keep existing installations in a safe andLPG Autogas to EN589. These are propane, whilst in some European efficient condition, as specified by the LPGA’shydrocarbon products produced by the oil countries, the blend of Propane /Butane Codes of Practice relating to the installation,and gas industries. Commercial Propane as an autogas product, can vary storage and dispensing of liquid LPG forpredominantly consists of hydrocarbons significantly throughout the year autogas. For more information go tocontaining three carbon atoms, mainly or contact LP Gas UK directpropane (C3H8). Please refer to UKLPG for more information on 01633 274433 Butane (C4H10)predominantly consists of hydrocarbonscontaining four carbon atoms, mainlyn- and iso- butanes .They have the special property ofbecoming liquid at atmospherictemperature if moderately compressed,and reverting to gases when the pressureis sufficiently reduced. Advantage is takenof this property to transport and storethese products in the liquid state, in whichthey are roughly 250 times as dense asthey are when gases. Butane is usuallysupplied to customers in cylinders. ® developed byTHE INNOVATIVE PIPE PROTECTION SYSTEMPIPEVAC® creates a vacuum around the pipe substrate, preventing corrosion occurring PIPEVAC® is a robust, corrosion prevention, monitoring and leak detection system, utilising vacuum technology for the ultimate protection of pipelines under most service conditions.PIPEVAC® prevents external corrosion on both above and PIPEVAC® prevents external corrosion frombelow ground pipelines, due to the unique vacuum system taking place due to the unique nature of the vacuum system, this also allows for complete monitoring of the pipeline. PIPEVAC® is a versatile system, and can be installed onto in-service pipelines in areas of hydrocarbon risk, without the need for heat or naked flames.PIPEVAC® vacuum system gives PIPEVAC® can be applied in either PIPEVAC® can be installed onto above or belowimmediate feedback to the user a factory environment, or in the ground pipelines that are currently in-service, or new pipelines in a factory environment. of internal corrosion field, for total flexibilityPlease also see our Fuelvac® installation process and Hydrochloric Acid project presentation videos on our Tel: +44(0)191 543 Email: [email protected] Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 9
With fibrelite access coversyou’ve got health & safety covered!Designed to be a ‘fit-and-forget’ product, Fibrelite’s FRP compositemanhole covers and modular trench panels come in all load ratingsfrom A15 to F900 and are maintenance-free, durable and very strong.However, they can also help eliminate a number of common, andoften quite serious, health and safety issues?Best Strength to Weight Ratio compounds, such as salt. So by choosing a Avoiding Electrostatic DischargeFibrelite composite access covers are composite cover, you are avoiding the risk ofengineered and manufactured here in the lacerations, slips, trips and potentially Electrostatic discharge always needs to beUK. Independent testing to BS EN 124 serious falls caused by metal or concrete properly controlled in the workplace andcriteria demonstrates that they also surpass covers rusting or crumbling. As every Health especially in areas that are also open to thethe relevant class conditions for deflection & Safety Manager knows, these constitute public. Potential electrostatic dischargingunder load. This commitment to product the majority of general accidents, so can be eliminated by using a “fullyexcellence means Fibrelite covers have the non-slip treads can be moulded into conductive” composite cover which uses avery best strength to weight ratio available Fibrelite covers during manufacture. metalized fibre within the moulding processin the market today. to achieve electrical continuity across the Also independent testing has demonstrated entire surface of the cover. These coversSafer Manual Handling that these covers exceed the advisory exceed the surface resistivity requirementsBy definition, the majority of access covers regulations even when wet - as Holmes of PAS26 and while the standard calls for aare lifted - sometimes frequently. While confirmed: maximum value of 1 KΩ/cm² these achievetraditional metal or concrete covers are a value of 0.0144 KΩ/cm².”heavy and may require specialist “Our finished covers exceed the minimumequipment, making lifting time-consuming slip resistance requirement of BS Avoiding Hot Metal or Steam Burnsand expensive, composites are different. EN124/PAS26, HA104/09: Part 5 and theDavid Holmes, Fibrelite Technical Director UK HSE minimum slip resistance guidelines In some industries, such as thermal energy,explained when tested in accordance with BS metal access covers can get very hot as they“As well as being lightweight, typically a third EN13036-4:2011. This makes them a safer conduct nearly all the heat below through toof the weight of metal or concrete, our alternative to concrete or metal whatever their surface. The thermal gradient propertiescovers are designed for safe lifting, having the weather conditions.” of a composite steam cover significantlyup to two lifting points for ergonomic lifting reduce the risk of burns as the surfacehandles. Just one or two people can move No risk of Theft temperature is typically only ever slightlythem quickly and easily without risk of back above ambient temperature. In fact, the bestinjury or crushed fingers or toes.” There is no risk of theft with a Fibrelite high-quality Fibrelite steam covers maintainNo risk of Lacerations from Rust composite cover, as composites have no their cool-to-touch properties and ability toComposite covers have an inherent resale value in the scrap market - so no support vehicular loads, even when pushedresistance to corrosion, so are an obvious dangerous, uncovered holes in the ground. to a test temperature of 400°F (204°C).choice where water, wastewater or corrosive Locks and restraining bolts are alsoliquids are involved. This also makes them available for added security. And as the To find out more, please visitideal where the underground infrastructure covers can be moulded in virtually any protection from external corrosive colour or colour combination they can be colour-coded to identify specific underground services and ensure the right trench is opened.Page 10 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
Expect morefrom AncorraAccredited by the British Standards Institute (BSI) to ensure you thebest quality, environmentally sound and safe provision of our full rangeof in house forecourt services, including:•••••••• •••FS 597420 EMS 597423 OHS 599893 Ancorra House, Hammond Road, Knowlsey Industrial Park, Merseyside L33 7ULFind out more: tel 0151 546 3012 fax 0151 548 7200
preventing ethanol corrosion in storage tanksWith the introduction of Ethanol into fuel, to Problems for tanks and terminals to the stored fuel - or alternatively install areduce greenhouse gasses and lower the double skin system such as Abfad Ltd’suse of carbon fuels, there is an increasing Tank and terminal owners need to be aware Fuelvac® double skin tank liner. Thisneed to protect storage tanks from the of this and take special considerations when provides 24/7 vacuum leak detectioncorrosion caused by these bio-fuels. storing Ethanol blended products. One monitoring. Once the original steel of the particular concern is phase separation, where tank has been refurbished and coated withAdding Ethanol to fuel provides a method the Ethanol separates from the fuel; Ethanol the solvent free resin, the interstice (theof high octane for increased engine rich water sinks to the bottom and the fuel space between the original steel wall andperformance, as well as environmental and rises to the top creating an unbalanced blend, the newly installed liner) can be monitoredeconomic advantages, such as decreasing and increasing corrosion risks to the storage by creating a vacuum which is constantlyharmful emissions. An unfortunate side tank. Any existing corrosion in steel storage monitored. If breached, the operator iseffect of this is the corrosion in storage tanks will be exacerbated by the Ethanol alerted immediately. Due to the double walltanks, which causes heavy pitting and mixture and eventually lead to environmental created by the system, all stored productscarring. If left untreated, this will eventually contamination. The use of Ethanol is on the remains contained within the tank.lead to holes in the tank and product increase and is a major concern for oilleaking into the surrounding environment. companies. It is therefore extremely important This double layer of protection in storageThe higher the concentration of Ethanol in that tanks and tank components are tanks may seem unnecessary, but whenthe fuel, the greater the corrosive attacks constructed of the correct materials, suitably considered against the alternative;on certain metals, plastics and rubbers. protected and regularly maintained and expensive tank replacement, associated monitored. However even in the best major downtime, the loss of product intoWhat is Ethanol? maintained tanks this kind of corrosion can the environment and the increasing fines be a problem. that come from breaching anti-pollutionEthanol, also commonly called Ethyl laws - it pays for companies to be pro-active,Alcohol, is produced by the fermentation of What can we do? rather than reacting to a breach of the tank.sugars by yeasts and is the principal type ofalcohol found in alcoholic drinks, but is also One proven method of protecting storage Bio-fuels are here to stay, therefore thewidely used as a solvent and a fuel. It is a tanks from this aggressive type of corrosion correct storage tank protection is not onlyvolatile and flammable substance with a is to internally coat the tank; with either a necessary, but vital, to protect ourslight chemical smell and has the structural single skin, solvent free coating - resistant environment and maintain valuable assets.molecular formula C2H5OH. The use of Monitoring and lining tanks is goodEthanol as an engine fuel or fuel additive is management and enables the control ofits single largest use, and is used in varying any potential disaster.quantities throughout the world. Typicalblends are E10, containing 10% Ethanol 90% petrol, while others, such as thosewidely used in Brazil contain up to 85%Ethanol. Unlike liquid hydrocarbonshowever, Ethanol cannot be shippedthrough pipelines, due to the way it can mixwith water and create a homogenoussolution, increasing its corrosiveness.Because Ethanol is both flammable andcan cause problems with its surroundingenvironment, it is crucial to protect theintegrity of pipelines and storage tanks fromthe corrosion it causes.Page 12 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
“JET/SPAR dual branding has boosted our takings from £8,000 to £20,000 a week with a 10% ’’increase in fuel sales! Brian Connolly, Maybole Service StationIf we can do this for Brian, why don't you give us a call OpOpfaffafirirctctinianaelel rfrfuuooeeffllor, to read more about Brian’s story and other successfulJET dealers visit us on 01926 404 333 or email [email protected];what we offer might surprise you.JourneywithJET @JETPetrol
berrys sell 3,000th eros systemHinged vent pipe achieves The costs and time normally associated eliminated - ensuring a quick return ofmassive success with the annual inspection of the pressure investment in year one. The EROS is vacuum (PV) valve are completely offered in three variants, 2”, 3” and theBerrys Technologies has reached a “cranked” (off set) design. This allowsmilestone with its EROS (Easy Riser) installation close to a boundary or buildingVent system, with the 3,000th unit having but “cranks” the vent and PV valve awayrecently been sold into Malaysia. The from the boundary and back into theEROS was brought to the UK market in forecourt zone.2004 and since its inception has beenspecified by 95% of the UK market. The EROS is used globally by various oil companies and supermarket groups as wellThe EROS system allows the vent pipe for as being on the Shell Global Designfuel storage tanks to be hinged and the Specification as standard equipment forvent pipe brought down to a workable both new builds and existing sites. EROSheight. This means that any maintenance, has been installed in a number of countriesor to inspect or change the pressure across Europe, the Middle East and Asiavacuum valve, can be done without the and in Australia and South Africa withneed to work at height. The EROS system constant interest from new territorieshas been hailed by the HSE (Health & almost on a daily basis.Safety Executive) as a major contributor todecreased incidents of injury associated Further information on Berrys and EROSwith working at height. From an operations can be found at www.berrys.comperspective, the EROS can be operated bythe nominated maintenance company oreven site personnel if required.Berrys EROS in action - bringing valve changing down to earthour tribute to tom hockingOn behalf of everyone at Berrys, we feel that it is important to try and put into words ourheartfelt gratitude for all of the hard work and dedication that you have given this firm forover two decades.Your presence in the industry and the high regard that you are held in by your peers speaksvolumes. You have inspired everyone in the firm and you have allowed us to achieve areputation for quality and service. Congratulations on your retirement and we wish you allthe best in bringing down your golf handicap.The team at BerrysComment from our EditorTom has been a fantastic supporter of the PEIMF and the industry over many years and will bemissed by his many friends and colleagues. Enjoy your retirement Tom.Page 14 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
plx launches one-weld transitionsDurapipe UK is enhancing its specialist Commenting on the range expansion, A leadingfuel conveyance pipe system, PLX, with David Naylor, PLX brand manager, said: manufacturerthe launch of a new collection of ‘one- of plasticweld’ transitions for its Close-Fit range, “We are always looking to make the pipeworkaiding the installation process for installation of our systems as simple as solutions,installers, contractors and end users. possible for customers and the new Durapipe UKIntroduced to simplify the multiple steps transitions have been developed with the has seen itscurrently required to weld transitions, the installer in mind. The ‘one-weld technology systemsnew products allow the installer to reduce will significantly reduce installation time, successfully installed for building servicesthe number of welds at the end of a pipe which is not only an advantage for the and industrial applications in projectsrun, making significant savings on installer, but the end user will also benefit worldwide for 60 years. Durapipe UK is ainstallation time and costs. from the subsequent cost savings. We have proud member of the British Plastics already received a lot of interest in the new Federation (BPF) Plastic Pipes Group (PPG),Previously only available in 32#40mm size, transitions and we are expecting them to the leading trade association representingthe transitions are now available in sizes be a popular addition to the range.” manufacturers and material suppliers of50#63mm and 63#75mm in a choice of plastic piping systems in the UK. PPGmild steel or stainless steel. The transitions Specifically for forecourts Member companies have a responsibilityutilise innovative ‘one-weld’ technology to to the industry to ensure productsensure that a continuous secondary Durapipe PLX is a below ground pipework manufactured meet the needs of thecontained system is installed, by welding product range specifically developed to fulfil application they are intended for. Inthe inner and outer pipes in a secondary the application needs of the forecourt market. addition, PPG members fully supportcontained system at the same time. The PLX range consists of both single wall and compliance with standards, ensuring dual contained pipe and fittings and is confidence in installers and end users.Ideal for time critical projects, the new purpose-designed for the safe transfer of liquidtransitions enhance the Close-Fit PLX range fuels and their vapours. Providing exceptional For further information on Durapipe PLXand are suitable for a wide variety of fuel resistance to rapid crack propagation and long or any other products within the Durapipetransfer applications in sectors including term stress cracking, PLX comprises a UK portfolio please call 01543 279909 ordata centres, hospitals, forecourts and protective liner, which increases permeation visit treatment plants. resistance against many types of fuel blends ensuring there is no permeation of fuel through the pipe wall into the environment. Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 15
NEW LOOK, BEST QUALITYSLIMLINE PETROL PUMP HOSESELAFLEX LTD.Riverside HousePlumpton RoadHoddesdonHerts EN11 OPA, U.K.Phone +44 (0) 1992 /45 29 50Fax +44 (0) 1992 /45 29 11E-Mail
in the frame - Clive steelIn this edition, we’re delighted to feature years with AIR-serv as sales & marketing And for the car wash business?Clive Steel, Managing Director, AIR-serv UK director and then two years to the present& Ireland. day with AIR-serv as managing director. I think car washing will detach itself from (Phew! Ed) the PFS and smarter alternative use will beClive, how did you find yourself in this made of the land the wash sits on. Morebusiness? Which role have you enjoyed most? standalone wash centres will evolve, the hand wash business will probably smartenI first met David Evans of Amoco, who gave I would never stay in a position that I didn’t itself up to compete at every level and theme an opportunity to get into Filling station enjoy, but one job stands out - the retail rollover wash will be in controlled descent tomanagement at two very busy sites in manager’s role for Repsol. I supported both some degree.Rochester Kent in the late 70’s, and I’ve company-owned sites and dealers. I went toworked in the fuel industry now for 38 work happy and came home happy! And is Air-serv preparing for it?years. God that makes me feel old!!Don’t ever ask me this again…. Tell us about your present job AIR-serv is not a wash business, it is a vending tyre inflation company with theTalk us through your career Running a market-leading business comes added complement of car vacuums and jet with its challenges. You bring together all washes. We are most certainly prepared forSo started as a site Supervisor for Amoco the skills you’ve leaned over the years to the future and have three diverse projects38 years ago. Then various field keep the company at the top of the game; on the go, of which two are for the roles over 16 years with managing growth plans and strategies We are always looking for opportunities andAmoco and Elf. I resigned when I had gone along with that all important bottom line, we know where we want to be five far as the oil company would allow me. whilst our goals and objectives are ongoing.Six years with Repsol (two years as OPS What do you feel have been your biggestmanager and four years as retail manager); It is important to me to have a team spirit achievements (modesty allowed)?one year with Anglo as general manager across all our departments and we do have(not a pleasant experience); one year a great team at AIR-serv both office and From a career angle, I always wanted thatconsulting, selling and operating service field based. senior director’s position, but never for onestations; six years with Malthurst as OPS moment expected to end up where I ammanager (joined at 50 sites, left when they What have been the most significant today. I’m thankful for the opportunity.had 280); three years with Htec (two as changes in the fuel industry and valeting From a family angle – it’s my marriage ofsales & service director); one year with business during your time? 35 years and my two fantastic children,JetSet as interim MD, I then sold JetSet to both now flown the nest.AIR-serv on behalf of Universe Group; three For the fuel industry it has been the exit of the oil companies no longer wanting to own Where do you see yourself in say, sites. I can’t help but wonder why they have 10 years? decided to exit! For the wash industry it’s been the demise of the rollover wash and Hopefully in good health and semi-retired, development of hand car washing. I believe but still in the industry, part time perhaps, the automatic wash can still have its day, and helping anyone who needs the support. but not on a service station. And in your spare time? What do you think the future holds for the fuels industry? I don’t get a lot of spare time but have spent the last few years developing my Interesting times ahead, and who can bungalow and its largish garden (my wife’s a predict the future beyond 2/3 years? patient lady). I should complete this project With merging markets, changing buying by the end of next summer. habits, the development of Hydrogen and electric cars, it will take real entrepreneurs After this who knows, I will need another to get their business through the next project as I get bored very quickly!! 10 years. Within our industry the indies are demonstrating they have required foresight Your philosophy of life is….? to move quickly when required. Always treat people how you expect to be treated and remember, if you don’t “What Goes Around Comes Around.” Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 17
What a difference a day makes!Phhiliesnatuhdraiellnincge The “ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING”– three words to chill the bones of any seasoned trade eventer; so having been set the task of generating interest, and attendance to, our annual AGM in Walsall last year, we came up with the concept of a networking meeting “Working Together”. This comprised short individual member presentations plus breakout sessions, following on from the committee work.Well last year certainly proved a success, Terry in full flowand it was with great anticipation thatwe arrived at the venue in December for Dave Berry keeping an eye on things and the effects of pricethe latest AGM. And what a brilliant day changes. These new developmentsit was. It’s a shame if you missed it, “Working Together” enable Fairbanks to utilise historic data andand with over 30 members, representing approach new markets.their various companies, the turnout Phil Monger, our Technical Officer,was excellent. outlined his value and importance to the Mark Orr from LCM Environmental asked us PEIMF, with an in-depth presentation of to Love your fuel” His demonstration of howThey came from far and wide; two members the TEN committees and trade bodies a jar of red diesel sample looked fine andall the way from bonny Scotland, Siobhan he represents us on. This really clear, but under test conditions, proved veryagain took a flight from Dublin, we had demonstrated how important and influential contaminated was an eye opener. Heseveral Welsh and even a couple from the the PEIMF has become in the industry. outlined the potential frailty of engines inrepublic of Cornwall. new vehicles, when running on new fuels. Safety supremo Terry Moody (Global Health Fuel retailers need to be alert to theThe functional business of the day was & Safety Director at Gilbarco) updated us on cleanliness of their fuel and have a duty ofcompleted over the first couple of hours. the current situation for the Safety Passport care to their customers. Fuel is as vital asThe annual accounts showed great Scheme, where there are now an amazing their pasties they sell!increases in both advertising and 20,000 holders yet renewals are amembership revenues, a terrific increase perennial problem. Consequently PRNSG, Steven Stirrat, representing Nupi in Europein membership numbers, a reduction in who develop and maintain the scheme, are explained how their pipe welding unitrunning costs, and a healthy balance at the considering various new ways of presenting carries a smart card which logs all the datafinancial year end. Accounts are available the training to the industry. from the engineer’s work. There is completefor any members to look at. transparency when it comes to the work Individual member presentations then completed and enables Nupi to offerThe impending retirements of Barry covered a whole raft of industry products excellent guarantees.Dewhurst and industry legend Tom Hocking and services.from Berrys meant that we could effectively In insurance “the devil’s in the detail.” Peterrecruit a couple of new committee Gareth Jenkins of Fairbanks Environmental Jackaman from Jackaman Insurance wantsmembers, and we are delighted to welcome presented their Service Station manager to prove that insurance companies in theJacque Williams (keeping the Berrys flag 365 and margin manager products. London market can meet the needs of thisflying in the federation) and Kirk Main from Their system now covers a whole range industry. He has many insurance backers tothe Premier Group. We look forward to of wetstock management; from the cover your fleet, property and hazardoustheir input. identification of leaks to stock monitoring products. His site visits are free and you will be left comprehensive information.Duncan Amos of MDM Services was elected Importantly, two of our committee membersas vice Chairman, and will take over from recommended his services very highly.Kevin Powell at the next AGM, after histwo year tenure in the role. Good luck Duncan.A special item added to the agenda coveredthe new ATEX classification of diesel storageand dispensing equipment, following theraising of the flammable flashpoint.We shall be writing to all members to askfor your comments on this, and you canread more in the article in this edition.Following a break, we sat down for the nextstage in precedings.Page 18 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
Working Together- an Agm with a difference Meet the committee Jennie Riding from Ancorra Ian Burns Kevin Powell Terry MoodyPumptronics manufacture and sell Bob Burnand Duncan Amos Anton Martiniussenstainless steel commercial andcommercial retail fuel pumps. Siobhan KeoghThey are particularly strong invertical commercial fuel business,for example specialising in marinegrade steel. Mick Navesey saidthat they can even supply pumpswhich dispense in kilos. Thissmall, approachable companybased in Norfolk are part of thePremier Group and are leading the wayin ATEX approvals on their equipment.Kevin Powell, MD of Ledbury Welding, updated us on his 2014 Phil Monger Kirk Main Richard Henrypresentation of their first modular filling station in Derbyshire.He described the various issues they had to overcome before itwent live after just two weeks. Operationally it went in very wellworking with, among others, PEIMF members Berrys andTokheim, and is currently running at four million litres a year.They are monitoring the site and are looking to totally developthe whole concept utilising their UK and European patents.“Grinding sludge waste” is maybe not the most glamorous Jacque Williams Darrin Francis Michelle Kingsounding of titles, but Jennie Riding of Ancorra Environmentalwas proudly demonstrating their environmental andsustainability award presented by the Liverpool BusinessChamber for their work on a specific project for a well knownmotor manufacturer. After just two successful years of trading,Ancorra have seen their turnover grow to a very impressive twomillion pounds and they are undertaking more and more work inthe forecourt sector.New Committee Member Jacque Williams (MD of Berrys) say “Please clean our fuel” he says “How clean do you want it?”presented a potted history of Berrys, describing how their have That seemed to set the cat amongst the pigeons and we closed thedeveloped into being stockists, distributor and manufacturer. morning with a lively debate on the subject. The PEIMF will definitelyThis is a particularly important period for Berrys as they be exploring the whole debate over fuel quality over the coming years.approach their 50th anniversary and we were delighted to bejoined by founder, Dave Berry. Jacque spoke very highly of Tom So the involvement of members was great and feedback wasHocking on his retirement. very positive. We’re now looking forward to an exciting year for the PEIMF and our members, and we aim to build on the successAnd last but not least, Darrin Francis of Tankcare continued the of “Working Together” at next year’s gathering.theme of fuel quality by outlining how important it is for theindustry to develop better fuel standards and fuel testing Thanks to all who took part.standards. He raised the intriguing question for fuel stockists who David Honeyman, General Secretary Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 19
www.risbridger.comFLANGED t tanklids State of the art VAPOUR RECOVERY Retro t and New build OVERFILL PREVENTION and loss REDUCTIONRisbridger Ltd., 25 Trowers Way, Redhill, Surrey. RH1 2LH. UK +44 (0) 8456 442323 Email: [email protected] PRODUCT WARRANTYNUPI Industrie Italiane is a recognised global leader in the manufacture ofHigh Density Polyethylene (HDPE) thermoplastic piping and containmentsystems for more than 40 yearsWhen you think piping....thi k ...Page 20 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
setting standards for fuel filtrationPEIMF member TankCare UK (the service to the atmosphere. The process of removing noticed. Today’s biodiesel fuels have soarm of Oil Tank Supplies) specialises in the sulphur from diesel changed the much more microbial growth, that the acidprotecting fuel storage tanks from chemistry of the fuel. Firstly, the reduction levels are reaching such a state within acorrosion, by implementing its industry of the natural lubricity normally found in year or so, that corrosion occurs in theapproved testing and sampling services, pre-ULSD diesel (causing more wear and diesel infrastructure.combating the threat posed by biofuels. tear on diesel engines). This was addressed SAE updated their standard to address theTheir reputation is such, that they manage by adding lubricity back into the fuel with great increase in the amount of emulsified“The Fuel Accreditation Scheme” for the additives. Also, although not noticed initially, water absorbed in ULSD and biodieselFederation of Petroleum Suppliers (FPS). the water in the fuel had become much blends. SAE tested the efficiency of filters toHere Tankcare explain how we’ve reached more tightly held to the ULSD than before. remove the tightly bound emulsified waterthe present filtration requirements. from these fuels. The removal/control of the Traditional filters lost a great deal of emulsified water also controls the microbialThe key method of safeguarding a fuel efficiency in removing water from diesel. growth, such that acidification is no longerstorage facility against fuel contamination In addition, the additives used to bring an issue in these treated to install a fuel filtration system, coupled lubricity back to the fuel reduced thewith on-line monitoring of fuel delivered interfacial tension between diesel and Test procedureand stored. water. This meant that the water could more Up to 2500 ppm emulsified water is easily mix with the diesel. Less of the water injected into diesel with an interfacialWhen deciding on the type and make of fuel in storage tanks was free standing on the tension of 15 mN/m, similar to biodieselfiltration system to install, the best starting bottom, and more was absorbed into the blends available today, and then the fuel ispoint is to look at the most up to date fuel itself. With biodiesel fuels, the filtered to provide an efficiency rating of thestandard for fuel/water filtration. When a interfacial tension is much lower, and filter’s capability of removing the emulsifiedproblem affects a whole industry, standards volumes of emulsified water absorbed are water. Since OEM manufacturers of gensetsare implemented to address that issue. dramatically higher. have a warranty based on 200 ppm waterWhen a new problem impacts an existing or less, filters need at least an efficiencystandard, it is updated to present a solution. Microbial growth in pre-ULSD fuel was rating of 92% or better to protect the limited, as most of the emulsified water in infrastructure.SAE J1488 is the industry standard “To the fuel precipitated out to become free Tankcare’s sampling procedures anddetermine the ability of a fuel/water standing water on the bottom. Conversely, on-line reporting systems allow clients toseparator to separate emulsified or finely biodiesel blends absorb much more water, easily access information and responddispersed water from fuels.” This standard and the emulsified water is so tightly held quickly to issues as they arise. In addition,is revised as required and the most recent that it remains emulsified throughout the when adopting the periodic sampling andrevision can be found at SAE J1488 volume of the diesel. This means that testing service (every three months as per201010 Compliance and the Prevention of microbes now have a much greater volume industry recommendations) the results willInfrastructure Corrosion in ULSD and to grow in, such that there is an explosion of be trended using bespoke software.Biodiesel Storage microbial growth in biodiesel blends. Contact Tankcare for further information; the latest Revision? A small percentage of the microbes produce Tel: 01386 842891 acid; in pre-ULSD fuel it was such a smallWater is a fact of life in diesel storage. amount, acidic levels were rarelyWater in the fuel can cause a host ofproblems; damaging diesel engines andenhancing microbial growth (which can clogfilters and shut down gensets). In pre-ULSDdiesel, practically 100% of water wasefficiently removed by filters, eitherabsorbent or coalescing, and byimplementing good tank housekeepingprocedures, such as draining the water fromthe bottom of the tanks as required.ULSD (Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel) wasintroduced to combat the hugeenvironmental impact of adding sulphur Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 21
The Ultimate Above Ground Petrol Storage SystemForecourt Style Simultaneous Vehicle Fuelling • Petrol-Diesel 4, 6 or 8 Dispensing Pumps up to 200,000 litres • Permanent/Semi-permanent, Manned/Un-manned • True Secondary Containment – 4 hour Fire & Multi Hazard RatedLedbury Welding & Engineering Ltd|Herefordshire |HR8 2SR01531 632222 |[email protected] | xTemperature Compensation modifications Approved Supplier and Installer of Temptronix for Petrol, Diesel and LPG 'E/h^dΡŬŝƚƐĨŽƌh<ƌĞƚĂŝůƉƵŵƉƐ xBreakdown Maintenance & Contracts At MDM, we can supply and install ATC xLPG Calibrations kits which are pre-configured for the xAnnual AVI inspections pumps on your forecourt , making xLPG Installations installation and commissioning a xLPG Dispensers smoother operation . We can supply for xNationwide Coverage nearly every pump type that is likely to be found . Give us a call , and we willTEL +44 (0)1633 274433 advise you on the best solution to getEmail [email protected] dƌĞƚƌŽĨŝƚƚĞĚƚŽLJŽƵƌĚŝƐƉĞŶƐĞƌƐ͙ Website Ask about our Pay As You Save scheme, which PAYS you to have ATC retrofitted to your pumpsPage 22 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 MDM also provide Installation & Maintenance services to Retail Forecourts and Commercial Refueling installations, including : xSupply and Installation of Refurbished or NEW pumps . xTank Gauges and Web Based GSM Telemetry xPipework and Civils , Pump Islands , Replacement Tank Lids xDrainage Channels , Interceptors and Jet / Car Wash Bays xPump Maintenance Contracts, Planned Maintenance visits x'ƌĂĚĞŚĂŶŐĞƐΘsZ/ŶƐƉĞĐƚŝŽŶƐƉůƵƐŵƵĐŚŵŽƌĞ͙͙͙͙͘͘ [email protected] TEL 01633 277277
keep your fuel in good condition this winter!A guide from lCm’s mark orrWinter poses practical and seasonal • Check that your acco drains are clear If you’re not happy with it, send a sampleissues for anyone who has stored fuel and and readily take water (and any spilled away for analysis to see what’s wrong, soI am going to give some tips to help you fuel) to your interceptor, so that standing that it can be easily checked. Testing fuelhave a reliable fuel service this winter. water is removed. Check your interceptor for water, bacteria, particle content costs is working properly and remember to just £95 per sample and turnaround isIt used to be the case that water and fuel arrange a clean before the winter rains within a few days of receipt - so is a low costdon’t mix. Wrong! The ethanol in petrol and arrive. It is your last line of defence investment to ensure you know thethe FAME in diesel and heating oil are between any spilled fuel leaving your fuel condition of your fuel.hygroscopic so readily absorb water - and installation and causing environmentalwill continue to do so until they phase harm elsewhere. Value your fuel assetseparate from the fuel they are blendedwith, thus making the fuel unusable. Something in the air Despite the fuel price falling, fuel is still a considerable investment and it needs to beThe presence of water increases bacterial In winter, temperature fluctuations between managed carefully and you have a duty ofgrowth, which deteriorates the day and night are sometimes significant; care to the consumer if retailing. Theperformance of the fuel. It causes sludge, occasionally as much as 15 degrees. The consequences of sub-standard fuel beingwhich increases corrosion in the tank, temperature of air in the tank will change dispensed into a modern engine can beand will be evident in blocked filters and more quickly than the liquid in it. This considerable in terms of blocked filters,floating debris in the fuel. As fuel causes condensation and the water that damaged fuel injectors, poor ignition anddeteriorates it will change colour, become this generates will be absorbed by the fuel. increased wear. Euro 5 and particularlycloudy, less transparent and will smell A simple step to minimise this is to keep Euro 6 engines are very fussy about the fuelslightly musty. tanks topped up to reduce the ullage space their engines will accept and have multiple in the tank and the amount air in the tank sensors to detect particle and waterSo it is most important to keep the water out! content prior to the fuel entering the fuel Get to know your fuel pump. When high levels are read by theSteps you can easily take are: sensors the fuel management system Take a fuel sample from your tank and put it closes down to prevent damage and the• Check the integrity of all of your fuel in a clear jar, let it settle out and then view engine runs in SAFE mode. infrastructure. The easiest way is to have it. If you cannot access your tank then take your tank and fuel lines tested so you if from the nozzle. You will learn a lot. Reputation can be affected and know everything is tight. compensation costs high when fuel Fuel should be: goes wrong.• Standing water increases corrosion and will cause metal and seals to deteriorate • Clear and bright Help is available! far more quickly when submerged, than in a well aired chamber. When water • Have nothing floating around in it or LCM Environmental has a reliable and cost freezes it expands and will cause settlement on the bottom of the sample effective fuel quality management damage, so make sure to empty programme that is available to forecourt, chambers and keep them clean and • Be able to read some text through it industrial and logistic companies. We are debris free. available to help and advise. Take a photo of it and store it.• Visibly check that the infrastructure Call : 01884 841387 and talk to one of our looks sound. See if corrosion has Periodically (say monthly or bi-monthly) fuel specialists. increased and rusting has caused flaking repeat the process. If there are noticeable on vent lines, offset fill lines and around changes DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Fuel suction lines. does not self improve! Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 23
Certas energy: fuel suppliers withquality, endurance and passionCertas Energy is a formidable force in and position ourselves as the natural • Flexible contracts; we like to say ‘yes’!retail fuel and we’re delighted that they champion of the independent dealer sector.share here an overview of their position Flexibility is a key attribute that we’re really • First class delivery service and ain the industry. proud of, we are strong advocates of pricing committed team of Retail experts transparency, and are one of only a handfulAt Certas Energy, we supply fuel to over of suppliers that can present a four • Market-leading credit card package1200 service stations across the country. grade fuel offer. Our experience andWe’re one of the largest distributors of fuel management of company-owned sites • Attractive fuel card agreement (whichto the independent dealer owned market, enables us to share knowledge and accepts both BP and Shell cards)and have a small portfolio of 23 company benefits of promotions that we can trial atowned and operated sites in Scotland. our own sites. • Competitive fuel pricesOur extensive and reliable delivery network,comprises more than 150 depots and At Certas Energy we’re keen to take a lead • Offer a range of exciting forecourtnearly 1,000 tankers, supporting our in the industry. We have a culture of strong promotionsservices. We do everything we possibly can safety and compliance principles, driven byto make life easy for our customers. our dedicated Safety F1rst campaign. • Recent promotions for tickets to Le Man We recognise that health, safety and 24-hour race and to ‘Win a Mini Cooper’As one of our retail customers, you’d benefit environment values are fundamental tofrom excellent levels of personal service, good business performance, and integral to • Local delivery network supported by aand customised forecourt packages - from long-term business success. national infrastructurean enthusiastic team of fuel retailingexperts with big growth ambitions. We market fuel under the Gulf and Pace • Ability to make local, bespoke dealer brands in Britain and our Gulf network has offersWe offer competitive pricing and a now expanded to almost 500 forecourts,comprehensive range of products and with dealers enticed by the benefits offered • Iconic brand and strong partner for aservices to dealers throughout the country which include: promising and profitable future In all, we have the resource, ambition and ability to help retail businesses grow.gulf endurance DieselPresenting our finest performance fuel for diesel vehicles: Gulf Endurance Diesel. Designed to clean, protect and improve theperformance and efficiency of your engine, while delivering increased power and acceleration.With a higher cetane than standard fuels, Gulf Endurance Diesel has been specially formulated to cut emissions, reduce maintenanceand prolong engine life. With a powerful cleaning agent to prevent and remove engine deposits, Gulf Endurance is specially formulatedto work effectively under the extreme conditions of the fuel injection system, breaking down and cleaning away harmful deposits,increasing fuel efficiency and strengthening all-round performance.* gulf endurance unleaded Gulf Endurance Unleaded is our superior performance fuel, for drivers who want only the best for their vehicles. Specially formulated to protect your engine against corrosion and the build-up of harmful deposits, Gulf Endurance Unleaded actively improves performance by cleaning your engine as you drive. By reducing friction within the engine and protecting surfaces from rust, Gulf Endurance Unleaded helps to prevent corrosion of critical components, leading to greater fuel efficiency, lower maintenance requirements and improving engine performance.** Actual effects and benefits may vary according to vehicle, age, driving conditions and driving style. Products may vary depending on location.Page 24 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
Be part of awinning teamBecome a Gulf forecourt and discover our winning formula Nationwide fuel supply, sourced from all the major UK refiners A range of technologically advanced, high quality fuels Total contract flexibility, putting you in control of your forecourt In store consultancy services and partner alliances to boost shop sales and maximise retail margins A wide range of fuel cards to drive new business Acceptance of BP & Shell Fuel cards across the Gulf estate An experienced, local retail team, available 24/7Join the brand of championsCall 045 456 6300Visit Quality Endurance Passion Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 25
AdBlue® Commercial fuel management: profleet from tokheim (DEF, ARLA 32, AUS 32) The Tokheim Group is a leading provider vehicles that cannot visit a fuel station e.g.Field of dedicated commercial and fleet fuelling foresters, miners, civil engineering andProven solutions, and here they present their where fuelling of the vehicle is from aEquipment. ProFleet fuel management system. mobile bowser. With a Truck box the customer can record and monitor all theSCR catalysts can be damaged With installations in over 70 countries and fuelling and download the data either byif the urea solution is contami- the support of more than 20 languages, RJ45 or WiFi or GPRS.nated, e. g. due to unsuitable plus sales and support staff in all of thenozzles, hoses, or other 70 countries, Tokheim are ‘Global yet local’. Quantium fuel dispenserscomponents which are incontact with the medium. ProFleet provides a complete range of Stand-alone dispensers or fully integratedOur components guarantee solutions to operate any fleet of vehicles; with the DiaLOG fuel management solution.purity, operational safety and cars, trucks, buses, coaches, plant Tokheim Quantium dispensers have beenfunctionality – for the whole machinery, boats, ships, planes, helicopters independently verified to have less servicetranport chain, from refinery etc. We have future proofed our solutions interventions than other pumps. Greaterto the vehicle tank. with dispensers for all the various grades uptime and minimal drift in performanceELAFfoLrEdXe_taInilsfoprlemaasetidoonw_n2lo.a1d3: .pdf of road fuels available; AdBlue, AvGas, CNG, over its lifetime will help our customers to LPG & Hydrogen. reduce fuel loss to a minimum (see image)ELAFLEX · Hydrogen dispensers AdBlue solutions Tokheim Hydrogen dispensers have been ISO 22241 approved, MID certified with in operation since September 2011 at the heating optional. The ProFleet team have Hydrogen Refuel Station at Honda in seen an increased demand for our AdBlue Swindon. Built and operated by industrial dispensers, as demand has increased from gases company BOC, the venture is the Euro5 & 6 compliant vehicles. result of a partnership between Honda, BOC and economic development company ProGauge level gauges Forward Swindon. No risk wireless connection, integrated into DiaLOG fuel management DiaLOG and/or stand alone. An area of concern to many customers is the level of Suitable for all sizes of operation. This can not only the product but the water content be web based and/or local server, has no also. The ProGauge detects both product licence fee and can be MID certified like the (inc. LPG & AdBlue) and water accurate to dispensers. A great new innovation from the .01mm DiaLOG applications is the Truck box. The Truck box is an embedded DiaLOG terminal SmartFuel is Tokheim’s automatic vehicle to allow the customer to manage a fleet of identification solution. It is an automated refuelling system that incorporates fuel authorisation based on vehicle identification. It has been designed for companies operating their own fleet of commercial vehicles, to help reduce fraud and overcome many of the limitations inherent in traditional technology. www.tokheim.comPage 26 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
Providing specialist services to the fuel and oil industry since 1987 Specialists in Petroleum Forecourt Installations and Associated Services G Storage Tanks G Pipework G Pump Equipment G Fuel Management Systems G Site Decommissioning G Any Civil & Electrical Works Undertaken G Nationwide Coverage G Safety Passports Held G Est 1969 Dale Street Garage, Dale Street, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 9HE Telephone: 01924 275318. Fax: 01924 271594. Email: [email protected] Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 27
insite360: makes life easier for independentsIn the highly competitive world of fuelretail, site owners face falling margins andincreasingly stringent regulations.Independent dealers, usually without thesame forecourt management tools aslarger players, struggle even more to keeptheir business sound.Insite360, the cloud-based wetstock package offers a high level of centralised Furthermore, Insite360 can also detectmanagement platform from Gilbarco Veeder- control, monitoring and reporting for an meter drift, saving you money lost throughRoot, has been developed to make life almost symbolic fee. However, dealers over-dispensing, low flow or simply byeasier for independents across the world. looking for full wetstock optimisation and warning the customer shortly after aThis service already covers 35,000 sites peace of mind will opt for the Advanced dispenser is out of action. As an example,worldwide, supported from customer Package. Customers under this service this service managed more than €100,000centres in the US, UK, Germany, France, will be supported by a customer centre of annual savings from recommended meterSpain, Italy, Romania and South Africa. The 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Alarms from recalibration across a network of 45 sites.analysts in these locations are the the cloud system and the ATG will be pickedbackbone of the service, providing up and analysed, and only escalated to However, Insite360 ambitions to go muchpersonalised support. Besides that, customers if it demands site intervention. further, aiming to become the referenceInsite360 consists of a modern online portal This service has been able to resolve cloud-based platform for forecourt services.– compatible with practically all mobile more than 93% of all alarms remotely and, The first step in that direction comes withplatforms – that provides a wealth of for the remaining 7%, the dispatched the new Price/Margin Management moduleinformation and customisable reports. In engineer could prepare in advance for to be launched later in 2016 – a tool aimedaddition, Gilbarco Veeder-Root’s long the type of required intervention. at increasing fuel retail margins through aexperience in wetstock management has This represents considerable savings by more accurate, quicker control.been essential in the development of avoiding hassle and the cost and time ofadvanced algorithms, which provide dispatching technicians unnecessarily. Last but not least comes Insite360’s Fuelcustomers greater precision. A good Order Management. This new module isexample is Accuchart™, which offers The same package also offers market- split between Inventory Planning andadvanced precision in tank calibration. leading SIR (Statistical Inventory Inventory Forecasting. The latter offers Reconciliation). A weekly certified leak several functionalities like Delivery PlanSuch advanced precision is the cornerstone detection method, it can typically identify a Analysis, Retain and Run-out Forecast.that provides Insite360 market-leading loss of just 9 litres/day within approximately Inventory Planning is a useful tool forperformance in reducing wetstock variances intelligent and automated fuel orders– representing additional money in the 10 days. This short detection creation, reducing the chances of run-outs,pockets of site owners. Usually Insite360 period is essential in minimising haul-backs and saving precious time.manages to reduce wet-stock variances by a remediation costs. In addition, itmagnitude of 0.1% to 0.3%. This could is also possible to detect a fuel Overall, Insite360 is at the forefront ofrepresent an annual saving of 15,000 litres loss above 100 litres in just 10 wetstock management innovation, alsofor a site with a throughput of 5 million minutes (if there are no fuel confirming how important this aspect oflitres/year, giving a high return. transactions) and, detect a leak forecourt operations has become to fuel of 4 litres/hour usually within a retailers. Gilbarco’s 150-year experienceInsite360 comes in different flavours. day - greatly minimising the was certainly important in achieving thisFor instance, the entry-level Visibility impact of leaks or theft. For position. Complimenting its complete instance, the early identification product portfolio, the company sees of 6 tank leaks and 14 line Insite360 as a product line with great leaks on a 500-site network growth potential by delivering new solutions allowed Insite360 to save the that enhance forecourt profitability. customer an estimated €500,000 in a year. 28 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
Total Service to the Fuel Industry R/O Kingslodge, London Road, West Kingsdown, Sevenoaks TN15 6AR Tel: 01474 855587 Fax: 01474 855586 TANKS & PIPEWORKS LTDIt is reassuring to have the knowledge TRY-LINE TANK SYSTEM Tanks and Pipeworksthat there have been no recorded Certified to En13160-7 - 100% of tank interstitial monitored Patented Try-Line systemlosses of fuel in Europe from a double Class 1 or 2 leak detection available - Tank inspected to EEMUA 159 Has now been approved bywall underground tank which has class The Florida Department of1 leak detection system in around Tank inspection by qualified independent tank inspector Environmental Protection50 years of experience in this field. Guarantee of tank life - All materials guarateed resistantSource Technology Corner PetrolPlaza to all petroleum products Built in protection against static electricity Unique detection system for cable failure - Patented system TANKS & PIPEWORKS LIMITED Offers a range of services to the oil industry including: Tank cleaning and degreasing - Road tankers and logistics Tank cleaning using remote tank cleaner (No more confined space) Fuel filtering and cleaning - 300L minute Ultrasonic thickness testing / tank testing UK suppliers of RG hard foam - Decommissioning and removal of oil tanks Bespoke on site tank building - Above ground fuel pipe in pipe system Coded welders - Trained fibre glassers - Mechancial services E:[email protected] Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 29
“source to exhaust” fuel management solutionsFor more than 30 years, Triscan has been • To better improve “We have been more than happy with theat the forefront of some of the most visibility of Odyssey system recommended andinnovative solutions in the design, refuelling installed by Triscan. We have found that theimplementation, commissioning and operations, so as new system has not only improved ourservice of fuel management solutions. to have the ability visibility of usage and stock levels, but has to monitor fuel allowed us to more effectively manage theMore recently, the company’s portfolio has 24/7 from any fleet with the additional benefit in costsbeen extended to include the supply and remote location; savings that this brings”.installation of fuel tanks, fuel pumps, tankgauges, and the introduction of a full repair • To reduce “Our recent installation of a bunded tank andand maintenance pump support package. administration two fuel pumps went according to plan with time and increase minimal disruption to our operation.With a wealth of “sector specific knowledge”, confidence The install engineers are veryTriscan has successfully worked with some through accurate knowledgeable, professional and willing to goof the UK’s major transport companies to and seamless the extra mile to ensure the job is completeddeliver a wide range of fuel management data capture, within the set time. Overall Triscan is asolutions including; Muller Wiseman, Asda, reported into one company you can rely on to provide a reliableSainsbury’s, John Lewis, Gist, Veolia, software system. and cost effective solution.”Metroline and Warburton’s • To achieve these objectives, Triscan Engineers nationwideFor road surfacing specialists, Tripod Crest, implemented an integrated fuelthey undertook the initial design and management solution, which enabled As a quality assured ISO 9001 company,development work to supply and install fuel round-the-clock monitoring of vehicle Triscan is a fully integrated, multidisciplinarymanagement solutions, and now maintain activities. The advanced hardware and service which offers a truly nationalthe assets through a highly acclaimed software installations enabled nominated maintenance and installation service to theservice and maintenance contract. This managers to access accurate information commercial fuel industry. Triscan believesguarantees that Triscan’s trained engineers on fuel movements, stock levels and that the continuous assessment andwill only ever supply customers with the consumption 24 hours a day, throughout training of key staff helps maintain its ISOoriginal manufacturer’s parts. This ensures the year. Reports could be used to 9001 and Safe Contractor quality marks.that all of the fuel system components are streamline the process of accuratelyoperating effectively, and extends the logging fuel usage down to the individual A network of installation and servicelifecycle of fleet assets. driver or vehicle level, in order to increase engineers across the UK ensures quick and the speed of refuelling for time critical efficient response to customer callouts.Integrated fuel management journeys and reduce administration costs. The engineering teams are supported centrally by a UK-based technical supportThe company’s work on Tripod Crest’s Ongoing success desk, customer service centre andrefuelling system typifies its approach to all experienced research and developmentmajor projects. As a longstanding customer, As a result of Triscan’s ongoing success on team, with personnel covering 6am toTripod Crest initially approached Triscan in the project, it has since installed a bunded 10pm, seven days a week.2013 to replace a legacy Optima PC unit partitioned tank with tank gauging, alongand Phoenix PC software with its future- with diesel and gas oil pumps. The new If you’re interested in finding out more,proof and adaptable Apollo 2 fuel installation features an above ground PPG call 0845 225 3102, visitmanagement system and web-based compliant 35,000L bunded tank, feeding or emailsoftware, Odyssey, at two of its sites in two stainless steel Pumptronics 70 L/MIN [email protected] and Somerset. ATEX approved pumps.The core requirements of the Tripod Crest As the project illustrates, Triscan’s services,project were threefold: capabilities and expertise cover the spectrum of project requirements, allowing• To integrate scalable reporting for a it to offer a completely integrated solution. multi-site, multi-vehicle operation This spans initial consultancy, through each element of the manufacture, supply, installation, and ongoing service and maintenance of the equipment. “We have been using Triscan at Tripod Crest for many years now to monitor and manage all aspects of our fuel usage. In 2013 we identified the need to upgrade our fuel management system, and I’m pleased to say that Triscan have never let us down”, states Craig Baker, Engineering Manager at Tripod Crest.Page 30 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
Intelligent Crypto BNA An advanced outdoor paymentsystems for solution for fast, easy and incredibly securesmarter fueling card and cash payment Fuel POS Industry-leading EPOS to help you manage all aspects of your fuel and retail business. T-Media Innovative cloud application to schedule, organise and play media on fuel dispensers. Crypto VGA The market’s most secure and innovative touchscreen payment solution. Tokheim Eye Cost-effective and powerful digital camera surveillance system designed for fuel retailers.Better quality all round Visit: | Email: [email protected] | Call: 01382 483 500
major fuelling system upgradeCameron Forecourt are one of the leading commercial fuelling The system allows Duncan Adams’ staff to keep a constant checkspecialists and have years of experience in designing, on fuel movements, stock levels, and consumption, providingimplementing and commissioning systems, to significantly complete and accurate wetstock reconciliation 24 hours a day,improve customers’ fuelling operations. 7 days a week.They have recently undertaken a project to majorly upgrade the Cameron Forecourt’s consultants work with its customers tofuelling management control system for Duncan Adams Ltd; develop fuel management systems and solutions that will reduceinstalling and commissioning a new system to replace a legacy customers’ costs and are implemented through state-of-the-artsystem around fifteen years old, which was neither either management and reporting systems.economically repairable or upgradeable. Over this period,technological advances have meant that features of the new system able to provide benefits that could not have been conceivedwhen the old system was originally implemented.Cameron designed the new system based on Duncan Adams’particular needs, using the latest innovations in fuellingmanagement technology, to meet the customer’s requirements,and implement a system which is future proof and as adaptableas possible.Duncan Adams is one of the largest privately owned transport anddistribution companies in Scotland and their site is also a prominentfuel bunkering site, servicing the Falkirk area and beyond. The newfuelling management control system has been configured to acceptfuel bunkering cards from Key Fuels currently, but is capable of theaccepting the full range should further options be required.The system allows for full traceability of all fuel drawings, across thecompany’s extensive customer base. With clients of all sizes andrequirements, Duncan Adams can keep a full audit on all drawingsat any time. The client can also appreciates the pricing and range ofmanagement and reporting solutions the system entailed, makingis a very effective choice of replacement.Eric Adams, Director at Duncan Adams:“The new system provided by Cameron Forecourt has resulted innotable cost and convenience benefits for us. Our on-site systemwas becoming both dated and a drain on resources, withmaintenance and additional costs adding to the expenditurerequired to keep it going. The new system made perfect sense, metall of our needs and was professionally implemented andcommissioned by Cameron Forecourt.”obituAry: Des kavanagh contract supervisor, operations manager His son, Brendan followed Des into and company director and was still going the business and subsequently startedDes Kavanagh, a titan of the services strong in later years as a Consultant. his own company, RPS – employingsector of the Irish Retail Oil Industry his father! We all extend our sincerefor almost 50 years, passed away His knowledge of service station forecourt condolences to Brendan and all thelast Summer. systems and installation work was Kavanagh clan on the loss of Des. comprehensive and his energy wasDes was a senior manager for Pump boundless. He was a “doer” and woe Des passed away peacefully after aServices over four decades, and was betide the pipefitters in his team who long of the “go to” sources for advice didn’t pull their weight or the prevaricatinginformation in Ireland during that time. oil company engineer (as the writer can Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.He worked his way up from pipefitter to verify first hand!) Michael O’KanePage 32 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
Accounting for every drop of fuelwith merridale fuelWorksOn making the decision to upgrade its “We made the vehicle odometer reading. A procedureageing fuelling facilities, Princess Coaches decision to invest which is now handled automatically byof Southampton set out a number of key in a complete a Merridale wireless transponder unitrequirements. Foremost was to implement fuelling installation fitted to the effective fuel management regime - to with replacementmonitor usage and help measure and storage tank and Peter Brown concludes by saying;better control carbon emissions. dispensing facilities. This “Fuelling the vehicles is less complicatedThe company takes its responsibilities to equipment is and our new system delivers the qualitythe environment very seriously. All of their installed on the data which is essential for managing ourcompany’s coaches meet the latest depot forecourt so business efficiently.”standards for the London ‘Low Emission it was importantZone’ and have an on-going environmental that it should to identify further measures to help reflect the highlower its carbon emissions. professional standards of our business.”Managing Director Peter Brown says: MIS Fuel Monitoring (Merridale) secured the contract against competition from three“Fuel usage relates directly to the impact other market leaders. The new fuelling pointof our carbon footprint. Our first priority comes with Merridale FuelWorks, a web-therefore was to adopt a system to measure based management reports service. Alland account for every drop of fuel used in issues of fuel from the pump are monitoredour business. The previous fuelling point and the data is collected in real-time by thehad limited facilities in terms of FuelWorks control. It relied on staffentering the mileage reading, which A key fob is used to identify the vehicleinevitably led to errors and loss of receiving fuel and each transaction has toconfidence. Put simply - it was not fit be authenticated by receiving the currentfor purpose. timeplan fuel monitoring from the premier group Timeplan has been a trusted provider of fuel management solutions since its foundation in 1978, with a reputation for quality, reliability and first-class customer service. Since then Timeplan have continued to innovate and develop the system to keep pace with the ever-changing requirements of the fuel dispensing industry.The Timeplan Fuel Monitoring System is All data captured is then available for a huge Timeplan products and services are alsotrusted by hundreds of companies, at selection of reporting options, defined as employed across a diverse range ofthousands of sites, across the UK, Europe requirements by our many customers over sectors including marine operations,and the Middle East. It is the ultimate the thirty-five years we have been operating aviation, mining and quarrying – withturn-key solution for on-site fuel in this market. These reports are available installations in over 4,000 UK and, thanks to a range of through our dedicated ‘Fuel Manager’ web-complementary hardware and software based solution which provides a real-time In 2011 Timeplan became a memberproducts, the system can be applied to data reporting opportunity from any web of the Premier Group, the largestcomplex and multi-site fuel accounting browser platform, 24 hours a day. Independent specialist Fuel Engineeringrequirements as well as stand-alone or business in the UK. Bringing Timeplan intosmaller networks. Utilising a wide variety BENEFITS / FEATURES the Premier Group has allowed it toof vehicle and driver identification systems, • Approved for re-sale enhance and improve further it’s productsincluding AVI (Automatic Vehicle • Increased fuel efficiency reporting and services to the benefit of it’sIdentification) and mileage capture, • Reduces fuel costs customers utilising the resources andTimeplan can securely record that fuel has • SMS Alerts for major leaks or thefts expertise that already existed withinbeen delivered only to authorised vehicles; • Prevents unauthorised fuelling the group.not into cans or other vehicles. • Helps prevent fuel theft • Identifies potential fuel losses 34 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
As the UK’s largest provider of Fuel Management Systems, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver one, totally integrated solution to onsite fuel services. With a national network of engineers, each with a van stocked with key spare parts and consumables, we provide the quickest response times and fastest, solution-driven responses to unscheduled maintenance events. The engineering team are supported centrally by a UK based technical support desk, customer service centre, and experienced research and development team; underpinned by leading service management systems. Put together, Triscan o ers experience and results that are simply not available from any other company. Call us: 0845 225 3100 Email us: [email protected] Carbon Fibre Test Measures Pumpwatch taking the back ache out of fuel dispenser accuracy testing. Discover how easily and safely you can check the accuracy of fuel dispensers.Tel: +353 45 892155 • Email: [email protected] Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 35
save on your fuel costsTom Burns is Service & Installation Manager with PEIMF member, Octane. He says; weare confident, that with our range of fuel management systems you can be sure we havea solution that meets your needs - whatever the size of your fleet. Sapphire used in bus and transport depots and by The new Sapphire leading hauliers. The Sapphire terminal, Lite terminals,Fuel is a precious commodity to many operating in conjunction with Total Site coupled withbusinesses and, with costs fluctuating on Manager (TSM), uploads transactions in custom-developeda regular basis, it has never been more real-time allowing the fleet manager to track software forimportant to make sure day to day vehicles and live transactions. The terminal secureoperations are carried out as efficiently and is compatible with all major pump suppliers contactlesseconomically as possible. Failure to develop and accepts up to 4 pumps. It also has the monitoring andand implement strategies to monitor and ability to incorporate fuelcards, allowing the reporting, offercontrol fuel usage could ultimately result in fleet manager to monitor on-road and home the completethe demise of the business. depot transactions as they happen - all on entry level one screen. solution for fleetsOctane supply and install complete To meet a growing demand, MCS have built of all sizes. Its usb interface is perfect forsolutions for all commercial fuel on the success of the Sapphire terminal by fleets working to a limited budget, butmanagement & environmental services. producing an affordable entry level system, requiring increased control and an onlineThis all-encompassing approach relieves the new “Sapphire Lite” range of terminals. interface.the customer of the need to co-ordinate Richard Sykes, MD of Octane says;multiple agents at different stages of a ‘The new range of Sapphire Lite terminals General Manager of MCS Card Systems,project, such as the maintaining or offer a significant improvement over the Simon Jepson said of their products;replacing tanks. existing alternatives on the market. With improved accuracy and control, the 2-pump ‘We are particularly excited about theStephen Long – Longs of Leeds Haulage; option has proved particularly attractive Sapphire Lite. Using contactless technology and initial feedback from installed systems to track every litre of fuel dispensed, the‘We employ Octane to carry out our service has been extremely positive. Lite solution provides a truly cost-effectiveand repair work. They are on time, on ‘We have installed a range of fuel management system with stockbudget and do their utmost to keep our fleet well-established systems over the years, reporting via the secure MCS Connectrefuelled. We can rely on them for this.” yet none have really developed to meet website. Many other entry level systems customers’ needs. We can say with no bias, limit operation to a single PC, but SapphireA corporate member of the Institute of that the new terminals have a definite edge Lite has the capacity to store 4000+Petroleum, Octane has an ever-growing and are already reducing our customers’ transactions, from up to 250 users, viaportfolio of clients. We understand the fuel bills.’ contactless vehicle or driver tags plus a 2increasing pressures placed on businesses pump option. The Sapphire Lite is packedand have partnered with MCS Card Sapphire Lite full of features to give fleet managers totalSystems, an established developer of fuel control in 4 simple screens. It truly is amanagement systems and solutions since system to fulfil your needs.”1996. This collaboration has enabled thecompletion of dozens of successful Both Octane and MCS hope that byprojects. increasing awareness of the SapphireLite, that many more people will benefit from theOne of the most popular systems is the savings this product can offer.MCS Sapphire terminal. Connecting bymeans of wired broadband, 3G or other PEIMF member Octane is quite a new namewireless alternatives, this system has been in the commercial fuel industry - created by the merger of two of the industry’s leading companies, MES UK and Harden Pumps, giving a combined experience of over 50 years in the industry! Octane stock a further number of MCS Systems alongside the Sapphire and Sapphire Lite solutions. For more information on installation options and our fuel management solutions call Richard or Tom at Octane on 0113 201 2466 or visit: 36 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
Pumptronics dispensers are Petrol and Diesel ATEX approved.Do your pumps and fuel installations meet the new EU regulations? Due to a recent EU Regulation all new diesel dispensers now require ATEX Certification, along with CE marking and relevant EC Declaration of Conformity. Pumptronics have been supplying the re-fuelling industry for over 35 years and their C Series and Zeon pumps meet with all the legislative requirements. ALL NEW INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY TO THE STRICT GUIDELINES. Pumptronics pumps are manufactured from stainless steel and can withstand the roughest and toughest environments.Telephone: 01692 500640 Zeon Twin Zeon MonoFax : 01692 406710 email: [email protected] further details contact us now Fuel & Tank Management SystemsJackaman Insurance Services provides insurance • Over twenty years dedicated experience ofsolutions for an entire spectrum of commercial clients. ! Fuel management ! Fuel pumps and controllersOur Haztrade Select Team pride themselves on providing ! Fuel storage tank monitoringversatile and specialist insurance products for thepetrochemical industry and connected businesses. • Flexible configurations to suit your business • Scalable from one to many depotsWith over 40 years’ experience in the insurance • Minimum supported life-span of ten yearsindustry Jackaman Insurance Services has an extensive • Upgradable as technology improves or as your business expandsknowledge of the Hazardous Trade sector and canarrange targeted policies to suit your needs. FUEL MONITORING SYSTEMS FUEL PUMPS FUEL TANKS TANK GAUGES MANAGEMENT SOFTWAREAs a team we can secure competitive premium levels Sales Service & Supportand have access to exclusive insurers with specialist Sales: 01902 350 700! Service: 01902 350 701package arrangements to make sure that you get the Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] professional service that you deserve. Merridale Works, Lower Walsall Street, Horseley Fields, Wolverhampton, WV1 2EUJackaman Insurance Services is a trading name of Experts Ltd which is authorised and regulatedby the Finance Conduct Authority.204 Parrock Street, Gravesend, Kent DA12 01474 326046 Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 37
fuelQuip fuel managementKier Ltd recently took over the contract for Dave Preston, National sales Manager of names such as Farm Foods & Morrisons.Highways England in the Midlands and FuelQuip says “The system has now beenneeded to upgrade their existing fuel FuelQuip are actively looking for Agentsmanagement system. The existing system recognised as the most reliable system on nationwide. Give us a call to discuss ourhad become particularly troublesome in the market today with over 15,000 active different approach and our unique 24/7winter, due to salt corrosion of the key systems in over 25 countries” backup & support.fobs & keyreaders. FuelQuip clients include many household www.fuelquip.netFuelQuip Ltd, working in conjunction withDCD, were given the job of providing theirweb based fuel management system.The FuelQuip system has proved to be faultfree, managing another region for HighwaysEngland over eight years and, in a third region,FuelQuip had completed the installation ofeleven sites this summer.The new system uses RFID non contactingfobs, which do not need inserting into anykeyreader. The fobs can be re-assignedremotely in real time without the need tobuy new fobs or return to base.All sites were upgraded in under 7 daysalong with 26 O.L.E. tank contentsgauges to take advantage of the livetank gauging option.The FuelQuip system is now used on allHighway England sites from Birminghamsouth to Penrith in Cumbria.margin manager from fairbanksFor years, fuel retailers have struggled setting the selling prices Of course, other factors can also have an effect on your fuelof their fuel to remain competitive in an ever-changing market, pricing decisions, such as competitor rates in your local area.whilst still maintaining profit margins. There has long been a Using our fuel pricing tool, you can easily look back over yourneed for a fuel pricing application that is able to centralise selling prices and compare them to those of your competitors,pricing data and advise on the best-selling rates. Thankfully, allowing you to make a more informed pricing decision.Fairbanks has always kept innovation at the top of its agenda. Furthermore, this resourceful tool can help you evaluate your pricing decisions so that you can create successful strategies inThis spring, we launched Station Manager 365, our brand new web the future. Margin Manager pitches your historical selling pricesportal, giving you complete visibility and control over your fuel against actual sales or profits, so that you can easily view how yourbusiness. Now, we bring you Margin Manager. pricing choices have impacted upon your returns.This latest addition to the Station Manager 365 dashboard provides For twenty years, Fairbanks has been committed to providingyou with everything you need in order to make essential fuel pricing quality, innovative fuel management solutions to its customers anddecisions. With the touch of a button, Margin Manager can help you this most recent improvement is no exception. Save time, improveto optimise margins, calculate accurate profits and create profitability and transform the way you manage your fuel businesssuccessful pricing strategies. with Margin Manager. The future of fuel pricing.We understand how difficult it can be for you to set the selling priceof your fuel day-to-day, and maintain desired profit margins, withoutknowing the exact value of your underground stock. With regulardeliveries all supplying you with fuel charged at differing rates, it isimpossible to be sure that the price at which you are selling yourfuel is earning you the desired profit margin. Margin Managerremoves the guesswork. The intelligent application continuallyupdates you on the optimum selling price range required to retainyour margin, as the stock depletes and the value changes, so thatyou can set your daily rates safe in the knowledge that they directlyreflect the true worth of your fuel stock.Page 38 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
FUEL DISPENSING GUIDE Fuel Management SoftwareExplains the importance of choosing the correct pumpCOVERS:1 SPEED 3 TYPE OF FUEL2 ACCURACY 4 REGULATIONS Use in front of your customers • Accurate fuel management data the way you want it • A choice of client-based or web-based solutions: Printed with your contact details ! FuelSite for single depot reportingCONTACT US TO ! FuelFX for comprehensive client-based reportingREQUEST ! FuelWorks for reactive and proactive web-based reporting • One of the UK’s leading suppliers of above-ground storage tank systemsCOPIES • Standards-compliant and fully-functional software+44 (0) 1279 815 600 FGRUIEDEE FUEL MONITORING SYSTEMS FUEL PUMPS FUEL TANKS TANK GAUGES MANAGEMENT [email protected] Sales Service & Sales: 01902 350 700! Service: 01902 350 701 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Merridale Works, Lower Walsall Street, Horseley Fields, Wolverhampton, WV1 2EU Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 39
Achieving savings with an above ground tankledbury upgrade council’s fuelling facilitiesGravesham Borough Council (GBC) “Currently the council operates 20 refuse Fuelling point at Graveshamhas decommissioned the last of its wagons and around 90 vans allocated to Borough Council.underground fuel storage tanks, following housing maintenance and parks.a strategic review of its depot fuelling Consumption is around 20K litres every latest investment from the savings we havefacilities. Fuel is now being dispensed month, which isn’t massive but a lot of time made by cutting out the downtime and servicefrom a dual compartment tank package, was wasted previously, when drivers had to charges associated with the previous set up.”providing 30K – 5k litres capacity for fill up at retail service stations.”diesel and gas oil, respectively. Gas oil is used for GBC plant such as “When you take into account the value of this tractors, ride-on mowers, diggers and“After twelve months in service we have fuel used on an annual basis, we felt that it electrical generators. The council alsoachieved significant savings in cost in terms was justifiable to invest in good quality provides back up facilities as part of theof convenience, maintenance and equipment. It is safe to say we have already Kent County Council’s contingencyadministration,” says transport manager, recovered a large proportion of the costs of this planning. This includes a minimum stock ofRonnie Helen. fuel which is available for use by police and other emergency services.“An important advantage of an above tank is that fresh supplies have tobe metered-in as opposed to loadingunderground tanks by gravity feed.Metering eliminates any possibilities fordiscrepancies and we now have absolutereconciliation of our fuel stocks.”The GBC installation includes a standardtank supplied by Ledbury Welding &Engineering. This incorporates a servicecabinet with electronic monitoring for tankcontents and dispensing. Data from thesetransactions are uploaded to a web-basedfuel management service provided by MISFuel Monitoring.losing ‘invisible’ productthe importance of checking fuel dispenser accuracyWetstock monitoring may appear to be station would first begin at the dispenser, as dispensers are not the issue. It would bea complicated process, but by this is the simplest way to identify fuel loss. suggested that a comparison be madeunderstanding what can happen to fuel with the dispense temperature and theduring its time at your service station, you Prevent under-dispensing tank gauge temperature as it has beencan take away the mystery and help find seen to show up to a 5°C difference,the ‘missing link’ - and maybe discover However, if on average the forecourt is which could be distorting wetstockwhere fuel loss is occurring. under-dispensing, within the legal monitoring calculations. tolerances allowed, losses may beThere are plenty of opportunities where camouflaged and may go undetected for Often serious wetstock loss may not befuel can be considered the ‘invisible long periods of time – and this is caused by just one issue, but by aproduct,’ where it could be lost, from something that is not often considered. combination of small losses throughoutthe time of delivery to the point of sale. the system. By including a fuel dispenserAt PUMPWATCH we believe that, in order to In addition, fuel temperature could be accuracy test in tandem with otheridentify the sources of possible fuel loss, causing considerable losses as fuel wetstock monitoring solutions, and byfirst it is important to eliminate where fuel expands/contracts at approximately monitoring the temperature of the fuelis not being lost. Remember, this is fuel 1.2ml per 1°C that’s approximately each time, it becomes much easier toalready purchased by the Service Station! 24 litres for every degree change in determine possible sources of fuel loss. every 20,000 litres delivered.Temperature fluctuations, vapour loss and www.pumpwatch.ieinaccurate fuel dispensers are the most During the fuel dispenser accuracy test,common sources of fuel loss. Typically, it it is also a good opportunity to take thewould be recommended that the service temperature of the fuel and record the result for future comparisons if thePage 40 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
introducing Margin Manager optimise margins compare competitor pricing calculate accurate pro ts create successful pricing strategies centralise pricing data understand the exact value of your fuel stockemail us to register your interest and book a place on our interactive tutorial* [email protected] quoting fairbanksglobalTel: +44 (0) 1695 52175 @[email protected] Fairbanks Environmental*Must be an existing customer of the Fairbanks service. Full functionality only available with ibank installation or FuelPOS. Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 41
protect your site from fuel theftwith advanced tank gauge technologyFranklin Fueling advise service station owners howto protect their fuel.Franklin Fueling Systems’ T5 series tank gauges feature highly sophisticatedprocessors and software. The very accurate tank level monitoring theyachieve means that any reduction in fuel levels, due to a non-legitimatedispense transaction, can be identified instantly.The powerful rules engine built into each Text or email alerts a transaction in progress alert can be set togauge console allows an immediate automatically shut down dispensers after aresponse such as; A magnetic contact sensor certain period. includes two surface mounted• Sounding an audible alarm magnets, which can send a Reconciliation of sales from the dispenser signal to a controller when one to the inventory in the tank is another way• Activating a silent alarm system magnet moves away from the of detecting theft. T5 Series automatic tank other. Mounting a magnetic gauge consoles can continuously monitor• Sending an email to the site manager sensor device on dispenser sales data from the dispensers and and/or police access panels, exterior doors compare it to how the volume in the tank or underground tank access changes, with the console showing the• Turning on floodlights and/or CCTV covers, and pairing with a T5 variance of a specific tank for a specified cameras series tank gauge, provides time frame and generating reports. added security. You can program the tank• or combinations of the above gauge to sound an audible alarm, send a Density Measurement can be useful to help text message or email alert to you or the a site determine the quality of the productPairing the T5 series fuel management authorities if either are opened deliveries and whether they’ve been alteredsystem with third-party sensors or inappropriately. The ability of the tank in any way. Thieves may try to outsmart aaccessories can greatly improve your ability gauge to alert you to tampering with the fuel management system by adding ato protect your fuel: By pairing your video pumps, such as during the installation of a replacement fuel or adulterate as theysurveillance equipment with a T5 Series credit card skimmer, is also possible. remove the good fuel. Density floatstank gauge, you can automatically shut monitor the quality of fuel to ensure thatdown a dispenser if the camera goes down. Furthermore, while in Sentinel Mode, volume, density and mass remain theThis feature allows station owners to have a any amount greater, or equal to, the same, so you know that your fuel has notvideo record of theft. If a thief disables the use-programmed theft limit leaving a tank been tampered cameras, then the ability to pump fuel will trigger an alarm. This mode is idealwould be disabled. when a site shuts down and no dispensing Franklin have a range of tank gauge is expected. For sites open 24 hours a day, solutions to suit all forecourt operators, other features are available to protect fuel from the smallest independent forecourt to inventory. Various timeouts can be set via the largest national multi-site retailer. the fuel management system in order to Lead-times for new and replacement avoid fuel theft - limiting how long a systems are typically between 1-5 working dispenser is authorised before the days and prices are very competitive. The customer takes action and how long the built-in web interface in every tank gauge dispenser remains enabled after fuel has means owners can review their tank gauge started flowing. Using this timeout system, data remotely from any web-browser without any charges or contracts. www.franklinfueling.comPage 42 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
developed byFuelvac® can be installed in above and below ground storage tanks of any size HCL storage tank double skinned to Fuelvac® double skin liner provides two levels 12.5m high, over 2 million litres capacity of protection in storage tanks and has been installed in underground, petrol forecourts and above ground tanks since 2006.Underground storage tank Fuelvac® has seen consistent improvements fully double skinned since its development, including improved tensile strength of protective resin, new added anchors for tank elevated areas and a nitrile rubber matt which is positioned below hatchway for added liner protection against maintenance activities.Above ground storage tank Fuelvac® is probably the most environmentally floor area and 1m up side friendly system on the market and is proven to be walls are double skinned a reliable, safe anti-pollution lining system for storage tanks.Please see our Fuelvac® installation process and Hydrochloric Acid project presentation videos on oouurr Tel: +44(0)191 543 Email: [email protected] manufacturer, Take a look at themodel or age. new Helix 1000We’ve got – our most compactyou covered … dispenser ever.Our growing range requires minimal Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 43servicing, so we have extra time tofocus our expertise on your speci cservicing requirements.A complete service to cover all your needs.Find out how Wayne can help grow yourrevenue and reduce costs – call us today.Call us at 0131 440 5810 or visit to find out more!© 2015. Wayne, the Wayne logo, Helix, and combinations thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wayne Fueling Systems,in the United States and other countries. Other names are for informational purposes and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Directory of peimf membersA & G Electrical Engineers Centre Tank Services Franklin Fueling Systems01579 344503 0121 351 4442 01473 243300Electrical and tank testing, supply www.franklinfueling.cominstallation and servicing of pumps Fuel dispensing, storage tank and AdBlue Pipework, containment, fuel management equipment, Piusi products and Husky nozzles systems, submersible pumpsA & R Pavelin Transport Ltd01268 270470 Cookson & Zinn (PTL) Ltd Fuel Proof LtdDistribution & collection of pumps and 01473 825200 01524 850685forecourt equipment Above & below ground fuel storage tanks Bunded fuel tanks, diesel bowsersAbFad Ltd and pressure vessels0191 543 7166 FuelQuip County Pumps Ltd 0845 838 1048Tank linings, leak detection, rope access 01295 780746 Suppliers of fuel management, pumps,tanks,Aidan Strain Electrical Engineering Ltd Installation repair and service of fuel gauges & alarms02830 888861 systems, pumps & fuel monitoring Fuel Technologies UK LtdElectrical & mechanical generator D & S Forecourt Services 0191 280 4802installation contractors 01463 715324 Pumps, tanks, pipes installation & Additives to protect, clean and maintain fuelAirfield Fuelling Equipment maintenance01628 610140 Fuellink DCD Direct 01698 841888Aviation fuel consultants 01902 605405 Manufacturers of commercial fuelAir-Serv Commercial fuel pumps & accessories, management systems01942 722333 tanks, fuel management FuelsureAir lines, jetwash, vacuums, DMCS Ltd 01843 821099servicing, chemicals 01244 289161 Gilbarco Veeder-RootAncorra Environmental Calibration of bulk liquid storage vessels 01268 533090Services Ltd 546 3012 Durapipe UK Pumps, Commercial and AdBlue Dispensers, 01543 279909 Gauges, POS, OPT, Service & MaintenanceForecourt maintenance, tank & vessel, foam injection Manufacturer of plastic pipework systems Hytek (GB) Ltd 01279 815600Andel Ltd E & S Environmental Services Ltd www.hytekgb.com01484 845000 01993 852419 Fuel dispensing & management, lubrication productsPollution control, tank & fuel maintenance Tank cleaning & testing, site maintenance, fuel services ITAB ProlightArnold Diggle & Son 01279 75759501229 582769 Elaflex Ltd 01992 452950 Lighting design & manufactureTank cleaning, oil depot www.elaflex.comdecommissioning/demolition & remediation Forecourt dispenser nozzles & accessories Jackaman Insurance Services 01474 326046Berrys Technologies Ltd Equipe Environmental 558 4411 01744 731462 Specialist insurance services to petroleum industryMIDAS, OPUS, pump spares, pipework, Supply, install & test tanks, gauges, covers,tank lid assembly, forecourt equipment pipeworks, pump spares James Blake & Co (Engineers) Ltd 0131 554 1646Bulk Meter Services Ltd Fairbanks Environmental Ltd www.blakegroup.com01233 740134 01695 52175 Storage tank manufacturers & steel www.fairbanksglobal.comSupply, install & service bulk meters & Intelligent fuel management service, J W Hinchliffe (Tanks) Ltdregisters for fuelling applications tailored to suit your business 0113 263 5163 P Installations Ltd Fibrelite Composites Ltd Tank cleaning, removal and disposal services01702 345708 01756 L.I.S (North Western) LtdTank & pipework specialists, electrical Manhole covers, underground enclosures, 01942 722244services, site maintenance, decommissioning tank & dispenser sumps Tank cleaning, product transfer,Cameron Forecourt Ltd Fleetsolve Ltd tank removal, interceptor cleaning01226 742441 0151 353 LCM Environmental LtdSupply, install & maintain commercial & Biofuel combined heat & power systems 01884 841387retail tanks & fuel management systems Forecourt Installation & Maintenance Tank care, environmental services,Carmichael & Baxter Industrial Products 028 3885 1491 decommissioning and remediation01334 838793 Pumps & equipment service & Ledbury Welding & Engineering LtdFuel equipment supply service & maintenance Forecourt Maintenance Services Ltd 01531 632222 01594 844855 Fuel Management Ltd Bunded tank manufacturers, SuperVault0870 757 6323 Forecourt maintenance, sign modular filling manufacturers, insurance workInstallers of fuel pumps, tanks & fuel Lees Industrial Services Ltdmanagement equipment 01508 471600 Tank decommissioning, BritFoam & fuel disposalPage 44 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
LP Gas UK Ltd Power Post Ltd TLM Group Technology01633 274433 0800 085 6746 0845 180 Petrol pump services and suppliers & autogas installation and Facilities management, forecourtmaintenance Prime Fuelling Systems Ltd maintenance, installations 01492 622664LS Forecourts Ltd Tokheim UK Ltd01609 882979 Supply installation and maintenance of 01382 forecourt equipment www.tokheim.comPumps, pipes, tanks, gauges, sales, Pumps & fuel management systems,service, installation and repair Progressive Technical Services service, “Profleet” commercial systems 02920 471553M I S Fuel Monitoring Ltd Toureen Contractors Ltd01922 870037 Total tank care, fuel polishing, testing and 0208 424 uplift, site maintenance & decommissioning management systems for commercial Specialist industrial & petroleum groundworkdiesel supplies Protego UK Ltd services 01543 420660MDM Services (Cardiff) Ltd Transflo Instruments Ltd01633 277277 Safety valves and tank accessories 01580 and maintenance of forecourt Pumps & Pipework Services Ltd Fleet fuel management systems, includingand commercial fuel products 07836 619700 pumps, gauges and software Pump & Pipework maintenance, installation,Mechanical Cleansing Services servicing & decommissioning The Triscan Group0121 327 3103 0845 225 Pump & Tank Services Ltd www.triscansystems.comFor all your waste management needs 01709 379762 Onsite commercial fuel management solutions, including tanks, pumps, gauges & softwareMerkland Tank Installation maintenance and decommissioning0141 440 6130 of fuel storage & dispensing facilities United Pipework Services 01922 722737Storage tank services throughout Scotland Pumptronics Ltd 01692 500640 Forecourt construction & pipework servicesNupi Industrie Italien S.P.A 588228 Design & manufacture of forecourt and Vectec commercial fuel pumps 01296 624548\"Smartflex\" complete multi-layer pipe Pumpwatch Ltd Diesel fuel dispensing, storage and 00353 458 92155 managementNorthern Pump Distributors www.pumpwatch.ie01924 275318 Carbon fibre test measures for checking the Vianet Fuel Solutions accuracy of fuel dispensers 01594 844855Forecourt installations and associated www.vianetfuelsolutions.comservices R M Pumps (Cumbria) Ltd Wetstock management, gauging, tank 01768 892444 testing, composite coversOAMPS Environmental Forecourt maintenance, installation,01372 869700 decommissioning & servicing Wayne Fueling Systems UK 0131 440 5810Specialist insurers for the petroleum South Midland Installation Ltd www.wayne.comindustry 01296 422039 Fuel dispensers and forecourt technologies www.smiltd.comOil Tank Supplies Ltd Design & build tank and pipe installations, Westfield Services (UK) Ltd01386 853409 pipelines, decommissioning 01924 www.westfieldservicesuk.comFuel storage systems including hire and T.P.I (Ireland) Ltd Contractors for pumps, pipework, electricalindustrial tanks 0771 5207168 and building work The Level Pump & tank installations, tank / pipeline Worcester Petroleum Services Ltd0780 0731489 testing, decommissioning and maintenance 01905 620053Installation & service of tank gauges, DCDs Forecourt, commercial, marine, petroleumand associated equipment Tankcare Ltd installations and servicing 01386 842891Panks Engineers (Castle Hill) Ltd To amend your entry, or to join,01603 620294 Fuel quality sampling and testing please contact David Honeyman onWater specialists, dirty water, bore hole Tanks & Pipework Ltddrilling, treatment and installations 01474 855587 01474 321999 • [email protected] www.fassuk.comPennine Pump & Tank Company Tank / interceptor cleaning, inspection, Annual membership fee: £175.0001254 679099 relining. Fuel polishing, uplifts, It is free to appear in this directoryPumps, fuel management systems, tank, The Octane Holding Group for PEIMF members.pipe and electrical testing 0113 201 2466 Stand out from the crowd!Petrol Pump & Tank Installations Pumps, tanks, environmental and • Bold entry £50*00353 217 336373 technical services • Include logo £50* • Both for £95*Pump & tank installations, forecourt The Petrol Tank Company Ltddevelopment, fuel management systems 01283 820213 *Total annual costs Manufacture small above ground petrol tanks Please contact David Honeyman on01695 The Premier Group of Companies 01474 321999 • [email protected] redevelopment, tank & pipe 01442 872296installations, civil works, all installations See our new website Supply installation & maintenance of fuel storage and dispensing equipment Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69 • Page 45
fuel monitoring made easy!using mobile fuel bowsersFuel and lubrication equipment supplier Hytek has seen an increasing number of tradeenquiries for equipment designed to monitor fuel usage from fuel bowser applications.End user customers are losing track of fuel dispensed to vehicles from their fuel bowsers, andcannot monitor usage from bowsers in the way they can with their fixed fuelling installations.To meet this need, Hytek’s high-end Hytek has received positive feedback from its For example; fuel usage reports enabledFC10/FC20 web-based fuel monitoring and trade customers, who have stated that all the one customer to spot a problem withreporting system has proved to be a fuel systems arrived on site ready for use, noting vehicles doing abnormally low mpg, leadingmanagement specification of choice. The that the fuel management systems had been to a diagnosis of mechanical issues.FC20 system can also be mounted in a pre-programmed by Hytek. These includedmore compact cabinet making it particularly the vehicle and driver tags, as well as the fuel Hytek fully backs up all its systemsconvenient for the restricted space control system units. This saved installers in house, with technical back-up and sparesavailable on fuel bowsers. hours on site. Once installed, a quick call to always available to ensure peace of mind. Hytek was all that was required to link the Hytek provides sales support to tradeOne application took an ALPHA FC10 diesel system to the web. This ensured a quick and customers and end users by initiallypump, with its built-in fuel control system, efficient service, enabling dispensing to start demonstrating systems online.linked to six compact FC20 systems fitted to immediately with reports the same day.the fuel bowsers. This communicated with Contact Hytek on; [email protected] piece of web software for Feedback from end users on these advanced 01279 815 600 or visit www.hytekgb.comcomprehensive monitoring and reporting. fuel management systems indicates that they are now able to monitor all refuelling, whetherThe fuel bowsers were installed with high on site or wherever fuel is required. They werespeed battery-operated pumps to dispense impressed with how easy the system is forthe fuel, and these were fitted with high their drivers to use, and commented that theaccurate oval gear pulse meters to allow comprehensive reporting system makes itcommunication with the FC20 systems. easy to identify issues.maintain impeccable fuel hygienewith hytek microbe testsDemonstrating its on-going commitment to maintain the highest standards of fuel hygiene,Hytek has now completed over 500 laboratory APT microbe tests over an 18-month periodon gasoil tanks, for microbes and biodiesel content. These tanks are used for generatorand boiler feeds, and so is of paramount importance that they are kept running. They’vediscovered that the average percentage of biodiesel content has been around 3 to 4%.However, in recent months, some individual results have seen biodiesel content rise tobetween 14 and 20%, suggesting that biodiesel content may be on the rise.Hytek’s advanced APT (Adenosine has been processed, you will receive a test Hytek’s technical representativeTriphosphate) test measures the quantity report that indicates the contamination Chris Barton commented:of living cells in a 500ml fuel sample, thus level of the fuel sample. The report will giveidentifying the quantity of active and you a traffic light warning sequence along “We are seeing an increasing number ofpotentially harmful microbes. This allows with recommendations. Included are a issues caused by fuel contamination,the contractor to advise on a suitable detailed breakdown of test results, and a including filters becoming blocked,remedy, with advice provided in the form of digital image (taken through a microscope) equipment failing and, in extreme cases,guidance on the Hytek test report sheet. of the microbes. vehicles stopping. We recommend checking stored fuel for microbes at least once aTests within 48 hours Hytek has also seen an increasing demand year, alongside the normal housekeepingHytek’s test sample kits contain a bottle, for fuel recirculation kits, which are ideal for tasks such as checking for water at thedetailed instructions, packaging and a sites requiring a permanent system to keep bottom of the tank and general tank andreturn address label. Hytek’s carrier collects fuel fresh and microbes dormant. These kits pump maintenance.”the sample directly from the installer or include a pre-filter fuel conditioner, a flowfrom site, but for maximum accuracy, the switch to indicate when the filter is blocked, For further information on Hytek’s fueltest must be completed within 48 hours of and a built-in adjustable timer to control test and fuel recirculation kits pleasea sample being taken. When the sample when the fuel is recirculated. email [email protected], call 01279 815 600 or visit www.hytekgb.comPage 46 • Insite Winter 2015/2016 • Issue 69
Good Things Come in Small GaugesIntroducing the SiteSentinel® Nano®User-Friendly Extensive tank monitoringConvenient capabilities in a compact,Versatile user-friendly design.Affordable With easy-to-use, icon-driven software, a small equipment footprint and robust remote accessibility features, the Nano offers affordable – yet powerful – tank gauging for any fuel site, regardless of size. For more information, call +44 1379 870 725 or visit
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