Health andSafety WorkbookThis workbook is designed for completion by office based staff and social workand nursing students. Please complete the workbook within 2 weeks of startingwork/placement and return it to:Learning and Engagement Team18-24 Seel Street,Liverpool, L1 4BEor via [email protected] Instructions To complete this workbook please refer to following resources: • PSS Health & Safety Policy • PSS Health and Safety Manual • Conversations with your line manager and colleagues • Your own research (there are a number of great online resources, including the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) website:’s name: Lisa DaviesDate workbook received: 12/05/2018Date workbook returned: 08/08/2017Assessor’s name: 1
Health andSafety WorkbookPSS has a legal duty to comply with the requirements of the Healthand Safety at Work Act 1974. This is the primary piece of legislationcovering occupational Health and Safety in Great Britain.Question 1: PSS is firmly committed to doing all that is reasonably practicable to protect thehealth, safety and welfare of our employees, people who use our services and any other people whocould be affected by our activities. Give an example of the steps that Directors and Managers willtake to achieve this: PSS managers and directors will make sure all health and safety risks are identified and addressed, health and safety training is provided to everyone, procedures are followed in full, records of health and safety incidents are recorded and that everyone is aware of health and safety measures in their roles.Question 2: Give an example of your own responsibilities as an employee to protect yourself andothers affected by your work: I must make sure any risks I identify in my day-to-day work are flagged to the relevant people - for example, if I notice a wire hanging down in a hallway, or that a tap won't turn off properly, etc. As part of this, I must also report any accidents, injuries or incidents that happen to me or my team, to prevent it happening to other people. I must follow policies/procedures that protect me in my day-to-day job, like the display screen equipment policy, fire safety procedures, care of visitors to PSS, driving policies and policies relating to stress.Question 3: Give 3 examples of groups of people who are more at Did you know?risk in the workplace and the reasons why. Please give informationabout what PSS can do to reduce the risk:1. People who have a disability, who may require help to evacuate in the event of a fire or 27 million workingother evacuation or may need accessible work stations, and those with a learning difficulty, days were lost due towho may need some extra support to understand the policies and procedures. To protect work related illnesspeople in these circumstances, PSS can make sure everyone undergoes health and safetytraining that takes their learning needs into consideration, and that everyone knows what to and workplacedo to help someone out who may have a physical disability, in the event of a fire. injury in year 2011/12. 2. Pregnant women, who are more at risk of developing health problems in the workplace through, for example, sitting at their desks for long periods of time without the right display screen equipment, or taking part in physical activities like manual handling. PSS couldQcuoendsutcitoanris4k:aDsseessscmreinbtewtithheprdegifnfaentrewnomceenbwehtowweoerknhaerne taocecnisdureenthtaat anddjusatmneentasr miss. Why is it important toretopothretirnroelae/rwmorkissstaetiso?n are made to reduce the risks.3. People who are very new to PSS or who are temporary workers (for example, contractorswAhnoaacrceidweonrtkiisnsgowmieththuinsgfothratthheadpapye)n, swwhoithmoauyt wnoatrnbiengexapnodsecdautsoeaslal nofinthjueryheoarltshoamnedkind of harm. A near miss is an incident thatshaafesttyhepoploicteienstiianl ftoulclaruigshetianwjuaryy,oorrhwarhmo,mbauyt hnaostnb'teyaebt.le to remember them straightaway/remember their way around the building they're based at (may not know whereexits/meeting points are). To keep these people safe, PSS can make sure new staff areencouraged to ask questions about health and safety, that managers are mindful of makingsure health and safety policies are made available, that all of our buildings have clear,visible signs, maps of the building are provided to visitors and new staff, and that all newstaff and temporary staff receive basic health and safety information on their first day.3. 2
Health andSafety WorkbookQuestion 5: How would you report an accident in accordance with PSS’ Health and Safety Policy?Please include timescales: All accidents,injuries and near misses should be reported, via an accident form, to our executive business partner via email within 24 hours of it happening.Question 6: Why should you report slips, trips and falls, even when no injury has occurred? Slips, trips and falls could happen again to someone else, who could be injured. We need to be able to look at why it happened to prevent it happening again. Also - injury may not be apparent straight away, you may feel the effects of an injury a short time later.Question 7: How would you report an incident that occurred in your workplace?Please include timescales: I'd fill out the first part of the incident reporting form within 24 hours of the incident taking place and send it to Mandy, our executive business partner.Question 8: What PSS form encourages you DoSacifhdaoltiarmmpwyepasaomoptnajhureyoonkenwrnkdamihnancntelaorojdmiuruwsperctoss.ia?eesntsto assess your working environment andensure you keep your work station/area tidyand clear of hazards? The monthly workspace check 3
Health andSafety WorkbookQuestion 9: How often do you need to update Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessment if youregularly use a computer as part of your job? Every three years.Question 10: Who is the appointed First Aider(s) in your team/ Did you know?area of work? Please give their name(s) and job title(s): It is estimated that Karen Moore, service co-ordinator, Supported Living 7.5 million working days are lost each year due to musculoskeletal disorders caused by work.Question 11: What is PSS’ policy on smoking in the workplace? No smoking inside any of our buildings. Smoking only allowed in designated areas outside of the building.Question 12: Give 3 examples of triggers for DIewindsw1set2tior1y0mrero.e13kialsul3oislmtnn/sekrg1teidenl4sdldlioastouaih.ttwneyeais?dsttowork-related stress: 1. Too much work 2. Job security threat - eg, threat of redundancy, disciplinary measures 3. Poor working environment 4
Health andSafety WorkbookQuestion 13: Give an example of when you may need to complete a risk assessment in an officeenvironment: When doing a large amount of manual handling.Question 14: What is the first step when conducting any risk assessment? Identifying the hazards.Question 15: Where can you access PSS’ Health and Safety risk assessment form? Give the fullname of the document and the location: It's on Dottie, under 'health and safety'. The document is called HS - RA Risk Assessment Form.Question 16: Suggest 3 ways in which fires might start Did you know?in your workplace: The fire at Windsor 1. Cooking equipment used incorrectly in kitchens/left unattended Castle in 1992 was 2. Smoking inside the building thought to have started 3. Electrical fires caused by computers, wiring, etc. when an electric lamp was placed too close to a curtain. 5
Health andSafety WorkbookQuestion 17: What’s the first thing you must do on discovering a fire? Raise the alarm.Question 18: Give 2 examples of things you can do to prevent fire: 1. Make sure smokers use the designated areas 2. Don't overload circuits/keep check on electrical items to ensure they are safeQuestion 19: Give 3 examples of hazards associated with manual handling tasks: 1. Dropping the thing you're carrying (maybe on your feet!) 2. Hurting your back/shoulders/arms, etc 3. Not being able to see around the load you're carryingQuestion 20: Name 3 things that you can Did you know?consider before a manual handling task is carriedout in order to protect yourself and others? hboaaoivnrgbfMeedgssareleauicsnnwsnlcettcguiovidenceariseaskgnlnu.ftirdtshnoseaemy 1. Can I avoid this? 2. Is this too heavy? 3. Is there someone who can help me? 6
Health andSafety WorkbookQuestion 21: Give an example of when you may need to undertake manual handling in an officeenvironment? Moving heavy boxes - perhaps boxes of printed materials.Question 22: Name 3 activities that could pose a risk to a new or expectant mother: 1. Sitting too long at a desk/display screen equipment risks 2. Manual handling 3. Working aloneQuestion 23: Give 3 examples of ways in which you couldprotect yourself and/or others from harm using whenhazardous cleaning chemicals? 1. Wear gloves 2. Only use them in Did you know? Ill health caused by substances including chemicals and dusts cause around 10,000 deaths per year.Question 24: Why is it important we complete regular Health and Safety checks in our place of work? 7
Health andSafety WorkbookPlease also complete these questions if relevant to your role:Question 25: Please describe your service’s lone working procedures and arrangements:Question 26: What paperwork do you need to completebefore using your car for work? Did you know? The checks your employer carries out to ensure that you are fit, competent and insured to drive are for your own protection as well as for theirs and other road users.(Please note that this only applies when driving on behalf of the company -for example to a client’s house or between offices - not commuting to and from a permanent place of work).Question 27: Please describe your service’s contingency plan in the event of your car breakingdown while you are driving service users/colleagues/visitors: 8
Health andSafety WorkbookPlease also complete these questions if relevant to your role:Question 28: What would be the consequence(s) of using a car for work without business cover onyour insurance policy?(Please note that this only applies when driving on behalf of the company - for example to a client’s house or betweenoffices - not commuting to and from a permanent place of work).Question 29: What 3 steps can you take when drivingto protect yourself, passengers and other road users? DAbtidhucacashyrmiineidnogoeef2uhonts9eosrkt-rr5pndrifa0srrooitit%vrvwseae.s?rtseThank you for completing Please return thisthis workbook. completed workbook to: Learning and Engagement Team, 18-24 Seel Street, Liverpool, L1 4BE or via [email protected] 9
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