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Home Explore Coffee table Bioenergy New

Coffee table Bioenergy New

Published by govindan sathiyamoorthi, 2021-02-01 07:06:31

Description: Coffee table Bioenergy New


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GADGETS/TECHNOLOGIES DEVELOPED UNDER COFFEE TABLE BOOK ICAR-ALL INDIA COORDINATED RESEARCH PROJECT ON ENERGY IN AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-BASED INDUSTRIES Department of Renewable Energy Engineering Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore - 641 003

Estd. 1972 2021 Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute Estd. 1982 Department of Renewable Energy Engineering

Gadgets/Technologies developed 1982 - 2021  Our ICAR - All India Coordinated Research Project on beginning Renewable Energy Sources 1982 Now ICAR - All India Coordinated Research Project on we are Energy in Agriculture and Agro-based Industries in


FRP Solar cooker Ÿ Solar based system to cook vegetables, rice & pulses Ÿ Capacity : 1.5 - 2 kg Ÿ Efciency : 15 % Ÿ Savings : 3 kg of re wood / day 1985

Solar step type drier Ÿ Natural draft multi-rack step type dryer Ÿ Capacity : 10 kg / batch Ÿ Savings : 8 kWh of electricity / day 1988

Biogas cum solar powered light trap Ÿ To trap pest in the eld Ÿ Capacity : 10 Wp Solar Panel 0.1 to 0.15 m3 / h Ÿ Biogas consumption : 2000

Solar transport vehicle Ÿ Vehicle powered with PV cells to load transport Ÿ Reduced dependency on fossil fuels Ÿ Capacity : 66.5 kg (Payload) Ÿ Distance coverage : 12.6 km Ÿ Average Speed : 6.7 km / h 1990

Solar concentrator Ÿ Parabolic type point focus concentrator with semi-automatic mechanical tracking device Ÿ Primary Reector area : 3.64 m2 Ÿ Receiver area : 0.2 m2 Ÿ Temperature : 450 to 700°C 1990

Forced convection solar dryer Ÿ Consists of at plate collector, blower and bin for drying grains, copra and vegetables Ÿ Capacity : 100 kg / batch Ÿ Collector area : 8 m2 Ÿ Efciency : 31 % 1986

Solar wax melter Ÿ Extraction of wax from beeswax Ÿ Capacity : 2 kg honeycomb/batch Ÿ Recovery : 50 % of wax Ÿ Savings : 22 % of cost than conventional melter 2008

Box type FRP solar wax melter Ÿ Portable wax melter system Ÿ Capacity : 300 g / batch Ÿ Recovery : 63 % of wax Ÿ Savings : 35 % of cost than TNAU wax melter 2008

Solar dome dryer Ÿ Natural convection dryer with rotating tray system Ÿ Capacity : 10 kg Ÿ Savings : 35 % of drying time than open sun drying 2012

Electronic temperature controller for solar dryer Ÿ To control air temperature inside natural convection solar dryer Ÿ Rated load capacity : 100 W Ÿ Power requirement : Single phase 230 V Ÿ Temperature range : 0 to 200oC 1990

Solar tunnel dryer Ÿ Natural convection semi cylindrical tunnel shaped walk-in type dryer Ÿ Capacity : 500 - 1000 kg Ÿ Efciency : 34 % 2009

Hybrid biomass - solar tunnel dryer Ÿ Biomass hot air generation system integrated with solar tunnel dryer with autocontroller Ÿ Capacity : 1 tonne / batch Ÿ Efciency : 29 % Ÿ Savings : 40 & 60% of drying time than solar tunnel dryer & open sun drying 2015

Solar air heater integrated with smoke dryer Ÿ Thermal back up by PCM (Parafn wax) storage and biomass mode for drying natural rubber Ÿ Capacity : 75 kg / batch (150 sheets) Ÿ Efciency : 48.5 % Ÿ Savings : 33% of drying time ; 30 kg of fuel consumption / day RSS 4 RSS 1X 2015

Indirect solar-biomass dryer Ÿ Integrated Solar at plate collector with biomass hot air heating system to dry spices at controlled temperature Ÿ Enhanced quality of Pepper (Oleoresin, piperine, volatile oil) and Cardamom Ÿ Capacity : 25 kg / batch Ÿ Efciency : 34 % (Black pepper) & 30 % (Small cardamom) Ÿ Savings : 33 % of drying time 2018

Compound parabolic solar dryer Ÿ Mixed mode CPC with transparent vertical drying chamber Ÿ Quality enhancement (colour and avour retention) Ÿ Capacity : 20 kg / batch Ÿ Efciency : 54.6 % Ÿ Savings : 30 % of drying time 2020

Thermo-chemical conversion Technologies

Biomass gas stove Ÿ Small scale thermal application in agriculture and allied industries Ÿ Thermal efciency : 25% Ÿ Savings : 10% of fuel ; 40% of time 2005

Biomass combustion based steam generator Ÿ High efcient system used for processing turmeric and amla Ÿ Feed rate : 18 kg / h Ÿ Combustor efciency : 18 % Ÿ Combustor cum steamer efciency : 61% 2012

Non-electric pyrolysis unit Ÿ Indirect slow pyrolyser Ÿ Capacity : 2 kg Ignited charcoal Ÿ Heat source : 35 to 40 % Ÿ Charcoal yield : 2011

Slow pyrolyser Ÿ Semi indirect slow pyrolyser Ÿ Heat source : 10 kg ignited charcoal Ÿ Capacity : 50 & 100 kg / batch Ÿ Charcoal yield : 32 % 2012

Activated carbon production system Ÿ Production of activated carbon from promising biomass via steam activation process Ÿ Capacity : 1 kg / batch Ÿ Yield : 18 % 2020

Hydrothermal carbonization reactor Ÿ To produce hydrochar from high moisture content waste Ÿ Capacity : 1 kg / batch Ÿ Hydrochar yield : 50 - 80% 2020

Wood based gasier Ÿ Down draft gasier to convert woody biomass into producer gas Ÿ Fuel : woody biomass Ÿ Feed rate : 20-25 kg / h Ÿ Thermal capacity : 50000 kcal / h Ÿ Thermal efciency : 55-60 % 2007

Open core down draft gasier Ÿ Producer gas generation from husk biomaterial for thermal applications Ÿ Fuel : Husk biomass Ÿ Fuel Consumption : 4 to 5 kg / h Ÿ Thermal capacity : 10000-15000 kcal / h Ÿ Thermal efciency : 55-60 % 2004

Sugarcane bagasse gasier Ÿ Generated producer gas is suitable for boiling of cane juice in gur industries Ÿ Fuel : Bagasse briquette Ÿ Feed rate : 120 -135 kg / h Ÿ Thermal capacity : 250000-300000 kcal / h Ÿ Thermal Efciency : 50-55 % 2006

Fluidized bed gasier Ÿ Thermo chemical conversion of granular biomass into syngas Ÿ Fuel : Coir pith Ÿ Feed rate : 40 kg / h Ÿ Thermal efciency : 60 to 65 % 2005

Water pumping gasier Ÿ Downdraft gasier with a gas cleaning system - retrotted with diesel engine Ÿ Feed rate : 10 kg / h Ÿ Capacity : 10 kWe Ÿ Diesel replacement : 60-70 % Ÿ Overall efciency : 40 % 2014

Tar and particulate removal system for producer gas Primary gas conditioning • Dual air ow (oxidation zone and pyrolysis zone) and dolomite (15% by wt. of biomass) • Tar reduction : 84 % Primary gas conditioning with sand bed lter • Overall tar reduction : 97.98 % • Overall particulate reduction : 92.39 % 2018


High Total solid content based biogas plant • Fixed dome biogas plant • Total solid content : 20 % • Capacity : 35 m3 • Biogas production : 4.5m3 / h from poultry waste; 3 m3 / h from cattle dung • Utility : 20 HP dual fuel diesel engine with 15 kVA generator 2011

Biomethanation system for animal glue wastes • Biogas generation from tannery eshings • Capacity : 5 m3 • Biogas yield : 7.7 m3 / day • Hydraulic retention time : 14 h 2011

RCC high rate reactor • Biomethanate sago industry waste water • Capacity : 10 & 50 m3 • Biogas yield : 4.62 m3 / day • Hydraulic Retention Time : 1 day 2004

High rate biomethanation system • Upow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor for treating efuent • Capacity : 5 m3 • Dairy industrial efuent Biogas yield : 4.4 m3 / m3 @ 10 h HRT • Paper and pulp industry efuent Biogas yield :1.37 m3 / m3 @ 6 h HRT • Fruit processing industrial efuent Biogas yield :3.4 m3 / m3 @ 8 h HRT • Community waste water Biogas yield : 0.05 m3 / m3 @ 10 h HRT 2011

Biogas storage system • PVC coated high tenacity polyester balloon • Capacity : 50 m3 2010

Biogas Scrubbing System • Water based scrubbing system to remove CO2 and H2S • Capacity : 10 m3 / h (Raw Biogas) • Biogas ow rate : 11.5 m3 / h • Water ow rate : 10.2 m3 / h • Scrubbed biogas : 87 to 93 % methane 2014

Hydrogen production system from biogas • Fixed bed steam reforming of biogas forhydrogen production • Capacity : 10 m3 / h • Yield : 71.4 % 2014

Microbial consortia for nutrient recycling of BDS and solids • Value addition of poultry litter waste BDS & solids • Biomanure for commercial crops • Qualitative enhancement, greenness in bhendi, turmeric curcumin (16 %) and tomato lycopene (7.2 %) 2012

Functional Microbial Community prole of Biogas Digester(s) • Revival of sick biogas plants • Alter the microbial prole of sick biogas plants • 99 % - 4 bacterial phyla (Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Chloroexi & Bacteroidetes) • 80 % - methanogenic class (Methanomicrobia; Methanosaeta) & 10 % - archaeal sequences & Methanolinea • Granule fraction: Methanosaeta; Liquid fraction : 50:50 b/w Methanosaeta & Methanolinea 2017


Continuous transesterication unit Ÿ Conversion of vegetable oil into biodiesel Ÿ Capacity : 3 l oil tank & 1 l methoxide solution tank Ÿ Biodiesel yield : 70 to 75 % Ÿ Recovery : 17 % of excess alcohol 2012

Batch type biooil production system Ÿ Fixed bed, batch type pyrolyser to convert biomass into biooil, biochar and non-condensable gas Ÿ Biooil contains alcohols, furans, phenols, aldehydes and organic acids Ÿ Capacity : 3 kg Ÿ Biooil yield : 28 % Ÿ Biochar yield : 25 to 27 % 2012

Simultaneous saccharication and fermentation reactor Ÿ Conversion of waste biomass into bioethanol via enzymatic hydrolysis with fermentation in a single step Ÿ Capacity : 7.5 l Ÿ Ethanol yield : 5 to 8 g / l 2014

Fluidized bed fast pyrolytic reactor Ÿ Conversion of agro residues into biooil via uidized bed reactor using sand as uidizing material Ÿ Capacity : 10 kg / h Ÿ Biooil yield : 62.5 % 2013

Biphasic reactor for butanol production Ÿ Conversion of waste biomass and agro residues into biofuel (Biobutanol) via Acetone-Butanol- Ethanol process Ÿ Capacity : 100 l / Batch Ÿ Butanol yield : 8.24 g / l 2017

Pyrolytic reactor for fuel oil production Ÿ Continuous pyrolytic reactor to convert plastic wastes into fuel oil Ÿ Fuel oil contains alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and aromatic compounds Ÿ Capacity : 1 kg / h Ÿ Fuel oil yield : 86 to 89 % 2017

Syngas fermentation system Ÿ Combined biomass gasication - syngas fermentation process to produce liquid biofuels Ÿ Capacity : Gasier - 2 kg / h Fermentor - 7.5 l Ÿ Yeast : Clostridium acetobutylicum Ÿ Reaction time : 96 h Ÿ Butanol yield : 0.8 g / l 2019

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