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Home Explore The Energy Exchange

The Energy Exchange

Published by neal.niemiec, 2022-02-24 17:33:50

Description: The Energy Exchange


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THE ENERGY EXCHANGE Mission Build The Energy Infrastructure of Tomorrow through the Community Connections of Today between Energy Producers and Technology Influencers

THE ENERGY EXCHANGE Community Thought Leaders Executives and business leaders will find a place to connect with others in the industry facing similar challenges and opportunities. The Energy Exchange strives to curate and deliver insights that are trending as well as the strategies that are working. Technology Users and Innovators Users and influencers will find value in the energy exchange by connecting with like minded individuals that are helping to shape the role of technology in power generation, transmission, distribution and data management. With a focus on real-world workflows, users will learn what’s working today and how to leverage technology to support the innovation of tomorrow.

THE ENERGY EXCHANGE Participation Bi-Annual Meetings Virtual and In-person meetings will occur annually. These are developed by the Energy Exchange special interest group and the agenda will have multiple tracks and sessions geared for thought leaders and users. Social Group and Forum Connecting and sharing is a vital part of The Energy Exchange. As part of this, you have the option to connect to social media as well as become part of a special interest group to influence and shape the community. Membership is available to all those that work in the industry. Cost and Fees Currently there is no cost or fee associated with membership.

THE ENERGY EXCHANGE Special Interest Groups Electric Transmission & Distribution – electric utilities and the engineering firms and system integrators that serve them. This special interest group is foundational to understanding the use, obstacles and potential for technology in the operations of energy today. Traditional Generation – power generation focused on optimizing current infrastructure and focusing on reliability, resiliency and grid modernization. Renewable Generation – electric power generation companies focused on wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, hydrogen, etc. and the engineering firms and system integrators that serve them. This special interest group is forward looking and is focused on sustainability and trends towards green energy. Reward and Recognition – identifying industry innovators and recognizing contributions to the industry. Critically important is to assess and understand the trends and share these across the community of members.

THE ENERGY EXCHANGE Join Join the Group Exchange – Watch the overview and click the “join option” HERE Engage on the Forum – Forums allow others to share and collaborate with the community. Special Interest Groups – Become an active voice and influencer in developing the special interest groups. These groups are the backbone of exchange and help create vision, strategy and output of the community. Attend and Present – Attend the events and participate in presenting sessions, moderating tracks and developing the agendas for the live events.

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