Current State of Local Development Planning • Inactive Local Development Council • Indifferent or unsupportive Sanggunian • Lack or total absence of vertical linkages (CDP w/PDPFP, NGA Plans) • Low Compliance on CDP formulation (31%)
Current State of Local Development Planning • Lack or total absence of horizontal linkages among sectoral concerns • Weak plan – to – budget linkage • Multiplicity of plans due to NGA-mandated thematic and sectoral plans • Mainstreaming requirement of sectoral and thematic issues and concerns in local plans (GAD, DRR/CCA, etc.)
Current State of Local Development Planning • Competency of local planning team • Lack of manpower and resources for the formulation of CDP • Sectoral Plans prepared independently of the CDP and CLUP
NGA-mandated plans
Local plans that maybe incorporated to CLUP Plans that should be integrated in to CDP A. Plans that require inter-sectoral 1. Agriculture and Fisheries functional committee Management Plan, including, Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries 1. Local poverty reduction action Development Zone (SAFDZ) plan 2. Disaster management plan 2. Forest Management Plan or Forest Land Use Plan (FLUP) 3. Sustainable development plan 4. Gender and development plan 3. Sustainable Integrated Area 5. Food security plan Development Plan or Local Agenda 21 (SIADP) 6. Integrated area community peace and order and public safety plan 4. Integrated Watershed Management B. Plans that falls within the concerns of Plan (IWMP) individual sectors 1. Action plan for the council for the 5. Ancestral Domain Sustainable protection of children Development and Protection Plan (ADSDPP) 2. Annual culture and center plan 3. Agriculture and fisheries 6. Protected Area Management Plan management plan (PAMP) 4. Local tourism plan 7. Coastal Resources Management Plan 5. Small and medium enterprise (CRMP) development plan 6. HRD Plan
Heirarchy and Linkage of Mandated LGU Plans ANALYTICAL/ TOOL/DOCUMENTS AUTHORITY PLANNING FOCUS SUB- MAINSTREAMED PLANNING TOOLS FOR LEVERS FOR DOCUMENT COMPONENTS NGA-MANDATED APPLICABLE INSTITUTIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLANS/THEMES HARMONIZATION I. Comprehensive Spatial Production - Spatial/Land Use Executive- Zoning Ordinance Land Use Plan Development Suitability Legislative Agenda, (CLUP) Analysis/Mapping, PDPFP RLPDS Settlements Local Shelter Spatial/Land Use Executive- Zoning Ordinance Plan (Land Use Suitability Legislative Agenda, for Residential) Analysis/Mapping, PDPFP RLPDS Infrastructure - Spatial/Land Use Executive- Zoning Ordinance Suitability Legislative Agenda, Analysis/Mapping, PDPFP RLPDS Protection DENR and NHC Spatial/Land Use Executive- Zoning Ordinance Mandated Plans Suitability Legislative Agenda, Analysis/Mapping, PDPFP RLPDS II. Comprehensive Sectoral Social Local Disaster Vulnerability/Risk/ Executive LDRRM Plan, LDIP, Development Development Development Risk Reduction Adaptive Capacity Legislative Agenda, AIP, Local Plan (CDP) and assessment, PDPFP, PDRRMP Ordinance Management CBDRRM Plan (LDRRMP) Approach, Contingency Planning, Mapping, CBMS,RLPDS Conflict- Vulnerability/Risk Executive LDIP, AIP, Local sensitivity, Assessment, Legislative Agenda, Ordinance Peace and CBMS, RLPDS PDPFP, PPOPS Order/Public Safety Plan (POPS) ANALYTICAL/ TOOL/DOCUMENTS AUTHORITY PLANNING FOCUS SUB- MAINSTREAMED PLANNING TOOLS FOR LEVERS FOR DOCUMENT COMPONENTS NGA-MANDATED APPLICABLE INSTITUTIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLANS/THEMES HARMONIZATION II. Comprehensive Sectoral Social Local Shelter Affordability Executive Local Shelter Plan, Development Development Development Plan analysis, Resource Legislative Agenda, LDIP, AIP, Local Plan (CDP) matching, CBMS, PDPFP Ordinance Cont. RLDPS Local Poverty Poverty Analysis, Executive LPRAP, LDIP, AIP, Reduction CBMS, RLPDS Legislative Agenda, Local Ordinance Action Plan PDPFP (LPRAP) Gender and CBMS, RLPDS Executive LPRAP, LDIP, AIP, Development Legislative Agenda, Local Ordinance Plan (GAD) PDPFP
Heirarchy and Linkage of Mandated LGU Plans ANALYTICAL/ TOOL/DOCUMENTS AUTHORITY PLANNING FOCUS SUB- MAINSTREAMED PLANNING TOOLS FOR LEVERS FOR DOCUMENT COMPONENTS NGA-MANDATED APPLICABLE INSTITUTIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLANS/THEMES HARMONIZATION II. Comprehensive Sectoral Social Local Shelter Affordability Executive Local Shelter Plan, Development Development Development Plan analysis, Resource Legislative Agenda, LDIP, AIP, Local Plan (CDP) matching, CBMS, PDPFP Ordinance Cont. RLDPS Local Poverty Poverty Analysis, Executive LPRAP, LDIP, AIP, Reduction CBMS, RLPDS Legislative Agenda, Local Ordinance Action Plan PDPFP (LPRAP) Gender and CBMS, RLPDS Executive LPRAP, LDIP, AIP, Development Legislative Agenda, Local Ordinance Plan (GAD) PDPFP Economic Tourism Economic Base Executive LDIP, AIP, Local Development Development Analysis Legislative Agenda, Ordinance Plan PDPFP, Prov. Tourism Development Plan Business Plan Economic Base Executive LDIP, AIP, Local Analysis, Legislative Agenda Ordinance Feasibility Study Environmental Local Climate Vulnerability/Risk Executive LDIP, AIP, Local Management Change Action and Adaptive Legislative Agenda, Ordinance Plan (LCCAP) Capacity PDPFP Assessments, Bio- Diversity Assessment and Valuation, Air Quality Assessment
Current DILG Interventions to address Local Development Planning Issues and Gaps • Issuance of Policies and Knowledge Products on mainstreaming thematic concerns in local plans • CCA/DRR • Concerns of vulnerable sectors in conflict affected areas • Business Friendliness (Business Plan and Tourism Development plans) • Localization of Magna Carta of Women • CDP Quick Guide • CDP-BuB Process Integration • Rationalized Planning Indicator and Data Set (RaPIDS) • CDP Review Guide
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