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Home Explore Cal Performances 1819 Mid-Season Brochure

Cal Performances 1819 Mid-Season Brochure

Published by holly, 2019-01-08 17:17:39

Description: Cal Performances 1819 Mid-Season Brochure


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2018/19 SEASONCalPerformancesmusic dance theater UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEYWinter Sale!Jan 3–


Sale! Tickets only $25 in select sections when you purchase seats for two or more designated performances. Look for the blue snowflake through- out the brochure for eligible events. Choose from more than 35 events: January Hubbard Street Dance Chicago (Jan 18 only) Kronos Quartet, Fifty for the Future Nicola Benedetti, violin; Alexei Grynyuk, piano February Yefim Bronfman, piano Kodo, One Earth Tour: Evolution (Feb 3 only) Cantus, Alone Together Joyce DiDonato, mezzo-soprano; SONGPLAY The 7 Fingers, Reversible (Feb 22 & 23 only) March Akram Khan, XENOS eco ensemble Nicolas Hodges, piano; Jennifer Koh, violin; Anssi Karttunen, cello Philharmonia Orchestra, London; Esa-Pekka Salonen, principal conductor and artistic advisor (Mar 15 & 16 only) Quote Unquote Collective, Mouthpiece Zakir Hussain and the Masters of Percussion April Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour – Featuring CSo_écPileercMucsLsoiornin, Salvant & Christian Sands, music director Mallet Quartets and the Keyboard Reimagined Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (April 9, 10, 11 only) Havana Cuba All-Stars Murray Perahia, piano Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Théâtre National de Bretagne Gil Shaham, violin; Akira Eguchi, piano May Silkroad Ensemble, Heroes Take Their Stands Michael Barenboim, violin Songs of Lear, Song of the Goat Theatre Los Angeles Master Chorale, Lagrime di San Pietro Eifman Ballet, The Pygmalion Effect (May 31 & Jun 1, 2pm only) For instructions on how to order $25 tickets, visit


JanuaryHubbard Street DanceChicago Fri–Sat, Jan 18–19, 8pmSun, Jan 20, 3pm, ZHPROGRAM A (JAN 18 & 20)NACHO DUATO Jardí Tancat (music: Wagner Tiso, Maria del Mar Bonet)WILLIAM FORSYTHE N.N.N.N. (music: Thom Willems)ALEJANDRO Lickety-SplitCERRUDO (music: Devendra Banhart)CRYSTAL PITE Grace Engine (music: Owen Belton)PROGRAM B (JAN 19)MUSICAL INTERLUDE Perfectly Voiceless*EMMA PORTNER For All Its Fury* KRONOS QUARTETTEDDY FORANCE Everything Must Go*OHAD NAHARIN Decadance/Ignore Kronos Quartet  (music: Arvo Pärt; text by Charles Bukowski, spoken Fifty for the Future by Bobbi Jene Smith)CERRUDO PACOPEPEPLUTO Fri, Jan 25, 8pm, ZH (music: Dean Martin, Joe Scalissi) Cal Performances showcases Kronos Quartet’s ambitious and much-lauded Fifty for the FuturePITE Solo Echo (music: Brahms) new-music commissioning and open-access education initiative. The concert features world*Music by Dev Hynes, performed live by Third Coast Percussion; premieres by composer Misato Mochizuki,Bay Area Premiere whose works are frequently inspired by science and philosophy, and Colombian musician MarioOver its 40-year-history, Hubbard Street Dance Galeano Toro, who has focused over the past 15Chicago has tackled a thrilling range of repertoire, years on researching Colombian tropical musicworking with both veteran choreographers and and its diaspora throughout South America.fresh voices reimagining contemporary dance for Guest artist Soo Yeon Lyuh, a virtuoso on thenew generations. For Program A, the company’s haegeum (a traditional Korean string instrument),“brisk and hot-blooded” (The Washington Post) will perform her Yessori with the quartet. Anddancers perform Nacho Duato’s first work, emphasizing what the Washington Post describedJardí Tancat; Crystal Pite’s fierce Grace Engine; as Fifty for the Future’s “imaginative generosityAlejandro Cerrudo’s enigmatic and sensual in support of creativity,” student ensembles fromLickety-Split; and William Forsythe’s quartet Berkeley High School, the Oakland School for theN.N.N.N. Program B features the Bay Area Arts and the Crowden School will also performpremiere of new choreography by the brilliant with the ensemble.Emma Portner and her Emmy-winning collaboratorTeddy Forance. Dev (aka Blood Orange) Hynes’ Nicola Benedetti, violin music is performed live by Chicago’s new-music Alexei Grynyuk, pianosensation Third Coast Percussion. The far-rangingprogram also includes the Ignore section from Sun, Jan 27, 3pm, ZHOhan Naharin’s ever-evolving Decadance project;Cerrudo’s PACOPEPEPLUTO, a showcase for BACH Chaconne from Partita No. 2three men dancing to the Dean Martin songbook;and Pite’s “brilliantly inventive” (The Guardian, PROKOFIEV Sonata No. 2 in D Major, Op. 94aLondon) Solo Echo, set to Brahms cello sonatas.Major support provided by The BernardOsher Foundation.David Finckel, cello WYNTONWu Han, piano MARSALIS Fiddle Dance Suite (West Coast Premiere)Sun, Jan 20, 3pm, HH R. STRAUSS Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 18BEETHOVEN Sonata No. 3 in A Major, Op. 69 Scottish violin star Nicola Benedetti lends her sumptuous, gleaming tone to Bach’s gloriousBRAHMS Sonata No. 1 in E minor, Op. 38 Chaconne from the Partita No. 2, and is joined by longtime partner Alexei Grynyuk forMENDELSSOHN Sonata No. 2 in D Major, Op. 58 richly Romantic sonatas by Prokofiev and Richard Strauss. She also performs the WestPianist Wu Han and cellist David Finckel return Coast premiere of Fiddle Dance Suite, a new solowith a program of three cello sonatas that violin work by Wynton Marsalis.highlight the towering mastery of the German Patron Sponsors: Will and Linda SchieberClassical and Romantic traditions. Beethoven’s More at Op. 69 sonata is matched with Brahms’emotive Sonata in E minor, and Mendelssohn’sexhilarating, ebullient Sonata in D Major. 1


February CANTUSYefim Bronfman, piano  Cantus Fri, Feb 1, 8pm, ZH Alone TogetherSCHUMANN Humoreske in B-flat Major, Op. 20DEBUSSY Suite bergamasque Fri, Feb 8, 8pm, FCCSCHUBERT Sonata No. 19 in C minor, D. 958Yefim Bronfman last graced the stages of Cal In a marvelously diverse program that connectsPerformances with a heroic cycle of the complete Beethoven with Arcade Fire, Saint-Saëns withProkofiev piano sonatas. Here, he further reveals Dave Mathews, and Simon and Garfunkelthe emotional breadth of his musical temperament, with Lennon and McCartney and Dear Evanin works ranging from Schumann’s mercurial Hansen’s Pasek and Paul, the stellar men’s vocalHumoreske, to Debussy’s richly impressionistic ensemble Cantus sings of the challenges ofSuite bergamasque, and Schubert’s late-period connecting in our modern age. Beloved for itsgem the Sonata in C minor. “Bronfman combined sumptuous tone and exquisite blend, the choirfire and poetry…his fingers have always burned up charmed the Cal Performances audience at itsthe keyboard, but his lyricism has become more spectacular performance in the 2014–15 season,remarkable with age” (Seattle Post-Intelligencer). commemorating the Christmas Truce of 1914.Patron Sponsors: Annette Campbell-White “For sheer vocal finesse and sophistication, theand Ruediger Naumann-Etienne men of the Cantus vocal ensemble are nearly unrivaled” (Star Tribune, Minneapolis).Kodo  Danish String QuartetOne Earth Tour: Evolution Sun, Feb 17, 3pm, HHSat, Feb 2, 8pmSun, Feb 3, 3pm, ZH HAYDN Quartet in C Major, Op. 20, No. 2One of the most beloved and influential taikoensembles in the world, Kodo returns with WEBERN Quartet (1905)Evolution, a breathtaking retrospective that tracesthe group’s history by presenting signature works BEETHOVEN Quartet No. 16 in F Major, Op. 135created from the 1970s to the present. Kodoharnesses the raw power and thunderous energy That rare ensemble that comes along perhapsof traditional Japanese taiko drumming in sleek once in a generation, the Danish String Quartettheatrical productions, its athletic performers has the power to make centuries-old musiccoaxing both delicate sounds and pounding come alive with a modern sense of urgency andfury from a whole family of drums, including the dynamism. The quartet made its Cal Performancesgigantic o-daiko, weighing in at 660 lbs. “Its debut in the 2013–14 season and quickly becamemusic is a matter of flesh and blood, wood and an audience favorite—admired in Berkeley andstretched skin. Kodo can raise the roof, but the beyond for finely wrought interpretations thatgroup can also show extraordinary finesse” balance precision and subtlety with youthful vigor.(The New York Times). Here, the ensemble performs Beethoven’s playful, congenial final quartet; an early quartet composed YEFIM BRONFMAN by Webern while he was still a student of Schoenberg; and the second of Haydn’s influential Op. 20 quartets. “The group is in full artistic flower…this is one of the best quartets before the public today” (The Washington Post). Major support provided by The Bernard Osher Foundation. 3


Takács Quartet Sun, Feb 24, 3pm Sun, Mar 3, 3pm, HH The peerless Takács Quartet welcomes its newest member, second violinist Harumi Rhodes—the players’ distinguished colleague at the University of Colorado—following the May 2018 retirement of founding member Károly Schranz after a career spanning more than 40 years. “We are thrilled that Harumi has accepted our invitation,” members of the group said. “She is a wonderfully versatile violinist and chamber musician.” From the complete cycles of Bartók (2013–14 season) and Beethoven (2016–17), to quintets with pianist Garrick Ohlsson (2017–18), the Takács ensemble seems to raise the bar with each visit, inviting us on a journey through centuries of repertoire and “revealing the familiar as unfamiliar, making the most traditional of works feel radical once more” (The New York Times). The quartet returns with two diverse programs that showcase this ensemble’s vast expressive range and ability to bring us to the edge of our seats in both rapt contemplation and delight. JOYCE DIDONATO SUN, FEB 24, 3PMJoyce DiDonato, mezzo-soprano  HAYDN Quartet in D Major, Op. 20, No. 4 BARTÓK Quartet No. 1 in A minor, Sz. 40SONGPLAY GRIEG Quartet No. 1 in G minor, Op. 27Wed, Feb 20, 8pm, ZH Grieg’s daring, dense Quartet No. 1 is a rarelyReturning after her captivatingly theatrical In War performed gem, and Bartók’s Quartet No. 1 wasand Peace program in 2016, radiant mezzo- his first major work to employ folk rhythms andsoprano Joyce DiDonato enjoys playing with melodies encountered during his excursions tothe classics in the delightful new SONGPLAY. the Hungarian countryside. The fourth of Haydn’sThe lighthearted recital program mixes Italian imaginative Op. 20 quartets finds the composerBaroque arias with jazz ballads and selections at the height of his powers.from the Great American Songbook, andfeatures a versatile ensemble of piano, drums, SUN, MAR 3, 3PMbass, bandoneon, and trumpet seamlesslyconnecting the improvisational spirit of Baroque HAYDN Quartet in G Major, Op. 76, No. 1ornamentation with the free-spirited charm ofAmerican popular music. “The perfect 21st- BARTÓK Quartet No. 6, Sz. 114century diva—an effortless combination ofglamour, charisma, intelligence, grace and MENDELSSOHN Quartet No. 6 in F minor, Op. 80remarkable talent” (The New York Times).Patron Sponsors: Michael A. Harrison and For its second program, the quartet performsSusan Graham Harrison Bartók’s fiery final quartet, and the last major work Mendelssohn composed before his death, anThe 7 Fingers  eloquent eulogy to his beloved sister Fanny. The first of Haydn’s Op. 76 quartets is grand in vision,Reversible and full of surprises.Directed by Gypsy Snider TAKÁCS QUARTETFri–Sat, Feb 22–23, 8pmSun, Feb 24, 3pm, ZHMontreal’s award-winning contemporary circustroupe presents its latest creation, a playful andpoignant exploration of the role ancestors play inthe shaping of modern identities. For Reversible,each of the company’s cast members researchedgenerations of family history, interviewinggrandparents and great-grandparents about theiraspirations, struggles, and secrets. Throughastonishing acrobatics, aerial stunts, and dynamicdance movement, the artists build anintergenerational bridge between past andpresent, then and now. “The collective virtuosityof this troupe is something to see—and, crucially,to feel” (The Boston Globe). 5


Marcheco ensemble Sat, Mar 2, 8pm, HHSIVAN ELDAR you’ll drown, dear (US Premiere)CARMINE CELLA When the light thickens (US Premiere)AMADEUS RAW (World Premiere)REGUCERA MATTHEWSCHUMAKER Nocte LuxCELLA La mémoire de l’eau (US Premiere)The adventurous eco ensemble presents a programof new electro-acoustic and instrumental music byan up-and-coming generation of exciting composers.Co-produced by the Center for New Music & AudioTechnologies.Akram Khan XENOSA Cal Performances Co-commissionSat, Mar 2, 8pmSun, Mar 3, 5pm, ZHBritish (by Bangladeshi descent) dancer,choreographer, and theater artist Akram Khanis revered for his physically demanding, visuallyspellbinding solo productions, which combine Indiankathak with modern dance in works of sublimestorytelling. Seen here in an exclusive West Coastengagement, XENOS is Khan’s final solo creationbefore his planned retirement as a performer. Apowerful work that reveals the beauty and horrorsof the human condition through the myth ofPrometheus, it is told from the perspective of anIndian soldier recruited to fight in the trenches ofWorld War I for the British Crown. “Xenos” means“stranger” or “alien” in Greek, and Khan’s workbravely explores the soldier’s alienation as he istrapped between two cultures in the colonial system.“This is a work of defining greatness, and a fittingfarewell to a stage career that has illuminated Britishdance” (The Guardian, London).Nicolas Hodges, piano Jennifer Koh, violinAnssi Karttunen, cellSun, Mar 10, 3pm, HHESA-PEKKA SALONEN Lachen verlerntBETSY JOLAS Femme le soir*KAIJA SAARIAHO Light and MatterJOLAS TOI X 3*SAARIAHO TocarMAGNUS LINDBERG Piano Trio*US PremiereAn international trio of new-music virtuosos convenesto explore solo, duo, and trio repertoire by fourtowering figures in contemporary music. Cellist AnssiKarttunen has long enjoyed collaborative relationshipswith fellow Finnish composers Kaija Saariaho,Magnus Lindberg, and Esa-Pekka Salonen, whohave each composed demanding works especiallyfor him. Here Karttunen joins with British pianistNicolas Hodges and American violinist Jennifer Kohin a program that features a virtuoso solo work bySalonen, Lindberg’s Piano Trio, Saariaho’s stunningLight and Matter, and two US premieres by the brilliantFranco-American composer Betsy Jolas. 7


Philharmonia Orchestra,London Esa-Pekka Salonen,principal conductor and artistic advisorEsa-Pekka Salonen, conductorFri–Sun, Mar 15–17, ZHFRI, MAR 15, 8PMSIBELIUS The OceanidesESA-PEKKASALONEN Cello Concerto Truls Mørk, celloBARTÓK Concerto for OrchestraSAT, MAR 16, 8PM ANA MARÍA MARTÍNEZ JIMMY LÓPEZSCHOENBERG Verklärte Nacht TRULS MØRK (Transfigured Night)BRUCKNER Symphony No. 7SUN, MAR 17, 3PMJIMMY LÓPEZ Dreamers (World Premiere) Libretto by Nilo Cruz Ana María Martínez, sopranoSTRAVINSKY The Firebird (complete)Dreamers (World Premiere)A Cal Performances Co-commissionEngaging with an issue that speaks uniquely toour times, acclaimed Peruvian composer JimmyLópez, who earned his doctorate at UC Berkeley,has composed Dreamers, a new oratorioinformed by interactions with Bay Area andcampus immigrant communities, telling deeplypersonal stories through music and opening hiscreative process to audiences through a series ofpublic programs. A rising star on the internationalscene, López has been called “one of the mostinteresting young composers anywhere today”(Chicago Sun Times). For Dreamers, he teams upwith a favorite collaborator as librettist—thePulitzer Prize-winning, Cuban-Americanplaywright Nilo Cruz.Additional Residency HighlightsFollowing on the success of the orchestra’sStravinsky programs two seasons ago—praisedas “musically thrilling and dramatically potent”(The Mercury News)—Salonen conducts therarely performed complete score for The Firebird.Bartók’s virtuosic Concerto for Orchestra, hislast completed work, is paired with Salonen’sdazzling 2017 Cello Concerto, featuringNorwegian cellist Truls Mørk, and Sibelius’evocative The Oceanides. And Bruckner’smagnificent Seventh Symphony shares a programwith Schoenberg’s moody tone poem for strings,Verklärte Nacht.Major support provided by The BernardOsher Foundation and Patron Sponsors Gailand Dan Rubinfeld, and Annette Campbell-White and Ruediger Naumann-Etienne.Dreamers was created with funding from aHewlett 50 Arts Commission, and by PatronSponsors Liz and Greg Lutz, with additionalco-commissioning support from WashingtonPerforming Arts.This project is supported, in part, by an awardfrom the National Endowment for the Arts.More at 9


QUOTE UNQUOTE COLLECTIVE Zakir Hussain and the Masters of Percussion Quote Unquote Collective  Sun, Mar 31, 7pm, ZHMouthpiece Tabla legend and master improviser Zakir Hussain is a natural collaborator—and there are perhapsCreated and performed by no artists he enjoys working with more than hisAmy Nostbakken and Norah Sadava fellow percussionists. For his popular MastersDirected by Amy Nostbakken of Percussion program, Hussain is joined byFri–Sat, Mar 22–23, 8pm an international cast of accomplished fellowSun, Mar 24, 3pm, ZP drummers, and together they explore traditionalA two-woman show acclaimed for its raw honesty North Indian drumming, along with the layered,and insightful portrayal of womanhood, animated rhythms of popular and folk music fromMouthpiece follows a woman over the course of around the world. Expect virtuosic solos, playfullya day, as she struggles to find her voice and competitive duets, and thrilling ensemble jams.contend with the formidable shadow cast by hermother. The engrossing work is co-created and Aprilperformed by the Toronto-based Quote UnquoteCollective, the performers seamlessly integrating Monterey Jazz Festivalsung a cappella passages with spoken text and on Tour – Featuringmoments of extraordinary physicality. “A smart Cécile McLorin Salvant &show, beautifully put together and performed, and Christian Sands, music director one that speaks up for all the women who dailybite their tongues” (The Guardian, London). Wed, Apr 3, 8pm, ZH Jazz vocal sensation Cécile McLorin SalvantMore at returns to Berkeley after her smash debut in February 2018, this time backed by theAn Evening with Ira Glass extraordinary musicians of the Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour. Salvant, who is not yet 30 butSeven Things I’ve Learned sings with a presence and poise that far belies her years, won her second Grammy earlier this yearSat, Mar 23, 8pm, ZH and has been charming critics and audiences alikeIra Glass began working in public radio at age 19 with her gorgeous tone and a beguiling repertoireand has never looked back. The beloved host of that traverses blues, folk music, and lesser-knownNPR’s hit weekly radio show This American Life jazz standards. As Bay Area jazz critic Andyinvites us into his creative process, mixing Gilbert wrote, “Salvant delivered a tour-de-force…audio clips, music, and video to tell captivating more than satisfying, the concert was buzz-stories live onstage, and sharing lessons and inducing” (San Francisco Classical Voice).insights gathered over his career. “A storytellerwho filters his interviews and impressions IRA GLASSthrough a distinctive literary imagination, aneccentric intelligence, and a sympathetic heart”(The New York Times). 11


The Tallis Scholars Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Music Inspired by theSistine Chapel Robert Battle, artistic director Masazumi Chaya, associate artistic directorThu, Apr 4, 8pm, FCC“One of the UK’s greatest cultural exports” Tue–Fri, Apr 9–12, 8pm(BBC Radio 3), the Tallis Scholars return with Sat, Apr 13, 2pm & 8pma magnificent selection of Renaissance choral Sun, Apr 14, 3pm, ZHworks composed for and inspired by the choir The revered Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater—of the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel. At the center of which first visited Cal Performances 50 yearsthe program is a composite mass by Palestrina, ago in 1968—returns to Berkeley for its annualthe Missa Papae Marcelli, as well as Alexander residency. The company’s program spansCampkin’s Miserere Mei for double choir, a new the full range of African American experience,setting commissioned by the ensemble as a from Jawole Willa Jo Zollar’s Shelter, whichresponse to Gregorio Allegri’s strikingly moving explores the plight of the homeless, to ArtisticMiserere. The Tallis Scholars are no strangers Director Robert Battle’s joyful jazz tribute, this refined repertoire: they were invited to The residency also includes three Bay Areaperform in the Sistine Chapel to celebrate the final premieres—Lazarus, a new ballet by hip hoprestoration of the Michelangelo frescoes in 1994. pioneer Rennie Harris, inspired by Ailey’s life and legacy; Ronald K. Brown’s The Call, which blendsSo– Percussion  Bach, jazz, and Malian music; and Jessica Lang’s vivid, celebratory work, EN. Two matinees featureMallet Quartets and Timeless Ailey, a retrospective program spanningthe Keyboard Reimagined 30 years of Ailey’s choreography that culminates in his best-loved work, Revelations.Sun, Apr 7, 7pm, HHVIJAY IYER TORQUE PROGRAM A (APR 9 & 13, 8PM) (West Coast Premiere)CAROLINE SHAW TaxidermyJASON TREUTING Nine Numbers 4 RENNIE HARRIS Lazarus (2018) (Bay Area (West Coast Premiere) Premiere) (music: Darrin Ross)SUZANNE FARRIN New Work ALVIN AILEY Revelations (1960) (music: various traditional spirituals)DAN TRUEMAN “Song,” from Nostalgic Synchronic, PROGRAM B (APR 10 & 12, 8PM) Etudes for BitKlavier (West Coast Premiere)DONNACHA Broken Unison WAYNEDENNEHY (West Coast Premiere) MCGREGOR Kairos (2014) (Company Bay Area Premiere) (music: Vivaldi’sWith innovative multi-genre original productions, The Four Seasons,sensational interpretations of modern classics,and an “exhilarating blend of precision and re-composed by Max Richter)anarchy, rigor and bedlam” (The New Yorker), So_ JAWOLE WILLA Shelter (1988) (music: JO ZOLLAR Percussion has redefined the scope and vital role Junior “Gabu” Wedderburnof the modern percussion ensemble. The group—comprised of Eric Cha-Beach, Josh Quillen, Adam and Victor See Yuen)Sliwinski, and Jason Treuting—visits Berkeley ROBERT BATTLE Ella (2008) (music: Ella Fitzgerald)with four West Coast premieres, including a newwork by Vijay Iyer, music director of the Ojai at JESSICA LANG EN (2018) (Bay Area Premiere)Berkeley 2017 music festival. “Through a mix of (music Jakub Ciupinski)consummate skill and quirky charm, this mercurialquartet has helped to ignite an explosive newenthusiasm for percussion music old and new” PROGRAM C (APR 11, 8PM)(The New York Times). JAMAR Members Don’t Get Weary ROBERTS (2017) (music: John Coltrane) RONALD K. The Call (2018) BROWN (Bay Area Premiere) (music: Johann Sebastian Bach, Mary Lou Williams, Asase Yaa Entertainment Group ROBERT BATTLE Juba (2003) (music: original score by John Mackey) ALVIN AILEY Revelations (1960) (music: various traditional spirituals) PROGRAM D (APR 13, 2PM & APR 14, 3PM) ALVIN AILEY Timeless Ailey Special Program (1958–1986) (music: various) AILEY Revelations (1960) (music: various traditional spirituals) Please note: programs subject to change.SO– PERCUSSION 13


Gil Shaham, violin  Akira Eguchi, piano Mon, Apr 29, 8pm, ZH KREISLER Praeludium and Allegro (In the Style of Pugnani) SCOTT WHEELER Sonata No. 2, The Singing Turk AVNER DORMAN Sonata No. 3, Nigunim BACH Partita No. 3 in E Major for Solo Violin, BWV 1006 FRANCK Sonata in A Major HAVANA CUBA ALL-STARS His lustrous tone matched by masterful phrasing and supremely elegant technique, Gil Shaham isCal Performances in Oakland among the world’s preeminent violinists. He dazzledHavana Cuba All-Stars  audiences at his last Berkeley visit in the 2015–16 season, when he performed Bach’s complete soloSat, Apr 13, 8pm, PT violin works accompanied by mesmerizing slow-The swish of a sequined skirt, a warm tropical motion video projections: “Joyousness, above all,breeze, the faint scent of cigar smoke on a characterized Shaham’s performance…his soundstarched shirt collar: travel back in time to the was sustained and powerful…a Bach experiencegolden era of Cuba’s posh ballrooms and sultry like no other” (San Francisco Classical Voice).dance halls with the Havana Cuba All-Stars. Here, Shaham returns for a special recital withReturning this season after its warmly received longtime collaborator Akira Eguchi.Berkeley debut two years ago, the ensemblespecializes in the evocative vintage sound of MayCuban son, with layered percussion, guitars,trumpets, and strings playing the infectious Alisa Weilerstein, cellorhythms of rhumba, chachacha, habanera, andguaguanco. For this special “Asere” (friendship) The Complete Bach Suitestour, the musicians are accompanied by a troupeof expert dancers from the island. Wed, May 1, 8pm, FCC Perhaps the leading cellist of her generation andMurray Perahia, piano  a commanding interpreter of a wide range of repertoire, Alisa Weilerstein performs a marathonMon, Apr 15, 8pm, ZH concert of Bach’s complete cello suites in her CalA revered elder statesman who plumbs the Performances debut. Weilerstein’s many honorsdepths of Classical and Romantic repertoire include a MacArthur Fellowship (before age 30!),with exquisite refinement and magisterial grace, the Leonard Bernstein Prize, and an Avery FisherMurray Perahia is among the most exalted Career Grant from Lincoln Center. As she toldpianists of his generation. His recitals are often the New York Times, the Bach cycle “demandstransformative experiences, as the reviews for a everything of you emotionally, cerebrally,recent Bay Area performance attest: “powerful instrumentally…At the very end, I am emotionallyand revelatory, as astounding a concert as I’ve exhausted, physically exhausted, and my brainattended in recent memory…it appeared as is turned to mush—and it’s the most wonderfulthough the entire history of music was being feeling, a cathartic feeling. I love it.”unraveled right before us” (The Mercury News). ALISA WEILERSTEINShakespeare’sJulius Caesar Théâtre National de Bretagneby William ShakespeareDirected by Arthur NauzycielFri–Sat, Apr 26–27, 8pmSun, Apr 28, 3pm, ZHFrench director Arthur Nauzyciel revives his “visuallystunning, musically moody, and unceasingly stylish”(The Boston Globe) production of Julius Caesar,first created for Boston’s influential AmericanRepertory Theater in a US election year, 10 yearsago. Now artistic director of the Théâtre Nationalde Bretagne, Nauzyciel highlights the continuingrelevance of Shakespeare’s great politicaltragedy—with costumes and design that evokethe era of JFK, a live jazz trio, and provocativestaging that refocuses the action so that thetyranny unfolds as the dream of a minor character,Brutus’ slave Lucius. 15


SILKROAD ENSEMBLE Song of the Goat Theatre Silkroad Ensemble  Songs of LearHeroes Take Their Stands Directed by Grzegorz Bral Music by Jean-Claude AcquavivaA Cal Performances Co-commission and Maciej Rychly Sat, May 11, 8pmFri, May 3, 8pm, ZH Sun, May 12, 3pm, ZP An audience favorite at Edinburgh’s Fringe Festival,PAUCHI SASAKI Elektra the Warsaw-based Song of the Goat Theatre integrates movement, song, and text to mineCOLIN JACOBSEN Arjuna at Kuru: historical works for fresh insights. The award- Discourse with Lord Krishna winning Songs of Lear retells the tragic king’s story as a dramatic oratorio blending Corsican folkJASON MORAN Martin Luther King, Jr. music and Gregorian chant—a production the (working title) New York Times called “viscerally awe inspiring.”KAYHAN KALHOR Siavosh in Touran: Farewell Los Angeles Master Chorale  to his Wife and Horse Lagrime di San PietroZHAO LIN Dou E at Chuzhou (Tears of Saint Peter)With the bold new project Heroes Take Their Orlando di Lasso, composerStands, the Grammy-winning Silkroad Ensemble Grant Gershon, conductorengages with the social and political turmoil of Peter Sellars, directorour time, asking us: What does it mean to take Fri, May 17, 8pm, ZHa stand in a moment of moral uncertainty? What Visionary director Peter Sellars returns todoes an everyday hero look like? And how can an Cal Performances with a profound and stirringordinary person make a difference? The program a cappella work by one of the Renaissance’s mosttells the stories of five heroic figures from diverse revered composers. Orlando di Lasso’s Lagrimecultures—from the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., di San Pietro (Tears of Saint Peter) depicts theto Elektra from Greek mythology, to Arjuna from grief and remorse of the Apostle Peter, as heHindu epic poetry—through five new works reflects on his fateful denial of Jesus on the daycommissioned from members and friends of the of his arrest. The work is sung by the 21 voicesensemble, each composer working with artists of the formidable Los Angeles Master Chorale,in other media. Collaborating partners include with Sellars’ stark staging illuminating the biblicalBharatanatyam dancer/choreographer Aparna story’s striking connections to the concerns ofRamaswamy (working with Colin Jacobsen) and our modern world. Lagrime was praised by thepuppeteer/filmmaker Hamid Rahmanian (working Los Angeles Times in its Disney Hall premiere aswith Kayhan Kalhor). “a major accomplishment for the Master Chorale, which sang and acted brilliantly. It is also a majorMichael Barenboim, violin  accomplishment for music history.” Performed in Italian, with English supertitles.Sun, May 5, 3pm, ZH Eifman Ballet TARTINI Sonata in G minor, Bg. 5, Devil’s Trill The Pygmalion EffectSALVATORESCIARRINO 6 Caprices US PREMIERE Added Sat Matinée Performance!PAGANINI Caprices for Solo Violin, Op. 1, Fri, May 31, 8pm Nos. 1, 6, 17, 16, 9, 24 Sat, Jun 1, 2pm & 8pm Sun, Jun 2, 3pm, ZHBERIO Sequenza VIII For 40 years, across a shifting political climate for artists in his native Russia, the defiantlyViolinist Michael Barenboim enjoys a robust controversial choreographer Boris Eifman hascareer as concertmaster with the West-Eastern created “works that hinge on extreme theatricality,Divan Orchestra and frequent soloist with acrobatic pas de deux, and spectacular effects”symphonic ensembles around the world. But it (The New Yorker) for his Saint Petersburgis the solo recital that best reveals his mastery of company. In Eifman’s productions, the costumesa wide range of often fiendishly challenging violin are sumptuous, the dancing is exquisite, and themusic. Here he serves up a sumptuous musical drama is riveting. Here, the company performsfeast of works from his recently released and the US premiere of Eifman’s new The Pygmalionhighly praised second album on the Accentus Effect, set to a score by Johann Strauss Jr. “Thislabel: “Barenboim explores exclusively Italian Russian dancemaker and his dancers are amongrepertoire, again contrasting the ancient and the the most fascinating artists before the publicmodern, but bringing the music’s astonishing today” (San Francisco Chronicle).sensuality and heady virtuosity firmly to the fore.What’s truly remarkable, however, is Barenboim’s 17effortless balancing of his sonic exuberance with acool-headed accuracy and precision” (The Strad).

With Thanks Research And Development Initiative in Creativity, Arts, and LearningCal Performances thanks thefollowing foundations and Cal Performances’ groundbreakingcorporations for their lead support programming initiative explores two importantof the 2018/19 season. and timely cultural issues: Women’s Work shines a spotlight on the role of womenFoundation Support creators in the arts and beyond, and our Citizenship theme looks at the human side ofTHE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION the current debate on immigration andFunding for large-scale artist residencies nationalism.and Cal Performances’ suite of student and learning programs, includinginnovative semester-long courses Women’s Workthat bring together campus academicprograms with Cal Performances’ Nicola Benedetti, violinprograms and artists for unique student Alexei Grynyuk, pianoengagement opportunities, is provided byThe Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Jan 27, ZHTHE WALLACE FOUNDATION See pg. 1 for detailsA multi-year grant supporting programsdesigned to deepen and increase Quote Unquote Collectiveparticipation among UC Berkeley students Mouthpieceis provided by The Wallace Foundationas part of their Building Audiences for Mar 22–24, ZPSustainability initiative. See pg. 11 for detailsKORET FOUNDATIONFunding for K–12 education programs, Citizenshipnew-audience development initiatives, andco-presentations with Stanford Live is Philharmonia Orchestra, Londonprovided by the Koret Foundation. Esa-Pekka Salonen,WILLIAM AND FLORA HEWLETTFOUNDATION, ANN AND GORDON GETTY principal conductor and artistic advisorFOUNDATION, and THE ZELLERBACHFAMILY FOUNDATION DreamersGeneral operating support is provided bythese lead funders. Mar 17, ZH See pg. 9 for detailsCorporate Support KeySeason Sponsor ZH Zellerbach HallZellerbach Hall’s state-of-the-art sound system ZP Zellerbach Playhouseis generously provided by Meyer Sound. FCC First Congregational Church HH Hertz HallMajor support for public programs is PT Paramount Theatre, Oaklandprovided by Bank of America.

Related Events Order today!Pre- and Post- Onlineperformance Talks Visit By Phone or In PersonSelect events feature informative pre- Call 510.642.9988 or visit the Ticket Office,and post-performance talks with artists and Tue–Fri, 12pm–5:30pm; and Sat & Sun,scholars. Free to ticket holders, talks this 1–5pm. Holiday and university break hoursseason include: may vary. The Ticket Office is located at the northeast corner of Zellerbach Hall on theJan 27 Nicola Benedetti, violin; UC Berkeley campus. Alexei Grynyuk, piano Fees $17 per subscription order and $12 perFeb 24 Takács Quartet single-ticket order service fee. DiscountsMar 3 Takács Quartet Single-ticket discounts are available for UC Berkeley students, Alumni AssociationMar 10 Nicolas Hodges, piano; members, and faculty and staff, as well as Jennifer Koh, violin; seniors (65+), students, and groups of 10 or Anssi Karttunen, cello more (Special Events excluded). Full details at 3 Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour – Accessibility Featuring Cécile McLorin Salvant & All venues are wheelchair accessible. When Christian Sands, music director ordering tickets online, please choose designated wheelchair locations for reserved-Apr 4 The Tallis Scholars: Music Inspired seating performances. To request additional by the Sistine Chapel disability-related accommodations, including sign language interpreters, contact the TicketCatharsis Cafés Office at 510.642.9988 at least two weeks in advance of the performance to ensure bestJoin fellow audience members for a post- possible arrangements. Patrons using a TTY,performance discussion and reception. please contact us via California Relay Service by dialing 711 or (800) 735-2929.Mar 2 Akram Khan, XENOSApr 26–28 Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar; All sales are final. All programs, artists, and prices Théâtre National de Bretagne are subject to change.Community Events Save 10% with just four events!Participatory community dance classes,workshops, and music events offer direct Select just four events on a singleengagement with artists. Check online event order. That’s all it takes to becomepages for details and registration. a Choose-Your-Own Subscriber and enjoy discounts and other perks.Jan 19 Hubbard Street Dance Chicago Community Dance Class Already a subscriber?Feb 15 Danish String Quartet Save 10% on additional 2018/19 Pop-up WhimsiCAL Performance ticket orders! on Campus Design: Cuttriss & HambletonApr 12 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Berkeley Dances “Revelations” Workshops and PerformanceApr 14 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Community Dance ClassPublic ForumsEngage in fascinating public forumsincluding roundtable discussions, masterclasses, lectures, and artist talks. Eventsthis season include:Feb 16 Danish String Quartet – Master ClassMar 16 Philharmonia Orchestra, London Esa-Pekka Salonen, principal conductor and artistic

CalPerformancesmusic dance theater 2018/19 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY SEASONWinter Sale!January 3–26For a limited time,tickets only $25*when you purchasetwo or more events.*Offer valid on designatedperformances in select sectionsESA-PEKKA Season Sponsor:

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