musdicancetheater OUR 111th SEASON 2016/17 SEASONCalPerformances UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEYSchedule someinspiration!Subscribe to our2016/17 Season today!CHOOSE-YOUR-OWNSUBSCRIPTIONSELECT 6 EVENTSA N D S A V E
The choice is YOURS!CHOOSE-YOUR-OWNSUBSCRIPTIONSELECT 6 EVENTSA N D S A V E 15%With everything from music to dance to theater,our 111th season offers something for everyone.The Choose-Your-Own Subscription lets youdecide which events fit your discerning tasteand complex schedule. Simply choose yourevents, place them all in a single order, andyou're a subscriber. It’s that easy.Order today! calperformances.orgCOVER PHOTO: MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV IN LETTER TO A MAN
Why Subscribe?You’re busy. Schedule some inspiration.Best seats. Sit in front of single ticket buyers.Flexibility. Advance ticket exchanges are easy and free of service charges.Special Events. Lock in seats for these sought-after events.Save money. The more you see, the more you save.Choose-Your-Own SubscriptionSave 10%: Select four or five events on a single order.Save 15%: Select six or seven events on a single order.Save 20%: Select eight or more events on a single order.Subscribe online now LUCINDA CHILDS DANCE COMPANY IN AVAILABLE LIGHT 1
ESvpeenctisal The Silk Road Ensemble THE SILK ROAD ENSEMBLE with Yo-Yo Ma WITH YO-YO MA at the Greek Thu, Aug 18, 8pm, Greek Theatre Visionary cellist Yo-Yo Ma returns to the Greek for a concert under the stars with a project close to his heart—The Silk Road Ensemble, an extraordinary musical think tank of cross- cultural collaboration and artistic excellence. The collection of virtuosi, versed in the musical cultures of Asia, Europe, and the Americas, performs lively arrangements of traditional music as well as contemporary works by composers from around the globe, blending Western string instruments with classical and folk percussion, strings, and winds in performances of “spontaneity and superb craftsmanship” (The Washington Post ). Patron Sponsors: Nadine Tang and Bruce Smith2
Robert Wilson Secure your seatsMikhail Baryshnikov now for our biggestLetter to a Man events of the season!Designed and directed by Robert Wilson Special Events are likely to sellwith Mikhail Baryshnikov out. Subscribing now is the bestThu–Sat, Nov 10–12, 8pm way to secure the best seatsSun, Nov 13, 3pm, ZH for The Silk Road EnsembleIn Letter to a Man, the haunting diaries of with Yo-Yo Ma at the Greekballet icon Vaslav Nijinsky are brought to life and Robert Wilson and Mikhailby Mikhail Baryshnikov and Robert Wilson, in an Baryshnikov’s Letter to a Man.inspired collaboration that continues following the Add these Special Events to youracclaimed 2014 production of The Old Woman. 4- or 5-event package and saveBaryshnikov, who until now has resisted portraying 10%. Include them as part of athe larger-than-life Nijinsky, explained his artistic 6- or 7-event package and savemotivations: “This is not about Nijinsky, per se… 15%. Select 8 or more events inIt is about a troubled man and his relationship with your order and save 20%!his art, with God, with family, with moral issues.” Want priority for the BEST SEATS? Consider a donation.Letter to a Man features a list of eminent Donors and Subscribers arecollaborators, including Lucinda Childs. seated before the general public.A Baryshnikov Productions and Change Performing Arts ProjectCommissioned by Spoleto Festival dei 2Mondi; BAM;Cal Performances, UC Berkeley; Center for the Art ofPerformance at UCLA in collaboration with Teatros del CanalMadrid; Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo/Monaco Dance ForumBerkeley RADICAL. More at MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV IN LETTER TO A MAN 3
OCanhrcdahmesbterar MusicESA-PEKKA SALONENOrder today!
MICHELLE DEYOUNG Takács QuartetEsa-Pekka Salonen, Beethoven: The Complete String Quartetsprincipal conductor & artistic advisor Sat, Oct 15, 8pm; Sun, Oct 16, 3pm; Philharmonia Orchestra Sat, March 4, 8pm; Sun, March 5, 3pm; of London Sat, April 8, 8pm; Sun, April 9, 3pm, HH Sat, Oct 15, 8pmFri–Sat, Oct 7–8, 8pmSun, Oct 9, 3pm, ZH No. 2 in G Major No. 11 in F minor, SeriosoProgram A (10/7) No. 13 in B-flat Major, with Finale Sun, Oct 16, 3pmBEETHOVEN Symphony No. 3, Eroica No. 1 in F MajorSIBELIUS Symphony No. 5 No. 10 in E-flat Major, Harp No. 14 in C-sharp minorProgram B (10/8) Sat, March 4, 8pmSTRAVINSKY Symphonies of Wind Instruments No. 4 in C minor Agon No. 5 in A Major The Rite of Spring No. 15 in A minor Sun, March 5, 3pmProgram C (10/9) No. 3 in D MajorSTRAVINSKY Oedipus Rex No. 8 in E minor, Razumovsky Symphony of Psalms No. 12 in E-flat Major Sat, April 8, 8pmCal Performances welcomes the phenomenalPhilharmonia Orchestra of London, led by No. 6 in B-flat Majortrailblazing principal conductor and artistic No. 16 in F Majoradvisor Esa-Pekka Salonen, for a residency that No. 9 in C Major, Razumovskycelebrates two themes dear to the conductor’s Sun, April 9, 3pmheart: Igor Stravinsky and California. Salonenhas been a Californian for almost 25 years, No. 7 in F Major, Razumovskypraised by the Los Angeles Times as an “open, No. 13 in B-flat Major, with Op. 133, Grosse Fuguecommunicative, imaginative artist—among themost beloved of our town and time.” Stravinsky A momentous occasion! Following our tradition ofwas an Angeleno for nearly 30 years, during exploring cycles of music in context, we presentwhich time he composed the 12-tone ballet Agon a cornerstone of classical music and one of(Program B) and re-orchestrated the brilliant humanity’s greatest achievements.homage to Debussy, Symphonies of Wind Takács violinist Edward Dusinberre on theInstruments (Program B). Beethoven Quartets: “Playing the works is aTwo programs explore the fantastic breadth thrilling and daunting experience. We feel likeof Stravinsky’s orchestral works, from the tennis players forced out of position, obliged torevolutionary The Rite of Spring of his Ballets draw on our physical and mental resources toRusses years; to the ritualistic opera-oratorio raise our game. We have rehearsed this music forOedipus Rex, which features guest soloists many years, but performing a Beethoven quartetincluding mezzo-soprano Michelle DeYoung, still inspires an exhilarating sense of danger” (Thea male chorus, and a libretto by Jean Cocteau; Guardian, London).and the Symphony of Psalms, “one of the Critic Alex Ross on the musicians: “Themost deeply moving and genuinely spiritual Takács players have been recording the completepieces Stravinsky ever wrote” (The Guardian, Beethoven quartets, and their survey, now complete,London). Opening night features the orchestra in stands as the most richly expressive moderna program that balances Beethoven’s timeless account of this titanic cycle” (The New Yorker ).Eroica Symphony with Sibelius’ majestic, nature- Berkeley RADICAL. More at calperformances.orginspired Fifth Symphony. Patron Sponsors: Nadine Tang and Bruce Smith, and Charles and Helene LinkerBerkeley RADICAL. More at calperformances.orgMajor support provided by TAKÁCS QUARTETThe Bernard Osher Foundation 5
PHILHARMONIA BAROQUE ORCHESTRAPRODUCTION OF HANDEL’S TESEONational Symphony Fully Staged OperaOrchestra of Ukraine Rameau: The Temple of Glory (Le temple de la gloire)Volodymyr Sirenko, artistic director Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra and chief conductor Libretto by VoltaireTheodore Kuchar, conductor laureate Nicholas McGegan, conductorAlexei Grynyuk, piano Gabrielle Philiponet, soprano Chantal Santon, sopranoSun, March 26, 3pm, ZH Katherine Watson, soprano Artavazd Sargsyan, haute-contreVERDI Overture to La forza del destino Philippe-Nicolas Martin, baritone Marc Labonnette, baritonePROKOFIEV Piano Concerto No. 3 New York Baroque Dance Company Philharmonia ChoraleSHOSTAKOVICH Symphony No. 5 Bruce Lamott, directorThe distinguished National Symphony Orchestra Fri–Sat, April 28–29, 8pmof Ukraine lends its expressive power to a Sun, April 30, 3pm, ZHprogram that includes Prokofiev’s Piano ConcertoNo. 3 with celebrated Ukrainian soloist Alexei The vivid musical imagination of French composerGrynyuk, and Shostakovich’s heroic Symphony Jean-Philippe Rameau is brought to life in aNo. 5. “Its strings can conjure up a vibrant lavish new staging of his opera-ballet Le templesongfulness; the woodwinds have a fruity, de la gloire, featuring the inimitable Philharmoniapenetrating ripeness; the brass could endanger Baroque Orchestra and Chorale, with leadingthe walls of Jericho; the percussion might wake proponents of period dance, the New Yorkthe dead...” (The Sydney Morning Herald). Baroque Dance Company. Rameau’s first version of the score, with a libretto by Voltaire, was long THEODORE KUCHAR thought lost—but the original 1745 manuscript6 is held in the UC Berkeley library, inspiring PBO’s director, Nicholas McGegan, to mount this new production in collaboration with Cal Performances, the first staged version since the work’s premiere at Versailles in 1745. Voltaire’s libretto is in the form of a ballet héroïque, an allegorical ballet that uses mythological characters like Apollo, Bacchus, and classical demons and gods in a grandiose spectacle with moral and political overtones. Rameau’s brilliantly orchestrated music evokes heroic military grandeur and rustic pastoral splendor. Costumes are provided by the Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles. “McGegan’s interest in French music has deep roots. Interpretatively, he does not put a foot wrong. His instinctive feel for tempi and unfailingly elegant sense…is shared by the band” (BBC Music Magazine). A co-production of Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, Cal Performances, and Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles. Patron Sponsors: Susan Graham Harrison and Michael A. Harrison
Theater The 7 Fingers (Les 7 Doigts de la Main) KIDD PIVOT AND ELECTRIC COMPANY THEATRE Cuisine and Confessions Thu–Sat, Feb 9–11, 8pm, ZH Bringing the aesthetics of classical theater to the realm of the contemporary circus, the fearless performers of Seven Fingers explore life’s big questions while preparing food on a set equipped with a functional kitchen. Their latest creation, Cuisine and Confessions, mixes circus arts, avant-garde dance, theater, and cooking-show satire: “This playful and participatory show is a piece of pure creativity” (Le Journal de Montréal). Kidd Pivot and Electric Company Theatre Betroffenheit Fri–Sat, March 10–11, 8pm, ZH A collaboration between two of Canada’s most renowned and imaginative companies, choreographer Crystal Pite’s Kidd Pivot and playwright/performer Jonathon Young’s Electric Company Theatre, Betroffenheit is a gripping and emotionally visceral exploration of psychological trauma. Named after a German word that loosely translates as shock, bewilderment, or impact, this “rare and staggering” (The Globe and Mail, Toronto) dance-theater hybrid addresses the failure of language in the face of emotional suffering. Please note: This performance contains strobe-like effects, nontoxic theatrical haze, and strong language. Berkeley RADICAL. More at William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night Created by Filter Theatre in association with the Royal Shakespeare Company Sean Holmes, director Wed–Fri, March 22–24, 8pm Sat, March 25, 2pm & 8pm Sun, March 26, 3pm, ZP Direct from the United Kingdom and making its West Coast debut, Britain’s acclaimed Filter Theatre, “a company blessed with wit, style, and a touch of magic” (The Daily Telegraph, London), presents its breakneck and explosive production of Shakespeare’s masterwork of romance, satire, and mistaken identity. Originally commissioned by the Royal Shakespeare Company, Filter’s Twelfth Night enlists a cast of superb actors, with raucous music and rowdy audience participation, in a radical retelling of the Bard’s beloved tale. 7
Layla and Majnun Available LightMark Morris Dance Group John Adams, composerThe Silk Road Ensemble Lucinda Childs, choreographer Frank O. Gehry, stage designerMark Morris, director and choreographerHoward Hodgkin, scenic and Performed by the Lucinda Childs Dance Company costume designer Fri–Sat, Feb 3–4, 8pm, ZH Join us in celebrating the 70th birthday ofJames F. Ingalls, lighting designer Berkeley’s own internationally renownedUzeyir Hajibeyli, music; composer and Cal Performances collaborator John Adams. Lucinda Childs’ Available Light, arranged by Alim Qasimov, hailed in its 1983 premiere as “a career Johnny Gandelsman, Colin Jacobsen breakthrough…a work of blazing formal beauty”Alim Qasimov, mugham vocals (Majnun) (The New York Times), is set to Adams’ richlyFargana Qasimova, mugham vocals (Layla) impressionistic score, with a striking set designedFri–Sat, Sept 30–Oct 1, 8pm by Frank Gehry. Childs, whose choreographySun, Oct 2, 3pm, ZH last graced Bay Area stages in Einstein on theMark Morris’ lyrical choreography, the emotive Beach, returns with her company for this Calvoices of Azerbaijan’s Alim Qasimov and Fargana Performances co-commissioned revival—a rareQasimova, the vibrant musicality of The Silk opportunity to experience the collaborative workRoad Ensemble, and the striking visual palette of these three visionary artists.of British painter Howard Hodgkin combine inthis world premiere performance. The timeless The 2015 revival of Available Light was produced bystory of the tragic love between Layla and Majnun Pomegranate Arts and commissioned by Cal Performances,originated in 7th-century Persia, and later was UC Berkeley; Festspielhaus St. Pölten; FringeArts,the foundation for the first opera of the Muslim Philadelphia with the support of The Pew Center for Artsworld. Hajibeyli’s powerful music—at once & Heritage; Glorya Kaufman Presents Dance at the Musicprofoundly sorrowful and ecstatic—honors the Center and The Los Angeles Philharmonic Association;tale’s commitment to love, acceptance, devotion, International Summer Festival Kampnagel, Hamburg;and peace. Onassis Cultural Centre—Athens; Tanz Im August, Berlin; and Théâtre de la Ville—Paris and Festival d’AutomneLayla and Majnun is a Mark Morris Dance Group/Cal à Paris. Available Light was developed at MASS MoCaPerformances, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California production (Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art).in association with Harris Theater for Music and Dance, Berkeley RADICAL. More at calperformances.orgChicago, Illinois; the Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth Patron Sponsors: Gail and Daniel RubinfeldCollege, Hanover, New Hampshire; the John F. KennedyCenter for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC; Krannert Les Ballets TrockaderoCenter for the Performing Arts, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois; de Monte CarloLincoln Center for the Performing Arts, New York, NewYork; Sadler’s Wells, London, England; University Musical Fri, March 3, 8pmSociety at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Sat, March 4, 2pm & 8pm, ZHUniversity of Washington World Series, Seattle, Washington. The “unspeakably talented” (Calgary Herald)Berkeley RADICAL. More at all-male ballet troupe affectionately known as the “Trocks” traffics deliriously and artfullyCullberg Ballet in “the ridiculous and the sublime” (FinancialDeborah Hay: Figure a Sea Times). The troupe performs a sophisticated form of ballet parody, en travesti, and recentlySat, Oct 22, 8pm celebrated 40 years as an internationally adoredSun, Oct 23, 3pm, ZH cultural phenomenon.Sweden’s innovative Cullberg Ballet presents Patron Sponsor: Ross E. Armstrong inthe latest work by pioneering postmodern memory of Jonas (Jay) K. Sternchoreographer Deborah Hay, “…a remarkable andsublime meditative experience” (Dagens Nyheter,Stockholm) set to a shimmering score by LaurieAnderson. In Hay’s words, “the 21 dancers andthe stage are like a sea of endless possibilities—a place for self-reflection, and seeing oneself see.”Major support provided byThe Bernard Osher Foundation. LES BALLETS TROCKADERO DE MONTE CARLO 9
RIOULT DANCE NY RIOULT Dance NYAlvin Ailey Bach DancesAmerican Dance Theater Sat, May 6, 8pmRobert Battle, artistic director Sun, May 7, 3pm, ZPMasazumi Chaya, associate artistic directorTue-Fri, March 14–17, 8pm RIOULT Views of the Fleeting WorldSat, March 18, 2pm & 8pm (music: Bach, The Art of the Fugue)Sun, March 19, 3pm, ZH City (music: Bach, Violin Sonata in G Major, BWV 1019)A pillar in the American arts landscape for Celestial Tides (music: Bach,more than a half century, the revered Alvin Ailey Brandenburg Concerto No. 6)American Dance Theater returns for its annual Polymorphous (music: Bach, excerptsresidency with a bold mix of new and recent from The Well-Tempered Clavier)works as well as timeless Ailey classics, includinghis unforgettable and uplifting Revelations. Pascal Rioult returns to Cal Performances with a“Restraint and release, spirituality and energy: thrilling program devoted to the music of Johannthey are all there in Ailey’s masterpiece, Sebastian Bach. RIOULT Dance NY performs theRevelations” (Financial Times). French-born choreographer’s muscularly elegant, deeply emotive works, celebrated for carrying on the legacies of his early mentors, Martha Graham and May O’Donnell. “RIOULT’s responses to Bach are keenly sensitive to phrasing and structure…buoyant, shapely, and often intricate in design, reflecting Bach’s contrapuntal mastery” (The Plain Dealer, Cleveland). Scottish Ballet A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams Nancy Meckler, director Annabelle Lopez Ochoa, choreographer Peter Salem, music Wed–Fri, May 10–12, 8pm, ZH Scottish Ballet’s award-winning take on Tennessee Williams’ Southern Gothic melodrama with jazz-inspired score draws audiences into the darkly alluring and tragic world of Blanche DuBois, her sister Stella, and her brutish brother-in-law Stanley. Scotland’s national dance company is known for rigorous and refined classical technique and vibrant productions of story ballets. “An expertly chosen play turned brilliantly into dance” (The Telegraph, London). SCOTTISH BALLET IN A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE10
ReKocret ital EMANUEL AX Order today! calperformances.org12
Denis Matsuev, pianoSun, Oct 23, 3pm, HHBEETHOVEN Sonata in A-flat Major, Op. 110 Emanuel Ax, pianoSCHUMANN Symphonic ÉtudesLISZT Mephisto Waltz No. 1 Sun, Jan 22, 3pm, ZHTCHAIKOVSKY “Méditation,” Op. 72, No. 5PROKOFIEV Sonata No. 7, Stalingrad SCHUBERT Four Impromptus, D. 935With a gigantic sound and dazzling agility, SAMUEL ADAMS New WorkRussian pianist Denis Matsuev is best knownfor his interpretations of the music of his CHOPIN Impromptus Nos. 1 and 2countrymen, here playing the second ofProkofiev’s tumultuous War sonatas: “He Sonata No. 3superbly captured the moody fluctuations…fromanxiety and brittleness to haunted rumination, Ever eager to illuminate works of the past withand offered a primal performance of the roiling… fresh perspective, Emanuel Ax collaborates withfinale” (The New York Times). rising star composer Samuel Adams, whose new work is written as a companion, and response, to Schubert’s Impromptus. Ax has performed the Schubert to great acclaim: “[His] signature style—a shifting balance of poetry, earthiness and analytical clarity—suits this music…so precisely” (The New York Times). Patron Sponsors: Diana Cohen and Bill Falik Lucas Debargue, piano Sun, Feb 12, 3pm, HH D. SCARLATTI Sonata in A Major, K. 208 (Adagio) Sonata in A Major, K. 24 (Presto) Sonata in C Major, K. 132 (Andante) Sonata in D minor, K. 141 (Allegro–toccata) BEETHOVEN Sonata in D Major, Op. 10 No. 3 CHOPIN Ballade No. 4 RAVEL Gaspard de la NuitDAVID FINCKEL AND WU HAN A runaway favorite at last summer’s Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow, Lucas Debargue has confounded and energized the classical music world with his unusual career trajectory, unconventional technique, and riveting intellect. Mostly self-taught until late in his career, Debargue won the Moscow Music Critics Prize for performances of “artistry, originality and technical brilliance” (The Telegraph, London). Patron Sponsors: Will and Linda SchieberDavid Finckel, celloWu Han, pianoCello ClassicsSun, Nov 20, 3pm, HHBACH Sonata in G MajorBEETHOVEN Sonata in C MajorBRAHMS Sonata in E minorRACHMANINOFF Sonata in G minorPeerless musicians, charismatic chamber musicadvocates, and co-artistic directors of theChamber Music Society of Lincoln Center andMusic@Menlo, David Finckel and Wu Han presenta program of works they consider “true classics”of the repertoire: “Through these performanceswe share with audiences all we have inheritedfrom our teachers, mentors, and from the greattraditions of the past.” LUCAS DEBARGUE 13
MILOŠ Miloš, guitarJeffrey Kahane, piano Bach to BeatlesSun, March 12, 3pm, HH Sat, March 25, 8pm, FCC Among the most celebrated classical guitaristsSCHUBERT Sonata in G Major, Fantasie working today, the young Montenegrin Miloš Karadaglic´ brings a populist sensibility to hisGABRIEL KAHANE Works on Paper (2016) captivating, eclectic programs. Here, joined by (West Coast Premiere) a small ensemble, he performs major classical works by Granados, Rodrigo, Boccherini, andTIMO ANDRES Heavy Sleep (2013) Albéniz, along with familiar standards from Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico, and stunningly intimateJeffrey Kahane’s recitals consistently enthrall: renditions of songs by Lennon and he matches new and recent works by young Corporate Sponsor: U.S. Bankcomposers, including his son Gabriel Kahaneand Timo Andres—whose work was last heard Saleem Ashkar, pianoin February 2016 in a premiere by the TakácsQuartet—with Schubert’s opulent Fantasie Fri, April 21, 8pm, FCCsonata, which Schumann hailed as Schubert’s“most perfect in form and conception.” The BEETHOVEN Sonata in F Major, Op. 10, No. 2program also includes works by Debussy, Fauré, Sonata in F minor, Appassionataand Chopin. Sonata in E-flat Major, Les Adieux Sonata in A-flat Major, Op. 110 Zubin Mehta gave Saleem Ashkar his first big break when he invited him to join the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra for Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1—at age 17. Daniel Barenboim followed suit with an invitation to master classes and performances in Chicago. Since then, the formidable Palestinian-Israeli pianist has earned a reputation for balancing “thoughtfulness and virtuosic abandon with playfulness and beauty of sound” (Berliner Morgenpost). Support provided by the Sir Jack Lyons Charitable TrustMiah Persson, sopranoFlorian Boesch, baritoneMalcolm Martineau, pianoSun, March 19, 3pm, HHWorks by SchumannThe sumptuous and richly colored voice ofSwedish soprano Miah Persson joins withthat of Austrian baritone Florian Boesch andinsightful pianist Malcom Martineau (always afavorite at Cal Performances), for a program ofSchumann’s haunting songs. “Boesch doesn’tjust sing this music, he inhabits it to the hilt”(The Independent, London). MIAH PERSSON14
New Kronos QuartetMusic Fifty for the FutureBANG ON A CAN ALL-STARS Sat, Dec 3, 8pm, ZH GARTH KNOX Satellites ALEKSANDRA My Desert, My Rose VREBALOV YOTAM HABER break_break_break MARY KOUYOUMDJIAN Silent Cranes (Bay Area Premiere) Kronos Quartet brings its ambitious and much- lauded Fifty for the Future commissioning initiative to Berkeley—where Cal Performances is among the project’s lead partners—with an expansive program of new and recent works that draw inspiration from diverse sources—from the cosmos, to man’s perilous relationship with water, to South African dance music. Mary Kouyoumdjian’s Silent Cranes, a memorial to the Armenian genocide built on Armenian folk songs, receives its Bay Area premiere. Berkeley RADICAL. More at Ensemble Signal Brad Lubman, conductor Sun, Jan 29, 7pm, HH STEVE REICH Runner (US Premiere, Cal Performances co-commission) Double Sextet You Are (Variations) What better way to celebrate Steve Reich’s 80th birthday than with a Cal Performances co-commission and US premiere? Reich, “the most original music thinker of our time” (The New Yorker), premieres his new Runner, performed by Ensemble Signal, which won rave reviews and a Diapason d’Or for its recording of the composer’s Music for 18 Musicians. The program also includes Reich’s Pulitzer Prize-winning Double Sextet, and You Are (Variations), with texts drawn from Jewish mysticism and German philosophy. Berkeley RADICAL. More at Julia Wolfe: Anthracite Fields Bang on a Can All-Stars Cappella SF, Ragnar Bohlin, director Sun, Feb 26, 7pm, ZH Luminaries of the new music world, the chamber ensemble Bang on a Can All-Stars joins with Cappella SF for a performance of founding member Julia Wolfe’s Pulitzer Prize-winning Anthracite Fields. The poignant oratorio weaves together oral histories, personal interviews, speeches, and local lore with electro-acoustic chamber music to tell the stories of Pennsylvania coal miners and their families at the turn of the 20th century. Patron Sponsors: Greg and Liz Lutz 15
CFehsotirvaal l This season, Cal Performances celebrates the exquisite power of the human voice to connect and transform, with performances by five of the world’s most beloved choirs representing musical traditions both ancient and modern. VIENNA BOYS CHOIR Order today! calperformances.org16
Choir of King’s College, Cambridge Stephen Cleobury, director Fri, March 24, 8pm, FCC Treasured by the millions who tune in annually to its Christmas Eve broadcast by the BBC, the all-male Choir of King’s College, Cambridge, offers an uplifting concert of works drawn from the rich English choral tradition, “all sung with the precision and grace that make this choir world famous” (The Guardian, London). ENSEMBLE BASIANI Cappella SFEnsemble Basiani Ragnar Bohlin, directorFri, Oct 21, 8pm, FCC Sat, April 22, 8pm, FCCMaster performers in Georgia’s ancient polyphonytradition, Ensemble Basiani sings religious hymns, BACH Lobet den Herrnmonastic chant, epic ballads, and folk and worksongs from its Eastern European homeland, the SANDSTROM Lobet den Herrnchoir’s stirring power matched by consummatemusicianship and control. “A near psychedelic GJEILO New Work (World Premiere)groove of unusual harmonies, rhythmic intensityand sheer beauty” (The Herald Tribune). STROOPE We Beheld Once Again the StarsVienna Boys Choir PÄRT Excerpts from Kanon PokajanenChristmas in Vienna MARTIN Mass for Double ChoirSat, Nov 26, 8pm, ZH Through the vision of Ragnar Bohlin, director ofThe angelic-voiced musicians of the Vienna Boys the San Francisco Symphony Chorus for nearlyChoir celebrate the magic of the holiday season a decade, emerges one of the Bay Area’s mostwith a delightful program of Austrian folk songs, exciting new artistic ventures—the 24-voiceclassical masterpieces, Christmas hymns, and Cappella SF, founded in 2014 and already praisedholiday carols. For six centuries, these young for the “power and subtlety” (San Franciscocultural ambassadors have been adored the world Classical Voice) of its performances on a range ofover for their wide range of repertoire, purity of imaginative repertoire.tone, and generosity of musical spirit. Major support provided by The Bernard Osher Foundation.Choir of Trinity Wall StreetTrinity Baroque Orchestra All Choral Festival performances areHandel’s Messiah a part of Berkeley RADICAL. More at calperformances.orgJulian Wachner, conductorSat, Dec 10, 8pm, FCC CHOIR OF TRINITY WALL STREETReturning to Berkeley after an “enthrallingperformance” (San Francisco Classical Voice) atFirst Congregational Church two summers ago,the Choir of Trinity Wall Street is among NewYork’s most prized musical treasures, its holidayseason concerts of Handel’s Messiah toppingcritics’ picks every year. Led by charismaticconductor Julian Wachner, the choir and its sisterensemble, the Trinity Baroque Orchestra, have aspecial relationship to the work, having presentedits first performance in North America in 1770. 17
Early Music JOYCE DIDONATO Order today! calperformances.org18
Joyce DiDonato, mezzo-soprano NICOLA BENEDETTIIl Pomo d’OroIn War and Peace: Nicola Benedetti, violinHarmony Through Music Venice Baroque Orchestra Vivaldi’s The Four SeasonsMaxim Emelyanychev, conductorSun, Dec 4, 3pm, ZH Fri, Feb 24, 8pm, FCCWinner of the 2012 Grammy Award for Best Scottish violin star Nicola Benedetti joins theClassical Vocal Solo, the sensational mezzo- virtuosic Venice Baroque Orchestra for a concertsoprano Joyce DiDonato has been called “the most of work by Venice’s brilliant native son, Vivaldi.potent female singer of her generation” by The His beloved The Four Seasons showcases theNew Yorker. She sings a program of Baroque arias rhythmic vitality and overflowing personality ofexploring the tensions of discord and harmony in this accomplished chamber group, blendedtimes of war, accompanied by the dynamic young with Benedetti’s pure and gleaming tone. “Theyperiod-instrument ensemble Il Pomo d’Oro. play with the freedom of rock or jazz musicians,Berkeley RADICAL. More at and a sensibility that’s distinctively urban” (The Boston Globe).Patron Sponsor: Bernice Greene Akademie für AlteJordi Savall and Musik BerlinHespèrion XXI Foreign Affairs: Characters ofThe Musical Europe 1500–1700 the BaroqueFri, Jan 27, 8pm, FCC Sat, March 11, 8pm, FCCA Cal Performances favorite, Catalan The esteemed Berlin-based early music ensemblegamba player Jordi Savall returns with a returns with an eclectic and exuberant programcharacteristically lovingly researched program, of Baroque works showcasing the ensemble’sexploring the vibrant exchange of culture and finesse at navigating French, German, English,ideas between Italy, England, Spain, France, and and Italian repertoire. “The orchestra’s level ofGermany in the 16th and 17th centuries. Savall’s virtuosity, ensemble and interpretive cohesionremarkable musicality is matched only by the made the seventeen musicians seem to breathefacility of his versatile Hespèrion XXI ensemble. and think as one” (The Washington Post).“Mr. Savall’s deadpan demeanor belies amischievous spirit, and the performances here The Tallis Scholarsradiated pure joy” (The New York Times). Metamorphosis JORDI SAVALL Peter Phillips, director Fri, April 7, 8pm, FCC Works by Praetorius, Gibbons, Pärt, Sheppard, Tavener, Stravinsky, Palestrina, Holst, and others Under the direction of Peter Phillips, the Tallis Scholars present a fascinating program drawn from core Christian texts—exploring the human condition, from the joys of birth to the quiet acceptance of death—by composers in the Catholic, Anglican, and Russian Orthodox traditions. The settings by Palestrina, Tavener, Pärt, and Stravinsky, among others, span centuries and reflect an extraordinary range of affect and style. Berkeley RADICAL. More at 19
WorldStage SHANGHAI ACROBATS OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Order today! calperformances.org20
Shanghai Acrobats of the HAVANA CUBA ALL-STARSPeople’s Republic of China Havana Cuba All-StarsShanghai Nights Cuban NightsSat, Sept 10, 2pm & 8pm, ZHAmong its country’s most celebrated troupes, Fri, Nov 18, 8pm, ZHthe Shanghai Acrobats of the People’s Republic Evoking luminous ballrooms swirling withof China dazzle with a vivid new spectacle that glamorous dancers on sultry tropical nights, thecelebrates their colorful, kinetic hometown. Havana Cuba All-Stars play music inspired byExpect daring stunts like giant trampoline the golden era of acoustic Cuban bands. Thesomersaults, hoop-diving dragons, aerial silk ensemble digs deep into the lush vintage soundribbon dances, juggling, and a signature gravity- of traditional Cuban son, with layered percussion,defying jumping routine that has earned the guitars, trumpets, and a chorus of male voicesacrobats a Guinness World Record. channeling the island dance halls of the 1930s, stoked by the infectious rhythms of rumba,Zakir Hussain, tabla chachacha, and guaguanco.with Niladri Kumar, sitarWed, Oct 26, 8pm, ZHImprovisational wizard and peerless tablavirtuoso Zakir Hussain always enjoys a good jamsession—here he performs a duo concert with afrequent collaborator, the innovative sitar masterNiladri Kumar. Expect dazzling interplay andbreathless artistry from these musical sparringpartners: “[Hussain] favors an impish strain ofvirtuosity. He’s a fearsome technician but also awhimsical inventor, devoted to exuberant play”(The New York Times).Afropop SpectacularMahmoud Ahmed &Trio Da KaliFri, Nov 4, 8pm, ZHFor the latest Afropop Spectacular, Mali’s TrioDa Kali, an all-star meeting of griots with regalmusical bloodlines, shares a bill with MahmoudAhmed, “the Red Sea’s most seductivesoul singer” (BBC). Trio Da Kali made its CalPerformances debut as part of Kronos Quartet’s40th birthday celebration two seasons ago;Ahmed rarely tours in the United States but hasbeen a star in his native Ethiopia (and its diaspora)for more than 50 years.Berkeley RADICAL. More at calperformances.orgTRIO DA KALI 21
KODO Black Arm BandKodo DirtsongDadan Sun, Feb 12, 7pm, ZH Australia’s foremost Aboriginal musicians,Sat, Jan 28, 8pm representing diverse musical and culturalSun, Jan 29, 3pm, ZH backgrounds, gather together as Black Arm Band.The thunderous, joyful performances of Kodo, Dirtsong, “a soulful, vivid telling of the cultural andJapan’s foremost taiko drumming ensemble, linguistic diversity of Australia” (Singapore Today),combine extreme athleticism with unfettered is performed in 13 different Aboriginal languagesemotional power. Dadan, which means and combines traditional music with new songs“drumming men,” features the company’s male inspired by famed indigenous author Alexis Wright.drummers in a bold exploration of percussion Berkeley RADICAL. More at calperformances.organd movement. “The speed and dexterityare as impressive as the physical tenacity is The Nile Projectbreathtaking” (Chicago Tribune). Sat, Feb 18, 8pm, ZH Returning after a memorable Berkeley debut and campus residency in 2015, The Nile Project delivers a “euphoric” (The New York Times) message of civic engagement through musical collaboration. The initiative connects vocalists, percussionists, and instrumentalists from the 11 nations along the Nile River for concerts of “seductive and beautiful music” (Afropop). Berkeley RADICAL. More at Balé Folclórico da Bahia Herança Sagrada Sun, March 5, 7pm, ZH A rare opportunity to see Brazil’s premiere dance and music ensemble. With Herança Sagrada (Sacred Heritage), the 32 dancers, instrumentalists, and singers of the acclaimed folkloric dance company Balé Folclórico da Bahia honor the African roots of Brazilian culture. Through elaborate choreography and costumes, the troupe explores the music and dance of the Candomblé religion, the sinuous martial art capoeira, and the ubiquitous samba. Please note: This performance contains partial nudity. BLACK ARM BAND22
Jazz Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra withEMVAERNIAT SNCAHMNEEIDER Wynton Marsalis Thu, Sept 29, 8pm NOTE LOCATION: Paramount Theatre 2025 Broadway Downtown Oakland The mighty Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra, led by charismatic trumpeter and nine-time Grammy Award winner Wynton Marsalis, lends its fleet brand of hard-swinging jazz to classic repertoire by Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Thelonious Monk, and other jazz greats—connecting audiences to the rich and vibrant history of African-American music. Cal Performances’ presentations in Oakland generously underwritten by Signature Development Group. Myra Melford & Snowy Egret Language of Dreams Sat, Nov 19, 8pm, ZH An electrifying improviser and trenchant composer, pianist Myra Melford combines a passion for groove and lyricism with an experimentalist’s spirit of invention in her acclaimed works. Language of Dreams features Melford’s all-star ensemble Snowy Egret—along with video, narration, and movement—and is inspired by the writings of Uruguayan author Eduardo Galeano. The result is an immersive work that “rings of familiarity and mystique, rumination and seduction, keeping all possibilities close at hand” (The New York Times). Maria Schneider Orchestra The Thompson Fields Sun, Feb 19, 7pm, ZH Described as “breathtaking,” “ravishing,” and “sublime,” Maria Schneider’s lush and evocative compositions have earned her five Grammy Awards and invited comparisons to fellow composer/bandleaders and jazz titans Duke Ellington and Gil Evans. Schneider’s works, most notably on her most recent release, The Thompson Fields, showcase her stellar 17-member ensemble, which she has led for more than 20 years. Jazz & Sondheim Side by Side Bill Charlap and Renee Rosnes, piano Ann Hampton Callaway, vocals Thu, April 13, 8pm, ZH Celebrating the inventiveness, wit, and sophistication of Stephen Sondheim’s greatest works for Broadway, Bill Charlap’s Jazz & Sondheim Side by Side enlists the “rich, extravagantly gorgeous voice” (The New York Times) of Ann Hampton Callaway—a singer equally at home with Streisand, Fitzgerald, and the Great American Songbook—in a program of beloved songs from shows like Company, Follies, and Sweeney Todd. Berkeley RADICAL. More at Jazz residency and education activities generously underwritten by the Thatcher-Meyerson Family. 23
2016/17 Season Calendar and PricingAugust December 5 Balé Folclórico da Bahia Herança Sagrada18 The Silk Road Ensemble with 3 Kronos Quartet $30/$36/$42/$48/$56/$68Yo-Yo Ma at the Greek Fifty for the Future$50/$75/$95/$125/$150/$225 $36/$42/$48/$58/$68 10–11 Kidd Pivot and Electric Company Theatre, BetroffenheitSeptember 4 Joyce DiDonato, mezzo-soprano $30/$42/$52/$62/$74/$86 Il Pomo d’Oro, In War and Peace:10 Shanghai Acrobats of the Harmony Through Music 11 Akademie für Alte Musik BerlinPeople’s Republic of China $40/$50/$75/$95/$120/$150 Foreign Affairs: Characters of the Baroque$30/$38/$42/$48/$56/$64 $42/$52/$64 10 Choir of Trinity Wall Street29 Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra Trinity Baroque Orchestra 12 Jeffrey Kahane, piano $42with Wynton Marsalis Handel’s MessiahParamount Theatre, Oakland $56/$68/$84 14–16 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater$32/$46/$58/$78/$86/$98 $36/$46/$58/$68/$84/$96 January 201730 Layla and Majnun, Mark Morris 17–19 Alvin Ailey American Dance TheaterDance Group, The Silk Road Ensemble 22 Emanuel Ax, piano $40/$56/$68/$84/$106/$126$36/$48/$68/$86/$106/$126 $44/$56/$65/$74/$86 19 Miah Persson, sopranoOctober 27 Jordi Savall and Hespèrion XXI Florian Boesch, baritone The Musical Europe 1500–1700 Malcolm Martineau, piano $421 & 2 Layla and Majnun, Mark Morris $68/$84/$96Dance Group, The Silk Road Ensemble 22–26 William Shakespeare’s$36/$48/$68/$86/$106/$126 28–29 Kodo, Dadan Twelfth Night $76 $30/$36/$48/$56/$64/$727–9 Esa-Pekka Salonen, 24 Choir of King’s College, Cambridgeprincipal conductor & artistic advisor 29 Ensemble Signal $56 $56/$68/$84and Philharmonia Orchestra of London$35/$50/$75/$95/$125/$150 February 25 Miloš, guitar, Bach to Beatles $42/$58/$7015–16 Takács Quartet, Beethoven: 3–4 Available Light:The Complete String Quartets $72 John Adams, composer 26 National Symphony Orchestra21 Ensemble Basiani $42/$58/$70 Lucinda Childs, choreographer of Ukraine22–23 Cullberg Ballet Frank O. Gehry, stage designer $38/$48/$56/$64/$76Deborah Hay: Figure a Sea $36/$48/$68/$82/$94/$105$36/$42/$52/$62/$74/$86 April 9–11 The 7 Fingers23 Denis Matsuev, piano $68 Cuisine and Confessions 7 The Tallis Scholars, Metamorphosis26 Zakir Hussain, tabla, $30/$36/$42/$48/$56/$68 $58/$72/$86with Niladri Kumar, sitar$30/$36/$48/$56/$64/$72 12 Lucas Debargue, piano $42 8–9 Takács Quartet, Beethoven: The Complete String Quartets $72November 12 Black Arm Band, Dirtsong $26/$32/$36/$40/$46/$54 13 Jazz & Sondheim, Side by Side4 Afropop Spectacular $30/$38/$46/$50/$60/$68Mahmoud Ahmed & Trio Da Kali 18 The Nile Project$26/$30/$34/$38/$46/$54 $26/$32/$36/$40/$46/$54 21 Saleem Ashkar, piano $36/$42/$5610–13 Robert Wilson / Mikhail 19 Maria Schneider OrchestraBaryshnikov, Letter to a Man The Thompson Fields 22 Cappella SF $42/$52/$64$50/$75/$95/$125/$150 $36/$44/$56/$65/$74/$86 28–30 Rameau: The Temple of Glory18 Havana Cuba All-Stars 24 Nicola Benedetti, violin Philharmonia Baroque OrchestraCuban Nights Venice Baroque Orchestra $30/$42/$52/$76/$96/$110$26/$30/$34/$38/$46/$54 Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons $58/$72/$86 30 Gala at the Greek II Special event19 Myra Melford & Snowy Egret artist to be announced this Fall! TBALanguage of Dreams 26 Julia Wolfe: Anthracite Fields$26/$34/$40/$46/$52/$58 Bang on a Can All-Stars, Cappella SF May $38/$44/$48/$56/$6220 David Finckel, cello, Wu Han, piano 6–7 RIOULT Dance NYCello Classics $68 March Bach Dances $7826 Vienna Boys ChoirChristmas in Vienna 3–4 Les Ballets Trockadero 10 & 11 Scottish Ballet$40/$48/$58/$68/$80/$96 de Monte Carlo A Streetcar Named Desire $36/$42/$52/$62/$74/$86 $36/$48/$68/$82/$94/$105 4–5 Takács Quartet, Beethoven: 12 Scottish Ballet The Complete String Quartets $72 A Streetcar Named Desire $36/$48/$68/$86/$106/$126Zellerbach Hall First Congregational Zellerbach Playhouse Church Rear Orchestra 6 5B 6 Price 1: Premium Orchestra Rear Upper Gallery Middle Orchestra Price 2A: Prime Orchestra Balc Lower 5A 3C 5A Price 2B: Prime Center Mezzanine LowerFront Orchestra 4A 2B 4A Price 3A: Side Orchestra 3 Upper Gallery 3B Price 3B: Rear Center Orchestra Stage4B 2A 4B Price 3C: Rear Center Mezzanine Front Front Front Wheelchair seating areas 3A 3A Price 4A: Rear Side Orchestra Right Center Left 1 Price 4B: Tiers Balc Balc Hertz Hall Price 5A: Side Mezzanine Balc Price 5B: Center Balcony Price 6: Side Balcony 22 2 Please note that lines indicate price sections, not aisles. Right Left Orch Orch 1 1 Stage Stage 1 23Wheelchair seating areas Wheelchair seating areas Stage For additional venue maps, including Wheelchair seating areas the Greek and Paramount Theatres, visit
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CalPerformancesmusic dance theater OUR 111th SEASON UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 2016/17 SEASONSchedule some 1-60200-15689-62-*-KK1700-KK970 Nonprofitinspiration! Organization University of California, Berkeley U.S. PostageSubscribe to our Cal Performances Paid2016/17 Season today! 101 Zellerbach Hall #4800 San Leandro, CA Berkeley, CA 94720–4800 Permit 169CHOOSE-YOUR-OWN YO-YO MASUBSCRIPTIONSELECT 6 EVENTSA N D S A V E
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