Title:Congenial Conditions To The Healthy Growth of Plants Part IIIWord Count:510Summary:The proper condition of temperature is the most difficult thing to regulate and maintain ingrowing plants in the house.Keywords:sunshine, light, healthy growth, plants, health for plants, greenhouse, growing ofplants,vegetable garden,growing plants,congenial conditions, moisture of plants, temperaturefor plantsArticle Body:TEMPERATURENext in importance to light, is the matter of temperature. The ordinary house plants, to be keptin health, require a temperature of sixty-five to seventy-five degrees during the day and fifty tofifty-five degrees at night. Frequently it will not be possible to keep the room from going lowerat night, but it should be kept as near that as possible; forty-five degrees occasionally will notdo injury, and even several degrees lower will not prove fatal, but if frequently reached theplants will be checked and seem to stand still. Plants in the dormant, or semi-dormant conditionare not so easily injured by low temperature as those in full growth; also plants which are quitedry will stand much more cold than those in moist soil.The proper condition of temperature is the most difficult thing to regulate and maintain ingrowing plants in the house. There is, however, at least one room in almost every house wherethe night temperature does not often go below forty-five or fifty degrees, and if necessary allplants may be collected into one room during very cold weather. Another precaution which willoften save them is to move them away from the windows; put sheets of newspaper inside the
panes, not, however, touching the glass, as a \"dead air space\" must be left between. Where thereis danger of freezing, a kerosene lamp or stove left burning in the room overnight will savethem. Never, when the temperature outside is below freezing, should plants be left where leavesor blossoms may touch the glass.As with the problem of light, so with that of temperature--the specially designed place forplants, no matter how small or simple a little nook it may be, offers greater facility forfurnishing the proper conditions. But it is, of course, not imperative, and as I have said, there isprobably not one home in twenty where a number of sorts of plants cannot be safely carriedthrough the winter.MOISTUREIt would seem, at first thought, that the proper condition of moisture could be furnished aseasily in the house as anywhere. And so it can be as far as applying water to the soil isconcerned; but the air in most dwellings in winter is terribly deficient in moisture. The fact thata room is so dry that plants cannot live in it should sound a warning to us who practically livethere for days at a time, but it does not, and we continue to contract all sorts of nose and throattroubles, to say nothing of more serious diseases. No room too dry for plants to live in is fit forpeople to live in. Hot-air and steam heating systems especially, produce an over-dry conditionof the atmosphere. This can be overcome to a great or complete extent by thorough ventilationand by keeping water constantly where it can evaporate; over radiators, etc. This should be donefor the sake of your own health, if not for that of the plant.Title:How Important Is A Golf Fitness ProgramWord Count:404Summary:A golf fitness program can make the difference between you optimizing your golf potential or抯playing the same frustrating golf you may be used to playing. It no secret that the body卻 抰swings the club and plays the game o why wouldn you consider a golf fitness program toplay your best? A golf fitness program consists of strength, flexibility, endurance and evennutrition. But the big difference is making your golf fitness program as golf-specific as you can.Keywords:golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golfinstruction,golf tipsArticle Body:A golf fitness program can make the difference between you optimizing your golf potential orplaying the same frustrating golf you may be used to playing.
抯 卻 抰It no secret that the body swings the club and plays the game o why wouldn youconsider a golf fitness program to play your best?A golf fitness program consists of strength, flexibility, endurance and even nutrition. But thebig difference is making your golf fitness program as golf-specific as you can.How do you do that?卝 抯 搊First off ust take a look at the position your body is in during the golf swing. It n yourfeet?and in golf posture (bent at the waste, knees flexed, upper back fairly straight, anklesflexed, etc?.損Can you now see how any hysical limitation?you have will dramatically affect your abilityto make a sound, repeatable golf swing?抯So the answer is definitely starting a golf fitness program. It not as intimidating as you may抰 抰think. It doesn take going to a gym. It doesn involve lifting heavy weights and really抰killing yourself. It doesn involve 2 hours every day of the week either.A golf fitness program can be as simple as using a pair of hand weights (dumbbells), anexercise ball and exercise tubing. All very inexpensive, portable and perfect for your home oreven your office.You can take your exercise tubing, attach it to a door and make downswings every day of theweek. This is a great exercise to sneak in at your office that will have a direct impact on thepower you produce through impact.揷Designing a omplete golf fitness program?will take a little more creativity. I would stronglyrecommend pursuing a qualified golf fitness trainer to put together a complete golf fitnessprogram that addresses your specific physical limitations.抰 抰You don want to waste your time on exercises and stretches you don need to do. Youwant to focus on a balanced golf fitness program that will improve your weaknesses.抳You will be amazed how quickly your game will turn around. I e worked with golfers who抰have seen improvements in a matter of days! Literally! Their fitness had declined so much theycouldn even get the ball airborne off the tee and within days were hitting it dozens of yardsfurther.What a joy to hear stories like that!The Family that Eats Together Stays Healthy TogetherRecent studies have shown that not only do children like to sit down at the dinner table and eata meal with their parents, but they are more likely to eat a well-balanced, nutritious meal whenthey do. But with the hectic lives we seem to lead these days, getting the family all together in
the same place at the same time can be a difficult chore. Between work schedules, after-schoolactivities, errands, and the like, it seems we have less and less time. But with a few simpleideas and some planning, meal time can be an enjoyable and treasured family time.Designate no less than one night per week to have a sit-down meal with your family. Sundaynights are usually a good choice for this because you have more time to relax and the weekendchores have been completed.Involve your children in the meal planning and preparation. This gives them a strong sense ofself and the foundation for a lifetime of healthy meal planning and preparation.Make sure the television is off, and make it a rule that all phone calls go to voice mail or theanswering machine during the meal. Take this time to visit with one another and enjoy oneanother's company. This is a great time to reconnect and find out what events happened thisweek. Take your time eating, and teach your children how to do the same in the process.Eating slowly is a healthy habit. Don't jump up and start clearing dishes and putting thingsaway until everyone is done eating and talking.On those days that you can't sit down as a family, try to make a habit of sitting down andchatting with them while they are eating, instead of rushing around catching up on the chores.This shows them you're interested and that you care and want to be and involved and importantpart of their every day life.
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