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Home Explore Colonic Irrigation: How It Works To Give You A Healthy Colon

Colonic Irrigation: How It Works To Give You A Healthy Colon

Published by cora, 2015-01-05 01:37:58

Description: As a teenager, every time I got acne, my grandmother was convinced that it was due to bad
bowel. But I used to brush her off as being prejudiced. But now that I am experienced and well
informed I know the value of a god bowel movement, not only for maintaining the health of
your skin, but for an overall well being.
A properly functioning colon is the precondition for a healthy bowel movement and healthy
colon can be achieved through its proper cleansing at regular interval...

Keywords: colon,colon cleanse,colon cleansing


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Title:Colonic Irrigation: How It Works To Give You A Healthy ColonWord Count:471Summary:As a teenager, every time I got acne, my grandmother was convinced that it was due to badbowel. But I used to brush her off as being prejudiced. But now that I am experienced and wellinformed I know the value of a god bowel movement, not only for maintaining the health ofyour skin, but for an overall well being.A properly functioning colon is the precondition for a healthy bowel movement and healthycolon can be achieved through its proper cleansing at regular interval...Keywords:colon,colon cleanse,colon cleansingArticle Body:As a teenager, every time I got acne, my grandmother was convinced that it was due to badbowel. But I used to brush her off as being prejudiced. But now that I am experienced and wellinformed I know the value of a god bowel movement, not only for maintaining the health ofyour skin, but for an overall well being.A properly functioning colon is the precondition for a healthy bowel movement and healthycolon can be achieved through its proper cleansing at regular intervals. There are so many

techniques to accomplish this objective. Colonic irrigation is one of the most popular amongthem.Most of us lack the basic idea about how various colon- cleansing methods work and avoidthem out of the gross misconception that the methods are complex and painful. On the contrary,the colon cleansing methods, particularly the colonic irrigation is a simple process that producesdramatic results. How? To know the answer read on.Colonic irrigation is typically performed by a licensed professional in a clinic and the entireprocedure does not take more than forty five minutes.In brief, it is a kind of water therapy to cleanse your colon. First a small speculum with anattachment of plastic hose is inserted into the patient's rectum. The plastic hose is connected to抯the colonic machine. The machine controls the volume and temperature of the water which ispassed onto the hose that take the water to the patient rectum and through this to the entirecolon.抯The volume of water with which the patient colon is temporarily filled up varies according抯to individual tolerance. This gush of water induces peristaltic or muscular contractions in colon.As a result fecal matters from the patient colon are forced out. These wastes are expelledthrough a clear plastic tube.During the irrigation process the therapist slightly massage the parts of the abdomen to help freethe encrusted wastes on the walls of the colon. Thus the colonic irrigation does not only pull outthe mucus and parasites, the old fecal matters, dark black in color come out through the tube.The amount of water is important. Only a proper volume of water is capable of inducing propercontraction of the muscles, so that the colon resumes its normal peristaltic activities. Whenmore than required water is used, not only it becomes painful for the patient, it may producenegative results. Less amount of water on the other hand makes the colon overwork.In general, colonic irrigation is a process which is neither painful nor uncomfortable ifperformed professionally. Generally more than one session of colonic irrigation are needed tocompletely get rid off the encrusted feculent matters. So good amount of patience is required toget success from the treatment of colonic irrigation.How to Eat for A Healthy PregnancyYou found out you are pregnant. Never has it been more crucial to eat well. Not eating wellduring your pregnancy can increase your risk of complications. Eating well has never beeneasier during pregnancy than it is now.First, remember that once you hit the second trimester, you should be eating about 300 morecalories a day. Calories provide you with the extra energy that your body needs to growyour baby. Now these extra calories should not give you the right to chow down on everyfood in your line of site. After all, it is only 300 calories that your are getting. A glass ofmilk or one banana equals 100 calories and a slice of whole wheat bread, and ounce of cheese

and a half of cup of grapes equal 200 calories. See how much more you are eating than if youdecide to eat a donut instead.Remember that you need at least three servings of protein each day. Protein contains aminoacid which is one of the most important building block for your baby's tissue. Protein is veryeasy to come by and your options are endless. You can drink 3 glasses of milk, and youcan have 2 cups of yogurt along with 3 ounces of cheese.Next, you need at least four servings of calcium every day. Calcium is going to help growyour baby's bones and help protect yours. Milk is the best way to get your fill of calcium, butyou can also get your fill of calcium from cheeses, yogurt and even ice cream.Aim for at least three servings of vitamin C. Your body does not store vitamin C so you needa fresh supply of it every day. You can eat fruit or almost any vegetable to get your vitamin Cin. You also want to make sure you get three to four servings of green leafy and yellowvegetables and fruits. Most of these veggies and fruits will also count toward your vitamin Cintake, so that is double the benefit.You should get in one to two servings of all other fruit and vegetables that are not known fortheir vitamin A and C value, but are still good for you all the same. Apples, banana, andonions are just a few that are in this category. Eat six or more servings of whole grains andlegumes. These are filled with vitamins E and B and they help you battle constipation. Tryeating brown rice, whole wheat breads and even air popped corn to get your servings of wholegrains and legumes in.Perhaps one of the most important nutrients you and your body need is iron. Your body'sdemand for iron will never be greater than it is while you are pregnant. You want to makesure you are able to keep up with it. Not enough iron could lead to anemia so you want tomake sure you are getting enough iron. If you feel that you are not, talk to your doctor and hemight be able to prescribe you a iron supplement.It is always a good idea to eat well every day. However when you are pregnant it is essentialthat you eat well every day.Title:Taking Medications and Improving Sexual HealthWord Count:513Summary:This article talks about the effects of some medications on sexual health. However, these sideeffects can be lessened by switching medications or taking smaller doses. Individuals whonotice declines in their sexual health and performance should inform their doctors.Keywords:sexual health

Article Body:Many specialists define sexual health as the ability to relate to each other sexually in a way thatsatisfies and rewards both parties. However, some men and women, it may be difficult to havean arousal or a satisfying orgasm. Some cases may require the mind to stay focused, nerves to梥be healthy, and to have good blood circulation. However, many things may break the cycletress, excessive alcohol, and even certain medications may take its toll on one's sex life.Medicines may affect sexual function because it alters blood flow and brain chemistry. Sometypes of medication may affect decrease a person's sex drive, delay or prevent orgasms, whileothers may cause erectile dysfunction in men. If one notices a decline in sexual performancewhile under certain medication, it is important to seek the doctor's advice to know the possiblecauses. But the medication should not be totally stopped. Doctors can help determine if it is themedicine that is causing the problem and help switch to another medication. Antidepressantswhich contain selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), narcotic painkillers, and bloodpressure medications can affect sexual functions.A report conducted by the American Family Physician in 2000 conclude that up to half ofpatients taking antidepressants with SSRI reported sexual problems. The study results varieddepending on the patients studied, but it suggests that the sexual side effects of antidepressantsare common. Men who are taking antidepressants with SSRI may switch to non-SSRImedication that may less likely cause sexual side effects. If one's current medication is workingwell, they may ask their doctors if they can lower the dose or temporarily stop the intake ofcertain drugs.Narcotic painkillers bring more than just pain relief. These drugs may also reduce theproduction of testosterone and other hormones that are needed for sex drive in both men andwomen. The side effects of narcotic painkillers have not been thoroughly investigated butindividuals who take these medicines may experience a drop in sex drive or may experienceirregular monthly periods.Diuretics, beta blockers, and other medications to control blood pressure can cause erectiledysfunction in men and diminish the sex drive of women. In other cases, the remedy that can bedone to overcome sexual problems caused by these medications is to change medication.Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and calcium antagonists may less likely tocause sexual side effects than diuretics or beta blockers.Over-the-counter drugs like antihistamines may also take its toll on one's sexual health. Thesemedicines may cause ejaculation and ED among men and vaginal dryness among women.These effects cannot be properly explained by health professionals but some studies suggestthat the antihistamine's sedative effect might be the culprit for its sexual effects.There are other drugs that may cause sexual health problems that are not included in this article.Other possible causes of sexual health problems include the use of certain oral contraceptives,anti-psychotics, and other medications. Individuals who notice effects on sexual health shouldinform their doctors about their condition to make adjustments and lessen these side effects.

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