The Call Center JobThere are some skills and attributes that make agoodcall center representative.Here are the general requirements for this job;Main dutiesThe following is a summary of main duties for someoccupations in this unit group:* Direct distributors, contact potentialcustomers byphone or through personal contacts, demonstrate
andsell products directly to individual customers oratsales parties and deliver purchased goods tocustomers.* Door-to-door salespersons solicit sales andsellmerchandise to residents of private homes.* Street vendors set up and display merchandiseonsidewalks or at public events to sell to thepublic.* Telephone solicitors and telemarketers contactbusinesses or private individuals, by telephone,tosolicit sales for goods or services or conductmarketsurveys
* Demonstrators arrange sales demonstrationappointments, and show, describe and sell goodsorservices at wholesale, retail and industrialestablishments, and at exhibitions, trade showsandprivate homes. Employment requirements* Some secondary school education is usuallyrequired.High school graduation may be required by someemployers.* Self-employed street vendors and door-to-doorsalespersons may require a municipal merchant抯permit. Additional information* Progression to related supervisory positions ispossible with additional training or experience.Where applicable, call centers set up training
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