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Home Explore 2016Catalog-Cover 1A

2016Catalog-Cover 1A

Published by joshua, 2016-08-01 18:36:28

Description: 2016Catalog-Cover 1A


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PGRKOICD'USCPTRSODUCTSAANNDD SSEERRVVIICCEESS YGoeu’tveACno“mUentfoaitrheARdivgahnt tPalagcee”:OWSpTOotereavnOWateepPlTretgerhhaoinYeel,vtsoThPeFhuA,noelPrnow‘oMdFCowelaoTodgreoomgrnoAdaeAlpgsnttnaieedAcdttsewMiFFstTaairrToieoertokeneIedMnMdtAsoiooonimdnrgrmeede.’.. Let’s Get Started!2016Catalog-Cover 1A.indd 1 6/20/2016 9:02:20 AM

You’re in the Right Place for Small Business ResultsYou’re no longer going at it alone. We’ve got your back.We get it! As a GKIC member – or even if you know us only as a buyer of our booksand products – you’re part of THE global community of entrepreneurs who achieveover-the-top results, and we’d like to show you the way.We get that it’s a rocky and often lonely journey for an entrepreneur – feelssometimes like no one who shares a roof with you really understands your vision,your drive, or your pain. Sure, there are resources all over the Internet and in everybookstore, but it can take years of trial and error to hunt down the secret sauce forgenuine business breakthrough.But take heart! We at GKIC are here for you, and ready to not only transform yoursmall businesses but to help you create the financial freedom to enjoy life again – toget out of the grind and move on to greatness. Through implementation-focusedproducts, idea-packed member services, and enriching in-person events, we willcatapult you into marketing results you have been striving for, and yet missing – butwhich you can now finally take hold of.This catalog is the entrepreneur’s treasure map, and there truly is gold in these hills.Using our unconventional, proprietary and PROVEN “magnetic marketing” strategiesand tools, you will create a reliable, steady stream of your ideal buyers and clients.Good things await you as you take action with these sound and proven marketingprinciples. And best of all, we are walking beside you every step of the way, alwaysjust a phone call away – contact us anytime at 800-871-0147 to speak with one of ourbusiness consultants. You’ve come to the right place, so let’s get going and take yourbusiness where you want it go, and even further.Best Regards,A.J. MirabediniCEO2016Catalog-Cover 1A.indd 2 6/20/2016 9:02:20 AM

Here Are Real Results From Real Small Business Owners And Entrepreneurs Thanks To GKIC:“Your materials have catapulted me out of a roach-infested, black, and sorrowful dwelling! I’m now beingreferred to as ‘one of North-America’s top sports artists, whose paintings belong to a dozen superstarathletes.’ I have an opportunity to market two of my lithographs for an estimated profit of $500,000…Six years ago I was a homeless person living in a shelter for abused women. I keep your books next tomy bed, beside Napoleon Hill’s. You’re a lifesaver.” - Katherine Allen“I devoured GKIC Founder Dan Kennedy’s, “How To Structure ‘Big Ticket’ Area Exclusive Programs” inabout 10 days…..followed the instructions….and produced a 92.89% closing rate from the front of theroom for our first beta group. We expect to close out all our areas within a year using the Summit/Discovery Days plan. This has transformed our business and I wouldn’t go back.” - Chris Hurn“GKIC Founder Dan Kennedy’s presentation on, “How to Create Personality in Copy,” was a life-changing, business altering moment. After listening to Dan, I immediately implemented his suggestions.The results were phenomenal. I saw an instantaneous 50% increase in the response to my newsletter.My relationship with my clients went from cool and distant to warm and familiar. This translated directlyinto being more willing to do what I told them to do, whether it’s taking steps to improve their businessor buy more of my products. Plus, developing material is easy because I’m just talking about things thathave happened to me.” - Dave Dickson“Good writers already do some of this stuff – by accident. That’s why we’re good writers. Thebreakthrough comes from understanding there are 31 principles of influential writing, and how to usethem on purpose! GKIC Founder Dan Kennedy has isolated, defined and mastered each one. Dan teachesus not only what the principles are, but more importantly, how to incorporate them into every singlething we do. The business we’re in, after all, is influencing in print. So it’s obvious just how important thisinformation from, “Influential Communication and Writing Workshop” and the mechanical processes forimplementation them (including some amazing checklists) really are.” - Eric Ruth“The application of your ideas has already made me hundreds of thousands of dollars over just the last 2years, $173,000 of that in the last 2 months. I just finished listening to the, “Renegade Millionaire System”yesterday. Wow! Is there ever a lot of solid, No B.S. truth in there! I’m going through it all again makingmy action plan. I am already a millionaire, but I still haven’t achieved the freedom and control I desire. Inow want to become a Renegade Millionaire.” - Gene Kelly“I used to clean carpets and earn about $50 net per hour. Now I work from wherever I want in the world,from the convenience of my laptop, and earn over $400 per hour upgrading doctors print advertisingwithout shedding a bead of sweat! This allows me to snow ski nine months out of the year at my favoriteski resorts in North America. Thank you for GKIC products, inspiration, advice, and guidance to make mydreams of a geographically non-specific, information marketing business a reality!!!” - Larry Conn2016Catalog-Cover 1A.indd 3 6/20/2016 9:02:20 AM

You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up! | 1.800.871.0147Time After Time, Story Upon Story...GKIC Members Apply the Magnetic Marketing LessonsThey Glean from GKIC Membership and Cross the River of Business Stagnation Into Lifestyle TransformationNew Peak Member Teresa Wallace: GKIC is the smartest thing I’ve Gold member Susan Berkley (also a Peak and Titanium alumna) goesever done... Last month I went to my first Peak meeting; now here’s to Brazil twice a year, she traveled to Spain last fall, and anotherwhat came out of Peak Performers... You see, at the end of last European excursion is currently being planned. “I go where I want,year, I had to slow down what I was doing, and I wanted to relook when I want, basically.” Her lifestyle, which deliberately interweavesat my strategy. I said, ‘Who are the people that I’m passionate travel with work, is the product of her own great talent as a voiceabout working with?’ And when I looked at my log, 90% of them celebrity and highly driven businesswoman combined with thewere engineers, in technology. So I was telling the guys at Peak profound influence of GKIC over the last eight-plus years. CoachingPerformers, and we had a speaker there from Infusionsoft – and groups, she says, combined with products and newsletters, whichhe asked me (I sit in the front row, because I want to absorb all of she goes through every month with a highlighter, have formedthe knowledge) and he said, ‘You, madam, who do you work with?’ a foundation that amounts to “a massive education, but alsoand I said, ‘I teach engineers leadership and coaching,’ and he said, checklists for anything and everything having to do with business.”‘Oh my Gosh, nerds in leadership.’ It was a complete throwawayline. But that’s the name of my new program! Nerds in Leadership!” Copy Confidential member Pam Whynot: “I just listened to [the latest Copy Confidential] audio the other day and I just wantedDespite a life-changing car accident, GKIC Gold & Copy Confidential to say “HOLY CRAP!” This stuff is absolutely NINJA! I took pagesMember Darren Teale conquered marketing mediocrity to dominate of notes regarding setting up for my copywriting. Everythinghis company’s home security market. Thanks to his all-in commitment [they] talked about in terms of setting up an outline, and doingto implementing GKIC lessons over the last three years, Darren the research was absolutely my missing links for writing moreis working smarter not harder. He’s sprinting miles ahead of his effective copy. You helped me gain confidence and a plan of actioncolleagues, pulling in more sales than almost all 20 salesmen combined, to take my writing and results to the next level... THANK YOU!”at a 92 percent conversion rate. Supported with ongoing phone andemail dialogs with business consultant Sam Frentzas at GKIC, Darren Gold Member Vance Morris: I started my GKIC journey as a Goldis nearing the home stretch on implementing of one of GKIC’s flagship member in January of 2012. My goal was to develop my [carpettools, the Ultimate Marketing Machine. “Since I’ve been putting cleaning] company to a point where it was not necessary for meeverything into place, my sales have picked up astronomically.” to literally be cleaning carpets every day as a technician. My goal was to be off the truck by the end of the year...So I attended the GKIC Boot Camp in D.C. WOW! What an Experience! That meeting changed everything. I learned more in that 12 hours about marketing than I had in the last four years. I began the transformation of my business from commodity to exclusive. From that day on, I continued to set, monitor, re-adjust and achieve my goals. GKIC gave me the tools and framework and I brought the energy, tenacity, will-power and the I-will-win-at-all-costs frame of mind.2016Catalog-Cover 1A.indd 4 6/20/2016 9:02:20 AM

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