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Home Explore Harcourts Purba Management 31 Oktober 2019

Harcourts Purba Management 31 Oktober 2019

Published by edoliem92, 2019-10-31 05:10:32

Description: Harcourts Purba Management 31 Oktober 2019


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Holiday Villa Rentals, Long Term Rentals,& Property Management Purba JIMBARAN | CANGGU | LEMBONGAN

Who We Are We are Harcourts Purba W e, at Harcourts Purba, are a highly successfully Real Estate Company that has been operating in Bali since 2007 previously known as Exotiq Jimbaran, we joined Harcourts in 2018 to expand our global knowledge and partnerships. We are a Real Estate company, which has the international, national and local connectionsfor PropertyManagementin Bali.

During our time in Bali, we noticed the need for professional management again and again, and so we created Harcourts Property Management Bali. We are driven to ensure that your property is a well-managed income creator. With our team of professionals, we are ready to recognize every opportunity for our clientsand then step up and grab it. Our dedicated team has many years of experience, not only as Harcourts Property Management Bali but also within the hospitality industry, together with an extensive knowledge of the luxury villa rental market in Bali and the islands to the east. We are here to listen, and we are proud to put a great deal of effort into researching the needs of our property owners. Our business is built on strong, ethical principles and our exceptional service is rich in integrity and commonsense, high in results and proven customer satisfaction. Our consultants are down-to-earth, hardworking, straight talking, committed professionals. But there is something else, which has proved to be far more important for our success, and that's you. Where do you want to be? And what do you need from us to get there? As every potential client who reads this document will discover – it is our commitment to generating lucrative results that will deliver success to you and our company. So we won't randomly prescribe rental levels, marketing plans and renting techniques. We will work with you to find out what you want to accomplish. Then we'll work our hardestto get there. 4 | Who We Are

What We Do We assist in optimising your potential income and ensuring your propertyis kept pristine.

This simple statement covers an often challenging and complicated process. Of course, the care of your property and optimising your return is what's important – and Harcourts Property Management Bali utilizes some unique strengths to accomplish this. We ensure that our people consistently operate above and beyond our competitors. It's a precise service-based mindset that only the best property management practitioners can deliver consistently. We use sophisticated systems and technology to make certain that your property can gain massive exposure. We connect with your audience of potential guests and/or tenants. In our media- saturated society, in which the average consumer is bombarded with hundreds of advertising messages every day, your investment propertyneeds to stand out. At Harcourts Property Management Bali, we have redefined the role of property management within the real estate office, from a back-office activity to the expertly streamlined, systemised, customer focused machine that today's market requires. Before this machine is activated, we draw on historical pricing data, deep marketing skills, and our knowledge of how the villa rental market functions in order to determine achievable room rates and/or rent, and specifically tailored marketing techniques. We look at how your villa can fulfill its potential,and stand out in a crowded andfragmented marketplace. No two properties are the same – so each marketing and leasing proposal must be considered individually so that we can we maximise occupancies and rental yields. We then move seamlessly into the ongoing care and managementof your investment asset. 5 | What We Do

Our 1 Harcourts Purba Management Services (Holiday Villa Rentals Management) W This option allows you, as the villa owner, to make an income from your properties, to share the experience of Bali with others and to build the reputation of your villa or villas as a staplein Bali. We assume responsibility for every aspect of your property management, from the staffing, maintenance and service of your villa, to the administration, marketing, reservations and contracts. We are totally committed to achieving full owner and guest satisfaction and we place great emphasis on responding quickly and helpfully to every guest request. As an owner, all you need to do is sit back and receive the incomethat your villa generates for you.

2 Long-Term 3 Property Management Rentals Management This option is for owners who do not wish to rent Here, you can rent out your villa on a long-term out their villa but wish for it to be optimally rental basis, usually 6 months or longer. maintained and serviced. We also offer the provision of servicing and Your property is kept safe and is always ready to maintaining your villa and ensuring that it is welcome you. maintained perfectly for the tenants who are occupying it, thereby giving you peace of mind. 7 | Our Services

Why Us? We are specialists in Property Management in Bali, our people are dedicated professionals. Our business philosophy is based on “creating success” and four specific values that are communicated throughoutthe organisation: People first Doing the rightthing Being courageous Fun and laughter

We take care of villa legalities because we know that many administrative processesthat are required. Indonesianbureaucracy can sometimesbe a headache. We maximiseyour investment. We promote a companywide focus on the delivery of exceptionalclientand guestservice. We ensure that your property is kept pristine and clean within our tropicalclimate. Our offices are supported by a team of Property Management Operators. We guarantee that we will proactively communicate with you on all matters relating to your property. Managers who are experts in their field and whose sole role is to support, train, problem solve and keep up to date We offer a wide range of value added services to further with the latest innovations in the world of Property enhance yourinvestment. Management. Industry leading systems and procedures and our We are at the forefront of Property Management philosophy of continuing innovation ensures that you and technology. Our Property Managers enjoy a mix of mobile your propertyare in the very best hands. and web-based products for seamless management of the “Our local knowledge is backed by our global strength.” 9 | Why Us?

HARCOURTS PURBA MANAGEMENT This option presents a huge opportunity to generate an income from your property.

Bali is at the heart of tourism in Indonesia and it will always be this way; the number of foreign arrivals to Bali is increasing by hundreds of thousands every year, which means that now is the perfect time and opportunity to make an income from your property. When setting up a villa for holiday rentals, we begin by building a brand for your property, marketing your property online and through various other channels to enable guests to stay at your property. We will tailor our expertise to suit your needs. You can rest assured that your villa will be maintained to the highest possible standards, that all aspects of the management of your property are taken care of by our team of professionals, and that your guests will enjoy an exceptional holiday. 11 | Harcourts Purba Management

Harcourts Purba Management Details • Maintenance management on all aspects of • Marketing of your villa by our marketing team your villa. Our goal is to ensure that your villa throughon-line and offline channels is constantly maintained and serviced to the highest pristine standards, thereby maximising • Achieving maximum income for your villa while still its earning potential while also providing the providingan outstanding servicefor the guests uppermost level of comfort to your guests. We will make certain that all repairs are carried out • Ensuring that the guests have the best experience swiftly and efficiently, and that all breakages are possible through the services that we provide. We repaired or replaced. Our service includes but is understand that different guests from different not limited to the daily monitoring and cultures have all sorts of different needs, and our maintenance of swimming pools, jacuzzis, team will personally handle any special gardens, ponds, grounds and driveways; the arrangements that may be required. We are on-call replacement of breakages, such as cookware, to immediately assist with any problems. We have glassware, electrical appliances, light bulbs an intimate knowledge of the island, we respect the and furniture; full supervision during repairs Balinese traditions and customs, we identify with to the roofs, plumbing systems, electrical the culture and we foster a strong relationship with wiring, pumps and drains; waste management the local community. and pest control. 12 | Senyap Luxury Escapes Management

Harcourts Purba Management Over the last few years we have developed • We manage the entire villa. Part of our function as many invaluable local contacts to support our villa management company is to oversee the villa management service. As residents of Bali, we smooth operation of your entire property. In stay continually up to date with all of the latest addition to maintenance and staffing, day-to-day trends and developments – everything from running including front office services, new restaurants and shops to the best dance housekeeping, security, accounting, assistance with clubs, secluded beaches, festivals, events and guest arrivals and departures, and much more. We tourist activities. We are happy to pass this will co-ordinate the booking process, set up rental information on to you and your international contracts, collect deposits and payments and guests in our endeavour to make their holiday manage the inventory, thereby ensuring that your truly enjoyable. villa is not just a well-run holiday home but also a • Monthly reporting on villa operations / income / lucrative investment. Owning and managing a property in a foreign country can be a difficult and marketing daunting prospect, and we can also offer our advice and expertiseon tax payments and Indonesianlaw. As the property owner, you will be able to stay at the property and have access to all the propertyservices and staff during your stay. Follow our social media : 13 | Harcourts Purba Management

Long-Term Property Rentals Should you not wish to market your property for holiday lets throughout the entire year, we can assist in finding appropriate longer-term rental tenants; usually 6 months or longer. This will generate a regular rental income and cover annual maintenance expenditures. In a progressively competitive market, we will always strive to make your villa a profitable investment. We take care of the legalities and you as the owner will receive a one-timepayment from the tenants. We can also ensure that all the basic maintenance is taken care of on your behalf. We conduct periodic inspectionsof your propertyto make sure it is kept in good condition. 14 | Long-Term Property Rentals

 We create a marketing strategy to find the ideal tenant  One-time payment for rental  We take care of the legalities  We work with the tenants to sign the contract (the villa owner works with us only when no tenant contract is needed)  We conduct regular villa inspections and can schedule maintenance to ensure that the villa is kept pristine  A villa inventory is made prior to the tenants moving in and before the tenants' departure 15 | Long-Term Property Rentals

Property Management This option is suitable for clients who wish to keep their property pristine, clean and vacant but do not want to shoulder the responsibility of dealing with maintenance issues and the managementof the villa staff. 16 | Property Management

We will ensure that the property is immaculately maintained and kept spotless, so when you arrive at your villa it is as if you had never left. We can also provide a security service at the owner's request.  Scheduled maintenance performed  Weekly inspections  Villa kept clean  Security personnel for villa  Gardening personnel 17 | Property Management

What Next? 18 | What Next

Renting and managing property is often a stressful task, which is why we pride ourselves on clear communication from the outset. We make sure we work with you – so you're always in control, from the start and throughout the ongoing care and management programme of your property. For more information on any of our services, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will gladly assist you. 19 | What Next | Purba Holiday Villa Rentals, Long-Term Rentals & Property Management JIMBARAN | CANGGU | LEMBONGAN OFFICE: JIMBARAN CANGGU LEMBONGAN Jl. Uluwatu111x Jl. Raya Pantai Berawa Jungut Batu, Nusa Penida Jimbaran 80361 Kungkung Ph +62 361 703 551 / 703 208 / 703985