CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL GREATER NOIDA SYLLABUS FOR TERM 2 Class: VII, Session: 2021-22 S.No. SUBJECT TOPICS Reading Comprehension 1. ENGLISH The Perfect Tenses, Voice- Active ad Passive, Subject Verb Agreement, Descriptive Writing The bird with the broken pinion, Lincoln`s first speech The Written Word (Course book) 2. HINDI व्याकरण - अपठित गद्ांाश, अनौपचाररक पत्र , संावाद, पर्ाार्वाची शब्द (31 से 40), ठवलोम शब्द (21 से 40), अनेक शब्दोां के ठलए एक शब्द (1 से 20 तक), अव्यर् (संाबांधबोधक, समुच्चर्बोधक, ठवस्मर्ाठदबोधक ) वसांत – कंा चा , एक ठतनका , खानपान की बदलती तसवीर , नीलकंा ि || 3. 3rdLANGUAGE SANSKRIT व्याकरण - अपठित गद्ाांश, ठचत्र वणान , पर्ाार्वाची शब्द (40 से 51), FRENCH ठवलोम शब्द (1 से 20), समर् , संाख्या (51 से 80) रुठचरा – समवार्ो ठि 4. MATHEMATICS दुर्ार् :, अनारर कार्ा: ठर्ज्ञासा, लालनगीतम्| 5. SCIENCE Leçon : 6 Programme d’échange international Leçon : 7 Léa acheté une nouvelle robe Leçon : 8 C’est délicieux Leçon : 9 La journée de Kevin Leçon : 10 C’est la fête ! Chapter 8 Comparing Quantities Chapter 9 Rational Numbers Chapter 10 Practical Geometry Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area Chapter 12 Algebraic Expressions Chapter 13 Exponents and Powers Chapter 14 Symmetry Chapter 15 Visualising Solid Shapes Chapter-10- Respiration In Organisms Chapter-11- Transportation in Animals and Plants Chapter-12- Reproduction In Plants Chapter-14- Electric Current & Its Effects Chapter-15- Light
History: Chapter 8-Devotional Paths to the divine 6. SOCIAL SCIENCE Geography: Chapter 6- Natural vegetation and wildlife Chapter 8 -Human environment interactions the tropical and the subtropical region. Political science: Chapter 8- Markets around us Chapter 6- More on Python 7. COMPUTER Chapter 9-Cyber Tools Chapter 10- Cyber Threats and Security
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