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Home Explore 初稿


Published by xus244, 2023-04-17 18:31:02

Description: 初稿


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Sequential Recut Candice Sijia Xu


Concept There are many things or habits that have persisted for many years and gradually become a part of me. There are also many memories or habits that gradually fade away over time. So I wanted to base on my understanding of time. Show the parts of me that have changed, or have not beed changed over time.

Idea I want to create a piece of clothing through Eason’s (singer) songs at different times and the lyrics inside. (Because I feel that every song is going from listening frequently to gradually decreasing the frequency of listening, to not listening anymore, rather than suddenly stopping listening to the song. People are also changing gradually. Therefore, I hope to map this idea onto my clothes.) I want these cloth can express my different states (mood or mentality or attitude), favourite dressing styles, and favourite songs during different periods. I hope this dress can gradually show these changes. And also, I will use some elements to show some thing never change, For example, the love for purple, to show that I am not I, but I am still I.

Inspiration John Galliano Fall 2000 L o e we Moon Chang

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