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Home Explore June 2017 MW Newsletter

June 2017 MW Newsletter

Published by Intercap Lending, 2017-08-24 16:22:12

Description: June 2017 MW Newsletter


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Regional Manager ABUNDANCE VS. SCARCITY Tim Peterson IN one of the all-time great business Regional Business classics, The 7 Habits of Highly Development Manager Effective People, by Stephen Covey, he describes the difference between living in Mike Anderson a scarcity vs. abundance mindset. Scarcity Northern District Manager suggests that all things have their limit: there are only so many spots on the team, Brett Mills only so much room for success, only so Central District Manager much business to go around. It’s a world where there is always a winner and a loser. Allen Rowe A true zero-sum game. It also suggests Southern District Manager there is always a right and wrong way. This teaches us to base our sense of self- Cory Taylor worth on comparisons and competition.Regional Operations Manager Unfortunately, many of us all too often live in this fear-based mindset. Suzie Woodward Processing Manager But an abundance mindset suggests there are endless opportunities in the world. Not only is the cup half full, it overflows. In this world, there is North District always room for one more player on the bench. It suggests a new teammate Kelly Fink will not detract from your ability to achieve personally and professionally to make a living. Quite the opposite. Adding to others rather than taking away Processing Manager is mutually beneficial to all. Hence the win-win. Abundance allows us to live South District in a world of collaboration and sharing, knowing that as the collective gets Kelli Endter better so does each individual. Closing Manager I like this world. It makes sense to me. So, I ask each of you to consider Derek Dooley what mindset you live in. Consider what you fear and how this affects your interaction with others. I share this because it so strongly relates to Underwriting Manager being the right “who” on the Academy Bus. As we live in abundance we North District will contribute positively to others and the whole. The alternative is to take more than we give, or live in a world where we try to make everything fair. I Michele Sweeten am positive that as we add to the hand others have been dealt and not take Underwriting Manager away, we will all benefit. As we live in abundance we will attract additional A+ Talent to our teams. And this will inspire hope, deliver dreams and South District build prosperity in the lives of many for years to come. Brandy Payne Tim Peterson Regional Manager Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand. Thomas Carlyle

MAKING TLEIASMT PRODUCTION MAY 2017THETHETOP Jeff Morgan Team 101$2 MILLION TOTAL $8,805,323LO’sVOLUME AND UPDave Young Mindy Ashdown Matt Hickman Lynnae Aguilar Qualified President’s Club: Jeff Morgan, Team Mindy Ashdown Foothill Lone Peak St. George Main Hill Field II Qualified Executive Club: Matt Hickman $6,464,978 $4,258,569 Qualified Top Producer’s Club: Team Dave Young, Aaron Fritz,$7,075,307 $5,869,651 Team Austin Ingersoll, Wane Workman, Lynnae Aguilar Pacing President’s Club: Matt Hickman, Team Dave Young,Matt Harris Austin Ingersoll Jeffrey Titus Wane Workman Aaron Fritz, Team Austin Ingersoll, Wane Workman, Lynnae Orem Lone Peak South Ogden SL City Center Aguilar, Team Tina Zak, Aaron Morgan, Kit Bate $3,778,462 $3,761,712 $3,665,700 Pacing Executive Club: Team Matt Harris, Jeff Holden, Kelle$3,922,545 Smart, Michael Christian, Wendy Williams, Team Casey Hansen Pacing Top Producer’s Club: Michael Bringhurst, Brad Mabey, Jess Patterson, Devry Davis, Jeffrey Titus, Erik Robinson, Josh Thomas, Aaron Butler, Rhett Weaver, Sheldon Worthington, Brett Mills LO’s PACING TO THE TOP (TOTAL VOLUME) Kit Bate Aaron Morgan Wendy Williams Jeff Holden Michael Bringhurst $1,923,245 Nelson Barss $1,266,482South Jordan Highland Drive North Ogden South Ogden Melissa Dalley $1,863,891 Bryan Roberts $1,266,482$3,390,356 $2,564,935 $2,463,913 $2,384,243 Brad Mabey $1,861,128 Jonathan Dyet $1,249,323 Kelle Smart $1,804,704 Wendy Lloyd $1,240,225 Aaron Fritz Erik Robinson Pete Jacob Michael Christian Rhett Weaver $1,794,570 Brandy Afuvai $1,236,200 Layton Team 101 Sugarhouse South Jordan Gerald Boyer $1,725,630 Don Olsen $1,227,335 $2,210,535 $2,205,130 $2,076,704 CJ Wilkinson $1,657,309 Ryan Kay $1,038,790$2,301,537 Tina Zak $1,638,672 Corbie Coy $1,037,225 Josh Thomas $1,592,621 Ryan Robinson $969,850 Jeannene Arnell $1,528,908 Jamon Taylor $942,815 Trudi Hatch $1,521,638 Delauna Lucchetti $893,736 Brett Mills $1,500,199 James Wilson $885,857 Char Golay $1,481,100 Logan Jenson $844,841 Aaron Butler $1,455,388 Clark Colledge $841,000 Jess Patterson $1,450,919 Sheldon Worthington $825,207 Casey Hansen $1,384,378 Mark Mabey $816,491 Devry Davis $1,285,708TOP FIVE BRANCHESBRANCH TOTAL VOLUME PURCHASE REFI $662,400Team 101 $14,795,067 $14,132,667 $1,226,850Lone Peak $12,790,911 $11,564,061 $1,498,500South Ogden $10,143,422 $8,644,922 $1,901,253Foothill $9,867,112 $7,965,859 $1,220,125St. George Main $8,686,632 $7,466,507 JUNE 2017 | 3

GOOD TO GREAT COVER STORYGET CERTIFIED TODAY!203(K) LOANS IN DEMAND SIGN RIDERS NOW AVAILABLE! [email protected] By Mike Anderson, Regional Business Development ManagerFHA 203(k) Renovation Loans are seeing a Your Regional Business Development Team issignificant bump as buyers face rising home values working with Corporate Marketing, Lloyd Rutherford,and aging inventory. Not to mention nearly 50 million Senior Manager, Product Development and Johnpeople tuning into HGTV every week getting ideas Sway, National Renovation Manager, to support andfrom hugely popular home purchase remodel shows advertise our FHA 203(k) product.including Property Brothers andFixer-Upper. A recent Harvard Keep an eye out for the followingAcademy Loan Officers interested Review projected communications and resources toin handling these loans will require home-improvement help you understand and promotesome training and certification but spending to grow to this product to your partners andthe time and effort will be worth it $323.3 billion in the the long run. first quarter of 2017, LO Resources: Weekly training“Working with a renovation up from the estimated webinars with John Sway andspecialist truly makes the process pace of $294.9 billion. videos on how to get more partnerseasier, not only for the buyer, but This trend is expected and loans with the 203(k) product.the seller as well,” says Oomee Partner Resources: Lunch & Learn,Milavong, Branch Manager and to continue. A+ Agent co-branded video, A+certified 203(k) specialist. Agent Lender Message, sign-riders, and full-size signs.This is not only a consumer-driven demand, Client Messaging: AMPliFlyer, Hearsay Social Posts,“Realtors love renovation loans because it gives and A+ Agent videos.them a lot more options,” says John Sway. With a203(k) Renovation loan, “Realtors can increase the For more information about 203(k) certification, pleasepool of buyers to first-time home buyers, FHA buyers, contact John Sway at [email protected] move-up buyers.” JUNE 2017 | 4

MAKING OPERATIONS MAY 2017THE LISTTHE TEAMTOP5PROCESSORS Jamey ON TIME CLOSE RATIOS Bear River Valley 100.0% Bountiful 100.0% Brigham City 100.0% Cottonwood 100.0% Warburton Kiri Draper 100.0% 32 Units Whitaker(UNITS & VOLUME) 24 Units Dry Creek 100.0% $9,830,336 $5,627,518 Foothill 100.0% Highland Drive 100.0% Hill Field 100.0% Hill Field II 100.0% Jamestown 100.0% Karisa Ashley Chelloni Sheri Ady Jordan 100.0% Berryman Hammon Adams Coleman Ferrari 24 Units 23 Units 19 Units 19 Units 18 Units Layton 100.0%$5,732,359 $6,464,978 $6,021,041 $3,817,275 $4,929,874 Lehi 100.0%UNDERWRITERS Lone Peak 100.0%(UNITS) Murray 100.0% Ogden Southeast 100.0% Orem 100.0% Redwood 100.0% Riverside 100.0% Roy 100.0% Salt Lake City Center 100.0% Cindy Sandra Becky Christian Annette South Jordan 100.0%Wardell Woods Stevenson Mason Schriever81 Units 52 Units 44 Units 38 Units 33 Units South Ogden 100.0%TOP FIVE CLOSERS Spanish Fork 100.0% St. George Main 100.0%(UNITS & VOLUME) Sugarhouse 100.0% Team 101 100.0% South Valley 88.9% North Ogden 72.7% Natalie Stacey Jamie Jodi Francie Herbert Jaszkowiak Vandersteen Gehring Jensen 80 Units 78 Units 55 Units 52 Units$19,730,679 $15,689,556 75 Units $11,706,243 $11,898,552 $12,258,720 JUNE 2017 | 5

GOOD TO GREAT COVER STORY Loan Status UpdatesTHE SECRET TO TURNING ONE HOUR INTO BIG BUSINESSWE all give loan status updates inclined to not take the call, or say OPPORTUNITIES (LSU), but how and when you’ll get back to them. But those When clients and agents receiveyou communicate them can make a responses risk conveying “I’m not your weekly LSU update, you buildsignificant impact on your business sure,” or “I’m too busy,” or “I don’t a strong and consistent reputationaccording to some top production care,” even though this is not your of reliability. Your partners will beteams. intent. confident in your ability to handle“Tuesday updates to the listing and another client referral with oneselling agents has been the number SOLUTIONS already under contract. It’s notone tool in winning agents,” says A weekly two minute LSU call with unusual to have agents send newLeslie Kight, Producing Branch precision consistency is all you need clients to another LO when theirManager in San Luis Obispo. to communicate confidence to your preferred lender has a client already“They are blown away with the borrower and partners. Here are our under contract - they don’t want youcommunication and consistency. recommendations: to be too busy or distracted withIt has been a huge boost to my 1. Block out one hour a week to their first” LO’s who practice this weekly LSULeslie has doubled his production make your LSU calls. Do it at call have seen status inquiriesyear-over-year for the past four years. the same time and day each significantly drop between theIt’s easy to think of a Loan Status week. You will want to call the weekly call. Your clients and partnersUpdate as a simple milestone borrower and BOTH agents. If grow accustomed to your call at yourcommunication, but clients and you have more calls than you designated time, so they confidentlypartners are looking for more. How can handle in an hour, have your wait for your update.can you leverage this strategy to LOA call your borrower. You call The Montrose, CO office has beenpotentially increase your business the agents. practicing this for eight 10-20 percent? 2. Get all status updates from LOAs, “Our realtors who consistently sendCHALLENGES processors, and underwriters us business have come to love andAgents and clients ALWAYS want before you make your call. Make expect these updates, and newto know the status of their loans it part of your weekly process. realtors have sent us appreciationunder contract. Automated system Updates can be as simple as, for the communication,” said Keithmessages can be helpful but often “Still with the processor,” or “Just Obsheatz, Loan Officer Assistant, “Ileave too much time and unknowns waiting for xxx.” This proactively believe it has definitely set us apartbetween updates, and you diminish communicates that you (1) know from other lenders in our area duethe personal touch that sold them the status of the loan, and (2) to the consistent communication.on you in the first place. are available for more business. Even if we do not have a necessaryThen comes the semi-weekly call 3. Many will not answer their ‘update’ just the fact that wefrom the partner or client asking phone. Leave a quick LSU communicate no issues/problems,how their loan is doing. If you don’t message. Those that answer they feel comforted and the overallknow at that moment, you might be may have some questions. Some experience is improved all around.” of these questions may lead to more business. All of them lead By Mike Anderson, Regional Business to more confidence in you since Development Manager you initiated the discussion. JUNE 2017 | 6

HAPPYB I R T HD A YRebecca Adams Joe KrugerKit Bate Chris Mac PhersonCrystal Bernier Josh MillerBetsy Bodine Morgan NeedhamDylan Boiteux Megan OlsenGarrison Brems Rock ReberLisa Christensen Jo RobinsonSheri Coleman Taylor SchoneBrad Crosby Carol TomasKelli Endter Cory UreKelly Fink Bill Van DykeAaron Fritz Jenni WeichersJodi Gehring Danny YoungZack Jeffs JUNE 2017 | 7

HAPPYANNIVERSARY5-10 YEARS OF SERVICE 2-4 YEARS OF SERVICE Suzie Woodward Matthew Masner Kyle Stewart Andie Burnham Dustin Duckett Matt Harris Delauna Lucchetti Michelle Mead Josh Shaw Mindy Ashdown Melissa Dalley Brian Crist Matthew Wright Dale Pugh Kierstin Eldredge Sheldon Worthington Jimmy Miller Natalie Herbert Ryan Robinson Taylor Schone Samantha Poulsen1 YEAR OF SERVICERosalba Dominguez Ashlee Burdess Tawny Wood JUNE 2017 | 8

June 2017 MW Newsletter

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