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Home Explore Body Systems Flip Book

Body Systems Flip Book

Published by paola.russe.913, 2016-11-03 12:24:29

Description: An amazing Body Systems book for Health Science

Keywords: Body Systems,Health


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B​ ody Systems Flip Book By: Paola Russe

This amazing informative flip book about body systems is dedicated to Coach Martinez...who made me do it in the first place. You’re welcome. 1 ​TOC

Table of Contents 3 5Integumentary System 7Musculoskeletal System 9Nervous System 11Special Senses 13Cardiovascular System 15Respiratory System 17Digestive System 19Urinary SystemReproductive System 2 ​TOC

Integumentary SystemKey Terms ● derm/o, dermat/o: skin ● kerat/o: hard ● xer/o: dry ● xanth/o: yellow ● erythr/o:red ● pedicu/o: louse ● onych/o: nails ● myc/o: fungus ● pil/o: hair ● lip/o: fat ● rhytid/o: wrinkle ● albino: whiteSystem ResearchFunction: Retains fluids, assists the immune system, is a receptor of touchDiseases/disorder: ● Acne vulgaris- ​long-term skin disease, chronic pimples, blackheads, & grease ● Diaphoresis- unusual amounts of sweating ● Malaria- excessive sweating & chills ● Albinism- little to no melanin pigment productionHealthcare careers: ● Dermatologist- medical expert of the skin ● Cosmetic surgeon- surgeon specializing in the reconstruction of the skin 3 T​ OC

Vocabulary: ● Epidermis- the most outer layer of the skin ● Keratin- fibrous, water-repellant protein ● Melanin- dark brown to black pigment produced by cells ● Sweat glands- regulate body temperature & water content ● Hair- dead protein, helps control body heat ● Nails- protects dorsal ends of toes & fingers ● Dermis- thick layer of living tissue under epidermis, contains nerves, vessels, & hair fibers ● Collagen- tough, flexible, fibrous protein ● Mast cells- respond to injury or infection by producing & releasing heparin and histamine ● Hair follicles- sacs that hold the root of the hair fibers 4 ​TOC

Musculoskeletal SystemKey Terms ● my/o: muscle ● myel/o: spinal cord, bone marrow ● oste/o: bone ● cost/o: rib ● crani/o: skull ● -pexy: fixation ● chondr/o: cartilage ● arthr/o: joint ● -plegia: paralysis ● kinesi/o: movementSystem ResearchFunction: Movement, temperature regulation, & aide in body functionsDiseases/disorder: ● Fascitis- inflammation of the fascia ● Tenalgia- P​ ain in a tendon ● Tendinitis- inflammation of the tendon ● Myotonia- inability to relax voluntary muscleHealthcare careers: ● Orthopedic surgeon- Doctor specializing in surgical treatment of musculoskeletal conditions ● Rheumatologist- Doctor specializing in treatment of musculoskeletal disease and systemic autoimmune conditions 5 T​ OC

V​ocabulary: ● Muscle fibers- long, slender cells ● Fascia- band of fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports, and separates muscle ● Tendon- Narrow band of nonelastic, dense, fibrous connective tissue, attaches muscle to bone ● Skeletal muscles- attached to bones and provide movement ● Smooth Muscles- in internal organs, involuntary ● Cardiac Muscle- specialized tissue in the heart ● Contraction- tightening of the muscle ● Relaxation- muscle returning to its original state ● Muscle tone- normal state of balanced muscle tension ● Neuromuscular- relationship between nerve & muscle 6 T​ OC

Nervous SystemKey Terms ● neur/o: nerve ● encephal/o: brain ● myel/o: spinal cord ● ambu/o: walk ● -esthesia: sensation ● mening/o: mening ● psych/o: mind ● concuss: shakenSystem ResearchFunction: Coordinates and controls all bodily activitiesDiseases/disorder: ● Cephalalgia- ​pain in the head ● Meningocele- a protrusion of the meninges through a gap in the spine ● Meningitis- inflammation of the meninges ● Cranial hematoma- bleeding of the brainHealthcare careers: ● Anesthesiologist- a physician trained in anesthesia and perioperative medicine ● Neurosurgeon- a surgeon specializing in the treatment of the brain 7 T​ OC

Vocabulary: ● Nerve- one or more bundles of neuron cells ● Tract- a bundle of nerve fibers located within the brain or spinal cord ● Ganglion- a knotlike of nerve cell bodies located outside the central nervous system ● Plexus- a network of intersecting nerves and blood or lymphatic vessels ● Innervation- supply of nerves to a body part, stimulation of a body part through nerves ● Receptors- sites in the sensory organs that receive external stimulation ● Stimulus- anything that activates the nerves and causes an impulse ● Impulse- a wave of excitation transmitted through nerve fibers and neurons ● Reflex- an automatic, involuntary response to a change ● Neuron- the basic cell of the nervous system 8 ​TOC

Special SensesKey Terms ● irid/o: iris ● -cusis: hearing ● -iopia: sight ● ot/o: ear ● tympan/o: eardrum ● ophthalm/o: eye ● Metry: measuringSystem ResearchFunction: they allow us to see, smell, hearing, taste, and touchDiseases/disorder: ● Anosmia- loss of the sense of smell ● Astigmatism- a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature, which results in distorted images ● Deafness- loss of hearing ● Rhinitis- inflammation of the noseHealthcare careers: ● Ophthalmologist-doctor whose specialty is diseases and conditions of the eyes ● Otorhinolaryngologist- medical specialty concerned with diseases of the ear, nose, and throat 9 T​ OC

Vocabulary: ● Transduction- sensory cells translating chemical, electromagnetic, and mechanical stimuli into action potentials ● Photoreceptors- cells that detect light waves ● Mechanoreceptors- cells that detect sound waves and pressure on the skin and in the inner ear ● Gustation- taste cells ● Olfaction- smell cells ● Chemoreceptors- cells that detect the molecules in our food and in the air ● Volatile- a gaseous state ● Taste Receptor Epithelial cells- register and respond to different molecules in food ● Gustatory Cortex- structure in the brain responsible for the perception of taste ● Olfactory Cortex- structure in the brain that identifies smell 10 ​TOC

Cardiovascular SystemKey Terms ● cardi/o: heart ● angi/o: vein ● hem/o, hemat/o: blood ● Brady-: slow ● tachy-: fast ● thromb/o: clot ● -emia: disease of the blood ● leuk/o: white ● erythr/o: red ● arteri/o: arterySystem ResearchFunction: they work to pump blood to supply all body tissues with oxygen &nutrients & transport cell wasteDiseases/disorder: ● Atherosclerosis- hardening and narrowing of the arteries due to the buildup of plaque ● Angina pectoris- severe episodes of spasmodic choking or suffocating chest pain ● Myocardial infarction- heart attack, closing off of a coronary artery ● Carditis- inflammation of the heartHealthcare careers: ● Cardiologist- specializes in diagnosing & treating the heart ● Hematologist- specializes in diagnosing & treating the blood and the blood-forming tissues 11 T​ OC

Vocabulary: ● Pericardium- the double walled membranous sac that encloses the heart ● Epicardium- external layer of the heart and part of the pericardium ● Myocardium- middle and thickest layer of the 3 layers of the heart, cardiac muscle ● Endocardium- inner lining of the heart, direct contact with the heart ● Atria- 2 upper chambers of the heart ● Ventricles- lower chambers of the heart ● Cardiac apex- tip of the heart ● Tricuspid valve- controls opening between the right atrium and right ventricle ● Systemic circulation- blood flow to all of the body except the lungs ● Pulmonary circulation- blood flow between the lungs and the heart 12 ​TOC

Respiratory SystemKey Terms ● bronch/o: bronchi ● cyan/o: blue ● laryng/o: larynx ● -oxia: condition of oxygenation ● Oxy-: oxygen ● pleur/o: side ● pneum/o: lungs ● pulmon/o: lung ● thorac/ot: chest ● trache/o: tracheaSystem ResearchFunction: they bring in oxygen rich air to the blood cells, expel waste, produce airflow to make speech possibleDiseases/disorder: ● Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)- group of respiratory conditions, chronic airflow limitations ● Asthma- chronic allergic disorder, severe breathing difficulty, coughing, and wheezing ● Bronchiectasis- chronic dilation of the bronchi resulting from an infection ● Emphysema- progressive loss of lung function, decrease and enlargement of alveoli 13 T​ OC

Healthcare careers: ● Otolaryngologist- medical specialty concerned with diseases of the ear, nose, and throat ● Pulmonologist- specializes in diagnosing & treating the lungsVocabulary: ● Cilia- thin hairs inside nostrils, filter debris ● Sinus- air filled cavity within a bone, lined with mucous ● Pharynx- throat, 3 divisions ● Larynx- voice box, triangular chamber between pharynx and trachea ● Trachea- windpipe, extends from neck into the chest ● Alveoli- air sacs, gas exchange ● Lobe- division of the lungs ● Pleura- multilayered membrane that surrounds each lung ● Diaphragm- muscle that separates the thoracic cavity and abdomen, contracts and relaxes, makes breathing possible ● Phrenic nerve- stimulates diaphragm, causes it to contract 14 ​TOC

Digestive SystemKey Terms ● cholecyst/o: gallbladder ● enter/o: small intestines ● col/o, colon/o: colon, large intestine ● hepat/o: liver ● gastr/o: stomach ● or/o: mouth ● -pepsia: digestion ● chol/e: bile ● proct/o: Rectum & AnusSystem ResearchFunction: responsible for intake and digestion of food, absorption of food, &elimination of wastesDiseases/disorder: ● Dysphagia- difficulty swallowing ● Bruxism- involuntary grinding of the teeth ● Pyrosis- heartburn, burning sensation, returning of acidic stomach contents to the esophagus ● Gingivitis- inflammation of the gums, earliest stage of periodontal diseaseHealthcare careers: ● Gastroenterologist- specializes in diagnosing & treating the stomach and intestines ● Internist- specializes in diagnosing & treating internal organs 15 T​ OC

Vocabulary: ● Upper GI tract- mouth, esophagus, & stomach ● Lower GI tract- small intestines, large intestines, rectum, & anus ● Lips- opening to the oral cavity ● Palate- forms the roof of the mouth, 2 parts: soft & hard palates ● Tongue- strong, flexible muscle that aids in speech & moves food during chewing and swallowing ● Salivary Glands- secrete saliva, moistens food, begins digestive process, & cleans mouth ● Esophagus- collapsible tube that leads from the pharynx to the stomach ● Cardiac Sphincter- ring-like muscle that controls flow between esophagus & stomach ● Gallbladder- a pear shaped sac located under the liver, stores & concentrates bile for later use ● Peristalsis- series of wave-like contractions of smooth muscle in a single direction 16 T​ OC

Urinary SystemKey Terms ● -cele: hernia, swelling ● -lysis: destruction ● cyst/o: urinary bladder ● nephr/o: kidneys ● ren/o: kidneys ● -uria: urine ● -pexy: surgical fixation ● -ectasis: dilation, widening ● pyel/o: Renal pelvisSystem ResearchFunction: maintains homeostasis, balances water, salts, & acids, removes excessfluid, reabsorbs water, filters blood, & eliminates wasteDiseases/disorder: ● Anuria- complete suppression of urine formation by kidneys ● Uremia- toxic condition, excessive amount of urea & waste products in the bloodstream ● Edema- excessive fluid in body tissue ● Pyelonephritis- inflammation of renal pelvis & kidneyHealthcare careers: ● Nephrologist- specializes in diagnosing & treating the kidneys ● Urologist- specializes in diagnosing & treating the urinary system & genitourinary system 17 ​TOC

Vocabulary: ● Kidneys- filters blood to remove waste and excess water ● Urinary Bladder- hollow muscular organ, holds urine ● Ureters- narrow tubes, each carries urine from a kidney to the urinary bladder ● Urethra- tube extending from the bladder to the outside of the body ● Urea- major waste product of protein metabolism ● Nephrons- functional units of the kidneys, from urine by filtration, reabsorption, & secretion ● Glomerulus- a cluster of capillaries surrounded by a membrane ● Urochrome- pigment that gives urine it's normal yellow color ● Urinary sphincters- located at either end of the urethra, control flow of urine from the bladder into the urethra ● Urethral meatus- external opening of the urethra 18 T​ OC

Reproductive SystemKey Terms ● Salping/o: Fallopian tubes ● cervic/o: cervix ● Ovo: egg ● Orchid/o: testicles ● Oophor/o: ovaries ● Men/o: menstruation ● Mamm/o: breast ● Gynec/o: woman ● Colp/o: vagina ● Prostat/o: prostate glandSystem ResearchFunction: female: create & support new life male: produce sperm to create new life& also function as part of the urinary systemDiseases/disorder: ● Balanitis- inflammation of the glans penis ● Prostatorrhea- abnormal flow of prostatic fluid discharged ● Anovulation- failure to ovulate ● Oophoritis- inflammation of an ovaryHealthcare careers: ● Urologist- specializes in diagnosing & treating the urinary system & genitourinary system ● Gynecologist- specializes in diagnosing & treating the female reproductive system 19 ​TOC

Vocabulary: ● Genitalia- reproductive organs ● Testicles- 2 egg shaped glands that produce sperm ● Penis- male sex organ that transports sperm & urine ● Sperm- male gametes ● Gamete- reproductive cell ● Mammary glands- milk producing glands ● Areola- dark pigmented area that surrounds the nipple ● Ovaries- pair of small almond shaped organs in the lower abdomen, one on either side of the uterus ● Uterus- pear shaped organ with muscular walls, may one day carry a baby ● Ova- egg, female gamete 20 ​TOC

I deserve the 10 points, because of several wonderful reasons. I completed my research a week ahead of time, demonstrating my efficiency and responsibility. I also created a table of contents on google docs that can take you to the appropriate place you click on, which we did not knowwas possible in google docs. My flip book is also presented very neatly and professionally. On top of that I also included a dedication page and of utmost honor dedicated it to you, Coach Martinez. Therefore I deserve and have earned the 10 points, maybe even 15 points. Thank you, Paola Russe 21 ​TOC

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