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Home Explore Kids Math Activities Ages 5 GN

Kids Math Activities Ages 5 GN

Published by Diana Heuser, 2023-06-12 15:33:44

Description: Kids Math Activities Ages 5 GN


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Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Tracing, Pen Control, Simple Shapes and Letters Home © Your Name

Home Content Counting in 1’s Counting Number Names 1’s Matching Values Fishing for 20’s Number It’s Addition Time Names Equals = Matching What’s the difference Values Word Problems Fishing What time is it? For 20’s Length & Size Addition Time Equals = What’s the Difference Word Problems What time Is it? Certificate Completion Certificate Length & Size

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Counting in 1’s Counting in 1’s is what we use most often to count. Home Certificate

Home Content Can you count in 1’s to fill in the gaps of the boxes up to Now that all the boxes have been counted, lets load the Counting 20? train. Count in 1’s and work out how many animals are 1’s in each group? I need to load these boxes onto the train, Number can you help me count Names them? …… horses Matching Values 13 67 10 Fishing For 20’s 11 14 18 Addition Time …… lions Equals = What’s the Difference Word Problems What time Is it? Certificate …… rhinos Length & Size

Home Content Count the Beanies and Match them to the correct Can you count the objects and circle the correct number? numbers. Counting 9 1’s 12345 Number Names 12345 Matching Values 5 Fishing 12345 For 20’s Addition Time Equals = 12345 What’s the Difference 7 Word 12345 Problems What time Is it? Certificate Length & Size

Home Content Counting 1’s Number Names Number Names Matching Values Numbers have names just like animals do. In mathematics we write their names as numerals, Fishing but we can also write their names using letters. For 20’s Addition Time Equals = What’s the Difference Word Problems What time Is it? Certificate Length & Size

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Six Seven Zero Five Ten Two Three Eight Four One Nine Content Match the numbers to their names. Home 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Trace the number names. Certificate

Home Content Unscramble the number words and write their correct Colour in the correct number of circles. numeral. Look at you go! Counting sneve 1’s One Number Names Matching Values neveel Two Three Four Fishing xsi For 20’s ourf Addition Time Five Six Seven Equals = What’s the Difference net Word sxtieen Problems Eight Nine Ten What time Is it? Certificate Length & Size

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Matching Values Home Value can be shown as an amount of objects or as a number. Certificate

Home Content Practice writing your numbers. Count how many objects are in each group and match Counting it to the correct number. 1’s You are doing amazing! 15 Number Names Matching Values 12 Fishing 16 For 20’s 18 Addition Time Equals = What’s the Difference Word Problems What time Is it? Certificate Length & Size

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Home Count how many objects are in each group and match it Nine Four to the correct number. Seven Five Certificate

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Fishing for 20 We can write numbers in many ways. By using objects or numerals, there are many ways to record Home numbers. Certificate

Home Content Write each number. Colour in the correct number of blocks to match the How many fish did each group catch? number. My favourite number is 17, Counting 1’s what’s yours? 12 17 15 Number Names Matching Values Fishing For 20’s 16 11 18 Addition 14 19 13 Time Equals = What’s the Difference Word Problems What time Is it? Certificate Length & Size

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content It’s Addition Time! This is when we add things together! Home We can also say sum, total, combining etc. Certificate

Home Content Add the matching groups together. Number sentences are written down using + and = symbols. Complete the number sentences below. Total = Total = Counting Total = 1’s Total = Number Names Total = Matching Values += Fishing += For 20’s += Addition Time Equals = What’s the Difference Word Problems What time Is it? Certificate Length & Size

Home Content Use 2 colours to fill in the frame to make 10 and then Use 3 colours to fill in the frame to make 10 and then Counting write the number sentences to match. write the number sentences to match. 1’s I love to add! Number Names 4 + 6 = 10 2 + 5 + 3 = 10 Matching Values Fishing For 20’s + + = 10 + + = 10 Addition Time + = 10 + = 10 Equals = + = 10 + = 10 What’s the Difference + + = 10 + + = 10 Word Problems What time Is it? Certificate + + = 10 + + = 10 Length & Size

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Equals = Home Equals sign = tells us two numbers or amounts have the same value. Certificate

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Home Draw the same number of presents on either side of the 8 10 12 2 seesaw to balance the middle amount. 20 46 Certificate

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content What’s the difference? Home Finding out the difference between amounts tells us what we need to include in the number sentence. Certificate

Home Content Work out the difference between eight and four? If there are 13 plants and the giraffe eats 4, how Counting many are left? 1’s 8 - 4= Count the leaves and work out the sum. You can use your hands to solve Number the difference Names Matching Values Solve the problems below. -= Fishing 7 - 2= For 20’s Addition Time 8 - 6= If there are 7 flowers and 5 mushrooms, count how many Equals = more and less there are. 9 - 5= 10 - 5 = What’s the Difference There are 7 and 7 - 5= 6 - 3= There are more than Word Problems There are fewer than What time Is it? 8 - 3= 7 - 1= Certificate Length & Size

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Word Problems Home Word problems are sentences where there are stories that tell the number problems. Certificate

Home Content Solve the word problems. There are 10 Lightbulbs. 8 of Counting them are broken. 1’s Jane has 10 flowers. She How many work? ……... keeps 6 flowers and gives the rest to Mary. Number How many flowers did Mary Names get? ……... 10 Shirts are dirty. Jane Matching There are 10 Snowflakes. If washes 6 of them. Values half melt, how many are How many are still dirty? left? ……... Fishing ……... For 20’s Sam buys 10 balls. Max shared his 10 She gives 2 to Rusty and 3 to Addition sunglasses equally with Kylie. Time John. How many are left? ……... How many sunglasses does Equals = Max keep? ……... What’s the Difference You are doing Word great! Problems What time Is it? Certificate Length & Size

Home Content There are 10 tennis balls and 2 soccer balls. There are 10 needles in the sewing kit. Mary takes 1, Jane Counting How many balls are there in total? takes 4 and Haley takes 3. 1’s How many are left? += 10 - - = Number There are 6 kids that play Netball and 2 that play Names Volleyball. In the pond, there are 15 ducks. 2 are brown, 5 are How many play sports? spotted and the rest are Striped. Matching How many are striped? Values += Fishing In the garden, there are 7 daffodils and 4 roses. For 20’s How many flowers are in the garden? - -= Addition += Time In the kennel, there are 4 dalmatians and 8 Labradors. In the Zoo, there are 20 animals. 10 are Lions, 4 are Equals = How many dogs are in the kennel? Hippos and the rest are Zebras. How many Zebras are there? What’s the += Difference - -= Word Problems What time Is it? Certificate Length & Size

Home Content There are 6 Monkeys, 7 Crocodiles and 2 Leopards. Counting How many animals are there in total? 1’s ++= Number Names There are 13 Blue butterflies, 2 Green butterflies and 3 Orange butterflies. Matching How many are there altogether? Values ++= Fishing For 20’s In the pencil box there are 12 Green pencils, 4 Blue and 3 pink. Addition How many pencils are there in total? Time ++= Equals = What’s the Difference Word Problems What time Is it? Certificate Length & Size

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Patterns Home Patterns can be found in everything! We see them on the walls, the roads, nature and Mathematics! Certificate

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Circle the picture that completes the pattern. Home Draw shapes to complete the patterns in each row. vvv vv I did the first one for you! Certificate

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Home Create your own patterns using the following shapes: Pattern 1: Pattern 2: Pattern 3: Pattern 4: Certificate

Home Content What time is it? Counting 1’s There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day! Number Names Understanding of time is an important skill to learn. Matching Values Fishing For 20’s Addition Time Equals = What’s the Difference Word Problems What time Is it? Certificate Length & Size

Home Content Read the time and then draw the hands on each clock to Read the clocks and fill in the blank spaces with the show the time on the clock. correct time. Wake Up Counting 1’s I wake up at ………….. in the morning. Number Names Matching Values 4 o’clock 7 o’clock At School I am at school at ………….. in the morning. Fishing For 20’s Addition Time Eat dinner Equals = 3 o’clock 5 o’clock I eat dinner at ………….. in the evening. What’s the Difference Go to Sleep Word Problems I go to sleep at ………….. at night. What time 2 o’clock 1 o’clock Is it? Certificate Length & Size

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Length and Size Home You can compare objects using the vocabulary of big, bigger, biggest. And many more. Certificate

Home Content Look at the pictures and read the words. Big Bigger Biggest Draw a line to match each word to the correct size. Counting Big Bigger Biggest 1’s Number Names Matching Values Fishing For 20’s Addition Time Big Bigger Biggest Equals = Big Bigger Biggest What’s the Difference Word Problems What time Is it? Certificate Length & Size

Counting Number Matching Fishing Addition Equals = What’s the Word What time Length & 1’s Names Values For 20’s Time Difference Problems Is it? Size Content Circle the Heavy object and cross out the light object in each row. Home Circle the longest Giraffe. Circle the shortest tree. Certificate

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