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Home Explore Advanced Lightning Protection Systems Limited Brochure

Advanced Lightning Protection Systems Limited Brochure

Published by Advanced Lightning Protection Systems, 2020-10-21 08:25:48

Description: we are professionals at designing and manufacturing state of the art Early Streamer Emission Lightning protection devices. Our trained and experienced engineers have been manufacturing parts for ESE devices for many years and this work conforms to ISO 9001 quality standards. Our devices have also been tested by various leading testing facilities and our devices conform to NF C 17-102

Keywords: ESE,Lightning Protection,Lightning Protection UK,Lightning Services


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Fully British engineered ESE lightning systems s a l e s @a l p s y s t e ms l t d . c o m 01902 200687

About Us At Advanced Lightning Protection Systems, we are professionals at designing and manufacturing state of the art early streamer emission lightning protection systems. Our trained and experienced engineers fully manufacture our ESE devices in conformance with ISO 9001: 2015 quality standards. Our devices have also been tested by various leading testing organisations and conform to NF C 17-102 the BS EN 62305 equivalent for ESE systems. Our systems are suitable for various buildings and structures including solar panel fields, schools, churches, government buildings, airports, data centres and more. TESTED CERTIFIED

Why choose ESE? Our ESE devices use a system which is an air terminal network, it integrates a round body with a curved lip and a sharp rod on top. The early streamer emission device activates when there is an increase in the electric field which happens due to the difference in charges between the thunderclouds and the earth, the device then gathers the energy created by the electric field and then releases the energy ionising the surrounding atmosphere creating a path for the lightning strike to be safely grounded to earth. Due to the extra ionisation process that occurs in an ESE device, it provides a larger radius of protection than a traditional franklin rod.

Services - By professionals of 25+ years ASSESS SURVEY DESIGN With our lightning We will survey After the protection the site to check site has been the requirements checked we will projects we carry that will need to out a full risk be met for the design the assessment in lightning conformance lightning protection system to the required protection system ready for standards. installation. install.

Services - By professionals of 25+ years INSTALL TEST MAINTAIN We can install our Lightning It is crucial the ESE systems at protection system is kept in systems require good condition. your site annual testing. One off repairs conforming to When we test can be made in NFC 17-102 (the your systems the event of storm BSEN 62305 certification is equivalent for ESE provided. damage or vandalism etc. systems).

ESE Working Principle 1 As the build up to a strike is occurring the electric field around the ALPS ESE finial rises. This static charge flows from the top of the finial through the top winding of the pulse transformer and begins to charge the capacitor. 2 When the device is charged and a strike is imminent the device activates the release of the accumulated energy. Once the energy is released it produces an upward leader, which is artificially created and is produced very quickly. The upward leader delivers a low-impedance ionised route for discharge 3 to earth of the energy gathered in the cloud, by means of the system’s down-conductor, neutralising the earth potential.

Marking Testing “ Test standard: NFC 17-102:2011, Annex C, clause C.3.1.2” “ Test Procedure: The ESE lightning conductor was identified by the following information indicated on the product (marking). • Name of the manufacturer: ADVANCED LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS LIMITED and logo • Early streamer emission eff iciency: not specified • Serial Number: PROTOTYPE 1 The checking of the identification of marking was carried out by visual inspection.” “After the test, the marking was legible.”

ESE Functionality Testing “ Four Lightning attractors, provided by Advanced Lightning Protection Systems Ltd were tested with a high energy content current pulse. ” It was proposed that the current waveform A be modified into a pulse with the following characteristics: 25/70μs waveshape, Energy (action integral) of 2.5MJ/Ohm, and Peak current 250kA. This would provide a worst-case waveform for the lightning attractor to experience. The waveform parameters are summarised in the table below.” “ The emission technology was still functioning as intended after all t e s t s .”

Wind Resistance Testing - The ESE model was simplified and material properties for stainless steel, structural steel and acetal were applied - Loads were applied based on an estimated drag coeff icient of 0.6 - The model was solved with approx. 40,000 elements in solidworks simulation package - The results indicate a minimum factor of safety over 2 for winds up to 100 mph

ESE Eff iciency Testing “Average values TESEAT and TSRAT and standard deviations σESEAT and σSRAT are calculated. The tested lighting conductor is an ESEAT if both the following conditions are met: - TESEAT < TSRAT, - ΣESEAT < 0,8 σSRAT, -TPTS - TPDA > 10 μs” “ Test results for S.R.A.T. The average value of significant break-down times (TB) calculated from the experimental results is TSRAT = 131.9 μs with a standard deviation σSRAT = 18.1 % By transferring TSRAT on the reference waveform it was obtained T’SRAT = 366.9 μs” “ Test results for E.S.E.A.T. The average value of significant break-down times (TB) calculated from the experimental results is TESAT = 117.2 μs with a standard deviation σESEAT = 12.5 %. By transferring TESEAT on the reference waveform it was obtained T’ESEAT = 331.4 μs”

ESE Eff iciency Testing “ The tested lightning conductor is an E.S.E.A.T. (early streamer emission air terminal) as it fulfils all the conditions stipulated by standard (according to NFC 17-102 / 2011, Annex C, clause C. 3. 5. 2 . 5)”

ESE Protection Levels The radius of protection ‘Rp’ of an ALPS ESE is given by the French standard NF C 17-102 (September 2011). It depends on the ESEAT eff iciency ΔT of the ALPS ESE. The value of ΔT used in the protection radius calculations is 35.5 μs (ΔT = T’SRAT – T’ESEAT = 366.9 – 331.4 = 35.5 μs) Franklin Rod ALPS ESE

Certificate Of Conformity When you order from us with every ESE device purchased you will also receive a certificate to confirm the eff iciency of the device, this will also include the individual serial numbers of the devices sold so each device is traceable. Advanced Lightning Protection Systems Ltd. Unit 3, Hare Street, Bilston West Midlands, WV14 7DX Telephone: 01902 200687 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY Customer: EXAMPLE Product Name: ESE Device (35.5 µs) Serial No: EXAMPLE Test Standard: NFC 17-102 2011, Annex C. The certificate of conformity is based on an evaluation of a sample product mentioned above. This is to confirm that the product has been tested and conforms to the test standard, this can be evidenced by documentation kept on file. Date: Signature: Company number: 10610166 © Advanced Lightning Protection Systems Ltd. 2020 – [email protected]

Development We have invested heavily into the development of our products and worked closely with various third parties to make sure our ESE devices are fully functional and up to standard. Our innovative design allows for one of the easiest installations on the market today. Our devices have an umbrella shaped top to prevent rain penetration, are lightweight, easy to assemble and have a factor of safety over 2 for winds at 100 mph. THE UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK INNOVATIVE PRODUCT SUPPORT SERVICE

Certification EU INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE - Intellectual Property rights COBHAM LIGHTNING TESTING - Functionality Testing ICMET CRAIOVA - Marking Testing - Dimension Testing - ESEAT Eff iciency Testing WARWICK UNIVERSITY - Wind resistance Testing

Unit 3, Hare Street, Bilston, West Midlands, WV14 7DX , United Kingdom s a l e s @a l p s y s t e ms l t d . c o m 01902 200687 www. al ps y s t e ms l t d. c om

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