IM.PULSE p my giant roars screeching through the forest, When the cavern safe sterious miracles. Johann Wolfgang vo at its fall the hills, dull, hollow, thunder: Then leadest thou mehingto nGAnd when the storm neighbouring branches, neighbouring trunks, An , Show‘st me myse lf, and my own heart becomes Aware of deefir tree plunges, sweeping down And crus oethe, Faust I, Forest and Cavern dI foresaw a quotation for this space. However, The book which you hold in your Many of us find that the experience of vastness,based on the highly subjective grounds that I hands contains an unusually large be it the view of the seemingly endless ocean,write well, I was asked to compose my own amount of quotations and folk wis- the view of an endless horizon from a mountain-contribution. dom. These entries convey expe- peak or the freedom to travel, is the basic pre- riences, feelings and perceptions requisite of being able to set loose our creativeWhy do we use quotes instead of finding our from time past, from other coun- impulses. When external circumstances poseown words? tries and unfamiliar ideologies. barriers, we nevertheless find freedom in our own thoughts and memories, or perhaps in art,Very often we find that our own thoughts were One of the two quotes I had ori- literature or music.aptly formulated by someone else, perhaps ginally planned to use would fitmore appropriately than we ourselves can do. the bill for this page. It comes from And in the sanctuary of our thoughts, we find aI was never asked to sketch something when I a particularly moving passage in source of inspiration that gives us the strength toalready had a picture which best illustrated my Goethe’s Faust; the forest and ca- rise to new beginnings.imagination. vern scene. The setting offers Faust a short-term safe haven, and via The quote from Henry Miller that I’d thought ofPerhaps we attempt to hide behind the words an ingenious change of perspec- using instead of this contribution closes with the-of others the imprecision of how our inner voice tive, the reader or audience mem- se words: “Every moment is a golden one forreflects the way we perceive the world. Perhaps ber a look at what’s imminent. him who has the vision to recognize it as such”.we’re poor observers and don’t want to beexposed as such by our own words. 53
Magdalena Avril, MunichohrPMifegtOelhpanWt,gheMdaEliamRanlGdgiendnaRoaaOtfelcesUrnAedPavaifrfittTiirlvcea, euanlswmtcifeohhsirmoemifnesPmsucatnbuotrddenicericeiraeasdptnaPtdosnddeineotiintsvsoig.egiWrnmth,taiihnmgegiseenss.hwaaaonsrddlobsinnengcdo-osotmlaionengndgtsihenoegr
F‘hNSefharruoreeoscdmgahawuidnGinlseaoatdrrerhirfnf“iefiefmnetdhscoca’a,UtnSwsponneteoeniovwrrrherraiiareietnnshpsikyt”Fysmo,ehnitarnhMedeselBitpnewurmsairsnhlnyoibnodisac’ctscSnharcetleroiov.raryemIetniidnnkmtg,ghoiMnenaoAlPAuygOutiuonscWtsorIoeandmdEtleiaRpmrAGnloefuaoRxostrOitdortaaanUalsailamkPol,snnBohgauniidssgntiiliodnsemtemvethesh,s.iles- Team.57
Britta Leibeling, MunichdbcwWerriomhnwhogaa’snnstedtmhwdseaooqsiuftmuelbedrpeoeodanonkoEd2-kxfee1cEreasextpblc?cielneeBlg.snr.AitotutsafryaaLescsciobirsemetaalpinntiatvgetnoiysteotbhaueermsPweiOnnithiWhooaruEremtRxaGoenncRyuOetiwmvUeiptPshl,’osstyhhueenee-
PICTURESPictures hung in upside-down position,upper hand reversed with lower hand, may find unexpected recognition, for they are transposed to fairyland. Christian Morgenstern 59
IMPRINTPublisher: POWERGROUP GmbHCopyright: Dr. Pantelis Christian Poetis, CEO of POWERGROUP GmbH, is the originator of all works of applied art(graphical elements/layout) and written composition (text) used in conjunction with all projects outlined in this publication.Design Concept: Patricia PoetisEditor-in-Chief: Ines RößlerArt Director: Magdalena AvrilColumnists: Tony Morollo, Laura Montero, Philomena Poetis, Penelope PoetisContributors: Tianxiang Lu, Ferdinand Storek, Murad Mehmood, Britta Leibeling, Panoria PoetisCopy Editor: Tony MorolloIllustrator: Enrique SchumannPhotography Editor: Pericles PoetisPicture credits:Prof. Bernd Albers (pp. 84-85), Beiersdorf AG (p. 133), Berliner Tafel e.V. (pp. 160-161), Hans Buttermilch (pp. 130-131(photography)), Daimler AG (pp. 68-69), Michael Danner (p. 115), Fotosearch (p. 102), Stephanie Girard (pp. 50-51),Gerrit Hahn (p. 106), Hartmann AG (pp. 125, 133), Stefan Heide (pp. 24-25, 166-167), IFCO (pp. 160-161), iStockpho-to (p. 126), Egbert Krupp (p. 47), Daniel Leal-Olivas (pp. 160-161), Harry Mentzel (pp. 5, 64-67), Motorsport XL (pp. 140-141), Laura Oldfield Ford (p. 156), Panoria Poetis (pp. 36-37), Pericles Poetis (pp. 5, 17, 40-41, 73, 138), POWERGROUP(pp. 2, 5, 6-15, 17-23, 26-27, 33-34, 38-39, 42, 48-49, 52, 60-61, 70, 80, 82, 88, 90-91, 103, 105 (collage), 108-109,116, 129, 160-161), Ghulam Rasul (pp. 44, 74), Rabia Rasul (p. 45), Claus Schunk (pp. 98-99, 160-161), SpearheadResearch (pp. 76-77), Ferdinand Storek (pp. 56-57), Rai Sumendra (pp. 54-55), Antje Tesche-Mentzen (pp. 28-31), TheDAN Blog (pp. 164-165), Hannes Tscharner (pp. 58-59), VectorStock (pp. 5, 153)Translation: IF-Localization GmbH, Leipziger Straße 16, 82008 UnterhachingPrint: Weber Offset GmbH, Ehrenbreitsteiner Straße 42, 80993 MünchenDespite thorough research and the use of reliable sources, we cannot accept responsibility or liability for the completenessor accuracy of this publication‘s contents.All rights reserved.Use of the copyrighted publication or of any of the contributions and illustrations it contains, in particular through duplicationor dissemination, is not permitted without prior consent in writing from the publisher and shall lead to prosecution unless suchis excluded by copyright laws.In particular, storage or processing in data systems is not permitted without prior consent.Letters to the Editor: [email protected] GmbH . Habenschadenstraße 13 . 82049 Pullach . www.power-group.net . Tel +49 89 759 00 50
INNOVATION MANAGEMENT &KNOWLEDGE TRANSFERHow can interfaces between different circles of an economic These are questions which we answer for each of our clientssystem be bridged without incurring information losses, and specifically. To this end, we develop solutions in strategic,how can an economic system use its own innovation potential organisational, but also technical domains, in order to optimisemore effectively through structuring of the communication the information flow processes of an economic system.processes? 65
TRENDS ANALYSISA trend is nothing more than a movement for change or a Three conditions must be met before a megatrend istransformation process. Trends can be found in all areas of identified:life – from economy to politics up to the consumer world – atall levels: They may be mere surface phenomena or deep, Megatrends have a half-life of at least 25-30 years.lasting currents. They must extend into all possible aspects of lifeThe term “trend” in business, brand or topic positioning does and effect changes therein (not just with regard tonot (just) describe a short-term hype as in seasonal fashion consumption, but also politics, economy, and so on).trends, but long-term profound changes and transformations in In principal, megatrends have a global character, evensociety which affect people‘s needs and expectations. if they are not equally strong everywhere at once.We distinguish between long-wave megatrends whosedevelopment progresses over decades, and short-wave From megatrends we can deduct subordinate andmovements which fade away after weeks, months or a few tangible key themes. It is these that provide central focusyears. points for public debate and that move people.Megatrends are long-term developments which affect all The following five main themes are the most importantdomains of society and economy. For this reason, they also form reference points for the presentation and discussion ofone of the foundations for the analysis by POWERGROUP. individual events, contexts and issues, and characteriseThe term “megatrends“ can be traced back to the founder of the next decade:modern future research, John Naisbitt, who wrote the worldbestseller with the same title in the year 1980. Community & Lifestyle Environment & Energy Health & Well-Being Mobility & Infrastructure Education & Knowledge 67
FEASIBILITY STUDYAfter a thorough analysis of the determining factors MAN AT THE CENTRE OF THE FUTURE.for brand and marketing, POWERGROUP, in closecollaboration with architects in Berlin, developed a Just like a magnifying glass, man as the commoncomprehensive basic idea for the Tempelhof site, giving denominator bundles together all the topics treated inconsideration to the future trends and urban context for the science park at the focal point. The magnifying glassboth the overall concept and an integrated science park makes clearer the development of domains and topicsas an interface between science and business. treated in the science park (building) on the open grounds. Vice versa, the challenges of urban life of the openAt the beginning of the conceptual design, the social grounds are reflected in the range of science topics. Thebasic trends and developments that were significant for grounds and buildings serve as the showcase for sciencethe further usage of Tempelhof were evaluated using in Berlin and thus as a magnifying glass for tomorrow‘strend screening. A second analysis structured the existing challenges.expectations. Together with the key themes and theexisting science parks in the Greater Berlin area, these In 2008, the Berlin Senate Department for Urbanformed the framework conditions for finding a solution. Development presented the urban development project Tempelhofer Freiheit as a concept for further usage of theIn experts panels, the Tempelhof brand, its roots and airport area after the Tempelhof referendum confirmedcompetencies were investigated and then this description the end of flight operations. Since the central terminalof the actual state was used, under consideration of the building was temporarily assigned to the bi-annual Breadframework conditions, to define the brand to be. Existing & Butter Fashion Fair, however, the object was blockedconcepts and sub-concepts were compared with this for other activities or even long-term events. In Maybrand. The final overall concept combines the underlying 2014, the Berlin citizens voted by referendum for theconditions, basic concepts and brand attributes in a preservation of the almost 355 hectares of open spaceholistic principle. of the former airport. 71
GROWTH POTENTIALFor POWERGROUP, the identification of opportunities Deducting from the megatrends of globalisation andis possible not only through a general market and urbanisation, the development of metropolises and itstrend analysis, e.g. with trend screening and POWER consequences were considered in this context. In 1950,seismograph, but also in particular through the detailed the world‘s only megalopolises – urban agglomerationsinsights obtained from the (industry) projects of with over 10 million residents - were New York and Tokyo.POWERGROUP customers as well as partners affiliated Today there are 23 megalopolises. The United Nationswith POWERGROUP in the domains of politics, economy estimates that there will be nine new mega-cities in Asiaand science. by 2025. Except for eight of the 32 megalopolises, all of these cities will be located in emerging markets.To determine growth potential, the POWERGROUP The quality of life for millions will be determined by thestrategy team first performs an evaluation of the company‘s quality of their cities. The fact that as a consequence,actual situation, taking into close consideration the the energy demand in urban areas will rise exponentiallyfindings gained from opportunities identified in the market could be quantitatively proven with a growing need foranalysis. The megatrends of this world – long-term and large-scale energy plants; and with it, among other things,comprehensive transformational processes – are included appropriate recommendations for the logistics sectorin this analysis as effective powerful influences which could be deduced.characterise the markets of the future. 72
GEOSTRATEGYWith the planning of the NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan, During the analysis, the Southern route was found to be thethe POWERGROUP strategy team performed a geostrategic most cost-effective option. The harbours of Port of Karachievaluation of the potential transport routes. The analysis was and Port Qasim (both located in Karachi, Pakistan) haveto aid the decision-makers with NATO and its partners and been defined as NATO destinations for transportation alongto provide contracts to logistics companies. the Southern route and for further transport by sea. The harbour of Gwadar Port in South-West Pakistan has beenA large number of different routes is possible in principle, defined as a third option.but various restrictions reduce these routes to a smaller andmanageable number. As an example, transportation through When the Southern route is selected, the only transit countryor via Iran or China is no option for NATO/ISAF. is Pakistan. To carry out the redeployments, POWERGROUP identified local partners who could ensure a safeNATO distinguishes three main routes: Northern (Northern implementation of the container logistics.Line of Communication, NLOC), Central (Central Line ofCommunication, CLOC) and Southern (Southern Line ofCommunication, SLOC). 75
ENERGY &ENVIRONMENTSince early 2007 at least, there has been much talk about theenvironment, climate change, energy and its efficient, responsible use.It’s a range of topics which many business companies have adoptedas a pure trend topic. We analyse these topics for our customers froman industry or company-specific viewpoint, find new ways for themto handle these issues and develop concepts for a serious discussionof these challenges. The objective is the development of a uniqueand sustainable plan for the companies and locations that we serve. 81
INTERDISCIPLINARITYThe main actors in the context of the global energy challenge Since the 2012/13 winter semester, TU Berlin hasare science, business and politics: Only with a concrete, been offering the following four interdisciplinary master‘sknowledge-based and future-oriented collaboration of programmes around the theme “City and Energy” on thescience, business and politics is it possible to find holistic, new TU campus EUREF at the Berlin-Schöneberg gasometer:innovative solutions to meet the current challenges inthe energy sector. Collaborative, interdisciplinary and Energy-efficient construction and operation of buildingsinternational interaction will be bundled into successfulstrategies by these three actors. Energy-efficient urban traffic systemsENERGY IS AN INTERDISCIPLINARY TASK Communal infrastructure managementThe 600 Million Euro project European Energy Forum – Energy managementEUREF – is the forum which, for the first time, unites science,business and politics in terms of space, but especially in The master programme is focussed on the challenges whichterms of content. emerge during the modification of our energy system and encompasses the ecological and economical dimensionIn August 2009, the topping-out ceremony for the as well as the technical one. Sustainability issues shouldmodification of the 78-metre high gasometer, completed in be treated on a cross-faculty level, just like innovation and1910, was celebrated. It is expected to be the symbol of the project management.first zero-emission office district in Europe – with the EUREFinstitute as the first private energy college in the world. The Another feature of the “City and Energy” master‘s programmeEuropean Institute for Energy Studies as a scientific basis is the practical relevance of the training, for the whole EUREFoffers the three core stakeholders – science, business and campus is a unique testing platform for the development ofpolitics - the opportunity of a pioneering role in one of the the energy-efficient model city of tomorrow. Master’s degreemost important main themes of the present and the future. students are directly involved in the development, testing and implementation of innovative concepts and ideas in this real- life laboratory. 83
. Model of the European Energy Forum EUREF, Berlin
BRAND POSITIONINGE.ON set itself the goal to become the top brand among The POWERGROUP business designers started byinternational energy providers. conducting extensive brand and consumer studies to determine its position in the market. They positionedOnly a short time after the launch of the brand, E.ON the E.ON brand as an umbrella brand and determinedachieved excellent recognition values. However, the the brand communication strategy of the company andsuccessful brand launch resulted in an atypical brand product brands within the brand conglomerate. The nextsituation: The brand did not arise from the market success step was a counselling session with regard to the targetof its products. The E.ON brand was originally a brand group and price range, as well as an evaluation of thewithout promise, lacking as it did, an emotionally charged communication strategy, for the purpose of supporting theproduct range. brand introduction of the new product E wie einfach (E as in easy).
PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTWhen faced with the task of developing a new B2C product repositioning of existing E.ON products in the energyportfolio strategy and a marketing strategy for promoting companies category. All products were combined withthe growth of electrical power products with a high profit various incentives such as loyalty programmes or specialmargin, the POWERGROUP strategy group designed new prices.strategies for existing electrical power products and newproducts with additional benefits for customers. Following the results of the designed product matrix, E.ON reduced the number of its electricity products for endThe three resulting product positioning features – “E.ON consumers and introduced the products E.ON Basis PowerBASIC, PURE and SURE” served as balancing arguments and E.ON Aqua Power, developed by POWERGROUP,and strategic guides in product developments and the into the market. 89
CAMPAIGNCHANGE NEEDS ENERGY ALWAYS A WARM WELCOMEThe E.ON business strategy anticipates dynamic global E.ON is energy. And energy is heat.growth. On a visual level, this relationship manifests itself in the warmLarge does not necessarily have to be accompanied with a colour red.negative assessment; rather, it serves as a starting point for a In terms of colour psychology, red is connected with warmthpositive reinterpretation: and security, among other things.It is only thanks to the size of the business that E.ON hasthe power, energy and endurance to make world-shaking E.ON ensures the basic needs of people:changes. Light and heat in the most trusty environment – at one’s place of work, with friends and especially at home. “Welcome” asIf power and energy are used purposefully, they can cause an expression of hospitality represents a deeply humanisticmovement and change. An ethical and moral commitment mind-set and implies a promise of security, relaxation andis the emotional added-value of the brand. With an eye on human warmth.existing social core beliefs, E.ON uses power and energy totake responsibility for the future by virtue of its significance. A consumer and customer-friendly self-understanding as a central model harmonises with the inner values and the tasksE.ON moves towards people to actively shape the future of E.ON.with them together. Welcome to the world of E.ON!The key theme “change needs energy” is active, dynamic, The key theme “always a warm welcome” expresses long-encouraging, changing and aimed at improvement. The term safety and support by a strong and responsible partner.deliberate association with ideological, political and It conveys security, esteem and the feeling that one is notreligious movements suggests a positive direction of change: alone.all for one purpose. E.ON has formed a coalition with The theme represents an active focus on consumersociety for a good cause. convenience and service by the company.The key theme is an encouragement and plea at the sametime: the chance to shape the future together and the ethicalobligation to participate and to act. 94
change needs energy 95
STRATEGIC BRANDMANAGEMENTIn times of crisis, the stronger win. Along with the corporate According to the differentiation potentials which weresize, territory, sales efforts and product portfolio, the brand identified for IFCO, it was necessary to charge the branditself takes on an even more important role: a strong brand with content and emotion as well as account for particularstrengthens customer loyalty and provides an advantage opportunities lying within the application and developmentin terms of credibility, which in turn helps in winning new of products. The brand already had the prerequisites for itscustomers. Times of crisis are the times of brands, as charging with content and emotion. Reconciling with thestrong brands enjoy customer loyalty. A clear and unique brand’s target state showed that not a redefinition of thepositioning differentiates the brand from its competitors and brand was required, but rather a well-directed emphasis onhelps in securing and expanding market share. the brand’s core attributes.Strategic brand management provides different ways to After having re-defined IFCO’s entrepreneurial vision andinfluence the decisions of (potential) customers. Accelerators mission, it was agreed to base the logistics provider’sare mainly located in the determinants WANT and CAN. The communication on the four pillars Solutions, Business,customers’ knowledge can be increased through targeted Environment and People. In the process of developing IFCOinformation management and communication policy. An towards an even more emotional and dynamic brand,adequate price policy supports opening up resources and POWERGROUP created the slogan and key visual IFCOfunds. However, the most important starting point for brand MOVES, which are used for IFCO’s product campaignsmanagement is the WANT and thus the decision maker’s worldwide.needs, expectations and prospect for success. 96
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