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Devere Folder Combined PDF

Published by graphics, 2017-11-02 09:18:45

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FIRM OVERVIEWDEVERE INDUSTRIAL, LLC, is an Industrial contracting entityengaged in new construction, major renovations, plant outages,and plant maintenance. The firm is based in Alpena, Michiganand is owned by Chris Crittenden. Mr. Crittenden is a 20 yearveteran of Northern Michigan industrial construction.Chris and his family have serviced this market since the 1960’s,and are proud to have counted major entities such as; LafargeCorporation, Carmeuse, the UAW Center, BF Goodrich, LouisianaPacific, Georgia Pacific, and Wolverine Co-op as previous clientsof his families previous business or in his current entity.Current activities include major seasonal outages for CarmeuseRogers City and Cedarville, as well as Lafarge Alpena whilepreparing for major demolition projects and summer workprograms in major industrial facilities.Our team’s experience includes construction of co-generationfuel power plants for CMS Energy, Viking Energy and HillmanPower Company. In addition, the construction of a Urea Formaldehyde plant for Georgia Pacific whichincluded a central heat plant using gas driven boilers with oxygenated cooling towers and constructedand performed upgrades to Natural Gas CO2 Removal Facilities for ANR, El Paso Gas, CMS Gas andTrans Canada all with DEVERE INDUSTRIAL’S own forces.At DEVERE INDUSTRIAL we have the capability to assemble teams of experienced professional staff onshort notice to meet each projects challenges. We believe in providing the best service possible to helpour clients meet complex project objectives and tight time lines attributable to shutdown and start-upof new equipment or processes.We employee our own millwrights, plumbers, pipe fitters, carpenters, and laborers, allowing us to selfperform the work on all of our industrial projects. We find having the ability to self perform our workprovides better quality, flexibility and control over safety.

PROJECTS COMPLETEDProject: UAW Black Lake Grill Addition Project: UAW Condos 1 & 2Amount: $97,595.00 Amount: $432,935.40Location: Onaway, MI Location: Onaway, MIProject: UAW Misc. Additions/Renovation Project: UAW Condos 3 & 4Amount: $35,262.24 Amount: $360,638.92Location: Onaway, MI Location: Onaway, MIProject: Carmeuse L3 Conveyor Drive Project: Carmeuse Break Room Bldg. House Amount: $441,446.76Amount: $29,442.00 Location: Cedarville, MILocation: Cedarville, MI Project: Carmeuse Tailing PumpProject: Carmeuse L8 Sump Steel Amount: $1,063,676.00Amount: $12,000.00 Location: Rogers City, MILocation: Rogers City, MI Project: Carmeuse RC-11 Floor Project: Carmeuse L5 Sump Steel ReplacementAmount: $8,392.56 Amount: $13,835.75Location: Rogers City, MI Location: Rogers City, MIProject: Carmeuse L6 Sump Steel Project: Thunder Bay Transportation Amount: $3,526.60 AuthorityLocation: Rogers City, MI Amount: $98,906.00 Location: Alpena, MI

PROJECTS IN PROGRESSProject: Lafarge Corpoation On-going Project: Carmeuse Stocking Bridge MCC Industrial Maintenance Install Amount: $997,978.61 Amount: $68,850.00Location: Alpena, MI Location: Cedarville, MIProject: Carmeuse Motor Base Project: UAW Convenience Store Remodal Modification Amount: $364,606.05Amount: $30,000.00 Location: Onaway, MILocation: Rogers City, MI

PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENTChris Crittenden Jenna OliverBS, Construction Management Associates Accounting, ACC18 years in Commercial Construction/ 12 years Construction Accounting, andIndustrial Construction contract managementOSHA 10 Hour Certification PROJECT MANAGERSMike Kindt Brock JohnsonRegional Safety Director Associates in Science- Major; ConcreteOSHA 500 Instructor Certification Technology Certified Level II ConcreteBS Criminal Justice Technician - Alpena CommunityAAS Business Management College BS Construction Engineering17 years management experience Technology - Lawrence TechnologicalJim Brado University Fellow of the American15 years in Commercial/Industrial Academy of Project ManagementConstruction (FAAAPM)Master Project Manager Lead Safety for Renovation, RepairMSHA Mining Safety Certified and Painting Renovator InitialPete Cross Don Denomme22 years in Commercial BS, Construction EngineeringConstruction 35 years Commercial ConstructionOSHA 30 CertificationMSHA Mining Safety Certified OSHA 10 Hour Certification PROJECT SUPERINTENDENTSRyan Werth Dave Desender18 years in Residential/ 22 years in commercial/industrial constructionCommercial and Industrial Construction 4 year Apprentice ProgramMSHA Certification 30 Hour OSHAOSHA 10 Hour Certified adult and child CPR, AED andFirst Aid/CPR/AED First AidRodney Koss Tyler LumsdenAssociates, Civil Technology Associates Concrete Technology20 years of Commercial, Institutional, & 10 years in Residential/Industrial Commercial and Industrial ConstructionOSHA 30 Hour Certification MSHA CertificationMSHA Certification OSHA 10 HourFirst Aid/CPR/AED First Aid/CPR/AEDDarwin Steinke Wally Powell17 years in Commercial/Industrial 22 years in Industrial Construction and MillwrightingConstruction Mine Safety CertifiedMine Safety Certified First Aid, CPR, AEDCertified adult and child CPR, AEDand First Aid Steve KinselHazardous communication training 10 years in Commercial/Industrial Construction MSHA CertificationAdam Krueger First Aid/CPR/AED10 years in Residential/ CommercialConstruction MSHA cont

REFERENCESClient: Client:Carmeuse LaFargeContact: Contact:Greg Kolodziej Ryan Kapalla1035 Calcite Road 1435 Ford Ave.Rogers City, MI 49779 Alpena, MI 49707989-734-5307 [email protected] [email protected]:Consumers EnergyContact:Dustin M. Wood, P.E, PMPGas Betterment - Project Manager1945 W. Parnall RdJackson Mi 49201O: 517-788-2419C: 517-435-8065Client: SUPPLIER REFERENCEAlpena Supply Co. Client:Contact: AirgasBill Kelly410 S Eleventh Ave Contact:Alpena, MI 49707 Mark KellyPhone: 989-354-2181 Regional Account Manager 510 S 11th Ave Alpena, MI 49707 O: 989-354-2189 C: 989-657-0511

SAFETYAt DEVERE INDUSTRIAL, LLC, our worker trainingand orientation regarding competency,hazard analysis and safety managementextends to all persons that enter theconstruction site. With an EMR ratting of 1.00 it isevident that safety is ingrained in our everydayperformance of our work.The DEVERE INDUSTRIAL field team will establish following tasks to assist in our overall pro-activean orientation program that includes worker dedication to safe and competent workers.competency requirements, safety guidelines, • Safety and site specific orientationlines of communication, coordination and • Written Project Safety Programs from allsite logistics. We will be proactive to assistall subcontractors in achieving the basic contractorsstandards set forth by the Occupational Safety • Hazardous Communication Programs from alland Health Administration, the Mining SafetyHealth Administration and the site specific contractorssafety program. Safety orientations will be • Identification of subcontractor’s competentconducted by DEVERE INDUSTRIAL’S SafetyDirector or Site Supervisor for all personnel prior personsto admittance to the site. Our safety program • Continuous safety education, awareness andis directed by Mike Kindt. Mr. Kindt’s credentialsinclude: training • Conduct weekly safety meetings• Certified Firefighter/EMT - B • Conduct safety audits• CPR and AED for Emergency Responders • Coordinate Emergency Action Response• Hazardous Materials Technician• OSHA 510 Safety and Health Standards for Overall, the DEVERE INDUSTRIAL team’s philosophy of training is to insure that the right the Construction Industry person is knowledgeable in their respective• CPR / AED / First Aid Instructor – American tasks, enhances and promotes Project Safety. This ideal of training for safety is a residual Heart Association benefit to the entire project and may be clearly• Alpena Community College Adjunct and succinctly stated as: a policy based upon the sincere desire and commitment to eliminate Faculty - Construction and Industrial Safety personal injuries, occupational illnesses and equipment or property damage associated with thePersonnel training and orientation of site procedures is a necessity to promoteoccupational wellness and the successfulcompletion of the client’s project. Inaccomplishing this task, the DEVEREINDUSTRIAL/client team will implement the

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