AUGUSTWEDNESDAY 15TH - SUNDAY 26THMusicals | Soccer Camp | Sports | Drama | Music | ArtsLive Concerts & Shows | Talent Show | Fitness | CultureGood Relations | Family Days | Street Parties & so much more!Tahlel,FaesntdivparlocmeoletbinrgatHienagltahPAoNsDitiWveel&lbInecinlgusfiovre Community for all the Family. T: (028) 9071 5165With all the latest YOURupdates here: FREE* FESTIVAL@ARDBONEFEST PROGRAMME#ARDBONEFEST18
Wednesday 15th August.Marro
wbone Carezone Family Fun DayThe Bone Hills11am - 4pmA range of wonderful organisations who have at the core of their work, the Healthand Wellbeing of an individual or the family, have come together and planned thisevent. A fun filled day of activities, including a climbing wall, games, music, healthinformation stands and much more. Everyone welcome!
Thursday 16th August.
Flax Trust Arts Present ‘OLIVER! The Musical’The BIG TOP TENT - holy cross boys pitch7pm - Tickets £5Join us for an evening of Acting, Music, Song & Dance as Flax Trust Arts presenttheir production of Oliver!, live at the Big Top Tent. Featuring will be a wide range oflocal North Belfast Talented Actors, Singers and Dancers, and supported by someyoung budding upcoming actors from local Primary & Secondary schools fromacross Belfast. It’s sure to be an evening not to be missed.Tickets are £5.00 and can be purchased from: Ardoyne Association - Etna Drive, TheHouben Centre, Crumlin Road or Visit Belfast (Online) - of ticket sales will go to a Flax Trust chosen charity. Friday 17th August.Community Clean Up Speak Up Ardoyne & MarrowboneAll Day Ardoyne Youth Enterprise office, FLAX STREETAMCF in partnership with NB Housing 12:30pm - 2:30pmand Belfast City Council, encourage thelocal community to clean up their Come and share some craic with us, andenvironment, their Street or even their find out more about our project to get atown front door. A number of large skips least 60 Ardoyne/Marrowbone residents towill be placed around the area: Top of tell us what the area means to them. ThisEstoril Park, Etna Drive, Alliance Ave, Top youth video project supported by Urbanof Herbert Street, St Gemma’s School, Villages will interview and film sixty localJamaica Road and Flax Street. We people over the next eight months to findencourage all to get involved - especially out what people think about life locally,our young people! We need your help what’s good, what could be better,with clearing weeds and graffiti, and memories, observations and hopes for theworking to improve the image of the future.Come along and see what it’s alllocal area. Be sure to get your bunting about, watch our first few short films,out! munch on some barbecued lunch. You can also stick your name down to be immortalised on film. We want to talk to all types and ages of people in the districts so everyone is welcome.
Friday 17th August. The 34th Flax Trust ‘Rosebowl’ GolfEverton
Fun Morning CompetitionEVERTON CENTRE COMPLEX10am - 12pm In aid of Northern Ireland Childrens Hospice and Cancer Lifeline.There will be plenty of singing, dancingand fun for everyone at the Everton Day 11amCentre! To register or get more information please contact Marie on 02890745241 or Eddie McAteer on 07742633969.Flax Trust Arts Present ‘OLIVER! The Musical’The BIG TOP TENT - holy cross boys pitch7pm - Tickets £5OLIVER! The Musical is back in the Big Top. Tickets are £5.00 and can be purchasedfrom: Ardoyne Association - Etna Drive, The Houben Centre, Crumlin Road, Visit Belfast(Online) - @ HolyRood HouseHolyRood House8pmAn evening of Live Music for local seniors, all kicking off at Holyrood House, Flax Street. Saturday 18th August.Flax Trust Arts Present ‘OLIVER! The Musical’The BIG TOP TENT - holy cross boys pitch2pm & 7pm - Tickets £5Join us for an afternoon or evening of Acting, Music, Song & Dance as Flax Trust Artspresent their production of Oliver!Tickets are £5.00 and can be purchased from: Ardoyne Association - Etna Drive, TheHouben Centre, Crumlin Road, Visit Belfast (Online) -
EPIPHANYThe HOUBEN CENTRE8pm, Admission £5.00Epiphany is a new one woman show from Belfast that makes audience laugh, cry andthink about the meaning of life. After getting kicked out of a nightclub our Tiffany isknocked down by a Ford Fiesta. Now dead, a strange angel takes her on a crazyjourney to relive the pivotal moments in her life that has shaped who she has become,even meeting Jesus along the way. Will she go to heaven or hell or like she suspects...nowhere.Described as a show that no matter if you have faith or not there is still something in itfor everyone of all backgrounds and challenges us to say it’s never too late to grab ourlife by both hands and be who we want to be! The show has received standingovations and overwhelming reviews in Belfast and is set to take to the stage inEdinburgh Fringe in August!
Monday 20th August.ENTRY OASIS PROJECT FLEX FITNESS CLASSES - 8-12yrsWeek Long Project Flex Fitness 1pmAfter the success of last year, ArdoyneAssociation staff will be conducting Flex Fitness will be opening their doorsanother Entry Oasis Project, to look at to all 8-12 years to take part in a shortturning two entries - Jamaica Road and exercise workshop which will look atHighbury/Holmdene, from a place of getting fit, and staying healthy. Allderelict into a communal shared Be sure to check out thisproject as it runs throughout the week.CODING FOR KIDS WORKSHOP - BEAMAThe Library, ABC Trust (St. Gemma’s School)11am - 1pmBook Online: wwww.beama.educationBelfast Electronic Arts and Music Academy (BEAMA) are a hosting FREE Codingfor Kids workshop in conjunction with The Ardoyne and Marrowbone Festival,on Wednesday 22nd August. The workshop is aimed at young people aged8-12 years old. This workshop has kindly been supported by the EnkalonFoundation.Coding is one of the hottest topics at the moment as it provides the backbonefor many types of industries around the world from high end design tocomputer games and websites. The Code Club will give participants first handexperience of coding for a range of applications, from making an animation toprogramming their own moving vehicles. No previous coding experience isrequired, just an imagination and desire to be creative.Each participant will have their own iPad to use a range of apps to createexciting code projects, but we will also be bringing a selection ofprogrammable hardware so they could be programming their own racing carsor art bots!Places for the workshop are limited so registration is essential. Individuals orgroups can book places on the BEAMA website, Forfurther information contact [email protected] or call 02895811202.
Tuesday 21st August.
MINI WORLD CUPIT’S FOR YOUR BENEFIT - Universal Credit 10am - 12pm10am - 12pm The Bone HillsThe Houben Centre Returning today will be the allAll are welcome to come along to this important Mini World cup. We’ll beimportant information and awareness hosting a wide range of Irish Leaguesession on Universal Credit, and its impact Footballers from Cliftonville FC andon families across North Belfast when it Crusaders FC. Sure to be fun forbecomes active in November 2018. The everyone involved, so come along andworkshop will be short and interactive, and pick up some new skills. Boys & Girlswill feature a short dramatisation to aged 5 - 14 welcome from across northreinforce the impact Universal Credit could Belfast welcome.have on you. Lunch will be provided. AllWelcome.ANIMATION WORKSHOP - BEAMA11am - 1pmThe Library, ABC Trust (St. Gemma’s School)Book Online: wwww.beama.educationThis Lego Animation workshop will give the participants a chance to create their ownunique Lego Movie, using iPads, a massive box of Lego and a load of imagination.BEAMA’s tutors will be there to guide the participants at each stage, helping them touse the app and develop their ideas. The programme is aimed at young people aged8-12 and is limited to only twelve spaces so early booking is essential.This workshop has kindly been supported by the Enkalon Foundation. For furtherinformation contact [email protected] or call 02895811202.Superhero Fun Walk Digital Universal Credit Training12pm 2pmLeaving from the Flax Centre Steps The Houben CentreAnother opportunity for the family to have Now that you’ve learned all aboutsome fun together, the Superhero Fun Universal Credit, AMCF are delivering aWalk is where everyone can dress up as Digital Session on how to get yourselftheir favourite superhero, and come along set up and ready. Facilitated byon a fun walk that’s sure to leave some IGNITION Belfast, this session will focuslasting memories. All welcome. on making sure you have the basic skills for getting set up, as well as a little info on what to look out for - keeping safe online.
Tuesday 21st August.
TALENT SHOW - AUDITIONS BOXING COMPETIION3pm - 5pm 7:30pmThe Houben Centre The Pavilion, Holy Cross Boys’ PitchDay Two of the auditions are back, with Come along and get involved in thesome big money in the Prize Pot - electric atmosphere, as we bring the£450. Whether it be singing, dancing, Ring to the Pavilion. It’s Ardoyne Holyor something a little more strange, Cross Boxing Club vs Antrim Selects,don’t hold back. We want to see it. and it’s sure to be knockout of a night.Auditions are open to all, and All welcome.remember, if you’re not in, you can’twin! Audition slots are offered on afirst come, first served basis.NORTH BELFAST FRIENDSHIP CLUB6pm - 8pmThe Houben CentreNorth Belfast Friendship Club meets every Tuesday evening.It's for people from around the world – and locals too - to meet for tea, coffee and achat in a friendly and relaxed environment. As part of the Festival, the Club isextending a warm welcome to the wider community.The Festival have teamed up with the Friendship Club to set up a minibus service forthe evening, to facilitate people attending from further afield, with stops at City Hall,New Lodge and Antrim Road. For more information on the bus route and timetable,contact North Belfast Friendship Club on their Facebook
Ardoyne & Marrowbone COMMUNITY FESTIVAL NORTH BELFAST 5K SIGN UP EVERY TODAY! BODYRUNWELCOME!WALLSWEDNESDAY 22ND AUGUST“Flat, Fast & Measured” Think you could be up for the 5K challenge?Sign up today and ‘Run the Walls' of North Belfast for this years Ardoyne & Bone Community Festival Run or Fun Run? Call (028) 9071 5165 to sign up today!Entrance Donation Run: £3 Ardoyne Shops Car ParkEntrance Donation Fun Run: £2 Crumlin Road, Belfast | 6PMAll Proceeds will go to St. Patrick’s Soup Kitchen.
TALENT SHOW - GRAND FINAL -Get the posters and support at the ready! Come and Help us choose the winner of The Talent of Ardoyne & Marrowbone. Bring all your family and friends and join this wonderful celebration of talent. Serious prize money involved.Live @ The Pavilion Friday 24th August.(Holy Cross Boys’ Pitch) //// 7:00pm“UV GOTTA’ SEE THIS!”UV PAINT PARTY & DISCOThe Pavilion (Holy Cross Boys’ Pitch)9:00pmBack by popular demand, the UV Paint Party & Disco for young people is back.DJ Mal will be blasting those Old Skool Classics as well as some new ChartTopping hits. Don’t miss out on what’s sure to be an electric night out.Admission Free. Alcohol is not permitted at this event. Wear somethingbright! Friday 24th August.
Presenting THE FUREYS Live in Concert with local guest artists Summerfly Stagger Home The Chancers & Who Owns Ye Live @ The Pavilion Holy Cross Boys Pitch, Ardoyne Avenue Sunday 26th August 2018 6:30pm Tickets £5.00 Available Online: Available In Person: Ardoyne Association, The Houben Centre, and Marrowbone Community House
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