Non Toxic CleaningZabada is crusading to rid homes, and the planet, of crazy poisonous chemical cleaners.We’re taking a stand against yucky chemicals that leave yucky toxic residues and emissionsfor your skin to absorb and kids to breathe – chemicals known to poison and cause usserious her. We’re crusaders with integrity and a solution that’s scientifically proven toclean better, faster and healthier. And joining our mission are millions of households acrossEurope and Australasia who’ve already shed the HAZMAT suit and converted to chemical-free living with the Zabada system.Clean for life: It took us years to realize organic food was better than eating chemicals.Zabada is for those of us who don’t want to make the same mistake with our homes. Goclean for life. Switch to Zabada. The simple, water-powered cleaning alternative that’squicker than home chemical warfare and safe enough for kids to use.Nothing beats nature: In head-to-head effectiveness and health tests Zabadaconsistently beats chemicals. Not hard for us really, it was sort of like challenging fresh airto beat cigarettes.Clean got green: Zabada cleaning products last up to three years. That means threeyears of a cleaner, happier home for you and a cleaner, happier planet for your kids.More ashram, less asthma: 250,000 innocent kids were poisoned by householdchemicals last year alone. Go clean for life with Zabada and save your family from asthma-inducing, allergy-causing deadly chemicals.Zabada cleans cleaner: Zabada fibers clean cleaner, faster, easier and healthier, usingjust water – nature’s own super-solvent.While the water goes to work on loosening the dirt, Zabada’s ultra-fine and unique thick-pile fibers replace the whole yucky chemical process to achieve an unbeatable result –removing up to 100% of bacteria. Without getting too nerdy, it’s a deep-cleaning
mechanical process that shaves off and traps the dirt, grease and bacteria deep in the fiber,and only releases them when the fibers are washed.So it’s not just a pretty fiber. Zabada is engineered and manufactured in Austria to exactingISO* standards. And in university tests**, they reached one resounding conclusion – Zabadafibers outperform traditional cloths soaked in bleach, anti-bacterial cloths and othermicrofibers on the market.Alicia Silverstone Yodels about Zabada CleanHere at Zabada we're doing a massive rooftop Yodel afterone of our favorite eco-celebs, Alicia Silverstone made theZabada Clean change and sent us this awesome review.\"I was amazed after receiving these products. It is sorefreshing to have a simple and eco cleaning system that willsave me a trip to the store for a very long time. I had no ideathat there was a full cleaning system out there that is so easyto use, and works without using anything but water andthese fuzzy fiber gloves!\"What’s the Zabada fiber cleaning system?It’s an Austrian-made and engineered ranges of advanced cleaning fibers and microfibercloths, the likes of which no grease, grime or bacteria have ever seen before in the US.Zabada fibers are deeper, thicker and superior in quality compared to your averagemicrofiber cloth. They’re made and hand-sewn in Austria to exacting European ISO*standards. They’re cut 100 times finer than a human hair to reach in and grab everyparticle from every kind of surface. And all they need to remove dirt and bacteria is a littlewater – the stuff that’s safe for your kids to drink.What can Zabada do for you?Zabada is the only complete cleaning system that’s scientifically-proven to: Rid homes of 90% of harmful chemicals Remove up to 99% of bacteria Clean faster with a simple wet and wipe Last 2 to 3 years and save you money Outlast generic microfiber cloths that lose cleaning power after 20 washes Reduce water consumption by 20% Reduce energy use by 30% Reduce solid waste by 50% Reduce air and surface pollutants
Those are the facts behind Zabada Clean.Sanitize and clean your home effectively without the use of harmful chemicals. Surprise!All those harsh chemicals you've been using to clean your house not only smell bad, butthey are bad: for your health; for your home, and for the planet. Not to mention for cats,dogs, and your kids!Did you know there's now a cleaner, more effective alternative? And it's as easy as wet,wipe and dry!FACT: In head to head tests, Zabada consistently outperforms traditional chemical andgreen cleaners.FACT: Scientific studies confirm Zabada fiber clean technology is the 21st century solutionfor a cleaner, healthier home and planet.It's easy. Our non toxic cleaning products utilize nature's own miracle solvent: water. Usinga blend of Austrian-made fibers, the Zabada cloth literally wipes off bacteria andcontaminants from any surface you're cleaning on a microscopic level. Dirt, grime anddangerous microbes are trapped deep within the Zabada fibers, to be rinsed away underthe faucet later.\"We are at once the problem and the only possible solution to the problem.\" - MichaelPollan, Second Nature: A Gardener's Education.Be part of the solution for a healthier, greener environment while keeping your kitchen,bathroom and home sparkling clean. Without harmful chemicals leaching into thegroundwater, your lungs, or the future of this planet.Essential Bundle: The Zabada Essential Bundle contains allthe must-haves for removing bacteria, grease and grime buildup, dust particles that are allergy causing and soap and calciumbuild up without the need for chemicals in your home.You will not need to purchase any cleaning products in yourhome for 2 to 3 years. All products in this bundle are reusablefor over 1000* washes.The Essential Bundle replaces cloths, sponges, scourers, paper towels, rags, traditionalmicro fiber cloths, and all toxic chemical products found in the cleaning aisle at the shops! Chemical-free cleaning essentials for your home Reduces toxic chemicals in your home Removes 99.9% of bacteria Reduces water usage
Reduces energy Reduces waste added to the landfil Outlasts and outperforms store-bought microfibers Will cost $2.06c per week, based on a 130 week life span (2 to 3 years) For more information see below!Laundry Bag:The Laundry Bag is made of a superfine and super-durable polyester weave that protects your microfibersin the wash to prolong their cleaning life. It measures24.4 by 16.7 inches and features a draw string and togglefor opening and closing with ease.Our laundry bagshould be used with all of our Fibers when washing. Prolongs the cleaning life of Zabada Fibers Durable (made from 100% polyester) Measures 24.4 x 16.7 inches Superfine weave is gentle on FibersWindow Cleaner Large Fiber : The WindowCleaner Fibers clean glass surfaces quickly andefficiently, they will remove calcium stains and otherbuild up on your internal and external windows, slidingglass doors, mirrors, shower screens, french windows orany glass window. The longevity of the fiber will replacelitres of conventional cleaning detergents and clothssaving you money and keeping your house chemical free. Cleans glass surfaces Ideal for interior and exterior surfaces Designed for cleaning shower screens, mirrors, french windows and glass No need for yucky chemical glass cleaners A quick and fuss-free wet, wipe and dry For more information please visit
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