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Home Explore The Rise Of Nationalism In Europe Updated

The Rise Of Nationalism In Europe Updated

Published by Ankit Verma, 2021-09-19 11:10:56

Description: The Rise Of Nationalism In Europe Updated


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THE RISE of NATIONALISM IN EUROPE HANDWRITTEN NOTES I r - - - \\ I I Designed with to . Snobhit Ninian

French Revolution and the idea of the Nation # Elements that led to the development of collective Identity amongst French people in France : ° Adoption of a constitution that gave citizen equal rights. ° Adoption of the new tricolor national flag replacing the former royal standard . 0 Ideas of citizenship (de citoyen) and the fatherland (la Patrie) ° Abolition of internal custom duty on goods and free movement of capital . 0 Adoption languageof French as the common . ←pyos 2019 : which nation was identifiable in the revolutionary tricolour in Sorrier's utopian v i s i o n ? H France 134T 2nd point) . - 2017 : \" The first clear expression of nationalism came with ' french Revolution' in 1789 ' ' Explain the statement. GT . 2015 : Describe any five steps taken by French Revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity among the French people . CST # Napoleonic Code OR civil code of 1804:. Napoleon destroyed democracy in France , but he incorporated revolutionary principal cbyc oidnet.roMdauinc i nfega the ci v i l code of Napoleon 1804 , which came to be known as ture s: ° Removed all privileges based on birthi ° Abolished the feudal system . ° Guild system re moved Trans d . n i c a t i o n system improved. ° port an commu ° Secured the right to property . PYD 2016 : \" Napoleon had destroyed democracy in France but in the administrative field he . had i incorp orate d revolutiona ry princip les i n order to m ake t th e whole system more s ents. rat onal and efficient .\" A nalyse the tatement wi h argum 15T The Making of Nationalism in Europe These are some important factors which led to the rise of nationalism in Europe : middle class Liberalism- latin word meaning- free . o Rise of . I spread of ideology of Vienna The new spirit of conservatism and the Treaty of . ° The rise of Revolutionaries # The Aristocra c ycisaTnhdeyNeowwnmediddel e class : n d property b oth in country s i d e and tocracy : states a sma ° Aris and are numerical y group . I town houses l l l spoke trench

Iii It was also united by a common way of life . ° Peasantry : cis Majority in number ° Middle class : cis Due to industrialisation the new social groups a working class , - and middle class came into being . Ex they consists of industrialists , businessmen and professionals. (ius It was among the educated liberal middle class , the idea of , national unity gained popularity . # Meaning of liberal Nationalism : o for new middle classes gliberis m stood for freedom for individual and equality for all before the law . ° In economic sphere , liberian stood for the freedom of market and abolition of state imposed restriction on the movement of goods and capital . ° Zollverein abolished tariff barriers , reduced ofno . currencies to two and promoted a network of railways to stimulate mobility . # New conservatism after 1815 : After the defeat of Napoleon in 1815g the spirit of conservatism became strong. They believed that traditional Institutions like the monarchy ,the church , social property and family -should be preserved . hierarchies , Treaty of Vienna 4815) : ° Bourborn dynasty way restored to power in france . o A series of state created on the french boundary for preventing french expansion in future ° German confederation way left untouched . ° Main intension ways to restore the monarchies that had been overthrown by napoleon. ° Power which defeated Napo lean collectively were involved in treaty . New Autocrati cR egimes didn't tolerate cr itBP cm . o ideas in PII 20148 How had revo lutionari s spread their e many European States after 1815 ? 1ST The Age of Revolutions : 1830 - 1848 #:RCoumltaurneticplaOIymedagainnaImtipoonrtaanntdroleNaintiocnreaal tifnegeltihnegidea of the Nation . ° Art , poetry , stories , music shaped nationalist feelings. ° Romantic artists criticised reason and science ° Emotions, Intuition and mystical feeling were encouraged. ° Popularised true spirit of nation . ° Collected local folklore to spread nationalism even illiterates ° Used language to resists foreign dominance . PMT How did nationalism develop through culture in Europe ? Explain . GI centuries? 2015 : 20119 Explain three ways in which nationalist feeling were kept alive in Poland in 18M$19tha \" Culture Played important role creating the idea of the nation \" 2010 : an in in Europe . suppose the statement with Examples . GI

# Hunger , Hardship and Revolts : 0 The first half of 19h century saw an enormous increase in population all over the Europe. ° Reduced Jobs . ° Cities were overcrowded . ° Stiff competition between hand-made goods and cheap machine made goods . ° Rise of food prices . o shortage of food . ° Revolt of peasants and weavers revolted . M¥2017 : Describe any three hardships faced by Europe in 1830s 131 . 2016 : \" The decade of 1830 had brought great economic hardship in Europe? Support the statement with arguments . 131 2019 : explain the conditions that were viewed as obstacles to the economic exchange and growth by the new commercial classes during the nineteenth century in Europe. 131 # The Revolution of Liberals : 1848 :- ° Along with the revolts of the poor, unemployed and starving peasants and workers in many European countries in the year 1848 , a revolution led by the educated middle classes was also under way . O Jn the parts of Europe where Independent nation-states did not yet exist - such as germany , Italy Poland ete , men and women of liberal middle classes combined their demands for constitutionalism with national unification . ° They took advantage of the growing popular unrest all over Europe , to push their demands for the creation of a nation-state on parliamentary principles. The Making of Germany and Italy # Germany : Bis ma r k with Pru ssia n and ° Minister Otto von of the h e lp of uni fi caatrimony. bureaucracy took the m ovem nal on the leadership ent fo r Natio o Three war over seven years ended in brassfan victory and completed the process of unification . o Kaiser William 2 of Prussia headed the New German Empire. Italy# : ° Italy was divided into seven States of which only Sardinia Piedmont was ruled by an Italian princely state . ° Initially a unification programme was initiated by Giuseppe Garibaldi . ° In 1861 Victor Emmanuel I was proclaimed king of united Italy. Garibaldi was also helped by Cavour and Mazzini o . Large Part of Italy was illiterate . PH 2019 : Describe the role of Otto von Bismarck in the making of Germany . GI 2012 : Describe the process of ' Unification of Italy ' . GI

Visualizing the Nation Artists in the l 8th and I 9th century found a way out by personifying nation then . Nations were portrayed as female figures . The female form that was chosen to personify the nation did not stand for any particular women in real life . The female figure became an allegory of the nation In france , the female allegory was christened . Marianne and Germania became the allegory of the German nation . Nationalism and Imperialism # Balkans : The source of Nationalist Tension in Europe after 1871 :- It was too a region of geographical and ethnic variations ° . by0 It was inhabited slaves and under control of Ottoman Empire. ° Ideas of nationalism swept over entire Balkan region . ° One by one different nationalities declared their independence through struggles . it ° It later became one of the causes of 1st World War . PIA 2018 : Describe the explosive conditions prevailing in Balkans after 1871 in Europe. → SOME MORE IMPORTANT SUBTOPICS :#Frideric Soori eu's vision of World ° o°In Pnghis 1848 Frederic , afrench ofa'rdtiesmt ,ocprraetpicareadnda series of four prints visualise social republics ! dream, of a world made up o first point of se r i es s hows t he peop l es of Euro pe and America - men and socia cla women of all ag es an,d l s ses - m a rch ing in a long train and offering , homage to the statueof liberty. ° Statue of liberty bears the torch too englightenmeat in one hand and the charter of in the other the Rights of Man 0 People of world are grouped as distinct nations g in sorriness utopian vision . ° End result was emergence of nation-state. # Giuseppe Mazzini of The secret societies: Carbonari He was an Italian revolutionary who became a member of secret society of . 0 ° He was sent into exile in 1831 for attempting a revolution in Liguria . ° He founded two more underground societies - Young Italy in Marseilles & Young Europe in Berne. 0 He believed that God had intended nations to be the natural units of mankind . So, Italy had to be forged into a single unified republic. ° Metternich described him as' the most dangerous enemy of social order ! # Revolution in Greece : o Greece which had been a part of the Ottoman Empire since I5th century, struggled for independence

° Nationalist in Greece got support from western European artists , poets and Greeks ° that lived out of greece . of 1832 recognised Greece as an independent nation finally , the Treaty of Constantinople . # Unification of Britain : o The primary identities of the people who inhabited the British Isles were ethnic ones-such English g Welsh g Scot and Irish as . wealth , importance and power , it was able ° But as the English nation steadily grew in to extend its influence over the other nations of islands . ° Act of Union 4707) between England and Scotland resulted in the formation ofthe ' United Kingdom of Great Britain ' meant g in effect , that England was able to impose its influence Scotland on . ° Scottish Highlanders were forbidden to speak their Gaelic language or wear their national. dress ° A new ' British nation' was forged through the propagation of a dominant English culture.

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