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Home Explore Effects of steroids on your general health

Effects of steroids on your general health

Published by doris, 2015-01-08 09:21:04

Description: Steroids were invented during the first quarter of the 20th century. Since then, theye been
used to treat various medical conditions including puberty delays, low appetite, chronic wasting
conditions due to cancer, AIDS, bone growth etc. Anabolic steroids are commonly known for
their impressive enhancement of muscle growth and athletic performance.

Keywords: anabolic steroids


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Title:Effects of steroids on your general healthWord Count:611Summary:抳Steroids were invented during the first quarter of the 20th century. Since then, they e beenused to treat various medical conditions including puberty delays, low appetite, chronic wastingconditions due to cancer, AIDS, bone growth etc. Anabolic steroids are commonly known fortheir impressive enhancement of muscle growth and athletic performance.Keywords:anabolic steroidsArticle Body:抳Steroids were invented during the first quarter of the 20th century. Since then, they e beenused to treat various medical conditions including puberty delays, low appetite, chronic wastingconditions due to cancer, AIDS, bone growth etc. Anabolic steroids are commonly known fortheir impressive enhancement of muscle growth and athletic performance. These substances arederived from the male hormone, testosterone and hence, also possess androgenic qualities. So,they also affect sexual characteristics when used.

Due to their ability to enhance strength and athletic performance, many sportspeople startedabusing these drugs as early as the 60s. Overdose and wrong usage lead to various side-effectsand to control use of steroids, many countries imposed restrictions on their manufacture anddistribution. Today, anabolic steroids can ONLY be purchased with a valid prescription.The most common effects of the intake of anabolic steroids are:?Increases bone growth.?Increases muscle growth in a short period of time, and thereby increases overall body mass.?Burns excess body fat and reduces weight considerably.?Affects sexual characteristics. In men, this means higher estrogen levels as the body works tobalance hormone levels. The breast-like features might be developed further. Women may facea change in the working of vocal chords and therefore a deeper voice.?Increases growth of hair (head, facial and pubic).?Elevates blood pressure.?Increases LDL cholesterol levels and decreases HDL levels. This may lead to cardiovascularcomplications.?Increases acne levels.With all of that said, the reader is advised to be extremely careful when choosing to actuallybuy anabolic steroids. Looking to acquire these without a medical prescription might lead toillegal dealings and finally, legal troubles. Also, you must seek and heed professional medicaladvice at every level of steroid usage. This ensures safe and beneficial use of these substances.Effects of steroidsAnabolic steroids are most commonly known for their usage in sports and bodybuilding. Thesesteroids are capable of manipulating protein synthesis within the muscular cells, therebystimulating growth. Anabolic steroids are so called because they boost anabolic processes. Theyare direct derivatives of testosterone, the male hormone, and thus possess certain androgenicproperties which allow them to affect sexual processes.Steroids find extensive use in competitive sports, bodybuilding and modeling because of theireffectiveness. However, they do have their own share of harmful side-effects. The mostcommon effects of anabolic steroids are:?Disturbance in hormone production. This is because steroids are hormones themselves and theexcess of testosterone disturbs the hormone balance, prompting the body to work to restore thebalance.?Increased estrogen. This happens due to imbalance of hormones. Results in breast-enlargementin men. In women, enlargement of the clitoris, hair growth and deepening of the voice are mostcommon.?Possible liver damage. This is known to happen when steroids are consumed orally. Thereason is that many enzymes in the liver are altered due to the nature of anabolic steroids.?Elevated cholesterol levels. Many sportspeople who use steroids have been tested to show highLDL and low HDL levels of cholesterol.?Cardiovascular complications. The alteration of cholesterol levels might lead to heart-relateddiseases.?Increased blood pressure.?Increased acne levels.?Possible sterility. Although rare, it is a potential risk which may occur due to the imbalance intestosterone levels.Considering the harmful effects, it is the responsibility of the reader to do his/her researchbefore actually deciding to buy anabolic steroids. Due to popular abuse of these substances,

揷they have been banned by almost all major sports bodies. Not only that, many countriesincluding the USA place them under ontrolled substances? It is illegal to purchase themwithout a prescription. Hence, be aware of the consequences before buying steroids.Title:How To Save Money And Get Discount Health Insurance In IowaWord Count:617Summary:It's no secret that health insurance can cost an arm and a leg. For many people health insuranceis so expensive that they are simply forced to go without it at all.Obviously if you are offered health insurance at work or if you can obtain health insurance atgroup rates through some organization that you belong to, then you should probably look intosuch coverage since group insurance rates are almost always lower than individual rates ?plus agroup insurance may accept...Keywords:Article Body:It's no secret that health insurance can cost an arm and a leg. For many people health insuranceis so expensive that they are simply forced to go without it at all.Obviously if you are offered health insurance at work or if you can obtain health insurance atgroup rates through some organization that you belong to, then you should probably look intosuch coverage since group insurance rates are almost always lower than individual rates ?plus agroup insurance may accept pre-exiting conditions more readily than an individual policy will.For more and more people, especially those working out of their homes, group insurance ratessimply aren't an option. Fortunate there are still a few things you can do to keep your rates onthe low side.First and foremost, do not smoke. If you already smoke then you need to stop. You need to stopusing chew, snuff or any other form of tobacco product. Period. People who do not use tobaccoproducts pay far less for their health insurance.Everyone knows how difficult it is to lose weight, but if you are overweight you are considereda greater health risk and so you will pay a higher monthly health insurance premium. Losingeven a little weight may bump you down into a lower payment bracket, so anything you can domay save you money for years to come.Don't participate in dangerous or extreme sports or hobbies. If you routinely participate indangerous activities then you will either have to pay a higher insurance premium, or your

extreme activity will be excluded from your coverage.Similarly, driving a high-powered car or a sports car can also increase your health insurancepremiums each month. Anything that increases the chances of your filing a health claim willincrease your monthly premium.The percentage of your co-pay will greatly influence how much your premium is. Every timeyou visit a doctor's office or have other health care you are expected to pay a certain percentageof the bill in cash at the time of your visit. If you increase the amount of your co-pay then youwill reduce your monthly premium. This can work out especially well for people who do notsee a doctor on a regular schedule.One of the biggest determinants for the cost of your monthly health insurance premium is yourdeductible ?the amount of money that you will pay each year out of your own pocket beforeyou trouble your insurance company to begin making payments. The higher your deductible thelower your monthly premium. Again, this works best for people who are generally healthy andrarely require medical care each year.An extreme form of this is to purchase a health insurance policy with a super-high deductible of$2,000 or even $3,000. Such policies are very inexpensive and are designed to protect yourhome or other assets in the event that you suffer an unexpected catastrophic accident or illnessthat racks up medical bills in the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in the blink of aneye.Now that you know what some of your money-saving options are it's time for you to go onlineand start comparing different health insurance polices from a variety of different insurancecompanies so you can find the one that's right for you at a price that you can afford.Take your time and make comparisons on at least 3 different websites. In this way you can becertain that you are seeing the best prices from all the companies operating in Iowa and you canbe absolutely sure that you have saved money and gotten the best discount health insuranceavailable in Iowa.Tips For Healthy EatingHealthy eating is a way of balancing the food youeat to keep your body in great health. With healthyeating, you'll have energy all day, get the vitaminsand minerals you need, stay strong for activitiesyou enjoy, and maintain a healthy weight.Below, you'll find tips designed to help you withhealthy eating.1. Don't skip any mealsEating 3 meals with snacks in between is the idealway to maintain both energy and a healthy weight.

When you skip meals and get hungry, you're morethan likely to choose foods that aren't very goodfor you.If you are eating away from home, take food withyou or know where you can buy healthy food from.2. Learn about how to prepare foodsInstead of deep frying, try grilling, stir frying,microwaving, baking, and even boiling. You shouldalso try fresh or even dried herbs and spices toadd flavor to your food. Before you eat any typeof meat, be sure to trim the fat and skin off ofit.3. Avoid a lot of sugarDrinks that contain sugar are a major source ofempty energy. What this means, is that the drinkscontain a lot of energy that your body may notneed, and it doesn't contain any vitamins orminerals. If you plan to drink sugary drinks,don't go overboard - limit yourself to 1 a day.4. Avoid thinking about dietsThere are no good food nor any bad foods. Allfood can be a part of a healthy diet, when eatenin moderation. You don't need to buy any lowcarb, fat free, or even diet foods, as these foodsnormally have lots of other added ingredientsto replaces the carbohydrates or fat.(word count 292)PPPPP

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