LIM LI HOLLYWOODBETS GIYANI Dzunisani Drop-In Centre The children and staff from Dzunisani Drop In-Centre were happy to receive a visit from Hollywoodbets Giyani for Nelson Mandela Day. This centre cares for about 190 kids who don’t have parents and stay at Dzunisani where they are raised. The Hollywoodbets team had a party with the kids where they each received a gift, and the team even prepared lunch for them! The smiles on the children’s faces were priceless and everyone at Hollywoodbets Limpopo who were involved are proud to have been part of this special day. HOLLYWOODBETS MAKHADO Tshikota Home Some Hollywoodbets team members from Limpopo visited Tshikota Home in Makhado on Nelson Mandela Day. There was a very festive atmosphere as the team members played games with the children, served them lunch including cake and also handed over some toys. The children even showed off by telling the team what they learned during the week. They were clearly most excited by the toys though and it was plain to see that all the little ones had had a wonderful day! 51
WCP WC HOLLYWOODBETS SOUTHERN CAPE JCC Crèche - Heart2Heart Care Centre On Saturday the 18th of July 2015 Anna Pangindawo, Gabriel Slabbert and Zac Coetzee from Hollywoodbets visited JCC Crèche in celebration of Nelson Mandela Day. Karin Bryant, Administrator at Heart 2 Heart Care Centre, proceeded to introduce the visitors to the ladies who have taken it upon themselves to provide for the children. The Hollywoodbets team gave each of the children a small toy before lighting the braai and making some delicious boerewors rolls for lunch. The children were very excited to receive their toys and both the staff and children thanked Hollywoodbets for the kind gesture and for spending this special day with them. HOLLYWOODBETS WOODSTOCK Baptise Nursery School Hollywoodbets Woodstock spent their 67 minutes for Mandela Day at an unprivileged daycare in Woodstock. Everyone at the daycare was so happy to have the team there and were very appreciative of their donation. The kids thoroughly enjoyed their lunch and goodies. The Hollywoodbets team had even made a cake as well! The team’s highlight from the day was when the principal said: “Thank you for choosing us”. 52
MPU HOLLYWOODBETS MIDDELBURGMPU Sizabaswele Old Age Care Centre Hollywoodbets team members Faniswa and Nonhlanhla went to visit Sizabaswele Old Age Care Centre in honour of Nelson Mandela Day. The centre cares for 63 elderly people and they were very to receive the lovely lunch of KFC, cake and juice that Faniswa and Nonhlanhla delivered. The ladies also helped with the cleaning and cooking at the centre on the day of their visit. The highlight was definitely the cake that was served after lunch. The one granny also shared her birthday with Madiba and she felt particularly spoilt and special on the day! They all thanked the ladies for coming to visit and were very impressed that there are still companies like Hollywoodbets who give back to the community. HOLLYWOODBETS NELSPRUIT SOS Children’s Village Nelspruit KwaMagugu This year the Hollywoodbets Nelspruit team decided to get more involved in some of the life-changing projects that are part of the Hollywoodbets Social Responsibility Programme. The team therefore wanted to go and visit and actively take part in assisting some of the beneficiaries instead of just delivering donations. Team members from the Nelspruit branch visited SOS Children’s home in Nelspruit. The purple team from Nelspruit started by cleaning the house for the kids before preparing lunch for everyone. It was a wonderful day indeed! 53
HOLLYWOODBETS HEROES At Hollywoodbets we are very lucky to work his part as he had with many inspirational people on a day- to run early in the to-day basis. Here are a few Hollywoodbets morning before Heroes that have caught our attention work in order to hit because of their remarkable actions. Let their his weekly 150 km stories inspire you too! target. Thanks to the Pooentharan rigorous training Govender process he has (Finance) run many different Soccer Coach races including the Pooentharan has Mandela Marathon, been coaching the Township 2 Township and the Soweto soccer teams in his Marathon to name a few. His advice to other community for the would-be Hollywoodbets Heroes is: “This is past five years and for everybody, anyone can do it. It’s all about currently coaches the training you are doing and teaming up three different local with good people who will train with you. teams. He finds You can start from short distances.” this very rewarding because of his love for sport, and he also plays a mentorship role Elvis Govender to the young players. At present his biggest (Maintenance) challenges are getting the right equipment Soccer Coach for the players, keeping them safe and Elvis has been transporting them. playing soccer He is happy to see that his hard work is since he was paying off though, because the children’s only six years involvement in sport is really inspiring old and first them to achieve more in life. It is clear became involved that Pooentharan is very passionate about in coaching in helping his young team members grow into 1979. He feels great players and men! that coaching is He encourages all other would-be very rewarding and that his involvement in Hollywoodbets heroes to keep mind: “You these young kids’ lives really helps to make came with nothing onto this earth and will a difference both in terms of their sporting be going out with nothing, so money and and academic skills. At soccer practice he wealth don’t really make a difference but takes the time to teach the children about leaving a legacy behind is important.” formations and shapes which he feels is really helpful when it comes to school level Sicelo Ngobese (Outbound Agent) mathematics. He also feels that the discipline Comrades Runner maintained on the field is helping to teach Sicelo started by running short distances, the players valuable people skills. and it was the other runners he was training Elvis believes that you have to focus on each with who inspired him to run the Comrades. player as an individual and that you have to They encouraged him to take on the make time to listen to them. He has been challenge and believed in his ability to be with his current team for four years already able to run this incredible race. Training for and is very happy with the improvements in the Comrades required a lot of sacrifices on the team overall. His advice to other would- be Hollywoodbets Heroes is: “Don’t ever55
tell a child not to talk to you. Take the time she was still in to explain to him why something is wrong. primary school that Don’t chase children away, just accept them she started thinking and get to know them.” seriously about accountancy as a Siboniso Mbambo career. She credits (KZN Training her father as her Facilitator) inspiration because Comrades Runner he always believed It has always been in her and pushed Siboniso’s dream her to do great to take part in things. Despite an event of this how tough it was magnitude and to balance her career and studies she kept to compete with on motivating herself and focussing on her no-one but himself. end goal. Now she is relieved not to have to The moment he study and very happy to see how proud her looked forward to the most before running parents are of her. the Comrades was being at the starting line Her advice to other would-be of the world’s longest race and knowing Hollywoodbets Heroes is: “If you know what he had to finish it before the twelve hours you want just go full force and do everything allotted to complete it. you can to get there. I know it can be He has found the most challenging part of difficult at times but just push through and training for Comrades to be the expense of you will achieve what you want to achieve!” running shoes and other accessories as well as the travel costs involved with traveling Hayley Joseph to marathons outside Durban. Siboniso’s (iBranch) training saw him run quite a few marathons Comrades Runner before the Comrades including the well- Hayley ran her known Township 2 Township Marathon, the 6th Comrades Martizburg City Marathon and the Aspen Marathon this Marathon. His advice to other would-be year and she has Hollywoodbets Heroes is: “Procrastination loved being part is a silent dream killer. If you have a goal to of something so pursue, the time to start is now.” challenging. In order to achieve Jashine Dhedha (Finance) this incredible Academic Achiever feat she trained six days a week, which After studying for eight years Jashine is required early mornings and cutting back thrilled to have passed her board exams on socialising. She also loved completing and that she is now finally eligible to be the 2 Oceans Marathon in Cape Town for registered as a Chartered Accountant. She the first time this year in preparation for the has also exceeded expectations by being Comrades and described it as one of the one of the few candidates nationwide to most beautiful races in the world. have made the Honours Roll! This is a great Her favourite moment at Comrades was achievement, especially since she had to being at the starting line, enjoying the complete her studies while working full time. great spirit of the day and reflecting on Jashine has been interested in a career in how much she had achieved to be able accounting since a young age, it was while to make it to that point. Hayley has also56
completed various other major sporting believed that by accomplishing something events including the full Ironman and many great like running the Comrades he would Half Ironman triathlons! Her advice to make Hollywoodbets proud. Oscar’s biggest other would-be Hollywoodbets Heroes is: challenge was training alone without “You too can do this. Anyone that sets their the help and encouragement of a group. mind on something can do this. Make the However his favourite thing about running commitment, live your dream and work your and training is that it helps to keep him way to success – you are unstoppable!” healthy. Oscar ran his second Comrades marathon Elise White this year and also ran other marathons like (Empangeni Team the Township 2 Township earlier in the year Leader) in preparation for it. His advice for other Foster Parent would-be Hollywoodbets Heroes: “They Elise has been must try to train and stay motivated, because fostering children they could end up doing something great since 1978 when like running Comrades.” she took in twin boys aged 8 Greg Glossop months. Now, (Training) thirty-eight years Dusi Canoe later she is raising Marathon the last two out of fifteen children who have Greg completed his lived under her roof! She finds fostering very ninth consecutive rewarding as she sees the children grow Dusi Canoe from empty shells into beautiful butterflies Marathon this year! who focus on positivity and success. He first tackled Despite how personally enriching she finds this epic challenge fostering the children Elise has always after he completed struggled to balance finances because she the Comrades aims to give all of the children the best Marathon and was looking for a new that she can. Her advice to other would-be challenge. Greg’s biggest challenge when Hollywoodbets Heroes is: “I firmly believe training for the Dusi is finding the time to that you can do almost anything you put train because it requires you to to find a your mind to, the sky is the limit and positive river or harbour as training ground and minds create happy people. Life should be to transport your boat to it. This year’s an interesting challenge.” marathon proved particularly challenging because the day before the start it poured Oscar Goswana with rain, resulting in very muddy conditions. (Surveillance) He also encountered some difficulties when Comrades Runner his paddle broke in half! Luckily another Running is Oscar’s paddler behind him had a spare which he sport. He decided loaned to Greg. to start running His highlight this year was coming in to more because finish and seeing his friends and entire he works at family waiting for him and cheering him on. Hollywoodbets He also really enjoyed seeing the beautiful and the business Kwazulu-Natal scenery that is only visible is focussed on from a canoe. His advice to other paddlers sports. He therefore57
who are looking to accomplish this great feat says, if it feels right GO FOR IT!” is: “Keep your mouth closed. The water is sadly very polluted. Find someone who has Morgan Shandu (Operations Manager) done a few races. Get them to show you the Comrades Runner rapids and how to navigate them because Morgan initially a brand new boat can break in half on the started running to smallest rock!” lose weight but as time went by he Ryan Derckson (IT became hooked Manager) on running and Comrades Runner he found himself Ryan took part in running greater his first Comrades distances. He feels Marathon this that running has year after having many benefits, completed a lot of other sporting including staying in shape and helping him events in the past, to build relationships. It has also helped him including various learn about teamwork and discipline. He multi-stage events trained with a group for Comrades and they around the country. His favourite thing ran together on Tuesdays and Thursdays about the ultra-sporting events is the sense before work. of camaraderie amongst the athletes. He His greatest challenge was balancing his enjoys the feeling of everyone being in it busy work life and training even while he together and how runners encourage one had to travel for work. He describes every another till the end when they celebrate that day as a challenge when he is training all their hard work has paid off. but his personal biggest challenge so far Ryan trained six days a week, sometimes has been running his first marathon, the even twice a day to get ready for Comrades. Township 2 Township. He has completed He worked on improving his strength, various other marathons since then speed and distance. His biggest challenge including the Martizburg City Marathon, was working hard to lose weight before the Aspen Marathon and the South Coast attempting to run the Comrades as well as Marathon. His favourite thing about taking making the time to rain for the marathon. part in Comrades is the thrill of doing His advice to other would-be Hollywoodbets something new and challenging. His advice Heroes is: “Anything is possible should you to other would-be Hollywoodbets Heroes is: put your mind to it, determination and “I would encourage everyone to participate passion override everything so find what in sport. Participating in events is not only you want to do and commit to it 100%. Don’t important when it comes to losing weight, worry about what anyone else thinks or but it should be a lifestyle.”58
GAU HOLLYWOODBETS ALBERTONGAU Mighty Eagles Football Club Hollywoodbets team members handed over some new kit to the thankful Mighty Eagles and their team manager Bheki Ngwenya. This team was established in 2006 and, although they aren’t currently playing in any league they do have their sights set on playing in the Vodacom league in the near future. Bheki started this team to keep the young boys busy and away from the streets and they play against other local teams. HOLLYWOODBETS BOKSBURG Five Stars Football Club Five Stars FC was originally started by their current coach Mr Zondo to help keep the youth away from drugs and crime by giving them something else to focus on. So far they have managed to win two trophies in a six-a-side tourna- ment which was held at Tsakane. The team has also recently joined the Tsakane football league and their short-term goal is to become the champions of this league in order to get a promotion to the SAB league. In February 2016 Hol- lywoodbets Boksburg team leaders Lucia and Thabo handed over some brand new soccer kit to Five Stars. Everyone was very grateful for this sponsorship as the team has found it very hard to reach their goals because they didn’t have any sponsors. 60
GAU HOLLYWOODBETS BRAKPANGAU Dovola UTD Football Club On the 16th of February 2016 Hollywoodbets team members Nosi (Gauteng Marketing Team Leader), Sanvir (Gauteng Area Manager) and Portia (Clerk) met Dovola UTD coach Rudolf, along with his team. The team was very thankful to receive their brand new Hollywoodbets sponsored kit. Davola UTD is currently playing in the SAFA Regional Champions League and the under 13’s have qualified to play in the under 15’s league this year. The team also boasts a player who is studying in the school of excellence. The club’s ultimate dream is to help keep children off the street and get as many players into the professional side as possible. HOLLYWOODBETS DAXINA Bacufa SA Football Club Bacufa SA currently play in the Deep South League and finished 4th in the league last year. The club strives to empower young players and rehabilitate those that do not have direc- tion in life. There is a total of 55 players in the league and their ages range from 11 to 15 years. In February 2016 Hol- lywoodbets Senior Team Leader Nicole and Gauteng Marketing Team Leader Nosi handed over some new soccer kit on behalf of the Daxina branch to Bacufa SA Football Club. Bacufa players and staff were very grateful for this donation. 61
GAU HOLLYWOODBETS HILLBROWGAU Park Station United Football Club Park Station was formed in 2003 and is currently waiting to be promoted to the promotional league. They have four separate teams and the club mainly exists to help keep boys off the streets. There are 18 boys who form part of the club and their biggest achievement would be joining the promotional league. The coach, Nombulelo, and the team were very happy to receive their new Hollywoodbets sponsored soccer kit. HOLLYWOODBETS KEMPTON PARK Seven Stars Football Club Former Bafana Bafana player Jerry Sikhosana is overseeing this club made up of 65 boys along with coach Moses Ndlovu. The ages of the boys range from 9 years to 16 years and the team was established three years ago. The team is currently playing in the Tembisa league and is also affiliated to TUFA. Seven Stars also plays in local tournaments. They were very grateful to receive this new kit from Hollywoodbets. 62
GAU HOLLYWOODBETS LENZ STATIONGAU Lenasia Soccer Academy Lenasia Soccer Academy is currently playing in the SAFA league. The players are aged between 11 and 15 years of age and the league has been in existence for three years. They have one team in the promotional league and are pushing to reach the professional league. Their aim is to uplift the community and give the children a brighter future. Hollywoodbets team members Andries (Clerk), Sanvir (Gauteng Area Manager) and Nosi (Gauteng Marketing Team Leader) met Lenasia Soccer Academy’s coach Kevin to hand over the Hollywoodbets sponsored soccer kit on behalf of the Lenz Station branch. Everyone from Lenasia Soccer Academy was very grateful for this donation. HOLLYWOODBETS NEWTOWN MALL Colour Blocking Football Club Hollywoodbets team members from Newtown Mall Phinny and Nditsheni joined the Gauteng Area Manager Sanvir to visit Colour Blocking in January 2016. They dropped off some new kit for this club that takes community development and empowerment very seriously and strives to keep the community fit and healthy. Colour Blocking is playing in the Vosloorus League this year and are currently number 11 on the log. The team’s aim is to qualify to play in the Castle Premier League. They strive for all players to reach the PSL League and for those that retire to coach the younger players. 63
GAU HOLLYWOODBETS PRETORIAGAU Shirinde This soccer team is part of a primary school in Mamelodi, east of Pretoria. The team is made up of about 25 players who are coached by Sammy Mdluli. They did not have any soccer kit at all and, be- cause they are a primary school, they often get to play with other schools so they desperately needed some kit. Most of the young boys at Shirinde have dreams of playing soccer for big teams in the future and their coach is confident that the future is bright for his boys! The principal was also extremely happy to see the Hollywoodbets team members come and drop off the boys’ new kit at school. HOLLYWOODBETS THREE RIVERS Try Me Again Football Club Hollywoodbets Three Rivers team members handed over soccer kit to Try Me Again FC’s team manager Mr. Sibeko and the players aged between 19 and 24. The team is registered with SAFA and is BEE compliant. They are currently ranked fourth amongst their local clubs in Sharpeville and aspire to play in the Vodacom league. Their manager also assists the play- ers with food and transport whenever they have games in and around Sharpeville. They were all thrilled to receive their much-needed soccer kit and thanked Hollywoodbets man- agement. 64
KZN KZ HOLLYWOODBETS ARGYLE Young France Football Club The Hollywoodbets Argyle team chose to continue their sponsorship of the Young France Football Club again this year by donating some soccer kit to this local community team. Hollywoodbets Argyle first started supporting Young France FC in 2011, and throughout the years the team has come to rely on Hollywoodbets’ assistance. “I really appreciate being able to run my team in Hollywood colours. Hollywoodbets has supported us while we kept growing over the past four years from an Under 19 only team to a Division One team and then to a SAFA Inanda LFA Premier team. We really appreciate their sponsorship again this year,” said Julius Shazi the team’s manager. HOLLYWOODBETS ESTCOURT Lamburd Park Football Club This team was established in 2013 and will be playing in the SAB league in Newcastle this year. They are hoping that playing in this league will lead them to playing in the Vodacom league. On the 25th of January 2016 the Estcourt branch donated some much- needed kit to this local team. 65
KZN KZN HOLLYWOODBETS EMPANGENI FC Heroes Academy On the 20th of January 2016 Hollywoodbets Empangeni donated some much-needed soccer kit to local club FC Heroes Academy as part of the Hollywoodbets Soccer sponsorship programme. Everyone was grateful for the donation and thanked Hollywoodbets management. HOLLYWOODBETS LADYSMITH Burford Academy Football Club On the 9th of January Hollywoodbets Ladysmith delivered some soccer kit to the Burford Academy FC. This team is based in Burford located outside the town of Ladysmith. Everyone thanked Hollywoodbets for the donation. 66
KZN KZN MBUYISA RACING AND SPORT Mubs Ladies Football Club On the 28th of January 2016 the PMB branch donated some soccer kit to the Mubs Ladies Football Club. This club’s mission is to help promote ladies soccer by teaching them and helping them to develop their soccer skills. HOLLYWOODBETS NEWCASTLE Mighty Birds Football Club This local soccer team was started in 2009 by Mr Nkululeko Ndlovu and Mr Bongo with the aim of keeping boys off the streets and away from drugs. Since then Mr Ndlovu has sadly passed away but Mr Dludlu and others in the community are still carrying on with the team. On the 30th of January 2016 Hollywoodbets Newcastle donated a full kit to the Mighty Birds team as part of the company’s annual soccer project for previously disadvantaged communities. 67
KZN HOLLYWOODBETS PARK Jireh Football Club On the first of February 2016 Hollywoodbets Park donated some much-needed kit to Jireh FC. This local club has been in existence for three years and is home to one team made up on nineteen players. The club’s staff and players were thrilled to receive this donation. They believe it will give them more confidence on the field because they now look like a soccer team thanks to their new kit! 68
LIM LIM HOLLYWOODBETS BELA BELA Bazooka Football Academy Bazooka Football Academy has three divisions, the Under 15s, Under 17s and Under 21s. Their mission is to see some of their players playing in the PSL and they seem to be well on their way because more than 50 of their players have been selected to play in the SAB Regional League. On the 16th of January 2016 team members from Hollywoodbets Bela Bela branch delivered some soccer kit to this academy. The team’s manager Frans Papo is thrilled about their new kit. “My heart was full of joy when I saw the beautiful kit that Hollywood brought for us. We are very thankful to Hollywood Sportsbook and everyone who organised this kit for us and hope you will continue helping us in future,” he said. HOLLYWOODBETS GIYANI Shivulani Dangerous Tigers FC On the 9th of January 2016 Hollywoodbets Giyani sponsored the Shivulani Dangerous Tigers with brand new soccer kit. Both the Giyani branch team as well as the mobile team and promoters visited Shivulani village to hand over the soccer kit. Shivulani Dangerous Tigers arranged a tournament for the day as they knew the Hollywoodbets team would be visiting them. Four different soccer teams were involved in the tournament and Dangerous Tigers were wearing Hollywoodbets kit during their first game. The exciting part is that they won this game played in their Hollywoodbets colours 2-0 and they ended up winning the tournament by 4-1! The manager, players and the club com- mittee were so happy and welcomed the Hollywoodbets team members with open arms. The whole village came down to support Shivulani Dangerous Tigers and according to their manager, Mr Baloyi, this team has done very well in the past and has won multiple cups. He started the team in order to keep young people away from dangerous activities and for them to stay healthy and to reduce the rate of HIV infections, drug addiction etc. All in all they were very thankful for everything Hollywoodbets did for the village. Con- gratulations to Tendani who organised this wonderful tournament that had an impact on the whole village. 69
LIM LIM HOLLYWOODBETS MAKHADO Tshiozwi Small Boys Football Club Thiozwi FC was established by the community of Tshiozwi Village in 1996. The aim was to reduce crime, alcohol abuse and drug use. They currently have about 175 players in five divisions. Hollywoodbets Makhado team leaders Kate and Eve accompanied by team members from the Mobile team went to visit the club to hand over their new soccer kit. They arrived to find the boys from Tshiozwi FC already excitedly waiting for them. The young boys received their kit and excitedly changed to take some pictures in their new uniforms. They all felt very privileged to receive some free soccer kit sponsored by Hollywoodbets and everyone was very happy. Team Makhado was thrilled to help brighten the lives of these young stars and to play their part in helping to keep these boys off the streets and away from substance abuse. HOLLYWOODBETS MARBLE HALL MUBS Football Club MUBS FC aims to educate their young players about the importance of engaging in Social Development activities in their communities. On the 9th of January 2016 the Hollywoodbets team as well as the MUBS soccer club members and the soccer team all gathered at Mmanapiyina Community Hall. Hollywoodbets received a warm welcome from everyone, including a formal welcome by the mayor. After the speeches the Hollywoodbets team handed over the new soccer kit to the mayor. He was touched and thanked Hollywoodbets for this contribution. “I thought Hollywood is about gambling and making money. I never thought that it is also about giving back to the communities. Now that I know this I also have to support them,” he said. 70
LIM LIM HOLLYWOODBETS MOOKGOPHONG Mookgophong Black Aces Football Club Black Aces FC was formed in 2010 by Abel Molete and Stofol Moerwane. Their goal was to motivate boys to get into sports as an extramural activity and, by doing so, to keep them off the streets. This team is currently made up of 16 members and they are all based in Mookgophong Township. Hollywoodbets Mookgophong handed over the new soccer kit to a very excited and overwhelmed team who immediately started calling themselves “Team Hollywood”. The coach and manager kept thanking Hollywoodbets because they have never had any soccer kit before. The Hollywoodbets team were also lucky enough to see the boys play live in their new Hollywoodbets jerseys as they had a match on the same day. It was a fun-filled day all round! HOLLYWOODBETS MUSINA Musina United Football Club Hollywoodbets team members received a warm welcome when they arrived at the Musina Local Municipality where the soccer kit handover to this local club was due to take place. The official handover of the kit to Musina FC team members and managers was also witnessed by local municipality officials. “As Musina Municipality we are grateful to have such a supportive company like Hollywood and we really appreciate what they are doing for the community and the municipality as a whole. We believe that this relationship will stay blessed forever,” said a municipality representative. Musina FC team director also praised Hollywoodbets for all they have been doing for the community. “We are very happy now that we have colours to wear while we show off our talents on the playing field. In the past it has been really difficult finding outfits or soccer kit to wear during games. I personally feel that having a big organization like Hollywood here helped make this youth event a success. We really hope you keep empowering and developing the youth and the community and giving back like you guys are doing,” he said. 71
LIM LIM HOLLYWOODBETS MOKOPANE Mapela Masters Football Club This team, based in Mapela Township, requested soccer kit sponsorship from Hollywoodbets as they believed that new kit will benefit the community by helping to keep the youth active. The Hollywoodbets team received a lovely welcome by Mapela Masters FC. They were all delighted to see a big number of Hollywoodbets Mokopane team members arrive at Mosesetjane grounds. They praised the Hollywoodbets team, singing a song of welcome and dancing at the stadium. Mapela Masters’ mission is to take people away from crime and drugs by involving them in soccer. The Hollywoodbets team left feeling very happy to know that Mapela Masters will continue to shine and make a difference in their new Hollywoodbets sponsored kit. HOLLYWOODBETS POLOKWANE Alf Makaleng Primary School This school regularly partakes in friendly games and other school league matches and is in desperate need of soccer gear. On the 15th of January 2016 the Hollywoodbets marketing team went to visit Alf Makaleng to deliver some brand new soccer kit to the school. The children were very excited when they saw the Hollywoodbets bakkie, shouting for joy when they realised that this means the new kit that they had been waiting for the whole year has arrived! The Alf Makaleng community and the school’s teachers are very grateful to Hollywoodbets for donating this new purple and yellow kit to their future stars! 72
LIM LIM HOLLYWOODBETS PHALABORWA Smodern Boys Football Club Hollywoodbets team members visited this local club based at Mshongo Village in Namakgale to hand over some much-needed soccer kit to the team. The organiser, chairperson and 15 players were very happy to see the purple team arrive with their new kit. Smodern Boys have been struggling to find sponsors and thanked Hollywoodbets for helping them to fulfil their dreams. HOLLYWOODBETS THOHOYANDOU Vondwe Dangerous Tigers Football Club On the 23rd of January 2016 Hollywoodbets Thohoyandou team members who were off duty, led by Lodric and Mary, had the pleasure of handing over new soccer kit to Vondwe Dangerous Tigers. The team had invited Hollywoodbets to come and watch them play a match on the day of the handover. The coach welcomed everyone from Hollywoodbets and got his team together to introduce themselves. The team was very excited, giving the Hollywoodbets team members a warm welcome and promising them a win. The coach was very thankful for the new kit. “Seeing these young boys play every weekend brings me joy because it means they stay out of trouble and because I can see tons of potential in them. Maybe one day one of them will captain the national team! Now that our cry has been heard by Hollywoodbets, we want to thank everyone involved in this project to uplift not only the team but the community as a whole. What you have done for us is incredible, please continue the support you have shown us. We hope to see you cheer us on in future games!” he said. The team was proud to wear their Hollywoodbets gear and as the match started, the community came to support them in numbers, wanting to know more about Hollywoodbets. The Thohoyandou branch members cheered the team on and the match ended with a 1-1 draw. Hollywoodbets would like to wish Vondwe Dangerous Tigers all the best for the future and hope the team keeps growing! 73
LIM HOLLYWOODBETS TZANEEN Mokwakwaila Young Stars Football Club The team, based in Matipane Village, was first started in 1986 by Mr Mohale with the intention of helping to reduce theft in the community. The Hollywoodbets Tzaneen team went to visit the 26 players and club staff on the 8th of January 2016 to hand over their new sponsored soccer kit. As luck would have it the club had a match scheduled for the day that the team delivered their kit so the players could play in their new uniforms! The handover was very successful and the Mokwakwaila Young Stars FC players were very excited. Their coach thanked Hollywoodbets for the donation. “Our aim is to build the players of tomorrow and take them off the street. We are thankful for the support that we received from Hollywood Sportsbook. We only had one soccer kit before so we couldn’t play two matches on one day. It wasn’t easy for us to enter a tournament as we would be required to play more than one game on a day which means we would have to change our uniform,” said current coach Mr Mashapu who has been coaching the team since 2005. 74
MPU MP HOLLYWOODBETS BUSHBUCKRIDGE Bakwena Football Club On the 17th of January 2016 Raymonond and Thabo from the Bushbuckridge branch delivered some brand new soccer kit to Bakwena FC. The team was very excited about their new kit and thanked Hollywoodbets for giving back to their community. HOLLYWOODBETS EMALAHLENI Vuma Football Club Hazel and David from Hollywoodbets Emalahleni made sure that Vuma F.C started 2016 with a bang when they dropped off the team’s striking new Hollywoodbets branded soccer kit on the 20th of January 2016. The team were very grateful and thanked Hollywoodbets management for their new kit. 75
MPU MP HOLLYWOOD ERMELO Brazile Football Club Hollywoodbets Ermelo team members Thabile and Sbusiso went to deliver some soccer kit to Brazile F.C. on the 13th of January 2016. The team was extremely happy to receive their new kit and they all had huge smiles on their faces. The guys were so excited about their new kit that they were saying that they couldn’t wait for the weekend to show it off! HOLLYWOODBETS HENDRINA Bayern Football Club Bayern FC was lucky enough to be chosen by Hollywoodbets Hendrina to receive some brand new kit this year! Manqoba from the Hendrina branch visited the club on the 19th of January 2016 to deliver the team’s new kit. The team was overjoyed to receive this wonderful sponsorship and thanked Hollywoodbets management for all they are doing to give back to the community. 76
MPU HOLLYWOODBETS KINROSSMPU Liamdra Stallion Football Club Dumusani and Gugu from Hollywoodbets Kinross went to drop off soccer kit for Liamdra FC on the 5th of January 2016. The team was thrilled with their new kit and thanked Hollywoodbets management for their generosity. HOLLYWOODBETS MIDDELBURG Mhluzi Black Rangers Football Club Two team members from Hollywoodbets Middelburg, Faniswa and Mmabatho, went to deliver soccer kit to the Mhluzi Black Rangers Football Club on the 20th of January 2016. The team was very happy to receive this brand new kit and thanked Hollywoodbets very much for their help. The team manager was particularly grateful as normally they need to go and look for sponsors, but Hollywoodbets came to them which proves that they really believe in giving back to the communities. The team was so excited about the kit that they didn’t want to take it off! 77
MPU HOLLYWOODBETS NELSPRUITMPU Mbombela Santos Football Club The Mbombela Santos FC was overjoyed to receive their new kit on the 12th of January 2016 when Lazarus from Hollywoodbets Nelspruit dropped it off. Everyone looked great in their new uniforms and couldn’t stop smiling! HOLLYWOODBETS SECUNDA Galaxy Football Club Delisile and Sizwe went to deliver some Hollywoodbets branded soccer kit to local team Galaxy FC on the 4th of January 2016. The team was very pleased with their new kit and they all thanked Hollywoodbets very much for the sponsorship. 78
ECP ECP HOLLYWOODBETS JEFFREY’S BAY Happy People Football Club This club was established in 2012 by Mr Fetyana and Mr Qata, it has 3 teams: a senior team, an under 15 team and an under 13 team. The club’s first and second teams both play in the KOUGA LFA. The reason behind starting this club was to create positive change in the local community and to stop teenagers from roaming around the streets with nothing to do. On the 7th of January 2016 Hollywoodbets Jeffrey’s Bay team members went to visit the club and hand over soccer kit to Happy People FC. It was a rainy day, but despite the weather all the boys came out to receive their first ever soccer kit! They were very excited, saying that they will come to practice every day and will be happy to play upcoming matches in their new gear. Mr V Ndovela, the Club Secretary, was there to accept this kit from Hollywoodbets and he thanked the team for everything, promising to send them pictures of the boys playing their first game in the new kit. HOLLYWOODBETS KORSTEN Young Swallows Football Club This local club that was started in 1997 by Mr Wakena and Mr Mafu has 25 team members between the ages of 11 and 16 years. These two men reached out to the youngsters in the community to help them achieve their goals in life and build a future. Most of the club’s members grew up in poverty and dreamed of becoming soccer players so these coaches took them under their wing and created Swallows FC. The Hollywoodbets Korsten team felt very privileged to go into this informal settlement and reach out to these children who have ambition and a vision for their future. The official handover of the soccer kit was very heart-warming because it was clear on the players’ faces that they really appreciated their new uniforms. Mr Wakena and Mr Mafu were in tears when their players posed for the camera wearing their brand new kit. It was clear that these coaches are very proud of their team members and grateful for Hollywoodbets’ support. 79
ECP ECP HOLLYWOODBETS KING WILLIAM’S TOWN The Juventus Football Club Juventus FC is based in one of the most under-developed areas in the Eastern Cape, called Ginsberg Location. On the 24th of January 2016 Hollywoodbets King William’s Town visited the club to deliver new Hollywoodbets sponsored soccer kit to the players. Everyone was very grateful and thanked the team and Hollywoodbets management for this much- needed donation. HOLLYWOODBETS MANDARIN INN Royal Bucks Football Club Royal Buck FC was established in 1990, in the poverty-stricken area of Motherwell. The club started off with one division, but as time went by they grew to include three divisions. The main reason behind starting the club was to help keep local kids away from drugs and alcohol abuse. Although this team has been around for years and has collected many trophies they are struggling to get sponsorship. Hollywoodbets Mandarin Inn team members went to visit the club and hand out some new soccer kit to them. All of the players were very happy, thanking Hollywoodbets for this much-needed donation. The Hollywoodbets team members were very happy to support this club because an initiative like this is giving hope to the team and the community as a whole, showing them that your current situation in life is not your final destination. Everyone enjoyed a fun-filled day together, and the Hollywoodbets team left feeling very happy to have helped make a huge difference in the lives of these players. 80
ECP ECP HOLLYWOODBETS MTHATHA North Crest All Stars Football Club On the 10th of January 2016 Hollywoodbets Mthatha team members Andiswa, Anathi and Fikile visited North Crest All Stars FC to hand over the team’s brand new soccer kit. The Hollywoodbets team arrived to find the North Crest All Stars playing against another team for the first time this year. They phoned their coach to let him know that Hollywoodbets had arrived with the new uniforms. He had been ill and was therefore unable to make this match, but not long after the call the coach arrived. He got out of bed to come watch the boys play in their new kit! The coach was very grateful for the new kit as, up until this point, the team only had one kit. This made it very hard for them if they had to play more than one game on a match day. The Hollywoodbets team members stayed to watch the boys play against Mthatha Bombers FC and they played very well in their new kit. Soccer is the most popular sport in Mthatha and it was clear that the team was very thankful for Hollywoodbets’ sponsorship. HOLLYWOODBETS NEWTON PARK United Brothers Football Club This club was established in 2012 by Simphiwe Smith and Msimelelo Meleni and is based in KwaZakhele. They have four divisions: a first team, an under 15 team, an under 13 team and an under 11 team. On the 15th of January 2016 Hollywoodbets Newton Park team members along with Ryland and Mfundo visited Brothers United to deliver their new soccer kit. The coach was very excited and so were the players who were ready and waiting at the field for the official handover to take place. It was clear that they all loved the team’s new brightly-coloured uniforms. Brothers United FC’s goal is to get some of the local kids off the streets by recruiting them and allowing them to play the sport they love so much. The manager and coach were very happy that Hollywoodbets could help them in trying to make a difference in these people’s lives. Hollywoodbets spread the purple love once again by helping the less fortunate and bringing smiles to their faces. 81
ECP ECP HOLLYWOODBETS PARLIAMENT STREET Vuku Wanderers Football Club The team that Hollywoodbets Parliament chose for sponsorship this year is based in the Vuku Location in Kwazakhele. The Vuku Wanderers is a ladies team made up of under 16s, and they play in the Provincial Ladies under 17 League. This team was established because of a lack of soccer teams in the area and because most of the youngsters are keeping busy by drinking alcohol and taking drugs. A lot has changed in the township since the team was established. Most of the teenagers are playing for Vuku Wanderers and the club also has a Men’s senior team in addition to under 12s, under 15s and under 19s. HOLLYWOODBETS QUIGNEY Duncan Brothers Football Club Duncan Brothers Club was established in 1992 and is currently coached by Mr Vishile. The club’s aim is to develop and empower the youth by involving them in soccer thereby helping to keep them away from drugs and alcohol. They are situated in Spoenzana, Duncan Village. This is the second year that Hollywoodbets Quigney chose to sponsor Duncan Brothers FC and donate some much-needed soccer kit to this local club. The players were all very excited and grateful for Hollywoodbets’ continued support. They all agree that playing soccer and being part of this team is helping to keep them out of trouble! The team also invited Hollywood Sportsbook to come and watch their upcoming games. 82
ECP ECP HOLLYWOODBETS SGT PEPPERS Blackpool Associated Football Club Both the staff and team members of Blackpool AFC are very grateful for the soccer kit donated to them by Hollywoodbets as part of their Soccer Sponsorship Programme. The club relies on donors’ support to be able to continue expressing their passion for soccer and this kit will be used for the junior players. “This kind donation will help us to instil discipline in our junior players because a playing kit symbolises unity in a team and to express unification a team needs to be disciplined. We are grateful for Hollywoodbets’ generosity, their trust, and most importantly, their commitment to our football club. On behalf of Blackpool AFC, thank you Hollywoodbets for your generous support and best wishes for a prosperous new year!” said Mr R.R. Williams, Junior Development Officer. HOLLYWOODBETS UITENHAGE City Friends Football Club This year Hollywoodbets Uitenhage chose to sponsor City Friends FC, a well-established team in Kwanobuhle, as part of the Hollywoodbets Soccer Sponsorship Programme. Part of the club’s vision is to nurture and develop their players holistically, helping them to become great players and great people. On the 4th of January 2016 Hollywoodbets Uitenhage team members went to visit the club to hand over their new kit to the under 21 players. This team had been in particular need of new kit due to financial constraints. From the warm welcome the Hollywoodbets team received it was clear that the coach and players greatly appreciate what the company has done for them. Everyone was smiling brightly by the time the Hollywoodbets team members had to leave and it was clear that the company is making a difference in the lives of so many people in Uitenhage! 83
WCP HOLLYWOODBETS ATHLONEWCP Lukolo Football Club Lukolo FC staff and team members were very excited to receive brand new soccer kit from Hollywoodbets for the first time this year! The players had been in great need of new kit because their previous uniform had been very old. They were so happy when they saw their brand new Hollywoodbets kit that they described it as a godsend! The club has been in existence for 6 years and 35 senior players are members of Lukolo FC. They are all very excited to play upcoming matches in their new kit. HOLLYWOODBETS ATLANTIS Wesfleur Football Club This club has been around for the past 40 years, and there are currently six teams and 90 players affiliated with Wesfleur FC. The club also boasts a wide range of players with some being as young as 6 years of age and others up to 40 years old. Staff and players at the club were very grateful for this donation from Hollywoodbets as they have been battling to find sponsors and were in desperate need of new kit. Thanks to their new kit they will look presentable and will be able to focus on entering and playing in league matches. 84
WCP HOLLYWOODBETS BEACON VALLEYWCP Rockafellas Football Club Hollywoodbets Beacon Valley chose to donate soc- cer kit to Rockafellas FC for the second year in a row. The players and staff were thrilled to receive another donation from Hollywood- bets. Staff members at the club report that they have seen a significant difference in the way that the players conduct themselves now that they have soccer kit, and they also feel that the club’s performance overall has been boosted. The players have become more professional and treat their team mates with more respect thanks to their new uniform. People from all over are taking notice of the club now that they have some striking soccer kit! Rockafellas FC thanks Hollywoodbets management for their continued support. HOLLYWOODBETS BELVILLE Midnimo Football Club Hollywoodbets Bellville chose to donate soccer kit again to Midnimo FC this year, making it the 7th donation in total from Hollywoodbets to this local club! The club consists of 24 teams and is five years old. The staff and team members were very happy to receive this much-needed kit and thank Hollywoodbets for helping them to make their dreams come true. They believe that the kit will really help them to stand out and shine for their fans. 85
WCP HOLLYWOODBETS BIG DADDYWCP Street Warriors Football Club This local club has been around for seven years and this is the third year that Hollywoodbets Big Daddy chose to donate soccer kit to Street Warriors FC. There are 31 club members and three full teams at Street Warriors FC with some of the players being as young as 12 years of age. Members of the senior team are approximately 35 years old. The club’s players and staff thank Hollywoodbets for the generous and consistent contributions to their club because this is enabling them to go from strength to strength. They are thrilled to finally have appropriate attire for their whole team. HOLLYWOODBETS BOTHASIG Flying Stars Football Club Flying Stars FC boasts eight teams with the players starting as young as 13 years old. The club has been in existence for 40 years and this is the first time that Hollywoodbets has donated kit to this local club. The club’s staff members and players thank Hollywoodbets for their kind donation. 86
WCP HOLLYWOODBETS BOULEVARD & GEORGEWCP Eastern City Football Club Both Hollywoodbets Boulevard and Hollywoodbets George chose to sponsor some brand new kit to Eastern City FC’s junior and senior football teams respectively as part of the Hollywoodbets Soccer Sponsorship Programme. This local club has been around for the past seven years and this is the second team Eastern City receives kit from Hollywoodbets. Thanks to the company’s donations both the junior and senior teams now have matching new kits. The players and staff at Eastern City FC are all very grateful to Hollywoodbets for this donation and feel that it will really help their teams to achieve greatness. Courtesy of this donation they are now able to concentrate on their facilities as they don’t have to use their funds for kit. HOLLYWOODBETS DU NOON Ruyterwacht Football Club Hollywoodbets Du Noon team members handed over some much-needed soccer kit to Ruyterwacht FC as part of the Hollywoodbets Soccer Sponsorship Programme. The team was very happy to receive this first time donation from Hollywoodbets and the club’s players are looking forward to wearing their new kit. Club management was very happy to receive this donation as their senior players did not have kit to play in. “The guys will now play with their heads held high thanks to their new kit and they can only move forward from here,” said Mogamat, Ruyterwacht FC Chairman. 87
WCP HOLLYWOODBETS LANGAWCP Hollywood Football Club This brand new club started up this year and is made up of one team of 15 players. The players are aged between 25 and 35 years and are thrilled to have received this brand new soccer kit to play in. The staff and team members thanked Hollywoodbets for the sponsorship and believe that this new kit will help to give the team a sense of belonging as well as allowing them to look good while they show off their skills. Hollywood FC has started entering in a few minor tournaments already and everyone is very excited to see what the future holds for this young club! HOLLYWOODBETS MALMESBURY Camphill Village Football Club Camphill Village is a place where intellectually challenged adults can go to live and work and has been in existence since 1964. The village has also started their very own football team where residents can play together, helping them to socialise and keep fit. The team is made up of 10 players and 11 reserves with their ages ranging between 18 and 40 years. This is the second time that Hollywoodbets sponsored soccer kit to this worthy organisation. According to the Team Manager Max everyone at Camphill is very grateful for the donation. “Hollywood Sportsbook has made a huge impact on the team by donating this soccer kit. The kit will help to uplift the team’s spirits. It also helps in general to motivate Camphill residents to become more involved in sports like soccer. We are very thankful to Hollywood Sportsbook for such a wonderful donation!” he said. 88
WCP HOLLYWOODBETS MOSSEL BAYWCP Portau Diaz Football Club This is a relatively new club and has only been in existence for the past two years. The club is home to eighteen teams though, with players starting from as young as 9 years old and up to 35. The club was very happy to receive this first time donation from Hollywoodbets Mossel Bay as part of the Hollywoodbets Soccer Sponsorship Programme. They are particularly grateful as the club is currently not in a financial position where they are able to purchase kit for the players themselves. HOLLYWOODBETS MONTAGUE GARDENS Avendale Athletico Football Club Hollywoodbets Montague chose to sponsor soccer kit to the Avendale Athletico FC as part of the Hollywoodbets Soccer Sponsorship Programme. The club has been in the area for 38 years and is home to thirteen teams and approximately 200 players in total. Everyone at the club was thrilled about Hollywoodbets’ donation. “This donation has helped so much! The club is in desperate need of kit and this kit will be used as our first team kit for the upcoming season. We are truly grateful to Hollywoodbets for their investment in our beloved club!” said Matthew Peters, Club Treasurer. 89
WCP HOLLYWOODBETS OUDTSHOORNWCP Arsenal Football Club Hollywoodbets Oudtshoorn chose to support Arsenal FC for the second time as part of the Hollywoodbets Soccer Sponsorship Programme. This local club has been in existence for 11 years and there is currently one team based at Arsenal FC. The team is made up of 22 players aged between 17 and 35 years. The team members and club staff were very happy to receive their new kit as they feel it inspires young players to come and join their team. They thank Hollywoodbets management for the continued support! HOLLYWOODBETS PAARL Holy Cross Football Club Holy Cross FC was the lucky recipient of brand new soccer kit courtesy of Hollywoodbets’ Soccer Sponsorship Programme. The club has been in existence for 40 years and there are currently five senior teams and nine junior teams making up a total of approximately 200 players. Club official Brendon Field expressed his gratitude for this donation. “We at Holy Cross Football Club are sincerely grateful for the donation of a full soccer kit. It goes a long way to making our team look professional and helping our less fortunate players to feel part of our club. Our players feel like they belong and are very proud to take to the field in the new kit that will make them feel, and perform, like one,” said Field. 90
WCP HOLLYWOODBETS PAROWWCP Stanturf United Football Club Stanturf United FC has been in existence for 24 years and is currently home to five adult teams. This is the second year that Hollywoodbets Parow has chosen to support this local club as part of the Hollywoodbets Soccer Sponsorship Programme. The club’s staff and players were very grateful for their new kit because they believe the new uniforms look so good on their players that it will help to attract new players to the club! HOLLYWOODBETS SEA POINT Wynberg St. John’s AFC Wynberg St. John’s AFC players and club management were thrilled to receive some brand new soccer kit from Hollywoodbets. The club was first formed in 1991 when Wynberg and St. John’s clubs merged into one and is currently home to thirteen junior teams and seven senior teams. The new kit will be used for the 4th team who were most in need of kit. “The 4th team never had kit for the last season so this donation from Hollywoodbets has helped the team look and play better. The entire team is very grateful for this awesome support!” said Rowan Carlson, Club Chairperson. 91
WCP HOLLYWOODBETS VASCOWCP Invincible Cravenby This local soccer club has been in existence for 54 years and many members of the community train here. There are four senior teams and 6 junior teams who train at Invincible Cravenby, with the players being anywhere from 7 years up to 40 years of age. This year Hollywoodbets Vasco donated a soccer kit to this club for the first time. The players and staff at Invincible Cravenby were thrilled to receive the new kit and they are convinced that the new kit will help inspire the players to achieve greater things in future. HOLLYWOODBETS VOORTREKKER Rangers Football Club Rangers FC was formed in 1944 and is home to four soccer teams and 80 players aged between 12 and 30 years. This is the second year that Hollywoodbets Voortrekker chose to donate soccer kit to Rangers FC and the staff and players were very grateful for the donation. “These donations have helped a lot because it brings unity in the club. The players are also more motivated because they are dressed properly, helping them to look more professional. We thank Hollywoodbets for their contribution and for the impact they are making on our players!” said Frederick Prins on behalf of Rangers FC. 92
WCP HOLLYWOODBETS WATERKANTWCP Wolves Football Club Hollywoodbets Waterkant chose to donate brand new soccer kit to Wolves FC for the 6th time this year as part of the Hollywoodbets Soccer Sponsorship Programme. This club has been in existence for the past nine years and is home to two teams that are both made up of adult players. Tinashe Chaterera expressed the team’s gratitude to Hollywoodbets. He thanked Hollywoodbets for their donation as it helps the players who can’t afford to buy their own kit, and feels that the company’s support has helped make the club’s vision a continued reality. HOLLYWOODBETS WOODSTOCK St Luke’s AFC St Luke’s AFC is very well- known in Woodstock and will be celebrating its centenary next year! Hollywoodbets Woodstock chose to support this local club for the fourth time as part of the Hollywoodbets Social Responsibility Programme. The club is made up of five senior teams and five junior teams who are under seven years old. St Luke’s thanks Hollywoodbets for all of their support throughout the years. 93
WCP HOLLYWOODBETS WORCESTERWCP Sweepers Football Club This local club has been in existence for 58 years and it is the 5th time that Hollywoodbets Worcester has decided to donate some much-needed soccer kit to Sweepers. The club’s staff and players were thrilled to receive this new kit and thanked Hollywoodbets management for their generous contribution. They were particularly excited as they feel that the new kit helps to motivate the team and also helps improve their overall performance. HOLLYWOODBETS WYNBERG Morning Stars Football Club Morning Stars FC are very grateful for their new kit sponsored by Hollywoodbets. They feel that the donation has really impacted the club in a positive way because each player is very happy and proud to have been sponsored by a big name company like Hollywoodbets. This local club has been in existence for five years and consists of one team of senior players (over 35). 94
WCP HOLLYWOODBETS PLETTENBERG BAYWCP Flying Stars Football Club This is the first year that Plettenberg Bay chose to support local club Flying Stars FC as part of the Hollywoodbets Soccer Sponsorship Programme. There are currently eight different teams affiliated with the club and it has been in existence for 40 years. Flying Stars FC are grateful to Hollywoodbets for the sponsorship of this brand new kit for their players. HOLLYWOODBETS KWANONQABA Morning Stars Football Club Green Aces FC has 36 players and three teams including an under 11 – 15 team and senior teams. This local club has been in existence since 2003 and it is the first time that Hollywoodbets Kwanonqaba has chosen to donate soccer kit to Green Aces. The players and staff were thrilled to receive their new kit. It is the first time that they will have a formal team uniform to wear to matches instead of their own clothes and they are happy to know that everyone will now see them as a team! 95
WINNING FORM Sponsored Jockeys WINNING FORM PUBLICATIONS affectionately currently sponsors four professional known has had jockeys and one top-class workrider. an interrupted Undoubtedly, the best of our jockeys campaign due is 29-year old Durban born rider MUZI to unforeseen YENI who sailed past 1000 career wins circumstances but he remains during the current committed to the season. The early powerful local experience gained yard of trainer when riding for Alan Greeff who top trainers Mike was the man responsible for the rise of de Kock and Sean the brilliant and recently sold colt Oomph. Tarry have been Xolani has been steadily turning out the invaluable and winners since returning to the saddle Yeni has finished and he recently achieved the rare feat of in the Top 6 on steering the ultra-consistent filly Purely the National Jockeys Log for the past Atomic to an overdue victory; something four seasons, with 3rd position being some big- name jockeys weren’t able to his highest achievement therein. He has do over a lengthy period of time. been successful at Grade 1 level on a few occasions, the most recent being with the Cape Town-based Duncan Howells trained filly Lauderdale ROBERT KHATHI on the first day of this campaign. Muzi is (31) is into his on the verge of passing his career best second year as a return of 152 wins as he sits in 4th place Winning Form- on the log standings with 147 victories. sponsored jockey This is another remarkable feat for him as and his orange he slowed down his travelling this season unique numbered after securing the plum job of stable cap, coupled with jockey to top class KZN-based conditioner his huge smile and fellow Winning Form-sponsored in the winning trainer, Duncan Howells. The determined post-race interview says plenty about Yeni has three main ambitions in mind, his personality. As was promised, Khathi winning the National Championship, has kicked on in his career this campaign being victorious in the Durban July and and despite an injury enforced layoff, he plying his trade on the world stage, in no currently has 30 winners and has most particular order. notably enjoyed good recent success for the powerful Cape-based outfits of Port Elizabeth based jockey XOLANI trainers Mike Bass and Justin Snaith. NDLOVU (32), or Charles as he is97
The last of a force to be Winning Form- reckoned with in sponsored the Workriders’ jockeys is 28- Series and his year old, BRIAN mounts can never NYAWO who be ignored. His rides a very riding mass is handy 53kgs 57,5kgs which and continues means that he is to be based in restricted to riding KZN where he the top weights. He rides most of his has teamed up with the quality local work for the top Gauteng yard of trainer yard of veteran conditioner Charles Laird. Michael Azzie and has been fortunate Brian brings with him overseas riding enough to see the brilliant three-year old experience as he rode work in Dubai Triple Crown winner Abashiri work back where, amongst other top horses, he rode home. Semela’s immediate ambition is Shea Shea. From his first early rides Brian to continue doing well in the Workriders’ showed a lot of promise and now that Championship. Early on in his career he he is settled into a top yard, a lot more rode work overseas for the powerful Mike should be heard of him. de Kock stable. His long-term ambition is to ride in KZN and his advice to aspirant The honest and straight-talking 29- young workriders is, “Be honest, listen to year old workrider FRANCIS SEMELA instructions, go and ride work every day is now in his fifth year as a Winning and ignore the nonsense spoken about Form- sponsored workrider. He is always racing.”98
HOLLYWOODBETS & WINNING FORM Sponsored Trainers CLINTON BINDA (HOLLYWOODBETS) GAU That victory has KZN propelled him into 50-year old the top 10 on the Gauteng-based National Trainer’s conditioner Log. He has a CLINTON BINDA relatively small yard is a true horseman with just under 40 with resounding horses but does knowledge of the enjoy a fair deal of game. The ‘Sport of success in arguably Kings’ runs through the country’s the Zimbabwean’s toughest province veins as he began (Western Cape) riding for the first for a trainer. Silicone Valley is one the public time at the tender should keep a close eye on. age of 6. He has a private establishment near Muldersdrift, north of Fourways in GARTH PULLER (HOLLYWOODBETS) Johannesburg where he goes about his business quietly and purely on what he As was expected, has achieved with limited stock. Clinton is legendary former a successful trainer who is best known for jockey GARTH his successful raids on Flamingo Park in the PULLER (65) Northern Cape. He is never scared to race easily made the his horses in quick succession and on many transition to occasions reaps the rewards for his owners. being a successful Further to this, his expertise in other aspects trainer. The within the yard is priceless and interestingly great horseman Clinton shoes his own horses after a will forever be successful apprenticeship as a farrier in remembered for his America a few decades ago. The early signs two July triumphs are that he rates the filly Evening Breeze who aboard Over The landed the betting coup on debut before Air and Bush Telegraph. He sadly lost victory fluffing her lines from a shocking draw in the boardroom aboard Gatecrasher who second time out. She could certainly be one hung badly in the closing stages but Puller to follow. The other runner he feels is worth has little regrets after a brilliant career in the keeping an eye on is Hililyhililyhilo. saddle. Garth is based at Summerveld where he has just over 65 horses in his care. He GLEN PULLER (HOLLYWOODBETS) receives loyal support from some prominent owners and quite often their runners find The Puller family is famous in South African the frame. He recommends following Rio De horseracing and 54-year old younger La Plata, Purple Mountain, Asstar and Saint brother GLEN, is the sibling of legendary Marco as horses from his yard that are worth former jockey turned trainer Garth Puller. following. Undoubtedly the highlight of Glen’s training career came shortly after the turn of 2016 CLIFFIE MILLER (HOLLYWOODBETS) as the Milnerton-based conditioner won the inaugural running of the CTS Million Dollar CLIFFIE MILLER (58) is Hollywoodbets’ sole Stakes event run at Kenilworth in January, acquisition from the Northern Cape and he with his smart three-year old colt Illuminator. is based at Flamingo Park with a string of 30 WCP NCP99
horses. He was a He has won three miner before taking Grade 1 races up the challenge with Golden of becoming a Globe (Germiston racehorse trainer November and he has Handicap), Spiced adjusted brilliantly. Gold (SA Fillies He has slowed Classic) and Tyson down over the past (Summer Cup), season but still the last being the gets his customary best horse he has winner at each ever trained. He of the popular Monday meetings in the freely admits that province. Cliffie feels that Autumn Encore his older horses are in their place but quickly and King Of Mountain will fly the stable flag pointed out that he has some nice babies high in the next few months. still to come and the public should keep an eye on them. KUMARAN ‘KOM’ NAIDOO (HOLLYWOODBETS) KZN WCP The old cliché RIAAN VAN REENEN (HOLLYWOODBETS) ‘taking to something like RIAAN VAN a duck to water’ REENEN (45) is certainly applies to based at Philippi KZN-based trainer Training Centre KOM NAIDOO in Cape Town (35) who moved where he has a from the motor small string of industry to training just 24 horses horses with great that he gives success. Kom his undivided gained a wealth of knowledge from the late attention to. He top jockey Bertie Hayden and current trainer has won a good Tony Rivalland. He has 80 horses in his care deal of feature races in the Cape, most at his Summerveld stables, of which he rates notably, the Colts and Fillies Nursery, Cape the now rested Princess Varunya as the one Summer Stayers Handicap, Olympic Duel to follow. The classy imported filly notched Stakes, the Victress Stakes and the Final Fling up a flurry of successive wins earlier on this Stakes (2x). He started off training Diana’s campaign and she acquitted herself with Choice who subsequently performed very aplomb in the Gauteng Fillies Classic where well on the international stage but his best she finished 4th just behind the likes of horse ever was Sweet Virginia who won two subsequent Grade 1 winner Juxtapose and legs of the Winter Series in 2005. Elevated Grade 1 placed Negroamaro. He also had could be the one to follow from his stable. encouraging words to say about Over Sure, Ocean Drive South and Roy’s Ambassador. GAVIN SMITH (HOLLYWOODBETS) GAU ECP STUART PETTIGREW (HOLLYWOODBETS) GAVIN SMITH (49), who is based at Port Elizabeth’s Fairview racecourse, has 75 Gauteng-based trainer STUART PETTIGREW equine athletes in his care. He has won most (52) has been around for some time and of the province’s big races and even won takes care of his 48 horses at Randjesfontein. the KZN Breeders. The best horse he has ever trained is Bold Silvano, who famously100
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