Galeri Enterpreneur Nusantara UMKM PT Pertamina (Persero) For Dubai Expo
Foreword PT Pertamina (Persero), one of the biggest State-owned Company has a crucial role to guide and aid small businesses, cooperatives and the public as mandated by the Law on State-Owned Enterprises No. 19 of 2003. Through the Micro and Small Enterprise (UMK) Funding Program, currently known as the Small Medium Enterprise and Partnership Program (SMEPP), Pertamina carries out this role as its service towards the public. This program has been ongoing since 1993 and has established around 65,000 partnerships from Sabang to Merauke. This Nusantara Entrepreneur Catalogue Gallery is only a small portion of the best products manufactured by Pertamina’s UMK partners. These products have great potential to make known of Indonesia’s good image to the world through the Dubai Expo event. Moreover, this catalogue also acts as a means for Pertamina to introduce and push its partners to become Go Global UMKs—UMKS that are ready to enter he international market through export activities and other channels. On the other hand, Pertamina’s partners that participate in the Dubai Expo event also has the chance to build up the economic, social and environmental potential and condition of their respective area, which is done through the building of economic development programs in order to create inclusion. The issuance of the Nusantara Entrepreneur e-catalogue gallery will attract domestic and international attention and allow them to know about the Nu- santara Indonesia culture in each of the products created by the partners. I hope that this e-catalogue can inspire many parties to take part in the developing the economy and independence of the people of Indonesia. PT Pertamina (Persero) President Director
gallery putera nu The products produced by Gallery Putera Nusantara include dinner plates, cups, tablespoons, forks, coffee spoons and serving plates for bread. All of these raw materials come from teak wood waste. COGS/Selling Price: L: 30 cm W: 25 cm H: 5 cm Price: IDR 15k – IDR 250k
usantara Gallery Putera Nusantara The process of making Gallery Putera Nusantara products is done n by hand. The resulting product is also quite unique with the result- ing patterns are never the same from one product to another. With a touch of art that flows in Wahyu Kusumo Hadi’s blood, making these products have a high economic value. The raw materials used for the products of Gallery Putera Nusantara are derived from teak wood waste, which is often used for firewood. The finishing touch used gallery puterabeeswaxthatissafeforfood,natural,foodgrade. Nama: Wahyu Kusumo Hadi No HP: +62 812-1781-5427 Instagram: @puteranusantaracraft Alamat: Jl. Comal no. 26, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
sobag The bags produced by SOBAG are made of woven fabric and Leath- er (genuine leather). The leather used has a length of 100cm x 200cm with a woven base material made from natural dyed threads using handmande weaving. COGS/Selling Price: L: 34 cm W: 40 cm Price: IDR 500k – IDR 1,000k
SOBAG SOBAG produces premium quality bags with materials derived from 100% hand-woven fabrics from NTT/Nusantara Indonesia fabrics produced by elderly craftsmen combined with genuine leather. Leather itself is a flexible and durable material made by the tanning process of animal skins, generally cowhide or goatskin. For the manufacture of 1 woven cloth itself takes up to 6 months. Thus the resulting product is very exclusive because only 1-4 bags are produced in each of the sobagsame fabric motifs. This is what makes Evi’s bag products look elegant. Nama: Evi Silviati No HP: +62 813-8111-2456 Facebook: Evi Sobag Alamat: Jl. H Ahmad R No. 6 RT 006/004, Pondok Bambu, Jakarta Timur
tenun blongket The kimono jacket and shirt are made of Blongsong woven fabric with a songket motif. The Blongsong woven fabric itself is made of cotton which is coated with a fine tricot and is equipped with swarofsky buttons. COGS/Selling Price: Size: M, L, XL Price: IDR 1,500k
Blongket Weaving Indonesia is a country with so much cultural diversity that is very appealing. One of Palembang’s typical woven fabrics is Blonsong. Blonsong itself is one of the beautiful traditional fabrics with distinc- tive motifs and colors because it is made from woven silk or ordinary cotton threads. Ilham Bahari, the owner of the Blongket Weaving business, produces Blonsong products in various forms. Starting from just sheet cloth, to finished clothes with beautiful motifs to look at. Making this product also has high economic value because it is made tenun blongkemanually from the hands of craftsmen in South Sumatra. Nama: Ilham Bahari No HP: +62 823-7747-7452 Instagram: Alamat: Komplek Ilir Barat Permai Blok B52, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan
apikmen Java Etnica, short-sleeved cotton shirt, with batik stamped in 2 colors and for the motif using Javanese script. COGS/Selling Price: Size: L, XL, XXL Price: IDR 650k – 950k
Apikmen The designs of the three Apikmen batik products were created during the pandemic, inspired by the Covid-19 virus. This corona batik motif is made with a traditional stamping technique by local craftsmen, using Malam/wax as a typical Indonesian print medium. The process of making 2 m x 1 m cotton cloth takes an average of 1 up to 2 weeks per fabric. The material used is Lurik, handmade by local craftsmen. One Lurik sheet 2 m long and 1 m wide takes 1 month to make. 2 months. This is what makes Apikmen products apikmenveryexclusive. Nama: Agus Tri Santosa No HP: +62 816-4606-4185 apikmenInstagram:@apikmenbyatas Alamat: Jl. Olahraga VI/8, Kemanggisan, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta
kekean wastragal Kekean carries the theme of sustainable fashion which emphasizes 4 essences in the production process. • Empowerment (exmpowering young people and women from remote areas) • Local Material (using native Indonesian natural resources by exploring abundant fiber plants) • Environment Friendly (material from coloring that is environmentally friendly and safe for health) • Fair Trade (implementing an open trading system so that the welfare of craftsmen continues to improve) COGS/Selling Price: Size: All sizes Price: Top (IDR 1,600k) and Bottom (IDR 800k)
llery Kekean Wastra Gallery The beauty of Balinese cloth has been recognized by many people. But in the hands of Achmad Nur Hasim, owner of Kekean Wastra Gallery, Endek Bali’s woven fabrics have even won the trust of luxury goods man- ufacturer and renowned French fashion house, Christian Dior. Not only ordering fabrics, Christian Dior is also known to make Endek Bali fabrics produced by Kekean as part of the 2021 spring and summer collections. This was revealed at the “Paris Fashion Week” fashion show on Sep- tember 29, 2020 at Jardin de Tuileries, Paris. One of the secrets of their products being accepted in the foreign fashion world is the quality of the dyes used. He utilizes natural colors that do not damage the environ- ment but have a unique color beauty. Such as the use of plants such as kekean wastragaindigofera,Jolawe,Mahogany,SogaJambal,Gambirandothers. Nama: Achmad Nur Hasim No HP: +7985-143-7977 Instagram: @kekean.galeri @kekean.katalog Alamat: Jl. Raya Lungsiakan No. 55 Kel. Kedawatan Kec. Ubud, Kab. Gianyar
onniecraft Handcrafted products with the main material Silver 925 Filigree which is designed and created to be an elegant and delightful product variant. COGS/Selling Price: Price: Constitution Ship (IDR 75k/gram silver)
ONNIECRAFT Onniecraft, is one of the typical Indonesian handicraft products that is modern in technology, creative in design, and innovative in creativity. ONIECRAFT products are produced by workers from the poorest communities, and skilled partners in the community. This makes the impression of a sociopreneur-based business firmly attached to Oniecraft. This product is also quite popular with onniecrafpeople from various parts of the world. Nama: Yosephine Onie No HP: +62 811-9966-696 Instagram: Alamat: Jl. Gandaria V/5 rt/rw: 008/001, Kramat Pela, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta
kekean wastragal Kekean mengusung tema sustainable fashion dimana menekankan 4 sesensi dalam proses produksi: -Empowerment (memberdayakan anak muda dan perempuan dari pelosok) -Local Material (menggunakan SDA asli Indonesia dengan mengeksplora- si tumbuhan serat yang melimpah) -Enviroment Friendly (material dan pewarnaan yang ramah lingkungan dan aman bagi Kesehatan) -Fair Trade (menerapkan sistem per- dagangan yang terbuka agar kese- jahteraan pengrajin terus meningkat) HPP/Harga Jual: Ukuran: All size Price: Top (IDR 1.600K) dan Bottom (800k)
llery kekean wastraga
apikmen apikmen
tenun blongket
tenun blongke
gallery putera nu
usantara gallery putera n
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