Supplementary Information MOL: Developing a European-Style Board Game to Teach Organic Chemistry Gameplay Examples Eduardo Triboni∗ and Gabriel Weber∗ Escola de Engenharia de Lorena, Universidade de São Paulo, Lorena, Brasil E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] The gameplay of MOL is divided into three distinct phases. To clarify the overall strategy and how the players interact with one another and the game system, we provide gameplay examples for each of its phases. Setup Alice and Bob gathered together for a quick game of MOL. Therefore, they agreed to set the winning condition as 9 mols. After shuffling all main product cards together, Alice secretly drew the fatty acid salt main product card, while Bob, the biodiesel main product card. Therefore, to win the game, Alice would have to extract 9 mols of soap, while Bob, 9 mols of biodiesel. The following gameplay is divided into two distinct phases: Laboratory Assembly and Synthesis and Extraction, which we clarify in the next sections. 1
Laboratory Assembly Phase After shuffling all twelve boards together into the laboratory deck, Alice and Bob secretly drew two boards each. Thus, the initial game state for the Laboratory Assembly phase was: • Alice’s hand: Fatty Acid Synthesis board and Biodisel Synthesis board ; • Alice’s played boards: none; • Bob’s hand: Biodiesel Extraction board and Soap Synthesis board ; • Bob’s played boards: none. Alice was extremely unlucky and didn’t draw any board related to her goal, therefore, she decided to take the do nothing action. On the other hand, Bob drew one board related to his goal: the Biodiesel Extraction board. Hence, he decided to play this board face down, in order not to reveal to Alice his goal. After simultaneously performing these actions, Alice passed to Bob the Biodiesel Synthesis board and received the Soap Synthesis board in return. Since Bob ended this first turn with only one board in his hand, he had to draw another one from the laboratory deck. After the first turn, the game state was: • Alice’s hand: Fatty Acid Synthesis board and Soap Synthesis board ; • Alice’s played boards: none; • Bob’s hand: Biodiesel Synthesis board and Fatty Acid Extraction board. • Bob’s played boards: a face down Biodiesel Extraction board. Then both players decided to play the board corresponding to their goals face up. After that, they exchanged the remaining boards in their hands and both drew another board from the laboratory deck. The game state became: • Alice’s hand: Fatty Acid Extraction board and Soap Synthesis board ; 2
• Alice’s played boards: a face up Soap Synthesis board ; • Bob’s hand: Fatty Acid Synthesis board and Soap Extraction board ; • Bob’s played boards: a face down Biodiesel Extraction board and a face up Biodiesel Synthesis board. Alice, once again, had no other option but to take the do nothing action, whereas Bob only had to turn his face down Biodiesel Extraction board up to win this phase. Synthesis and Extraction Phase After playing for a couple of turns, the game state is as follows: • Alice’s hand: Temperature Increase card, Centrifuge card and 3 Mols of NaOH card ; • Alice’s conversion rate: 55% (increased temperature); • Alice’s boards: 1 mol of triacylglycerol, 3 mols of soap; • Alice’s extraction Columns: empty; • Alice’s points: 0; • Bob’s hand: Temperature Decrease card, pH Increase card and 2 Mols of H2O card ; • Bob’s conversion rate: 50%; • Bob’s boards: 1 mol of ethanol; • Bobs extraction Columns: 3 mols of biodiesel in the 5th turn of the decantation column; • Bob’s points: 0. 3
In the first step of his next turn, Bob drew a 3 mols of C2H5OH card, which he decided to play in the following step. After that, he advanced his decantation, finishing prematurely his turn because he didn’t have reactants in the stoichiometric ratio. Alice drew a 2 Mols of Triacylglycerol card, but decided to play the 3 Mols of NaOH, which had been in her hand since previous turns. Next she started the precipitation of 3 mols of soap and rolled the dice, since she had just obtained reactants in the stoichiometric ratio. The result (42%) was less than her current reaction rate, leading to the formation of 3 mols of soap. The game state after this turn was: • Alice’s hand: Temperature Increase card, Centrifuge card and 2 Mols of Triacylglyc- erol card ; • Alice’s conversion rate: 55% (increased temperature); • Alice’s boards: 3 mols of soap; • Alice’s extraction columns: 3 mols of soap in the 1st turn of precipitation; • Alice’s points: 0; • Bob’s hand: Temperature Decrease card, pH Increase card and 2 Mols of H2O card ; • Bob’s conversion rate: 50%; • Bob’s boards: 4 mols of ethanol; • Bobs extraction columns: 3 mols of biodiesel in the 6th (last) turn of the decanta- tion column; • Bob’s points: 0. Next Bob drew a Broken Centrifuge. He chose to use the rule, that allows any card to be played in exchange for a single mol of any reactant, to play the 2 Mols of H2O card and add 1 mol of triacylglycerol. He advanced his decantation to complete the extraction process and 4
therefore scored 3 points. Finally, since he also had reactants in the stoichiometric ratio, he could also roll the dice. However, the result (89%) was greater than his current reaction rate, so that no products were formed in this turn. Alice drew a Filter card, which she played next. She also advanced her precipitation and started a filtration. The game state became: • Alice’s hand: Temperature Increase card, Centrifuge card and 2 Mols of Triacylglyc- erol card ; • Alice’s conversion rate: 55% (increased temperature); • Alice’s boards: empty; • Alice’s extraction columns: 3 mols of soap in the 2nd turn of precipitation and 3 mols of soap in the 1st turn (last) of filtration; • Alice’s points: 0; • Bob’s hand: Temperature Decrease card, pH Increase card and Broken Centrifuge; • Bob’s conversion rate: 50%; • Bob’s boards: 1 mol of triacylglycerol, 4 mols of ethanol; • Bobs extraction columns: empty • Bob’s points: 3. Bob drew a Research Award card, but chose to play a pH increase card in order to upgrade his conversion rate form 50% to 55%. This paid off, because he then rolled a 54%, which is less than his updated conversion rate, and therefore 3 mols of biodiesel were formed. Alice, on her turn, drew a pH decrease card, played a 2 Mols of Triacylglycerol card, advanced her precipitation and finished her filtration, scoring 3 points and discarding the filter. The game state after this round was: • Alice’s hand: Temperature Increase card, Centrifuge card and pH decrease card ; 5
• Alice’s conversion rate: 55% (increased temperature); • Alice’s boards: empty; • Alice’s extraction columns: 3 mols of soap in the 3rd turn of precipitation; • Alice’s points: 3; • Bob’s hand: Temperature Decrease card, Broken Centrifuge and Research Award card ; • Bob’s conversion rate: 55% (increased pH); • Bob’s boards: 1 mol of ethanol and 3 mols of biodiesel; • Bobs extraction columns: empty • Bob’s points: 3. 6
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