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Home Explore Weekly Highlights 10 December 2021

Weekly Highlights 10 December 2021

Published by rafinternalcomm, 2021-12-10 17:01:51

Description: Weekly Highlights 10 December 2021


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Weekly Highlights 10 December 2021 - Issue No. 118 In this issue Dear Colleagues RAF CAPE TOWN HOSTS POP-UP COVID-19 VACCINA- As we welcome the festive season and the year draws close TION SITE to an end, this edition of the Weekly Highlights will be our last for 2021.This was the second year which we all had to CELEBRATING OUR RAF GRADUATES navigate in the midst of the disruptive COVID-19 pandemic. Positive Feedback for our Cape Town Post As things currently stand, South Africa is heading into the Claims Team! fourth wave as it is once again experiencing a high rate of infections spurred by the COVID-19 variant, Omicron. On the Road with Tshepo Moatshe! Even though the new variant causes great concern, this time around, as compared with the same time last year, our International Anti-Corruption Day 2021 country has enough COVID-19 vaccines to fight against the virus and prevent severe illnesses and hospitalisations. Recycling tips for christmas RAFzins are therefore urged to protect themselves against COVID-19 by getting vaccinated. raf activations We wish to thank all RAF employees for their commitment Covid-19 Statistics and continuing with the critical tasks and responsibilities of the Road Accident Fund (RAF). The frequent disruptions the fun page brought on by the pandemic this year did not deter us from our quest to realising a transformed RAF that is claimant- Letters to the Editor centric and aims to settle claims in 120 days. In numerous communications with RAFzins, we have shared letters from We invite our readers to share their our claimants and stakeholders who lauded the RAF for comments, feedback, and suggestions the excellent service rendered. It is that collective effort that with us. Readers are encouraged to submit continues to propel our organisation to greater heights. their letters, of no more than 200 words, to [email protected] and TholakeleR@raf. Even as we celebrate the festive season, we still need to We are looking forward to hearing from remember to be safe on the roads. Furthermore, let us be you. vigilant against the spread of COVID-19 as we meet with our family and friends. Editor: Thabang Mahlatsi ([email protected]) Sub-editor: Tholakele Radebe ([email protected]) We thank our readers for the support and feedback received Reporter: Tintswalo Nkuna ([email protected]) throughout the year. We resume publication of the Highlights Editor-In-Chief: Anton Janse van Rensburg ([email protected]) in the new year. We wish all Team RAFzin members a joyous festive season and the best for 2022 and beyond. Enjoy this week’s Highlights! Kind regards Internal Communication

RAF CAPE TOWN HOSTS POP-UP COVID-19 VACCINATION SITE by Tholakele Radebe The RAF, in partnership with the Western Cape De- 2. What do you think of this initiative taken by the partment of Health hosted a pop-up vaccination site Western Cape Department of Health to offer CO- at the RAF Cape Town Office on 24 November 2021 VID-19 vaccination here at the office? and 01 December 2021. This initiative was aimed at affording RAF employees the opportunity to get It was a great idea, especially for people like me who vaccinated at their convenience in their own work were contemplating getting vaccinated but procrastinat- environment. ing. I was glad that the “vaccination centre” came to me as it was convenient.  The need to get vaccinated as soon as possible has become urgent now as we are in the grip of the fourth 3. What motivated you to take up the opportunity to wave of COVID-19 infections and also approaching the get vaccinated? festive season. Most of the people around me who are vaccinated and We requested some of the employees who got vacci- doing things now rather than later when it will become nated on the appointed days to share their experiences compulsory to get vaccinated.  with us and this is what they had to say: 4. What would you say to someone who is hesitant to get vaccinated? People must go and get vaccinated so they can be safe and protected. Amanda Ndandani Continues to next page Administrative Assistant: Legal Cost 3 1. Is this your first time getting vaccinated, if it is, how has your experience been? Were you excited or scared? Yes, I was a bit anxious and scared but I experienced no after-effects after taking the vaccine. CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE

RAF CAPE TOWN HOSTS POP-UP COVID-19 VACCINATION SITE (Cont.) 4. What would you say to someone who is hesitant to get vaccinated? I can’t really tell people what they should do or motivate them other than tell them to follow their hearts and do what they think is right for themselves.  Bongiwe Ruka  AdmininistrativDe eOpfafirctemre: nCtorrespondence 1. Is this your first time getting vaccinated, if it is, Yolanda Nondala  how has your experience been? Were you excited Administrative Assistant: Human Capital or scared? 1. Is this your first time getting vaccinated, if it is, It was my first time, and I was a little bit scared to take how has your experience been? Were you excited the vaccine.  or scared? 2. What do you think of this initiative taken by the Yes, it was my first time taking the vaccine and I was so Western Cape Department of Health to offer CO- scared because of the widespread rumours circulated VID-19 vaccination here at the office? by people who took the vaccine that it’s painful and the side effects are horrible. It was a great convenience for me since I didn’t have to visit the vaccination centre. Having the station at the Continues to next page 4 RAF office was the best thing for me.  3. What motivated you to take up the opportunity to get vaccinated? There is nothing I would say motivated me except for the fact that I knew there will come a day where this vaccination will be compulsory. CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE

RAF CAPE TOWN HOSTS POP-UP COVID-19 VACCINATION SITE (Cont.) 2. What do you think of this initiative taken by the 1. Is this your first time getting vaccinated, if it is, Western Cape Department of Health to offer CO- how has your experience been? Were you excited VID-19 vaccination here at the office? or scared? It is great because some employees do not have time Yes, it was my first time and I was a bit scared as I don’t to go to the vaccination centres and register. Coming to like needles. the office makes it easier for everyone who hasn’t had the chance to visit a vaccination centre to get vacci- 2. What do you think of this initiative taken by the nated right here. Western Cape Department of Health to offer CO- VID-19 vaccination here at the office? 3. What motivated you to take up the opportunity to get vaccinated? I think it was a good thing bringing them here because the process was quick and people are hesitant when it I wanted to be on the safe side and to be able to help comes to standing in long queues in hospitals and other fight the spread of this virus and save the nation. places. 4. What would you say to someone who is hesitant 3. What motivated you to take up the opportunity to to get vaccinated? get vaccinated? People must get vaccinated and stop listening to the I went because I felt that sooner or later, we would have rumours because they are not true, yes, there are side been forced to take it so I just wanted to get it over with. effects from the vaccine, but they are manageable.  4. What would you say to someone who is hesitant to get vaccinated? I would tell other people to go as it’s not bad at all and that it could save not just their own lives but those of their older family members at home.   Nevin Beziek Administrative Assistant: Correspondence We would like to commend all the RAFzins who have Department  taken up this opportunity to get vaccinated since it is in our best interest to do so. As the President stated in his newsletter this week, vaccines are safe and offer the most potent form of protection available. The sooner we all get vaccinated, the better the chances for life to return to normal. CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE Let’s vooma before we vacay! 5 Tholakele Radebe is a Copy Editor based in Eco Glades

CELEBRATING OUR RAF GRADUATES by Thabang Mahlatsi b. My studying experience was tremendously stressful as it included balancing work, studies, family life and cut- ting off my social life. Despite all of that, it was still enjoy- able as it included the discovery and alignment of busi- ness fundamentals, legality, national policies, and global economics. c. I am naturally committed to every project I decide to undertake and settle for nothing less than positive re- sults. Prioritisation, commitment, a well-designed sched- ule with clear performance outcomes and due dates in all areas of my work, studies and family life assisted me to ensure appropriate and continuous monitoring and evaluation of the different aspects of my life. Support from my family and the Legal Department reigned su- preme at all material times. They positively and actively contributed to my growth. 3. With regard to your personal development, what are your plans for the future? This week we celebrate Fadzi Ledwaba, Manager: Professional Growth: My future plans are to grow in Claims Assurance, in the Legal, Compliance and the execution of strategy, operations, finance, corporate Regulation Department (LCRD) based in Eco governance, institutional performance and to ensure em- Glades. Through the RAF’s Learning and Develop- ployee investment. ment (L and D) Bursary Programme, Fadzi recently completed her Master’s in Business Administration. Academic Growth: I am currently studying towards the We wish to congratulate her on a job well done and LLM (Master of Laws − Specialisation: Legal Research) also wish her well for the future. degree with the University of Pretoria. I furthermore want to complete the PhD in Law/ Doctor of Business Leader- We chatted with her to find out more about her academ- ship (DBL). ic journey, what it took to attain her goal and her future career development plans. 4. What kept you going when things seemed to be going uphill? 1. Please tell us briefly about yourself and include your current position at the RAF Support from colleagues within the department, my fam- ily and strong self-motivation. Fadzi is a resilient, diligent, reserved, and assertive professional female born in Musina and brought up in 5. What advice would you give to someone who is Polokwane, Limpopo Province. I possess vast working considering being a working student (balancing ca- experience gained from both the private and public sec- reer, academics, and family life)? tors. I have worked in private practice, the mining sector, banking sector, Commission for Gender Equality, and Lily Tomlin said, “The road to success is always under the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature.  I am married construction.” I believe it is something one should do and blessed with three handsome boys. on a daily basis. Therefore, love, communication, com- mitment, support, and staying humble in all areas of life My current position at the RAF is Claims Assurance must always reign supreme. Manager in the LCRD since September 2017. 6. How are you going to celebrate your achievement? 2. What were you studying and how was your whole studying experience, what challenges did you expe- I will be celebrating the achievement with my family as a rience and how did you handle them? symbol of thanking them for their unconditional support. A special thank you to the entire LCRD team for their a. I was doing my Master of Business Administration support and excellent working relations. Thank you to (MBA) degree between 2019 and 2021. the RAF for granting me the opportunity to further my studies and contributing to my personal growth. CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE Thabang Mahlatsi is a Specialist: Internal Communication, 6 based in Eco Glades

Positive Feedback for our Cape Town POST-CLAIMS Team!  by Thabang Mahlatsi Leonie Meyer, Manager TeammLeeYnaodtse-:mPUnonasdDte-Crratlamakimaints,gsSettle- Post-Claims Settlement The organisation still continues to receive positive feedback from our claimants apreciating the stellar customer service they provide to them. This is of course a clear indication that we are heading in the right direction with our new customer-centric approach as we are striving to transform the Fund into a more efficient and stable RAF. The latest team to receive praises is the Post-Claims Team in our Cape Town Office. They receieved a letter from Mr Leslie Fredericks, who is a claimant, thanking them for going the extra mile, despite COVID-19 disruptions to assist them. See his full letter below: Subject: THANK YOU Dear Leonie, Yoemna and team. I have no doubt that bdweuilyrlionengvdetrhthiksenvocewar,lylyocofhudauhlletaynv,getoinssgtreeprtvaceshteuydse,. asRrt,reeassttstieamdsesasunrweddhm,eiantywnboaebseonvdoeytnnasonttdriacweindiell,dnoer ver about which nobody yourselves, in going be in vain.    wIsI odhitroheertlyeyhobinsuyeoiwenndatbehneditshtiomnalsfaoaonuyfnr metahrly.arenfaakdmyyoilcyuh,aatnolldeanallglloetfdhyeloivouet,hsf.eorr the work you put in to bring the financial relief so families who may not be able to communicate  sMeaeythyoeuparilvlibleegeb leosfsyeoduwr ritehsPpoenasciebiolitfyGsoodthdautriynoguthmeasye gcrhaatellefunlglyinegnjtoimyeyso,uwr haiscshuerendabplreosypoeurtitoy. Warm Regards.   Leslie and Yulanda Fredericks, Link No 188 0860. Well done Leonie, Yoemna and the rest of the Post-Claims team. Keep up the good work! CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE Thabang Mahlatsi is a Specialist: Internal 7 Communication, based in Eco Glades

On the Road with Tshepo Moatshe! by Sello Mosotho The inaugural visits were fired up by a heart-to-heart conversation with each respective CSC Manager, set- ting the tone for further staff engagements and presen- tations by Acting Senior Managers in Claims, Support Services, as well as other members of the ARGM’s delegation. At the heart of the visits was the ARGM ral- lying of his forces towards a clear understanding of the RAF’s strategic direction, the opportunity presented by the change, and the need for each staff member to own the ongoing changes. It’s been an amazing, thought-provoking and eye- opening three weeks on the road with the brilliant Tshepo Moatshe, Acting Regional General Manager (ARGM) in the Pretoria Region. With the year near- ing the end, Tshepo made it his mission to visit the Polokwane, Mahikeng and Mpumalanga Customer Service Centres (CSCs) which are within his pur- view. Flanked by his team of Senior Managers (Sphiwe Ng- Adorned in his ardent leader-led conversational style, cobo, Nyiko Baloyi and Jack Koko), HR Business Part- Tshepo did not mince his words as he persuaded his ner (HRBP), Change Management, Forensic Investiga- colleagues (all staff) to avoid ‘paying the price of indif- tion Department (FID), Ethics and Marketing facilitating ference’ but allow themselves to be active participants these engagement sessions, the ARGM spent two days in the changing face of the RAF (the New Operating at each CSC engaging with staff. Most importantly, he Model) in their environments. Judging by the positive used the time to get to know each one of them and gain reception to the engagement with staff throughout the some more understanding of their aspirations to partner three-week marathon since 23 November to 8 Decem- in the organisation’s transformation journey. ber, one can comfortably conclude that Tshepo’s mis- sion was accomplished. We can do so by paraphrasing Carolyn Baldwin’s definition of conversational leader- ship (the crux of the inaugural visits), as “the leader's intentional use of conversation as a core process to cultivate the collective intelligence needed to create business and social value.” This encompasses a way of seeing, a pattern of thinking, and a set of practices that are important to driving change and productivity and taking everyone on the journey. By and large, the ARGM’s meet-and-greet sessions with CSCs was invariably a rewarding experience as he promised regular and intermittent engagements in the new financial year to keep the change momentum and communication lines open. Sello Mosotho is a Manager: Marketing and 8 Communications, based in Menlyb CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE

International Anti-Corruption Day 2021 by Government Communication Information Systems South Africa joined the rest of the world in commemorating International Anti-Corruption Day on 9 De- cember 2021 under the theme: “A corruption-free future starts today; it starts with me”. International Anti- Corruption Day is commemorated annually in recognition of the United Nations Convention against Cor- ruption, which was signed in Mexico in 2003. South Africa is one of the signatories to the Convention and ratified it in 2004. The day is commemorated annually to raise awareness about the cost and negative effects of corruption as well as to find ways to eliminate it. In South Africa the fight against corruption is one of the major priorities of government. Corruption in both the private and public sectors has a detrimental effect on government’s effort to deliver effective services to the people. As a society we simply cannot allow corruption to take hold. Corruption robs citizens both directly and indirectly and undermines confidence in the institutions that are supposed to serve them.  Public Service officials have also been called upon to heed the call in the fight against corruption. Our government has expressed confidence in the thousands of dedicated men and women who work every day for the betterment of society. It further indicated that a new Public Administration Ethics, Integrity and Disciplinary Technical Assistance Unit was launched this year to deal with corruption in the public sector and get rid of the few bad apples besmirch- ing the entire Public Service. It is up to each one of us to always act with integrity, and to be both a responsible and honest citizen. If you see something, say something, report corruption by dialling the National Anti-Corruption Hotline on 0800 701 701. By fighting corruption we lay the foundation for a more equitable, inclusive and prosperous future for all. CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE 9

RAF ACTIVATIONS - Road safety awareness by Stakeholder Relations Management VenuCeh:ilTdhRemDesabttareal:ein0tht3uADCwSeaqacprueeemanrbeese, srG2eC0oa2rm1gep,aWigens, tern DVeeDnfeauntees::iPv0eo8lDDorkeiwvcieanmngebW,eLroi2rmk0ps2ho1oppo, CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE 11

THE FUN PAGE Today we’ve decided to take a humorous look at taking vacations and working at the same time. Let’s hope you enjoy it NOTE TO READERS: What kind of content would you like to see on this page in future editions? We would love to hear from you! Kindly send your suggestions to: [email protected]

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