Weekly Highlights 29 October 2021 - Issue No. 112 Dear Colleagues In this issue As October Transport Month (OTM2021) draws to an end, the many important activities associated with it must con- RAF Promotes Road Safety during OTM tinue. As mentioned at the start of the month, the annual celebration of OTM seeks to raise awareness around the 6 Exam Preparation Tips For Working Students important role of transport in the economy. It also aims to encourage participation from civil society and business in RAF Menlyn Branch Hosts Pop-up COVID-19 providing a safe, accessible, and more affordable transport Vaccination Site system in the country. Municipal election The Road Accident Fund (RAF), as an entity of the De- partment of Transport, will continue with the mandate of The importance of self-care during difficult providing excellent service and care in support of victims times of motor vehicle accidents. As we forge ahead, we also commit to further advance the country’s road safety initia- Ventilation and Vaccination vital for tives because the high incidence of road accidents has an workplace safety impact on our operations. RAF Activations - october transport month On the health side of things, the end of October means the conclusion of Mental Health as well as Breast Cancer COVID-19 Statistics Awareness Campaigns. Employees are encouraged to educate themselves about mental health and to live the the fun page values of the campaign – stop the stigma and discrimina- tion against people living with mental illness. Research Letters to the Editor shows stigma results in very few South Africans seeking treatment for their mental disorders. We invite our readers to share their comments, feedback, and suggestions And, while Breast Cancer Awareness Month comes to an with us. Readers are encouraged to submit end, employees are reminded of the importance of regular their letters, of no more than 200 words, to check-ups. Remember, early detection, treatment options [email protected] and TholakeleR@raf. and prevention methods can help save lives. co.za. We are looking forward to hearing from you. While the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted our lives and the way we work, there is now hope that we can triumph over Editor: Thabang Mahlatsi ([email protected]) the coronavirus through vaccines. RAFzins are urged to Sub-editor: Tholakele Radebe ([email protected]) register to get COVID-19 vaccination to protect themselves Reporter: Tintswalo Nkuna ([email protected]) and their loved ones. If most of us get vaccinated, we can Editor-In-Chief: Anton Janse van Rensburg ([email protected]) quickly get back to the business of rebuilding the country and enjoy life as we once did before we had restrictions. Lastly, don’t forget to vote in the Local Government Elec- tions on Monday, 1 November 2021! Enjoy this week’s Highlights! Kind regards Internal Communication
RAF Promotes Road Safety during OTM by Ernest Nkuna The RAF, in partnership with Pedal Power Associa- tion (PPA), recently held a road safety talk and dis- tributed bicycles, safety helmets and reflective jack- ets to children at Durban Bike Park in KwaMashu on Thursday, 21 October 2021. Activities continued on Friday, 21 October 2021 with a road safety talk and further distribution of bicycles at Glenridge Primary School. These bicycles were donated to the Bike Park and the school for them to use in teach- ing children safe cycling techniques. RAF Road Safety Senior Manager, Siphamandla Gumbi, said the Fund’s aim is to educate children about road safety from a young age.“Today they are riding these bicycles, tomorrow they will be driving vehicles on the roads, so it is imperative that they learn how to ride and drive safely from an early age. We are also embarking on other road safety initiatives across the country. Some of the initiatives include public education initiatives on tyre safety, conducted in partnership with the South African Tyre Manufacturers Conference and Eastern Cape Provincial traffic authorities in Gqeberha this week,” Gumbi said. The activities form part of the RAF’s broader efforts to educate motorists about the importance of road safety, while showcasing the RAF’s transformation and focus on customer-centricity. Other events have included rais- ing awareness about the use of child restraint car seats when driving with children and infants. During this Octo- ber Transport Month, the RAF conducted child restraint awareness sessions and distributed car seats in areas such as Polokwane, Giyani, Cape Town, Hermanus and Johannesburg. The RAF will conclude October Transport Month activi- ties with the further distribution of child restraint car seats at Moloto Road today (Friday, 29 October 2021). Let’s all promote safety on our roads! CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE Ernest Nkuna is a Media Officer based in Eco Glades 2
6 Exam Preparation Tips For Working Students Researched by Thabang Mahlatsi It is the season for the final academic exams and 4. Plan with a Calendar with all the hard work that you have put in through- out the year, the upcoming days are crucial in Planning in advance by drawing up bringing you closer to the qualification of your a set schedule is a tried and tested dreams. The life of a working student is demanding way of preparing for any exam. and often chaotic. It requires determination, focus, Even when you’re doing a distance vision and the ability to maintain a healthy balance learning course, make a note of your between work and study. exam date and draw up a timetable in preparation for it. Ask yourself why you’re doing the course When it comes to preparing for an exam as a working and when you want to finish it. student, it can be ridiculously stressful.Here are a few tips to help you not to get too overwhelmed: Put the exam date on your calendar, where you can see it, so that the date doesn’t creep up on you. Then stick to the 1. Have Shorter Study timetable you’ve set for yourself. Having a goal helps with Sessions discipline. You can even cross out the days on your calendar as you approach the exam date. Instead of struggling to find a big gap in your week where you 5. Apply Your Knowledge in can devote hours and hours to the Workplace a marathon study session, try to have shorter study sessions Practising your new skills in real- more often. world situations will not only help you learn more effectively, but it Particularly for students who work full-time, long study ses- could also enhance your performance at work, depending on sions can be difficult to squeeze into an already packed your job. As you acquire new knowledge through your stud- schedule. Do a little bit of studying every day or every second ies, you might start to see situations in which you can apply day for half an hour to an hour. Studying regularly can be that knowledge. This is a great exercise to help you absorb more effective than studying for long hours less often. new material. 2. Set Reminders 6. Remember to Rest When you’re juggling work and Don’t overwork your body and mind. studies alongside cooking, fam- Always remember to get enough sleep, ily time, commuting and life’s water, food and exercise. Between trying never-ending curveballs, it can to find work-life balance and trying to be easy to forget to study – or stick to a study schedule, you will need even worse – to forget your exam date completely. So set re- downtime to rejuvenate so you can minders. Whether it’s on your phone or in the form of written come back to your work fresher and more alert. Coffee, ener- notes to yourself, reminders can save your life. gy drinks and other stimulants can never replace the energy gained from a decent night’s sleep and a nutritious meal. 3. Find the Gaps in Your Day The RAF wishes all RAFzins who will be sitting for If you take the bus or the train to work, their final exams the best of luck. May you all suc- consider studying during your daily ceed and attain your qualifications. commute. Of course, this might not work so well in a taxi, so it does de- pend on your mode of transportation. Finding gaps in your day can be as simple as placing your Shptrotepupsrac:/er/aw:twiown-.otipxbs-rfidogr-ewaocrakdinegm-syt.ueddeun.ztsa//blog/6-exam- study notes above your stove and reading through them while you’re waiting for the potatoes to boil. Note that these Thabang Mahlatsi is a Specialist: Internal Communication, 3 gaps cannot be the only time slots in which you study, as you based in Eco Glades may well get distracted. You will also need dedicated study time, where that is the only thing you do, but every little bit helps. CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE
RAF Menlyn Branch Hosts Pop-up COVID-19 Vaccination Site by Zama Ledwaba On Wednesday, 27 October 2021, the RAF’s Menlyn Branch teamed up with the Gauteng Department of Health to host a pop-up vaccination site on the branch’s premises. The initiative is part of the Gauteng Province’s bid to get more citizens vaccinated and flatten the COVID-19 infection rate which may result in hospitalisations and fatalities. The RAF, as a caring employer, took up the opportunity to bring this much-needed service closer to employees and conveniently get them vaccinated at their place of work. We wish to commend all the RAFzins who took the time out of their busy schedules to get vaccinated. Not only have you protected yourselves and those around you, but your actions have brought us closer to our desired goal – triumphing over this disease, getting back to living our lives without restrictions and rebuilding our economy. We had a chat with some employees that received their jabs on site to tell us about their views on this ini- tiative. CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE Continues on the Next Page 4
RAF Menlyn Branch Hosts Pop-up COVID-19 Vaccination Site by Zama Ledwaba Obed Masango - Handyman Judith Skhosana, Facilities Management Team Lead Is this your first time getting vaccinated against CO- Determination Department VID-19? If it is, which vaccine have you chosen and why? Is this your first time getting vaccinated against CO- VID-19? If it is, which vaccine have you chosen and It’s the first time that I am getting the vaccine. I chose the why? Johnson and Johnson vaccine because it’s just a one-off and I wanted to get it done at a go. This is the first time that I am getting the vaccine. I chose to be vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine because What do you think of this initiative of the Gauteng the potency of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine is too Department of Health to provide on-site COVID-19 high, so I think for me it’s better to get the vaccine in two vaccination? doses. Initially I was not for getting the vaccine, the person who What do you think of this initiative of the Gauteng motivated me to get vaccinated is Sello Mosotho and my Department of Health to provide on-site COVID-19 other colleagues. Speaking with them made me realise vaccination? that I needed to make an informed decision concerning my health and well-being. After speaking to them and Bringing the Gauteng Department of Health here to the doing some research of my own, I then decided to get office to administer the vaccines is a good idea. I have the vaccine. been to other vaccination places and turned back due to the long queues. Our employer has provided us with a What motivated you to take up the opportunity to get good opportunity. vaccinated? What motivated you to take up the opportunity to get I think that this is very good, it shows that the RAF cares vaccinated? about its employees. I am of the view that this kind of service should also be provided for other diseases to I spoke to a friend of mine about the COVID-19 vaccine keep our workforce healthy. and that motivated me to do it. What would you say to someone who is hesitant to What would you say to someone who is hesitant to get vaccinated? get vaccinated? I would say that it’s something that’s important to get I would advise them to go and get the vaccine since it’s done not only for oneself but also for our country. To be not painful. It’s just one prick and that’s the end of it. informed is very important. Get the right information then you will be able to make an informed decision. CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE Continues on the Next Page 5
RAF Menlyn Branch Hosts Pop-up COVID-19 Vaccination Site (CONT.) Gladys Letsholo, Sibusiso Hlophe, Switchboard Operator Administrative Assistant Correspondence Department Human Capital Is this your first time getting vaccinated against CO- VID-19? If it is, which vaccine have you chosen and Is this your first time getting vaccinated against CO- why? VID-19? If it is, which vaccine have you chosen and why? It’s the first time that I am getting the vaccine. I chose the Johnson and Johnson one because it is only one injection. It’s the first time I’m getting the vaccine. I have chosen to I am afraid of injections and I thought it’s better for me to be vaccinated with Johnson and Johnson because I de- get it over and done with. cided it’s better for me to get it done once and there will be no need to go back for another injection. What do you think of this initiative of the Gauteng Department of Health to provide on-site COVID-19 What do you think of this initiative of the Gauteng vaccination? Department of Health to provide on-site COVID-19 vac- cination? Initially I was afraid of getting vaccinated but after getting more information on it I decided to get it done. The on-site The opportunity to vaccinate has been brought close to vaccination presented itself as the right opportunity for me. us and it’s better to take advantage of it and not let it go to waste. What motivated you to take up the opportunity to get vaccinated? What motivated you to take up the opportunity to get vaccinated? This is a very good initiative taken by the RAF since it has made it convenient for us to get vaccinated. If it was not Being able to vaccinate at the office is a great initiative for this on-site vaccination initiative, it would have taken taken by the RAF. We appreciate that it was organised for me a while to go and get vaccinated. us. What would you say to someone who is hesitant to What would you say to someone who is hesitant to get get vaccinated? vaccinated? They need to get vaccinated since it is very important and It’s important for us to get vaccinated across the nation. it’s the right thing to do. I have convinced someone to get The lockdown restrictions have dragged on for too long the vaccine and they did so today. and have had a very bad effect on the economy. Getting vaccinated is one of the ways to try to reduce the rate of CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE infection and open the country to get economic activity go- ing again. Zama Ledwaba is a Regional Marketing Officer based in Menlyn 6
RAF ACTIVATIONS - October transport month by Stakeholder Relations Management Child Restraint Awareness Campaign, Venue: Hermanus, Western Cape Date: 27 October 2021 Tyre Safety Workshop, Venue: Gqeberha Traffic College, Eastern Cape Date: 28 October 2021 CLICK HERE FOR NEXT PAGE 11
THE FUN PAGE Today we decided to use humour to promote vaccination in the RAF. We hope you enjoy it! NOTE TO READERS: What kind of content would you like to see on this page in future editions? We would love to hear from you! Kindly send your suggestions to: [email protected]
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