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Lifestyles magazine America
My dad's a lighting director. Growing up in Hollywood, I was around the entertainment industry all the time. I knew I'd end up in show business in some capacity, eventually. MEGHAN MARKLELifestyles magazine America
10 THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE KNOWN ABOUT..MEGHAN MARKLE Her mother is African American and her father is of Dutch and Irish ancestry. In a relationship with Prince Harry Windsor, son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, and grandson of Queen Elizabeth II. 'Royal' reporter Camilla Tominey of the UK's Sunday Express broke the story. She is the Daughter of Thomas W. Markle, director of photography on Married with Children (1987). Separated from her husband of 20 months Trevor Engelson. [May 2013] Her paternal half-sister Samantha Grant is 16 years older. Is an avid foodie whose culinary skills were weaved into her character Rachel's homely skills in Suits (2011). Runs her own food blog website \"The Tig\" which she launched in May 2014 for those with a discerning palate and hunger for food, travel, fashion & beauty. The website name was inspired by the Italian red wine \"Tignanello\". She was born on the same day as her Suits (2011) co-star Abigail Spencer: Au- gust 4, 1981. For a scene in A Lot Like Love (2005), the 2nd A.D. had to teach her how to drive stick-shift, just an hour before filming. Attended Northwestern University where she majored in Theatre and Inter- national Relations. After graduating, she worked for the U.S Embassy in Buenos Aires. Counts American businesswoman and network executive Bonnie Hammer as a major mentor for her career both on and off screen. Meghan Markle and Brad Pitt Top the List of Google’s Most Searched Actors of 2016. Lifestyles magazine America
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LIFESTYLES MAGAZINE RESORT PROFILE VILLA RENAISSANCE RESORT, Providenciales, Turks & CaicosLifestyles magazine America
LIFESTYLES MAGAZINE RESORT PROFILEVILLA RENAISSANCE RESORT, Providenciales, Turks & CaicosBeautiful Beachfront Turks and Caicos Boutique Villas! Air conditioned interiors offer full modern kitchens featuring granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, separate diningOur spectacular property in the Turks and Caicos Islands is and living areas, DVD players, US Cable TV, washer and dryer,reminiscent of the Grand Villas of the Italian and French Riv- telephones and quality linens.iera. We are located directly on the internationally renownedGrace Bay Beach in Providenciales. Villa Renaissance’s Turks We are a small, quiet property and relish our tranquil setting.and Caicos boutique villas include 28 luxurious 1, 2 and 3 bed- Fine dining (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and night life are locatedroom beachfront suites and 4 charming poolside suites, Villa directly out from Villa Renaissance and next door at the RegentRenaissance offers a quiet tranquil setting for the perfect va- Village. The fabulous Graceway Gourmet grocery store is acation. just short walk.Throughout our Villa Renaissance boutique villas, Italian style Whether you want to just relax at our quiet pool or at the beach,architecture inter-plays with the natural environment. The Pavil- sign up for water sports, golf and excursions, or even have yourion and reception areas lead to the courtyard pool with its romantic destination wedding in the Turks and Caicos Islands,shady walkways, charming cottages and long, elegant and Villa Renaissance is waiting to fulfill all of your dreams. Wel-highly inviting mosaic pool. A central archway within the center come to the Villa Renaissance Turks and Caicos Boutique Vil-of the building emerges onto the beach boardwalk and endless las, where your dream island vacation awaits!splender of Grace Bay Beach. VILLA RENAISSANCE RESORT, VENTURA DR, TURKS ANDThe suites in the main villa are housed in a 4 story building and CAICOS ISLANDS - GRACE BAY BEACHeach suite is accessible from semi-private elevators. All suites CALL.. (649) 941-4358offer expansive ocean frontages from romantic Juliet balconies. Lifestyles magazine America
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Lifestyles magazine America
Apple Pay, the Future of Credit Card PaymentsAn easier way to pay in stores. Or you can double-click the Home button when your iPhone is locked to access Wallet and quickly make your purchases. YourIf you have not heard of Apple Pay by now, it is time to bring the card number is never stored on your device, and when you paylatest mobile payment service introduced by IT firm Apple Inc. to your credit and debit card numbers are never sent to merchants.your notice. The user-friendly payment facility allows owners of Apple Pay assigns a unique number for each purchase, so yourApple iPhone 6 or 6Plus and Apple watches to make cashless pay- payments stay private and secure.ment to purchase products and services from merchants that ac-cept this form of payment. The Apple Pay technology was Secure, simple and private.launched for the first time in United States during 2014. It allowscustomers of Natwest, Royal Bank of Scotland, Ulster Bank, Paying in stores or within apps has never been easier or safer.MBNA, Nationwide, Santander and American Express to use its Gone are the days of searching for your wallet. The wasted mo-contact-less payment system for specific services. ments finding the right card. Now you can use your credit and debit cards, with just a touch.iPhone Apple Pay is simple to use and works with the cards you alreadyOne touch to pay with Touch ID. Now paying in stores happens have on the devices you use every day. And because your card de-in one natural motion — there’s no need to open an app or even tails are never shared when you use Apple Pay — in fact, theywake your display thanks to the innovative Near Field Commu- aren’t stored on your device at all — using Apple Pay on yournication antenna in iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 and iPhone SE. To pay, iPhone, Apple Watch or iPad is the safer and more private way tojust hold your iPhone near the contactless reader with your finger pay.on Touch ID. Lifestyles magazine America
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BURBEERY.COMLifestyles magazine America
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BURBEERY.COMLifestyles magazine America
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Bruno MarsLifestyles magazine America
BrunoMarsAfter ending the Moonshine Jungle Tour, Mars have a screenplay and we’re gonna go to that.\" The movie in his head was set in New York during a summer night \"The baddestbegan working on his third studio album \"Now it's time to start writ- rooftop house party. 2:30 in the morning, the band comes out,ing chapter 3\". He hadn't come up with a date for the release, stat- dipped in Versace. The girls are screaming. And then the flyesting \"Until it's done\" and \"It's gotta be just as good if not better\". lead singer the world has ever seen comes on and starts singingPreviously, the singer-songwriter was interviewed by that's Shang- some shit.\".hai and gave some details of the new album, confirming Mark Ron-son and Jeff Bhasker as producers. \"I want to write better songs, Mars recorded part of his album at Glenwood Place, in Burbank,I want to put on better shows, I want to make better music videos. California. By the end of July of 2016 the singer expected to com-I want my next album to be better than the first and the second.\" plete the project by the middle of August due to his deadline andThe singer has been in the studio with engineer Charles Moniz, coasts with the recording process. He was trying to finish a songwho called it \"the next movement of Bruno\" and confirmed the with Skrillex, it wasn't yet completed because \"The groove ain'talbum was close to being finished on February 2016. Rolling Stone right, or we're not doing something on the chorus. I'm just trying toranked Mars' third album as one of the 20 most anticipated of figure out why I'm tuning out in certain parts.\" Around this time, he2016. Mars' father confirmed the album was set to be released in and his engineers were going insane with the process of comingMarch and seven songs have already been recorded, but his son's up with songs. The singer reveled he wasn't confident in comingappearance at the Super Bowl halftime show led to the release back to the studio after releasing \"Uptown Funk\", \"Coming off thebeing postponed for several months biggest song of my career, it was super-daunting to come in here\", which led him to \"second-guessing everything.\" With the newMars has been in the studio with Skrillex. The latter said \"what recording Mars look to come up with \"the feeling of the R&B he fellwe're doing is so f--king different, awesome and next level and in love with as a kid\" with acts such as Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis,sounds like nothing else that's happened before\". In another in- New Edition, Bobby Brown, Jodeci, Boyz II Men, Teddy Riley andterview Skrillex claimed \"Who knows if I’ll do something that’s more Babyface.of a Skrillex thing with him, but he has a vision for his album, andI’m helping him produce it on some of the songs\". Mars has also He recorded several tracks, including \"Finesse\", which had twentyplayed some of his new songs to Missy Elliot. Jamareo Artis of different versions, one \"where he sang about gold chains and co-The Hooligans, disclosed that he has been working on the album gnac over a silky beat (too corny)\", and other which sounded \"toofor about a year, \"trying different ideas and experimenting\". He fur- much \"like a Seventies cop show – like I should be on rollerthered, \"it’s going to have a new sound...the material is very skates\". He was happy with the last version that only needed togroove-oriented\", set to be released this year. Andrew Wyatt, who fix the bridge. \"Versace on the Floor\", dubbed as a seductive slow-was involved in Mars' previous studio albums, has been in the stu- jam, started with a \"piña colada vibe\", the beat was latter remixeddio. and came up with a \"epic musical track\", good enough to make the final cut of the album. However, Mars was not sure since it wasIn an interview with Carson Daly, Mars revealed that there were supposed to be a big ballad and he is not singing. Henceforth ano features on the album, including his work with Skrillex, as it was everything started from scratch and a new melody was composed,not completed in time for the album's release. The singer has also as well as new lyrics. The latest version sounded like a \"Boyz IIconfirmed to be working with Babyface on a song and the record- Men–ish anthem that climaxes with an indelible hook\". The lyricsing being influenced by late 80's and early 90's. During the Elvis had to go and Mars was thinking about using them later, maybe inDuran and the Morning Show Mars said \"that there is a groove, a the fourth album. Six weeks later, the album was in the mixingpocket, a swing that I want to hear.\" He continued, \"the album has stage.a 90's spirit\". Mars, on the Carson and Cane show of WNEW-FM,said \"you're gonna get a little heart-break on this album, you're First single from Bruno Mars latest studio album 24K Magic is titledgonna get it all.\" A private album listening party was held in New 24K Magic.York City, in a club named Tao. In an interview with Zane Lowefor Beats 1 Mars explained with the third album he \"wanted to Lifestyles magazine Americamake a movie,\" he said. \"A real movie. I told myself, ‘We’re gonna
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Lifestyles magazine America
LIFESTYLES MAGAZINE RESORT PROFILETHE $4.2 MILLION LUXURY VILLA ISLA Tropical Island Luxury TURKSANDCAICOSISLANDS Live a life of spectacular luxury in the magnificent Villa Isla on Long Bay Beach on Providenciales in the Turks and Caicos. The impeccable 5,960 sq. ft. tropical beachfront residence was built and appointed to the highest level with grand architectural features and fine finishes throughout in an irreplaceable location with truly mesmerizing tropical island ocean views. The stunning villa is built on one of the higher beach dune areas with an impressive entry experience cre- ated through an elevated arrival foyer, leading down to the central part of the great room that opens to a variety of spaces, including five beachfront bedrooms. The gourmet kitchen on the west side of the resi- dence opens to a splendid roofed patio and barbecue deck. Travertine tile flooring has been utilized throughout the living areas and pool decks, and a unique wood-like floor tile has been placed in the upper floors for convenient maintenance. A state of the art security, electronic sound, and video systems have been installed throughout the house with independent controls in each area. The spellbinding grounds abound with tropical foliage encapsulating a huge beach side infinity pool that is without question the highlight of the residence, provides a seamless visual connection from the home to the sea. On the east side of the pool, a heated hot tub with South American hardwood surround creates another unique area for residents and guests to enjoy a hot soak while viewing the ocean from an elevated deck. Perfect for entertaining with breathtaking turquoise ocean views from every room, this Caribbean gem is a hidden tropical luxury wonderland beyond compare. 2 LEVELS, 5 BATHROOMS, 6 BEDROOMS, SIXE 5,960.SQ. FT. Lifestyles magazine America
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Lifestyles magazine America
THE BUGATTI CHIRONThe Chiron is the most modern interpretation of Bugatti’s brand DNA and embodies our new de-sign language. The styling accentuates the performance aspect of the super sports car. Themotto adopted by the Bugatti designers for the Chiron was “Form follows Performance”. Inspiredthrough Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic the new design language is characterised by extremely gen- erous surfaces, which are demarcated by pronounced lines in the case of the Chiron. Thereby most of these elements have a technical background and have been designed to fully accentuate the growing performance requirements of the Chiron. THE NEWLY DEVELOPED W16 ENGINE In order to achieve a 25 percent* increase in performance compared to its predecessor, almost every single part of the engine was looked at and newly developed. This feat of engineering resulted in the W16 engine of the Bugatti Chiron being able to develop anunbelievable 1,103 kW (1,500 bps) from its 8 litres of displacement. The engine reaches its max-imum torque of 1,600 Nm thanks to the turbocharger which Bugatti actually even developed itself.The 4 turbochargers are now double-powered and already guarantee maximum torque at 2,000rpm, and the torque is maintained at this level all the way up to 6,000 rpm. The result is unbe-lievable acceleration which only comes to an end in the twilight zone somewhere beyond the400 km/h mark.The Chiron. Each single Bugatti is a one of a kind - as individual as its owners. The level of indi-viduality that can be achieved is subject to very few limitations. Find your inspiration and expe-rience a small selection of the countless possibilities available.The Bugatti Chiron. Maximum driving performance, breath-taking beauty and fascinating tech-nology combined to create an incomparable driving experience. Ladies and Gentlemen turn upyour volume and start your engines. Lifestyles magazine America
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Lifestyles magazine America
on 26 June 2011, she became the first solo female artist to headline chart. InApril 2014, after much speculation, Beyoncé and Jay Z offi-the main Pyramid stage at the 2011 Glastonbury Festival in over cially announced their On the Run Tour. It served as the couple'stwenty years. Her fourth studio album 4 was released two days later first co-headlining stadium tour together. On August 24, 2014, shein the US. 4 sold 310,000 copies in its first week and debuted atop received the Video Vanguard Award at the 2014 MTV Video Musicthe Billboard 200 chart, giving Beyoncé her fourth consecutive num- Awards. Knowles also won home three competitive awards: Bestber-one album in the US. The album was preceded by two of its sin- Video with a Social Message and Best Cinematography for \"Prettygles \"Run the World (Girls)\" and \"Best Thing I Never Had\", which Hurts\", as well as best collaboration for \"Drunk in Love\". In Novem-both attained moderate success. The fourth single \"Love on Top\" ber, Forbes reported that Beyoncé was the top-earning woman inwas a commercial success in the US.[ 4 also produced four other sin- music for the second year in a row—earning $115 million in the year,gles; \"Party\", \"Countdown\", \"I Care\" and \"End of Time\". \"Eat, Play, more than double her earnings in 2013. Beyoncé was reissued withLove\", a cover story written by Beyoncé for Essence that detailed her new material in three forms: as an extended play, a box set, as well2010 career break, won her a writing award from the New YorkAs- as a full platinum edition.sociation of Black Journalists. In late 2011, she took the stage at NewYork's Roseland Ballroom for four nights of special perform- At the 57thAnnual GrammyAwards in February 2015, Beyoncé wasances:[132] the 4 Intimate Nights with Beyoncé concerts saw the per- nominated for six awards, ultimately winning three: Best R&B Per-formance of her 4 album to a standing room only. formance and Best R&B Song for \"Drunk in Love\", and Best Sur- round SoundAlbum for Beyoncé. She was nominated forAlbum ofOn January 7, 2012, Beyoncé gave birth to her first child, a daughter, the Year but the award was won by Beck for his Morning PhaseBlue Ivy Carter, at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. Five months album.later, she performed for four nights at Revel Atlantic City's OvationHall to celebrate the resort's opening, her first performances since 2016-present: The Formation World Tour and sixth studio albumgiving birth to Blue Ivy. On Friday, February 6, 2016, Beyoncé released a new single exclu-In January 2013, Destiny's Child released Love Songs, a compilation sively on the music streaming platform Tidal called \"Formation\".album of the romance-themed songs from their previous albums The song was made available to download for free and instantly roseand a newly recorded track, \"Nuclear\". Beyoncé performed the to a top spot on the Billboard charts. She performed the new singleAmerican national anthem singing along with a pre-recorded track live for the first time ever during the Pepsi Halftime Super Bowlat President Obama's second inauguration in Washington, D.C. The Show. Immediately following the announcement, Beyoncé an-following month, Beyoncé performed at the Super Bowl xLVII half- nounced her 2016 Concert Series, The Formation World Tour, whichtime show, held at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans. highlighted stops in both NorthAmerica, and Europe. OnApril 16,The performance stands as the second most tweeted about moment 2016, Beyoncé released a teaser clip for a project called Lemonade. Itin history at 268,000 tweets per minute. At the 55thAnnual Grammy turned out to be a one-hour film which aired on HBO exactly a weekAwards, Beyoncé won for Best Traditional R&B Performance for later; a corresponding album with the same title was released on the\"Love on Top\". Her feature-length documentary film, Life Is But a same day exclusively on TidalDream, first aired on HBO on February 16, 2013. Lemonade became her most critically acclaimed work to date, re- ceiving universal acclaim according to Metacritic, a website collectingBeyoncé performing during The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour in reviews from professional music critics. Several music publications2013. The tour is Beyoncé's highest-grossing tour and one of the high- included the album among the best of 2016, including Rolling Stone,est grossing tours of the decade. which listed Lemonade at number one. The album's visuals were nominated in 11 categories at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards,Beyoncé embarked on The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour on April the most ever received by Beyoncé in a single year, and went on to15 in Belgrade, Serbia; the tour included 132 dates that ran through win 8 awards, including Video of the Year for \"Formation\". The eightto March 2014. It became the most successful tour of her career and wins made Beyoncé the most awarded artist in the history of theone of the most successful tours of all time. In May, Beyoncé's cover VMAs (24), surpassing Madonna (20).At the 59th GrammyAwards,ofAmy Winehouse's \"Back to Black\" withAndré 3000 on The Great Lemonade led with nine nominations includingAlbum of the Year,Gatsby soundtrack was released. Beyoncé voiced Queen Tara in the and Record of the Year and Song of the Year for \"Formation\" and ul-3D CGI animated film, Epic, released by 20th Century Fox on May timately won two, Best Urban ContemporaryAlbum for Lemonade24, and recorded an original song for the film, \"Rise Up\", co-written and Best Music Video for \"Formation\". Adele, upon winning herwith Sia. Grammy forAlbum of the Year, broke the award in half, stating that Lemonade was monumental and more deserving. Beyoncé occu-On December 13, 2013, Beyoncé unexpectedly released her epony- pied the sixth place for Time magazine's 2016 Person of the Year. Inmous fifth studio album on the iTunes Store without any prior an- January 2017, it was announced that Beyoncé would headline thenouncement or promotion. The album debuted atop the Billboard Coachella Music and Arts Festival. This would make Beyoncé only200 chart, giving Beyoncé her fifth consecutive number-one album the second female headliner of the festival since it was founded inin the US. This made her the first woman in the chart's history to 1999. It was later announced on February 23, 2017 that Beyoncéhave her first five studio albums debut at number one. Beyoncé re- would no longer be able to perform at the festival due to doctor'sceived critical acclaim and commercial success, selling one million concerns regarding her pregnancy. The festival owners announceddigital copies worldwide in six days; Musically an electro-R&B that she will instead headline the 2018 festival. Upon the announce-album, it concerns darker themes previously unexplored in her ment of Beyoncé's departure from the festival lineup, ticket priceswork, such as \"bulimia, postnatal depression [and] the fears and in- dropped by 12%.securities of marriage and motherhood\". The single \"Drunk in Love\",featuring Jay Z, peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100Lifestyles magazine America
2011 TILL NOW BEYONCé The most awarded artist in the history of the VMAs Lifestyles magazine America
Eden Rock Villa Rental has a collection of more than 80 properties eacha showcase of cutting edge luxury, but what makes them entirely unique on the island is theelite service by your host, the legendary hotel Eden Rock-St Barths.Staying with Eden Rock Villa Rental you enjoy the professional indulgence of a hotel that is onlysatisfied when it has delivered ‘beyond perfection’. Throw a party and the menu is created byworld renowned Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten.If you need a yacht, a reservation, a diving trip our concierge is there at the touch of a button.And every villa guest has an invitation to the island’s most glamorous stretch of beach at theEden Rock hotel. We offer you palm shrouded hideaways for two with infinity pools spilling intothe sweeping Caribbean view, and ultra glamorous spaces for a dozen friends to party. Ourthree different categories offer ever increasing levels of luxury, please browse below. Lifestyles magazine America
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