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Home Explore Atholl Heights Primary School Project

Atholl Heights Primary School Project

Published by jess, 2018-02-04 11:27:05

Description: SBS Tanks® helped Atholl Heights primary school in Westville, Durban, tackle education through conservation by installing 2 of our rainwater harvest tanks.


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When Atholl Heights Primary MORESchool approached us to help themwith a water conservation solution, THAN JUSTwe saw an opportunity to educate! ANOTHER PROJECTSo often, businesses become so focused on the conserve, and recognised Rainwater Harvesting asnumbers, that they lose sight of the many one of the most obvious conservation solutions.opportunities around them to leave a lasting They contacted SBS Tanks®, the leaders in theimpact on a generation. And when Atholl Heights industry, and we were delighted to answer the call.Primary School got in touch with us about theirwater needs, we saw such an opportunity! We immediately saw an opportunity to do more than just build some tanks. We wanted to influence theAtholl Heights Primary School is based in minds of thousands of children (and their families!)Westville, Kwazulu-Natal, (an outer West suburb with the power of water conservation. That's why weof the Greater Durban Metro) and serves almost embarked on a partnership with the school,1000 pupils from around the area. They have a whereby we provide Atholl Heights with the tanks,remarkably good reputation in the city of Durban, but involve its pupils in the process. Through this,and regularly achieve top results in both sport we gave them a hands on experience in waterand academics alike. conservation, while helping to bolster the school's environmental proogrammes.In late 2016, the school agreed that water had fastbecome the most important commodity to These pictures tell the story...

UNLOCKING CREATIVITY We began the project by engaging with the class of 2017 (the Grade 7s), and asked them to come up with a good slogan that will help people remember the importance of water conservation. After much workshopping and voting, they came up with \"Use Your Brain & Save The Rain\". We then tasked them with designing a poster to get the message of water conservation across, using their chosen slogan. The pupils created some incredibly creative, and colourful, artworks. Once their artworks were completed, we brought the art back to our Head Office in Pinetown, KZN, and stuck them up in our reception for all to see, and voted on the best three.

GETTING THE KIDS INVOLVED As the saying goes: \"The best way to learn, is to do\". And it was with this in mind that we at SBS Tanks® decided to get the class of 2017 involved with the actual building of the tanks! With the oversight of Vice Principal, Mrs Val Benjamin, and our Project Managers, we tasked the pupils within various chains of a production line, and made them do various parts of the project build. It came a little more naturally to some, while others battled their way through manoeuvering big pieces of steel! It was clear by all the questions from the pupils throughout each stage of the tank build, that this was a huge learning experience, and they were obviously enjoying themselves.

HEALTH & SAFETY As a fully accredited SABS ISO:9001 company, Health & Safety are absolutely imperative to our operation. Not only were all our staff put through a very strict screening and identification process, but we at SBS Tanks® also wanted to make sure that the children involved with the hands on side of this project were well prepared. We did very careful training with the pupils, and ensured they were all equipped with key safety equipment such as protective gloves and earplugs - of course for the power tools! This was certainly the highlight for the lucky pupils who were chosen to be on the section of the production line that required them to do some drilling. There is no doubt that this was a project that will live long in the memories of these children, especially the drill-operators!

EDUCATION DAY At the end of the project, we attended a special School Assembly dedicated to various educational and community- driven projects. Our Marketing Manager addressed the pupils, and reminded them about how important it is to save water. Once he was done, he had a little surprise: He announced the three best \"Use Your Brain & Save The Rain\" artworks, and awarded the winners with a Gift Card to a local shopping mall. The 3 best posters, as voted by the SBS Tanks® staff, were as follows: 1. Charlotte Butler - For her amazingly colourful rendition of a ballerina catching the rain. 2. Melissa Allison - For a brilliantly creative upside down umbrella acting as a water tank. 3. Xoliswa Soji - For her excellently drawn poster of a collage of characters and items.

THE TANKS SBS Tanks® identified three roofs off which substantial amounts of rainwater could be harvested, and after much project planning, installed three tanks for each roof section. These tanks are of our \"Econo Range\", and are as follows: 1x EC 05/02 - 20,000 litres - 3.41 m diameter 1x EC 06/02 - 28,000 litres - 4.09 m diameter 1x EC 07/02 - 38,000 litres - 4.78 m diameter Each with a height of 2.14 metres. This gives the school a total of 86,000 litres of rainwater to use for the toilet system. And when you consider that with 1000 pupils using approximately 200,000 litres to flush every month, Atholl Heights are making a massive contribution to water conservation!

All in all, this was a very special project for SBS Tanks®. Weloved being involved in the school's education program forthe duration of our project build, and relished the opportunityto teach the pupils about how important water conservation isin this ever-changing climate we find ourselves in.We look forward to more projects like this with more schoolslike Atholl Heights Primary School, and hope to assist you andyour company with a similar solution!Contact us today:Office Line: +27(0) 31 716 18 20Sharecall: +27(0) 86 048 26 57Email: [email protected]

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