A Handbook on Energy Conservation Programs in Ontario 2016
ContentsWhat is this handbook about? .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3Energy Conservation Programs ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Action Area 1 – Transportation ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1 – Increase the availability and use of lower-carbon fuel .................................................................................................................................... 5 2 - Increase the use of electric vehicles ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 3 - Support cycling and walking ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 4 - Increase the use of low-carbon trucks and buses ............................................................................................................................................ 6 5 - Support the accelerated construction of GO regional express rail .................................................................................................................. 7 Action Area 2 – Buildings and Homes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8 1 – Improve energy efficiency in multitenant residential buildings ...................................................................................................................... 9 2 – Improve energy efficiency in schools and hospitals ........................................................................................................................................ 9 3 – Reduce emission from heritage buildings ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 4 – Help homeowners reduce their carbon footprints by supporting additional choice .................................................................................... 11 5 – Set lower-carbon standards for new buildings .............................................................................................................................................. 11 6 – Promote low-carbon energy supply and products ........................................................................................................................................ 12 7 – Help individuals and businesses manage their energy use and save money ................................................................................................ 12 8 – Training, workforce and technical capacity ................................................................................................................................................... 12 Action Area 3 – Land-Use Planning .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13 1 - Strengthen climate change policies in the municipal land-use planning process .......................................................................................... 14 2 - Support municipal and other stakeholder climate action .............................................................................................................................. 14 3 - Reduce congestion and improve economic productivity ............................................................................................................................... 14 Action Area 4 – Industry and Business ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 1 - Help industries adopt low-carbon technologies ............................................................................................................................................. 16 2 - Help the agri-food sector adopt low-carbon technologies ............................................................................................................................. 17 Action Area 5 – Collaboration with Indigenous Communities ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Page 1 of 30
Action Area 6 – Research and Development ................................................................................................................................................................ 20 1 - Support innovation and commercialization of new low-carbon technologies .............................................................................................. 21 2 - Set tax and regulatory policies that encourage innovations ......................................................................................................................... 21 3 - Support research and development through a Global Centre for Low-Carbon Mobility .............................................................................. 22 Action Area 7 – Government ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 23 1 - Reduce emissions and energy costs across government ............................................................................................................................... 24 Action Area 8 – Agriculture, Forests, and Lands .......................................................................................................................................................... 25 1 - Reduce emissions from waste and move Ontario towards a circular economy ............................................................................................ 26 2 - Increase our understanding of how agricultural and natural lands emit and store carbon .......................................................................... 26 3 - Maximize carbon storage from agriculture .................................................................................................................................................... 26 4 - Understand and enhance carbon storage in natural systems ........................................................................................................................ 26 5 - Update environmental assessments to account for climate change ............................................................................................................. 27Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28 Page 2 of 30
What is this handbook about?This year, the Ontario government released a five-year Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) to reduce GHG emissions reductionsin the province. A variety of energy conservation programs and projects were proposed for various sectors, includingtransportation and residential buildings and these projects or programs will be developed and implemented over the next fiveyears.According to CCAP, capital investments in greenprojects will be drawn from the cap and tradeprogram revenue, which is expected to be $1.8 to$1.9B annually. Figure 1 illustrates the total proposedbudget allocation for each of the eight action areas inthe plan.In this handbook, Energy Exchange has gatheredinformation on Ontario’s existing energy conservationprograms and linked them to the action areasidentified in CCAP. This handbook highlights bothexisting and proposed programs and projects in theprovince at the municipal, provincial and federal levels.When reading through the handbook, you can click onthe programs that look interesting to you to learnmore. You will likely find quite a few programs that are relevant to you. By participating in these programs, you will be able tosave money, save energy, and contribute to the fight against climate change! Page 3 of 30
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Action 1 – Transportation Existing Emission Reduction Programs in Ontario Planned Projects in Ontario CCAP1 - Increase the availability and use of lower-carbon fuel1.1 - Boost renewable content Greener diesel regulation; An enhanced renewable Fuels1.2 - Assist fuel distributors O. Reg. 535/05: Ethanol in Gasoline - a mandatory 5% Standard ethanol blend rate in all gasoline sold; O. Reg. 97/14 Greener Diesel - Renewable Fuel Content Funds for high-blend sustainable Requirements for Petroleum Diesel Fuel; - a mandatory 3% biofuels distributors blend rate for renewable diesel in all diesel sold, increasing to 4% in 2017 Petroleum Products Distribution Networks1.3 - Pilot waste and agricultural methane as a ecoENERGY Innovation Initiative (R&D) Projects Use methane obtained fromfuel source agricultural materials or food waste for transportation2 - Increase the use of electric vehicles2.1 - Maintain incentives for electric vehicles Modernized Electric Vehicle Incentive Program (EVIP) Extend the rebate program to 20202.2 - Eliminate HST on zero emission vehicles Guide; Green License Plates Provide full-HST relief on the purchase of an EV N/A2.3 - Free overnight electric vehicle charging for EV Charging Incentive Program (EVCIP); Four-year free overnight EV charging programresidential customers 1 LEED points2.4 - Replace older vehicles Drive Clean Rebate for low to moderate income households to replace old cars with EVs or hybrids2.5 - Ensure charging infrastructure is widely EV Road map (evTRM); Encourage ONroute rest stops toavailable EV Chargers Ontario (EVCO); install high-speed chargers; Require GO Transit System EV Charging Map all new homes to be constructed with a plug for EV charging; Require all new commercial buildings to provide charging station Page 5 of 30
2.6 - Electric and hydrogen advancement N/A Electric and Hydrogen Vehicleprogram Advancement Program Showcase EV and related2.7 - Increase public awareness Fuel Consumption Ratings Search Tool; technology3 - Support cycling and walking Fuel-efficient Driving Techniques; Free online Ecodriving course; Ontario's Cycling Strategy and Pollution Probe's Electric Mobility Adoption and Prediction Action Plan Project3.1 - Improve commuter cycling network Ontariobybike.ca; Cycle Ontario; BicycleOntario.ca; GoBiking.ca; Cycling Skills - Ontario's Guide to Safe Cycling; Young Cyclist's Guide; Community Access Bikeshare4 - Increase the use of low-carbon trucks and buses4.1 - Provide incentives for business SmartWay Transport Partnership; Green Commercial Vehicle Program FleetSmart;4.2 - Build a network of low-emission fuelling Freight-Supportive Guidelines; A network of natural gas and low orstations Clean Transportation Initiative on Port-Related Trucking zero carbon fuelling stations4.3 - Improve competitiveness of short-line Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Stations Conduct a study to improve therailway competitiveness of Ontario's short- Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund and Small line railways Communities Fund: Program guidelines; Transport Canada's Intelligent Transportation Systems5 - Support the accelerated construction of GO regional express rail5.1 - Accelerate regional express rail MoveOntario 2020 Projects; Expand GO infrastructuredevelopment Green Bonds Page 6 of 30
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Action 2 – Buildings and Homes Existing Emissions Reduction Programs in Ontario Planned Projects in Ontario CCAP1 – Improve energy efficiency in multitenant residential buildings1.1 – Retrofit social housing apartment Home Energy Loan Program (HELP); Install energy efficient and Showerhead Rebate Program; renewable energy technologies SAVE ON ENERGY - Social and Assisted Housing appliance Consider legislative and/or1.2 – Protecting tenants from the price of SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives for Lighting; regulatory changecarbon SAVE ON ENERGY - Social and Assisted Housing Offer incentives to install energy efficient technologies1.3 – Provide incentives for apartment building Boiler Programs - High-Efficiency Boiler Program;retrofits Ozone Laundry; Enhance building automation Showerhead Rebate Program; systems, energy-efficient windows, solar energy and geothermal SAVE ON ENERGY – Small Business Lighting Program systems2 – Improve energy efficiency in schools and hospitals2.1 – Support schools Ontario EcoSchools; Capacity Buy Back Program; Boiler Programs - High-Efficiency Boiler Program; Energy Efficiency in Buildings - Best Practices Guide for School Facility Managers; SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives for Lighting; SAVE ON ENERGY – Retrofit Program; SAVE ON ENERGY – Small Business Lighting Program; Indoor Water Assessment Program; Runsmart Building Optimization; Space Heating Programs - Air Curtains; Space Heating Programs - Condensing Boiler Incentive Program; Space Heating Programs - Condensing Make-up Air (MUA); Space Heating Programs - Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation Unit; Space Heating Programs - Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV) and Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV); Water Heating Programs - Condensing Gas Water Heater Incentive Program Page 8 of 30
2.2 – Support hospitals, universities and Livegreen Toronto - Eco-Roof Incentive Program; Building automation systems,colleges Boiler Programs - High-Efficiency Boiler Program; energy-efficient windows, solar SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives for Lighting; energy and geothermal systems3 – Reduce emission from heritage buildings SAVE ON ENERGY – Process and Systems;3.1 – Showcase low-carbon technologies SAVE ON ENERGY – Retrofit Program; SAVE ON ENERGY – Small Business Lighting Program; Indoor Water Assessment Program; Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation; ENERGY STAR® Convection Oven; ENERGY STAR® Dishwashers; High Efficiency Condensing Furnace; High Efficiency Under-Fired Broiler; New & Retrofitted Equipment and Process Optimization; Runsmart Building Optimization; Space Heating Programs - Air Curtains; Space Heating Programs - Condensing Boiler Incentive Program; Space Heating Programs - Condensing Make-up Air (MUA); Space Heating Programs - Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation Unit; Space Heating Programs - Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV) and Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV); Space Heating Programs - Infrared Heater Incentive Program; Water Heating Programs - Condensing Gas Water Heater Incentive Program Water Heating Programs - ENERGY STAR Dishwasher; Water Heating Programs - Ozone Laundry; Cool Solution REEP House for Sustainable Living; Retrofit and preserve heritage SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives for Compressed Air Systems buildings to showcase low-carbon technologies Page 9 of 30
4 – Help homeowners reduce their carbon footprints by supporting additional choice4.1 – Boost low-carbon technology in homes Local Energy Efficiency Partnership (LEEP); Help homeowners to purchase and Smart Thermostats Program; install low-carbon technology to SAVE ON ENERGY – Annual Coupons; reduce fossil fuel use SAVE ON ENERGY - Heating and Cooling Incentives; Region of Halton Residential Toilet Rebate Program; Target northern and rural Solar Ready Guidelines communities, including Indigenous Communities4.2 – Help retire older wood stoves N/A4.3 – Near net zero carbon home incentive Home Winterproofing Program; Rebate program to encourage EnergyStar Home; construction of high-efficiency Home Energy Conservation (HEC) Program; homes and reduce costs for Energy-Efficient Housing Program; homebuyers SAVE ON ENERGY - New Home Construction Program; Home Reno Rebate; Cap and trade revenue to cover the Home Weatherization Program cost of GHG emissions reduction4.4 – Keep electricity rates affordable Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP) for low-income Update Building Code with long- consumer; term energy efficiency targets Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)5 – Set lower-carbon standards for new buildings5.1 – Update the building code Ontario Building Code (current); Ozone Laundry; SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives on Lighting; SAVE ON ENERGY - New Home Construction Program; SAVE ON ENERGY – Retrofit Program; Indoor Water Assessment Program; Condensing Unit Heater; Building Optimization; DABO; CAN-QUEST energy Modeling Software; Recommissioning Guide for Building Owners & Managers6 – Promote low-carbon energy supply and products Page 10 of 30
6.1 – Establish low-carbon content for natural Enbridge Gas Distribution; Introduce a renewable contentgas Union Gas Distribution; requirement for natural gas Canadian Biogas Association; Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - Energy Rating and Disclosure Biogas program Expand Green Button tool province-7 – Help individuals and businesses manage their energy use and save money wide Including carbon calculators, solar7.1 – Provide free energy audits for pre-sale SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives for Lighting; potential mapping, municipal levelhomes SAVE ON ENERGY - New Home Construction Program emissions data, climate change training materials, guidance7.2 – Expand green button provincewide Ontario’s Green Button program documents7.3 – Boost public access to climate change SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives for Compressed Air Grow the skilled workforce neededtools Systems; to reduce the carbon footprint of SAVE ON ENERGY – Training and Supporting Initiatives; Ontario homes and buildings Employee Awareness program (EAP) Training though post-secondary8 – Training, workforce and technical capacity RunitRight Program; institutions as well as research for8.1 – Grow the workforce for a low-carbon SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives for Compressed Air design and engineering of tallbuildings sector Systems; wood-frame buildings SAVE ON ENERGY – Training and Supporting Initiatives8.2 – Support post-secondary training andinnovation SAVE ON ENERGY – High Performance New Constructions; SAVE ON ENERGY – Retrofit Program; Engineering Energy Efficiency Feasibility Study Page 11 of 30
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Action 3 - Land-Use Planning Existing Emissions Reduction Programs in Ontario Planned Projects in Ontario CCAP1 - Strengthen climate change policies in the municipal land-use planning process Amend the Municipal Act and the City of Toronto Act1.1 - Empower municipalities Ontario's Municipal Energy Plan Program (MEP); Feed-In Tariff Program; Amend the Ontario's Planning Act micro FIT Program; Amend the Ontario's Planning Act Citizens' Guides to Land-use Planning Bylaws will encourage bike lanes and sidewalks and eliminate1.2 - Make climate change planning a priority FCM Green Municipal Fund (GMF) minimum parking requirements1.3 - Put climate change in official plans Toronto Atmospheric Fund (TAF) – e.g. Cities ON Target GHG Pollution Reduction Challenge1.4 - Eliminate minimum parking requirements Parking Management Strategies; Fund/Program Intercity Bus Modernization; Greater Golden Horseshoe Transportation Plan; Fund of development Community Municipal Transit in Systems Ontario; Energy Plans and Climate Action Community Transportation Pilot Grant Program; Plans Transit Supportive Guidelines; Ontario Intercommunity Bus Policy Proposal Support community based data driven approach to carbon2 - Support municipal and other stakeholder climate action reduction2.1 - Establish a challenge fund or program SAVE ON ENERGY – Retrofit Program; Manage congestion and plan low emission zones Live Green Toronto-Community Investment Program; EcoAction Community Funding Program; Smart Grid Fund; Toronto Sustainable Energy Funds2.1 - Support community energy planning SAVE ON ENERGY – High Performance New Construction; SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives for High Efficiency AC and Packaged Rooftop Units; Community Energy Partnerships Program (CEPP)2.3 - Support community energy mapping and EcoDistricts;platform Green Apple Day of Service3 - Reduce congestion and improve economic productivity3.1 - Help manage congestion Ontario’s High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane program; Metrolinx - The Big Move; Community Carshare Page 13 of 30
3.2 - Reduce single-passenger vehicle trips TravelWise Implement Transportation Demand Management Plans Page 14 of 30
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Action 4 - Industry and Business Existing Emissions Reduction Programs in Ontario Planned Projects in Ontario CCAP1 - Help industries adopt low-carbon technologies Programs and services to be designed and delivered by the1.1 - Help companies transition to low-carbon Commercial Retrofit Program; green bank to help industries and SAVE ON ENERGY – Audit Funding; businesses to deploy low-carbon SAVE ON ENERGY – Demand Response; technologies SAVE ON ENERGY – Energy Managers; SAVE ON ENERGY – Existing Building Commissioning; SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives for High Efficiency AC and Packaged Rooftop Units; SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives for Installing Premium Efficiency Motors; SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives for Installing Variable Frequency Drives; SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentives for Lighting; SAVE ON ENERGY – Process and Systems; SAVE ON ENERGY – Small Business Lighting Program; Indoor Water Assessment Program; Condensing Unit Heater; Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation; ENERGY STAR® Convection Oven; ENERGY STAR® Dishwashers; ENERGY STAR® Fryer; ENERGY STAR® Steam Cooker; High Efficiency Condensing Furnace; High Efficiency Under-Fired Broiler; Large Volume Direct Access Program; Meters; New & Retrofitted Equipment and Process Optimization; Process Improvement Study; Space Heating Programs - Condensing Boiler Incentive Program; Space Heating Programs - Condensing Make-up Air (MUA); Space Heating Programs - Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation Unit; Page 16 of 30
Space Heating Programs - Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV) and Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV); Space Heating Programs - Infrared Heater Incentive Program; Water Heating Programs - Condensing Gas Water Heater Incentive Program; EAP (Employee Awareness Program); INTEGRATION Software; CoolSolution2 - Help the agri-food sector adopt low-carbon technologies2.1 - Reduce emissions Alternative Renewable Fuels 'Plus' Research and Expand use of innovative Development Fund; technologies Industrial System optimization; Heat Integration of Industrial Process Retrofit indoor facilities to low- carbon facilities2.2 - Retrofit agricultural facilities SAVE ON ENERGY – Retrofit Program Page 17 of 30
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Action 5 - Collaboration with Indigenous Existing Emissions Reduction Programs in Ontario Planned Projects in Ontario CCAPCommunities Aboriginal Community Energy Plan (ACEP) Program; Establish partnership; investment;1 - Collaborate with indigenous communities Aboriginal Loan Guarantee Program; connection; advanced microgrid ecoENERGY for Aboriginal and Northern Communities solutions; GHG Reduction Fund; Program 2011-2016; First Nation and Métis Climate Aboriginal Community Energy Plans; Change Tables; low-carbon jobs and Aboriginal Conservation Program; training; knowledge sharing Aboriginal Energy Partnerships Program; programs Aboriginal Renewable Energy Fund; Aboriginal Transmission Fund Page 19 of 30
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Action 6 - Research and Development Existing Emissions Reduction Programs in Ontario Planned Projects in Ontario CCAP Proof-of-concept projects for low-1 - Support innovation and commercialization of new low-carbon technologies carbon technologies1.1 - Strengthen the low-carbon clean-tech ecoENERGY for Renewable Power; Low-carbon technologies tax creditssector Renewable Energy and Clean Energy Systems GHG pollution reduction cost Demonstration Projects; allowance program Alternative Renewable Fuels 'Plus' Research and Development Fund; Engineering Energy Efficiency Feasibility Study; Solar Photovoltaic Energy in Buildings; Metallurgical Fuels; The ROBYS Process; Canmet ENERGY SUPERCETANE; The AVRO Diesel process; Clean Rail Academic Grant Program; ecoTECHNOLOGY for Vehicles Program (eTV); Shore Power Technology for Ports (SPTP) Program; AgriInnovation Program; Science Horizons Youth Intern Program; Science and Technology Intern Program; SD Tech Fund; Science Research and Experimental Development Program; Energy Innovation Program (EIP) - Electric Vehicle infrastructure Demonstrations2 - Set tax and regulatory policies that encourage innovations2.1 - Explore R&D tax credits Ontario Innovation Tax Credit; Ontario R&D Tax Credit (ORDTC)2.2 - Consider accelerated capital cost Ontario Business Research Institute Tax Credit (OBRITC);allowance ArcTern Ventures; SDTC NextGen Biofuels Fund; Ontario Emerging Technologies Fund (OETF); Youth Investment Accelerator Fund Page 21 of 30
2.3 - Regulatory requirements ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems Standard; Update regulatory requirements Ontario Green Energy Act S.O. 2009; Energy Conservation Demand Management plans; Setup a Global Centre for Low Conservation First; Carbon Mobility; R&D in low-carbon Renewed Regulatory Framework for Electricity technology for off-road vehicles Distributors: A Performance-Based Approach (RRFE); Provincial Policy Statement-Planning for Electricity Infrastructure; Provincial Policy Statement-Energy Conservation, Efficiency & Supply3 - Support research and development through a Global Centre for Low-Carbon Mobility3.1 - Create a global centre for low carbon N/Amobility Page 22 of 30
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Action 7 - Government Existing Emissions Reduction Programs in Ontario Planned Projects in Ontario CCAP1 - Reduce emissions and energy costs across government Major building renovations, restorations and redevelopment to1.1 - Deliver healthier buildings BOMA BESt; reduce carbon footprint Green Professional Building Skills Training; Develop a long-term strategy Passive House Ontario More chances for telecommuting by OPS staff1.2 - Increase the reduction target N/A Buy or lease green-plate-eligible passenger vehicles for OPS fleet1.3 - Increase telecommuting N/A Enable the use of energy performance contracts1.4 - Green-up government vehicles N/A Showcase made-in-Ontario innovations and Ontario's clean-1.5 - Emphasize energy reductions Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan tech companies Review the OPS Procurement1.6 - Showcase Ontario's clean-tech expertise N/A Directive Reform existing policies and1.7 - Ensure low-carbon procurement SAVE ON ENERGY – Incentive for Lighting programs1.8 - Reform fossil fuel policies N/A Page 24 of 30
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Action 8 - Agriculture, Forests, and Lands Existing Emissions Reduction Programs in Ontario Planned Projects in Ontario CCAP1 - Reduce emissions from waste and move Ontario towards a circular economy Implement Waste-Free Ontario: Building the Circular Economy1.1 - On track to zero waste 3RCertified; Strategy RCO Awards; Take Back the Light; Assess the potential of agriculture, Waste-Free Lunch Challenge; forestry and other land uses to Waste Reduction Week in Ontario (Oct 17-23, 2016) sequester carbon Bill 151, Waste-Free Ontario Act, 2016; Manage forest carbon and explore Bill 91, Proposed Waste Reduction Act, 2013 potential benefits with Indigenous people2 - Increase our understanding of how agricultural and natural lands emit and store carbon Implement an Agricultural Soil2.1 - Develop a land use carbon inventory O.Reg.143/16 Qualification, Reporting and Verification of Health and Conservation Strategy GHG Emissions Regulation Expand the Greenbelt Plan2.2 - Develop a forest carbon policy framework Policy Framework for Sustainable Forests Implement Ontario Grasslands3 - Maximize carbon storage from agriculture Stewardship Initiative Support First Nation-Ontario3.1 - Long-term soil health Large Renewable Procurement (LRP) Land Evaluation planning teams Study Support the planting of 50 million4 - Understand and enhance carbon storage in natural systems trees by 2025, including 2 million in urban municipalities4.1 - Benefit from an expanded Greenbelt Greenbelt Plan (2005); Greenway Program; Nature Reserves Program;4.2 - Protect grasslands Ontario Grassland Initiative; Grassland Funding Program4.3 - Support far north land-use planning The Far North Land Use Planning Initiative; Far North Land Use Strategy; Land Use Planning Process in the Far North4.4 - Increase tree planting Forests Ontario; Ontario Tree Seed Facility; Tree-Planter; Boreal Program; Page 26 of 30
Trees in Trust4.5 - Improve understanding of the flow of N/A Enhance understanding andcarbon monitoring of natural systems and carbon storage5 - Update environmental assessments to account for climate change Draft a guide - Consideration of5.1 - Address climate change in environmental N/A Climate Change in Environmentalassessments Assessment in Ontario Page 27 of 30
Glossary zero emission vehicles: are vehicles do not release hazardous gases or substances from consumingAction Area 1 – Transportation conventional fuels.Action Area 2 – Buildings and low-carbon fuels: are fuels used in transportation that contain lower carbon contents in order toHomes reduce the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.Action Area 3 – Land-Use Planning geothermal heat pumps: are heating or cooling systems that utilize natural thermal from the ground. air-source heat pumps: are systems to extract heat from the air or the water to provide heating orAction Area 4 – Industry andBusiness cooling.Action Area 5 – Collaboration with renewable natural gas: is cleaner gas generated from organic waste.Indigenous Communities carbon calculators: are programs to calculate carbon footprint and show the amount of greenhouseAction Area 6 – Research andDevelopment gas emissions from you.Action Area 7 – Government solar potential mapping: is information showing the amount of sunlight a place on the earth canAction Area 8 – Agriculture, Forests, receive from the sun.and Lands a low-carbon economy: is an economy where there is low carbon input (e.g. fossil fuel powers) and output (e.g. GHG emissions) mixed-use communities: are communities where people are able to walk or bike to around to reach schools, grocery stores, shopping centres, clinics and so on. low emission zones: are areas or districts where conventional vehicles are restricted to reduce or eliminate emissions of pollutants. a green bank: could be a green technology provider or a financial investment group which intends to provide services or assistances in development of green projects. micro-grids: are grids that can be powered by renewable energy sources, connected with or separated from micro-grids, and smartly managed depending on demands. proof-of-concept projects: are projects at developmental stages when prototypes are carried out to proof feasibility of the projects. off-road vehicles: vehicle fleet: are a group of more than five common-ownership vehicles that are used for non- personal purposes. green license plates: license plates designed for EVs. soil carbon sequestration: is a process of extracting and storing atmospheric carbon in soil. Page 28 of 30
Others a pan-Canadian approach for carbon pricing: cap and trade program: cap and trade program is quantification of GHG emission reductions obligation for carbon emit sources and reduction goals can be achieved by purchasing carbon credits energy transition: is the transition from conventional energy use to renewable or sustainable energy use. GHG Reduction Account: is an account to fund green projects. Page 29 of 30
Connect with us!150 Ferrand Drive, Suite 208, Toronto, Ontario Canada M3C 3E5 tel 416-926-1907 toll-free: 1-877-926-1907www.energy-exchange.net │ www.pollutionprobe.orgTwitter: @probeenergyex │ @pollutionprobeFacebook: www.facebook.com/PollutionProbeLinkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/pollution-probe 2016
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