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Home Explore The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs

The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs

Published by PSS SMK SERI PULAI PERDANA, 2021-02-14 06:58:40

Description: The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs


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ENGLAND is the paradise of women.. the ENGLISH are a nation of shopkeepers one ENGLISHMAN can beat three Frenchmen an ENGLISHMAN’S house is his castle an ENGLISHMAN’S word is his bond the only GOOD Indian is a dead Indian when GREEK meets Greek.. every LAND has its own law a NATION without a language is a nation without a heart SCRATCH a Russian and you find a Tartar Nature you can DRIVE out Nature with a pitchfork . . GOD made the country, and man made the town NATURE abhors a vacuum SELF-preservation is the first law of nature nature and nurture see also human nature an APE’S an ape, a varlet’s a varlet.. the APPLE never falls far from the tree you can take the BOY out of the country.. as the TWIG is bent, so is the tree inclined necessity see also pragmatism ANY port in a storm BEGGARS can’t be choosers DESPERATE diseases must have desperate remedies DIRTY water will quench fire when all FRUIT fails, welcome haws when all you have is a HAMMER.. HUNGER drives the wolf out of the wood MAN’S extremity is God’s opportunity if the MOUNTAIN will not come to Mahomet.. NECESSITY is the mother of invention NECESSITY knows no law NEEDS must when the Devil drives beware of an OAK, it draws the stroke.. who SAYS A must say B SMALL choice in rotten apples YOUNG men may die, but old men must die

neighbours GOOD fences make good neighbours what a NEIGHBOUR gets is not lost news BAD news travels fast GO abroad and you’ll hear news of home NO news is good news novelty BETTER be out of the world.. FAR-FETCHED and dear-bought is good for ladies there is always something NEW out of Africa there is NOTHING new under the sun one STORY is good till another is told VARIETY is the spice of life obedience the FIRST duty of a soldier is obedience he that cannot OBEY cannot command OBEY orders if you break owners obscurity see fame and obscurity observation FOUR eyes see more than two LOOKERS-ON see most of the game obstinacy little BIRDS that can sing and won’t sing.. there’s none so BLIND.. he that will to CUPAR maun to Cupar there’s none so DEAF.. if the MOUNTAIN will not come to Mahomet.. SUSSEX won’t be druv a WILFUL man must have his way old age

BETTER to wear out than to rust out a CREAKING door hangs longest there’s no FOOL like an old fool when all FRUIT fails, welcome haws the GODS send nuts to those who have no teeth there’s many a GOOD tune played on an old fiddle they that LIVE longest, see most a MAN is as old as he feels.. NEVER too old to learn OLD soldiers never die you cannot SHIFT an old tree without it dying you can’t TEACH an old dog new tricks YOUNG folks think old folks to be fools.. YOUNG men may die, but old men must die if YOUTH knew, if age could omens see also superstition he that FOLLOWS freits, freits will follow him ONE for sorrow, two for mirth.. STRAWS tell which way the wind blows one SWALLOW does not make a summer opinions what MANCHESTER says today.. so many MEN, so many opinions THOUGHT is free opportunity EAT, drink, and be merry.. ENGLAND’S difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity all is FISH that comes to the net all is GRIST that comes to the mill MAN’S extremity is God’s opportunity when ONE door shuts, another opens OPPORTUNITY never knocks twice.. STRIKE while the iron is hot TAKE the goods the gods provide there is a TIME and place for everything TIME and tide wait for no man there is a TIME for everything no TIME like the present YOUTH must be served

opportunity, missed a BLEATING sheep loses a bite the GODS send nuts to those who have no teeth the MILL cannot grind with the water that is past he that WILL not when he may, when he will he shall have nay opportunity, taken ADVENTURES are to the adventurous when the CAT’S away, the mice will play every DOG has his day when the GOING gets tough, the tough get going MAKE hay while the sun shines NATURE abhors a vacuum OPPORTUNITY makes a thief a POSTERN door makes a thief when TWO dogs are fighting for a bone.. opposites EAST is east, and west is west EXTREMES meet from the SWEETEST wine, the tartest vinegar optimism all’s for the BEST.. it is BETTER to travel hopefully.. every CLOUD has a silver lining don’t COUNT your chickens.. while there’s LIFE there’s hope NOTHING so bad but it might have been worse don’t SELL the skin till you have caught the bear when THINGS are at the worst they begin to mend if you can WALK you can dance.. orderliness FIRST come, first served FIRST things first a PLACE for everything, and everything in its place there is a TIME and place for everything origins the APPLE never falls far from the tree

you can take the BOY out of the country.. because a MAN is born in a stable.. past see also history it is no use CRYING over spilt milk what’s DONE cannot be undone the MILL cannot grind with the water that is past OLD sins cast long shadows OTHER times, other manners things PAST cannot be recalled patience and impatience ALL things come to those who wait BEAR and forbear what can’t be CURED must be endured HASTE is from the Devil more HASTE, less speed HASTE makes waste make HASTE slowly HURRY no man’s cattle the LONGEST way round is the shortest way home there is LUCK in leisure NOTHING should be done in haste but gripping a flea PATIENCE is a virtue don’t PUT the cart before the horse REVENGE is a dish that can be eaten cold ROME was not built in a day if you SIT by the river for long enough.. SLOW and steady wins the race SLOW but sure SOFTLY, softly, catchee monkey one STEP at a time we must learn to WALK before we can run a WATCHED pot never boils peace AFTER a storm comes a calm if you want PEACE, you must prepare for war

peril don’t HALLOO till you are out of the wood the post of HONOUR is the post of danger if you PLAY with fire you get burnt he who RIDES a tiger is afraid to dismount he who SUPS with the Devil should have a long spoon THREATENED men live long perseverance see also persistence be the DAY weary or be the day long.. it’s DOGGED as does it FALL down seven times.. IN for a penny, in for a pound it is a LONG lane that has no turning put a STOUT heart to a stey brae if at first you don’t SUCCEED.. it is idle to SWALLOW the cow.. the THIRD time pays for all persistence see also perseverance CONSTANT dropping wears away a stone you can DRIVE out Nature with a pitchfork . . ONCE a —, always a — the PITCHER will go to the well once too often a STERN chase is a long chase the TONGUE always returns to the sore tooth where there’s a WILL, there’s a way persuasion see tact pity BETTER be envied than pitied PITY is akin to love politeness a CIVIL question deserves a civil answer CIVILITY costs nothing HONEY catches more flies than vinegar

PUNCTUALITY is the politeness of princes politics ENGLAND’S difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity when the GOING gets tough, the tough get going if you don’t like the HEAT, get out of the kitchen POLITICS makes strange bedfellows REVOLUTIONS are not made with rose-water the VOICE of the people is the voice of God possessions see property possibility and impossibility ALL things are possible with God you cannot get BLOOD from a stone you cannot make BRICKS without straw the DIFFICULT is done at once.. you cannot HAVE your cake and eat it whatever MAN has done, man may do you cannot get a QUART into a pint pot you can’t make a SILK purse out of a sow’s ear if the SKY falls we shall catch larks a SOW may whistle, though it has an ill mouth for it if you can WALK you can dance.. poverty ADVERSITY makes strange bedfellows BEGGARS can’t be choosers from CLOGS to clogs is only three generations CUT your coat according to your cloth EMPTY sacks will never stand upright a MONEYLESS man goes fast through the market he that cannot PAY, let him pray when POVERTY comes in at the door.. POVERTY is no disgrace.. POVERTY is not a crime the RICH man has his ice in the summer.. from SHIRTSLEEVES to shirtsleeves in three generations STRETCH your arm no further than your sleeve will reach many go out for WOOL and come home shorn

power DIVIDE and rule GOD is high above, and the tsar is far away KINGS have long arms KNOWLEDGE is power MIGHT is right MONEY is power MONEY talks the MOUNTAINS are high, and the emperor is far away POWER corrupts SPEAK softly and carry a big stick the VOICE of the people is the voice of God pragmatism see also necessity the BEST of men are but men at best it doesn’t matter if a CAT is black or white . . if you have to LIVE in the river, it is best to be friends with the crocodile you cannot make an OMELETTE without breaking eggs pride set a BEGGAR on horseback.. where MACGREGOR sits is the head of the table the NAIL that sticks up gets hammered down PRIDE feels no pain PRIDE goes before a fall up like a ROCKET.. procrastination DELAYS are dangerous there is LUCK in leisure PROCRASTINATION is the thief of time never PUT off till tomorrow what you can do today TOMORROW never comes professions see trades and skills property you BUY land, you buy stones.. what you HAVE, hold when HOUSE and land are gone.. LEARNING is better than house and land POSSESSION is nine points of the law

prosperity see good fortune providence GOD helps them that help themselves GOD makes the back to the burden GOD never sends mouths but He sends meat GOD tempers the wind to the shorn lamb HEAVEN protects children, sailors, and drunken men MAN proposes, God disposes PROVIDENCE is always on the side of the big battalions TRUST in God but tie your camel prudence see also caution; thrift it is BEST to be on the safe side BETTER be safe than sorry a BIRD in the hand.. DISCRETION is the better part of valour don’t put all your EGGS in one basket FOREWARNED is forearmed FULL cup, steady hand one HAND for yourself and one for the ship when you are in a HOLE, stop digging JOUK and let the jaw go by if you want PEACE, you must prepare for war PREVENTION is better than cure it is easier to RAISE the Devil.. SECOND thoughts are best it is ill SITTING at Rome and striving with the Pope a STITCH in time saves nine STRETCH your arm no further than your sleeve will reach everyone STRETCHES his legs according to the length of his coverlet don’t THROW out your dirty water.. don’t THROW the baby out with the bathwater put your TRUST in God, and keep your powder dry don’t go near the WATER until you learn how to swim public opinion see also reputation COMMON fame is seldom to blame what EVERYBODY says must be true what MANCHESTER says today..

no SMOKE without fire everyone SPEAKS well of the bridge which carries him over public relations GOOD wine needs no bush you can’t PLEASE everyone any PUBLICITY is good publicity punctuality FIRST up, best dressed PUNCTUALITY is the politeness of princes PUNCTUALITY is the soul of business SHORT reckonings make long friends quarrelsomeness it’s ill speaking between a FULL man and a fasting a HOUSE divided cannot stand TWO of a trade never agree it takes TWO to make a quarrel rain see under weather lore reality and illusion FACT is stranger than fiction FACTS are stubborn things the PROOF of the pudding is in the eating if it SOUNDS too good to be true... TRUTH is stranger than fiction reciprocity DO as you would be done by DO unto others as you would they should do unto you DOG does not eat dog there’s no such thing as a FREE lunch one GOOD turn deserves another one HAND washes the other

HAWKS will not pick out hawks’ eyes JUDGE not, that ye be not judged LOVE begets love NOTHING comes of nothing NOTHING for nothing you SCRATCH my back, I’ll scratch yours you don’t get SOMETHING for nothing recreation a CHANGE is as good as a rest he that would go to SEA for pleasure.. all WORK and no play makes Jack a dull boy regrets MARRY in haste, repent at leisure MARRY in May, rue for aye things PAST cannot be recalled it is too late to shut the STABLE-door after the horse has bolted reputation if the CAP fits, wear it the DEVIL is not so black.. give a DOG a bad name and hang him every DOG is allowed one bite the only GOOD Indian is a dead Indian GOOD wine needs no bush he that has an ILL name is half hanged if the SHOE fits, wear it SPEAK as you find never SPEAK ill of the dead one man may STEAL a horse, while another may not look over a hedge retribution CURSES, like chickens, come home to roost what GOES around comes around ILL gotten goods never thrive he who LIVES by the sword dies by the sword the MILLS of God grind slowly.. PRIDE goes before a fall WINTER never rots in the sky even a WORM will turn

revenge BLOOD will have blood don’t CUT off your nose to spite your face DEAD men don’t bite DEAD men tell no tales he LAUGHS best who laughs last he who LAUGHS last, laughs longest don’t get MAD, get even REVENGE is a dish that can be eaten cold REVENGE is sweet if you SIT by the river for long enough.. rewards see just deserts; money riches see also money it is BETTER to be born lucky than rich EARLY to bed and early to rise.. the MORE you get, the more you want MUCH would have more the RICH man has his ice in the summer.. if you don’t SPECULATE, you can’t accumulate risk see also caution ADVENTURES are to the adventurous a BIRD in the hand.. one might as well be HANGED for a sheep as a lamb IN for a penny, in for a pound if you don’t make MISTAKES you don’t make anything NOTHING venture, nothing gain NOTHING venture, nothing have if you don’t SPECULATE, you can’t accumulate rules, general the EXCEPTION proves the rule there is an EXCEPTION to every rule HARD cases make bad laws RULES are made to be broken rulers and ruled BETTER a century of tyranny than one day of chaos

when the BLIND lead the blind.. the CAT, the rat, and Lovell the dog.. in the COUNTRY of the blind.. DIVIDE and rule whosoever DRAWS his sword against the prince . . the FISH always stinks from the head downwards GOD is high above, and the tsar is far away the KING can do no wrong the MOUNTAINS are high, and the emperor is far away he that cannot OBEY cannot command REVOLUTIONS are not made with rose-water the VOICE of the people is the voice of God rumour BELIEVE nothing of what you hear.. a LIE is halfway round the world.. no SMOKE without fire what the SOLDIER said isn’t evidence a TALE never loses in the telling safety see security seasons see calendar lore; weather lore secrecy see concealment security it is BEST to be on the safe side BETTER be safe than sorry one HAND for yourself and one for the ship beware of an OAK.. OUT of debt, out of danger SAFE bind, safe find there is SAFETY in numbers self-help EVERY man is the architect of his own fortune GOD helps them that help themselves

PHYSICIAN, heal thyself if you would be well SERVED, serve yourself TRUST in God but tie your camel put your TRUST in God.. if you WANT a thing done well.. self-interest see self-help; self-preservation self-preservation if you can’t BEAT them, join them it is BEST to be on the safe side BETTER be safe than sorry DEVIL take the hindmost EVERY man for himself EVERY man for himself, and devil take the hindmost EVERY man for himself, and God for us all those who live in GLASS houses.. HEAR all, see all, say nowt.. JOUK and let the jaw go by NEAR is my kirtle, but nearer is my smock NEAR is my shirt, but nearer is my skin SELF-preservation is the first law of nature separation see absence servants see employers and employees silence see speech and silence similarity and dissimilarity BIRDS of a feather flock together all CATS are grey in the dark COMPARISONS are odious DIAMOND cuts diamond like FATHER, like son FIGHT fire with fire when GREEK meets Greek, then comes the tug of war LIKE breeds like LIKE will to like like MOTHER, like daughter like PEOPLE, like priest

it TAKES one to know one TWO of a trade never agree slander see also malice; rumour throw DIRT enough, and some will stick give a DOG a bad name and hang him a DOG that will fetch a bone.. those who live in GLASS houses.. the GREATER the truth, the greater the libel never SPEAK ill of the dead sleep see health smallness see great and small society a CAT may look at a king DO as you would be done by DO unto others as you would they should do unto you EVERYBODY loves a lord one HALF of the world does not know how the other half lives if every man would SWEEP his own doorstep . . it takes a whole VILLAGE to bring up a child soldiers an ARMY marches on its stomach the FIRST duty of a soldier is obedience OLD soldiers never die what the SOLDIER said isn’t evidence speech and silence little BIRDS that can sing and won’t sing.. a BLEATING sheep loses a bite out of the FULLNESS of the heart.. who KNOWS most, speaks least LEAST said, soonest mended NO names, no pack-drill NO news is good news a SHUT mouth catches no flies SILENCE is a woman’s best garment

SILENCE is golden SILENCE means consent SPEECH is silver, but silence is golden a STILL tongue makes a wise head STILL waters run deep spending see getting and spending staying power see perseverance; persistence strength and weakness the CARIBOU feeds the wolf.. a CHAIN is no stronger.. when ELEPHANTS fight, it is the grass that suffers there is nothing like LEATHER a REED before the wind lives on.. when SPIDER webs unite, they can tie up a lion UNION is strength the WEAKEST go to the wall stress CARE killed the cat when the GOING gets tough, the tough get going if you don’t like the HEAT, get out of the kitchen it is the PACE that kills if you can’t RIDE two horses at once.. do not call a WOLF to help you against the dogs it is not WORK that kills, but worry stupidity ASK a silly question and you get a silly answer a FOOL and his money are soon parted a FOOL at forty is a fool indeed there’s no FOOL like an old fool PENNY wise and pound foolish success every DOG has his day let them LAUGH that win NOTHING succeeds like success

the RACE is not to the swift.. if at first you don’t SUCCED.. SUCCESS has many fathers, but failure is an orphan superstition see also dreams; omens BAD things come in threes CHANGE the name and not the letter .. if you want to LIVE and thrive, let the spider run alive there is LUCK in odd numbers PARSLEY seed goes nine times to the Devil help you to SALT, help you to sorrow SWEEP the house with broom in May.. THIRD time lucky the THIRD time pays for all tact DIFFERENT strokes for different folks DRIVE gently over the stones EASY does it FAIR and softly goes far in a day LEAST said, soonest mended a NOD’S as good as a wink .. never mention ROPE in the house of a man who has been hanged a SOFT answer turneth away wrath SPEAK not of my debts unless you mean to pay them with a SWEET tongue and kindness.. THINK first and speak afterwards talkativeness see speech and silence; words and deeds taste there is no ACCOUNTING for tastes BEAUTY is in the eye of the beholder EVERY man to his taste FAR-FETCHED and dear-bought is good for ladies one man’s MEAT is another man’s poison TASTES differ teamwork see co-operation theft it’s a SIN to steal a pin

STOLEN fruit is sweet STOLEN waters are sweet thrift CUT your coat according to your cloth KEEP a thing seven years.. OUT of debt, out of danger take care of the PENCE.. a PENNY saved is a penny earned PENNY wise and pound foolish see a PIN and pick it up.. SPARE well and have to spend THRIFT is a great revenue WASTE not, want not tidiness see orderliness time there is a TIME and place for everything TIME and tide wait for no man TIME flies there is a TIME for everything TIME is a great healer TIME is money man fears TIME, but time fears the pyramids no TIME like the present TIME will tell TIME works wonders TIMES change and we with time tolerance it takes ALL sorts to make a world BEAR and forbear GIVE and take is fair play JUDGE not, that ye be not judged to KNOW all is to forgive all LIVE and let live trades and skills let the COBBLER stick to his last the COBBLER to his last.. EVERY man to his trade

JACK of all trades and master of none there are TRICKS in every trade TWO of a trade never agree travel it is BETTER to travel hopefully GO abroad and you’ll hear news of home TRAVEL broadens the mind he TRAVELS fastest who travels alone trouble see also misfortune AFTER a storm comes a calm ANY port in a storm don’t CARE was made to care don’t CROSS the bridge.. what the EYE doesn’t see.. GOD makes the back to the burden GOD tempers the wind to the shorn lamb don’t HALLOO till you are out of the wood when you are in a HOLE, stop digging the MOTHER of mischief is no bigger than a midge’s wing those who PLAY at bowls must look out for rubbers if you’re not part of the SOLUTION, you’re part of the problem the SQUEAKING wheel gets the grease a TROUBLE shared is a trouble halved never TROUBLE trouble till trouble troubles you trust and scepticism BELIEVE nothing of what you hear.. SEEING is believing THREE things are not be trusted .. truth see also reality and illusion CHILDREN and fools tell the truth what EVERYBODY says must be true the GREATER the truth, the greater the libel a LIE is halfway round the world .. what is NEW cannot be true what the SOLDIER said isn’t evidence TELL the truth and shame the Devil many a TRUE word is spoken in jest there is TRUTH in wine TRUTH is the first casualty of war

TRUTH lies at the bottom of a well TRUTH makes the Devil blush TRUTH will out uncertainty see certainty and uncertainty unity and division a HOUSE divided cannot stand when SPIDER webs unite, they can tie up a lion UNION is strength UNITED we stand, divided we fall value the nearer the BONE, the sweeter the meat GOLD may be bought too dear a KING’S chaff is worth more than other men’s corn it is a POOR dog that’s not worth whistling for the WORTH of a thing is what it will bring variety it takes ALL sorts to make a world VARIETY is the spice of life villainy see wrong-doers violence BLOOD will have blood when ELEPHANTS fight, it is the grass that suffers KILLING no murder MURDER will out virtue the BEST of men are but men at best to the PURE all things are pure VIRTUE is its own reward wanting and having see also greed APPETITE comes with eating the BEST-laid schemes .. gang aft agley

the CAT would eat fish .. he that would EAT the fruit must climb the tree if IFS and ands were pots and pans.. NO pain, no gain NOTHING venture, nothing gain NOTHING venture, nothing have if you RUN after two hares you will catch neither SEEK and ye shall find the WISH is father to the thought if WISHES were horses, beggars would ride warfare ATTACK is the best form of defence COUNCILS of war never fight the best DEFENSE is a good offense all’s FAIR in love and war TRUTH is the first casualty of war waste HASTE makes waste do not throw PEARLS to swine SPARE at the spigot, and let out at the bung-hole WASTE not, want not WILFUL waste makes woeful want ways and means DIFFERENT strokes for different folks DIRTY water will quench fire EASY does it never do EVIL that good may come of it FIGHT fire with fire he who FIGHTS and runs away.. FIRE is a good servant but a bad master FIRST catch your hare when all you have is a HAMMER.. the LONGEST way round is the shortest way home you cannot make an OMELETTE without breaking eggs ONE size does not fit all don’t PUT the cart before the horse REVOLUTIONS are not made with rose-water all ROADS lead to Rome give a man ROPE enough and he will hang himself there is no ROYAL road to learning SLOW and steady wins the race

SLOW but sure SOFTLY, softly, catchee monkey there is more than one WAY to skin a cat there are more WAYS of killing a cat than choking it with cream there are more WAYS of killing a dog than choking it with butter there are more WAYS of killing a dog than hanging it where there’s a WILL, there’s a way he who WILLS the end, wills the means weakness see strength and weakness wealth see riches weather lore see also calendar lore APRIL showers bring forth May flowers there is no such thing as BAD weather.. if CANDLEMAS day be sunny and bright.. as the DAY lengthens, so the cold strengthens a DRIPPING June sets all in tune if in FEBRUARY there be no rain .. a GREEN Yule makes a fat churchyard LONG foretold, long last .. MARCH comes in like a lion .. so many MISTS in March, so many frosts in May NORTH wind doth blow .. when the OAK is before the ash .. a PECK of March dust is worth a king’s ransom RAIN before seven, fine before eleven RED sky at night, shepherd’s delight .. ROBIN Hood could brave all weathers but a thaw wind if SAINT Paul’s day be fair and clear .. SAINT Swithun’s day, if thou be fair, for forty days it will remain SEPTEMBER blow soft, till the fruit’s in the loft the SHARPER the storm, the sooner it’s over when the WIND is in the east, ‘tis neither good for man nor beast weddings happy is the BRIDE.. always a BRIDESMAID, never a bride DREAM of a funeral ..

MARRY in May, rue for aye one WEDDING brings another happy’s the WOOING that is not long a-doing wilfulness see obstinacy winners and losers see also gains and losses let them LAUGH that win he LAUGHS best who laughs last he who LAUGHS last, laughs longest what you LOSE on the swings .. you cannot LOSE what you never had what a NEIGHBOUR gets is not lost the WEAKEST go to the wall you WIN a few, you lose a few you can’t WIN them all wisdom you cannot CATCH old birds with chaff EXPERIENCE is the father of wisdom FOOLS ask questions that wise men cannot answer KNOW thyself KNOWLEDGE is power one cannot LOVE and be wise out of the MOUTHS of babes— you cannot put an OLD head on young shoulders a STILL tongue makes a wise head wishes see under wanting and having wives and husbands see also marriage BETTER to be an old man’s darling .. a BLIND man’s wife needs no paint the GREY mare is the better horse the HUSBAND is always the last to know he that will THRIVE must first ask his wife women never CHOOSE your women or your linen by candlelight the FEMALE of the species is more deadly than the male

the HAND that rocks the cradle rules the world HELL hath no fury like a woman scorned LONG and lazy, little and loud .. SILENCE is a woman’s best garment a WHISTLING woman and a crowing hen . . a WOMAN, a dog, and a walnut tree .. a WOMAN and a ship ever want mending a WOMAN without a man .. a WOMAN’S place is in the home a WOMAN’S work is never done words and deeds ACTIONS speak louder than words a BARKING dog never bites a BELLOWING COW soon forgets her calf BRAG is a good dog .. DO as I say, not as I do EMPTY vessels make the most sound EXAMPLE is better than precept FINE words butter no parsnips MUCH cry and little wool an OUNCE of practice is worth a pound of precept PRACTISE what you preach STICKS and stones may break my bones.. TALK is cheap work see also diligence; trades and skills ANOTHER day, another dollar a BAD workman blames his tools never send a BOY to do a man’s job two BOYS are half a boy .. you cannot make BRICKS without straw BUSINESS before pleasure he who CAN, does .. let the COBBLER stick to his last the COBBLER to his last .. EVERY man to his trade FOOLS and bairns should never see half-done work why KEEP a dog and bark yourself? KEEP no more cats than will catch mice the LABOURER is worthy of his hire MANY hands make light work PAY beforehand was never well served

a SHORT horse is soon curried if a THING’S worth doing, it’s worth doing well TOO many cooks spoil the broth a WOMAN’S work is never done all WORK and no play makes Jack a dull boy WORK expands so as to fill the time available if you won’t WORK you shan’t eat worry see stress wrong-doers see also error a BAD penny always turns up CHEATS never prosper to ERR is human .. EVIL doers are evil dreaders the GREATER the sinner, the greater the saint a GUILTY conscience needs no accuser HANG a thief when he’s young .. there is HONOUR among thieves an IDLE brain is the Devil’s workshop ILL weeds grow apace LITTLE thieves are hanged .. OFFENDERS never pardon OLD sins cast long shadows ONCE a whore, always a whore an old POACHER makes the best gamekeeper if there were no RECEIVERS.. give a man ROPE enough .. set a THIEF to catch a thief when THIEVES fall out .. youth whom the GODS love die young the GOOD die young you cannot put an OLD head on young shoulders SOON ripe, soon rotten WANTON kittens make sober cats YOUNG folks think old folks to be fools .. a YOUNG man married is a young man marred YOUNG saint, old devil YOUTH must be served if YOUTH knew, if age could

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