THE FREE COPYLOCAL Brisbane WestINDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWS ● November 2017 Celebrating 10 years Kenmore and District Montessori Children's House SAVING OUR HISTORY Mt Crosby PreservationFOODIES' FUNDRAISER WHOLE LIFE VIEWPullenvale on a Platter Digital Disruption: What is it? Will it affect you?QLD STATE ELECTION - Moggill Candidates Forum - Mon 20 November - OLR, Kenmore
With so much planning and preparation going into making this year’s Pullenvale Spring Fair a day to remember, the Pullenvale State School Spring Fair Committee made the tough call that the event was going to go ahead. After all, the rain was easing up and maybe a few of the local Pullenvale families would turn up. Even though the ground was saturated and the rain was just light, there were a few patches of blue trying to break through. To the surprise of many, everyone still turned up. The fairground was filled a sea of happy, muddy Pullenvale State School kids wearing grins from ear to ear. By all accounts, the day turned out to be a huge success, and undoubtedly left all who attended with a sense of participating in a memorable event. Pullenvale State School P&C President Sean Goodsir congratulated everyone involved with this year’s event for a job well done under stressful conditions. However, Sean could not confirm at this stage the rumours that, as the kids had so much fun in the rain this year, the P&C would consider putting on sprinklers on the day of the next Pullenvale Spring Fair! Bruce Doyle Elizabeth Pat Marrinan Legal Shearer Special Counsel / Accredited Family Practitioner Legal Director / Practitioner Law Specialist Accredited Family Law Specialist DirectorCall 3236 3000 Clarity | Value | Respect THE LOCAL BULLETIN Appointments available in Chapel HillA Level 7, 243 Edward St, Brisbane, Q, 4000 0417 727 314E: [email protected] [email protected] (07) 3282 7755 NOVEMBER 2017 3
Learn From A Pro! Cool Fit!Local Youngster, Nic Kingston, knows how to juggle like a With new pool steps pro... and he's going to teach you how too! improving access for all, Bellbowrie Pool's aqua-Nic is an exceptionally teacher with over 20 years aerobics classes are off to a who want to help with restoring or talented juggler. When experience. Because there maintaining their health and mobility,”he was just 5 years old Nic are no juggling activities great start said Lainey.saw someone juggling available in Brisbane’sand was fascinated by western suburbs, Nic and Aqua-aerobics aficionado Lainey Bellbowrie Pool Manager Vlad Fodorthe patterns the balls Davy decided to start Loneragan led the campaign, said that there are currently around 300were making in the air, their own in the hope making many calls to BCC to clarify the people attending the Bellbowrie Poolsomething most people that Nic would find some situation. After speaking to just about Aqua-aerobics classes every week.find very hard to see. friends in our local area everyone at the council involved with the with whom he can share Bellbowrie Pool, Lainey finally managed “As we move toward summer we are From that day he was his passion. to get to speak directly to BCC Lifestyles seeing more people coming along to thedetermined to learn how and community manager Tim Flood. pool for the aqua-aerobics classes, andto juggle and after many Juggling is lots of fun these new steps are a big help,”he said.months of practice he to learn and has heaps “Tim was very accommodating,” saidtaught himself how to of benefits including Lainey, \"and now we finally have the “Classes run at the Bellbowrie Pool byjuggle 3 balls. He mastered 4 balls at increasing the volume of grey matter in steps that we needed to allow more qualified instructors Vanessa and Lanaage 6 and 5 balls at age 7. He has since yourbrain,improvingyourconcentration people to join our aqua-aerobics classes.“ are so popular because they not onlylearnt how to juggle scarves, rings, clubs and focus, hand-eye coordination and give attendees a good workout, but theand even knives and at age 17, he now physical fitness. It’s great for stress relief Lainey said that whilst the swimming two instructors also make them fun,”saidjuggles 7 balls and is learning 8. as it keeps you “in the moment” and pool is an excellent venue for aqua- Vlad. burns about 280 calories per hour. aerobics classes, some people have Nic is also autistic and faces many The workshops are open to anyone either not started classes, or have For more information on Aqua-challenges, both intellectually and aged 12 and over who would like to dropped out because of the difficulty in aerobics classes at the Bellbowrie Poolphysically, because of his disability, but learn and will be held at the Bellbowrie accessing the pool. call 3202 6620.he has many special gifts too and wants Pool from 10am -11:30am on the lastto make a positive contribution to our Sunday of every month.The first one will Lainey and her aqua-friends are solocal community. be November 26.) This is a non-profit pleased with the new steps that they are venture and to join in the fun will cost forming a new social community group Nic has invited his juggling coach you just $5 per person to help cover they intend to call the Aquabells (AquaDavy Sampford from Flipside Circus in some of the expenses. for aqua-aerobics and the bells fromAlderley to come and help him teach a For further information please contact Bellbowrie).monthly juggling workshop, 'Nic's Juggle Julie on 0401 451 966.Club' to be held at Bellbowrie Pool. Davy “Our Aquabells group is openis a professional circus performer and to anyone, both men and women, BELLBOWRIE POOL FREE SWIM LESSONS lessons for ToddlersBellbowrie Swimming Pool (from 6 months to 2 ½ years)BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL (General admission applies for parents)GET FIT WITH YOUR KID!NEW PROGRAM - It’s all about FUN & FITNESS!!! 31TOUSCETTASODRTBASEYRSessions will improve tness, technique andcardiovascular health for both you and your child!Tuesday and Friday 5:30am - 7:00am Prices: $15 for one adult and one childSaturday 7:00am - 8:00am $18.50 for three people (Price includes entry and coach) *everyone needs to be from the same family47 Birkin Road | Bellbowrie | 3202 6620 | [email protected] NOVEMBER 2017 THE LOCAL BULLETIN (07) 3282 7755 [email protected]
Help Plan Our Future Get internet in an instantBrisbane residents are being invited to help guide thefuture of the city and suburbs, following the launch of Home Wireless Broadband in a box Brisbane City Council’s Plan Your Brisbane project. Simple. Convenient. Flexible.Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said revitalisation well underway, as You don’t need a phone line Council was launching a city-wide well as the second runway under or technician to get connectedconversation about what residents construction at the Brisbane Airport with Home Wireless Broadband.loved about their city and what they and the Brisbane Metro starting, Just power up your new modemwanted to see to make Brisbane even it is important that Brisbane takes and have internet in an instantbetter. advantage of these city-shaping with no waiting around. opportunities,” he said. “Plan Your Brisbane is designed to Available in selected homes. Fair Go Policy applies.give everyone the chance to have “Community can guide our plans Only available in selected areas on the Optus 4G Plus network with the modem supplied by Optus or Vividwirelesstheir say about the future of our city: for future growth, whether that is (depending on which plan you choose) at the address specified in your application. Plan options and speeds are dependentwhat they like, what they want to maintaining the character of our on network spectrum areas. Faster speeds and Vividwireless Unlimited Data plan only available in areas with 2300change and how the next chapter of suburbs, focusing development Mhz coverage. Payment by direct debit only for Vividwireless plans and service billed and provided by Vividwireless.our city should be shaped,” he said. around public transport options Cancellation fees may apply. or building new place-making “We want to hear what people want destinations, Plan Your Brisbane YES0034 LSMPORTAL-OLSM0090 A4 (08/17)to see for our city and our suburbs, will give residents the chance towhether that is more green space, keep Brisbane heading in the rightmore leisure and lifestyle options, direction.”more public transport options or lesstraffic congestion. Plan Your Brisbane will involve a city-wide series of events, school “People have already told us that activities and interactive digitalBrisbane is a great place to live, work opportunities for people to voiceand relax – but our city is growing their views on city priorities and getand we need to plan for the future.” involved in the conversation about Brisbane’s future. Cr Quirk said that with a numberof city-shaping projects currently You can get involved with Planunderway, it was important for the Your Brisbane by completing a shortcommunity to be part of creating a survey. For more information, visitvision for Brisbane. or call Council on (07) 3403 8888. “With works on the Queens Wharfproject and Howard Smith Wharves 2017 $40/mth =15GB Pullenvale Ward Community Minimum total cost CHRISTMAS over 12 months $480. CAROLS 25THSNatOurVdaEyMBER akuna oval, kenmore Free for everyone Entertainment & CAROLS from 4pm• Fun for the Whole Family • Live music • Kids Activities • BABY’S FIRST CHRISTMAS MEDALION PRESENTATION • Special Visit from Santa Cr Kate Richards All for use in Australia. Fair Go Policy applies. Extra data $10/1GB. $40 My Plan Plus 12M SIM Only plan (promo): Sign up in store and get 15GB data/mth. Not available in Councillor for Pullenvale Ward conjunction with any other bonus data offer. New customers only. Offer available until withdrawn by us.This event is brought to the community by YES0195 LSMPORTAL-OLSM0149 A4 (09/17)Cr Kate Richards and the Lord Mayor’s SuburbanInitiative Fund for Pullenvale [email protected] (07) 3282 7755 THE LOCAL BULLETIN NOVEMBER 2017 5
From the cover story every month 7 Montessori House Editor’s desk... Celebrates 10 years 6 From the Editor’s desk with Barry Searle inside with Editor, Barry Searle 13 The Legal Keys with Adrian Keys What a day for a daydream! 11 Kids Jump into Summer from Melrose Keys Lawyers Last month the Pullenvale School P&C with New Swim School Spring Fair Committee were looking Pullenvale community who, on that 15 Round the Roundabout - 20 The Ryan Report with Federal down the barrel at a total washout for night, stood together as one. Kenmore Traffic Woesmonths of preparation and planning of member for Ryan, Jane Prenticethe Pullenvale Spring Fair. 21-25 Whole Life At 2pm on the day, the rain was stillfalling after a week of record spring rain, I have attended lots of community 18 Local Artist Captures the 27 The Green Diary with Claire Bickleand even in the face of it, the decision events, but I would have to say that Art of Nature 32 RSL Report with Trevor Dixonwas made to go ahead! standing quietly in the rain for a moment on that day, and just observing the Spring 19 Get your Teeth into 36 Moggill Mt Crosby Lions Club When I returned to the Pullenvale Fair unfolding around me made me feel with President David LandersSchool at 4 pm, I could hardly believe my proud, not for myself, but for all the Pullenvale Dentaleyes, as even though the rain had eased people that have helped the Pullenvale 30 BCC Cancels Tree Planting 37 Education Matters withoff a little, the Pullenvale Spring Fair was community grow over the years; the 32 Armistice Day Centenary going on as if the day had been fine. countless hours of contributions and Grants Lucy BiggsEveryone had turned up anyway and volunteer effort to make Pullenvale a 37 Loving Learning made the best of what they could… and great place to raise a family. at Brisbane Independent 38 Caring for Your Pet withdid they ever! School Service to the community is of 42 It's Generational at Westvets Animal Hospital I have never seen so many happy, paramount importance if we all are to Sherwood Arboretummuddy kids at any event that I have leave a legacy that ensures a future for 39 Feather Fascination withattended in the forty or so years that all our children. Sometimes it can feel asI have lived out here in the western though community service doesn't make Jim Butlersuburbs. a difference, but collectively, it is the only thing that ever has. 40-41What’s On Guide My hat is off to the Pullenvale SchoolSpring Fair Committee for staring defeat 44-49 Club Newsin the face and forging ahead with theevent. In our January edition, we are DEADLINE FOR DECEMBER 2017 ISSUE: publishing a complete list of all our My other hat (I wear a lot of hats) is community groups’ contact details so Wednesday 15th November, 2017also off to the incredibly supportive that we can all see how our communityPullenvale Community that all turned sector has evolved, and how connected CIRCULATION 24,000up to attend and show their support, with the community they have all Household delivery: Anstead, Barellan Point, Bellbowrie, Brookfield,regardless of the inclement weather. become. Later in the year, we will be hosting a Community Group Forum Chapel Hill, Chuwar, Fig Tree Pocket, Indooroopilly-Jay Park, By all accounts, the day was a huge where we will be helping to coordinate Karalee, Karana Downs, Kenmore, Kenmore Hills, Mt Crosby, Moggill,success and was enjoyed by all, even if events and advising on communityall the washing machines going on at grants from both the public and the Pinjarra Hills, Pullenvale, & Upper Brookfield.the same time later that evening almost private sector.caused a power surge brown-out! BulletinStands in all major shopping areas. The New Year is an excellent time for THE The event ended with a fabulous a new resolution, and volunteering is a LOCALfirework display, where every rocket way to assist the hundreds of people inthat plunged up high into the hazy these groups who contribute week after Brisbane Westheavens seemed to scream out \"Is that week throughout the area to make our ABN 65 078 742 668all you got?\" echoed with the cheers communities in the Western suburbsand laughter of the somewhat muddy both healthier and stronger. The Local Bulletin-Brisbane West NOVEMBER 2017, Vol.21, Iss.11. Est.1996 Everyone is welcome. I hope to see Ph: 3282 7755 you there! BarrCyhe:e+rs)! For all online enquiries please contact: [email protected] Owner/Editor - Barry Searle; Features - Colleen Goldman; Copy Editing - Lynda WindsorBrisbane Legal & Financial Centre 1/2059 Moggill Rd, Kenmore QLD 4069 (Red building & door, just up from Kenmore Roundabout) P:3378 8500 or Centre number 3378 3949 E: [email protected] or West AIRPORT SHUTTLE Reliable and affordable door to door airport transfers Monday - Saturday Large commuter bus with child and 5:00am - 8:00pm booster seats provided. Fixed Rates (eg. 2 passengers from Kenmore $50) / 0423 859 8806 NOVEMBER 2017 THE LOCAL BULLETIN (07) 3282 7755 [email protected]
Hidden on top of the two-storey car parkbehind Kenmore Villageshopping Centre is oneof the best kept secrets in Brisbane: a child education centre that goes by the name of ‘Kenmore and District Montessori Children’s House’.The first time you House is celebrating a ‘decade of excellence’ in oneself and the environment. enter the Montessori early childhood education and care in the Western KDMCH provides an approved kindergartenclassroom you realise how Suburbs of Brisbane, marked by its rating ofboth calm and stimulating ‘Exceeding’ in all National Quality standards, and program formulated by registered Queenslandit is. The equipment and ‘Excellent’, as granted by the Australian Children’s College of Teachers with the aim to championmaterials are displayed on Early Childhood Quality Authority (ACECQA). the cause of all children. It is purposely designedlow, open shelves, allowing and built to honour the century-old Montessorichildren to choose for “We are very proud of these ratings,”says Director, Method.themselves the activities Ms Renuka Senanayake, “since they are the highestthey find attractive. All ratings that an education and care service can “We have earned a five-star health and nutritionthe materials are child achieve.” rating through our ability to offer the childrensized, self-correcting, nutritious and delicious meals every day,” Msmanipulative and, where Ms Senanayake believes that the Montessori Senanayake says.possible, real. process offers an education that serves as a keyTeachers work quietly, component of peace and social harmony. “Our wonderful centre creates a genuineguiding either a small community spirit by building rapport amonggroup or an individual child. “The Kenmore and District Montessori Children’s teachers, community, parents and children and weA cooperative feeling of House is an education for life,” she says. “It is a are proud to offer a place where each individualcommunity can be felt and learning process wherein children are encouraged along with each and every family is valued andseen in the happy and busy to develop at their own pace in a safe, caring and respected,” she says.faces of the children. carefully prepared environment, designed to fosterThe Montessori classroom independent thinkers who are actively engaged in The core aim of KDMCH is to create anseems to be a uniquely the learning process.” inspirational working model for love of learningchild-centred environment. and learning for life.The community that fills KDMCH is a valued contributor to thethe Kenmore and District Australian Early Childhood sector. It provides an To make enquiries regarding enrolments forMontessori Children’s individual approach tailored to each child’s stage 2019 please contact the Director, Ms Renuka of development and learning style. It aims to Senanayake via email at: [email protected], nurture and develop children’s curiosity, creativity, or phone 3378 1122. The Kenmore and District imagination and intelligence, and encourage the Montessori Children’s House is at 9 Brookfield children to respect the human dignity of others, Road, Kenmore. Visit the website at www.kdmch. com.WHO WILL GET YOUR VOTE IN 2017?Candidates* for the Moggill Electorate in the 2017 MEET THE CANDIDATES FACE TO FACE & FIND OUT Authorised by Barry Searle, Editor, The Local Bulletin, PO Box 330, Kenmore, 4069 Queensland State Election. WHERE THEY STAND ON ISSUES THAT AFFECT YOU LIBERAL/NATIONAL (LNP) MOGGILaLt thEeL20E1C7 TORATEDr Christian Rowan, MP (Sitting Member) CANDIDATES FORUM LABOR (ALP) Evan Jones GREENS 6pm for 6:30pm start Lawson McCane Monday, 20th November THE at the Carroll Community Centre, OLR, KenmoreBulletinLOCAL Brisbane West *All nominated A forum chaired by Editor, Barry Searle, with candidates at the time directed questions, and an open floor opportunity.YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWS MAGAZINE of going to press. Brought to you by The Local [email protected] (07) 3282 7755 THE LOCAL BULLETIN NOVEMBER 2017 7
Preserving our History It’s a beautiful hamlet with a long history, built on the banks of the Brisbane River, and now its heritage is to be preserved.CAROLS Seqwater will invest up to $2 million consideration feedback received refurbishing the historic Works from the local community andON THE OVAL Hill housing precinct at Mt Crosby tenants of the heritage homes on the as part of a major project to improve importance they place on preservingShare in the spirit of Christmas with your the flood resilience of critical water the historic nature of the precinct. family and the local community supply infrastructure for Brisbane and South East Queensland. Once the site is selected, Seqwater - an evening of fun and entertainment will have a better understanding on The Mt Crosby water treatments the potential impact on the Work Hills Sunday 3 December 2017 plants, Westbank and East Bank, precinct. Moggill State School Oval provide the majority of Brisbane, Ipswich and Logan’s drinking water “Preserving the history of the site is (entry from Kangaroo Gully Road) supply and up to half of South East equally important to Seqwater,” said Queensland’s drinking water. Mike. 5:00pm Food 6:30pm Community Carols The recent Brisbane River Flood At this stage, Seqwater aim to be Study has highlighted the need to in a position to start refurbishing the If it rains it will be held in the school hall improve the resilience of the East houses in 2018, subject to council Bank pumping station and associated approvals. A technical heritage Bring a chair and picnic blanket electrical sub-station which provides building architect has inspected Food, drinks and candles for sale power to the pump station by moving some of the houses and is finalising these assets to higher ground. recommendations for refurbishment. Moggill/Bellbowrie churches “The 2011 and 2013 floods Seqwater continues to work with highlighted the risks to Brisbane’s Council to resolve storm water design key water infrastructure, including issues on the Works Hill houses flooding of the pump station,” said site. The design needs to balance Mike Foster, Manager of External the location of the drinking water Relations for Seqwater. network, waste water treatment irrigation areas, the location of Seqwater is working with Energy heritage-listed buildings as well as Queensland, Brisbane City Council significant trees on the site. and the Department of Main Roads to complete the site options Five of the 11 heritage dwellings analysis for the new sub-station on Works Hill have been kept empty and control system for the critical since tenants left to minimise the electrical infrastructure. The reason disruption that will result from the for relocating this critical electrical refurbishment works. infrastructure is to allow Seqwater to get the pump station back up and “These works are long overdue and running as quickly as possible after a we are committed to sharing plans major flood. with the Mt Crosby community once the options assessment is completed Seqwater has taken into and the site has been determined,” said Mike. Beven Bowe & Associates SOLICITORS With the end of 2017 and Christmas approaching, Beven would like to say thanks to his clients and staff for a great year. We trust that your Christmas “The best and New Year will bring compliment to me to you and those you is your referrals and love, peace, good health, repeat business.” prosperity and contentment. Warm Regards Beven P: 3378 9288 F: 3378 9688 M: 0408 026 966 E: [email protected] W: Find us at: 7 Almay St. Kenmore Q 40698 NOVEMBER 2017 THE LOCAL BULLETIN (07) 3282 7755 [email protected]
Spring SeaSon Starter timecutter® SS4200 $8Sa0v0e 3 YearS WarrantY 4 acreS• 11.3 km p/hr Speed $5295• 42” Pressed Steel Deck $4495• 452cc Toro® OHV single cylinder• Dual Hydrostatic-Hydro-Gear® ZT 2100More specials at The Mower PlaceOutdoor Power Equipment Specialists Browns Plains Capalaba Kenmore8 Central Court Browns Plains Q 4118 48 Redland Bay Road Capalaba 4157 2274 Moggill Road Kenmore 4069 07 3802 4700 07 3245 6011 07 3503 8888Photographs for illustration purposes only. While stocks last. *Terms & conditions apply.
® ® ®TOLLESEAPWA®RLRIRNMEONATLGEOTRRAONSAR® WS®MNTIWMOSTIMOSWSWIMIM RLAEPMARRSON GPTRORAPSORWMGIOSMRGARAMMSS PROGRAMS baby pro grams baby pro baby pro babybapbroy pro baby pro lassleassseslassesnC0aC7lal 3letlo1nt4doCb3loayb9ol,o0lkpo3Ctok4oanlolb0nt7oo0o37b1k4o33oo1nk4930o039n74003374143314930930434Cablel,cdioV.3rAlmV7loiBVilbsmsrVmi8eBiigBf.bisshecml8teoBiftilisressrbloFt+oltew8elrkronfebl+ilcoewmnospllntibwolloenlwnoowbrthdorby+wwvewtmwd.yownemaoowRrohlnodowrhlueiy.wwueiowlyewwstgde.yso.smj,ajoah,ar.uSfuwrS3hl3nrjdralpopeiuyehhmmrrsiieF,tt.mesreaomrmoarj.,BascposuippSoci@3mp©@et©8evsppsvpfhbsmSproelSwtwsoaoioljwwornaidibjormuwmnis+rpimuotgeikpomsLi©ntegmyevomsiLnsmpoPwomemSo.espmPwiowleatiasdyanscppranimPlsemnsizatmchpauBfileythgPlscanmlsvoLzLtoheyle8eytw,oshcfdamliPv!oLoo.3slroAsotw,pc,ldall7loierisolb+.3asc3omaerrAPingpBn.l7lozioltnhhlcorlysmstritasilsrwvogLtBrod.yr.khte,cmcccdmssptioiiiosrehl.3srno©rhoAorreikvvye.l7cloeemaolmspRSiodssernw.,iuhaoalorgBg.Sv3o..hicaemhaoparRtfiohdsrdtalroo.uteuolsLsrgko,reomeroama.sphsBmiroifofpecmnd©,SermaorolaRaddwb.PBaimnr.cmnumtoliotmleeysytgolweavhLlos.eLfolitaeddobncrdormmeiProi.uef,oerpeAryaolesBwlaoal.ei!mPintrneaztn®irlygeailflhvuLfoelodtbt,ocsdri!.3or!reAey7lowspleeriiorgnrBvhieofteisdro.rkleg!spiehnrorvaeeoRdm.aolgahrtsdaee,mdaBtesyelledboywerielasseslasses lassesindoor ar round indoor ararrroounudnd ar r aorurnodund ininddoooorr ar round indoorfunffu,unfnr,i,frfiri nnmmneenmntte!!nt! indoornment! fun, fri nmenntm!ent!fun, fri fun, ® www.jumpswim ®®
Jump Swim Opens in BellbowrieA new swim school, Jump Swim Bellbowrie, was recently launched at Mogganza.Driven by a desire to contribute Jump Swim Bellbowrie is open all in a meaningful way to their year round), where the continuitylocal community, Nadine and of learning can be reinforcedAndrew Moore have started a leading into summer.swim school in a private indoor “All children learn at differentfacility, allowing lessons all year rates, so there is no expectationand in all types of weather. as to when milestones should “Our point of difference from occur,“ said Andrew, “but whenmainstream swimming schools is they do, Jump Bellbowrie will Nic with baby Luca, join Nadineour more private, purpose built be celebrating it with the child and Andy and young swimmers,indoor facility, catering to a better and their parents, ensuring their Jake, Isaac, Mitch, Harry andlearning experience for the child,” important milestone is recognised Jamieson at the cool new pool at Jump Swim Bellbowriesaid Andrew. and rewarded.” lessons at Jump Swim Bellbowrie. “We experienced overwhelming support“Our class sizes are small, Nadine and Andrew and their Nadine is originally from Murgon from everyone who attended Mogganza inallowing more attention to be six year old twin sons have lived and has a background in studying early August and owe the Mogganza Committeegiven to the child and there is in Bellbowrie for four years, and childhood as well as previously working in a great deal of thanks for assisting us withonly ever a maximum of 2 lessons consider themselves to be well the banking industry. our launch,” said Andrew.occurring at any given time,” he and truly integrated into the local Andrew is originally from Toowoombaexplained. “We don’t run in line community. The boys are in Grade and is a pilot with Tigerair. Nadine and “As part of the community, we arewith school terms, so you can 1 at Moggill State School, where Andrew have lived in many different places committed to supporting the local areastart your child at any time.” Harry played his first year of soccer but chose to settle in Bellbowrie because in maintaining awareness of child waterAs the pool, heated to a genuine this year with Moggill U7s and of its rural aspects and community feel, safety through water safety presentations32 degrees, is indoor, even getting enjoys learning Karate at school, which they say pave the way for a better at the Kindergartens and Playgroups.”out of the pool doesn’t expose you while Mitch loves ‘dropping in’ at family lifestyle. Nadine will manage Jumpto the elements. This is especially the skate park on his scooter. Both Swim Bellbowrie as well as work as one Jump Swim Bellbowrie caters for babiesimportant in winter (yes, winter: boys, of course, are booked in for of the instructors. All the instructors are from 3 months old to kids aged 10 years Austswim Qualified with CPR old. Once the child has mastered theirFinding Christmas certification and live in the basic stroke techniques, they can chooseCheer Bellbowrie/Pullenvale area and to progress on to squad training or western suburbs. swimming club at the local Bellbowrie Pool, where they can further their development as they head into their teenage years.Don’t spend Christmas alone.Come and join in this friendly community celebration.It is easy to get caught up in the arrived in Australia from the war in commercialism of Christmas, their country. The girls sang beautiful Now open in the evenings...however, events such as the Kenmore renditions of traditional ChristmasChurches Christmas Day Lunch carols in their own language.allow us to get into the true spirit of This event is facilitated by Friday and Saturday nights, F U L LYChristmas in sharing time and food wonderful volunteers who drive 6pm until late LICENCEDwith those who may be alone or guests to and from the lunch, servestruggling at this time of year. meals, act as table hosts, and help Great menu: share plates or single mealsPlanning is underway for this year’s prepare food. The free meal, available Serene, intimate atmosphereevent to be held on Christmas Day at from 11.30am – 2pm, is for those who Great for dinner dates, anniversaries,the Carroll Community Centre, OLR may be spending Christmas alone this birthdays or just a night out.TakeawayCatholic School, cnr of Kenmore and year. Elderly or handicapped people meals available.Moggill Roads, Kenmore. This event and newcomers to Australia are Make a booking or just walk in...has been held every year since the welcome as guests, and volunteers Alwaysearly 1990s, and in 2016 a record are also invited to take part. andnumber of over 150 guests and Guests and volunteers canvolunteers enjoyed a festive meal nominate by phoning Jennifer onat the Carroll Community Centre. 3378 5211 by Monday 11 December Find us at the Bellbowrie Shopping Plaza and theLast year’s guests included several to reserve a place at the tables. Bellbowrie Pool. Both cafés open 7 days a week.Syrian refugee girls who had recently 07 3202 5144 moccabellacafe WILLS AND ESTATES City experience Business Hours Wills & Estate Planning with suburban 8:30am to 5pm Enduring Powers of Attorney convenience Mondays to Fridays Advance Health Directives Mercia Stoltz Trusts and Superannuation M: 0400 775 570 P: 3201 1355 BLC LLB GradDipLP MTax CTA BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL A: 35 St Andrews Drive, Superannuation and Taxation Karana Downs Q 4306 E: [email protected] PROPERTY W: Residential and Commercial [email protected] (07) 3282 7755 THE LOCAL BULLETIN NOVEMBER 2017 11
Give a Little Love With the festive Christmas season fast approaching, it is time to start thinking, not only about our friends and family in this time of giving, but also those less fortunate. The Rotary Club of Kenmore family members to provide them and helloworld are asking the with additional Christmas cheer. Any community to get into the true additional gifts collected will then spirit of Christmas by supporting the be distributed by the Rotary Club of inaugural helloworld and Rotary Club Kenmore to the Prison Chaplaincy of Kenmore ‘Christmas Giving Tree’. Christmas Appeal and the Salvation Army. Shoppers and businesses can donate gifts by placing them under The collection of gifts for the the tree located outside helloworld. Christmas Giving Tree is happening A dual system of gift-giving will now and will continue until Saturday operate. You can donate specific 2 December 2017, allowing plenty of gifts, details of which can be found time for the distribution of gifts prior on the coloured gift tags on the to Christmas. So, check out the tree tree. Alternatively, you can donate and drop off your gifts sooner rather a free choice gift. Items such as than later. More details of how and clothing, soft toys, games, toiletries, what to give will be available at the chocolates, tinned or boxed biscuits, tree. Sudoku or Crossword puzzle books would be most welcome. Please do A foodbank will also operate at the not wrap the gifts. same time. Non-perishable, within use-by-date items can be dropped in Items on the coloured tags the food collection receptacle located represent the Wish Lists of residents between Café Bliss and Flower. in four major Nursing Homes/Aged Care facilities in the Kenmore area. With the help of the local Sadly, these residents have no or few community, this can be a kinder Christmas for those less fortunate. WIN ONE OF FIVE $500 GIFT CARDS! Follow the clues and be the first there to claim your prize. Live clues to find the gift cards will be posted on Kenmore Village’s Facebook and Instagram on Thursday, 30th of November. For your chance to win, simply follow us on Facebook and Instagram, decipher the live clues, solve the puzzle & WIN!12 NOVEMBER 2017 THE LOCAL BULLETIN (07) 3282 7755 9 Brookfield Rd, Kenmore P 07 3725 4288 F 07 3725 4299 [email protected]
at Christmas The Legal Keys... with Adrian Keys When do children have a choice in Family Law matters? Parents often raise with me and that the boys had said that the question of “When do they wished to remain living in my children’s opinions on who New York with the Father. Prior to they should live with come into this, the boys were living with the consideration?” The short answer Father in Australia. Their 12 year is the Court does not have to take old sister resided with the Mother. into consideration their opinion, The Mother was successful but may do so if they believe it in obtaining an interim order Rotary Club members and helloworld Kenmore staff appropriate and they may add (temporary order) that the boys are awaiting your gifts for those less fortunate. whatever weight they believe it return to Australia for the matter should be given. The Courts main to be dealt with by the FamilyHitch on to the Raffle! consideration in children matters Law Court. The Father appealed is having to assess (A) the benefit this matter all the way to the High of the child having a meaningful Court claiming that the CourtYou could be driving away with a trailer full of goodies! relationship with both of the child’s should take into consideration the parents; and (B) The need to boys opinions. The High CourtIt seems hard to believe that it has out the trailer and prize boards, protect the child from physical or ruled that the boys opinions was been a year since those intrepid you will find Rotarians positioned psychological harm from being only 1 of many factors for the Courtand dedicated members of the near Choice at Kenmore Village on subjected to, or exposed to, to consider and that that althoughRotary Club of Kenmore packed Fridays and Saturdays and outsideup their trailer with goodies galore Woolworths Kenmore Plaza on abuse, neglect or family violence. a child’s views and wishes can A general rule of thumb is that if be relevant, they are not theand stood patiently beside it, selling Sundays. The raffle will be drawn the child is under say 12 years, determinative factor and there istickets for their annual Christmas on Sunday 10 December at 2pm their opinions, are likely to carry no requirement for the court to be less weight with a Court than bound by those views. As usual,Trailer Raffle. outside Woolworths, Kenmore. say a 14 year old. However, as a the law is not straight forward orThis year’s raffle is more Tickets are only $20 a book, 5 forspectacular than ever and kicks off $10, or one for $2. Why not buy a recent court case illuminates it is a clear cut but your child’s opinions discretion of the Court. This recent are important, particularly if theyon Friday 3 November at Kenmore book to increase your chances of case concerned two boys aged 17 are over say 12 years of age,Village Shopping Centre with the being a winner?launch of the new six-week Art The good folk at Café Fiori have and 15 who had travelled with their however the Court will determine Father to New York for a holiday. what weight it gives their opinion.Union Raffle. donated free coffee vouchers toA total of approximately $7,350 the first 250 whole book buyers. During the trip the Father advised Next month: Thinking about the Mother that he would not be signing a Retirement Villagein prizes is being offered to the Additionally, if you are a whole book returning to Australia with the boys Contract? Adrianwinners of the 3 major prizes and buyer and win First Prize, you willalthough the total prize pool value receive an extra $200 in cash. This column is not legal advice as it does not take into considerationhas risen over the years, the cost of The Rotary Club of Kenmore your individual facts and you ought seek independent legal remains the same. continues to do amazing work in the Principal, Melrose Keys LawyersFirst Prize is the fabulous trailer, community. The two defibrillators e: [email protected] contents, and vouchers, valued located at Kenmore Village and almost $5,000. Second Prize is a Kenmore Plaza were purchased p: 3378 8500Woman’s Pamper Pack, valued at and donated by the club. Go to f: 3378 8100approximately $2,000. Third Prize is to see thea Gentleman’s Testosterone Pack. wonderful list of sponsors for thisTo buy your tickets and check year’s raffle. Level 1, 2059 Moggill Road, Kenmore Qld 4069 CAR BOOT SALE Sunday 12th November Kenmore Village Shopping Centre is honoured to join together with The Rotary Club of Kenmore for our Community Car Boot Sale. We invite everyone to join in a gathering of the community. Bring along the whole family to uncover the hidden treasures of the Kenmore Community Car Boot Sale. Where: Kenmore Village Shopping Centre – Undercover Carpark located at the rear of the Centre When: Sunday 12 November, 2017 Time: 7am – 12pm STALLHOLDERS: $10 per Carpark – book up to 2 Carparks. Stall holders arrive at 6am for a 7am start. Contact Centre Management for bookings 3725 4288. Collection of entry fee on arrival. CAR 9 Brookfield Road, Kenmore P 07 3725 4288 F 07 3725 4299 BOOT .. SALE (07) 3282 7755 THE LOCAL BULLETIN NOVEMBER 2017 [email protected]
Following on from my article in last month’s The LocalBulletin, where I introduced myself and announced that I wasrunning as the ALP candidate for the State Seat of Moggill, Iwould like to provide further background on my beliefs.I’ll start by saying, I don’t actually care about this electorate. best for our electorate now and for future ideologies, I care about the community I live Many people I meet in the generations. Politicians need to start thinkingin. If this seat had been held for the last 40 past the next News Poll, what we do todayyears by the ALP then I would currently be the electorate don’t agree with affects tomorrow.LNP candidate for Moggill. everything each individual political party stands for. If you have any questions for me, please Once the election is called, count the number I do believe in finding the don’t hesitate to email me at evan.jones@of times media reports say “key marginal common, middle ground. The or join the Facebookseats”. These will be the ones having all the comment I hear most often is page, Evan Jones – Labor for Moggill, and postmoney thrown at them. What do we have? “Politicians here do nothing them there so everyone can see.A substandard arterial road, state schools for our area”. If we believebursting at the seams and one could argue, the Moggill deserves better, weneed for a second high school in the Electorate. need to MAKE MOGGILLIt defies logic for some families to use the for the catchment they live in, whentransport to the school is impossible. While we My aim is not to be like allare a safe LNP seat, none of this will change. of our current politicians as it is quite obvious that people have had enough Our Electorate is regarded so highly that the of them. If you ask me a yes or no question, Icurrent member is only a part time politician. will give you a yes or no answer. If a decisionTo maintain his registration he has to work a needs to be made, I will make it. The decisioncertain number of hours per year as a Doctor will be based on all available facts and as longplus do professional development to maintain as those facts hold, I will stand by my decision.his registration. We deserve a representative If the facts change though, I won’t have anythat will devote all their energies to advancing problem changing my decision. I want the14 NOVEMBER 2017 THE LOCAL BULLETIN (07) 3282 7755 [email protected]
CommuterChaosSolution? The Shadow Minister for Transport andMain Roads paid us a visit last month. Hon. Andrew Powell MP State Shadow Minister for Transport & Main Roads withDr Christian Rowan MP, elected member for Moggill.State Member for Moggill, Dr. then play its part and act.” Christian Rowan MP, last month The LNP‘s Shadow Minister forwelcomed the Liberal-National Transport and Main Roads, AndrewParty’s Shadow Minister for Transport Powell MP said, “Dr. Rowan, alongsideand Main Roads, Andrew Powell MP Tarnya Smith in Mount Ommaney andto Kenmore to show him first hand Scott Emerson in Indooroopilly, hasthe urgent need for an integrated been advocating for an integratedroad and public transport plan for the plan for the western suburbs ofwestern suburbs of Brisbane. Brisbane. C Dr Rowan said, “I am fighting foran integrated and co-ordinated road “So, it was great to be out onand public transport plan to alleviate Mtraffic congestion. the ground with him last month “Such a plan needs to consider all to see first-hand the nightmaYreof the congestion hot spots across of a commute from Kenmore thCMatthe western suburbs and look at all residents face every day. It’s clear MtYopossible solutions: road upgrades me the residents of Moggill deserve(including innovative engineering CYsolutions), public transport solutionsand the co-operation of all levels of a better solution than what they havegovernment.” got at the moment.” CMY Dr. Rowen went on to say that Dr. Rowan said, “Only the LNK P“With an increasing population in has a comprehensive plan to createthe western suburbs of Brisbane, the jobs, better manage Queensland’sState Government must plan and finances, take action on the cost of living, by freezing family car registration and lowering the cost of BISTRO OPEN DAILY FOR LUNCH AND DINNER electricity, and the will to build the OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT MONDAY TO SUNDAY vital infrastructure that is needed .” AND UNTIL 10PM ON SUNDAYMt Crosby, KD & Kholo LIQUOR BARN OPEN FROM 10AM DAILYIpswich BoundUnder a proposed shake-up released last month, 18 federal electorates would be shifted.The Australian Electoral of Ryan, held by the Liberal National Commission’s report proposed Party’s Jane Prentice.boundary changes for 18 ofQueensland’s 30 seats in the House LNP member for Brisbane,of Representatives, but there would Trevor Evans, would lose votersbe no name changes. in Ashgrove and Enoggera to the division of Ryan. The proposal comes afterthe Queensland state electoral Each Australian Federal divisionboundaries were redrawn earlier must have between 106,270 andthis year, which also included 113,978 electors by Septemberincreasing the number of state seats 2021.from 89 to 93. The final determination of Labor member for Blair, Shayne boundaries would be made in MarchNeumann, would gain the suburbs 2018, and the changes would takeof Chuwar, Karana Downs, Kholo effect after the next federal election.and Mount Crosby from the division The deadline for objections to the proposal has now [email protected] (07) 3282 7755 THE LOCAL BULLETIN NOVEMBER 2017 15
ADVERTISEMENTDr Christian Rowan MP and the LNP’sPlan to Build a Better QueenslandJOBS, JOBS, JOBS CAR REGO FREEZEOur plan will provide up to 20,000 jobs for young For three years in a row, Labor have increased family carQueenslanders, reduce the cost of working for young rego by 3.5% - more than twice the inflation rate.apprentices and incentivise businesses to train and In 2012, the LNP froze family car registration for threeretain young Queenslanders. years. This meant that the cost of registering the family car was the same in 2015 as it was at the start of 2012. Queensland Apprenticeship Boost A Tim Nicholls-led LNP Government is committed to freezing family car registration for another three years, $5,000 incentive for businesses who take on a starting from 1 July 2018, if elected after the next state new apprentice from beginning to end. election. We know every little bit helps for stretched family budgets. Job Start Incentive Our commitment will save an average two car family up to $200. The cost of living is a major concern and we know $4,000 grants over a year to assist businesses more needs to be done. with start up costs to hire young Queenslanders. GETTING TOUGH ON Tools for Tradies YOUNG OFFENDERS $500 vouchers when tradies complete their With increasing rates of car theft, hooning and break-ins, apprenticeship to get the tools they need. some young criminals are being arrested in the morning and let go only to be re-arrested in the afternoon. Labor’s Employment Bonus softly softly approach has created a revolving door which isn’t working. A bonus for businesses who train and retain a That’s why an LNP Government will introduce some young Queenslander for at least 12 months. of the toughest youth justice reforms in the nation, to make you safer. No ifs, no buts and no more excuses.HONOURING OURVETERANS Breach of BailRetired veterans deserve the opportunities and services Re-introducing breach of bail as an offence.that reflect the important sacrifice and contributionthey have made to our state. Community ServiceThat’s why if elected, a Tim Nicholls-led LNP Governmentwill Honour Our Veterans by appointing a Minister for Mandatory community service for thoseVeterans’ Affairs who will deliver better targeted services convicted of break-ins, car theft or hooning.and create a $2 million Veterans Transition GrantsProgram. DetentionThis will fund programs that help veterans transitionback into civilian life and another career after leaving the Re-introducing detention for repeat offenders toDefence Force. stop them running riot on our streets.We will also employ more veterans in our frontline services Name and Shameby ensuring they have their military training recognisedand are aware of the jobs available that match their Giving Courts the ability to name and shameextensive skills and training. repeat offenders. Dr Christian No Driver’s Licence ROWAN MP Restricting offenders licences if convicted of car LNP Member for Moggill theft or hooning. PO Box 914, Kenmore QLD 4069 0407 033 500 [email protected] ChristianRowanLNP Authorised by L.Folo. 66-68 Bowen Street, Spring Hill QLD 4000.16 NOVEMBER 2017 THE LOCAL BULLETIN (07) 3282 7755 [email protected]
ADVERTISEMENTDr Christian Rowan MP and the LNP’sPlan to Build a Better QueenslandBUY LOCAL CUTTING RED TAPEA Tim Nicholls-led LNP Government will take the The Palaszczuk Labor Government has made it harder tolead on buying locally to support Queensland do business by increasing red tape and regulation.businesses, local suppliers and local jobs with our Buy Labor scrapped the LNP’s plan to reduce payroll taxes,Local Price Match Guarantee Policy. The Buy Local they’ve increased regulations and they’ve slugged a newProcurement Plan will: investment tax on the property industry.1. Give priority to local contractors and suppliers through A Tim Nicholls-led LNP Government will again commit our Buy Local Price Match Guarantee policy to a 20 per cent red tape reduction target over six years. This target is vital if we are to successfully change the2. Develop a Queensland goods and services focus in government departments from one that promotes procurement index red tape to one that actively reduces red tape.3. Set Queensland Government local purchasing targets We want businesses to spend less time complying with and improve the capability of Queensland businesses burdensome paperwork and more time focused on to win more government work, and creating jobs and employing more Queenslanders.4. Mandate a Local Content Plan for construction POWERING RENEWABLE projects over $100 million. Local Content Plans will ENERGY be assessed against how the principal contractor will increase the capability of the local contracting industry. An economy can’t grow while weighed down by high costs and one of the biggest costs is electricity. We’ll make sureOur plan will provide a Buy Local Price Match Guarantee, Queensland’s energy security is not put at risk and thatgiving local businesses bidding for tenders the opportunity we don’t end up like South Australia with blackouts andto match non-local competitors on projects valued under industry shutting up shop.$100 million. A Tim Nicholls-led LNP Government will implement aWe will work with the Commonwealth Government to five-point plan to power renewable energy.extend this Buy Local Price Match Guarantee to large The LNP’s five-point plan to Power Renewable Energy will:businesses headquartered in Queensland, withoutbreaking existing free trade agreements. Encourage InvestmentSTREAMLINING Develop an efficient regulatory framework to encourageAPPROVALS renewable investment in Queensland.Under the do-nothing Palaszczuk Labor Government, One-Stop Shop for Approvalsapproval times for major projects have blown out.This means projects are taking longer to get started, Set up a one-stop shop to facilitate approvals for projectscausing uncertainty and adding costs to business and to overcome unreasonable delays in obtaining approvals.government. Network LinkagesA Tim Nicholls-led LNP Government will reintroducecontinuous improvement measures to fast-track approvals Monitor network linkages to ensure renewable energyfor major projects. projects in Queensland have access to the National Market.The LNP will use statutory powers to fast-track private Energy Securitysector developments because these projects mean morejobs for Queenslanders. Maintain energy security by constantly monitoring intermittent generation for any threat to reliability of supply. Dr Christian Support the National Renewable Energy Target ROWAN MP This will see more than 23 per cent of Australia’s electricity LNP Member for Moggill generated from renewable energy by 2020. PO Box 914, Kenmore QLD 4069 0407 033 500 [email protected] ChristianRowanLNP Authorised by L.Folo. 66-68 Bowen Street, Spring Hill QLD [email protected] (07) 3282 7755 THE LOCAL BULLETIN NOVEMBER 2017 17
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