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Home Explore Connected Dots

Connected Dots

Published by gaute_wn, 2018-01-18 11:53:12

Description: Connected Dots_small


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Connecting DotsThis book is about discoveries of forms based on connecting dots.The dots are positioned on certain shapes, and lines are drawn betweenthem according to rulesets. The key function of the algorithm is theModulo Operation (Mod) which defines the paths of lines.Ruleset i = label numbersmod = (i X m) % res m = multiple res = number of points 3

3 4 2 5 16 0 11 7 10 8 9 Ruleset 1 mod = (i X 2) % 124

00 12 24 36 48 5 10 60 72 84 9610 811 10 5

3 4 2 5 16 0 11 7 10 8 9 Ruleset 2 mod = (i X 3) % 126

00 13 26 39 40 53 66 79 80 9310 611 9 7


2D Explorations Straight Lines 9

Ruleset 1 Ruleset 2 Ruleset 3 mod = (i X 2) % 12 mod = (i X 3) % 12 mod = (i X 4) % 1210

1Resolution Range mod = (i X 5) % res 0 <= res <= 800 11

2 Multiple Range mod = (i X m) % 80012 0 <= m <= 200

3Selected Patterns mod = (i X m) % 400 0 <= m <= 200 13


2D Explorations Curves 15

Ruleset 1 Ruleset 2 Ruleset 3 mod = (i X 2) % 12 mod = (i X 3) % 12 mod = (i X 4) % 1216

4Resolution Range mod = (i X 200) % res 0 <= res <= 300 17

5 Multiple Range mod = (i X m) % 30018 0 <= m <= 200

6Selected Patterns mod = (i X m) % 400 0 <= m <= 200 19


3D Explorations Cube 21

7 Building a Cube mod = (i X 2) % 72022 0 <= i <= 720

8Multiple Straight Lines mod = (i X 2) % 720 0 <= i <= 720 23

9 Multiple Curves mod = (i X 2) % 72024 0 <= i <= 720

10Single Continuous Line mod = (i X 2) % 720 0 <= i <= 720 25


3D Explorations Sphere 27

11 Building a Sphere mod = (i X 2) % 72028 0 <= i <= 720

12Multiple Straight Lines mod = (i * m) % res u=6 v = 100 0 <= m <= 200 29

13 Multiple Curves mod = (i * m) % res30 u=6 v = 100 0 <= m <= 200

14Single Continuous Line mod = (i * m) % res u = 55 v=7 0 <= m <= 300 31


3D Explorations Spiral 33

15 Multiple Straight Lines mod = (i X m) % 20034 0 <= m <= 200

16Single Continuous Line mod = (i X m) % 200 0 <= m <= 200 35

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